23-212.00LibertyLakeLLCCountryVistaMitigationAgreement • VOLUNTARY MITIGATION AGREEMENT FOR COUNTRY VISTA TRAFFIC MITIGATION Liberty Lake,LLC This Voluntary Mitigation Agreement("Agreement")is entered into between Liberty Lake,LLC, its successors and assigns("Developer"),a Washington limited liability company, having offices at 1620 North Mamer Road,Building C-400,Spokane Valley,WA 99216,and the City of Spokane Valley("City"), a municipal corporation of the State of Washington,hereinafter jointly referred to as"Parties": RECITALS WHEREAS,this Agreement is entered into by the Parties pursuant to RCW 82.02.020,to provide a voluntary financial contribution toward the Barker Rd. Improvements —Appleway to 1-90 project to mitigate increased traffic volumes expected to be generated by a portion of the overall development as proposed in the Developer's permit application LUA-2022-0028 ("Application") in the City of Liberty Lake and preliminary binding site plan for Centennial Country Vista Drive(the"BSP"). WHEREAS, Developer is the owner and/or developer of certain real property generally located within an area north and south of Country Vista Drive and west of Henry Lane,identified as parcel numbers 55163.0901,55163.0902,55163.0903,55163.0904,55163.9214 in the City of Liberty Lake,and otherwise identified as Lots 11 through 16 in the BSP consisting of approximately 45.23 acres of land (the "Developer's Portion"), upon which Developer intends to develop and construct up to 1,176 residential multi-family dwelling units("Developer's Intended Project"). WHEREAS, Centennial Properties, Inc. ("Centennial") is the owner and/or developer of all real property contemplated in the Application other than the Developer's Portion("Centennial's Portion"),such that the Developer's Portion and Centennial's Portion together comprise the"Development". WHEREAS,the Developer has requested final approval of the BSP,which the City anticipates will increase traffic congestion and directly impact existing transportation infrastructure at the intersection of Appleway Ave.and Barker Rd. located within the City. WHEREAS, the City of Liberty Lake issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance ("MDNS")as part of the approval process pursuant to the Development's State Environmental Policy Act ("SEPA")review,which MDNS requires the Developer to enter into a traffic impact mitigation agreement as a condition to granting final approval of the BSP. WHEREAS,the Trip Generation and Distribution Letter for the Development, dated September 23, 2022,states the Development is expected to generate 1,665 new trips during the AM peak hour and 1,647 new trips during the PM peak hour for the roadway network upon full build out. Of the 1,647 new PM peak hour trips, 957 are expected to be introduced into the City's traffic system, causing a need for additional improvements at the intersection of Appleway Avenue and Barker Road,the Barker Road and I- 90 interchange,and intersections along the South Barker Road Corridor(the"Improvements"). WHEREAS, through further analysis, dated June 28,2023,the City determined that the planned improvements to the South Barker Corridor from the Eastbound 1-90 on-ramp to Appleway Avenue will only accommodate 1,400 of the expected 1,647(approximately 85%)new PM peak hour trips entering the South Barker Corridor due to the Development. Page 1 of 7 61285.0001.15977323.1 WHEREAS,of the 1,400 new trips accommodated by the Improvements, 507 have been allocated to the Developer's Portion,with 893 allocated to Centennial's Portion. WHEREAS, the City and Developer have agreed to a voluntary mitigation per trip fee to be paid in connection with Developer's share of the new PM peak hour trips. WHEREAS, a full traffic impact analysis will need to be performed prior to approval of the 508'r' trip resulting from development of the Developer's Portion as a means to identify an appropriate per trip mitigation fee for any trips over 507. WHEREAS,pursuant to RCW 82.02.020,the City has the authority to allow a payment to mitigate a direct impact that has been identified as a consequence of a proposed development. The Parties have identified (I) transportation impacts that will be caused by the development of Developer's Portion; and (2)a reasonable relationship between said impacts to the City's transportation system and the Developer's financial contribution toward those impacts. WHEREAS,the City and City of Liberty Lake are parties to an interlocal agreement wherein each agree to give full faith and credit to the traffic mitigation measures imposed by the other city on development that has a demonstrable impact on the traffic facilities of the city imposing the mitigation measures. WHEREAS,to mitigate the direct impacts of the Development upon transportation facilities,the Parties are voluntarily entering into this Agreement pursuant to RCW 82.02.020. I, AGREMENT NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the Developer and the City agree as follows: 1. Voluntary Agreement.This is a voluntary agreement pursuant to RCW 82.02.020. The Parties agree and acknowledge that the(a)mitigation payment identified in paragraph 3 of this Agreement, and (b) procedures identified herein to determine further mitigation measures are freely and voluntarily agreed to as a contribution proportional to and reasonably necessary to mitigate the direct traffic impacts created by the Development. The Parties further stipulate and agree that all Washington state law requirements for creation of a valid development impact mitigation agreement have been met, including but not limited to RCW 82.02.020 and case law interpreting the same, and that neither the Developer nor the City will claim otherwise.The Parties agree that the calculations of the mitigation fees identified herein are unique to this Agreement and may not be used as a basis for the negotiation with Developer of any future traffic mitigation agreements. 