Order Granting Franchise NO. 43-7 - EXPIRED 11HQ~ =flh OLI- l: V I •truJ a. vJ u J cu:. i::c: I i•.* ♦vii .;i ii1.J i uIJ A I .,ii s-A. cJl~ #I ei .1 . J. a el i~1.,J + i i~4.1 i.c:•- ~ t.t r.117071Rr: THE EClr:,, C. UOiP771 C0r.IIL';3I01XR-) C): GFOnt?+L CGU! l~~r;,-- , 2?1 ^t i; 1:k1-rwt bi 77M !'i-e-W,iCATM-1 Gs } Titi~. CI i r Qi" MEA"iE, WASnII1GTO'l1 F(:? ~ P. F"rtANC'HISE TO CT;StP.tJ.^..T A WA?'FRT;0?R3 ) tlo. 43-7 3'fS's'E'1 M'.ROSS COU:dN i OhDS, Iii j OPTJ"r. CitARi•ING FRATiCA1SE SP07h??F. COUIiTYi W1,3F.Z'.i(?TDN, ~ T;:0PEAS, TrE CITY Or SP6TAlie",, F/e ;.IGiv:7 t;aa herotafcroe 4:c-witQ on tha utll d0y o1' Dee6nbor, ZJ i2D hoa f alE;7 a notitic•n for 0fTC:214hiao i:o ccnstrvct, mnintoin asid aperate awstemorks oyo4;€rn crndor, alar.- ond acro:33 certain r.ortiana o£ the gablic rielroeys er_d dedicAtr;d streets in Spoknna County, WashinCton, r;,cro gnrtic;zlrray doacribod aa fo? lcrwe: Plu: Street, Orchard Park A8d9,tion, 4'rom 4Fia eeat a9.fcy 13r:.9.t0 0t FanohaP 17Ey to the Restcarn liae oF Eest9rn hveiauo, the conter of the pipe line t,o bo 3.cscaked 20,6 Yeet south ef 4,}e nartl^erly line of Pluu Street. VIGIE''r,El:S, tnfl Eaard thereespon f'gaeed os the timo an.d p1aoo for the hoaring of said patit3aa, Friday, 30m7mry QD 19430 nti the ivour of tien o'cloe3c A.M. oF eaid day, at the Off ice of the Iioesd oF Couni.y Cor.mti.s3ionorn i.n the Gaurthnnma in SpokeLne , "Wo ahinP,ton, aad d4r9ottid the Cauaty l4uditor to give natico of auch hearS.ng I:n the mazn.r pravided by law-i an3 it oYrpeerinp., that auch notf.co of aeid heering heo bsea eiven by postiag :snd publiehinp; Par t-he tlmg ond ia the ma=or pravidad by 2aw, tazd thst more then fi!'t:oen dsys hnva olapoed oinee tho posting, :na m.rc ti~an ffvo ~:a~/A sinoe the publiahing af ssi: natieej snd UPYmEAS, the Board, et, the timv so tixed therofur, }aa proov48.ed to hvnr sai9 eapplicatica, er.ll aa nt) vne epgaarod to ob3eat tharato, . . . + , . :IM, T?f;'RF'P0R2, 8E i? RLSOLVED 4hat the Bonsd or Ccmet3r Comieaiouere ot Spokaar.e Coemtjr, 'Wa$t=ingrtan,, dsom it Y:'or the beat iatioreat oi' the publle thiat aaid trmtohiee bm gra:nted ae appliod for, mnrl the oejao 3e liereby gratted. DtSTED thio 81:h dey or Jnaaery, 1943. ; . 801,RD OP' ClUNTX eoFaxffiBIOImR9 1,?TEBTo Clt~r 4F $pOKATtE COQNTf y Y+i1►BHIAMrt1 . By Hy ~ n~.put~, Chik Z~r m an# ~ ; Ja 4~F Lir ) r "i 'i V.i 2 s .._._..,.....r..:_a..,..._....~..........:.._..__.._. ..a., . _,....~...r ....._--_......s,! ~ ~ . g'.! . , .C.~ f.?lY:.t~".~ts~~.d''N 2.xtr c FRYDAY, J ANL1P,.RY 8, 1943, by ttnani mouz vate cs;' T<<~ Ba~rA, Yhis 8th c7v cf Jonmrr, 1543. ~OaIRL QF CGMJ'1'Y COYifISSp'17'F~?1) Oi SPOR1.'tE COZ??+TY, Yi 4:,! 71-: I'; i(7; C. M. Lockvaad John T. LittIe ~r- 0 Ttylio W. Rrow.- Ali .al clde A. .'iltf3i'1L'PLti, Clerk_ of t}:o Borsr~. ~y ~T o , e n u t~ y Ciu- 0 . 0 f't'.~~1' - i:jl'rF+~ ri~ ';~i'i~ (yl:•_.t r ..-•G~n ,a.•.} .r-, i'. . ..T.,..T.:. }-Cir'_ ?~(•.1~t~~1''', ti'i~.S!il`.:~':. -1