Ordinance 08-004, amending Ordinance 07-023 effective date CO08-185 CI7'Y OF SPOKANE VAI.LEY SPOKANE COIJnT'I'Y, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. 08-004 AN ORDINANCE OF T~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AlVIE1VDING ORDINANCE 07-023 BY CHANGING THE APPY.ICABI,E DATE OF ORDINANCE OF THE SEVEN YEAIZ, NOlV-EXCI.IJSIVE FRANCffiSE TO WAS'TE MANAGEII[ENT TO PROVIDE CONAURCLAL AleTD RESIgDENTIIAI, GARBAGE AleTD REg'USE COI.LECTION SE1tVICE WITffiN THE CI'1'Y OF SPOKANE VAI.LEY WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley incorporated on March 31, 2003, at which time Waste Management of Washington, Inc., dlb/a Waste Management of Spokane (hereafter "Waste Management") was providing garbage and refuse collection services in the geographic area comprising the new City; WI-EREAS, RCW 35.02.160 provides that when a new city incorporates, a company providing solid waste and refuse collection services within the new city shall be allowed to continue providing said services for at least seven years following the exercise of certain steps to terminate those statutory rights; WHEREAS, on November 7, 2007, the City Council approved Ordinance 07-023 granting a seven-year franchise to Waste Management to provide commercial and residential garbage and refuse collection service within Spokane Valley. The City Council also gave approval to give notice of termination through the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission; and WEEREAS, City staff had communications with staff at the Washington Utilities and Transporta.tion Commission regarding severai clarifications necessary in the City's notice of tennination letter. After issuing a second notice of termination letter on February 25, 2008, with a revised termination date of March 10, 2008, it became necessary to amend Ordinance 07-023 to make it effective Maxch 10, 2008 as well. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, does ordain as follows: Section 1. Amend Section 3 of Ordinance 07-023 reaarding the effective date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on March 10, 2008. PASSED by the City Council this 25t' day of Marc 200 - Ma , Richar4-~ s ~ T • -Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk . Approved as to Form: , Office the City Aiey . , Date of ublication: L/--4/ (f ~ Effective Date: Ma=h Jn 3nnR . Ordinance 08-004 Amending Waste Management Franchise Page 1 of 1 OFFIC'E OF THE CI'I'Y ATTORNI crrY oF MICHAEL CONNELLY, CITY ATTOKNEY okane CARY P. DRISKELL, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 3p oo'o Val1ey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhaftspokanevalley.org February 25, 2008 Steve Wulf District Manager . Waste Management . 12122 East First Avenue Spokane Va11ey, WA 99206 Re: Amendment to ordinance granting status quo franchise Dear Mr. Wulf: Enclosed please find a copy of Ordinance 08-004, which amended Ordinance 07-023 granting the seven year status quo franchise to Waste Management. Please note that the only change that was made was to change the effective date from in November to March 10, 2008. This was done to make sure the revised termination date notice given to the WUTC in February matched the ordinance. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, ~ - Cary riskell CPD/pd Enc. c: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director (w/out eric.) - Dave Mercier,.City Manager (w/out enc.) Penny Ingram (w/eric.) . WASTE MANAGEMENT OF W.A.SHINGTON, INC. 'Ce.rt No. ~ d,/b ja WASI-HNGTON WASTE HAULING &-RECYCL,ING, INC., G-00237 ~ RECYCLE AMERIC.A,, RLTRAL SKAGTT SANl'TATTON, FEDERAL V1TAY DISPOSAL, NICK R.A FFO. GARBAGE, ~ . ~ R. S.T. DTySPOSAL, TRI STAR DISPOS.AL; WESTERN REFUSE, NORTH CASCADES DISPOSAL, STANWOOD CAMANO , DISPOSAL, WAS'TE MANAGEMEIVT, WASTE M.A.NAGEMENT - ~ NORTHVVEST, WAsSTE MANAGEMEIVT ; R:AIN.[ER,. WA.STE ~ • ~ . ~ NIANAGEMENT OF ELLENSBURG, WASTE MAN.AGEMEIVT OF GPEATER WEN.ATCHEE, WASTE MANAGEMEI14T OF ~ . KENNEWICK, WA,STE MANAGEMENT OF SEATT'LB, - ~ - . ; . . . ; . . . . WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SKAGIT COIJN'I'Y, WASTE ~MAIVAGEIV.IENT`OP Sl'OKA.IVE,WAS'I`E MANAGEIUIEN'T OF . ~ ~ Y.AKMA, WASTE MANAGEMENT, OF SN0-KIlVG, VALLEY GARBAGE, OL50N'S S.ANITATION SERVZCE, WASTE MANAGENIENT OF ADDY, BREM .AJR DI.SPOSAL, WASTE *1V.[AIVAGEMENT SOUTH SOUIVD ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . - 13225 NE 126TH PLACE ~ KHRK~NDI WA 98034 ~ ~ ~ . . • . . . . . . THI►S. CERTIFICATE DOES NO`T AUT'HORZZL REFUSE COLLECTION SERZ7ICE RESTRICTED TQ ~ EXTREMELI' HAZARDOUS SEMI-SOLID WA.STE, _ INCLUDING.AC.IDS, -CHEMICALS, AND . RESIDU.ALS IlV. PIERCE, KNG, _ SNOHOMISH %~AND WHA'TCOM COUIVTIES .AND ~IN'TERCOUN'TY A.NDJOR HAZARDOUS . IINDUSTRTA.L LIQUID, IlVCLUDING -~AQIDS, . CHEMICALS AND RESIDUALS '(NOT TO~EXCEED 6,500 GALLONS IlV BULK PER SHIPMENT) Il~1' WIl.c4TCOM, ' SKAGIT; SNC.)HONII,SH, ~ KING; KTTSAP -,AND ~PIERCE COUNl'lES .AND . . 1NTERCOUN'I'Y. . . . . . Continue J . . (PIDZM SOLID WASfiE COLLEMON SERVICE in Sections 6, 7,18, the north'i of 19 and fihose portions of Section 4 and 5 situated in King County, all in T. 22 N., R 11 E.; and Sections 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and the West'h of Sec. 33, all in T. 23 N., It.11.E., in King Courify. " (PID295) ALSO In t-h.at poxtion of King County, described as follows: Commencinb at the northeast City Limits of Aubu* m and the-Green River Banks wifiliin Section 8, T. 21 N., R. 5 E.; fihestce easterly along the Green River Bartk,s to the northwest comer of Section 20, T. - 21 N., R. 7 E., W.M.; thence. norfh'to the norfhwest conier of Seciion 20, T. 22 N., R. 7 E., W.M.; . . : . • , thence due east to the northea.st cornerof Section 24, T. 22 N., R 7 E.; thence south to the southerly . boundary of King Couniy; thence westerly along~the soufiherly boundary of King County to the soufihwest comer of Section 32, T. 21.N., R. 5 E.J W.M.; thence northerly along ttie west Iuie of said Section 32, 29, 20,17 and S of T. 21 N., R. 5 E. to fiheGreen River Banks to filze point of beb'aiuiing• . (PID297) ALSO in that porti.on of King County described as follows: Commencing at the northwest City Lunits of Renton and the shore of Lake Washin~on; thestce northerly along the shore of Lake Washington to the Ciiy Limits of Bellevue (as'of September 1, ^ 2004); fhence east along the soufih Cify Limits of Bellevue (as of September 1, 2004) to their intersection with the City Lunits of Issaquah (as of September 1, 2004); thence norfh along the east Cify limits of Bellevue..(as of September 1, 2004) to the intersection of the most northwesterly poiztt of the City limifis of Lssaquali, (as_ of September.l, 2004); fihence east along the.adjoining norffi City .limits of Issaquah ~(as of Segtember 1, 2004) to its. intersection with Interstate 90; t~ience east.along : Interstate.90 until the intersecLion with Re-nton Road (Resttoin Road-Issaquah Road)also Highway 900;~thence south along said road to a line.common to T. 23 N., and T. 24. N., R. 5 E., arid thence . westerly along sa.id:line to the easterly boundary of the City Limiis of Ren~ori; (M:V.G. No: 220, July 7, 1964); thence along said City Limit,s in a northwesterly direction to the shores of Lake Washington to the point of beguuzing. Also including Maple Valley Golf Course. (PID320) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in that portion of King Co-unty described as follows: . Continue ~ . ll • . ' Commen cing afi the intersection of the soufih city Iintits of the City of SeattIe and the intersecfion of - saici city Izmits with Lake Washington; thence soufiherly along the shores of Lake Washington to the . City of Ron City limii fihence along -the v►westerly boundary of the ci~r Iunits of the City, of . Renton to Renton Avenue; thence northwesterly alang the-norrtherly side of Renton Avenue t0 761h Avenue Sou~h. to South 1256 Street, ~thence east ~to 776 Avenue Sou~-h; thence north along the east sicie of 77'h Aveniie South to Soui~ 120t~ Street; t`hence a.Yong i-he noith side 6f S6ufih`12011f Streefto 76*' Aventie Soiitli; fihence north on 76'hAvenue South (east side only) to :116t' Sfireet South; the-nce west on 116th Street South (no seivice between 116th Street South and Comell Avenue); thence norfih aiong the eastside of Corimell Averiue to Seattl.eCity L; fi.hence easterly along said city Iimits fio the east bouridary thereof, adjacent.fio Lake Rzdge Addifiion; fihence northerly along said czty Iimits tv Soufih 11211, Sfreefi extended; fihence westerly along sa.id dty linzits to 68O Avenue South extended; thence northerly along said eifiy Iimits to Ryan Street extended; thence easterly alorig said city Iimifi,s to the point of beginningf from the described fierritory to dwalps in King Counfy. . (PID373) SOL]D WASTE COLLEC'TION SERVICE in that portioa of. King County described as- follows: Starting at the intersection of NE 19911' Street and 84tb Ave. NE; then east on NE 199'hStreet to its interseciion wifih 90thAve: NE; then north'on 90"11 Ave:-NE to its interseciion wifih 'NE 200'h Street; then west on NE 200ffi Sfreet to ifs zntersection with 88tb Aue. NE; then noxth on 88ffi Ave. NE - to its zntersecti on with 1VE 20211d Stieet; then east on NE 202ra 5treet to its int-ersection with 90'h Ave. NE; theri "north on 90'',.Ave. NE fo its infersection with NE 205Ih Stieet (also the King-Snohomish , Covn-Ey line); then west on NE 205th Street to ifi.s irifersection with 80 Ave. NE (al,sa the west range ' line of T26N, IZ5E); then south ori 84ffi Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 199t" Street, the point of beginning, . . .A1so: 'St~g at the intersection of 84t', Ave. NE and NE 180ffi Street; then east on NE 180thStreet to its intersectionswith 88'h Ave. NE; then north on 88tll Ave. NE to its' intersecti.on with NE 181-it Sfreet; then east on NE 181st Street to it,s zntersecfion wzth 90th PI. NE; then north on 90th Pl. NE to its 'in~ersec~ion with NE I85*h5treet; fihen west on NE 185'h Street to its intersection wi.-th 88ffi Ave. NE; . fhen noxth on 88th Ave. NE to ifs'intiersectzon with 192ad PI.NE; then west on 192r" Pl. NE -to its intersection with 84th Ave. NE (aLso the west range Iine of T26N, 16E); then souffi on 84ffi Ave. NE to zts zntersection with`NE 1801hSixeefi, the point of beginning. . - Continue ~ . - ~1 1 . ~ Also: Starfulg at the intersection of NE Bofihell Wy. and 84b Ave. NE; then east on NE Bofihell VITy. to ; its intersection wifih 91e-t Ave. NE; then nortIi. on 91stAve. NE to its intersection with NE 172r,a Sfreet; thest east on NE 172nd Street to its intersection wifih 92aa Ave. NE;. then norffi on 92nd Ave. NE to its iriterseciion with NE 1731~d Street; fihen east on NE 173rd Street to its intersection with 951hAve. NE; :fhen norfh on 95ffi Ave NE t0173ra Pl. NE;'then west on 173rd PI.. NE to its intersection with 93rci PI. NE; then north on 93rd1'1: NE to it.s intersection with NE 175t', Sfireet; fihesi west on.NE-T756 St'reet to its intersecti.on wifih 93raAve.. NE; then north on 93rd Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 1760' Street; . , then east on NE 1761, Street to its intersection with 951~ Ave. NE; then nort-h on 9513, Ave. NE to its . intersection with NE 178ffi Street; then west on NE.178ffi Street to its intersection with 88ffi Ave. NE; thennorth on SSffi Ave..NE to its intersection wiffi NE 180ffi Street thenwest onNE 180ffi Streetto its intersection with 84ffi.Ave. NE (aT.so.the.wesf range line of T26N; R,SE); tllen soufli on 841hAve. NE to . its intersection with NE BothellWy., the point of begirutulg• (PID374) REFUSE COLLECTTON SERVICE from 'commercial accounts or establishments in that portion of King County descsibed as follows: Startulg at the intersecti.on of 92r'd Ave. NE. and 186'b PL NE; then east on 18611' PI. NE to its intersection.with 93',d PL NE; then north on 93rd Pl. NE to ifi.s intersection with NE 187'h Street; fihen easfi on NE 18713' Street to.its intersection with 9511, Ave. NE; fihen south,on 95*h' Ave. NE to its intersection wit~ 186ffi Pl.. NE; then east on 186'h Pl.,. NE to it.s infersection with 96~ Ave. NE; then north on 96~', Ave. NE to its intersectionwi~-h NE 188'~. Sireetf fihen west on NE 188tb.Street to its. intersecfiion wifih 95t' ,Ave. NE; then north'on 95t" Ave. NE,to its intersection with NE 189ffi-Street, then west on NE 189'b Street to its intersection wifih 93ra PL NE; thennorth on 93rd PL NE to its interseciion with NE 190ffi Street then wp-st on NE 190ffi Sireet to its intersection with 92nd Ave. NE; then souffi on 92nd Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 189ffi Street; fihen east on NE 189ffi Street to its intersection with 931~d Ave. NE; then soufih on 93=d Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 1871hStreet; fihen west on NE 187'h5treet to its intersection with 92ndAve. NE; then south on 92pd Ave. NE to its.intersection wifih 186ffi Pl. NE, fihe place -of begirinulg. PID433) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in that.~por~.on of King and Pierce Counties described as follows: -Starfing at the point where.lst ,Avenue Soufih intersects with the.shore line of Puget,Sound; fihence soufih on 1st .Ave~nue South to Soia.fih292nd Si=eet projecteci; thence east on Soufih 292nd Street prbJected t0 81' Avenue Soufih proJected; thence norFh on 8ffi Avenue South projected to Soufih 288ffi Street projected; fihence east on South 288ffi Street projected t012ffi Avenue Soufih; fihence , Continue ~ ~ nort-h on 1211, Avenue Sauth piojected to Soufih 282pd Street projected; fihence east on Soutli. 282n1 Street proJected fio its interseciion urifih the east ci.ty limiis of Des Moines; thence noi-tIierly, along said city Iimits to its intersecisQn. vaith 5..272na Street thence east alorig said street to the east cify . liinits of Federal Way; fi.h.ence south along said c:ity 3in~its to S. 30411 Street; thence east an fihe Soufih side of So. 304th Street extended ;to 'the . centerline of Sec. 11; T. *21 'N., -R. 4 E.; thence svuth bn ~ . : centerline ofSections* 11 and14, T. 21.. N., IZ A E., to I'eas~ey Canyon.Road;_fl~ence`ea:sterlyon Peasley Canyon Road to fihe intersection with W. Valley Hwy S.; thence north along said Avenue to .1 . the intersection 'with Main Street, Vest; thence east along said street 'tu 'A,' . Street -S.E. ay ~o the King Pietce County ~ine; thence (.A~ubum-Sumuler Highwthence.south on said highw wesfi along on said count'r Iine and nort-herly io i.ts zntersection with the east-quarter secti on line of Sec 25, 'T. 21'1V.; R. 3.E.; tlzence soufih., ori said qiiarter section line'to south quazter section line of Sec. ~ 25;Ihence weston south qiiazter sectioii line`to the westquaifer section-Iine of Sec. 26, T. 21 IV.;`+P%. 3 E.; thence noz-fh on said quarter.secfiioin liiie tothe'zsection Iine ot Sec_ 26, T.21 N., R 3 E.;thence west on said lh section Iine ica intersection witki the west line of Sec. 26f T. 21 N., R. 3 E.; fihence north . . + , along sazd section line to northwest comer of Sec 23, T. "21 N.,J.. •3 E.; thence east along north lirie of Sec, 23 to intersection with King-I'zerce Couzify Line; th'ence ii.oifhwestezly along sazd county line to the shoreline of 'Puget Sownci; . thencenoi-theasterly along'said shore Iine to_ intessectiori witli lst Avenue South,,'the place of beginrmg. . " . - . . . :(P1D435) SOLID W.A.STE COLLECTTOIV SERVICE not requiring the use af a dump truckand excluding bi.onledical waste, in that portioriof Kzng County described as fallows: Contn-ienring at J . t~ie 7ntersection'v.f NE 1086 Street. and-132nd Ave. NE; fihence easterly on NE 108ffi Sfreet -to 'the Redmonrl City limits, thence following the Redmond. cifiy Jinlits in a southerly, soufiheasterly and westerly clockw&e 'cti.recticin to 1321,d. .Ave. NE; thence rioifh along 132nd AVe. NE to its infersection . vfithNE 108th Street, the poznt of begii-ining. . . ' • - . . . . . Also, commencing at the intersection,of NE 97'h Street and 132nd Ave. NE; thence.following the IZedzriond,rity limits in a southeasterly and ~cw~esterly cloekwise direction*to 132rid Ave.,NEr tti.ence norEh along 132A1 Ave. NE to its iritersection urzth NE 97h Street, the point of begffinlxig. Also, cvmmencing at the intersectiori of NE 78ffi SiYeef extencied east and 132a1 Ave. NE; thence following the Reclimond city limits in an easterly, southerly and westerly clockvaise direction to . . Continue _ 132nd AVe. NE, thence norl-h. along 132a1 Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 7811, Street extended east, the point of beguuung. . . , . . . . d . . A1so, comnlencsng at the intersection: of NE 70~. Street and 132n1 .~ve. NE;r #hesice following the Redmond city lirs#ts in a easterly, southerly andYwesterly: clockwise di.~ection ~[o 132rd Ave. NE fiherice north along 132~ Ave. NE to ifi,s. infersection with 1VE70~ Siieet, the point of bea,ng. . . . . . . . . . . . (PID436) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE not reC~l~i?~n g the iise of a dump truck in tha~ portion of King Cou~.described.as follo:ws: Sta.rting at the intersection.of S.W. 152nd Street extended and Puget Sound;.thence east along S.W.,15211d Street to its intersection with . Ambaum i Blvd. S:W.; thence . , , . . south.erly along.A,mbaum Blvd,- S.W. to its intersection, wifih.S. 156th Sfreet; ffience east to Des Moines; thence -soufih along Des Moines V~ay to S.W..160~ Street; ~iesi~ce soufihwesterly along S.W. . . . . . . . . 160~ Streetand Sylvester Rd to its intersection with the norfi~i city.limits of Normandy Park; thence ~ vwesterlY. . and noi-therlY alonD p- said north city •I~uts to its intersection wifih 1s"Ave: S.; fihence sotufih, • . . ~ ' • ' . , . along 14 Ave. S. to its intersection -with S. 192n:.d Street nthence east along S: 192ad . Sfreet to its . , intersecison with Pacific Highway S. (Intemational Blvd.); thesice north to.S.188t" Street thence east along S. 188t" Street to ifias intersectian with the ci.~iy limits of the Ci~ty of Sea-Tac and the Ci~ty of Tvkwila; fihence southerly and easterly along the south city Iimits . of Tvkwila to its inteisection with the cify limits of the City of Kent as ot January 1, 1987;' thence soufi.Izerly. and easterly in a ~ . countesclockwise: direction along.the ciiy Iimits of the City of Kent as of Janu.aiy, l, 1987 to its inter.secfion with State Highway 516. and S.E. Kenf Kangley Road; thence southeastesly along State Hi . Ave. S.E. to its : ghway 516/Kent Kangley Road.. to 116~ Ave,.S.E.;. t~ience soiuth along115A . . : ~ intersection with S. 277t~ Street extended; thence west along S. 27711, Street extended to West Valley . . _ . . . . • . . . . ; . . . . r- . . . . Highway;..thernce south along said -Highway to _S. Peasley Canyon Road; therice west along S. Peasley Canyon Road; to 59th Ave. S. fihence nori-h along 59ffi. Ave. S. to the point.where it intersects . with 304ffi Street extended; thence west along 30411' Street extended where it intersects~ with . .Interstate Hwy I-5; thence norfh along said Inte.rsfate Highway to its intersection with. S. 272nd Street; thence west on S. 272nd Street to the dty limits of Des Moines; thence south along said ciiy Iimits to the :point where it intersects wifih S. 282n11 Streef. extended; thence west on S. 282n1 extended to 12ffi Ave. S. extended; fihence south on 121hAve. S. to the point where it intersects wifih S. 288ffi . Street; fh.ence west on S. 288ffi S-treet.to its intersection with 8h Ave. S.; thence south on 813, Ave. S. to . SW. 292n1 Street extended; thence west on S.W. 292nd Si=eet extended t01-rl Ave..S.; thence norfih on . ' Continue . r ~ ~ . I,;' Ave. S.; to the shoreline of P.ugefi Saund; thence norffierly along the shoreline of Pu~cr et Sound io its intersecti.on with S.W.152-na Street e~xtended, the poinf of beginning. (PID437) SOLID W,ASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in tliat-porb.on of King Coiinty as'bourided bn the ;West by Puget Sound; an the East` by Lake 'S/lrashington; on tlzeNoztli' by ~ as~ `follo~ws: : . - - . Comnlencing a~E fihe intersectiori of E. ~45~`Sireef ana the shores-of Lake Was~iitig~o"ri, ~eiice v,Test ' on the south si.cle of E.145ffi Sfireet to 5'h A.ve. N. E.; thence north on i-he west side'of 5th-Ave. N: E. ta . E. 175th Street, thence et, on the nvith. side of.E. 175'h ~iYeef to 8'~' Ave. N. E.; '~thex~ice xiorth on 86 Ave: N. E..(liut notinclud.ing 8thAve. N. E.) to Y90~ Street, fiheiicenozth onboth sides ofB~Ave: N. E. extendea to! E. 201st Sfreet,'thence easfi on both sides of E. 201st-Street extended to the -wesfi side of lI ; 'h, Ave. ezterided, thence nori-h ~.on the west* side.