23-038.03CameronReillyLLCBalfourParkExpansion a3- o3�3, 03 *Mime e CHANGE ORDER NO: 3 ENGINEERING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 23-038 PROJECT: Balfour Park Expansion CONTRACT DATE: 2/7/2023 PRIME CONTRACTOR: Cameron Reilly, LLC CIP NO: 316 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Additional work at Balfour Facility(former Leather Gallery)-CIP#0350 Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total ONSITE-SCHEDULE A CO#3.1 Irrig/sod revisions-Sprague frontage-Force Acct. 1 LS $ 3,978.11 $ 3,978.11 CO#3.2 Irrig/sod revisions rear of building 1 LS $ 3,520.00 $ 3,520.00 CO#3.3 Temporary Irrigation controls and valve repairs 1 LS $ 2,310.00 $ 2,310.00 Subtotal $ 9,808.11 8.9% Sales Tax $ 872.92 Subtotal Schedule A $ 10,681.03 Total Amount of this Change Order(incl.Tax): $ 10,681.03 VERBAL APPROVAL AND JUSTIFICATION Independent Justification on File Yes Verbal Approval Yes Verbal Approval by Glenn Ritter PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 121 Revision By This Change Order: 7 Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 24 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 152 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 3,810,723.87 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(through co#2) $ 185,826.60 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 3,996,550.47 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 10,681.03 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 4,007,231.50 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: <� DATE: \\V to] (9-Oa'3 The contractor hereby accepts this adjus rtFIL ie terms of.S�tion 1-04.4 of the original contract. RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: 11/8/23 Pro'e Mana 'f APPROVED BY: / ✓ —'`; DATE:J/•0, j --ZOO City Engigeer APPROVED BY: DATE: City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Force Acct Sheets#001-003&Cameron Reilly Change Order Proposals Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor, PW Project File,Project Inspector,Finance Department Spokane Valley Change Order No: 3 Construction Contract No: 23-038.03 THE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: WORK TO INCLUDE Background: This change order pays for extra work that was added at the recently acquired Balfour Facility CIP#0350(former Leather Gallery). The work includes irrigation and sod revisions adjacent to the new meandering walkway along Sprague Ave, irrigation and sod revisions at the new northerly interface with Balfour Park and a new battery powered irrigation controller with added valves. Description of Change: This change order pays for the following added work: • Removal of sod • Revisions to irrigation • Sod replacement • Battery powered controller to replace existing malfunctioning controller • Isolation valves to replace existing malfunctioning valves Specification: No changes to the specifications because of this change. Plans: See attached exhibit for location of work Time: Seven(7)working days are added to the contract because of this change. Measurement: Force Account Sheets for the Sprague frontage and no specific measurements for the two new lump sum items. Payment: Payment for new item#3.1 "Irrig/Sod revisions-Sprague Frontage"shall be per attached force account sheets from Capital Project#0350 budget. Payment for new items#3.2"Irrig/Sod revisions rear of building"&#3.3 "Temporary Irrigation controls and valve repairs"shall be lump sum from Capital Project#0350 budget. The lump sum Contract price for items#3.2&#3.3 shall be full pay for labor, equipment, disposal of removed items and replacement as listed in this change order. ( - - LIJ1 1- - . '''' ' / (..) 4&441 f/V ink 11•%- It*- ' , . 1 lip• 1 aftV444A1 1 1 vl.-,--A-ft L6AI— Aii.:....41 04,4,,i ri, - !lb.. .....111Wi Ilk' 164,I IW N% bil VILEWIv4A�r:rirT,r:fire�rr►��rcfir.�,�T,r,Ts�rry.. �r� iOi iri i0i iOi iOi ri ioi : I ier iai g N .i • -441N '44I% 44% � M�er�ii. lii..l.,*liiliilir.op „i.,r. ,ram,■' _ L `� 71�Cf�✓p[7Q�TSA6 � ` i=.:': 15TIi � FENCE \ L,,, il_�, •, . ..:::::.....i::::•::::.:•..:i::::::.::::::.:i:::i*•::::::.