Certification of franchise fees 2007 ) Ccomcast. 15815 25th Ave. West Lynnwood, WA 98087 April 23, 2008 ~ ~ vE APR 2 8 2008 Hon. Richard M. Munson , Mayor, City of Spokane Valley Csty of Spokane . 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Dear Mayor Munson: Enclosed is the certification of franchise fees paid to the City of Spokane Valley by Comcast of Pennsylvania/Washington/West Virginia, LP for the fiscal year 2007, which reflects all payments, deductions, and computations made to the City. Please note that this report is provided solely for the purpose of satisfying our franchise requirements, and its use is restricted as such. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact me at 425-741-5751. Sincerely, Trudy L. Moseng Franchising/Gov't Affairs Enc. cc: Janet L. Turpen, Comcast Ken Watts, Comcast Terry Davis, Comcast ~REVENue SECTION 1 - OENERAL INFORYATION ENTITVNAME, S4?OKANE ENTITYNUMBER: 773 FRANCHISENAME~ CiTYOFSPOKANFYALLEY BILLINGAREA: A49130000050 YEARfTERM: 20011Qt1AR7ERt;Y DAYS OUE: 30 OAVS FRANCHISE EXCLUSIONS: Inlemet . . SECTION 2- SUBSCRIBER REVENUE ' JANUMY ~28,8DD.03) FEB(~u~`( 1 15.498.081 ~(87~76A371, ~R81B231 (2~I~.~417.401 ( 93E7.B01 O(67,d51.23) 133L884.851 010,781 SEPz.1 5.3 2c Y~fil 01101,/47.11) ~24.9 4A .7d1 No~.91~.7~ 1 DF~~,7j~ 1 O 1y~339851~ ~73.8~071 (35 BASIC CABLE 321,12623 320,67188 323,089.89 984,8E9.03 322,858,84 321,055.86 317,89142 881,578.12 373.498.54 319,970.40 314.491.14 942,958.08 314.847.02 311,718,75 308,383.80 935.018.87 3.80/.430,80 BOTTOM OF THE BILL OISCWNT - - - . . . _ _ . . _ . . DIGITALCABLE 188.147.78 192,924.78 197,727.88 579,905,23 198,377.31 200,249.38 199,515.69 599.142,38 202,9A8.85 208,499.41 214.28908 825.785.32 220,124.38 218,904.70 243,860.85 892,689.73 1.497,50217 BLANK FOR FORMATTING PURPOSES EQUIPMENTREVENUE 2,388.82 2274.40 2,480.87 7.10920 2.28785 2223.88 893,57 5.385.10 481.81 278.04 43917 1.178.12 188.48 483.14 315.08 1,280.88 1/,935.19 I EXPANDEDBASIC 814.125.21 622,315.80 027.e1e.ae 1104,057.51 828,920.29 027.848.10 810,720,80 1,877,28929 818.175.43 817,797.58 821,287.72 1,855.250.73 822.734.32 830.226.21 857,537,13 1,810,497.881 7.501.105.18 FCC FEE REVENUE 1,33291 1,338.48 1,520./0 4.19219 1,567,80 1,580.81 1,583.05 4.691,76 1,567.13 1,503.90 1.559.32 4,89035 1.352.52 1,350.18 1,948.55 4,051.23 11.828.13 FRANCHISE FEE REVENUE 73,339.04 72,992.39 73,419.80 218,743.03 74,228.21 13,888.48 13,255.50 221,178.19 73.095.04 72.715.38 74,653.87 220,434.09 74,511003 7E.028.11 82,171.06 234,709.80 898,086.11 GUIDEREVENUE 1,847.54 1.805.85 1,748.75 5./01.94 1,750.73 174893 1,874,08 5.11174 1,837.95 1,839.98 1,828.04 4,803.97 1,82280 7.838.57 1,680.02 4A99.39 20,41704 MSTALLATION REVENUE 13.870.52 18.804.59 14,88128 47,536.37 18,768.99 18,28124 18,253,84 52.301.07 17,298.58 18,430.83 21.208.74 54,935.83 19.52481 18.045.30 13,997.93 46.588.74 201,342.51 j LATE FEE REVENUE 11,120.00 8,280.00 9,605.00 30.015.00 8,710.00 9,075.00 11,480.00 30.275.00 11,010.01 8.55581 8.840.58 24,500.18 8.720.58 7.873.80 4,787.28 18,181.88 103,977.84I INTEFNETREVENUE EXCLUDED ExCLUDEO E%CLUDED EXCLUDED EXCLUDED EXCLUDED EXCLUDED EXCLUDED EXCLUDED EXCLUDED E%CLUDED EXCLUDED E%CLUDED ExCLUDEO EXCLUDED EXCLUDED EXCLUDED OTHERREVENUE 238.81 1.483.84 748.73 2,141.18 153.54 418.84 2.748.18 2.73138 1.048.44 51183 42074 1,981.01 1.580,95 785.53 1.788.04 4.142.52 11.101.071 PAYREVENUE 81.138,30 83.010.30 83,588.87 181,737.47 84,584.87 84,228.07 83.248.23 192,038.91 83,019.98 92.892.51 82,830.09 188,542.58 83,143,11 83,558.55 85.923.71 192,825.91 780.A44.A1 PAY PER VIEW REVENUE 8127328 53,752.92 52.578.59 187,804.79 