- -of 1,11h`Ave. N. E: exfended to . . Kirig Sriolioniish Couri~y lirie, fihence w.est ~ on the `sou~i side of ~ said -line to' the shore -of Puget Sound; and on the South,, by as foltov►Ts: Comnlencin.g af the interseciion of fihe soizth rity- ]inzits of Seattle and Lake Washanggtoii; fhest follotviitg-the eity Iin!iits of Seattle in~a dockwise directioi% to it,s uitersection wifih 116'h Street'Soufih; fihence east ori 116tb Streef South t0 76t', A.ve. South; thence : sotith onceriterline of 76'h Avenue South to South 120h Street centerline; thence east on centerline of Soufih 120t~.Stree~ 677~ :A.venue SoutIi centerliiz.e;theiice Soiuthori-centerline of 77'h Averiize South ~ to South 125t" Sireet centerlirie; thence west on centerline of South 125ffi Street to 76ffi Avenue South J . centerline; thence souttz on centerline of 76'h Avenue Soufih to Renton AvenizeSoutli centerlineJ • . . . . • . filzence easterly on centerline of Renton Avenue South to Renfon West city Iimi.ts (as of June 1,1961); . thence southerly along'said. city liinits to the centerline of Hardie Sfreet; thesice* south along:the centerline of said streA to Soufih 1k"h' SiYeet` centerli ne; then-ce Wesfierly on centerline bf South 1341h Sfaeet *to 81--' Aveilue South centerline; - fihence south ori centerline" of 81st Avenue -South to SW Sunset Boillevaid (MLK junio= VVY) centerline; thence easteily followuig said raad to )Rainzer Ave. . (PSH 5fihence following Rauuer Ave. in a southerly direction to south line of Secfiion 19, T. 23 N., R 5 E. (S.E. 1.6011~'Stieet); fiiience east alon.g"south line~of said-Secfion-to the Renton City'Limits• . thence following the Ciiy Lunifijs of Renfion in a counfier-clockwise directi.on t~ the point where i-~ . . . , intersects witxi Maple Va1ley Highway;`thence southeasterly'along said highway to the intersection of the east line,of the west h.alf bf Section 24, T. 23 N.; R. 5 E. (172nd Ave. S.E. extended north); thence soufih along said Iine extencied to fihe south line of Sectionl; T. 22. N.; R. 5 E., V1T.M:; (or Southeast 208"h Street) thence west along said soufih Iuie to 148th Ave. S.E.; thence north al.oztg 148tb . . Ave S.E to S.E 192na Siseet; fihence west -to 14011, Ave. S.E.; riorth to Petrvvitsky Road (S.E.1.76th); • Continue . - . ' j fihesice west along Petrovitsky:Road to its intersection wifih Cazr Road and 108t" Ave. S.E.; thence west alon ; Carr Road to State Hwy 167; thence soufih along State Hu-f 167:to the sfluth Iine of Section 6, T.22N., R, 5E.; W.M., (or Soufiheast 20811, Street extended); thence following said city Iimits in a clockwise direction to t-he northwest comer of said city limits, extended to.the west bank of the . D.iwa.mish River; thence noitherly. along the west bank of sa.id River to the north line of the southwest i/4 of Section 25; T..23 N., R. 4 E. thence east on said nozthwest Iine to-its intersection with . West Valley Rd (State Hwy.. .181); thence nortlierly. along West Valley Rd (State Hwy.181) to the soufih line, of Section 24, T.,Z,3 N., R. 4 E., (Soufih 1,60ffi Street_eztended); thence west on soutli line of . said sectiori to fihe easferly.bank of the Duwamish River; thence northerly alonb the west bank of said River to fi.he point or intersectioii with the south line of the northwest (continued~ qu.arter of , Section 24, T. 23 N., R. 4 E., V1T.M.; thence easf along the soufili:line of said noxthwest quarter to fihe ' west side of tha.tpoxtion of the city of Renton as annexed by csty or .dinance No.1764 Iying westerly . of.the east margin :of BNRR Conzpany (N.P.RR) maui track right of way aIl being'Iocated inthe :south ll2 ofthe NW Vi of.Section 24, Township 23 Nord-i, Rarige 4 East, thence eastfrom the east side of . said poriion.of City of Renton along ;the soufili: Iine of fihe. norfhwest (continued) qua.rEer of Section .24, T. 23 N., R. 4 E., W.M. to the east side of the Charles Morister Road; thence northerly Y _ i. . along the alongthe easterly side of said road to the Beacon Coal Mine road; thence northerly along . the along the easterly side of said road to the. Sou1-h 12911' Street extended; thence easterly on South .129'h Sf=eet to State Highway 900 (Martin Lufller King Jr. Way) centerline; thence northwesterly ~ ~ along said boulevard to Soufih. 120ffi Street; thence West along South 12011, Street extencied to 5Ist Avenue South; thence No.rth along extension of 51st Averiue South to Enpire Way South Centerline; -thence northwesterly on intersection of EnlPire. Way Soufih to Ryan Street centerline extended ..thence West alorig.Ryan_Street. extertsioii to extensiori of 33rd Avenue Soufih; thence No:xth along ' extension.:of 33r~ Avenue South to. extestsion of Soufih Trentoin Street; thence West alorigexten,si.on of Soufi.h Trenton Street to East Marginal. Way;.thence Northwesterly along East Marginal Way to extension of Soufih Kenyon SiYeet; thence West along exten.sion of Soufih Kenyon Sireet to extension :of .1211, Avenue South; :thence South along exten.sion of.1211, Avenue _South to fihe West bank of . Duw.~m, Gh Waterway thence south along the West bank of the Duwanush Waterway to a point of . intersection with Pacific Hig4way South (Ihternational Blvd).; tli.ence in a southerly_direction along Pacific Highway South (Intemaiional Blvd) to, its intersection wifih S.128 .Street extendeci; ttzence west of S. I28 Street -extesided to its intersection with Military Road also the northeasf point city . : . . , ]jmits of -fhe City of Sea Tac; thence soufih along Military Road and said eity limifisto ifi;s intersection Continue . Y ~ • . ' • ' . . . with Pacific Highway soufih (Intemational Blvd); fihence southerly along Parific I-iighway S. to the ° iniersection af Pacifzc High~Ly S.and I60ffi -Street,- thence iri an easterly and soufiherly `direction : alon; fhe.city.limiis of the City of Sea Tac ta a point where the.City Limitintersects for the second iime. the W. RIN line of Intersta. [e Hwy #5; thence south on 'saicl W. _RJW, line *to S. 176'~ Street; thence west on S. :176'h Street (nozth side only) to Mili.tary Road; 'fihence souih on Military Road (west side only) to S. 1$8t6 Street.dience we;sfion S.188th Streef(iioside orily)"to-PSH=1; thence south ori FSH-1(west side only) to .5.192nd Street; thence wesfi on S. I92na Street (north side only) to ,l 1# Ave. S.; thence north an 1z~l Ave. South to a point where it intersects with fhe iiortherly'city Ii.nzifs of 1Vorm.andy Park at a point where -P1 Ave. S. intersecfs with S.W.162th Sfreef; fherice in a-westerly dzrection a.long the north city limit.line of Normanciy Park to a pouit i~here said cify ]in-iit line intersects wifh Sylvester Rd.; fi.hence in a noztheastexly directioin7 ori Sylveste:r I2oad serviri; the southeasterly, side thereof to S. W. 160'h Streef; thence east on S. W. 160t' and So. 1606 Streefi,s serving the:soiith side therevf to :Des ~Moiries Way; thence nor'th on Des MoineS V~ay servii~g* the easfi side thereof to S.156~ Street; thence wesfi on S:156'h and S. W.156t" Street serving the noxth side . thereof to Ambaum Blvd.; thence. nozth on Amlaaum Blvd. serving the east side thereof to S. W. . 152-md Street; thence west on S.W.152nd .Street to 'Puget Sound. - EXCEI'TION: `The following paragraph is excliided fro~i the 'above SOLID WAS'TE COLLECTION ~ SERVICE. In fihat porfiion of King Coun~ described as fallovvs: Coirmmexiang at th.e intersec#ion of ~ . . . Milifiary Road S. and Highway 516 (Kent Des Moines Road); thence follow,ing the ci.iy limits of Kent in a dockwise direction easterly, southerly,.westerly, andnorEherly toits intersection wi~ Milita.ry Ro ad S. af S. 240tl'. Street; thence norEh aloing MiLifary Road S. to its ixitersection with Highway 516 (Kent: Des Moines Road), the .povnt of begirming. .,(PID438) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in tIi_at portion of King County described as . . . 3 . . ' • ' follows: Stari~ng. - af the 'iiitersection of the Everett-Bofihell. County Highway -and the Snohonvsh 1Cirig County line; #hence east on Snohomisxi=K.uig Cotznfy lzne to its intersecfion wifh east line of T. 26 N., 1Z. 7 E.; theiz.ce sou~i ori said lirie to its intersectioii Svith tlze south line of T. , . ' ' . . i . . • . 25N.! R 7 E.;. thence west on said line to the easfiiine of T. 25N.,- RA E.; fihence north on said line to fihe S.E. comer of the N.E. 4 of the N.E. of Seciion 36, T. 25~ N., 'R: 6 E.; thence wesfi on a line projected from said comer to the east shore ot La:ke Sanvnamish, thence following said Lake shore generally. in nozfihwesferly and southexly (counter-clodcwise) direction to the poinf where.the southeastem city Iimits of Redmond intersect the westem shore of 'Lake Sanunamish; thence . Continue :'r - . . . . ~1 r following the city.limits of Redmond as of January 3,1978, in a clockwise direction to the point where the Samma.mi.sh River (waterway) intersects vvith the norih cify. ].i.mits of Redmond; ' fihence following the east bank of said river in a generally northerly dire4ion to itss uitersection wifih N.E. 145ffi Street extended (at tii.is point a short section, of PSH-2 is one and the same as hT.E.145Street); , . t4ence. west- on N:E. 145ffi Street extended (no service to be rendered, on either .side of N.E.145t' Stz~eet) to its-intersection wifih 10~4~ Avenue N.F.; th~ce noitherly ori 1Q4~ N.E. (renderiilg service on bofih sides of 104ffi Avenue N.E.) to its intersection v►nth 10513, Ave. NE; thence northerly to the north Iine of fihe;south west quarter of Section 8, T26N, R,5E; therice west along said north lirie to the west line 'of.said secti.on; fihence south along the west line of said section to fihe south cify Iimits of Bothell; ;fihence followulg the city limits of Bothell, clockwise, to iis intersection with the Everett Bothell County Highway; thence norfih to place of begiiuiing. . . . . . . ~ . . . _ (PID439) TZEFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requirulg th~e u.se of a d1.jip fn.iclc, in that poz-tion ; , of King Counfy described.as follows: Starting at the northeast corner of T26N, R.8E; tlzence soufih . along the east line of R8E to the soufih.lirie of T22N; thence wesf along said south line to the west line of R. 8 E.; thence norfh along said west ].uie to the southeast comer of Section 12 T22N, R7E.; thence west. along the south line of said seciion extended fo . t-he' norrheast comer of. Section 19, T22N, R7.E; thence soufih along the easf line of said section to its uitersectioin with fihe Greeri River; thence westerly along the banks of sa.id river to the noztheast Cit-y limits bf Aubum wifliin Section ~ T21Nr R5E; thence south along the west line of said Section S extended to the southeast comer of Section 31, T21N, R,SE, aIso the south boundary of King Coun~ty; thence west along the soufih luie of said section 31 to its intersection with A Street SE; thence north alorig said sfreet to its intersection wifih West Main Street; thence west along said street to West Valley Highway; fihence norfih along West.Valley Highway to South 2771, Street; fihence east along said street extended fo 116th Ave. SE; filzence norFh aTong 116'h Ave. SE. to SE. 258ffi Street eztended; thence*east on said sfreet ext-encied to ' 117~,,PL SE ex-Eended; fihence north along 117ffi PL. SE. exfended to SE 2-5011 Sfreet SE; thence west along said street to 116"' Ave..SE; thence norl-h along said street to SE 208th'Street. SE; thestce east along said street to the point of its intersection wifih 172na,Ave. SE extended; thence north along said Avenue to Renton Maple Valley Road; thence westerly along said road.to its 'intersection with the City limits of Renton as of September 11 1959; the-nce south along said City limits to the north line of Section 20, T23N, R5E, also city Iimifi.,s of Renton as of February 28, I961; fihence in a dodcwise direciion along said city Iimit.s to fihe sout.h lin.e of Section 20, T23N, R5E; thence west along said . Continue . Y , r . south Iine io ifi.s i.rttersection wifih State Highway-167; thence noith along said State Highway to SW . Sunsefi Boulevard; therice west along said boulevard t0 8I~ (Oakdale) Ave. SW; thence noith to fihe City Iinzi~s of IZenton as of A.ugust ~4,1931; thence in a counter-dock~vise directz.on'along said City . Iinv.ts of Renton to. kenton Avenue South; thence westerly.along Renton'Avenue S. t0 76t' Ave. Soufih; thence north*6 S.125t',Sireet eztesided; thei~ce east on S. 7251h 5iieef extended io 77ffi Ave. S. , . . . . _ . . , . i:,::._ , . . . . . _ ~ t~ c . , . . extended fhence;north alon_ g 77~ Ave.. S..to S. 12Q~ Street, iene we'`f ori'saii3 stieetto 7611, Ave. South; thence north alorib said.Avenue to S. 1766 Stceet;"thence west along S.- 1I6tb Street to i.ts . interseciion v,tith.the City liniits of Seaffle; thence in a clockwise ciirection alang said city liniits, to its . in~tersection witli thev~est shor'elirie of Lake Washin:gton; thence in a roiin~Eer=cloc~cKn.,se direction 'along fihe shoreline of Lake Washington to the pouit where. zt intersects with t~ie nort~i~c~vest ci~ . linuts of Renton; thence east and southerly aiong: the city limits of Rentbri' (M:V.G. No:220, 7-7-64) io a Iine common to T23N, and T24N. R5E; thence easterly, along said Iine to Renton Road (Renton- rssaquah Road); theilce rioifi~i along said road to the noith line of Sectioxi 29,-T24N, R6E; thence east along said section line extended to NW Gitinan Boulevard; 'theii.ce easterly along NW Gilman . Boulevard to 1d Ave.. NW; thence north along said avenue to E. Lake Sammamish PICWY; thence _ noz-iherly along said PKWY to the pouit where it intersects with the north Iine of 5WV4of Section 16, T24N, R6E; thence west. to fihe shoreline of Lake Samn-►a-RnTsh; thence in a- dockwwis-e ciirection ~ aloizg',the shoreiine of Lake Sammamish to 1he' point where it intersects vvifih NVV' 4ffi Streefi ~ . extended; thence east along said street to the east line of Seciaon 36; T25N, R6E; ttlerice south along said east line to the northwest comer of Section 6 T24N; IZ7E; `thence 'easf along the noi-th Iine of said section extended to fihe southwest comer of Seciion 31, T25N, R8E; thence north along the west line , of said sectioiz. 31 exterided'to the northwest coiimer of_ Sec~tzon. 6,_ T26N, RSE _also the King and -Snohomish Courify line; th'ence easfi along saidcounfy Iine to the riortheast mrner of~3'26N, R8E, the . point of begiruziizg. (PID440) ALSO in thafi porfzon of King covnty described as follows: Stai-ting'at fhe goint where East Marginal Way S. intersects wzth the soufih Iiri.e of Secfion 28 T24N, R4E; thence soufiherly along East . Marginal Way S. to S. 'Trenton Street extencied, also the 'czty Iimit.s of Tukwala); thence east and south along the city limits of Tukwil.a to the point where it intezsects with S. Ryan Street extended; thence. east on said street_to Empzre Way S(State Highway 900); thence southerly along said highway to South 129'h Street; thence westerly~ along said street to the east. side city Iimits of Tukwila; thence southerly along sazd city limits to the point where it connects with Beacon Coal " Continue • . • . Mine Road,.thence southerly along the, east side of _said road to Charles Manster Road; fihence • continuing.southerly along (2ia.rles Monsfier Road projected to the south line of the norrhwest . , qu"r of Section 24, T23N, R4E, W.M.; thence. soufiherly along the ea.sterly bank of Duwaiiiish River to the south. ]ine of Section 24, T23N, R4E. (South 160th Street extenrled); fihertce .east on south line of said section ~Eo West Va1ley Highway (State Hi,hway IS1); thes.ce soufi.h alorig sa.id highway . r. . .to the nort-h line of the sout-hwest 4 of Section 25, T23N, R4E; thence west on said norffi li.ne to the west bank. of the Duwanzi.sh River; thence sotitherly alongsaid River toSoufih 180'h Street (SW 43,,d . Street); thence.. east along said street to the east side. of current city limiis of ''ukwila; thesice in a ; dockwise d.irection along said city Iimifs to th.e poirit where ifinterse6Es witli the Pacific Highway - Soiith (Intemation4 )3lvd.); thence: nortiierly along said Highway to the point wherei~ intersects with the, Duwamish Waterway,*thence northerly along the west bank of the Duv,~aniis~i Wateiway to the pvint where itintersects with 1211,Avenue. S. exterided; therice noith on exteizded 1211, Avenue . - . . . ~ S. to the ~ south_ line of Son 29 T24N, R4E; thence eas.t 'along said section line eztencf ed to its interseetion with East Margina.Z 5.,, the~place of bebini=g. . . - + ' i , . . (I'ID441) ALS0 in that portion of King County described as follows: Startirig at the point were SE. 20811, Street.intersects with 11611, Ave. SE.; fih.ence.south along 116tb Ave. SE7to ifs,irifersectionwith SE. 228'h PL also.the czfy Iimits of the City of Kent as of January 1,1987; thence wesferly, southerly and northerly (clockwise direction) to its interseciion with SE. 208th5fireet;'thence easf along said street to the po.int were it intersecfis wi.fih 116t~ Ave. SE., the poznt of beginnulg. . ' • . , . . : : : . . . , -..(PID442) ALSO in:that portion of King County described as follows: Stard.ng at the point were 116'h . Street SE. intersect with SE. 240ffi Street j also the eity limits of the City of Kent.as of january 1,1987; thence south aiong 116th Street SE_ to its intersectiori with the city ltnuts of the Ciiy of Kent .as of January 1, 1987; thence westerly, soufiherly, norEherly and easfierly (clockwise) direcfion to its intersection with 1161h Street SE, the point of beguuzing. . (P)D443) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requiring the use of a dump f=uck,(local cartage) in Vashon and Mawry Lslancts. " . . - . . . (PIIID451) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE consisting of reclaimed Iwnber, brick and other castoff materiaLs, from premises where const-ruction or repair job are being or have been conducted, . . , . Continue ' Y ~ • . . or where sfnzctures are being razed in the following: Maury, Mercer, and Vashon Islands; and in , tti.at portion of Kixi.g couniy des.cribed as foIlows: Star~.ng at the rioxt-hwest comer of'I'26N, R8E; thence easfi .along the nort-h, line of said T26N, also the King and Snohoazii.sh Couniy Line to, i.~-.s -intersection with King and, Chelan County. Iine; : thence south along -said - counfy line to its intersection with King and Kittitas County Line; thence southwesterly along the King and Kit-ti.tas . . . : . . . - County Lne to the south0line of Section 33, T23N, R11E;I thence wesfi to th e west"Iine`of the E81;,5~of Section 33, T231\1,. R11E; thestce north along said west line to the noi-th line of said Section 33, thence east on said north line to.the. southeast 'coimer of Secfiori 28, T23N, R11E; th.ence north along the east line of sazd sechon to the'north east comer of said section; t~ience west along the nor~h line of said ~ , . _ - secfiion to the northwest comer of Section 30, T23N, R11E; thence soutffi*alongthe wesf line of sa.id . . . seciion extended tothe southwest corner of tjie IVW 1/4 of Section 19, T22N; R11E; thence west alorig the south line of saici 1VW Yt to the sautheast comer of the NEI j4 of sazd Section 19; thence nozfh along the eastline of said section extended to the nozthwest comer of Section S, T22N,R11E; thence . east along fihe north Iine of said section to its interseciion"`with Kii.1g Courity lixie; thence 'southerly ' r and westerly along said county Iine to zts intersecfiiori wifh the wesfi Iine of T19N, R$E; thence north along sazd`west line extended to the souti.east come:r' of Secfion 13,T22N, R7E; thence west along . the soufih line of said section fo thenoxthea~t comer of Section 19, T22N, R7E;* thence south along the ea,st Iine of said sectiori to ifijs intersectian with the Green River b anks; thence westerly along the " Green River banks to tlze, northeast City limifiis of Aubum within Secfiian 8,'I'21N, R5E; thence south along the west line of said 'Section. 