*:.:..:::::.:.:::::...:.:::::...:.?..:.:::.:.::::::...:. lit,., ___h,. __ .:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:....:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.......:::....:.:::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::. Approximate Area for NORTH _ _ CO Item #3.2 -. `.... 'i ....i ....i- >....Si'.'• ..'.:.'.2......?'.'...'` .2'. i'. '..'.`:`.'. '. ilk ...................................................... .__ . ; _ __ ,, mr : I N.T.S. ���j.!� Approximate Location �I__i�_ x< for CO Item #3.3 • _ Isis , 1 Balfour i _ Facility I 1 . 1 I _a I Approximate Areas - _; for CO-Item #3.1 d. ,.-_-..-..-.,1_,_�. ii. — _ 61:: .4:,p4t__r — l/ �� ............ ....... ............... • _- 4- I ::• � � --;\ - .. .. .:•.. .. .. . \ \ j/\'\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ; \ \ \ \ \ \r-\ r \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\`' ,\\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \ \ \, \ \ \ \ \�\ \i>?C\ \ \ \ \ I, ,1�s EXISTING TURF TO REMAIN S P RAG U E AV E. - - - NV Balfour Park Expansion #0316 Change Order #3 Exhibit - Balfour Facility #0350 FA Sheet No.: 00001 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Spo°Fkane Valley® Project Name: Balfour Park Expansion Project No: 316 Item No.: Irrigation revisions and sod patch back Date: 7/26/2023 Description of Work: at new meandering walk along the frontage of Balfour Facility(former Leather Gallery) Work by Subcontractor?: ❑� Prime Contractor: Cameron Reilly Sub-Contractor: Clearwater LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR NAME OCCUPATION HOURS WWR HOURS WWR AMOUNT Josh Gilbert 4 $ 44.89 $ - $ 179.56 Miguel Uribe 4 $ 44.89 $ - $ 179.56 Luis Uribe 4 $ 44.89 $ - $ 179.56 Hermilo Garcia 4 $ 44.89 $ - $ 179.56 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 718.24 Total Hourly"Ususal Benefits" $ 13.44 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ included LABOR TOTAL $ 731.68 .:'EQUIPMENT HOURS HOURS ADJUSTED STANDBY DOLLAR EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS WORKING STANDBY RATE RATE AMOUNT $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - SUBTOTAL-EQUIPMENT $ - EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ included EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ - . IICATERIALS MATERIALS QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Irrigation Heads,Poly Pipe&Fittings(See attached parts list"invoice") 1.0 188.52 $ 188.52 $ 188.52 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - SUBTOTAL-MATERIALS $ 188.52 MATERIALS OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ included MATERIALS TOTAL $ 188.52 Veri I do o Hours Worked: TOTAL: $ 920.20 ID.%I.e024 Prime Markup on Subcontractor(10%) $ 92.02 Contractor's Represe tive Date SHEET TOTAL: $ 1,012.22 11* /a 31 2023 N Owner's Representative Date Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: FA Sheet No.: 00002 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Spokane Valley® Project Name: Balfour Park Expansion Project No: 316 Item No.: Irrigation revisions and sod patch back Date: 7/27/2023 Description of Work: at new meandering walk along the frontage of Balfour Facility(former Leather Gallery) Work by Subcontractor?: D Prime Contractor: Cameron Reilly Sub-Contractor: Clearwater LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR NAME OCCUPATION HOURS WWR HOURS WWR AMOUNT Josh Gilbert 4 $ 44.89 $ - $ 179.56 Miguel Uribe 4 $ 44.89 $ - $ 179.56 Luis Uribe 4 $ 44.89 $ - $ 179.56 Hermilo Garcia 4 $ 44.89 $ - $ 179.56 $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 718.24 Total Hourly"Ususal Benefits" $ 13.44 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ Included LABOR TOTAL $ 731.68 -EQUIPMENT HOURS HOURS ADJUSTED STANDBY DOLLAR EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS WORKING STANDBY RATE RATE AMOUNT $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - SUBTOTAL-EQUIPMENT $ - EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ Included $ - EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ - MATERIALS MATERIALS QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ SUBTOTAL-MATERIALS $ - MATERIALS OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ Included $ - MATERIALS TOTAL $ - V ifica'o of Hours Worked: TOTAL: $ 731.68 