93,120.78 58,854.95 88,178.30 18B25B.01 58,802.05 51.010.09 87.125.24 178,043.38 80,282.13 84,57728 56.181.06 184.000.50 715,808,88 UTILITYTN( . . . . . . . . - , . ' ' ' . . . ER REVENUE TOTAL 1,322,324b2 1,377,770.60 7,767A38.17 4A12A33.1E 1,I64,312.60 7,341A21.06 1,336,615.7e 4A50Al1.71 1,721At6.12 1,330AEOd1 1,751.077A1 3AYi,763A7 1A69,062.13 7a77,1E11a0 7M7AI3A1 1.161,M3A0 1E271,630.07 SEC110NS•ALLOCATED REVENUE YTDTOTAL i SHOPPINGCOMMISSIONS 8248.48 8.279.49 8,481.05 44,800.00 11,780E9 7,013.83 8.576.30 27,413.82 7,8C2.18 8.689.89 8,089.44 24,838.48 8.158,97 13289.19 9.252.81 31.E75.97 108,718.11~ LEASEDACCESS • - . - . . . _ _ _ _ . , _ OTHER COMMERCIAL LEASED ACCE - - - - . . . _ . _ _ . . OTHERREVENUE 312.81 1.483.19 1,507.15 3,312.95 30,27 28844 13.28 931.97 145.38 524.70 934.80 1.004.80 901.85 (327.64) (319.901 25415 4.90405 TOWERBRENTALINCOME 395.84 335.84 335.98 1,007.48 33028 335.98 335.81 1,008.08 331.31 337.13 33878 1,01129 35294 35318 582.41 1,268.88 429541 EDREVENWIlY60W60FFSM:DAi7A1 10,101.32 70,JW.118 29,310.41 12,74777 7,EWS6 3A28.37 28,753,84 1,3".86 9,61A.73 e,7e1.02 20,854.80 70A73.7E 11,21119.83 9,N578 33,19887 111A1772 IOCALADYERTISING 48,902.98 83.822.01 5B,95290 171,777.87 (22.289.18) 158.957.18 97.130.10 203,822.50 88,064.85 57,870.84 85.590.40 209,488.28 85.314.E0 88,877.54 88,881,54 203.85388 788.710.34 NATIONAIADVERTI5ING 14,328.62 17,10417 14.55387 48,077.48 3,0E2.99 31.878.85 8,747,83 44,087.47 20.780.49 15788.82 25.243.51 81.872.58 22.443.00 28.83211 28,723,49 77,798.10 230.378.18 BAD DEBT ON ADVERTISING (481,58) 253.35 (721.41) f355.821 f111,001 23.41 11,418.851 (1,508.54) (3.013181 1183,521 I3.037.781 18.228.581 (227.951 (307.13) 347.38 (187.701 18.278.421 NOREVEIf1it70AW0lOFFAD E2,761A2 81,M.61 73,379.77 277,W9.71 (19A17.171 190,l6717 16A68A1 247A03A3 93,l72.12 73A7E.01 707.742.11 166A5029 37,629.E6 98,002A2 96.792M 211,1ErAt 1,070A76.70 SECilON4•TOTALREVENUE E1.393.973A5 $1,428,848.31 $1.437,121.48 E4,259,74327 51.357.096.95 $1.548,110.51 $1.422,872.51 E/.328,215.97 $1.420,192.09 E1.403,885.34 $1.487.581,07 S4,291,458.50 51.458.99555 E1.488.88084 $1.523.170.18 E4,458.827.15: 17.71lS74A0'9ECilON 6• FRANCMISE FEE % 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.0096 5.00% 5.00% 5,00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.0096 inchiulea 68,501.12 87,383.94 88.187,12 202.112.18 68.820,48 87,785.07 87.375.E8 20302.13 88.818.00 88.510.47 07,981.95 201.320.41 98.47319 88.532.01 71.371.82 208.378.12 818.772.84 mchise(ee 3,137.55 4,088.48 3.888,88 10.874.99 ID85.841 8.542,88 3.772.95 11.350.17 4.191,81 3,873.80 5,387.11 13,25251 4.378.48 4.800.13 4,788.82 14.08323 50.540.91 SEC] {148JOOOOOSOfF $59.698.91 571.432.42 E71.858.07 $212.987.18 E87.854.85 $71.308.83 571.148,63 $21B.31230 $71.OOA.80 $70.184.27 $73.379.05 52141512.83 572.899.78 E74.413.04 E78.158.54 S123,141.38 .313.71 nounl ei IA463YOW060FFPlIT ;212.987.18 E214312.30 E214,S72.B3 $123.441.38 /.31375 )verNnder (O.DO) 0.00 0.00 0.00 001 COMCAST OF PENNSYI,VANIA/WASHING'I'ON/WEST VItGINYA, LP SCHEDITb.E OF GROSS REVENUES CITY OF SPOKANE VALI.EY, WASIUNGTON YEAit ENDED DECE1VgBER 31, 2007 GROSS REVENUES $17,346,275 NOTE: The amount of gross revenues above is recorded in accordance with Ordinance 20 Section 3(c) of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, and includes franchise fees charged to subscribers. In accordance with the Federal Communications Commission (the "FCC") ruling that determined cable modem service is not a"cable service" as defined by the Communications Act, the gross revenues above do not include cable modem service revenues.