Order Granting Amendment 11/12/1964 iiurrvughs 24 , 021s . 00 :)vu. uu LJ ~J.:.+ . vu „µx j ~U,CA Dids rrferred to Purchasinfi AgenL- and Audilar for nnalysis nne recunnmendation. BID!~-'ISJO CE1.S~-iICP.ING ?•L'~CHINi:S, HEODEL 2118 (6)-Tt~dO ''ftADC-INS - TttCASUFtER'S DEPARTMENT One bici rece~veii on the ca11 tor CashZering Machines as tollows: Bidder Bid Trade-in Net Bid Model 14CP. S101 61J. JT~+ S 8 6 6 .!74 NCR TM ( 6) Bid referred to Purchasing Aeent an3 Treasurer f or analysis and recommen3ation. HCAP,I'.'G COTITjNUI:D-COt-L►'•1ISSIONERS' APPI?OPP.IATION Uue to the a6sence of CommissLOner 11. 0. ALlect, the final heurinc* on the proposcd approprintion of $1,500.00 for tlir- Commissioners' Depprtment was continue3 until Tucs3ay, ;lovember 17, 1964. No taxnayer appeared at the scheduLed hearinR on this 3ate to object. ~ TP.AVf:L APPROVED-CKAS. T. ?•iCENACH-FAIP. Af4%27AGER The Fiourd authorized Chas. T. Meenach, Fair Afanager, to attend the annual meeting of the l•lashinc*ton I'nir Association in Seattle durin.r* ~Tovember 18th tllraugll the 20th, with use of County car and travcl expenses allowed. ~ TPAVEL AUTI-IOP.IZCD-WEYMOU C. McGRCW-CIViL DCFCNSE DIRECTOR . ldeyRnouth C. McGrew, Direc or ot County C vil Det"ense was authorized by the Aoard to a,ttcend the t•lashin;;toct Association of Civil Defense Directors Fall Conference in Clarkston, Washington on Novcrnber 19 and 20, 1964; travel expenses to be allowed. TA.S REFUND AUTHOP.ZZED Petition f or tax refund approved and refund authorized in accor3ance with Chapter 120, Laws of 1957, as folLows: 140. Petitioner Am't Refund Propert}~ Descri tion Reuson T7ZS' HilLcrest Development ~1 Personal Prop 0 DaLtbTE PAY[ttCRt 2nd hnlf RESOLUTIONS: DEFORC THENBO~~OFFCOUN1*StNCOMMISSIONCf2.SO0FS5POKANC COUNT^_', WASHINGTON In the Matter of Application o£ the ) Ci.ty, of Spokane Por An AmEndmen t ) OP.DCR GRANTING A.MENDM;:NT To Franchise No. 57-350 To Include ) A3ditional Roa3s ) WAiCREAS, the City of Spokane has filed an application for un tamendment to Frmnchise No. 57-350, to includc the following, deecribed roa3: - s-tallon Avenue from Dyer Road tv Castern Road WHI:RCAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washinston, thercupon fixed Ttlursctny, November 12, 1964, At ten o'clock A.M. of said day, et the office of the Hoard in the SPoknne County Courthouse, ae the time and place for hearing af said application, and directed the County Auditor to give proper notice of eaid hearing, and W13CItCAS, at the timc und plaee fixed for said hearing, the Board proceeded to hear eaid appli- cation, and no person Appearing to ob3ect. NOW, 71-ICREFORC, IT IS ORDERCD that the aforesAid application is hereby approved and Franchioc No. 57-350, pe grunted on September 3. 1957, is hereby amended to ihclude the above mentioned road. PASSCD DY 71iF. BOARD this 12th day of November, 1961+. !►TTCST; BOARD OF COUNTY COA01ISSIONERS I'ItANK J. GLOVER OF SPOKANE COUNTY* WASHINGTON CLertc of the Doard Ralph E. thnbreit Dy: L. Fricdl.and Howard T. Ball Deputy 64-620-ZONC CHANGL-Px.JLT~ FAMILY SUBURBAN AND T4tANSIENT LIVIIdC TO AGRICUL``UF2AL-ZW-19 -64 U E' t: TH E nOMZD F G C I I , WASHINGI N In the Matter of ChanRing the Zoning Mep Fram ) Multiplc FAmily Suburban end Transicnt Living ) To Agri.cultural in ZYact 27 of Csaezi'a Sub- ) FteeolutYOn diviFion in 5ection 3, Township 24 N., Rangc 42, ) [:.W.M., Spokanc County, Washingtan ) Ttic atiove-entitled matter coming on rep,ularly for hearing before the noard of CounCy Cam- missioncrs of Spokane County. Wnshington, on this dny, ond it nppearing to the Aoard that the Snokane Counry Planning Commiseion haa given due notice of the hearing on the metter in the manncr an3 far ttie timc provided by law; that enid Planning Commiaeion hee held a public heoring as required; and that the eAid PlanninR Commiseion concure in the plun to zone the followinr, described propcrty as: AGRICULTUftAL: " Xn ot Iract 27 of CsASZi'e Subdivieion in Stctron 3, Tohn9hip 24 N., Ran~re 42, E.W.M. NOtJ, TNCRCFORC, BC IT RESOLVED, that the above-deecribed property be, and~the eame hereby ia, zoned undcr the classification of AGRICULx'UEtAL. as defined ir, the Zoning Ordinnncc of Spokene County, adopted August 25, 1953, as amended. PASSED 11Y THE BOARD rhis 12th day of November, 1964. ATTGST : BOARD OC COUNTY C41rMISS IONERS tT.ANK J. CLOVCR OF SPaKANE CDUN'TW_ ?~~~.ct~T*1~Tr`. Clerk o_` the Bonrd Ttalph E. Umbrea Dy: L. Fricdlund llownrd T. Ball DePuty ~