lo-3f.2oZ3 Prime Markup on Subcontractor(10%) $ 73.17 Contractors Repres tative Date SHEET TOTAL: $ 804.85 % 's (C-31-2021 Owners Representative Date Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: FA Sheet No.: 00003 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKEDSpokane Va11ey- Project Name: Balfour Park Expansion Project No: 316 Item No.: Irrigation revisions and sod patch back Date: 9/25/2023 Description of Work: at new meandering walk along the frontage of Balfour Facility(former Leather Gallery) Work by Subcontractor?: Q✓ Prime Contractor: Cameron Reill Sub-Contractor: Clearwater LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR NAME OCCUPATION HOURS WWR HOURS WWR AMOUNT Josh Gilbert 5 $ 44.89 $ - $ 224.45 Miguel Uribe 7 $ 44.89. $ - $ 314.23 Luis Uribe 7 $ 44.89 $ - $ 314.23 Hermilo Garcia 7 $ 44.89 $ - $ 314.23 $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 1,167.14 Total Hourly"Ususal Benefits" $ 21.84 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ Included LABOR TOTAL $ 1,188.98 EQUIPMENT HOURS HOURS ADJUSTED STANDBY DOLLAR EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS WORKING STANDBY RATE RATE AMOUNT Mini Excavator 4.0 $ 62.75 $ - $ 251.00 Bobcat Skidsteer 4.0 $ 57.15 $ - $ 228.60 $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - SUBTOTAL-EQUIPMENT $ 479.60 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ Included EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ 479.60 MATERIALS MATERIALS QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Sod patch back 800.0 SF $ 0.37 $ 296.00 $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - SUBTOTAL-MATERIALS $ 296.00 MATERIALS OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ Included MATERIALS TOTAL $ 296.00 Veri I tion f ours Worked: TOTAL: $ 1,964.58 I'.3 f.toZ'5 Prime Markup on Subcontractor(10%) $ 196.46 Coors Rep sentativee ,y Date SHEET TOTAL: $ 2,161.04 t /0-3t-Zo7,9 Owner's Representative Date Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: CRCONCRETE 309 N Park Rd, Spokane Valley, WA 99212 Office(509)466-5555; Fax(509)468-3719 WA LIC#: CAMERRL942NU A Cameron-Reilly LLC Company ID LIC#: PWC-C-12153-UNLIMITED-4 OR LIC#: 202351 0 0 www.cameron-reillv.com CI COMMITMENT-TEAMWORK-STRENGTH C0P022 - Balfour Leather Store North Irrigation and Lawn Repair Job Name: Balfour Park Date: 11/2/2023 Item# Description Unit Quantity Price Per Total CWSG-North Side of Leather Gallery Irrigation/Lawn LS 1 $3,520.00 $3,520.00 Sub Total $3,520.00 Grand Total $3,520.00 Notes: Price above includes the following mobilizations: 0.00 I Additional mobilization: $750.00 Price excludes staking,testing, restoration,traffic control,cold weather protection,joint sealing and gravel. Subgrade for curb machine to be 5'wide at grade of trimmable material. Otherwise,subgrade on grade. Final quanities to be field measured.General or Owner to provide wash-out tubs if required. Pricing is subject to acceptance within 21 days from date of quote. CLEARWATER SUMMIT GROUP INC. Landscape Design,Construction,&Maintenance 8.3.2023 Landscape Bid Proposal for: Balfour-Leather Store North irrigation and lawn repair Bid Total:$3200 add.10%m/u and 8.9% tax Notes/Inclusions: Troubleshoot/Replace/move heads and irrigation lines as needed at north lawn zone,approx 1500 sf. Scarify existing, add 1" import topsoil. Overseed lawn area Due to current market fluctuations this pricing is set as of the date stated on this proposal and doesn't factor inflationary increases. If and when proposal is accepted and depending on project schedule,pricing may be subject to increases related to material and gas. We hope you understand given the current environment and will only enter this space if necessary. Exclusions: Traffic Control Taxes,bonds,permits,and testing fees except as noted above. All asphalt and concrete cut,patch and coring. Demolition,grubbing,topsoil strip and stockpile,sub-grade prep+/-.1'. 