8, extended to the bouinciary line of Kmg County; thence west along said boundary line to its intersectioit with the soutlhwest comer of Sectio'n 31, T21N; R5E; - thence north along the west line of said section to its'intersection with Maui SireetWest; the.nce west along said street to the intersection with West'Valley Hwy N. ; thesice Sout-h along said hy to South Peasley ,Canyon Road; theii ce 'wesfi along said road to its -intersection with fihe centerline of Seciion,14, T21N, R4E; thence norrh along said centerIine of said seciion extended to , fihe north Iine of Section 11, T21N, R4E; Jhence west along the nortl-i Iiiie of s-aid section extended to the ciiy linctits of Federal Way; thence north in a counte=-doc~cwise direction alang said cit3r limits to • its infersection with Soutlz 282nd Street projected east; thence west along said street to 12ffi Avenue South proJected noA;.tIi.ence soufih aiong 12ffi Avenue South to ifis intersection with Soufih 288th Sfreet proJected; thence west along said street.to 811, Avenue South proJected; thence south along sazd 8t', A:venue 'to South 292na Sfreet proJected; thence west along said 292nd Street to 1st Avenue South; thence north o'n 1st Avenue Soufih extended fio the shoreline of Puget Sound; thence northerly • Continue ~ ' . along said shoreline to S.W.152nd Street ext-ended; fihence east along sa.id street to Ambaum Blvd. :-S.W. ; fiheilce south along Ambaum Blvd. to S. 156'h Sireet; theri.ce east along. said street to Des Moines Way; thence south along the Des Moines Way to S:160IhStreet; thence west on said sireet to Sylvester Road S.W.; thence soufih along Sylvester Road fo the ciiy limits of Norniandy* Park; thence . eas~ in a clockwise direciion along the .city limits of Normandy Park to 'its intersection wfth.8.192ad . ~ .Streetf thence east along S. 192x,a Street to. Pacific Highway S. also the Intemational Boulevard; thence nozth on said boulevard to S.18811IStreet; tllence east along S.188ih Sireet to 1V1ilitary Road; ; thence from. Milifary to the point where it. intersects with the'a.ty limiis of T'ukwila; filzezice nort-herly . along the ci.fy limits of Tiakwila to the point where it intersects wifih 5.1281h Street thence east along . said, street to Padfifi,c Highway Soufih (Tnternational Blvd.); thence north along said higliway to the Uanks of Duwanvsh Waterway; thence northerl,y along tlle banks of said waterway to 12lEhAvenue , Soufih extended; thence north along said 1211,.Ave.; to S. Kenyoii Streef extended; thence east on . extended S. Kenyon. Street to East Marginal Way; thence south- along East Marginal Way to its intersection with the: extension of Saufih Trenton Street; fihence east on saids 'ii-eetto the exteitsion of ' 33rd Avenue Southi fihence soufih along said avenue to the extension of Ryari Street; thence east on R.yan sireet to.Empire Way Soufih; thence south on Empire Way Sout.h to 'fihe exten.sion of 51st . Avestue South; thence south on said avenue to South 120th Sfireet; 'thertce east on said street to SV1j Sunset.Boulevard (MLK Junior WY); thence south along said boulevard- to its intersection with S. , 129& Street; thence :west on South 129th Sireet to the ci.fy Iimits of Tukwila; -fhence soufiherly along ~ said eity limits to the point where it intersects with Beacon-Coal Mine iZoad; thence southerly along : said. road to C'harles Monster Road; fihence south along Charles Monster Road to the poirit where it .antersects wit-h the soufih line.of the Nort-hwerst quaite= of Section 24, T23N; R4E; thence'west along thafi portion of city limits as annexed by City of Rentor, city orclinance No.1764 fo t-he baziks of the Duwamish River; thenee soufiherly along fihe baizks of said iiver to the pol.ntwhere it mtersects wifih the soufih line of Secfion 24, T23N,~R4E; thence east to the State HWY 181;thence south along said highway to the norFh line of the Southwest'-/4 of Secfion 25, T23N, R4E; fihence west on'tYi.e north. . line of said Secfiion.to the west bank of fihe. Duwan-iish River;'thence southexly along the bank.s of said river to S. 1501h Street; thence east along said street to the city limit.s of Kent as of january lj 1987; thence southerly in a counter-clockwise direction along the ciiy ]inv.ts of Kent to fihe north line of Section 7,.T22N, R5E; thence west along the north line of said sectian extended to filze soufiheast comer of. the west half of Section 1, T.22N, 5E; thence north along the east line of the west half of said seciion to the Maple Valley Highway; thence northwesterly along the Maple Valley Highway Continue • , • 1 ll to the city Umits of'Rentony thence south in a clockwise direction along said city limit,s to the southea.st comer of Section 20, T23N, R5E. (S. E. 16(1ffi Street); thence east along the south Iine of said .secti.on to the State Highway 167,-(RaJnzer Ave.); thence ri~orth along said highway to its.iniersection wi.th Soufihwest 8unset Boulevard; thence westerly along said boiilevard to SIs' .Avenue South; . . . . . . . . th.ence nox-~h to 134ffi Street thence east *on 134t" Street to Hardie Street; i-hence norffi to the city, • limits of Renton (as of june 1, '1961ffience noith`aI.oxig said cify'liinii`to: ~Rentori Avenue Soiith; thence rior~hwesterly aiong Renfon Avenue Soufihto 76ih `Averi.ue South.; thence horth bn 761h Ave. S. to. S.125'" Sfreefi thence east to 77~ Ave. S.; fihence north along 77ffiAve. SAo S.1206 Street; thence . . . . . • . . west on said street fo 766 Ave. S,; thence norffi ori said street fio 116th Sfileet S.; 'thence west on said street to.its intersecti.on with the south City 'Iunits of Seattle; fihence north in a counter-cloc.kwise direction along the city limits of*Seattle to its Snt ;ersect ion wi.th Lake Washington; thence in a counter-cloekwise direction along the shoreline of Lake Washington to the northwest city ]imit of Renton; thence southeasterly along the City Iimifis of Renton ta the point where the - cify Iimits of . Restton zntersects with the south line of Section 33f T24N, R.5E; thence east aiong fihe south line of ~ - . , . . . . , . said secfiion extended to its iritersection wifih Renfon Road, (Renton Road-IssaquahRoad) '-al,so Highway 900; thence north along said Road to ifs interseetion wifih Interstaie 90(Sunset Hwy); thence nortti.westerly alonb said Intersi:ate to. the shoreline of Lake Washington; thence nozfherly in l~ a cotinter-clockwise direcfion along the shoreline of Lake Washington to`its'zntersectionwifi.h 145'h Street; fihence west along. said sireet to zts intersecison with 5ffi Ave. N.E.; fihence north along on 5th Ave. N.E. to N.E.1756 Sfireet; thexice east on said streef to St' Ave: N.E. ihence noxth on said si=eet . extendecl to N.E. 20Ist Sfreef extendecl; thence; east oxi said sireet to 11*h Ave. N.E. extended; thence north.to the King-Snohomish Boundary (N.E. 205'hSireet); thence easf along saici boundary to the north east corrter of Section 1, T26N, R4E; then.ce south along the east Iine of said section fio NE 199ffi Street; thence east on said sfreetto its intersecfiion vtrith.90tll Ave NE; thence north on 90thAve: NE to its intersection wifih NE 200hStreet; thence west on 1VE 200ffi Street to its intersection 88'h Ave. NE; : thence north on 88*, Ave. NE to its:intersection with NL 202nd Siseet; thence east ori NE 202nd St'reet to its intersection wzfh 90ffi Ave: NE; fihence norffi on 90t'h,Ave. NE to its intersection wifh 1VE 205th Street (aLso the King-Snohomish Countly line); thence east on said county line to State Highway 527 (Everett-Bothell CovntyHighway); thence southerly in a counter-cloclcwise direction said highway tv its intersection with the ciiy ]iznits of BoffieIl as of January 3,1978; fhence following the dty limits of Bofiheli in a counter-clockwzse direction to the southwest comer of Section 17J T26N, R5E; thence . nozth along the west line of sazd section to the nozth line of the southwest quarter of Sec-tion 8, Continue . . . ' T26N, R5E; thence- east along the norl-h line of said section to 102nd Ave. NE; thence south along 102nd Ave. NE to its intersection with 105'h_ Ave. NE; t-hence soufih along 105ffi Ave. NE to' its uitersection withI04th Ave. NE; thence, south to NE 14511, Street; thesice east on said street to its . intersection Svith the eastb ank of Sa ima?nish River(waterway); thence soiith along said Riverto iis intersection with the city limits of Reciaiond; fihence in *a counfe=-clockwise direction along,the cify . , • limits of Redmond as of: January 3, 197$ fio its intersection with the west shoreline of Lake 5amm a pish; thence riortherly and southerly in a clockwise direciion along the shore line of Lake Sammami,sh to the pouit where the east shoieline of Lake SarrLm amiGh intersecfs with the south line of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 32, T25N, R6E; thence east alorig said south line extended to the east line of Secfion 36, T25N, R6E; fihence south to the soufihwest comer of Secfiion 31, T25N, R7E; fiHence . east-on along the south line of said section extended to the southeast comer of T25N. R7E; thence north along the.east line of sa.id townsla.ip to the Snohomish-King County line; thence easf along said county Iine to its intersection witlt King-Chelan County iine the place of beb~iruvizg. EXCEPTION: THE FOLLOWIlVG PARAGRAPH IS EXCLUDED FROM THE ABOVE GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE. . Stazting at the intersection of NE Bothell Way. and 84ffi Ave. NE; then east on NE Bothell Wy: to . . l" its intersection with 91st Ave. NE; then north on , 91st Ave. NE to its intersecfiion with NE 172nd Street; fi.hen east on NE 172ad Street to iis intersection wifih 92ad Ave. NE;*then north on 92n1 Ave. NE.to its infersection with NE 173ra Street; then east on NE 173rd Street to its intersection wifih 95'h Ave. NE; then norl-h on. 95ffi Ave NE t0173rd PL NE; then west on 173rd PI. NE to its . . intersecfion with 93rd Pl. NE; then north on 93,,a P.T. NE to its intersection with'NE 175ffi..Street; . then west on NE 175'h Street to its iilfersecison with 93rd Ave. NE; fihen northon 93rd Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 176'h Street; filzen east on NE 176t~ Street fio ifs intersectianwifh 95tb.Ave. NE; then nozth on 95thAve. NE to its intersection with NE 1781hSi=eet; fihen west on NE. 178ffi . Street to it.s interseciion wifih 88thAve. 'NE; then north on S8~' Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 180ffi Street; then west on NE 180ffi Street to its intersection with 84t', Ave. NE (also fihe west . range line of T26N, R5E); then soufih orn 841~ Ave. NE to its iritersecizon wifih NE Bofihell Wy., the point of beguznuzg. . (PID452) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requirulg the u.se of a dump i=uck,(lacal cartage) in Continue . . . J" - ~ that portion of King County described as follows:. Beginnuig at th.e intei-secti.on-of FCng-Snohomislz Cour~tyy ]ine and 1511~ .Aue. NE; thence south along 15t' Ave. NE to itr~ intersectiozi wifih NE 175tb . : Streefi;.thence w.est along NE 175'h Sireet t0 P Ave. N.E.; fihence nort-h along said Avenue e.xfiended to E. 261.1t Si=eet; fihence east on E.201s' Sfreet extendecl to filie West side'of I 11~1 Ave. N.E. ex'te,nded; thence nor~-h on the west sicle of 11~ Ave..N.E. exterided to King-:SnohomishCounty Iute; thence _ . . . . . y.. • . ..i . . _ . . = y. a.east on the said County Iine~o 15~ Ave. N.~. fi~ie poins . t.of begu~xurig. .,(P1D453} ALSO: $ e~inning at the ini.ersection of NE Bothell Wy. :And 91t Ave: NE; ther~ce north an , . 91~.Ave. to its intersectionwithj172ad Sf~-ee~; thein'east ori NE172ndSfreet to its ni:tersection with92nd Ave. NE;, #ien noith on 92n' Ave.' NE to its intersectioii witli. NE 173r& Street; then east (cn NE 173xd . Street to its.infiersection with 9513i Ave. NE; thest north ori 956 Ave IVE to.NE 175'h 5treet thence west on NE 175~ Streeito i.ts intersection wifih 93raPl:1VE (al.so a.fy liini.ts' of Bo4iell); theit-rior~-h on93ra . . PL NE to its intersection.,with NB176~ Stree~E; thence east oii NE 176~ Sf~eeEtb itsiritersection wifih 95*Ave. NE; thence nort-h on 95'~ Ave. NF to*its uitersection wifih NE 178'ill Street; fihen west on NE. 178ffi Sfreet to its intersection,with 88~' Ave. NE;~i~n noxfih -on 88~' Ave:1VE to its intersection with the citp -limits ~~of Bothell (also'Dawson S-tree~E . extended) j t-herice in a counter-clockwise'direction .:NE 190~ Ave. to . . ; ; , -r...ong the ritylimits of Bothell to ii:s iniersectionw. ii-Ii. NE 190ffi Ave.;~'fihence east on- al ~ 92nd A.ve, NE; thence noz-fih'along said auenue to NE 192ad PL; thence west on NE 192n11 PL:; t0 88'h Ave. NE; thencei north on 88'h .Ave. N.E. to its intersectio' n wifih the city ]_inuts of Bothell;'thence east on sa.id cify limits to 92nd Ave. ~~te-naea;: thence iiorth :oi192nd Ave. NE exf enc3ed to NE 2006 . . _ Str;eet extencied; thence east on saideztesided street to NE Bothell Wy., thencean a dock~ wise di.rection 'along the NE Bothell Wy.'to ifs intersection with 911~Ave, NE, the poiizt of beginning. . . . . . . . . • . j-. . (PID454) ALSO: In'that portion af King'County described as-follows: Starting at the soufihwest comer of Section 8, T26N, R5E; fihence east on the south line of said section to 1044~a'Ave: NE; fihence north alonb 104lh Ave. NE to its zntersection wifih 105A, Ave. NE; thence noz-ffierly along 105th Ave. NE to the norfih line of south west'quarter of S~ction 8r'T26N, R5E; thence west along said norffi line . to filze west Iine of Section S, T26N, R5E; thence south along said west line to the sonfh west corner . . . . , . . . . _ . of sa.id section the point of beginriiizg (PID456) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE inthat portion of Sinohomi.sh County described as follows: Commencing at a point where a north-south line tangent to the west shoreline of . Continue ~ :-J . / Ballinger Lake intersects wifih the Snohomish King County line; thence nori-h on said line to its =infiersection with, {Bradley Raad). 236t" Si-reet S.W. extended; thence west on (Bradley Raad) 236'h . . . . • . Street S.W. to 76th Ave. W.; thence north on 761hAve.W. (but nat inclu.duig stru"ctwres thereori);to U. S, Highway. 99;..thence north on U. S. Highway 99 .(6ut riot ir~clud.ing Stizictilre~s thereori) t0 200 . : . . - . Sfireet S. W.; fihestce nQrth-on the east side of U.S..Highway 99*to a point 100 feet noith of 148 Sfieet . , S.W.; theiice west on this Iine to_ Puget Sound; Follow'mg Pizget Sound norfih.erly to the ponnt where ; the nox-th city limit,s of Mukilteo meets Possession Sound; thence easterly and soufihesty following . Mukilteo City.Iimits as of J_uIy 1,1961,,to the south boundary of Section 3, T. 28.N., R. 4, E. W. M.; thence eastto 40 Ave. W. extended;.therice soufi~i. to boundaryof Paine Field; following the xiorth . . • ~ ;boundary of Pa:ine Field to the east bounclary of Pa.ine Field; thence soufill to' a point 100,feet north of 90 Street S. W.; thence east on thi.s line to 12 Ave: w.. extenaea (westbo~d.aiy of Section 13, T. 28 N., R. 4 E.);,thence soufih oiz 12 Ave. W. extencied to.100 Sfreet S. W.; fihence east on 100 Street S. W. ; :(both.sides) to Ho11v Drive;thence south on 9 Ave. W. (I?utiio~E incluc3ing-9 Ave. W.) to iritersection . . of U.S., Highway 99 and Broadway Cutoff; .thence east. oii BroadwayCutoff to S'Ave. W. .(nori-h south line bisecting the western'z of Section 24, T. 28.N., R. 4 E.); thence south on said line to Stockshow Road (112 Street S.; W.); fihence east on the soi.itll side of :Stockshow Road to Paafic Northwest Traction' right--of-way;,thence norffi on the east side of the right of-way 'to Broadway : Cutoff; ffience north on the Broadway Cutoff .and Broadway, to the south Everett City liiziits (as of :july 1,1961); thence followmg the. eas-E and noxfih cityJlunitsof Everett (as of july 1,1961) to Puget . Sound; thence northerly along Puget Sovrid to the point where it intersects:wit-h the Snohonii.sh - Lsland Covnty Iine; thence nori-herly along said county line to the shoreline of 5kagit Bay; thence norfh alonb said shoreline to:the Sriohomish=Skaai-t Courify I1ne; thence east along said courit=y luZe to the east Iine boundary of Snohomish County; ~thence sout-h along the east boundary of Sn,ohomish County.to the King: Snohomish Counfy line; thence west on said counfy line to tlze point cr . . of beginnuzb. . . . . ~ . . , . . . . .(PTD457) GAI~3AGE COLLECTION SERVICE on Ca?r an o Island, Islartd County. - (PID458) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requiring the use, of a clump :~i.ick; ~local cartage) in•that portion of Snohomish County describeci as follows: Starbing at the nortYieast . comer of Secfiion 28, T28N, R8E; thence.west along fihe noxth line of said section extended to a point 500 feet west of fhe.N. E. cor.ner of Sec. 25, T28 N., R. 6 B.; thence south to the soufih'line of Continue . Y ~ „ said section; thence west to fihe M. W. comer of Sec 35, T. 28 N.f R 6 E.; therice south:on the west line of said section extended f0164 Sfreetj thence east to--Highway 202; il~ence southwezsterly along said highway to the Snohomish River, thence southeasterly along said river and tlhe `SnazlaTmi. . e River extended to the Point 100 feet north of 228 Street; thence ea.st to the -east line . . : , . , . . . , : . of Section 28, T27N., RSE; thence'north alon; said wes't Iin.e extender.l to the noztheast corner of Seci~.on.28, T28N, RBE, the point of begiruc~ulg. : . . . , . , . . . (PII?4-59) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requiring the use of a ditnlp trucl~, (Iocal caitage) in that portion bf Snohomish Co~uilty described as fiollows: -CoinmPSicing at a point where a nor[-h soufih'Iine tangent to the v►west shoreUne af Ballinger Lake infiersects wii-h the Snohomish-Kuig Couniy line; fihence'noi-th on said Iirie to its intersection with '(Bradley Road) r . . . . . . 236'h Street S.W. ezt-ended; thence west on (Bradley Road) 236'% Sireet S.W. to 761h Ave. W.; , . thence norfih. on 76ffi Ave. W. (but*not irirluding-siruct.ires thereon), to*U. S. -Highvway *99; thence north on U. S. Highway 99 (but not including stnicfi~.res fihereon) to 200 Stieet S. W.; ~her` ice . north on the east side of U.S. Highway 99 to a poizlf 100 feetnorEh of148Stieet S.W.; thence . west on fihis Iineto Puget: Sound; t-hence southerly along the shoreline of I'uget Soiind to the . Snohomish-King Counfy'line; fihence east along sa.id couhiy liiie to the point of begiriniMg. (PID460) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICEf not requi.xing the use of a ciump truck, (Iocal carta.ge) ui that porb.on of Snohonli.sh County described as lollows: Staiting at the poJnt where the noi-~h ci~ty Iiixiits of Muk~lteo nleets Possession Sound.; thence easterly and-southerl~ followzng Mukil~eo`City li'lit as of July 1,1961, to the 'south boundary of SecFion 3,T. 28 N., R. 4.E. W. M.;, thenEe east t0 40 Ave. W. ektenaea; fihence soufih to bouridary of Pauie'Field; follov~in;'the nozfh b~oundary of Paine Fzeld to the* eastbounclary Qf Paine Field; thence south to . - ra poinf 100 feet noith of 90 Sfieet`S. W.; thence east on flv:s line to 12 :Ave. W. extended. (west boundary 'of 'Seffion 13, T. 28 N., R. 4 E.); thence soufih on 12 Ave:M: 'exteiid.ed: to 100*5-freet S. W.; fihence easf on 100 Street S. W. (bofih sides) to HoIIy Drive; tlience soufih on 9 Ave. W. (but , notincluding 9 Ave.:W.) to intersection of U.S. Highway 99 and Bxoadway Cutoff; ttzence east on BroadwaY.Cutoff to S Ave.• W. (north-soufih Iine bisecfJn~- ~ fihe westerri'z of 5ection 24, T:-28 . . , - b N., R.. 4 E.); tlzence south on_said line to Stockshow Road (112 Street S. W.); thence. -e.ast oYi the south'side of Stockshow Road to Pad£ic Noithwest Traction right-of-way; thence norE-h on the east side of the righf of-way to Broadway-Cutoff; thence nozth on the Broadvvay Cutoff and Coniinue ~ . . . } Bmadway to the sou.th.Everett City limit,s (as of July 1,1961); thence followin; the east and north cify limits. of Everett (as of july.1,1961) to I'uget Sound; fihesice soufih alonb fihe shoreline of Puget Soiind to the point of be1g. , . (PID461);ALS0, in the Jetty Island and (PID462) ALSO, in Hat Island (Gedriey Island)' PID463 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE consistingof reclaimed Iwiiber, brick and , . ofiher cast off nateri.als~ where consfisucfiion or repair jobs are b.eing or have been conducted, or . where si=uctures are being razed from premi.ses in th4 portion of Snohonii.sh .Counfy described as foIlows, Starting af the northeast comer of Section 25, T28 N, R8 E; thence west on fihe north line of said secfion extended.to a point 500 feet west of.the N. E.. comer of Sec2,5, TZS N., -R. 6 E.; theilce; south to the:soufih Iine. of said section; thence west to the N. W: comer of Sec.. 35, T. 28 N., R. 6 E.;. fihence. south on the west line of said section extended to .164 SfYeet; 'thence east.to . : , Highway 202; thence soutllwesterly along said highway to the Snohoinish RiveT,thence: southeasteriy along.said rives-and the SnoqLialYrlie River eztended to the pouit 100 feef north of 228 Sixeet, thence east to the wesf line bf T27N., R9E; thence norfih.along said west line extended to the norfheast comer of Section 25,T28N, R8E, the ponlt of beguuung. (PID464) ALSO: In that portion of Snohonv.sh County described as follows: Commencing at a ~ , point where a norFh-south Iine tangent to fihe west shoreline of Ballinger L. ake interseci~, with the Snohomislz King County Iuie,; fhence north on said line to its intersection wiflz (Bradley . Road).-236th Street S.W.,extended; thence west on (BradleyRoad) 236t'~ Street S.W. to 76tbAve. W.; thence -north ~n 76~ Ave. W; :to _U. S. Higlzway 99; filzeilce noith~ on U. S. 'Hi,ghway 99 fo 200 . , _ . , . . . . . . . . . Stree~E S. W.; theilce north on the eas~E'side of. U.S. Highway 99 to a point 100 feet noifh of 148 Sfireet ,S.W.; thest.ce west on this Iine.to Puget Sound; fihes~ce-southerly along the shoreline of . Puget Soundto its intersection with the Snohomish.-King County line; thence. east along said . ' county line•to the poinf.of beginniizg. • - . . . , . (PID465) ALSO:..In those Islands adjacent to the shores withui. Snohomi.sh.County and in that poriiort of Snohomi.sh County described as follows: Starting at the point where the north city limits of Mukilteo meefis Possession Sound; thence easterly and southerly followuig IVIukilteo. City ].inzits as of july 1,1961, to the sonth boundary of Section 3, T. 28 N., R. 4.E. W. M.; thence . Continue . , Y ~ • . easfi to.40 Ave. W. extended; fihence south to the boundary of Paine Field; thence following the norl-h boundary of Paine Field -to tHe east bounciary of Paine Field; thenre soiith*to a point10o feet north of 90 Street S. W.; fl-Lence east on this Iine t012 Aye. W. extended (west. boundary of : . _ Section 13, T. 28 N., R. 4 E.); thence south on ]2 Ave. W: ~ext6naea to ioo str;aet s: W.; ~tIience east on 100 Street S. W. (both sides) to HoIIy Drive; thence soufih on 9 Ave. W. (but not iiicluclirig 9 Ave. W.) to interseclion of U.S. Highway 99 and Broadway Cutoff; thence east on Broadway - , CutofE to S Ave. W: (norrh soufih Iine,bisecfing the wesfiem z of Section 24, T. 28 N.;~R. 4 E.); thence south on said line to Siockshow Road (112 Stre'et S. W.); thence east' ori ffie south side of ! Stockshow Road to`Pacific No -rthwest Traciion right-of-way; thence nortli. on the eas~~side`of ~i.e right of way fio Broadway' Cufoff; fi-hence riorfh on the Broadway Cutoff aiid Broadway to the south Everett City limits (as of july'1,1961); therice following the.east and" norFh city liziiits of :z Evereff (as of july.1961) to Puget Sound; thence soiit.