Replacement Bond #39BSBDX5835 04/21/2006 .-x . . , mcas~~ Camcast Corporaflon . 1500 Market Street Phfiadelphia, PA 19102-2148 Offlce: 215.665.1700 Fax: 215.981.7790 wNUwr.comcast.com Apri121, 2006 Office Administrator CTTY OF SPOK:ANE VALLEY, WA . 11707 East Sprague . Spokane Va11ey, WA 99206 Re: Replaceffient Bonds To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed please find bond # 39BSBDX5835 written by Hartford Insurance which , replaces bond # 85688 currently on file for CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA with . the principal being COMCAST OF PENNSYLVANIA/WASHINGTON/WEST VIRGIl4IA, LP. . Bond # 85688 written by Carolina Casualty Insurance Company wi11 be cancelled effective Apri121, 2006. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me at 215-981-7673. Sincerely, - e........ - Jennifer Bligen Risk Administrator enclosure . FR0"lIUCH1SE BOIYD • Bond fdumber 39BSBDX5835 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That, we, COMCAST OF PENNSYLVANIA/WASHINGTON/WEST VIRGINIA, LP as Principal, and HnRTFoRO FlRE nvsuwwcE coMPANY . a corporation of the State of CT , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto dred SPOKANE and U0/ 00 Dollars ' as Obligee, in the sum of Two Hu ~ , 250,000.00 ) lawful money of the United States of America, to be paid unto said Obligee, its successors and assigns, jointly and severaily, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the above bound Principal has entered into a written agreement with the Obligee, which grants a Franchise to the , Principal for use of its public streets and places to transmit and distribute electrical impulses through an open line-coaxial antenna system located therein. Principal has agreed to faithfully perform and observe and fulfill all terms and conditions of said Franchise agreement referred to above and said agreement is hereby made a part of this bond with like force and effect as if herein set forth in length. . NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That if the above named Principal, its successors or assigns, does and shall well and truly observe, pertorm and fulfill its obligation as set forth in the above mentioned Franchise agreement, for which a bond must be posted, then the above obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. The bond is subject, however, to the following express conditions: FIRST: That in the event of a default on the part of the Principal, its successors or assigns, a written staternent of such default with full details thereof shall be given to Surety promptly, and in any event, within thirty (30) days after the Obligee shall learn of such default, such notice to - be delivered to Surety at its Home Office at Hartford Plaza Hartford, CT 06115 , by•registered mail. SECOND: That no claim, suit or action under this bond by reason of any such default shall be brought against Surety untess asserted or commenced within (12) twelve tnonths after the effective date of any termination or cancellation of this bond. TFiIRD: That this bond may be terminated or canceled by Surety by (30) days prior notice in writing to Principal and to Obligee, such notice to be given by certified •mail. Such termination or cancellation shall not affect any liability incurred or accrued under this- bond . prior to the effective date *of such terrrtination or cancellation. The liability of the Surety shall be limited to the amount set forth above and is not cumulative. FOURTH: That no right of action shall accrue under this bond to or for the use of any person other than the Obligee, and its successors and assigns. . FIFTH: That this bond replaces Carolina Casualty Insurance Company Bond # 85688 , including all past, present & future liability. Having accepted this bond, the Obligee hereby releases and forever discharges the Carolina Casualty Insurance Company , its affiliates, successors and assigns, as surety, of any and all liability and/or obligation under Bond # 85688 that the Obligee has now or may obtain in the future on any claim it has asserted in the past or may in the future assert under said bond, whether said claim be known or unknown, whether monetary or otherwise, and whether under corrtract or otherwise. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bound Principal and the above bound Surety have hereunto set their hands and seals on the 21st day of April , 2006 , COMCAST OF PENNSYLVANIA/WASHINGTONMIEST VIRGINIA, LP B . Y• FORD FIRE 1NSURANCE COMPA($Y„ 1• ~ B Al" _ C.o y. . ~ ~ Ma . O'Leary , Attomey-iact V _ • ~ E-R O-r"- Dir+ecf Inqulrles/C/afms to: ATTOP,,,--\EY THE HARTFORD ~ BOND. T-4 . 690 ASYLUflA AVENUE HARTFORD. COfVNECTICUT 06115 calh. 888 266-3488 or fax: 860-757-683. . K6VOW AL.L. PERSONS BY THESE PRESEN7'S TFIAT: Agency Code: 39421678 e , • r . . 01111 ~s im. . ~ ,j., _ ■ : a ■ , . 1 ~ X ~ Hutford Fire lotsurancs Cortopaety, a corporadon daly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut ~ X ~ Hartford Casuaity Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized un,der the laws of the State of hLdiana ~ X ~ Hartford AcCldent and Indemnltj/ Company, a caiporation dnly organized uader the laws of the Sfate of C)nnnecticut Hartford Undenivriters Insurance Company, a corparation duly organized under the laws of the State of Cannecticnt Twtn City FIre lnsurance Company, a corpotation duly organized umder the laws of the State of Indiaaa Hartford Insurance Company of lillnois, a corporation duly organized undex the laws of die State of Illinois p ~ Hartford Insurance Comparsy of t@te Midwwt, a coiporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana Hartford Insurance Company of 4he Sou4heast, a cotporaqion duly arganized under the laws of the Stete of Florida ~ havirtg their home office in Hartford, Connedict 4 (hereinaRer collecHvely refemed to as the "Companies')' do hereby make, oonstitute and appoi up to the amount of unlimfted: . Richar+d A. Jacobus, Meil C. Donovan, Nancy /C 6Nal/ace, Sandra E Bronson, Danal/a lNhite, Donald J. Balley, Damon 8endesky, lb9ary C. O'Leary, Doug Wheeler of Phl/adelphia, PA thelr true and tawful Attamey(s}in-Fact each in their separate capacity ff more than one is named above, to sign its name as surety(ies) only delineated above by M. and to execute, seai and acknowledge any and all bonds, undertakings, contracts and other written instruments In t nature thereof, on behaff of the Companies in thelr business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts a executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allawed by law. In Witness WhereoC and as authorized by a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companfes on July 21, 2003 the Companl have caused these presents to be signed by its Assfstant Vce Presideni and its corporate seals to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assish . Secretary. Further, pursuarrt to Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies, the Companies hereby unambiguously affirm that they E . and will be bound by any mechanically applied signatures applied to th(s Power of Attomey. ~ut~y ,,srs ~ . Q ~ ~ ~ ~ a 9.8 ~ t g ~r~y ° ~ e ' s . • . ' ~ jr~ ti ~~ti ~ inll~~~d° e . . ~~1 oc . - 7 G~~-- . . Paul A. Bergenholtz, Assistant Secxetary Dav1d T. Akers, Assistant Vioe President . sTaTE o-F eoHNECTocur . ' ss, Hartford COUNTY OF HARTFORD . On this 4th day of August, 2004, before me personally came David T. Akers, to me known. who being by me duly sworn, did depose a say: that he resides in the County of Hampden, Commonweatth of Massachusetts; that he is the Asststarrt Vice President of the Companies, t corporations described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knowrs the seals of the said corpora~ons; that the seats a~ to t sa(d instrurner~t are such corporate seals; that they were so affxed by authority of the BQards of Directors af said corpora,ttons and that he sign, his name thereto by Iike authority. . . IFL~ ' . ~ 3cott B. Pasda . Nofary Pablic t:ERTIFlCATE MY CommLwmn Sxues October 31, 2UaT . 1, the undersigned, Assistant Vice President of the Companfes, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above aqd foregoing is a true and corrc copy of the Power of Attomey executed by said Companies, which is still In futl force effectire as of 094L.2 Signed and sealed at the City of Hartfarcl. ~ sfs b ~wn L Y07~ ~t9'l4 Ot . B9t~ e ti e+ e 'tt~ ° •4nans. _ Y Gary W. Stumper, Asststant Vice Pmsident .