17-187.07Waste ManagementDropBoxCollectionRates2023-2024CITY OF jlwkyr November 2023 Community & Public Works Department 10210 E Sprague Avenue ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509) 720-5000 1 Fax: (509) 720-5075 ♦ www.spokanevalley.org RE: Contract no. 17.187.07 - 2023/2024 Rates for Comprehensive Drop -box Container Collection Contract with Waste Management of Washington, Inc. Pursuant to Section 4.3.1 of the Agreement, rates are automatically adjusted annually as follows: 90% of the annual percentage change in the average CPI for the 12 month period July 1 through June 30 of the calendar year the adjustment becomes effective as compared to the CPI average for the preceding 12- month period and multiplying the result by the then applicable service charges and miscellaneous fees. Such increases or decreases are considered part of this Contract that occur automatically on an annual basis. Rates shall be adjusted annually, beginning December 1, 2018. The 2023/2024 rates effective December 1, 2023 through November 30, 2024 were automatically adjusted as follows: CPI% 6.69% CPI% 5.70% 12/1/2022 12/1/2023 Service Level (based on pick ups) Daily Rent Monthly Rent Delivery charge, Haul Charge' Daily Rent Monthly Rent I Delivery Charge' Haul Char e' All Sector Non -compacted 10 cubic vard box S 3.11 S 4626 $ 60.33 $ 95.57 $ 3.28 $ 48.89 S 63.76 $ 101.01 Drop-boi Non -compacted 15 cubic yard -box $ 4.27 S 60.67 $ 60.33 $ 95.57 $ 4.51 $ 64.12 S 63.76 S 101.01 Collection Non -compacted 20 cubic yard -box $ 5.43 S 75.08 $ 60.33 $ 95.57 $ 5.73 $ 7935 S 63.76 $ 101.01 Non -compacted 25 cubic yard box S 5.78 S 79.05 $ 60.33 S 95.57 S 6.10 $ 83.55 S 63.76 S 101.01 Non -compacted 30 cubic yard -box $ 6.11 $ 83.00 $ 60.33 $ 95.57 $ 6.45 S 87.73 $ 63.76 $ 101.01 Non -compacted 40 cubic yard -box S 6.80 1 S 101.02 S 60.33 1 $ 95.57 S 7.18 S 106.77 S 63.76 S 101.01 Compacted 10 cubic yard -box outside contract $ 6033 $ 15437 outside contract $ 63.76 S 163.16 Compacted 20 cubic yard -box ordside contract S 60.33 $ 154.37 outside contract S 63.76 $ 163.16 Compacted 25 cubic yard x outside contract $ 60.33 $ 154.37 outside contract S 63.76 $ 163.16 Compacted 30 cubic yard Drop -box outside contract $ 60.33 $ 154.37 outside contract S 63.76 $ 163.16 Compacted 40 cubic yard box outside contract $ 60.33 $ 154.37 outside contract $ 63.76 S 163.16 Drop -box Ancillary Fees Per Unit Per Unit Multifamily Recycling Fee(per cubic yard of DB size)' $ 6.54 $ 6.91 Return Trip event $ 29.24 S 30.90 Stand- Time minute) $ 1.84 S 1.94 Container cleaning (per yard of container size $ 11.68 S 12.34 Drop -box excess miles over 5 mi), per one-way mile $ 3.48 $ 3.67 service Level Delivery Fee Daily Rental Monthly Rental Haul Charge Delivery Fee Daily I Rental 'Monthly Rental Haul Charge Temporary Non-compaMed 10 cubic Vard -box S 60.33 1 $ 3.11 $ 46.26 $ 122.93 $ 63.76 S 3.28 $ 48.89 S 129.93 Containers Non -compacted 20 cubic yard -box S 60.33 S 5.43 $ 75.08 S 122.93 $ 63.76 S 5.73 $ 79.35 $ 129.93 Non -compacted 30 cubic yard box S 60.33 S 6.11 S 83.001 S 122.93 S 63.76 S 6.45 S 87.73 S 129.93 on-c cted: cubic and -box S 60.33 S 6.80 S 101.02 $ 12293 $ 63.76 S 7.18 S 106.77 S 129.93 Hourly Rate Dr box Truck + dnver $ 87.84 92.84 Additional Labs $ 35.04 $ 37.03 Extra Contaminated recycling material pick-up (per loose cubic yard of material collected) $ 11.68 1 1 S 12.34 * The City's disposal fee as it exists on the date of execution or as thereafter modified shall be itemized separately on Customer invoices. The Contractor shall charge Customers the arhml disrxxal engt withrntt mark-rm Charged only upon first delivery. Any empty and returns are charged Haul Charge. 2 Per haul. Flat Rate. No disposal fee added to charge.