~i along fihe shorelirie 'of Ptiget Sound to the point of begirming. ~ _ . . . , . . (PID466) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, notzernliring the u.se of a dump truck; (Ioca2- . cartage) in fihat portion of Whidbey Island, in Island County described: as follows: Starting at the . nozfihwest comer of Section`19, T: `30 N.;"R 2 E.; thence east'along north Iine of~said Section 19 exfiesided to the shoreline of Holmes Harbor;'thence southerly-and northerly-along said . shoreline to the north Iine of Secizon 23, T30N, R2E; thence 'east to the eastem shorelirie 4f Whidbey Lsland; thence southerly, westerly arid northerly along the southem shoreline of said island to its intersection with the east Iine of R1E; fihence north on said easfi Iine to the shoreline of sa.id'islandthence northerly alonz the shoreliYie to its intersection with the west Iine of . . . Section 19, T30N,.R2E; thence north_on:said wesf Iine to the nor~hwest coiner of Section 19, T30N, R2E, fihe point of begiru-tu.tg. ' (PID467) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not-rec~nuii-~ng the use of a dump tiuck, (Ioca1 cartage) on Bainbridge Islanci, and in those portion of Kifsap County deascribed as folloWs: . . . . . t - . . (PID468) In the City of Bremerton, '(PID469) In the City of Paulsbo; aiid (PID470) on Blake Island: . (I'ID471) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE, consisting of reclaimed Iumber, brick and Continue - . 7 other cast off materi.als,.from premises on Basnbridge Lsland where constructi.on or repair jobs are being or have beesL conducted, or where sfinictures are beirig razed. . , . - . (PID472) ALSO, in the City of Breniertony (PID473) .A.LSO in PauLsbo, and (1'ID474) ALSO on Blake Island. -(PID475) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not rernuirfng the use of'a dwnp triidy (local cartage) in th.atportion.of Ma.son Coun{Y:.described as.foIlows:. Beginnulg at the nor~ieast . . . . ~ . . , . . , comer.of Section 4, T23N,:R1W; thence south along the east lsne of sa.id section also the Mason Kiisap.~Counfy line to the south line of.T22N, R1W; thence west along said south Iine.to the southwest comer of.Section 31, T22N, R1W; thence north on fihe west lirie of T22N, R1W to the southeast comer,of Secfion 36, T23N, R2W; t~ie~nce west~on the south line of said comer . : 0- extended to the southwest comer of Section 34, T23N,RZW;therice north along the west line of said section extended to the Mason Kitsap County line; thence east along said county'lirie fo the point of beguining. . (PID476) SOLID_WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE In all Skagit County (Excludiitg: Service in the . Cities of Movnt Vemon, Burlingtor, . Sedro Woolley and Anacortes is limited to'"drop-off box" . service only; exclu,din;Guemes and Sinclair Island; and excluding the Tow n of Concrete; Skagit ~ , , County, Washin;tonu.sing.as a boundary the;corporate limit.s`as of March 15,1965). (PID477) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requirlg the use of: a dump i=uck, (local carEage) in that portion of Pierce Covniy, described as follows: Be,ginning at the pouit where the soutliwest comer of Section.32, T21N, R4E meeis the I'ierce-Kiizg Counfy Iine; i-hence east aild soufiherly along the Pierce-King- County line to its interseciion with the southiline of Section 36, .TZON, R6E; thence west on the south Iine of said section to the west line R6E; thence south along r said line to the.southeast comer of Section 12, T19N,_ iZ,5E; thence west along south Iine:of said . . Section 12 extended to the we5t line of R3E; fihence north along. said Iine'to the norffi Iine of T19N; thence west along said line to the west line of R2E; fihence north along sa.id line to. the southeast comer of Section 13, T20N, R1E; fihence west along the soufih line of said Secfiion 13 . extended to the west line of R1E; thence north along said line to the soufih line of T21N; thence westalong said Iine fo the soufihwest comer of Section 34, T21N, R1W; thence north along the Continue . Y . ' weast line of said Section 34 extended to the norFh line of T21N; thence west on said noith line to . the Pierce-Masazi County Iine;'therice. north along on said county lirie to the'point v►There it antersects with the northwest comer of Section 15, T22N, R1W and Pierce-Kitsap 'Covniy Iine; thence east along on said county line to Pierce-King Couniy line; thence south and easterly , . . . . . . . . . along saici'county line to its iiitersecti.on with the soiif.h luie of Secti6n14, T21N, R3E; thence ~.i_..:..:•i'~i..'C ~:ie••:_..e. . . . • . , : . .'.•x' ♦a~• : . " ~ " x.E•:y • i ' 3 ' west on souti. e, of sa.i"d 'sec~ion to the nor~hwes~ comer of Sec~hon 23,'T21N, RM"fihence souffi on the west line of said secti on exterided to the south lirie of NW_ 3!~ of Secfiion 26, T21N, R3E; thence.east on said south Iine to:thesoutli east comer ofSW'4 of NW_'y~ of said secfion; thence . sout~i alorig the~east li.ne of NW il~ of SW'4 of s`aid sectio~n tothesoutheastcomer of N~hT'4 0~ SW /4 thence east on the south ]ine of said 1\TW'/~ extended to the west line of Eof SE IA; thence noi-tYi on the west line of. said E 3/i to I'ierce-King Courity Iine; fihence soutlzeasterly along said county Iin:e to the sout~iwest comer `of Section 32; ~I'21N~ R4E, the point of beginnulg . . . . ~ . . . . , - , : ; . . . (PIID478) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE, consisting of redaimed lumber, brick and other cast off materials; frbm pre.nu,ses.in Pierce County where constriiction or repaiT jbbs are. being or h.ave been conducted,, or where si=uctuses are bein~ razed. THE FOLLOVITIlNG AUfiHORITY WAS OBTAIINED BY TRA.NSFER OF.CERTIECATE NO. G135 FROM RICHAIZD D. HA:RRIS. . ' . . . . . . . . `.(PID324) SOLID WASTE CaLLECTION SERVICE:. in the Townof Coincrete, Skagifi County, . Washington, usizig as a boundary fihe- corporatelimits as of Marclz-15,1965. ' •.:THE FOLLOWIlNG AUTHORIT`Y WAS OBTAINED BY T'R.ANSFEIZ OF CER'TIFICANO. G-91 . . . FROM STANWOOD CAIVIANtO DISPOSAL, INC. . . . - , . . . (PID457) GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE on Camano Island, Lsland Couniy; (PID334) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE on Guemes Island in Skagit County. Confinue 1 . ( - THE FOLLOWING AUI'HORII'Y : WAs TRANSFERRED TQ G41; CERTIF'ICATE G237 NO LONGER AtJTHORIZF~S ANY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE IlN 'I'HAT PORTION OF . KING COUNTl' DESCRIBED .AS_ FOLLOWS:. . . : . . . . (PID372) Starfi.ng at the lntersectiort of East Lake Saznman-sh Parkway and N~V~ Gilnz.anBlvd.; then . , . . . . . northwest alonb NW Gilman.Blvd. to its mtersecfiioriwith NW Mall Street,:~te~aaea.(also the south line of Sec. 21, 7['24N, R6E); ~ien west alonb NV1T Mall Sfreet, extended, to its intersecfiion with 17~' Ave.. NW (also Renton )ssaguah IZd.); theii north along 17ffi Ave.. NW to its nzterseciion with I-90; .3. t-hen west along I-90 to t-he intersection of 188ffi Ave. SE; exte'naea; then north along 18811, Ave. SE extended to the shoreline. of Lake Sanunamish; then ea.st. along the shoreline of Lake SaniszamiGh to its intersection wifh the noxthbounciary of Lake Samsnann?sh Sta.te Park; fihen east a long t he no r t h bouridary of Lake Samniamish State Park to its intersection with East L a ke Samm;am?s h Par k way; fihen soufiher ly a long fi he East L a ke Samnzan-u:s h Par k way to i t s in t er s e c i i o n w i thN W G i l m a n B l v d., the point of beQinnuZg. ' THE FOLLOWIING AUIT-iORTi'1' HAS BEEN REVI,SED TO REFLEC'T A PQRTION T`RANSFER TO G14 AND TO DELETE DUPLICATION IlN THE RE G AUTHORITY. . (PID325) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SIIRVICE in that Portian of Whatcom County described as ~ . . . , . . , . . . . . . . - foIlows: Starting at the northwest comer of Section 4,,T40N, RIOEWM; fihence south on ffie west Iine of said section to the northeast comer of Section 20, T39N, R10EWNT; fihence west on the north . Iine of said section to. the norffiwest comer of.Section 22, T39N, R9EV1r1\4; thence soufih on the west . line of said secfi.on to the northeast comer of Section 33, T39N, R9EWM; thence west on the north line of said secfiion to fhe norfihwest comer of Secfion 36, T39N, RBEWM; fhestce south on filze west line flf said section to the soufihwest comer of Section 36, T37N, R8EWM.(also the Whatcom-Skagit County iine); fihence east along the south tow~hip line of T37N (also :fihe Whaconn-Skag-it County Iine) to its intersection with the Whatcom-Okanogari Counfy line (near the soufih line of Section 33, T37N, R17EWM); fihence. northerly along said county line to its intersection yvith the north line of Section 10 T40N, R16EWM); flhence wesfi along said township line to the northwest 'comer of Section 4, T40N, R10EjN'K the point of beg1Z1T1II1g. THE FOLLOtiV7NG AI.JTHQRITY HAS BEEN REVISED TO REMOVE DUl'LICATION . Continue . / , - _ U • RESULT ':Il~TG FROM THE T~NSFER OF AUTHORTTI' FRO1Vi G-38 BREM AIR DISPQSAL, Il~TC. . . . _(PID376) -SOLIDWASfiE COLLECTION SERVICE in:Kitsap County EXCLUDING the following areas: Blake IsIand; the Cify of BainbridgeIsland as of February 1, 2002; and i3ze City of PaiiI.sbo as . of September 12,1961; EXCLUDING: The City of Bremez-ton as the point o~' ori;in and desiination .for the same skupnientuszng as a bovnr3ariyiie corporate Iiniits~as o~S ept eiriber 6,1960:""-` . . . . .(PID429) SOLiD WASTE COLLECTTON SERVICE in tilat porfivn of Benton Couniy described as foIlows: Beginrung at the southeast comer of Section 9,, TSN, R26E; thence west along the south Iine of said Section 9 projected to the southwest comer of Section 7, T8Nr R24E; fihence nortlz along the : wesfi ].ine of said Seciiort 7 and the Yakiiiia-Benton Courity Iine*to the noithwest cozner of Section 6, T9N, R24E; thence ea.st a.long the north line of said Sectiort 6 extended fio the norFheast comer of Section 1, T9N, R25E; thence south along the east Iine of said Sectiozi 1 eztended to the southeast , comer of Section 24, T9N, R25E; thence east along the south luie of saidSection 24 projected to the northeast com.er of Section 28, T9N, R26E; th.ence south,a2ong the east Iine of said Seciion 28 , extended to the southeast comer of Section 9, TSN, R26E, the place of be~ nning.: .(PID428) SOLID WASTE COLLECTTON SERVICE in that*portion of Benton County"described as ~ follows: . . . . . . . Starfuig at the point where the west line of Section.2, T5N, R28E intersec~s w.ith the norfh bank of the Colwnbi.a.River (Wallula Lake); t~ieilce riorth on the west line of sa.id sectionprojected to the . noz-thwest comer of Section 26, T6N, R28E; tl~ence west on the noxth Iine of said section projected to the southwest comer 'of Section24, T6N, R27E; thence nort-h on the west Iine of said section .projected to the southeast comer of Secfiion 26, T7Nj R27E; thence ~vvest on fihe south*line of said • section proJected to the southwestcorner of Section29, T7N, R27E; fihence north on the westline of said section projecfed. to the _southern boundary of the 'IJS DeparEment of Energy HarLford Site T; . (withinSeciion 8, T10N, R27E); thence west along fihe* southem bounciary of the Hanford Site boundary to its intersection with the east Iine of Section 23, T11N, R24E, thence south along fhe easfi . Iine of said seciion to its southeast corner; thence west along the south line of said section extended to the soufihwest corner of. Seciion 19, T11N, R24E; fihence north along the west line'Uf said section (also the Benton-Yakima Covnfy Line) to it+s intersection with the northwest comer of Section 18, . Continue ~ . . l. / T13N, R24E; thence east along ti.e.riorth Iine of sa.id section extended to its inb*section with the Hanford Site boundary (also the east line of Section 17, T13N, R24E); thence nor~-h alorio, . said boundary to its intersection with, the .centerline of the Columbia River (also the Benfion Grant County Line) f thence easterly and Southerly along - said - centerline to its iiiiersection with the Hanford Site bounciary (in. Section.23, T12N, R28E); thence -west alonab said boundar~ to its . intersecti.on wifih the westerly shoreline of -the Columbia River (also in Secfion 23, T12N, -R28E); fhence southerly, easterly, arid westerly alorig the shoreline of the Colwnbia River to the west line of 5ection 2, T5N, R?SE, -the point of beginiting. (PID.420) SOLID WASTE COLLECfiION SERVICE In that portion of Chelan County described as follows: Begirmulg at the intersection of fille centerline ofthe Columbl.a River (The Chelan Douglas County line) and the south line .of Section 21, T21N, R22E;'thence west on 'the south line of said section extended to the point where it intersects with the Chelan :KittitasCouniy Une; (soufih'line of Section 22, T21N, :R19E); fihence . following said county Iine in northwesterly direction to iis intersection wzth the west Iine of Section 18, T22N, R17E; thence noith on the west line of said section extended to the north Iine of Section 6, T25N,. R17E; thence west on fihe riozth li ne of said secison extended to the southwest comer of Section 31, T26N, R15E; thence norFh on the west line of ' said section (including service :along Sfate Highway 2to its intersection with the King-Chelan County Line) to the northwest comer of Secfion 6, T26N, R15E; ~hence east on the north line 'ol said section extended to the soufihwest comer of Section 31, T27N, R16E; thence north on the west line of said: section extended to its inters,ection with the nozthwest comer of Seciion 6, T27N, R16E; thence east on the north line of said section extended to the northeast corner of Secfion 1, T27N, R18E; thence south on fihe east Iine of said section extended to the southeasf comer of Secfiion'36, T26N, R18B;.thence east on the_soufih line of said section.exterided to the southwest corner of Section 36, T26N, R19E; thence norfh on the west.Iin.e of said section exterided to the northwest cozner of Section 13, T26N, R19E; thence east on t-he norEh Iine of said secfiion extended to its intersecfion with . the Chel.an Douglas County Line (also the centerline of the Colv.inbi.a. River); thence south along the . . . centerline of the Columbia River to its infersection with the south Iute of Sechon 21, T21N, R22E, the point of beginning. . . . . . , . (PID421) SOLID: WASTE COLLECTION SERVIGE in Douglas County EXCLUDING the foIlowing territo.ry: Beginnulg at the northeast comer of Seciion 1, T29N,. R26E; thence west along the noxffi Cortiinue . . r Iine of said Section 1 extended to the centerline of the Columbia River (also the Okariogan~Douglas Covnty line); thence southerly, westerly; northerly, then southexly again along the centerline of the Colvmbi.a River to its intersectian with the south line of Section 13, T28N, R23E; fi.hence east along the soufih line of said Secizon 13 exterided to the southeast cotner of Section 13, T28N, R26E; ifience no:xth along the east_Ii.ne af sa.id Section 13 extended fio the northeast comer of Section 1, T29N, . . . . . R.26E, the point of beginriing. . . (PID421) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in fihose portions af Grant Coiintydescribed as -foIlows: Beginni1g at'the intersection of the'ceriterizfte of the Col~itnb'ia Rzver and the nortIh line of Section 6, T19N, R23E exdended; ~hence e,ast along said extended north Iine to the northeast comer of said Section 6; thence south on the, easfi line of said section to the`southeast comer of said section; thence easton the sout-h line of saici section extended to " the nort tieast coizier or Section 12, T19N, • R23E; thence south on. the east Iine of sa.id section extended, to'the soufilleast comer ot8 ection ~4, . - T19N,. R23E; fihence west on tie"south Iine of saidsection extended to the noztheast corner of Section 29J T19N, R23E; fihence soiifh on fili.e east line. of said secti on `extended to th-e norflzeast ..corner of Section32, TZSN, R23E; thence east on the noztli line of gaid section extended to the . northeast comer of Seciion 36, T18N, R23E; thence south along the east Iine of said section extended to the nor.thwest comer of Section.18, T16N, R24E; thence east along the north Iine of said section . extended fio the northeast comer of Section 13, T16N, R25E; thence south atong the east Iine of sa.id .section extended to..fhe cesi.terline of the Coluinbia lZi.ver (also the Grant Benton Co-unty line); thence westerly a~ni3 northerly along said ~cente~rliize to i~Es inters ection with the noith line ~of Section . , - _ . 6,'Ti9N., IZ23E extended, the point of beginniilg. '(PID423) Also, Sections 28, 29, 32 anci 33, T19N, Ii24E, and Sections 5 and .'I'ISN, R24E. (PID424) Also that portioii of Grant Coun-ty kri.bwn as -Creseenf Bar in Sections 19.and 30, T20N, R23E. (PID425) :A.Yso,portion of Grant County witizin : , .1'28N anct R30E. : . . . . . . .(PID426) SOLIDWASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in those portions of Okanogan and Lincoln Counties described as follows: Begixtning at fihe southeast comer of Section 36, 128N; R31E; thence west alon; the south Iine of said secfiian to it.s intersection wifih the soufihwe.st comer of Secfion 31, T28N, R,31E; thence north along the west Iine of said section extended to its intersectioii with the centerline of th!e Columbi.a R.zver; fihence northerly along said centerline to its intersectzon with the north line of Section 2, T29N, R30E; thence east along the norffi line of said sectioYi exfiended to the Con9inue . norl-heast comer of Sectian 1, T29N, R31E; thence south along the east line of said section extended ' to the southeast comer of Section 36, T28N, R31E, the pomt of beinziulg. . ..(PID42~'~ SOLID WASTE COLLECTTON SERVICE in Kittitas County. (PID410) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in fili.at portion of Spokane .Covnty descsibed 'as follows: Beguzning at the southwest comer of Section 31, T21N, R40E; thence north along fihe wesf Iine of said _seciion extended.(also the Spokane-Lincoln: Counfy Line) to its interseciion with the . cen-Eerline of:the Spokane River; th.esice easteFly along sa.id centerline (also fihe Spo kane--Stevens County Line) to its intersecti.on with. the Spokane-Steven.s County Line (wiffiin Section 32, T27N, R42E); thence north alonz saicl countyline to the north line of Seciion 5, T28N, R42E; -thence east . along the nort~i line of said section exfendea.-to the cify ]iuiiis of Deer Park~(in Section 34, T29N, .R42Ej; thence northerly,and easterly in a clockwise direction alorig said city ]imifijs to itslntersection with the soufih line of Section 32, T29N,. R43E; fiherice eastalong..'tlie extendecl south line of said Section 32 to the southwest coiiler.of Secfion 34, T29N, R43E;'thence north'along the west line of said Section 34 to fihe northwerst comer of said Section 34; thestce easf along said Seci~on 34 to 'the ,.~noxtheast comer of said Section 34; thestce south along the east ]ine of said Section 34 to the southwest. corner of Section,35, T29N, R43E; thence east, along the soufih line of said Section 35 extended to the northeast comer of Section 1, T28N, R44E; fihence soufih along the e'ast,Iine of said .section extended to the soufiheast `comer of Section 12, T28N, IZ44E; thence east along'the south line . of.said section extended to the northeast comer of Secfiion 16,`T28N, R45E; fihence south along the . east.Iine of said section to the southeast corner ofSection 33, T28N, R45E; thence"vvest along the soufih line of said section to the soufiheast comer of Section 31, TZSN,~R45E; thence soufih along`the . eastIine of said secti.on to the southeast comer: of Section 7, T26N, R45E; thence east along the Soia.fih ]ine of said section extended to fihe norffieast comer of Section 17, T26N, R45E; fihence south along . the east line of said section the soufiheast corner of sa.id section; thence east along the south line of .said section extended to the norEheast comer of Section 22, T26N, R45E; t-hence soufih along the_east line of- said section to the. nort-hwest corner of the .southwest quarter of Seciion 35, T26IV, 'IZ45E; thence east along the north line of sa.id quai-ter section to the noitheast comer of the southeast quarter of Section 36, T26N, R45E; fihence soufih along tYie east Iine of said quarter section extended " to the southeast corrier of Section 25, T25N, R45E; thence west *along the south line of said section . extended to the northeast comer of Sectioi~. 