Franchises within City of the Valley . MEMO To: Ruth Mu11er, Interim City Clerk From: Pat Harper, Engineering Administrator Date: January 23, 2003 ' Subject: Franchises within City of the Valley ^vi7 3anua~ 23, 2C03 1 turned over to var;oas y Franchises located within the jurisdictional boundiries of the City of the Valley ( see attached list of franchises Ruth Muller, City of the Valley Interim City Clerle a ~ Pat Harper, Engineering Administrator ~ . , - ~ SPOKANE COUNTY FRANCHISES WITHIN THE VALLEY, INC. BOUNDARIES SEC- TOWN- RANGE 1/4 SEC. ROAD NAME(S) FRANCHISEE Franchise No. Expires Copy to City of TION SHIP Valley (date) 23, 26 &I 25 I 44 I IMission, Broadway, Springfield, Valleyway Bonneville Power Admin 59-0027 ~ 1/9/2009 12 I 25 43 1,2,3,4 Mission crossing RW lOft Continental Oil Co. (Conoco) 54-0043 2/23/2004 Countywide Fiberlink, LLC dba Columbia 98-0847 &2-0924 10120/2015 Fiber Solutions (previously WWP Fiber, Inc. 17 & 18 25 45 See Broadway North alignment Huber Trucking 01-0564 6/19/2011 exhibit ICountywide ~Inland Power & Light Company 11-0964 9/29/2020 ~ 6~ 25 44 I 3 IAvista (Euclid/Empire Way) IMillwood, Town of 195-1203 ~ 10/24/2020 21 1 25 I 44 I IAII Model Irrigation Dist. No.18 59-0437;FF-379 ~ 10I2/2009 ~ 6 25 44 All Orchard Ave Irrigation Dist. No. 6 70-0076 2J10/2020 County Sewer - cowtywide Spokane County Utilities 2-1099 11/19/2025 22 25 44 Pines Rd (WSDOT Franchise #7104 Spokane County Utilities 85-0096 (#7104) 1/14/2010 wlCounty) 29 ( 25 1 44 1 124th (Dishman Mica) ~Spokane County Water Dist. #3 195-1262 ~ 5129/0? 1 1 1 1 1 ~Spokane,City 184-1074 ~Referencecopy I 14 1 25 1 43 IRailroad ~Spokane, City 100-1085 ~ 12/18/2009 1 14 I 25 I 43 I ~Railroad Ave ~Spokane, City 101-0167 ~ 9/3/2007 1 12 25 43 Plum [Mansfield] (Orchard Park Addition) Spokane, City 43-0007 14 I 25 I 43 1 1,2,3,4 l$roadway (Havana) ~Spokane, City 157-0350, DD399 1 9/3/2007 1 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Alki (Fancher-Lake) ~Spokane, City 159-0289 1 9/3/2007 1 13 25 43 Alki (Dyer-Lake) Spokane, City 60-0452, GG-217 9/3/2007 13 ~ 25 ( 43 ' +Dyer (Desmet-Broadway) ~Spokane, City . 163-0293,11-328 1 9I312007 1 13 25 43 ~ Mallon (Dyer-Eastem) Spokane, City 64-0619, JJ-34 ~ 91312007 l . SPOKANE COUNIY FRANCHISES WITHIN THE VALLEY, INC. BOUNQARIES SEC- TOWN- RANGE SEC. ROAD NAME(S) FRANCHISEE Franchise No. Expires Copy to City of TION SHIP Valley (date) 13 25 43 Dyer (Desmet-Sharp) Spokane, City 66-0308, KK-319 9J3/2007 ~ ~ pokane, City 167-0098 9/3/2007 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ 1,2,3,4 ~Mallon (Thierman-Dyer) S 13 25 43 Eastern (Springfield-Alki) Spokane, City 68-0073, MM-193 9/3/2007 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Eastern (A1ki-Valleyway) ~Spokane, City 170-0537 ~ 9/3/2007 13 & 14 ZS 43 Fancher (Alki-Valleyway) Spokane, city 72-0005 9/3/2007 4 24 43 Pittsburg St, Regal St, Thierman Rd c& Dollar Spokane, City 75-469 9/3/2007 St 12 & 131 25 ( 43 1 (Pittsburg St, Regal St, Thierman Rd & Dollar ~Spokane, City 175-469 ~ 9I3/2007 1 13 1 25 1 43 1 iThierman (s of Mission) ~Spokane, City 178-1210 ~ 9l3/2007 1 13 ` 25 ( 43 I IDesmet (Lake-Fancher) ~Spokane, City 179-1518 ~ 9/3/2007 1 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 C ~Dean (David-Dyer) ~Spokane, City ~85-0485 ~ 9/3/2007 ~ 23 ( 25 j 43 1 18th (CL-Chronicle) ~ Spokane, Ciry 186-0808 ~ 12/1812009 ~ 3 1 24 1 43 1 164thAve ~Spokane,City 187-1077 ~ 9I3I2007 1 13 1 25 1 43 1 1 Fancher Rd ~Spokane, City 187-1077 ~ 9/3/2007 1 12 1 25 1 43 1 (Baldwin (Fancher-Dickey) ~Spokane, City 188-1270 ~ 9/3/2007 1 12 ~ 25 ~ 43 Felts Field prop. Line ~ Spokane, City 189-0072 ~ 13 ~ 25 ~ 44 ~ Lake (Dean) ~Spokane, City 90-0537 ~ 9I312007 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ Desmet (Lake) ~Spokane, City 91-1006 ~ 9/3/2007 ~ 12 I 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Knox (Fancher-Dickey) ~Spokane, City 192-0669 1 9/3J2007 I 12 ( 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Eastern (Utah-Trent) ~Spokane, City 193-0471 ~ 12/18I2009 1 23 ~ 25 1 43 1 1,2,3,4 114th (Havana-Lloyd) ~Spokane, City 193-1366 ~ 9/3I2007 ~ 23 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ 116th (Havana-Camahan) ~Spokane, City 194-0054 ~ 9/3(2007 ~ 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Sharp (Dyer-Thierman) ~Spokane, City 194-1333 ~ 9/312007 23 ~ 25 ~ 43 ( ~Havana (12th) ~Spokane, Ciry 195-0857 ~ 9/3/2007 1 14 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Alki (w of Fancher) ~Spokane, Ciry 196-0708 1 913i2007 i 12 ( 25 ( 43 ~ East-West Rd. ~Spokane, City 197-0161 ~ 12l18/2009 13 ( 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Sharp (Fancher-Lake) ~Spokane, City 197-0211 ~ 9/3I2007 ~ 12 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Baldwin (Fancher-Dickey) ~Spokane, City 199-0267 ~ 12/18/2009 ~ SPOKANE COUNTY FRANCHISES WITHIN THE VALLEY, INC. BOUNDARIES SEC- TOWN- RANGE 1/4 SEC. ROAD NAME(S) FRANCHISEE Franchise No. Expires Copy to City of TION SHIP Valley (date) 22 ~ 25 ~ 44 ~ ~Old Milwaukee RR Vera Water & Power ~86-0435 ~ 5127/2011 ~ 12 I 25 1 43 1 15ft pc. West Valley School Dist. 100-0227 ~ 3/7/2010 35 & 361 26 1 45 1 1 Starr WWP 187-1146 ~ 4I24/2013 12 1 25 1 44 1 IFlora WWP 197-0931 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ 1 Mission south side Yellowstone Pipeline 153-0214, BB-175 ~ 9/15/2003 ~ 12 25 43 Mission lOft r/w Yellowstone Pipeline (under 54-0043 2123/2004 Continental 0il) 23 1 25 1 43 iDickey Rd, Bettman Addition Rd,16th Ave, Yellowstone Pipeline 157-0042, DD-150 1 1122/2007 1 + SPOKANE COUNTY FRANCHIS,ES WI' 'HE VALLEY, lNC, BOUNDARIES