110V electrical service to irrigation controller. Water tap,tapping fees,water meter,water meter vault. Rock excavation Decompaction of subgrades Swale percolation testing Tree Protection Measures Apprenticeship Utilization Hours-No state certified proagrams exist for our trade *This Proposal is to become part of sub contract Estimator: Kim Hickman khickman@clearwatersummitgroup.com 509.638.3093 19208 E Broadway Ave,Spokane Valley,WA 99016: Phone 509.482.2722 : Fax 509.484.2343 WA Contractors ID#:CLEARSG000KN/Idaho Contractors License#RCE-1393/Idaho Public Works#:10022-A-4(25,39,47) Glenn Ritter From: Kim Hickman <khickman@clearwatersummitgroup.com> Sent: Monday, October 2, 2023 8:22 PM To: Glenn Ritter Cc: Cody Ogrin; Don Hesse Subject: RE:0316 Balfour Park [EXTERNAL]This email originated outside the City of Spokane Valley.Always use caution when opening attachments or clicking links. Hi Glenn, We can call this one good. I was about right on with parts and hrs. Thanks, Kim Hickman Commercial Project Manager Clearwater Summit Group (0)509.482.2722 (C) 509.638.3093 Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From:Glenn Ritter Sent:Tuesday, September 26, 2023 4:53 PM To: Kim Hickman Cc:Cody Ogrin; Don Hesse Subject: 0316 Balfour Park Importance: High Kim, I found the attached proposal as we discussed in the meeting today. Can you please confirm that this includes everything needed for the new/replaced lawn area north of the Balfour Facility? If so,we accept your proposal and you are hereby authorized to proceed with the work. This will also prevent any further force account tracking for this scope. Cody can then submit a formal COP and we will include in a future minor change or change order. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions! Thanks, Glenn Glenn Ritter, PE I Senior Engineer/Project Manager 10210 E.Sprague Avenue I Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509) 720-5018 I gritter@spokanevalleywa.gov 1 CRCONCRETE 309 N Park Rd, Spokane Valley,WA 99212 Office(509)466-5555; Fax(509)468-3719 LLC Company WALK#: CAMERRL942NU A Cameron-Reilly P Y ID LIC#: PWC-C-12153-UNLIMITED-4 OR LIC#: 202351 l /!■t, www.cameron-reillv.com t1;) COMMITMENT-TEAMWORK-STRENGTH COP-015 - Leather Gallery Temp Clock/Solenoids Job Name: Balfour Park Expansion Date: 10/31/2023 Item# Description Unit Quantity Price Per Total CWSG-DC latching solenoids and battery clock to run extra valves LS 1 $2,310.00 $2,310.00 Sub Total $2,310.00 Grand Total $2,310.00 Notes: Price above includes the following mobilizations: 0.00 Additional mobilization: $750.00 Price excludes staking,testing,restoration,traffic control,cold weather protection,joint sealing and gravel. Subgrade for curb machine to be 5'wide at grade of trimmable material. Otherwise,subgrade on grade. Final quanities to be field measured.General or Owner to provide wash-out tubs if required. Pricing is subject to acceptance within 21 days from date of quote. CLEARWATER SUMMIT GROUP INC. Landscape Design,Construction,&Maintenance 10.31.2023 REVISED Landscape Bid Proposal for: Leather Store temp battery clock/solenoids happy halloweeny Bid Total:$2100 ` Notes/Inclusions: DC latching solenoids and battery clock to run 6 valves. REVISED to include additional valves and labor(not the simple fix we thought because old valves break). Due to current market fluctuations this pricing is set as of the date stated on this proposal and doesn't factor inflationary increases. If and when proposal is accepted and depending on project schedule,pricing may be subject to increases related to material and gas. We hope you understand given the current environment and will only enter this space if necessary. Exclusions: Traffic Control Taxes,bonds,permits,and testing fees except as noted above. All asphalt and concrete cut,patch and coring. Demolition,grubbing,topsoil strip and stockpile,sub-grade prep+/-.1'. 110V electrical service to irrigation controller. Water tap,tapping fees,water meter,water meter vault. Rock excavation Decompaction of subgrades Swale percolation testing Tree Protection Measures Apprenticeship Utilization Hours-No state certified proagrams exist for our trade *This Proposal is to become part of sub contract Estimator: Kim Hickman khickman@clearwatersummitgroup.com 509.638.3093 19208 E Broadway Ave,Spokane Valley,WA 99016: Phone 509.482.2722 :Fax 509.484.2343 WA Contractors ID#:CLEARSG000KN/Idaho Contractors License#RCE-1393/Idaho Public Works#:10022-A-4(25,39,47)