36, T25N, R44E; thence soufih along the east lineof said Coniinue . ) ~ i /f section to the northwest comer of the southwest quarter of Section 31, T25N, R45E; ~thence east along the north Izne of said quarter section extended to the northeast comer of the southeast qll3ItPr of Section 31, T25N, R45E; thence south alona the easfi line of said qiiarEer section extended-io fhe southeast corner of Section 7, T24N, R45E; thence west along the south line of said section extended ~Eo the soufiheas~ comer of Section 11, T24N, R44E;.~-hence nrth along the :east line of said section ~Eo . ~ the northeast comer of said.sec#on; thence west along the nozth. Ii-ne of sazd * seciion the-nozthwest corner of said secison; thence south along the westIine of said seciion to the sout-hwes1:ycomer of said section; thence west along the south Iine of said section exfended (including sezvice on Dishman Mica. IZoad to zts zntersection vith Macli.son Road) to the southwest comer of Section 7, . T2W R44E; therice south on the west Iine of 'sa.id secdon extei1'ded to 'fhe southeast comer of Section 13, T24N, R43E; fihence west along the south Iine of said secfion io the soufihwest comer of said seciion; thence south along the west line of said section extended to the southeast comer of Seciian 35, T24N, R43E; thence we,st on the, soufih line of said section extended to the southwesf comer of Section 33, T24N, R43E; thence south aiong the west line of said secfiifln extended to the southeast comer of Section 20, T22N, R43E; fihence wesfi alonb the south line of said section to the northeast comer of Section 30, T22N, R43E; fihence soufih along the east line of said section to the southea.st corner of said section; thence west along the soufili. Line of said section to fille noxtheast . ~J corner of Section 34, T22N, 942E; fihence south along the east Iine of said section to the southeast corner o:E said section; thence wesf aIong the south line of said sectzon extended th-e noxtheast corner of Section 1, T21N, R41E; th.ence south on the easfi line of sa.id section exiezided to the soufiheast comer of Seciion 36, T211V, R42E; fihence vvest along the south Iine o:E sazd seciion (a1,so the Spokan.e- Wh.itman County Line) to the southwest comer of Section 31, T21N, R40E, the point of beginning. '(I'ID411) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE excluding service in contairiers of tweniy (20) cubic yard capacity or over in that por(ion of Spokane County described as follows: Beginriing at the northeast comer of Seciion 30, T26N, R46E; thence south along the east line of said section (also the Washington Idaho State Iine) to-the sout-heasfi comer of Section 30, T25N, R46E; thence west along the south line of said section fo the soufihwest comer of sa.id section; fhence north along the - west line of said section to the southeast comer of the noztheast quarEer of Section 36, T26N, R45E; thence west along the south line of said quarter section extended to the we,st line of Section 35, T26N, R45E; thence north along the west line of said section to the northwest comer vf Sect ' ion 26, T26N, R45E; thence easf along the nozth line of said section fo the norffieasfi comer of Section 30, . Continue ~ . \ • ~ T26N, R46E, th.e point of beg7nn1l1g. ~ . - ~ . , . (PID412) .Also, t-he north half of Secti.on 31, T25N, R45E. T`O THE EX'TENT THAT: 'THE .AU`THORIT`1' GRA1rIrrED IN 'FHIS ORDER DUPLICATES ANY ~ AUTHORTI'Y PREVIOUSL1' GRANTED OR NOW HELD.SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS CONFERR]NG MQRE THAN ONE OPERATING 1ZIGH.'T NOIkYSHALL'ANl' DUPLICA'I'II`TG .RIGHTS BE AVAILABLE FOR.PURPOSES OF TTiANSFER., . . ~ . y• : ~ . . . . . . : , , . i . • Note: PID reference n13ni.bers_ are used by fihe Commission for mappuig pwrposes. only. TG041942 . . . . . . ~ . - ~01-01-05 : . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . , ~ , ~ . ; . ~ . . ~ . ~ . . . . _ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ . . . . . ~ . . . . . Continue . . U . ; . . . • Orip-inal TitIe Pa.ge J • . . . . Tariff No.15 Cancels. . TariffNo.14 of . Waste NlanaLrement of Washinp-ton. Inc. (Name of Solid Waste Collection Company) Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. (Registered tra.de namo of Solid Waste Collection Company) . . Certificate N'umber G 23 7 1`IAMING RATES FOR THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION, AND DISPOSAL OF SOLJCD WASTE, AND IF NOTED, RECYC:LING AllTD YARD►W.A,STE 1N THE FOLLOWIlIG DESCRTBED TERRITORY: ' As descnbed in Appendax A ) . . (NOTE: If this tariff applies in only a portion of a company's certificate auffiorify, a map accurately depicting the area in which tbe tariff appli es must be atta.ahed to the tarif 1) . Official tJTC z-equest5 for uiformation Name of person issuing tariff- ` Mcbael A. VJeinstein iregarding consumer questions a.n.d/or coinplai.nts should be referred to the Ivlailing address of issuing agent: 13225 N.E.1261h Place ' following conipany repre-sentative: City, State/Zip Code: Kirkland, Washing-rton. 98034 iNarae: Steve Wulf . TitIe: District Mana.ger Telephone number, including area cade: (425) 8I4-7840 hone: t5041468-8226 ' FAX numbar, if aay: (425) S 14-7866 -Mai.I: swtilf(a~wm.com. E-mail address, if any: . mweinstein(a-).wm.com ax: (509) 924-0893 Issued by: Mzchael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: Effective da.te: t ~ FOR OFFICI14L USE OAEY Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 - Tariff No. 15 , OriQinal Page No. 2 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Wasbington, IncJG-237 Registered Trad.e Name: ViTaste Management of Spokane, Valley Garba.ge Service Co. and Western Refuse Cc _ C]~~ SBEEE'T AlI pages confiained in this tariff are listed below in consecutive order. The pages in the tariff andlor any supplements to the tariff listed on this .pa.ge have i-ssue dates that are the sazne as, or are before, t~e issue date of this page. "O" in the revision column indicates an original pa.ge. Current Current Current Page Number Revision Page Number Revision Page Number Revision , Tide P age ~ 0 21 ~ O C heck sheetl2 O• ~ 22 ~ O ~ ~ • ~ ~ Item Indexl3 Q I I 23 ~ 0. Subject Index/4 - O.* 24 ~ . O Subject Index/5 ~ O- ~ 25 ~ 0 ~ • Taxes Sheetl6 ~ O 26 ( .0 7 ~ O ~ . 27 0 . 8 ~ O 28 ~ O 9 ~ O 29 ~ 0 10 ~ O ~ .30 I 0 . I . ~1. ~ 31 I o I I . 32 . ~ ~ 0. 13 ~ -p 33 . O 14 .0 34 0 15 35 0 .0 36 ~ 0 . 17 . ~ 0 ~ 37 0 - - 18 . O ~ 38 ~ O ..19 . ~ O 39 ~ O ( ~ . 20 O 40 ~ 0 Supplements in Effect - ' Issued by: Mchael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Mana.ger,.Pacific Northwest Market Area ~ ~ Issue date: E~~eOIEFICIIL USE 011TLY ~ ~ . .Docket: TG-0704I D ~ ~ . Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No.15 . Oriai.na1 Pa.ge No. 3 Company Name/Permif Number: Waste Mana.gement of Washington, IncJG-237 = -,a Registered Trade Name: Vaaste Management'of Spokane, Valley Garba.ge Service -Co. and Western Refuse Co. . Index of Items in This 7Cariff- see nezt nage for lict bv tonic Item 5 - Taxes . Item 10 - Application of Rafes - General Item I S- Holid.ay Pickup Item 16 Change in Pickup Schedule Item 17 - Refunds - Item I S-- $illi.ng, Advance B illing, Payment I3elinquency Dates, Late Charges Item 20 - Definitions Item 3 0-- L'unitation of S ervzce Item 40 -Material Requiring.-Special Equipinent, Precautions, or Disposal ' Item 45 Material ReqUiring Special Testi.ng andlor Analysis Item 50 --Returned Check Charges . • " Item 52 Re-delivery Charges Item 55 - Over-sized or Over-wsight Un.its Item 60 - Overtime Item 70 - Return Trips ' Item 75 - Flat Monthly Charges • Item 80 - Carryout Sezvice; Drive-In.s Item 90 - Caii Carriage, Overhea.d. Obsiructions, 5unken or elevated can.s/units Item 100 CanILTn.it Service, Residentiat - Residentia]. Curbside Recycling Residential Yardwaste service . . ~ Item 105 -Mu1fii- famity rates. Item 120 - Dru.ms Item 130 -Litter Recepta.cles . Item 150 - Loose andlor Buiky Material ' Ifem 160 - Time Rates Item 200 - Application of Confiainer and/or Drop Box Rafes - General . Item 205 Ro11-0ut Charges - Containers, Automated Carts, and Toters . Item 207 - Excess Weight - Rej ectian of Lo ad, Charges to Transport Item 2 10 - WasLv.ng and Sanztizing Contai.ners and Drop J3oxes Item 220 - Compactor Rental Item 230 -Disposal Fees ' Item 240 - Conta.iner Service -Non-compacted- Company-owned container Item 245 - Confainer Service - I`Ion-compacted - Customer-owned cont.ainer Item 250 - Container Service - Compacted Company-owned container Item 255 Container Service - Compacted - Custonier-owned container . Item 260 Drop Box Service - Non-Compacted - Company-owned drop box Item 275 - Drop Box Service = Compacted - Customer-owned drop box Item 3 00 List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Tariff - Issued by: Michael A. Wei_nstein, Sen.ior Pricing Mana.ger, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: Efi~~eOWICML USE ONLY .Docket: TG-0704I0 . Effective Daie: 1Vlay I, 2007 TariffNo. 15 OriQinal Page No. 4 Company Name~Permit Number: ViTaste 1Vlanagement of Washington, Tnc:/G=23 7 Registered Trade, Name: Waste Mana.gement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refiise Co. . . . . _ - : . _ . . _ . . . . . . l~ } Yndex bv tonic Item No. Abbrevia.tions used in tarif.f 300 Advance billing . ..............I8 A nTmals 30 , Billing periods authorized ...................................................••.......................18 . . . Caxryout service .....................................................................................................................:................80 • Commercial can service 245 Compactor rental .220 Confiainer service, non--compacted, company-owned ..........................................................:240 Container service, non-compacted, customer-owned 245 ~ Containers andlor drop boxes, avaalability 200 Containers andlor drop boxes, general rules 200 Containers andlor drop boxes, washi.ng .an.d sanitizing ..................................:............:.............:......2I0 . Credit due the cu.stomer . .............:..:............17 ~ Dam e fo customer roPe ~ P m' ....................................................................:..........................::.......:........30 Defmitions ZO . Delinquency cla.tes I 8 Disposal fees . ...................230 ~ Drive-in service ...........................................................................90 . Drop-box service, compa.cted, .customer-owned. .......:....................................................................275 ~ . Drop-box service, non-compacted,'company-owned .................:..:.......:............................:.................260 Excess weight'rej ection of Ioad, charges to franspozt ....................207 Flat monthly charges 75 Holiciays observed :60 La#.e charges ..................:.............................:.........................................::...............:.......:........:............50 Limitations of service 30 . . . Litter receptacles 130 ~ Loose andlor buIky material 150 . ~ Materia.I requiri.ng special disposal 40 Material requiri.ng special equipment ~ ....................40 Material requiring special precautzons.....................................................................................................40 Material requiri.ng special testinglanalysis .............45 . . Con#inued on next page Issued by: M'ichael A. Weinstei.p., Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest 1Vlarket Asea ~ ~r Issue d.ate: Ef Pawcolakelcu.L USE OAE Y Docket: TG-o 7o¢I o - E ffectcve Date: 1Ulay 1, 2007 Tari.ff No. 15 ~ Orieinal Pa;e No. 5 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Wa.shington, IncJG-237 „ Registered Trade Na.me: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co: and Western,Refiise_Co. Indez bv tonic. 'con ~iinued . . Item No. . Missed pickups,~weather or ma.d cond.itions .......................................................................:.:.................30 Multi-family ra.tes:............ . IO5 Multi-family resideT1tial recycling for garbage customers using drop box service Multi -family residential yard wa.ste collection ......:...:.................................:....:............................:.:::..I05 NSF checks 50 Overhea.d *obsfrucfia.ons . . ...........90 ' Over-sized Unit.s ......................................................................................................................................55 ~ Overti.me . .............60 Over-wezght units 55 Refund of overcharges . 17 Refund of prepayments . ....17 Refund.s :................................17 Refusal to make pickup ...............................................................................................:...........................30 Residential.recycling 100 Residential service ..........................................................................:.....................................................100 . Residential yardwaste .l QO Re-delivery charges .52 Returned check charges ..........................................................................................................................50 , Return trips 70 J Roll-out chazges.. ....................:......................................205 _ Stairs or sfi.eps 9Q Sunken or elevated can.slunits ...........................................................................90 Symbols used in tariff ...........:...............................................................................................................300 Taxes ..................................................................................................................................:........5 • Time rates .......................................................................................................................................160 Issued by: Michael A. Weinsfeul, Senior Pncing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue da.te: _ ~ . EfWORWCIAL US`E ONLY . . ~ ~ .Docket: ?'G-070410 Effecfive.Date: May .l, 2007 TariffNo. 15 - ariginal Page No. 6 Company NamelPermit Number: Waste Mana.gement of Washington, IncJG-23 7 Regisfered Trade.Name: Waste Mana.~ement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and western Refuse Cc , ~ . - . . . . } Item 5- Anulication of Rafes 'Tages In addition to the rates shown in the remai.nder of the tariff, the following taxes apply: Entity Ordi.nance Amount A-PPlication . imposing tax: number: of tax: .(Cono.modities'and temtory) City of Spokane C-33117 20.48% Utility fax on all se'rvices witlun the City . ' ; . _ . Issued by: Michael A. Weiustein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific NorEhwest Market Area ) Issue date: , . . E~~MCOA ICLIL USE OA.TLY Docket: ..TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 - Orizi.nal Page No. 7 . Company Name/Pem-iit Nwnber: Waste Management of Washing ,ton, IncJG-23 7„ Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 10 - Annlication of Rates -Generai Rates named in this tari.ff cover the collection, iransportation, and disposal of solid waste. VJhen specifically referred fio, rates also cover the collecfion and iransporFafiofl of recyclable materials andlor ya.rdwaste_ Tit1a 81.77 of the Revised Code of Wasbington.(RCW) and Chapter 480-70 of the Washington Admin.istrative Code (WAC) govem operations of solid waste colIection companies and the tariffs com'panies.must file with the Washington Ufiilities a.nd Tra.n.sportation Commission (WUTC). . Unl.ess exceptions are shovtyn., all materials mu.sf be placed on the same level as t3ze sireets or alleys. The company may charge additional amounts for disposal fees• only when specifically stated in the t,ariff and separately shown on customer bills. Ytem 15 -Holidav Pickvp - ReQuIarlv Scheduled Service - When a pickup is missed due to.the company's obsezvance of a holiday, the company will provide service, at no add.itional cost to the customer, on an altemate day. A list of the holidays the company observes is shown in Item 60. ' For application of rates in this tariff, the company defines altemate day to mean the followiug: Pick up days are Monda.y through Friday inclu.ding aIl holid-ays except Thanksgiving day, Cliristnas day,- and New Year's day. If the pick-up da.y falls on or after any of those three bolidays, tIie alternate day will be one:day late that vaeek, for the balance 'of the vJeek tbrough'Saivrday. • Item 16 -Cha.nge in Pickun Schedule When a company changes the pick-up da.te for its cerb.f cate area, or a portion. of its certificate area, tlle company must notify all customers in the affected area of that change. Notice musf be made at least seven days before i.mplementa.tion of the new pickup schedule and may be made _ via mail, personal contact or by a no#ice being affi~xed to thE customer's solid waste recepta.cle. . ~ - Issued by: Mzchael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Mairket Area Issue date: ' Ef WgjR~-~.~CI4 E USE ONLy . Docket Z'G-0704I0 Effec-tive .Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 , Ori2inal Page No. 8 Company Name/Perm.it Number: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 Regi.stered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refii.se Cc ~ . : . . . ~ . . . ' Itein 17 - Refunds ' . Credit due the.cusfomer. When there has been a transaction that resu.lts in a credit due the customer, the . followi.ncr apply: . . . . , A. . If the.amount ciue is five dollars or Iess,.an adjustnenf will be made to the customer's accoun.t The adjustinent must be shown on the next regular bill. B. If the amount due is more than fve dollars, the customer may accept an account adjustment or may request a'refwld. . a. If the customer elects to have an account adjustrnent made, the adjustment mu.st show on . , the next regular billing. . b. If the cu.stomer elects to receive a refund, the compariy must issue. acheck withirl tbirf.y d.ays of the request Overcharges. Once a company becomes aware that it has overcharged a customer, it must provide a refund or an account adjustment credit to'the cu.stormer. The cus'tomer must be gzven a choice as to which option is preferred. The refund or credit must be the amount overcharged in the three years before the date of discover . c. If the cu.stomer elects to have an account a.djustrnent made, the adjuslment must show on ' the next regular billing. d. If fihe customer elects to receive a refund, the company must issue a check witliin tbirfy d.ays ofthe request. Y 1'repayments. If a customer has paid service fees in advance, service is discontinued during the pre-billed period, and the. customer is due a refurid, the followi.ng apply: A. A company must honor.all requests for refund.s of the unused portion of prepayments. . B. If the customer provides a-forwardi.ng address to fhe company or one can.be obtained from the Post Office, fihe company must issue a refund check no more than thirty d.ays following the . customer's request. • . C. If the cu.stomer cannot be located or did not provide a forwarding a.ddress and the U.S. Post Office cannot fiunish a forwardi.ng address, the amount may be presumed to be abandoned and is • subject to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act after one year. Issued by: Michael A.Veinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: Ei Me01W1_CIAL USE 011LY .Uocket: TG 0704I0 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 TariffNo.15 Oriei.nal Page No. 9 Company 1~TamelPertn.i.t Number: Wasfie Mana.gement of Washington, IncJG-237 Re91 stered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westem Refu.se Co. Item 18 - BillinLy, Advance B'illinand Pavmenf DelinQuencR Dates . Billing geriod. A company may bill its customers for one, two, or three months of service. Advance billing and paymenf de~.'vaquency dates. The following chart defines the maximum period allowed for advance billi.ng and trie date when a bill may be conszdered delinquent: . . Billzng period Maximum advaince-billing Detinquency d.ate . period allowed . , One month's service No advance billing •May not be Iess than , . (monthly) allowed . twenty-one days after . the date the bill is . . . . . mailed ' . Two months' service One m.onths' advanced 1VIay -not be uiitil the last . . . . billing allowed day of the second month . . Three months' service Two.month.s' advance May not be until the last . billing allowed day of the third month , The bi.Ilin.g period chosen by the company opera.ting under tlli.s tariff for residential solid wa.ste a.ccounts is: Three months' service. . . Late charges. . Customers with past. due account.s after the delinquency dates specif ed in the chart above wi11 be charged a late fee of 1% per rrmontli an outstanding balances. .The inTmuni charge per month is $1.00. " . . --Issued by: Michael A. Weinsfein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market A.rea - Issue date: EfW~~F1CU_L U',~',~ QjEy Docket: TG-Oi 041 D Effectiue Date: -May 1, 2007 TariffNo. 