Eman Network Brochure Page 1 of 1 Ruth Mulier From: Ed Jacobs [ejacobs@e-eman.com] Sent: Friday, Aprii 11, 2003 9:20 AM To: Ruth Muller ~ Subject: EMAN Networks 'I ~ Ruth, Attached is an electronic brochure for EMAN Networks. This information should fill in some background on who we are and what we are about. Additionally, you need more specific information regarding registrations, etc. That information is contained in the second file attached to this e-mail. This morning you should have received the map from Potelco outlining our routes. As I mentioned on the telephone, if more information is needed please call me at 888-399-0297. Ed Jacobs, RCDD 206-369-0297 4/13/2003 ~ wu-: ~~.~s-i~:' - ~ ~ _ ; •.z. . C..:: . - . . - - ~ ~ `Ma;i. i~ = , - ~s...._~~._-., . . , - .,.-.Y._ , . ~ . i ` _ i . ~ an o d prob em.0. . . a new vision. ~ , Ladies and Gentiemen, A b o u t E M A N N efiwo r k s... I am pleased to introduce EMAN Networks. EMAN is dedicated to providing educational EMAN Networks was created to fill the gap between the School District's needs organizations with high perioRnance, tow for hi h s eed communications within the District and what is currentl cost metropolitan anea network connectiviiy. g p Y For many years I have watched school available from telecommunications companies. School Districts currently pay districts pay astronomicat fees far intra- high premiums for unreliable connections and service. EMAN is dedicated district connections. our sofe mission is to to changing this unfortunate paradigm. change tt,e status quo. As a non rofit cor oration, EMAN Networks is able to rovide exce tional We will change the face af MAN cannectivity p p P P in schaol districts, lowering your costs, and service at the lowest cost available. Our partnerships with POTELCO and providing the best service and support Tylite allow us to maintain a low overhead cost during implementation, further available. Our cuslDm buift retavorks provide reducing the costs of upgrading telecommunications Co11r1eCtions. unparalleled reliability and performance. The following pages pravide a brief explanatian of what EMAN Networks can EMAN helps you lower costs throughout your district, while increasing your provide. I hope you find this information Metropolitan Area Network performance and reliability. EMAN can help you useful in researching your options for MAN deliver additional content to the classroom. We hope the fiollowing information implementation. I# you have any further will give you a better understanding of how we can improve your infrastructure. qUestions, contact us at 1.888.399.0297. For more information please contact us at irrfo@e-eman.com or 1.888.399.0297 gest Regards, Ed Jacobs Executive Director EMAN Networks , Affordable , A- ~ ' reliable ~ {4,- ` tailored t 61, ~ •,a _ y • ~ y networks. _ n b az'rg speeds . steadfast reliability Our networks are designed with three major things in ~erformar~ce mind, performance, reliability, and manageability. Our architects understand the importance of these goals, and All of our MANs are gigabit ethernet provided over fiber no design is approved without meeting or exceeding the optic cable. This configuration allows for true high speed highest standards in each category. The following are connectivity and enhanced performance of technology some standard elements that ensure high performance such as Voice Over IP (VoIP). Our data cannections will and reliability. terminate at a gigabit switct~ and voice connections are split to your PBX. ReI Iabl llty Most Districts currently rely on multiple Tl connections between sites. The EMAN solution provides the equivalent Every EMAN network is designed using ring topology. bandwidth of 647 Tl connections between sites. This provides each site in the network with two routes to In addition to the large increase in bandwridth, EMAN will the main site, thus ensuring each site remains connected lay more fiber than the district needs. This serves two to the core in all but the most dire emergencies. purposes. The first is that this allows the fiber to be shared, thus reducing the cost to all clients, while ensuring Each network is monitored 247065, so that we may we provide true gigabit connections. The second purpose respond quickly, and in most cases preemptively to any is to provide for additional expansion within your network. issue that might affect the qualiiy of service on the network. As technology develaps at a blinding pace, we will always Special agreements with our partners will provide for quick be ready to provide connectivity for all of your voice, video response teams to deal with ariy problem that might occur. and data needs. AM& : . , . : ` ~ . ° YL.. - a " - ~l - - ~ ,..v! ~ i ~r Lk s e s~ ~ / - T~ ~ ' ~ ~a~ r ` ♦ ~ _ ► . _ i ~ L = . ~ ,1F - - - (L ong term commgtn-erts . . immediate ROI Immediate return on investment? No, we aren't lying. Our networks will reduce monthly operating costs by EMAN Provides MAN connectnrity over thousands of dollars. Here's how the financing and fiber OptIC cable, immediately contracts work in general. Increasing the performance of your COSt network AII EMAN services are covered under the ERATE program. EMAN Oltly 111'tpletl'tet1tS Ring t1etWOPkS, This includes the ERATE discount and covers everything from implementation costs to the monthly costs of the thus increasing the reliabiiity of your service. In addition, EMAN rates are much lower than network. commercial connections in use today. Over the life of the contract, these costs can actually be reduced. Our goat EMAN is a nonprofit corporation with is to provide the lowest cost to each district possible, freeing up funding for o#her efforts within the district. As extensive partnerships. We provide a non profit, our goal is not to increase revenue, but to excellent service at extremely low cost. decrease the cost of this service for every school district possible. EMAN offers long term contracts. Cantracts Unlike our for profit counterparts, EMAN offers long term Contact EMAN contracts of 15 to 25 years. This helps to provide long term security for your district, and ensures low operating For additional information, please visit our website at e-eman.com, or contact us: costs throughout the contract term. Pnone: 1.888.399.0297 FAX: E-Mail: infoGe-eman.com . • ~ n ~ ~ - y „ _ - . . * .:t - ' . . .r. . . . - . 4:~~ J - - _ . - . ~