Order Granting Amendment 11/05/1979 ao. 79 JLS1B 22346 BEFORE THE. BOARO OF COUNTY COMISSIONERS OF SPQIUINE COUNTY, VIASHINGTON IN iHE MATTER OF APPLICATION OF CITY OF SPOKANE FOR AMENDIIENT TO ORDER GRANTING AMENOHIENT ~ FRANCHISE N0. 57-350 TO INCLUDE ) ADDITIONAL COUNTY ROADS IN SPOKANE COU«TY, WASHINGTON . WHEREAS, the City of Spokane has f11ed an application for an amendment to Franchise No. 57-350 including additional roads in Spokane County, as follows: DESMET AVENUE - from Lake Road to Fancher Road LAKE ROAD - from Sharp Avenue to Dean Avenue SHARP AVEfl1UE - from the east line of Eastern to Lake Road WNEREAS, the Board of County Cortonissioners of Spokane County. Washingtan, thereupon fixed t•tonday NOYEM8ER 5, 1979 at 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said day, at the office of the Board of County Comhissioners in the Spokane County Courthouse, as the time and place for hearing of said application and directed the County Auditor ta give notice of said hearing; and 41HEREAS, no person appeared Lo object. NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that the application 1s approved and Franchise No. 57-350 is hereby amended to include the above-mentioned portions of.county ` roads. NOW THEREFORE I7 IS FURTNER ORDERED that at such time as Spokane County, its agents or asslgns shallhave scheduled a pro3ect for placement of a permanent type pavement over the street area where the water line is constructed, the City of Spokane Water Department, its agents or assigns, upon request of the County Engineer, sha11 stub out water servi.ce lines to the fronting properties or lots. APPROVED BY 7HE BOARD this 5 day of November, 1979 aOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOtJERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON . , ~ • , I . _~?,C d • , • ~.y ; r, . • . '..1':'. • . . , ' ' . 1 : ~AT7EST: VERNON W. OIaLAND 2CLER}. THE BDAitD OY os ne on ag e, Dep4er. `