15 Oriei.nal Page No. 10 Conipany NamsYPerm.it Number: Waste Mauagement of Washington, IncJC-237 . Registered Trade Name: Waste Mazia.gemenf of Spokane, Valley Carba.ge Service Co, and western Refuse Co • : Item 20 - Definiiions NOTE: fihe defvxiiions shown on thej'ii-si t1u-eegage,s. of this iteris cn-e standaJ d,- in mast cases presa-zbed by 2-u1e. Cnmpanies may not ameaid ihese defvzitions. Compazi.es wishing to add definido»s specific ta tFieir comprvzy's operations must vnclude those defuzitiorzs oys a separate page, entitled, "Company-specific defv2itions, ",,4 blcvzk sheet is provided for thaf pzopnse. . . Bale: Matezial compressed by machine and securely tarped or banded. . Bul.ky Materials: Empty carriers, caztons, boxes, crates, etc., or materials offered for d.isposal, all of wb.ich . may be readily handl-ed without shoveling: . Cbarge: A set flat fee for performing a service. Or, the result of multiplying a rate for a un.it times . the number of units transpoited. Commercial . Billing: • Service billed to a coxnmerczal customer or billed to, and paid for, by a property manager • or owner rather than a residential tenant Compacted ' . . . 1Vlaterial: Material that has been compressed by any mechanical device either before or after it is placed an the recepta.cle haudled by the compa.ny. Compactor Disconnectl . Reconnect Charge: A flat fee established by fihe solid waste collection company for.the service of - disconnecting a compactor from a drop box or container before taking it to be dumped, - and then reconnecti.ng the compactor when fihe.drop box or container is retumed to the customer's site. . . Gate charge: A flat fee charged for open.ing, unlocking, or closing gates in order to pick up solid waste. I,oose material: Ma.terial not set out in bags or containers, including materials that must be shoveled. Multi-fannily . residence: Any structure housulg iwo or more dwelling units. . Packer: A device or vehicle specially dr;signed to pack loose materials. PS.SS thSOllgh fee: A fee collected by a solid waste collection company on behalf of a fihird party when the fee is billed directly to the customer witliout markup or markdown. • Issued by: NEcha.el A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area ~ Issue dafe: EI~Uwe3igwCIL USE ONLY .Z?ocket: 7'G-070410 Effective Date: May I, 2007 Tariff No.15 . Original Page No. I I Company NainelPermit Number: Wa.ste Management of Washingfon, IncJG-23 7 Registered Trade Naaie: Waste Management of Spokane; Valley. Garbage Service Co. and Western.Refuseto. • - Item .20 - Definitions. confinued . Permanent. service: Container and drop=box sezvice provided at the, cust4mer's request for more than ni.neiy . , aays. . . . . Rate: , A price per unit or per service: A.rate is multiplied times the number of units tran.sported or the number of tim.es a service is performed to dete'rznine a charge. Solid wa.ste receptacle: . includes the following items, with the followi.ng mean%ngs: ' Aufomated cart means a cart designed tb`be picked u.p 'and enaptied by mechan.ical means. The specific fype and`si:ze are to be defined i.n`rate iterris. . Can nieans a receptacle made of dtirable; torrosion, resistant. nonabsorbent material that is waterti&,'and ha.s a close-fittuig cover and two handles. A can holds more than twenty gallons, but not more than fihirt.y-two -gallons. A can may not weigh more than 65 pounds when filled. 1~ . Cart means a wheeled plastic container. A cart may also be referred to as a toter. Lf suppIied by a customer, a cart must be coznpatible with the company's equipment -Tlie • . size and fype of cart that is compatible wilI be" established in each company's fari.ff. Coniainer means a defi.a.chable receptacIe (nornially designed to hold at least a cubic yard of solid waste) froin-which m.a.ferials are collected by-m~chauically lifl;rg the receptacle . a.nd emptyi.ng th.e contents into the company's vehicle. . , Drop boz means a detacbable receptacle used to provide solid waste collectian service by the recepfacle being placed on the conipany's vtliicle by.mechanical means and . . transported to' ~Cdisposal site. Drum means a metal or pIastic contai.ner of approximately fifly-~allon capacity, generally used for oils or solvents. A drum may nof weigh more fiban _ when filled. Litter receptacle means a container not over sixty-gallon capacity, generally placed in shopping centers and along streets or highways for lit#er. A-litter receptacle may not weigh more than 65 pounds when filled. Issued by: Michael A. weinstein, Senior Pricing Mana.ger, Pacific Northwesf Market Area Issue date: Ef~OW 0AWIG~4L USE ONLY - ' Docket: Z'Cr-07041D Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tari.ffNo. 15 Qriei.nal Pa.ge No. 12 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste. Management of Wash.ington, IncJG-237 Registered Trade_Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garba.ge Service Co. and Western RefuseCc _ . _ . . _ . . . }J Item 20 - l)efin.itions4 continued. . . Mcra-mini. can means a can made of durable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsc)rbent material that is watertight and has a close=fiting cover. A micro nmini can 3may not hold more than ten gallons. A micro-mini.can may not -weigh more than 20 pounds when filled. . . - , . ti : . N[ini-can means a can made of durable, corrosion resistarit, nonabsorbent material that is v,tatertight and ha.,s a close-fitting cover. A min.i-can may not hold more than fwenty gallons. A mini-can may not weight more thari 35 pounds when filled. Recycling bin Qr confainer rneans a bin or container designed or designateci for the collection of recyclables. The size and type of recycling bin or container will be . . established in each.company's tariff. Toter means a wheeled pla.stic confiainer. A toter may also be referred to as a cart. If supplied by customer, a'toter must be compatible wifh the company's equipment. The , size and type of :toter that is compatible will be established in each company's tariff. Unit means a'recepta.cle made of durable, corrosion-resistant, nona.bsorbent material, that -is.watertight and has a close-fitting cover and two h.an.dles. A unit holds more than .twenty-gallons, but nflt more than thirty-tuo g.allons or. four cub'ic feet A unit may not . ~ weigh more.fhan.65 poitnds when filled. Where agreed on between the company and the • customer, and where allowable uncler local ordinaiice, a box, carton, cardboard barrel or Qther,suita.ble container may be substituted for. a solid waste can, for a single pick up that . , includes.reirioval of the coiitainer, if it meets, the size anii -weight Ii.mits established in the company's tariff. . . Xaa-dwaste bin or eonfainer means a bin or container specifically designed or designafed.for the collection of yardwaste. Each compariy's " tariffwill refer to a specifc type of yardwaste bin or container to be used by customers in a service area. The type, size, weight, etc., of this type of bin or container will often be set by local government • plans or ordina.nces. SpecialJOn call pick-up:A pick-up requested by the custoiner at a time other than the regu.larly scheduled pick up time or that requires the spacial dispatclz of a truck. If a special dispatch is required, the company will assess time rafes established in fhe company'S t3TIff. , Lssued by: Michael A. Wein,stei:n, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacifc Northwest Market Area . Issue da.te: E~MeOMICl4_L USE 011EY Docket: TG 0704I0 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 TariffNo.15 ' . Ori2inal Page No. 13 Company NamelPerm.it Number: :Waste Management of VJashingfon, Inc.IG-237 y , Registered Trade Name: waste Managenaent of Spokane, VaIIey Garba.ge'Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 20 - I)efuutions, conti.nved . Supplement: . _A page added to the bea nning of a tariff, normally to cover emergency, temporary, or sp~cial sifi~a~ioris. A.n ~example is a pa.ge 3ssued to show a special surcha=ge im.posed. by a ctfy. . . . . . _ - Temporary service: Temporary service means providing container or'drop-box service af the customer's request for a period of ni'.nety days or Iess. . : Unlatchi.ng: Another term for a gate charge. A flat fee imposed by a solid waste collection company . , . when the company's personnel inu.st.unlafch:a gate or door-to'perfozm pickup service. Unlocking: A flat,fee im.posed: by a solid waste collection company when the company's personnel must unlockpadloclcs oz other Iocking tievices to perforni pickup services. ~ . . . . . . , . . ; , . Issued.by: Michael A. Weinstein, Sen.ior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area . Issue date:. . Ef 5FORqAWIC.IAL US`.~ 011LY ,Docket: TG-0704I0 E, ffectiue Date: May I, 2007 Tari.ffl`To.15 . Orizi.nal Pa.ge No. 14 :Company NamelPermit Number: Was'te Mana.gement of Washington, Inc1G-237 . 'Registered Trade I`Tame:.Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and. Western Refiise Co . . ~ Item 30 - Limitafions of Service.. Refusal of sea-vice. A solid waste callectio n conipany may iefiise to: . (a) Pick up ni.aterials from points where' it.is hazardous, unsafe, or d.angerous to persons, proper[y, or equipment to operate vehicles due to the conditions of streef,s, alleys, or 'roads. (b) Pick up rriaterials that are not accepted by the disposal site named in the company's tariffs, or materials that in the company's judgnent, are hazardous, unsafe, or pose a danger to persons,. . property, or equipment - (c) Drive into private property when, in the company's judgment driveways or roads are improperly constructed-or mainta.ined, do not have adequa.te turn-arounds,or have other unsafe conditions. (d) Enter private property.to pick up material while an animal considered.or feared to be vicious is loose. . The cu.stomer will berequired to confme the aninlal on pickup days. . Schedules. A company's schedule will meet reasonable requirements and «ill comply with local service level ordinances. ' Nlissed pickups ciue to weather or raad comditions. Pickup of materials may be missed due to weather or road conditions. If the accumulated material(solid waste andlor recyclables, andlor yardwaste) is collected on ~ fihe next scheduled or available pickup d.a.te, the company is not obligated to extend credit for the znissed pickup. , The customer will not be charged for overfilled receptacles, or for materials set out in ba.gs on top of or next to the customer's riormal receptacles if the amount of extra material does not exceed the amount fihat would have reasonably been expected to accumulate due to missed pickiips. ' Due care. Other than to offer reasonable care, the company assumes no responsibi.lity for articles left on or near solid waste receptacles. Liability for damage. When a customer requests that a corripany provide service and damage occurs to the cu.sfomer's driveway due to reasons not in the conirol of the company, the company will assume no responsibility for the damage. . ' Issued bY: Michael. A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing 1Vlanager, Pacific Northwest Nfirket Area ~ i Issue date: . E~..~C.~4L USE 011TLY Docket: TG-070410 . Effective Date: May 1, 2007 TariffNo. -15 OriQinal Page No. 15 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washi.ngtan, IncJG-237 y Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane; Valley Garbage Service Co, and Western Refuse Co. Item 40 - Material Reouiri-a Sneeial Eauinment, Precaufaons, or Dzsnosal Transportation of solid waste requiring special equipment or precauiions in handling or disposal will be subject to time rates named in Item. i 60,;or to other sgecif c rates contained in ttiis tari_ff. : Companies must make every effort to be aware of the commodities that require special handling at the d.isposal sites named in the companyts tariffs. The com.pany shall mainta.ui a list of those conimodifies and make it available for public inspection at t-he company's office. Companies must make every effort to be aware of.the commodities that are not accepted at the disposa.t sites . named in the campany.'s tari.ffs, a.nd provide the publ'zc with access to such lists, as published and updated by disposal sites. Additiona.lly, companies must maintain a list of any speci.f c commodities which are considered hazardous, unsafe, or pose a danger to persons, property, or equipment . Item 45 Mater.ial Reauirina SBecial Testine andlor AnaIvsis When a solid waste collection company or disposal,faciliiy determints that testing and/or analysis of solid wasfie is required to determune whether ciangerous or prohibited substances ase present, tie actuat cost for such testing andlor analysis will be pa.id by the cu.stomer. The company must provide the customer uwith a copy of any bill or i.nvoice for costs incurred for testing andlor analysis and also must retain a copy in the company's fiIe ~ for at Ieasf tbree years. Those costs shall be passed tlirough to the customer wif3sout markup. The company must maintain records of ti.me spent to, accomplish the special testing andlor analysis, and may bill the customer for that time under the provisions of Item 160 (Time Rates). _-,Ztem 50 - Returned Check CharLres . Returneci check charge. If a customer pays with a check, and the customer's bank refuses. to honor,that check, the customer wiII be assessed a ret-uxned check charge in the amount of S 25.00.. Item 52 i Re-deliverv CharLyes Are-delivery fee of $15.00 will be assessed to cart customers whose service is discontinued for non- payment or carE customers who request re-delivery for services previously cancelled. Please see Item 100. . A pickup and re-delivery fee of S 25.00 wi11 be assessed to customers who request tllat their container or Drop Box be washed., steam cleaned a.nd san.itized. Please see Item 210. ) J Issued by: Michael A. Wei.nstein, Seniar Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest 1Vlarket Area Issue dafe: - Ef-WgWeOMI-CIAL USE 0.11LY .Uocket: 7'G-070410 , Effective Date: Alay I, 2007 TariffNo. 15 . Ori P-i.nal Page No. 16 Company NamelPermit Number: Waste Management of Washi.ngton, IncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: waste Maiagement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refu.se Co Iteiag 55 Over-sized or Over-weiLybt Cans or. Unifs The company reserves the right.to reject pickup of any residentaal receptacle (can, unit, bag, mini-can., or micro mini-can) which, upon reasonable inspection exceeds the size and weight linaits shown in Itern 20. (a) If the recepta.cle exceeds the size andlor Ii.mits stated in Item 20, is overfilled., or the top is unable to be closed., but the compariy tiarisports the materials,-the following additional charges will apply: • • S 3.30 t)er wut Note: For chaa•ges applying on ovenveight toters, ccvts, containers, or.dr.bp.boxes see itenz:207. , - Item 60 - Overtime Periads Companies will_assess a.dditzonal charges when provzding services, at customer request, cluxing overtime ' periods. Overtime peziods include Saturda.ys, Sundays, and tIie following..holid.ays: New Year's Dav Labor Dav - ~ . . " } Washinp-tan's Birthdav Vetera.n's Dav . Memorial Dav Thauksp-ivina Dav . Indenendence Dav . Chrisfmas Dav . Martin LutYier Kin R D av Ti.me is to be recorded to the nearest increment of 15 minutes from the time the company's vehicle Ieaves the . term.i.nal until the time it rei-uzns to the term.inal. . : • . No additional charge will be assessed to customers for overtime or holiday workperformed solely for the company's convenience. . Charge per hour S 60.40 Minimum Charge S 30.20 Issued by: Michael A. Weinsfein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market A.rea - Y Issue date: - EhX@Ae31W1CL4.L USE 0MY Docket: 3'G 0704I0 Effective Date: May I, 2007 Tari.ffNo.15 Orizzi.nal Page No. 17 Company ATame/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 'Registered Tra.de Na.me: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley.Garbage Service Co. and Westem Refuse Co. _ . Item 70 - Reiarn Tri~s . When a company is required to make a refizm firip, #hat does not require the special dispatch- of a truck, to pick up material that was unavailable for collection for reasons under the conirol. of the customer, flie following a.dditional charges, per pick+xp, will apply. . . . Can, viut, mini-cari, or nuciro-mii can S 7.40 . . . ~ ~ 7.40 Cax-~ . Lit#er Receptacle S 7.40 . . ; . . _ , ~ . Drop Box . . . . - $30.20 ~ Container........................................................................................................................... . ~ . . NOTE: Ret-uzn trips requiring fhe special dispatch of a truck are considered special pickups and are charged for under the provisions of Item 160 (Tune Rates). ' Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein., Sen.ior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area. Issue date: ~ • Ef 19~MQAWICIA.L USE OAIL Y Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Ta,riff No.15 Ori2inal Page No. 18 Companp Nam.elPennit Number: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 Regzsfered T'rade Name: Waste Managemerit of Spokan e, Valley Carba;e Service Co: and Wes°tern Refuse Cc . . - - . . . - - _ ~ . . - ~ Item 75 - FIat MonthIv Chaa-Lyes This ruIe applies in connection with Items 80, 90,120.413 0, 240, 245, 250, 255, 260, 265, 270, and 275. A flat montbly charge may be assessed if computed a,~ foIlows: , i (a) If weekly service is provided: MultipIy the ra.te times 4.33 and then muitiply that figure times the number of units picked up. (b) If every other week service is provided: Multiply the rate times .2.17 and then multiply tha.f .figure times the number of un.its picked up. (c) For rtems 240, 250, 260, and 270:, For permanent, regularly scheduled pickups, a flat monthly charge may be assessed if computed as follows: _ a. For weekly setTice, each container provided: i. Yf monthlv-rent is .shown: monthly rent plus (4.33 times pickup rate times number of pickups per week) : . ii. If monthlv rent is not shown: 1 st pickup rate plus (3.33 times additional pickup ra.te) . plus (4.33 times additional pickup rate times a.dditional weekly pickups). b. For every-other week service, each confiairler provided: i. If monthiv rent is shown: monthly renfi plus (2.17 fiznes pickup rate times number of pickups per waek) ~ u. If monthlv rent is not shown: 1 st pic~p rate plus (1. 17 times addi. ~onal pickup rate) plus (2.I7 times additional pickup ra.te times additional weekly pickups). , • OIssued by: Michael A. Weinsfein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest IVlarket Area . ~ . ~ Issue da.te: E~O~ZUIWICLAL USE DIlTLY .tJacket: TG 0704I0 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Oriainal Page No. 19 Company Name/Permit Nwnber: Wa,ste Management of Wasb.ington, Inc:IG-237 Registered Tra.de Name: Waste Mana.gement of Spokane, Vailey Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 80 - Caxa-v-aut Service. Drive-Ins Companies will assess the following addiiaonal charges when cus'tomers request that company personnel provide carry-out service of cans/units not placed a.t the curb, the alley, or othher point vahere the company's vehicle can be driven to wifihin fve feet of the canslunits using improved access roads commonly available for public use. Driveways are not considered imprqved access roads comm.only available for public use. . . Ra.te Charge for Carry-outs . . Residential Coinmercial . - : Per. Unit, Per Pickup Per Unit, Per Pickup Cans, units, m.i.ni-cans, or micro-muu caric . that must be carried out over 5 feet~ but not over 25 feet $0.40 $ 0.40 -For each a.dditiona125 feet, or.fracti.on of - ' • 25 feet;a.dd $0.30 $0.30 _ NOTE: The company may elmt fo drive in at the rates shown above, excepi the charge will be limited to 'one can, un.it mini-cans or micro-mini can. If cans, units, mini-cans, or micro-muu cans are carried over 125 feet, ~ but are safely accessible to the conzpany's vehicle, the drive-i.n charges shown below must be assessed in,stead. Rate Charge for Drive-ins (per pickup) Residential Commercial Per Pickup, Per Pickup . Drive-ins on driveways of over 125 feet, . but Iess than 250 feet .$1.50 $1.50 Dxive-ins on driveways of over 250 feet, , but Iess than II10 mile., S2.00 _ $ Z.00 For each 1/10 mzle over 1/10 rnile. ~ $3.00 ~ $3.00 Note: For the purpose of assessing drive-i.n fees, a driveNvay is defined as providing access to a single residence. If a driveway provides access to multiple residences or accounts, no drive-in fees ,v,Till be a.ssessed. . • i , • s , Issued by: Nlichael A. Weinstein, SenYOr Pnczng Manager, Facific NorFhwest Market Area Issue date: E~~qjW.TCL4.L USE ONLY • . Docket.• TG-0704I0 . . ,E, ffective Date: May 1, 2007 Tari.ffNo. 15 • Orip-inal Page No. 20 Company Name/Fermit Number: Wa.ste Management of Washington, InCJG-237 . Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garba.ge Seryice Co. and Westem Refuse Co , . . . Ifem 90 =Can Carria-ae Snecial S ervices . . . Rate . Residential Commercial Per Unit Per PickupPer Unit, Fer Pickup Stairs or steps - for ea.ch step up or down: $0.06 ~ $0.06 Overhead obsirnchons - for each . overhead obstruction Iess than 8 feet from fhe: ground . . $ 0.20 $0.20 • Sunken or eievafed cans/uiaits - for cans, . tinTts, m~ini-cans, or micro-mini cans fiilly ~ or partially under ground or over 4 feet . . above ground, but not involving stairs or : . • steps $0.20 : S 0.20 ~ , Issued bY: Michael A. Weinsfein, Senior Prici.ng Manager, Pacifc Norfhwest Market Area . `J , , Issue d.ate:. . Ef.