2023, 07-18 Study SessionMINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Tuesday, July 18,2023 Mayor Haley called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. The meeting was held in person by Council and staff in the Great Room at CenterPlace, 2426 N Discovery Place, Spokane Valley, and also remotely via Zoom meeting. A ften dan ce. - Co unc i I in e irl b ers Staff Pam Haley, Mayor Erik Lamb, Deputy City Manager Rod Higgins, Deputy Mayor Tony Beattie, Sr. Deputy City Attorney Tim 1-fattenbLirg, Councilmerriber ChelsicTaylor, Finance Director Brands Peetz, Councilmeniber Bill Ilelbig, Community & PW Director Laura Padden, Councilinember Mike Basinger, Economic Lev. Director Ben Wick, Councilmember John Bottelli, Parks & see Director. Arne Woodard, Councilt-nernber Gloria Mantz, City Engineer Scan Walter, Assistant Police Chief Others in attendance; John Whitehead, I Inman resources Director Kelly Konkright, Attorney Emily Estes -Cross, Public Information Officer Sarah Farr, .accountant/Budget Analyst Erika Ainsden, CIP Engineering Manager Greg Bingaman, l'I'Specialist Marci Patterson, City Clerk ROLL CALL: City Clerk Patterson called roll; all Counciltnerribct-s were present. "PROVA-1, OF AIS4ENDED AGENDA- It was wovecl by Deputy MaYor Higgitvs�, seconded and 'unaniinously agreed to apIn-o w the amendetY agend'a. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: After Mayor Haley explained the process, she invited public cornment, Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valle [via zoom]: spoke of the need for more response for emergency services specifically in the need of a fire in her area., She also spoke about the increasing calls for service in licr neighborhood. Mr. Dan Allison, SPokanc Valley; noted fie would like the general Public comment period to be more of a question and answer period and Would like dialog between the citizens and council during the meeting. He also noted that there is a car show coming tip and the city should SUPI)Ort it and that lie would be riding the bus this week to the downtown area and invited any Council tojoin him. Pam Marlow: said she would like to see more patrols in her neighborhood as more tents are popping tip and people loitering in her neighborhood. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Motion Consideration: Poe Contract g'i ers -Bill I-jelhjg It was MOved by Del u�y Mt-o)oi- Pliggins card sec oruled to authorize the Cit) Allanager tofin alize and execute Contract Amendment #3 to Poe Asphalt Paving Inc, for additional local street reconstruction, resulting in a total contract amount not to exceed $1,884,169.66. Mayor Haley invited public cormnent; no comments were offered. Vote hY acc/cunation.- inficivor: unanimous. Qpj)oseck none, Motion earrie(l 2, Motion Consideration: Grant Agreement Ap I j?Eovg] fo � Idaho Central Spokane Valley Performing Ails Center ICSVPAC) — Sarah Farr, ... . .......... -- It was movecl by Deputy Mqyor. Ali ggins andseconded to qjo])rove that the City Managrer err- designee execute ti conti,act with Idaho (.entra1,Sj.)o1cco7e Valley Peiforming Arl,,s, Centerfor a $ 785,714 gr(.,int atlpard After a brief overview from Ms. Farr regarding the grant, Mayor I laley invited public comments. Dr. Marne Rqijjq[m,,_Director noted that the building is Oil schedule for Opening SUnInier 2024 and thaliked ICSVPAC Dii COUJICH Meeting NHIM(CS, SlUdy SeSSiffll: 07-18-2023 Nige I of 3 Approved by Council-. 10-03-2023 council for the grant award. _Mr. John Harding, Spokane Valley: questioned any additional funding for the project and if there was any input from the public on the grant awards and where the funds should go. Vote by acclamation: in favor: imanimous. Opposed: none. Alotion carried. NON -ACTION ITEMS: 3, SCOPE, Graffiti Update - Erik Lamb; Chris Conway, SCOPE_Director Mr. Lamb provided background on the funding for the graffiti clean up efforts and noted the City-wide clean-up event on July 20"'. Ms. Conway provided details on the locations of the clean-up efforts and noted there would be several agencies on -site to volunteer with the graffiti removal. She also explained that there would be another event later in the year and she would follow-up with more details as well as information on the overall cost of the clean-up efforts and that they would be mapping areas of high graffiti for tracking purposes. 