Order Granting Amendment 09/13/1960 (2) SEP7'ERiBER 13th 1960 CQIVT'D, ATTFST: BCARD CF CCUNTY CChiMISSICNERS Frank J Glover, Clerlc of the Board CF SPCKANE CCUNTY. WASHINGTCN By: L•. Friedland, Deputy Carl W. Rudolf C. C. Anderson I W. C. Allen ' Mr. Kermit Rudolf. Attorney, representing the ,Nlorth Spokane Irrigation District objected to the granting of tranchiae righte along part of Freya Street (From Francis Avenue North to approximately 900 feet north of Weile Avenue vacated), etating that he doubted the legality ot s► Municipal Corporation's right to extend water mains into the boundariee of a municipal corporation (North Spokane Irrigation District) which has been organi:.ecl to furnieh water within the area. He further stated that the inatallation of a water ttiain by the City within the Nnrth Spokane Irrigation Diatrict boundaries would poasibiy lead to an encroschment on the domeatic water Bervices which they now and in the future intend to furnish the residents of the area. He therefore argued that certain reatrictione should be placed in any franchise rights granted. Tcatimony in [avor of the water pipeline inatallation wae presented mainly by Clark A. Eckart. a Great Northern Railway Company officiat, He atated that several meetings has been held with the North Spokane Irrigation Dietrict officials and it had been definitely eatabliehed that the Irrigation District did not have adequate facili tiea to supply wate'r in the quantity required for certain cornmercial or industrial projects vvhich were now being or woulc] be developed. After a receae dsring which Ciark Eckart reported that he had conferred with Mr, Glen Yake, City of Spokane Wa ter Superintendent , it was auggeated that franchiee righte be granted for the pipelitic _ franchiae along Frcya 5treet with the limitatione that said pipeline ahall be utilized for the purpoae of providing water for Slocks 3, 4, 9, and 10 of Colborn dc Morgan's Acre Park Addition only, Concurred in by Attorney Itudolf, the Board ordered a resolution granting franchise righta with said limitationa, RESCL•UTICN NC, 60-453 - AMEND CITY CF SPCKANE FRANCHISE No, 57-350 ~ BEFC:RE THE BCARD OF CD UNTY CCMMISSICNERS CF SPCKANE CCUNTY. WASHINGTCN In the Mr►tter of the Application o[ the City of ) Spokanc for an Amendmcnt to Franchiee No, 57-350 ) Crder Granting Amendment to Include an Additional Road in SNokane County. ) Wa eliington ) WHEREAS, thc City of Spokane [iled a petition wlth tho Board of County Commiaeionere of Spokane County, Waehington, to umend franchiec No. 57-350, dated Septemb--r 3. 1957, for t}c purpose of extending said fraiic}iise righte to an additional county road, namely: Freya Street from approximatcly 900 feet North of Woilc Avenue (vacated) to Francie Avenue, WHEREAS the Board of County Commisaionere of Spoknne County. Waehington. thercupon fixed 1'uesduy, September 13, 1960 nt ten o'clock A. M. , of said day, at the o(fice of the Bcard in the Spokane County Courtliouee as the time and place for hearing on said petition. and directed the County Auditor to give proE,er notice of said licar ing, a nd WHEftEAS, at the time and pluce for said hearing. the Board proceeded to hear said petition, and determined tliat public intcrest would beet be eerved by granting said amendmcnt with reetrictione limiting t}ie arcu to bc ecrvcci to Blocks 3, 4. 9 and 10 0[ Colborn and Morgan's Acre Park Addition, NCW, THEREFCRE, IT IS ORDERED that thc aforeeaid pctition ie hcreby approved with the limitatione that eaid pipcline shall be titilized for the purpoee of providing water for Bl ocko 3, 4, 9 and 10 of Colbarn and , Morgan'y Acre Park Addition onty, and it shalt not bc tapped or extended to providc water for any othcr area. I'I' IS FURTHER CRDERED that [ranchiae No, 57-350 as granted September 3, 1957, is licreby amended to inrlude the above mentioned road, timitcd aa herein ordered, PASSED BY THE BCARD thie 13t1i day of September. 1960. /1T"!'EST; BCARD CF CCUNTY COMMISSICNERS Frank J. Glovcr. Clork of thc Hosrd CF SPCK.ANE COUNTY. WASHINGTC:N F3y: L. Friedland, Deputy Carl W. Rudolf C. C. Andereon W. C. Allen CCUNTY PLANNING- ADCP'f SUBDIVISiCN SUPPLEMENT NC. CNE, 1958 and 1959 Spukane County, %ahington !ii urrorcJance with RCW 36, 70, 030. tliere ie hereby adoptcd the report enlitlcd, Subd{vieion 5upplemenl Number C;ric, 1958 and 1959, Spukanc Couniy, Waghington. Thie report contnining mape, diaqruma, rhurtd, and cfcacriptive mutcriAl is aupporting duta for detcrmining populatton and building densit{es of thc Land Uec CICR1CIll ul' lhc; Comprcheneivr Plan for Spokanc County, Waahington, Nuticc oi Publicotion: Auguat 18, 1960 ~ Datc nf [-ltanninK Conimiaeion Hcaring:' Scptembcr 1960 AI,provecl by unanimoua votc of the Spokanc County Planning Commieoion on 5eptember 1. 1960, ATTEST: C. C. Culkins, C}iutrman By Juhn Porter Approved by iZiition uf the Boarcf of County Commiasionere of Spokane County, Weahington on Septembcr 13. 1960, CERTIFIED Cart W. Rudo!!, Chairman ~ I:C;UN'TY PLANNING - ADCP'1' CHENEY SCHCCL. DIST. SEAVICE ARFA STUDY C1-lENEY SCHCCL• 1)IS"1'H1C1 SERVICE AREA S'TUDY 5!'CfS.ANE CCUV"1'Y, WASHING"TCN [n acrarclunce witfi RCW 36, 70, 030, there ie her by adopted the report entitled. 'Cheney School Diotrict Service ~ :\rva Studv . Sliokanc Cmintv, WnoltinRton. Thie rcport containinK mape, diuurnms, churts. and cJcecrllitive