Resolution 23-010 Iterim Homeless Hsousing Task ForceCITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION No. 23-010 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, TO ESTABLISH AN INTERIM HOMELESS AND HOUSING TASK FORCE, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, homelessness is among the most challenging social issues facing the City of Spokane Valley, Washington (City); and WHEREAS, pursuant to chapters 36.22 and 43.185C of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), as amended by Chapter 277, Laws of 2023 (substitute Senate Bill 5386) (effective July 23, 2023), county auditors have authority to collect homeless housing and assistance surcharges for each document recorded, subject to specified exemptions; WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 43.185C.080, a city may assert responsibility for homeless housing within its border by forwarding a resolution to the legislative authority of the county stating its intentions and commitment to operate a separate homeless housing program); and WHEREAS, the City Council passed a Resolution 23-005 declaring its intention and commitment to operate its own homeless housing program and to meet all applicable legal and regulatory requirements including those set forth in chapter 43.185C RCW and established by the State Department of Commerce (Commerce), in order to be a direct recipient of HHAA Local Surcharge Funds; and WHEREAS, the purpose of these and other related City efforts is to prevent homelessness from occurring where possible, reduce current levels of homelessness, and improve the quality of life of residents, including those experiencing homelessness; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Commerce guidelines and RCW 43.185C, the City is required to create a Homeless and Housing Task Force to develop a five-year homeless housing plan. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington as follows: Section 1. Homeless and Housing Task Force. (A) The interim Homeless and Housing Task Force is created as an advisory body to the City Council. The task force will make recommendations for the five-year Housing and Homeless Plan; use of the revenue derived from the "Homeless Housing and Assistance Act" (HHAA) surcharge funds; and the final composition of the task force and terms to the City Council. (B) Appointments to or removals from the interim Homeless and Housing Task Force shall be made by the Mayor, with confirmation by a majority of Council pursuant to the then -currently adopted Governance Manual. (C) The interim Homeless and Housing Task Force shall be composed of seven voting representatives from the following: Position I - City of Spokane Valley councilmember Position 2 - Spokane County Resolution 23-010 Establishing Homeless and Housing Task Force Position 3 - Business sector; Position 4 - School sector; Position 5 - Housing Authority Positions 6 & 7 — People with lived experience of homelessness (D) In addition to the above voting Commission members, there shall be orle non -voting ex qfficio member as assigned by the City Manager, who will function as a liaison between the City Council and tile Homeless and Housing Task Force, (E) Members of the task force shall serve as Volunteers without compensation, except tile. representatives with lived experience should be offered reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses or a stipend intended to cover out-of-pocket expenses unless their employer collipensates them to participate. The City Manager or designee will develop policies for such reimbursement or stipend. Membership on tile task force is not intended to, and shall not under any circumstances constitute eniployrnent with or by the City in any capacity whatsoever. (F) All meetings of tile [Jorneless and I-Iousing Task force are Subject to Washington's Open Public Meetings Act, chapter 42.30 R.CW, and Washington's Public Record Act, chapter 42.56 RCW. (G)'"I"he Interim Housing and Homeless Task Force shall remain in existence until the earlier of (1) such time as all responsibilities and dtities as set forth in this Resolution have been completed, (2) a permanent Housing and Homeless Task Force has been established and members appointed, or (3) December 31, 2024, at which time the filterill') Housing and Homeless Task Force shall automatically end. All members appointed to the Interim Housing and Homeless Task Force shall serve for the duration of the Interim Housing and Homeless Task Force. Section 2 Severabili . If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of coinpetentjUrisdiction, Such invalidity Ol'unconstitutionality shall riot affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 11. Effective Date, This t-CSOJUtiOn shall be effective immediately upon passage and signatures hereto. Passed this 12"' day of September, 2023. Pain Haley, Mayor ATTEST: L. ......... Ulu. City Cl l'k, Marci Patterson Approved As To Form: 6—ffflilce of the City Attorney Resolution 23-010 Establishing Homeless and f lousiiig Task Force