4. Spokane County Conservation District Update — Mike Basinger; Vicki Carter Conservation District Director Mr. Basinger provided a brief history of the Spokane County Conservation District and then introduced Ms. Vicki Carter, Conservation District Director. Ms. Carter provided an overview of the district's current programs. Projects and future construction of the Scale House Market on their new 50-acre campus. She invited staff and council to the open house of the facility on the campus and will return at a later date with an update on the Scale House Market. 5. Pines/BNSF Grade Separation Project Update; Gloria Mantz Erica Amsden Ms. Mantz opened the discussion with a brief history on the project and that the engineering department has been working with twelve property owners for partial acquisitions of the properties. Of the twelve properties, the city has finalized negotiations with five property owners. Three additional property owners are considered low risk and staff anticipates those acquisitions to be completed in the upcoming weeks. The four remaining properties are considered higher risk and could potentially jeopardize the project schedule. Ms. Amsden discussed the continuation of negotiations with the property owners, but also recommended moving forward with a Final Action Ordinance to initiate the eminent domain process in case negotiations cannot be corpleted in a timely manner. There was Council consensus that staff proceed with the recommended Final Action Ordinance, to be brought back to council in the near future. 5. Council Goals and Priorities for Lodaina Tax Advisory Committee.• Chelsie Taylor, Sarah Farr Ms. Taylor provided the Council with the annual update on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and reviewed the members that are comprised of the committee and the state rules governing the use of the 2% lodging tax. Ms. Farr reviewed the council goals and priorities for the use of the funds as annually adopted by council. Ms. Fall also commented on the timeline for the process of application and then the award of funding. There was Council consensus that staff proceed with the current goals as presented. 6. CommunUy Development Block Grant CDBG Consortium A reemerat' Erilc Lamb Gloria Mantz Mr. Lamb opened the discussion with a brief overview of the background on CDBG funding. Mr. Lamb discussed the multiple selections that were available to council for the entitlement options. There were four options discussed and after previous discussions, Council passed a motion choosing option 4 which directed staff to negotiate the consortium agreement with Spokane County. Ms. Mantz reviewed the agreement in detail and asked for any comments or changes to the agreement. Council had questions regarding the "set - aside" portion of funding as well as the clarification on where funding would be used. There was Council consensus that staff proceed with the agreement, and to be brought back to council in the near future for approval. 7. 2024 Vehicle/Egrri�ment Requests; Bill Helbi Mr. Helbig presented background on the City's current Fleet Management Program and discussed the equipment and vehicles that were in need of being replaced. There were four vehicles that were listed for Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session: 07-1$-2023 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: 10-03-2023 replacement and two pieces of equipment (a backhoe and a s[iowplow) that were also listed. Mr. Helbig stated that all the vehicles and equipment listed were on the 2024 budget supplemental request list as well. C0111161 discussed the condition of each item and the need for replacement, There was Council consensus that Staff I)I-OCCed With the purchase of the fleet vehicles if they become available and order the fleet equipment as presented to Council. I I . Advance Agenda — Mayo r ale -- ij- -_y There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. COUNCIL COMMENTS There were no further Council comments. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Deputy City Manager Lamb spoke about a letter froni the RAV171 Foundation regarding a mini pitch soccer field donation. Mr. Lamb also mentioned the outside agency process went live on our website on Friday. Mr. Lamb provided an update on the car show that will be in, OUrcorninunity and that the city has provided funding to Mr. Anderson and that the City is supporting hin-i in his events as well. It was moved by Depi.q)) All(wor fliggit-is, seconclecl caul unanhnousb) qgree(l to t74journ. The meeting adjourned at 7:32 pain A'FTEST: it KE76 Patterson, City Clerk Pain Haley, Mayor Council Meeting Mimites, Study Session: 07-18-2023 Approved by COL11161: 10-03-2023 Page 3 of 3 AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL RE GULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tuesday, July 18, 2023 6:00 pan. Remotely via ZOOM Meeting and In Person at Centerl"lace Regional Event Center Great Room 2426 N Discovery Place Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Council Requestv .111easeVilence Your Cell Phones During Couneil Meeting NOTE: Members of the public may attend Spokane Valley Council meetings in -person at the address provided above, or via Zoom at the link below, Members of the public will be allowed to, comment in - person or via Zoom as described below. Public comments will only be accepted for those items noted on the agen&-As.`-`public - comment oi)Rqqqnj!y�'.. . If making a comment via Zoom, comments roust be received by 4:00 put the day of the meeting. • Sigrp_yp_to Provide Oral Public Coniment at the Meeth), via Catr�ng-hl • Submit Written Public Comment Prior to the • Join the Zooni Wl--,,B M.e.e.,til.)..g CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AMENDED AGENDA GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPDXf UNITY: This is an opportunity to]' tile public to speak on any subject except agenda action items, as public comments will be taken on those items where indicated. Please keep comments to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Government,'T'his is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Diverse points of view are welcome but please keep remarks civil. Remarks will be limited to three minutes Per person. To comment via zoom: use the link above for oral or written comments as per those directions. To comment at the meeting in person: speakers may sign in to speak but it is not required. A sign -in sheet will be provided at the meeting, ACTION ITEMS: I, Motion Consideration: Change Order Poe Contract — Bill 1Jelbig [public connnent opportunity) 2, Motion Consideration: Grant Agreement Approval for ICSVPAC — Sarah Farr [public coninient opportunity] NON -ACTION ITEMS: 3. SCOPE, Graffiti Update - Erik Lamb, Chris Conway 4Adru4ii Rep,(,-n-+' M 5. Pines/BNSF GSP Update — Glofia Mange & Erica Amsden 6. Council Goals & Priorities for LTAC — Chelsie Taylor 7. Admin Report,, CDBG Consortium Update — Erik L.amb 8, Admin Report: 2024 Vehicle/Equipment Requests Update — Bill Helbig 9, Advance Agenda — Mayor Haley COUNCIL COMMENTS CITY MANAGER COMMENTS ADJOURN Council Agenda July 18, 2023 Page 1 of "I i , ps *RAVE S FC FOUNDATION. 4P July 11, 2023 Dear Mr. Botelli and the Spokaine Valley City Council: It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of intent and request to partner with Spokane Valley to bring a Sounders FC / RAVE Foundation soccer mini pitch, to Balfour Park in 20,24. This project brings to life RAVE Foundations mission of building small fields for free play and using soccer as a vehicle to inspire youth and strengthen communities. With the excitement of FIFA World Cup 2026 corning to our state, we are even more committed to bringing the beautiful game of soccer to multiple communities for free. As the charitable partner of Seattle Sounders FC, we believe- • Play is not a privilege, play is essential to the growth and wellbeing of all children • A dedicated play space, accessible for free, can anchor a community and nurture a child • Through play, everyone belongs, • Play brings joy, and joy is a health outcome Our donation includes: • Long-lasting hard -court surfacing • Painting of lines and logos (approved by the City) • Soccer goa Is • Fencing • And free programming and partnership for the long term. Providing the first of what we hope will be many mini pitches to the Spokane area is truly exciting for LIS. We intend to not only partner with the city to build the playspace, but to be a long-term partner in programming for the youth in Spokane Valley, It is our intent to gift this project to the city in 2024 and to host a wonderful community celebration the same year. Thank you for your time and commitment to the youth you serve. 141411 140-exe-17 Ashley Fosberg VP of Philanthropy, Seattle Sounders FC Executive Director, RAVE Foundation