~F0jZq9MICIt4L USE OI~LY . Docket: TG-070410 Effective .Date: May 1, 2007 TariffNo. 16 . Oriai.na1 Page No. 21 Com.pany NamelPemZit Nwnber: Waste Mana.gement of Washington, IncJ0-237 . Registered Tra.de Name: Waste Mana.gement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westem Refuse Co. Item 100 .-Residenfial Serviee Montb.Iv Rates ('Coniinued on next va.eve) Rates in thzs ftem appIy: -(1) To solid wasfe collection, curbside recycli.ng and yardwaste collection serviees for resideniial praperty. This in.cludes single ~ . family 4wel3ings, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes, condomi.n.iUms, etc., where service is billed directly to the occupant of each residential un.t and/or . (2) Wheu required by a local government servi ce level ordinance solid waste collecti.on, curbside recycling, ana yaraanaste service must be provided for single-fami.ly dwellings; duplexes, mobile homes; cflndaminiums and apartrnent buildings of less'than 5 residential units, where service is tilled #o the properiy owner or manager. . Rates beIow suziiv in the following serviee area: The garbage service rates appIy to the service territory ori the attached map design.ated. as ~App'endix:MPursuant to the Spokane Caunty "Recycling Service Level Ordinancey as adopted and mdified as Cbapter 8.58 afthe Spokane County Code, tbe area descnbed on the attached map designated as'~A " . . . . ~ P.P - ~;1?a ~ reqv.ired fio receive recycling seivice. . ' . . . . . 96 Gallon'Yaidwaste Nurnb= ofihlits or Type of . Cai~ Smice ' RecyeIe Senice Smrvioe R.afie Gondainex Frequency of Sevi ce Rat,- . Rafe (Note 4) (Nofes 4, S) , 1 Qn $6.I0 $3.35 ~ . $1225 . . MLni-can(20ga]Ion) ~ WGdWR . ~ $925 $335 9,5 . 1 Qiz . ~ WUWR ~ $11.95 ~$335 ~ . $12.25 . . . Z C'aris V►TGdQVR ~ $18.45 ~ $335. ( . $12.25 . . 3 Cans ~ WGd'4VR ~ M95 ~ . $335 ! $1,~ 95 . 4 Caus ~ WGd'QVR ( $31.45 ~ $335 ~ $1225 . . 5 CaBS WGdWR ( $37.95 . $335 ~ . $I225 . . 6 (ans.._ Vv UNWR - ~ $44 45 $335 $I2.25 . 135 ga1.Ion cait . ~ V►r&VK ~ $12.95 $335 ( 41125... . . . I_64 galloiicart WGdWR. ~ $19.45 ~ $335 ~ $1125 196 galloa cmt - . ~ W&1TiR ~ $25.95 ~ $3.35 Frequency of Service Codes: WG=Weekly Garba.ge; EOWG fivery Other Week Garbage;.MG41onthly Crarba.ge; • WR=Weekly Recycli.ng EOWR-Every Other Week Recycling; MR=Morithly Recycling List others used: ' Recycling rates shown above are subject to a recycling <cred.it>/debit of <S0.46> per month. Notes for t.bis item are on page 25. Descriptzorz/nzles related to recycling program are shown on page 26. Descriptionlrules related to yardwaste program are shown on pa.ge 26. ~ Recycling <credit>Idebit ad,Jusbmenfs above on this page egpire: JuIv 31. 2007 ~ Lssued by: Mi.chael A. Weinsteu~., Senior Pricinb Man.a.ber, Pacifie Northwest Mazket Area Issue date: Ef~Mq3W71C.I4-L USE OMY Docket.• TG-07041 D " Effective .t?ate: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 . Ori-ainal:Page No. 22 Company Name/Permit Number: Wa.ste Management -of Washin~ton, IncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refu.se Co Ifem 100 -Residential Service 1Vlonfhlp'Rafes (continued on next bacere) Rates in this item apply: . . (I) To solid waste collection, curbside recycli.ng (where noted) and yardwaste collection services (where noted) for residential property. This includes single family dwellings, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes, condom i.nivm.s,* etc., where service is billed directly to the occupant of each residential unit; andlor (2) When required by a local government service Ievel ordinance solid waste collection, curbside recycling, and yardwaste service must be provided for suigle-faxnily dwellings, duplexes, mobile honies, condominiums and apartment buildings of Iess than 5 residential units, where service is billed to tie property owner or manager. . . . , Rates below ai3nlv in the foIIowine seY-vice area: Rural Spokane County as described on the afta.ched map- designafed as • °t 1i ' .7~,.-s.a`~ ~ _ • , ~~pendix~`B:~`y - • ' . . . _ . . . Number of Units or Type of Container Frequency of Service Garbage Service Rate 'I Can ' . MG N $6.10 ; . Mini-Can . N . . WG . . . :$9.25 1 Can . ~ WG ~ $11.95 . 2 Cans ~ . WG " " $'i 8.45:. 3 Cans ' ~ . . WG _ . M $24.95 - ~ . 4 Cans . ~ WG . ~ $31.45 ~ . ' . 5 Cans WG ~ $37:95.: ~ . ~ , 6 Cans ~ . ' ~ . . V1(G - I $44.45 1 35 gallon cart ~ . - N . MG ' N $7:10 ' , 1 35 gallon cart WG . N $12.95 1 64~gallon cart . ~ WG ~ $19.45 . 1 96gallon cart N WG - ~ .$25.95 Frequency of Sevice Codes: WG=Weekly Garbage; EOWG Every Otber Week Garbage; MG : Monttily,Crarba.ge; NTJR=1Vee1dy , Recycling; EOWR=Every Oth-er Week Recycling; MR-Monthly Recycling List others used: Notes for tiis item are on page 25. Descriptionlrules related to recycling program are shown on page nla. . Descriptionlrules related to yardwaste program are shown on pa.ge n/a. ; Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area . . . ,r Issue date: EJEMze0M1CI4_L USE D.A;FLY . Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: .11fay 1, 2007 TaiiffNo.15 . . . OriQinal Page No. 23 Company Name/Permit ATumber: Waste Managernent of Washington; IncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste MaWement of Spoka.rie, Va.lley. Garbage Service Co.- and Western Refuse Co. Item 100 --Residential Service Month.lv Rafes fCon tinued on next ua.-ael . Rates in trus item, apply: . , . . (1) To solid.waste collection, curbside recpcling and yartlwaste callection services for residential property. T6.is includes singIe family dwellings, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes, condominiuuis, etc.; where service is -biIled clirectly to the occupanf of ..each resideutial tiuit; aridlor . . . . (2) When requii-ed by a Iocal government service Ievel ardiuance solid waste colleciion, curbside recyclinz, and yardwaste sezvice must be provided for single-family dwelli.ngs, duplexes, mobile homes, candominiums and apartment buiIdings of Iess than ~ residential units, where service is billed t.o the praper[y owner or manager. Rates beIow* anvIv i.ti tbe falIowinp-, service area: The gar-bage seryice rates apply to the service temtory on the attached m.ap . ' designated as~+Appuant to the Spokane County "Recycling 5ervic~ Le~el Ordinance" as adopfed ana codified as Chapter 8.58 of the Spokane Couniy Code, the area described on the afta.ched map designated as"Appenci7x D, is requu-ed to receive recycling service. . • . . . . . . • , , ~ 96 Gallon Yarxhyas6e Nmi)~r of Units ar TSipe of . Garbage Sm vice Rmycle Service - Seavice Rate . . . Qntai.ner FreqLracy of Seavice Rate Rate (NDte 4) (Notes 4, 5) . . 1.Can ~ MGdWR ~ $6.10 ( $335 - ' $7? 75 Mmi-{an(20 gaRon) $11.15 ( $335 ~ • _ 1Can . WGdWR ~ $14.10 ~ . $3335 ~ 2 $20.60 $335 3 C'ans . . WGdWR ~ $27.10 $335 $1? 4 Cam WGdWR ( $33.60 ~ $335 5 Qns- ~ • ~ W C3d'CVR . ( . $44.I0 ~ V35 ~ $1?-~~ 6 Cans. ~ wc~ ( $46.60 + $335 ( $IZ:25 , 135 gallon r,art NTGMR ~ ~ $7.10. . ~ $3.35 $12:25 _ 135 galloncazt . ~ W&WR $15.10 $3.35 ~ $1225 164 gallon c.mt ~ . . WC~WR $21.60 $335 196 gallon cart ~ WGdWR $28. ].0 ~ . . : $33`5 ~ $122$ - Frequeney of Service Codes: WG=Weekly Garbage; EOWG Every OtherWeek Garbage; MG Monthly Crarbage; wR--Weekly Recycag; EOVTR--Every Other Week Recycling; MR-luionthly Recycling List others used: . Recycling rafes shown above are subject to a recyeling <credit>ldebit of <S0.46} per manth. • Notes for this ifem are on page 25. Description/rules related to recycli.ng pragra.m axe shawn on page 26. Description/rules related to yardwaste progra.m are shown on page 26. Recycling <credif>Idebit adjusbnent,s above on thhis page egpire: Julv 31. 20Q7 Zssued by; Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pxicing Managez, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: E~Me0Lh7.JCL4L USE 011TLY . Docket.• TG-07041D Effeclive Date: May .I, 2007 TariffNo.15 . aridnal Page No. 24 Company NamelPerm.it NTUmber: Waste. Management of Washington, IncJG-23 7 Registered Trade Name: waste Management of Spokaaae, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westem Refuse Co, . . - - . . . - ~ . Iteffi 100 - Residenfi.al Service Montlilv Rafes (comfinued on next uage) Rates in this item apply. . . . . . ~ ~ . . (1) To solid waste collection, curbside recycling (ivhere noted) and yardwaste collection services (ufhere noted) for residential property. This includes single fam.ily _dwellings, duplexes, apartments, inobile honzes, . condo m.in.iu ms, etc., where service is billed directly to the occupant of each residential unit; andl6r(2) When required by a Iocal government service level ordina.nce solid waste collection, curbside recycling, and yard-Waste service mu.st be provided for si.ngle-family dwellings, duplexes, mobile homes, condominiums and apartrnent buildings of Iess than 5 residential units, where service is billed to the propeity owner or mana.ger. . . . Rates below aunIv in the foIlowiner service-area: RLtral Spokane County.as described on the atEached map : designated as Appendix C. . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . Number of Unrts or Type'ofi Container Frequency of Service ,.Garbage-Service Rate . 1 Can MG • ~ $6.10 Mini-Can.* - ~ - . VIIG • . $19.'i5. ,'1 Can " . ' . ' . WG. ~ $14.10 2 Cans ~ WG - N $20.60 3 Cans . . • WG ~ $27.10 . . 4 Cans . , ' - . WG ~ $33,60 5 Cans - . ~ WG . I $40.10 . ~ 6 Cans „ . . . . WG . . ~ $46.60 . .1 35 galloncart MG ~ $7.10 ' ` . 1 35 gallon: catt ~ WG . ~ $15.10:.. . 1 64 gailon cart ~ - ~ WG $29.60 . . '96 gallon cart ~ WG. . ~ • $2810 - ' Frequency of Service Codes: F►'G=Weekly Crarbage; EOWG Every Other Week Garbage; MG Monthly Garbage; WR=Weekly , - Recycli.ng; EOWR-Every Other Week Recycling; MR°MonthIy Recycling , . List others used: • Notes fox this item are on page 26. Description/rules related to recycling program are shown on pa.ge nla. Descriptionlrules related- to yardwaste prograxn are shown on page n/a. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacif c Northwest Market Asea . ~ Issue d.ate: Ef.W0iRq3W1CL4L USE ONEY Docket: TG 070410 - Ef. f 'ective Date: May 1, 2 007 TariffNo.15 . Qrieinal'Pa.go No. 25 . Company NamelPermit Number: Waste Mana;ement of Washington, Inc.lG-237 y . Regtstered Trade Name: Waste Man.agement.of Spokane, Valley Garba.ge Service Co, and Westem Refuse Co. . Item 100 - Residential Servrce ---1Vlonfhtv Rafes (continued) Note 1.: Gu.stomers will be charged for service.requested even if fewer vnits are picked up on a particular t~p. I~Io credit will be given for partially -filled.:cans. 'No credit ~vill be given if r usfomer fails to set receptacles out for collecfion. _ . . • ~ Note 2: For service more fr-equently tha.n weekly, multiply the above rates .by the number of times per week service is requi.red. . . . - . . . . " . Note 3: A re-delivery fea of S15.00 will.be assessed to cart cu.stomers whose service is discontinued'fo'r non- payment or cartcustomers who request re-delivery. See also Item 52. ' . . . . . . ' Note 4: For those customers who. do noi receive garbage service, a.cld $1.00 tb the'rates on pa.ge s 21 and 23 . . , : :for both recycling and yard' waste services. . Note S: The service rates apply only when the weekly collection of yard waste service is provided (March- November). Customers will not be billed for Y'ard waste collection services-during the montlzs of 'December, January and Febrixa,ry. , . ' . . . ~ . . . . . Note 6: Regularly scheduled yard waste customers who request an additional 96 gallon- cart will be assessed a monthly fee of S5.95 for each adclitzonal cart requested. , Note 7: The charge for an occasional extra receptacle as described lielow on a regv,lar pickup is: ° . . . . . . . ; . . . Ra.te per receptacle, per . ` . . Type of Service . Type. of receptacle.' ' pickup : Garba.ge Collecfiion . ' 32-;4lon can . oz uiizt Yard Waste Collection . 32-gallon can or usut . $2.48 . ~ Lssued by: Michael A. Weulstein., Seruor Pnczng Manager, Pacific Northwest Market-Area, - Issue date: - ~~McOjKFjCL4L US.F 011EY Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May I, 2007 Tari.ffNo.15 Orizinal Page No. 26 Company NamelPerm.it Number: Waste Mana.gement of Washington, IncJG-237 ~ . Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Sgokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refiise CQ : . . . : . _ . . . - - . - . _ . . . Item 100 - Residential Servi.ce - Monthtw Rafes (confinued) 'The curbside collection of recyclable mater'iaLs is provided i;o a11 customers in the following service area: Pursu.ant to the,Spokane County. 'Recyclirig Service LevelOrdi.nance'' as 'adopted and codified as Chapter 8.58 of the Spok.aile County Code, the areas contained in~~~ppina'~ ~'~~%:aud as described on the attached map designated -as Appendix D, is required to receive recycling service. The foIlowinb is a description of the recycling program (type of containers, frequency, etc). The program is provided in accordance with the ordinances described above. The curbside collection of recyclable materials is provided on a weekly bas'is to all customers in the above service area. Each customer is provided with one 14-gallon plasticbi.n.. 'The customer is requested to place - newspaper (inside paper bag) and,commingled aluminum, tin, glass and plastic inside the bi.n at the curbside. Used household batteries are also * accepted. if they are placed in a see=tbrough plastic bag with a seal and put on top of the bin so the driver can see them. T'he sorting of the recyclable nia:terial is perforined by the driver at the curbside: ~ . . . Special rules relafecl to recycling programs: , Pick-up will be refused if cart andlor bin confain trash, yard debris, or other non-accepfa.ble contaminants. Customers.may obtain a current listing of acceptable recyclables and non-acceptable items upon request . . . . , ~ The following ~.s a descrip#ion of the Yard Wasfe prograim (type of confainers, frequency, etc). The ~ program is provided in accordance with.th.e ordinances described above. Yard waste service is a sign-up progam tha.t is provided on a weekly basis;-except during the months of December, January and February when the service is provided on a montb.ly basis. Customers who sign up for this program will be provided with a 96-gallon cart. If add.itiona196-gallon carts are requested, an additional monthly fee ~vill be;charged for each cart requested (See Note 6 on page 25). Customers will be billed for service at the applicable rates only when service is provided.on a weekly basis. (See Note 5 on pa.ge 25) Special rules related to Yard Wasfe program: . Yard waste cannot be in plastic bags. Pick-up wiil be refused if container contains any irash or other contaminants. Customers'may obtain a current listing of accepta.ble yard debris upon request Issued by: Michael A. V►Tei.nstein,Senior Pricing Manager, Paci.f c Northwest Market Area ~ Issue date: E~Me3j&WjCL4L USE 011EY . Docket: TG 07041 D Effective Date: Mary 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Original.Pa.ge No. 27 . Company NamelPermit Number: Wa.ste Managemeat of Washington, IncJG-237 -Registered Trade Name: Wa.ste Mana.gement of Spokane, Valley Garbage ServiceCo.* and Wesfern Refuse Co. . Item 105 Mnlfi-familv Residential Rates fcomBanv-owned earba:ge confainerl - Aer vick un Rates in this item appIp: . . (1) "Ntulti Fa,mily Structures" as defined in 5pokane Couniy Resolufion No. 92064$ as follows: "A.ny struciaire housing ftve ar more unifs or any premises used for residential purposes not included elsewhere.=" '(2) Tbe rates and cbarges contained in tbis item are to be added to those rates charged in Item Nos. and 27$ of this tariff. • . : Rafes beIow anniv i.n the €ollowiaer service area: Pursuant to the Spokane Couniy "Recycli.ng Service Level Ordinarice" as adopted and codi.fied as Chapter. 8.58 of the Spokane County Code, the area confained in Appeudi,x A and as described on the atta.ched map desig* nated as App'endix D, is required t4 receive recycling service. ! Size or 'Iype of Container. , . . . . , 64 G al 96 Gal . , Service Type. Can ' Cart -Cart 1 Yard 1.5 Yard 2 Yard 3 Yard 4Yard , 6 Yard S Yard . Permanent Service: . . , ' . MonthIy Rent, if aPPlicable . _ . . . , . . . . . . . First Pickup $ 0.09 $0.18 $0.27 $0.63 $0.95 $1.26 $1.89 $2.32 , $3.78 ' $5.04 • Each Additional - ' Piclnip $ 0.09 $ 0.18 $ 0.27 $ 0.63 $ 0.95 $ 1.2b. $ 1.89 $ 2.52 $ 3.78 $ 5.04 Special Pickups $ 0.09 $ 0.18 $ 0.27 $ 0.63 $ 0.95 $ 1.26 $ 1.89 $ 2.52 $ 3.78 $ 5.04 Termnorarv Service: lJ Tnitia.l Delivery Cbarge . Pickup Charge $ 0.09 $ 0.18 $ 0.27 $ 0.63 $ 0.95 $ 1.26 $ 1.89 $ 2.52 $ 3.7$ ~ 5.04 Net Commadity Price See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note See Note SeeNote 5ee Note AdJusiment per Pickup 3 3 3 3 3.' 3 .3 3. 3 .r ' 3 Note I: Permanent Service: Service is defined as no less than scbeduled, every ather weel; piekup, unIess Ioca1 government . . requires more frequent seryice or unless puirescibles are invnlved. Customer will be charged for service requestod, even if . fewer container$ are serviced on a parEicular trip. No credit will be given for partially filled eontainers. . Note 2: Fermauent Service: If rent is shown, the ra#e for fihe first pickup and each additional pickup must be the same. If rent is not shown, it is to be included in the rate for the first pickup. , Note 3: Net Commodity Price Adjustrnent per Pickup will be a credit of <S0.09> per yard. Cusfomers whose servioe is less than one yard will receive a credit on a pro rata portion of a yard. . Customers who have garba.je collecfion services reflected in Items 255 and 275 will receive a credit of <S0.27> per yard per pickup. ' Note 4: Customers who have garbage collection. services reflected i.n Items 240, 245 and 260 will be charged for recycling services at the rate of SQ.63 per yard per pickup. Cu.stomers who have garbage collection services reflected in Items 255 and 275 will be charged for recycling services at the rate of $1.89 per yard.per pickup. • Descriptionlrules related to recycling prograru are shown on page 28. ' Recycling <credit;>ldebit adlnsfinents abave an this page expire: Julv 31. 2007 - Issued by: Micha.el A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager; Pacific Northwest Iularket .Area. . Issue'date: EJEWO$G~WJCL4L USE ONLY Docket: 7'G 0704I0 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 . TariffNo.15 Oridnal Pa.ge No. 28 - Company NTamelPermit Nwnber: ViTaste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 _ Registered Tracie Name: Waste Mana.gement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Cc ~ . Itern 105 - Ndulti-familv. Reszdential Service (coniinued) 'The curbside collecfpon af recyclabie materials is provided to all customers in the following service at-ea: Pursua.nt to the Spokane Counfy "Recycli.ng Service Level Ordinance" as 'adopted and codified as Chapter 8:58 of the Spokane Couniy Code, the areas contained in Appendix A and as described on the attached.map : .design.a.ted as Appendix D, is required to.receive recycling service. ' The folIowing isa descrigtion of the recycling progr~m (fype of containe "rs, frequency, etc). The program . is provided in accord.ance with fhe ord.inances dbscribed above. Tbe collect~ion of recyclable materials is provzded on a weekly basis to alI multi-fanzily customers who sign up for the service. Customers who sign up for the program will subscribe for the number of 35 ballon. carts desued and st.tategica.lly placed witbin their complex. The customer is requested to place newspaper, rmixed waste paper, and bottles and can.s separa.tely into each designated cart provided. ' Snecial rules related to recvcline" nroerram: Pick up will be refused if recycling confiainers contains lrash, yard debris, or otiier non-acceptable contam.inanfis. Customers may obtain a current listing of accepta.ble recycIables and non-accepta.ble .items upo_ ~ request . . . ~ Snecial ruies related to recvcliner tirop-rram: " . Pick-up will tie refused if recycling containers contains trash, yard debris, or other non-acceptable contaminants.. Customers may obta.i.n a current listing of accepta.ble recyclables and non-acceptable items upon request ' . Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Sen.ior Pricing Ma.nager, Pacific Northwest Market Area ~ Issue date: E~Me69A7jCLjL USE ONLY Doeket: TG 070410 Effective Date: lllay I, 2007 TariffNo. 15 . Oridnal Pa.ge No. 29 : Company N@urnelPernsit Number: Waste IVlanagement of Washington.. IncJG 237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage. Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 120 - Drums ' . ly.pe.of Seivice R.ate Per Dntm4 Per Pickup- Regula.r Route Service $ . ~~Y - . . Special Pickup Item 130. Litter RecenfacIes and Liiter Toters . -Custozxier-owned Receptacle ~ Ra.fe Per Receptacle; Per Pzckup . . Size or Type: . . . ~ . , : . , . . Company-owned Receptacle . . . . . Size. or Type: 64 Ga1 Toter ~ Size or Type: '96 GaI Toter Item 150 -Loose and Bul.kv Maferial . Special triDs: Time ra.tes i.n Item 160 apply. - . Regular Route: . . . 