SEG TOWN- RANGE '/4 5BC. ROAD NAME(S) FR.ANCHISEE Franchise No, I Amended Expires Copy to City of TION SHIP . Resolution No. Francluse No. Valley (date) 3, 26 &I 25 I 44 IMission, Broadway, Spnngfield, Valleyway IUSA - Bonneville Power Admin I59-0027 , I 1/8l2009 I 12 25 4 43 ~ 1,2,3,4 IMission crossing RW lOft IContinental 0il Co, (Conoco) 54-0043 ~ 2/2212004 I. Countywide Fiberlink, LLC dba Columbia 2-0924 98-0847 l ll3l2013 Fiber Solutions (previously WWP Fiber, Inc. . 7& 18 25 45 See Broadway North alignment Huber Trucking 01-0564 6I2412011 exhibit . [Countywide Ililand Power & Light Company 11-0964 9/2912020 ~ 6 ~ 25 I 44 I 3 IAvista (Euclid/Empire Way) iMillwood, Town of 195-1203 ~ 10/23/2020 I 21 I 25 I 44 I ,All ~Model hrigationDist. No. 18 159-0437;FF-379 I I 10/1(2009 1 6 25 44 All Orchard Ave Irrigation Dist. No, b 70-0076 2/9/2020 County Sewer - countywide Spokane County Utilities 2-1099 11/19/2025 22 25 44 Pines Rd (WSDOT Franchise #7104 Spokane County Utilities 85-0096 (#7104) 1/14/2010 w/County) 29 25 44 24th (Dishman Mica)Spokane County Water Dist. #3 95-1262 75-389 5/29/0? (2015) Spokane, clry I84-1074 I I 12/17r2009 I 14 25 1 43 1 IRailroad Spokane, City 100•1085 184-1074 1 12/17/2009 1 - 14 ~ 25 ~ 43 I IRaikoad Ave Spokane, City 101-0167 I57-350 I 9J5l2007 I 12 25 43 Plum [Mansfield] (Orchard Park Addition) Spokane, City 43-0007 14 25 1 43 11,2,3,4 lBroadway(Havana) Spokane, City 157-0350, DD399 I57-350 I 9/5/2007 1 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Alki (Fancher-Lake) Spokane, City. 159-0289 157-350 ~ 9/5I2007 ~ 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~Alla (Dyer-Lake) Spokane, City, 160-0452, GG-217 157-350 ~ 9I5I2007 ~ 13 1 25 1 43 IDyez (Desmet-Broadway) I Spokane, City 163-0293,11-328 157-350 ~ 9I512007 ~ 13 I 25 4 43 I IMallon(Dyer-Eastern) iSpokane, City 1 54-0619, JJ-34 157-350 I 9I512007 I 13 ~ 25 1 43 1 iDyer (Desmet-Sharp) ISpokane, City 166-0308, KK•319 I57-350 I 915/2007 1 13 ~ 25 1 43 1 1,2,3,4 f Ma11on (Thierman-D,yer) ISpokane, City 167-0098 I57-350 ~ 9/5/2007 ~ , ; SPOKANE COUNTY FRANCHlSES WI' HE VALLEY, INC. BOUNDARIES SEC• TOWN- RANGE 1/4 SEC. ROAD NAME(S) FRANCHISEE Franchise No. / Amended Expires Copy to City of TION SHII' Resolution No. Franchise No. Valley (date) _ 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~Eastem (Springfield-Alki) Spokane, City 168-0073, MM-193 157-350 ~ 9/5I2007 1 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~Eastem (Alki-Valleyway) Spokane, City 170-0537 157-350 ~ 9/5/2007 1 13 & 14 25 43 Fancher (Alki-Valleyway) Spokane, city 72-0005 57-350 9/5/2007 4 24 43 Pittsburg St, Regal St, Thierman Rd & Dollar Spokane, City, 75-469 " 57-350 9/512007 St . . l2 & 131 25 I 43 I Pittsburg St, Regal St, Tliierman Rd & Dollar iSpokane, City I75-469 I57-350 I 9I5/2007 I , 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Thierman (s ofMission) Spokane, City 178-1210 157-350 1 9/5/2007 1 13 I 25 I 43 I ~Desmet (Lake-Fancher) Spokane, City 179-1518 157-350 9/5/2007 I 13 1 25 , 43 1 iDean (David-Dyer) Spokane, City 185-0485 157-350 1 9/5/2007 1 . 