Order Granting Amendment 12/20/1998 8812Z'~0115 88 9 4 4 ~.Q 11PA6E ~ . BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY cOMNisSIONEIts OF SPOxANE CODNTY, WASHiNGTON ~ IN THE MATTER OF APPLICATION OF THE-CITY ) OF SPOKANE FOR AN AMENDMENT TO FItArTCHISE ) NOo 57--0350 TO.INCI,UDE AN ADDITIONAL ROAD). ORDER GRANTING AMENDMENT IN SPORANE COUNTY - BALDWIN AVENUE ) - WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SPOKANE has filed an application for an amendment to Franchise No. 57-0350 to. include an additional road in Spokane County as follows: BALDWIN AVENUE - from Fancher Way to Dickey Avenue. Located in Section 12, Township 25 North, Range 43 E.W.M. WHERF.AS, the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington, thereupon fixed TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1988 at 5030 p.m, of said day, in the Council Chambera of the Spokane City Hall, Spoka.ne, Washington, as the time and place for hearing of said application and directed the County Auditor to give notice of said hearin.g; and . WHEREAS, after hearing the testimony given at the hearing and continuing the hearing to give consideration thereto, the Board of Cvunty Commissioners does resolve as follows: Z'HEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the application is approved and Franchise No e 57-0350 is hereby amended to include the above-mentioried portion of county road. PASSED AND ADOPTID BY THE BOARD this 20th day of December, 1988e BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . . OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ...w„ - F' .s. • . `:Y :i ~w. .~d►~'~t;hr~ •rY ATTE ~ . I E . DON ' .•rih .t~ i. ' ° Y N. ?f.t., j t' . . BY . ~ptf`ty Clerk . : . `7 02720 . .~~-K~ ',~:a ~..«,.~:'Ij y n.+'' , . :7 1• , ' • ~ , Co . . e„ '1t . DEc z1 3 41 i~;t i::,~► r:, . . Kr • ~ ' !i. ON 5A~4~P- ~ , ~ .