'Additional cubic Carry Charge . 1 to 4 cubic yards . ~yards Min'vnum Charge Per each 5 feet over Rate per Yard Rate per. Yard Per Pickup 8 feet Bulky materials 1$13.95 1$13.95 1$13.95 . Loose naaterial . '(Customer.load) ~ ~ ~ • Loose material (Company Ioad) $16.80 $16.80 $16.80 $ 9.Q0 rssued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Sen.ior Pricing Managex, Pacific Northwest Maxket Area Lssue date: E:E~~COIWTCLA L US`.~ O.NE Y Dock.et: TG 07041 D .~'ffective Date: May 1, 2007 .Tariff No.15 . Orip-inal Page No. 30 Company NanielPermit Number: Waste Mana.gement of Washington, IncJG-237 Registered Trade I~Tame: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co _ . - . . . . ~ ` . . . . . . . . " ~ Y Item 160 -Time Rates When.iitne rates appIg. Time rates named in this Item apply: (a) Virhen ma#erial must be fi.aken to a special site for disposal; -(b) When a company's equipnaent must wait at,: or retzun to, a customer's site to provide scheduled service due fo no disabilify; fault, or negligence_-on the part of #he company. Actual waiting time or time fi.aken in retuming to the site will be charged for; or. . ~ (c) When a customer orders a single; special, or emergency pickup, or when other items in this tariff refer to this Item. . • How rates are recoa-ded ancl charged. Time must be recorded and char&d for to the nearest increment of 15 uainutes. Time rates apply for the'period from the time the company's vehicle leaves the company's temunal until it returns to the terminal, exclucling interruptions. A.ri inteftuption'%s a situation causing stoppage of service that is in the conixol of fhe company and not in the confrol of the -customer. Bxamples include: coffee breaks, Iunch break.s, breakdown of equipment and similar occurrences. Disposai fees im addiiion fo fime rafes.. Item 230 disposal fees for the specific disposal site or facility used will apply in a.d.dition to time rates. Rates per hour: ~ ~ . Rate Per Hour ~ Each Ex-tra. Iltinimum Type of equipment ordered. Truck and driver Person ' . Charge SinaIe rear drive axle: Non packer truck . ~ `66.40 $26. .50 ~ $ 66:40 . . . : . - Packer truck " $ 66.40 $26.50 • $ 66.40 . Drop-box truck $66.40 $ 26.50 $66.40 Tandem rear. drive axle: . - Non packer truck S -66.40 s26.50 $..66.40 Packer #ruck $ 66.40 $26.50 .$.66.40 . . - : Drop-box truck $66.40 $ 26.50 $ 66:40 Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Mana.ger,* Pacific Norfhwest Market Area . ~ Issue date: . Ef ~§M~..~FCL4.L rlSE 0ATLY • • Docket: TG-0704I0 ~ EFffective Date: 1Vlay I, 2007 TariffNo. '15 _ Orieinal PageNo. 31 Company Name/Ferm.it Number: Waste l&nagement of Washington, IncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, ValIey C'rarbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 200 Containers aadlor Drop Boges - General Rules AvaiIability. A company must maintain a supply -of aIl sizes of coni:airiers and drap boxes for which rates -are Iisted in tiis fariff. If a customer requests a conta.iner or drop box of a size listed in the* company's tariff, and the . c.ompany is unable fo provide fihe requested size withui 7 days of the cu.stomer requesf, the customer must be noiafied in writing or by telephone. . . . Alternate-sized containers and/or drop boges. If the company cannot provide the requested-sized conta.iner or drop box (and fhat size is listed in tlie compa,ny's tarift), the company niust provide alterriate-sized confainers or drop boxes, sufFicient to meet the capaciiy originally requested by tlze customer, at the same rates as would have applied for the requested confia.iner or drop box. 'Dispasal fees due on alternate-sized drop bozes. Lf the company provides alternate-sized drop boxes, tbe customer is responsible for a11 lawfully applicable -disgosal fees resuliin.g from the u.se of the alternate drop boxes. , , . Rafes on parfiaIIy-filled cantainers andlor drop bozes. Full pickup' and rental rates apply'regardless of the amoun.t of waste material in the container or drop box at pickup time. . Rafes for comgacted materials. R.ates for compacted material apply only when the maferial has been compacted before its pickv.p by fhe company. Rates for laase material. Loose material dumped into the conapany's packer fzuck is subject to the rates for non-compacted material even though the material may be compacted later in the packer truck. . . Permanent and femporazy service. The following rules apply: (a) Lf a customer requests a container or dzop, box for Iess than 90 days, the cusfiomer will be .billed at temporary service rates. ~ .(b) If a temporary service customer notifzes the company that if bas decided to retai.n the containex or ' drbp box for more than 90 days, permanentservice rates will-be.assessed from the 91~.day until the end of the period the cusfomer retauis the containex or drop box. . . (c) If a customer requests a container or drop box for more than. 90 d.a.ys, the:customer.will be billed . . . under pezmanenf rates. Lf that customer cancels service before the end of the 94-da.y period, te company may not rebill the customer af temporary servzce rates. The intent of tb.e cu.sfomer at the time service was requested applies. • . Issued b3': Michael A. Weinstein, Senzor Pricing 1Via.n.ager, Pacif c Northwe ` st Market Area Issue date: E~~2?Q6WICUL USE 02&Y ~ Docket.TG-074410 .~'ffective Date: May 1, 2007 • \ a TariffNo. 15 OriLyinal Pa.ge No. 32 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Wasllington, IncJG-23 7 Registered Trade Name:.'ffiTaste Mana.gementof Spokane, Valley Garba.ge Service Co, and Western Refuse Cc _ . . . . ~ . - ~ Item 205 - Roll-Ouf Charees Containers. automated caa-ts. and tofers Charges for containers. The company will assess roll-out charges where, due to circumstances outside the coniroI of the driver, the driver is requ.i=ed to move a container more thari five feet but less than 25 feet in order to reach the truck. The charge for fihis'roll-out*serviceis: 5; 2.10 per container, automated cart or toter, per pickup Over 25 feet the charge will be. the charge for 25 feet, plus S 0.50 per 'incremenf of 5 feet Item 207 -Excess WeiLyhf - Reiection of Load, Charaes to Transuorf The company reserves the right to reject pickup of any container, stationary packer, or drop box which, upon reasonable inspection: . (a) Appears to be overloaded; (b) Would cause applicable vehicle Ioad limitations,to be exceeded; (c) Would cau.se the company to violate load limitations or safe vehicle operation; andlor (d) Would negatively impact or otherwise damage road surface integrity. Fflr fihe purposes of this tariff, the following maxiinuna weights apply: . Type/Size of Maximum Weight TypelSize of Maximum Weight Container, Drop Box; Allowance Container., Drop Box, Allowance , Toter, or Cart (i.n pounds) Toter, or Cart . (in pounds) Catts-AlI Sizes ~ 200 Ibs. ~ 1 to 6 yd. 1 2001bs. ~ . Drop Boxes -All•Sizes ( 20,000 Ibs. -Overfillec3 or ovea-weight, charges if transgorted. -If the contauler, drop box, toter, or cart exceeds the Iimits stated above, is filled beyond the rnarked fill Iin.e, or the top is unable to be closed, but the company hansports the matetials, the following additional charges will apply:. Type/Size of Charge Type/Size-of Charge .Conta.iner, Drop Box, Container, Drop Box, Toter, or Cart Toter, or Cart I yaxd $ 75.00 per pickup 3 yard compactor 150.00 per pickup 2 yards ~$100.00 per pickup 4 yard compactor ( S 200.00 per pickup 3-8 yards 200.04 per pickup . Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Norfhwest Market Area l~ t Issue date: ~~~eGjWTCL4L USE ONLY Docket: 7'G-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 I . ' TariffNo. 15 Orizinal Page Afio: 33 Compan.y Name/Perm.it Number: Waste Managemen# of Washington, IncJG-237 Reglstered Trade Name; Waste Mana.gemenf of Spokane; Valley Ga~age Service Co.. and Western Refuse Co. IfeYn 210 -'PVashi.nLy and Sanitizin.g Gontainers andlor Drop Boges Upon-cu.stomer request, the company W"ill provide washi.ng, steam clean.ing and saniia.~g service at the followi.ng rates: . • . . Size or Type of . . " . . . . . . Contaiaer or Drop Box Rate Nfinimum Charge AII Si.zes -Steam Cleaning ~ S 5.50 • per Yard N S 11.00 - All. Sizes -Sanitizing ~ $3.10 per yard ~ . $ 6.20 • ~ ~ . ~ ~ . . , i " ~ . . . . . . Item- 220 Comuactor Rental Customers must pay the following additiona.I charges for compactors furnished by the company. Charges j I named are for compactors only and do nat include drop box or contain'er charges. See items 250 and 270 for . container charges. Customers must pay the costs of installatzon. . , R.ated cubic yard Capaczty of charge box - Monthly rental charge: . 1 cubic yard ~ $ . . 2 cubic yards ' 3 cubic yards ~ $ " . 4 cubic yards i$ . Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Przcing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market .Area . Issue date: - , E~gjqQO147_TCL4L US`.~ ONLY . .Dacket.- TG-0704I0 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 TariffNo. 15 Orizinal Page No. 34 Comgany NamelPermitNumber: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 . Registered Trade Name: waste Mana.gement.of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. andWestern Refuse*Co. - . . . _ . . , . . - . . . , f, Item 230 Disaosal Fees Charges in this item. apply when other item.s i.n the tari.ff specifically refer to this item. Disposal site (name or Iocation) ~ Type of Ma.terial ~Fees"for disposal • Spokane Transfer Sta.tion MSW . . ~ 103.-00 per ton Spokane waste-to-Energy MSW S 98.00 per ton Sun.shine Recyclers MSW ~ 103.00 per ton Graham Roa.d Laricifill CDL Waste $ 32.00 per ton . . Indusirial Processing Waste $ 24.05 per ton Foundry Casting Sla.g $17.00 per ton . ~ , State whether fees are per yard, per ton, etc. Include charges assessed for special commod.ities (tires, appliances, asbestos, etc.) or special conditions at each specific d.isposal site. Aftach additional sheets as necessary. . Issued by: Nfichael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Ma.na.ger, Pacific Northwest Market Area ~ Issue date: . Ef:WOAQO1WrCL4L USE ONLY Docket.• TG 0704I0 Effective Date: May I, 2 007 TariffNo. 15 . Oriain.al-Pa.ge No. 35 Company NamwPe=mit Nwmber: Waste Man.agement of Washington, IncJG-237 ~ Registered Tra.de Naine: Waste Mana.gement of Spokane; Valley Crarbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 240 - Contaimer SerPice - DumDeci in Comuanv's VehicIe Non-Compacted Material (Compaziy=own.ed con~~iner) Rafes stated per` coner; per pickup R.ates in this ifem apply: (1) In the following serviee area: Tbe service area as described in Appendix A. ' -Size or Type of Cantainer - . , Service 35 Gal 64 Gal 96 Gal Type Cart Cart Cart 1 Yard. 1.$ Yard Z Yard 3 I'asd .4 Yard 6 Yard 8 Yard Permaneat Serrice: ' ' • • . ' ' ' . Montb]y Rent, . ' ifapplicable $6.00 $6.40 $7.30 $8.40, $9.50 $I2.50 $I5.60 . PickUp • . , Charge $3.40 $6.00 $8:65 $13.95 $19.93 524.95 $34.45- $41.95 $56.95 $68.45 Special Pickup ' Charge $6.40 $9.00 $11.65 $16.95 $22.95 $27.95 $37.45 $44.95 $59.95 $71.45 Temnorarv Service: • - Inifial Deliver`y . . . . • . z • ' . ~ . Par5e ' , - 540.00 S40.00 . $40.00 $40.00 • .540.00 $40,00 S40.00 PickUp . . . Cbarge $26.95 S32:95 $37.95 $47.45 554.93 $69.95 $81.45 RentPerDay $1.00 $I.10 $1.20 ' 51.64 $1.90 $2.10 $2.60 Note 1: Permanent Service: Service is defined as no less tb.an scheduled, every other week pickup, unIess local govemment requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are invalved. Customer will be ebarged for seivice req.tested., even if fewer containers are serviced on a particular trip. No credit Nvill be given for partially fi1led containers. Note 2: Permanent Senice: Tf rent is sho-Am, the rate for the first pickup and each additionat picku.p must be the satne,'If rent is not shosvn, it is ta be i.ncluded in fihe rate for the first pickup. Accessorial charges assessed (Iids,tarping, unlockiag, unlatching, etc.): . Note 3: A gate ar obstruction charge of $14.60 will be assessed for opening, unlocking or closing gates, or moving obsfructions in order to pick up solid waste. Nofie 4: In addition to all other applicable charges, a-charge of 513.95 per yard (assessed on a pro rata basis) will be . assessed if confiainers ara filled past fiheir visible full Iim.it, confainer lids will not close due to overfflli.n& or if additional materials are placed on or near the containers. . . , . Issued by: Kchael.A. Weinsfiein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Norfhwest Market Area Issue date: . E~OAU.WWICLAL USE DNLY .Docket: Z'G-070410 ~'ffective Date: May I, 2007 Tari.ff No.15 OriQinal Pa.ge.No. 36 Company NamelPermitNumber: Waste Management ofWashington, IncJG-237 Registered T'rade I`Tame: Wasfie Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service: Co. and Western Refuse Co ~ l _ . : . . . . ~l Y~ein-~4j - C'ontainer~Ser'vice - I)um~ped in Companv's Veh2cle Non-Compacted Material (Customer-owneii conta.iner) . Includes Com.mercial Can SerWice R.ates stated pez container, per pickup unless otherwise noted Rafes in fhis item apply: .(1) In. the following service area: The service area as. described in Appendix A. • • . Pernianent Service 32-ga11on can or uziit . . . Ba.ch Scheduled Pickup ~ $ 3.15 . Minimum Charge per . ~ month . $18.90: . . . . Temporaiy Service . . ~ . . : . . . Pickup Rate~ ~ $ 3.15 , . . . . Note 1: Permanent Service: Sezvice is defined as no less than scheduled, every other week pickup, unless . Iocal government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer will t - charged for seivice requested, even if fewer containers are serviced.on a particular irip. No credit wi be given for partially filled containers. . Issued by: Michael A. Weinstei.n, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market .Area Issue date: ~~qMe3W7jCI14L USE ON.LY Docket:. TG-0704I0 . Effective Date: May .l, 2007 , , . TariffNo. 15 . Orieinal Pa.ge No. 37 ~ . Company NamelPerm.it Number: W'aste Mana.gement of Washington, Inc.lG-23 7 ' f Registered Tra.de Name: Waste Mana.gement of Spokane, Valley Carbage Service Co. and Western Refu.se Co. Item 255 - Container Service - Dnmped in Companv's Vehicle Compacted 1Vlaterial (Cu:stonler-owned container) Rates sta.ted per cozitainer,per, pick`up . Ra.fes in this ifem agply: : . (1) In the followi.ng service area: The service area as described in Appendix A. Permanent Service Size of Continer. - 2 Yard 3 Yai~d 4 Y'ard S Yard 6 Yard Each Scbeduled Pickv:p ~ $71.95 ~ $103:95 ~ $134.45 ~ $162.75 . ~ 5195.45.' . ~ Special Pickups ( $74.95 ~$106.95 $137.45 ~ 1165.75 ~ $198.45 SNote 1: Pennanent Service: Service is defined as no Iess than`scheduled, every other week pickup, unless - . local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer will be . charged for service requested, even if fewer containers are serviced on a particular frip. No cred'zt will be given for partially filled containers. Accessorial charaes assessed flids. tar-uin6. unlocldnEr, nnlafchina. etc.l: . Note Z; A gate or obstruction charge of $10.60 will be.assessed for opening, unlocking or closing gates, or ' moving obsiructions in order to pzck up solid waste. . Note 3: A fee of S16.40 per pick up will be a.ssessed when containers wifh attached compacfors zequire disconriecting or reconnecting. . Issued bY: Michael A. Weznstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market'.Area Issue date: . . . . EfWq9WeOLW1CL1L U5'E.ONLY Docket: TCr-0704I0 . EffectiveDate: May 1,.2007 TariffNo. 15 Orieinal Pa.ge No. 38 Company Name/Peimit Number: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Nlana.gement of Spokane, Valley Garba.ge Service Co. and Western Refu.se Ct - . . . . . . . . . - . ~ - ~ 'Item 260 -1?roD*Boz-Service =To Disnosal Sife and Refurm Non-Compacted Material (Company-owned drop box) Rates sta#ed per drop box, per pick up Rates in this itein appIy: , (1) In the following service area.: The service area as described i.n Appendix A. . ' ~ Size or 'I'ype of C;ontainer _ 10 Yard ~ 1.5 Yard . 24 Yard 25 Yard ~ 27 Yard ( 30 Yard ~ 40 Yard Permanent Service: • Monthly Rent, if applicable $33.90 $37.$0 $44.60. . $57.10 $58.90 . .,$60.80 $7430 . First Pickup t . $65.10 $65.10 $65:10 $65.10 $65.10 $6$.10 $65.10 Each.Additional Pickup . $65.10 $65.10 $65.10 $65.10 $65.10 $05.10 $65.10 ; , . , . Special Pickups $69.10 $68.10 $68.10 $68:10 $68.10 $68.10 $68.10 Temnorarv Service: ' " • Initial Delivery $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 Pickup Rate $85.10 $85.10 $85.10 $85,10 $85.10 $85.10 $85.10 Rent Pes Cale,ndar I}ay $2.30 ' $2.50 $3.00 $3.80 $3.90 $4.10 $5.00 Note 1: Rates in this item are subject to disposal fees narned in Item 230. ~ Note 2: R.ates named in this item apply for all hauls not exceedi.ng 5 m.iles measured frmm the point of pickup to the disposal site. Excess miles shall be charged for at S 3.70 per mile or frwtion of a mi.1e. Mileage charge is in a.ddition to all regvlar charges. Note 3: Pezmanent Service: ~ (a) Service is defined as no less than scheduled, once a month pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. (b) If a drop box is retained by a customer for a full month and no pickups are ordered, the monthly rent shall be charged, but no charges will be assessed for pickups. Monthly rental charges will be prorated ~*hen a drop box is refained for only a portion of a month. (c) If rent is shown, the rate for the first pickup and each additional pickup must be the same. If rent is not shown, it i's to be included in the rate for the first pickup. -Accessorial charees assessed flids. taruiuLy. nnIocldng. unIatchinp,, etc.l: Note 4: A gate or obstruction charge of $10.60 will be assessed for openi.ng, unlocking or closing gates, or moving obstructions in • order to pick tip solid waste. , Note S: A fee of 521.00 per month will be added to rent when lid is requimd on containers over IS yards. Note 6: A fee of 514.40 will be assessed when customer requires solid waste collection company to position lids open after refurning empfy confiainer to customer site. ' Issued by: Michael A. Weinsfein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area ~ Issue date: E~~eO]RF1-CL4L USE pAEy . Docket.• TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007. Tari.ffNo.15 . : OriginalPage No. 39 ..Company NamelPernu# Number: Waste Mana.gement of Washington, IncJG-237 . Registered Trade Name: Waste Mana.gement of Spokane; Valley Garbage Service Co. and West.ern Refuse Co. Item 275 - Dron 'Bvz Service To I)isiD'osal Site and Return Compacted Material (Cu.stomer-owned drop box) Ra.tes sfiated per drop box, per pick up Rates in this item apply: , . . (I) In the following servic,e area: The service area as described in AppendixA. , ~ , . Size or Type of Container - ' 10 Yard 15. Yard 20 Yard 25 "Yard 3 0 Yard 40 Yard Permanent Service: ' Each ScheduIed Pzckup $92.10 $92.10_ $92.10 $92:10 $92.10 $92.10 Special Picku.ps $92.10. $92.10 $92.10 .$92.10 $92.10 : $92.10 Temporary Service: . Pickup Rate . Note 1: Rates i.n th'ts item are subject to disposal fees named in Item 230. 1 Note 2: R.ates named in this item apply for all hauls not exceeding 5 miles measured from the point of pickup to the disposal site. Excess miles shall be charged for at S 3.70 per mile or fraction of a mile, Mileage ' charge is in addrtion to all regular charges. Note 3: Permanent Service is defined as no Iess than scheduled, once a month pickup, unless local : govemment requires more frequent sexvzce or unless putrescibles are i.nvolved. Accessorial charLyes assessed (lids. tarvi.n.Ly. unIockiner, unIatchinLy. efc.): Note 4. A fee of S16.40 per month wi11 be assessed when containers with attached compactors require disconnecting, reconnecting or burning around. Note 5: A gat.e or obstruction charge of $10.60 will be assessed for openi.ng, unlocking or closing gates, or moving obstructions in order to pick up solid waste. _-~Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacif c Norfhwest Market Area Issue date: . _L UEE ONLY Docket: TG-0704I D Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tari.ffNo.15 . Orip-inai Page No. 40 Company NTamelPermit Number: Waste Man ¢ement of.Washiigton, IncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Mauagexnent: of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co, and Western Refuse Co . . . . . , , Item 300 List of Abbreviations and Svmbols Used in This T'ariff (A) Denotes increases. ' . . . (R) Denotes decreases. . (C) Denotes changes in wording, resuIiirig i.n neither i.ncreases nor decreases. (N) Denotes new ra.tes, services, or rules - *"Denotes tha.t material previously shown ha.s been deIeted. . Yd: or yd. are abbreviations for yard Cu. or cu.'are abbreviations for.cubic. : , Issued by: Nlichael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area • Issue date: ' F-:~~OA71CI14L tTS~.~ O.NEY - Docket: TG-07041 D Effective .I3ate: May I, 2007