23 1 25 1 43 { 18th (CL-Chronicle) ~ Spokane, City 186-0808 184-1074 J 12/17/2009 1 3 1 24 1 43 1 164thAve ~Spokane,City 187-1077 157-350 ~ 9/5/2007 1 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ ~FancherRd Spokane, City 87-1077 157-350 ~ 9/5/2007 1 12 { 25 1 43 1 lBaldwin (Fancher-Dicke,y) Spokane, City $8-1270 157-350 1 9/5/2007 1 12 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Felts Field prop. Line ~ Spokane, City - Easement 189-0072 1 1 N/A 1 13 1 25 1 44 ~ iLake (Dean) [Spokane, City 190-0537 157-350 1 9/512007 1 13 1 25 1 43 1 IDesmet (Lake) I Spokane, City 191-1006 157-350 1 9/5/2007 1 12 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Knox (Fancher-Dickey) Spokane, City 192-0669 157-350 1 9/5/2007 .1 12 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Eastem(Utah-Trent) ~Spokane,City 193-0471 184-1074 1 12/17/2009 ( 23 25 43 1,2,3,4 14th (Havana-Lloyd) Spokane, City 93-1366 57-350 & 9/5I2007 84-1074 12/17109 23 25 43 16th (Havana-Camahan) Spokane, City94-0054 57-350 & 9/5l2007 84-1074 12/17109 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ 1 Sharp (Dyer-Thierman) Spokane, City 194-1333 157-350 1 9/5/2007 { 23 25 43 Havana (12th) Spokane, City 95-0857 57-350 & 9!5/2007 84-1074 12/17/09 14 1 25 1 43 1 lAlki (w of Fancher) Spokane, Ci ,ry 196-0708 157-350 1 9/5/2007 1 12 ~ 25 ~ 43 ~ ~East-West Rd. ~ Spokane, City 197-0161 184-1074 1 12117J2009 1 13 ~ 25 ~ 43 Sharp (Fancher-Lake) iSpokane, City 197-0211 157-350 1 9/5/2007 1 12 1 25 ( 43 1 lBaldwin(Fancher-Dickey) JSpokane,City 199-0267 184-1074 1 12/17120091 22 ~ 25 ~ 44 ~ ~Old Milwaukee RR iVera Water & Power 186-0435 512612411 1 12 1 25 1 43 1 'Sft pc. West Valley School Dist. I00-0227 1 ~ 3l6/2010 . ~ ~ ; SPOKANE COUNTY FRANCHISES W THE VALLEY, INC, BOUNDARIES . ~ SEC- TOWN- RANGE 1/4 SEC. ROAD NAME(S) FRANCHISEE Franchise No. / Amended Expires Copy to City of TION SHIP , Resolution No. Franchise No. Valley (date) 35 & 361 26 1 45 ~ 1 Starr IWWP 187-1146 ~ 1 11/23/2012 1 _ 12 1 25 1 44 ~ IFlora IWWP - Easement 197-0931 N/A I _ 13 1 25 ~ 43 ~ IMission south side I Yellowstone Pipeline. 153-0214, BB-175 9/14/2003 ~ 12 25 43 Mission l Oft rlw Yeliowstone Pipeline (uu-ider 54-0043 2/23/2004 . (:nntin0jjtpl nil) 23 ( 25 ~ 43 ~ ~Dickey Rd, Bettmaan Addition Rd,16th Ave, lYellowstone Pipeline 157-0042, DD-150, 1/21/2007 ~ jElectric Lightwave 197-0490 6/17/2012 ~ IPacific Gas Transmission 160-0404 . ~ ~ 8/28/2010 1 1Avista Utilities 195-0990 8/28I2020 ~ I INeed Franhcise No. 75-389 , I I I I I I I I I