2. Projects.The Parties agree that the mitigation payment shall be expended by the City on design, right-of-way acquisition, and/or construction of the Improvements. The City may allocate all or any part of the mitigation payment to any component of Improvements as determined appropriate by the City in its reasonable discretion. 3. Primary Mitigation Fee. The Primary Mitigation Fee ("PMF") only mitigates the first 507 new peak hour trips resulting from the development of Developer's Portion. Said fee is based on calculations provided by the City in the technical memorandum dated June 28, 2023, entitled Barker/Appleway Raffia Assessment of the Country Vista Binding Site Plan(attached hereto as Exhibit A). The Developer agrees to pay a PMF ofNine Hundred Twenty Two Dollars and Forty Seven Cents($922.47) per trip for each of the first 507 new PM peak hour trips,to mitigate the traffic impacts resulting directly Page 2 of 7 61285.0001.15977323.1 from the development of Developer's Portion. The City agrees that Developer's Intended Project, once constructed, is not anticipated to exceed 507 new peak hour trips.The City shall therefore only be entitled to charge and collect the PMF from Developer, and not the SMF identified in section 5 below, so long as actual development on Developer's Portion (not including infrastructure improvements) is limited to residential multi-family structures which,in total,do not contain more than 1,176 dwelling units. 4. Payment of the Primary Mitigation Fee. The total PMF shall be distributed based on the building permits issued for construction within Developer's Portion.When the Developer(which includes its successors in interest, assigns, and grantees)applies for a building permit within Developer's Portion, they shall pay$922.47 per new PM peak hour trip that will be generated from the use for which a building permit is sought. Alternatively, a PMF of$397.70 for each multifamily residential unit may be assessed based on the building permit application up to the 1,176 maximum dwelling units covered by the PMF.The Developer(which includes Developer's successors in interest, assigns, and grantees per Section 9 of this Agreement)shall pay the PMF for each new trip before the building permit is issued.No building permit will be issued unless and until the associated PMF is paid in accordance with this Agreement.At any time, the Developer may pre-pay as many new PMF trips as it may deem appropriate, provided the Developer identifies in writing the specific lot(s)to which the pre-payments)apply. 5. Supplemental Mitigation Fee.The Supplemental Mitigation Fee("SMF")mitigates the traffic impacts resulting from any new trips in excess of 507 that are generated from the development of Developer's Portion. The SMF, on a per trip basis, must be determined and paid prior to any building permit being issued for a parcel within Developer's Portion if approval of the application would result in more than 507 trips generated by the development.The provisions in this section(section 5)do not apply to Developer so long as actual development of Developer's Portion is limited to infrastructure improvements and residential multi-family structures which, in total, do not contain more than 1,176 dwelling units. To determine the appropriate per trip SMF for the Development,the Developer and Centennial shall each pay a pro-rata portion(based on total costs and contributions from other parties responsible for mitigation costs resulting from the Development) and arrange for a full traffic impact analysis ("TIA"). Upon receipt of the TIA,the City,Developer, and Centennial will agree,in good faith,on:(I) the cost to acquire additional right-of-way and design and construct the right-of-way improvements necessitated by the Development's traffic impact remaining unmitigated under this Agreement and the corresponding agreement between the City and Centennial to mitigate impacts from Centennial's Portion; and (2) the ;. corresponding per trip SMF.If the City,Developer,and Centennial cannot agree on the cost of such required mitigation and improvement costs after mediation,then the matter shall be submitted to binding arbitration under the Washington Arbitration Act. 6. Payment of Supplemental Mitigation Fee. The SMF shall be distributed based on the Qualifying Building Permits applied for and/or issued for parcels within the Developer's Portion of the Development. "Qualifying Building Permits" are those building permits sought for construction within Developer's Portion when, at the time of application, the total building permits that have already been i issued or applied for within Developer's Portion are expected to generate at least 507 PM peak trips total. The provisions in this section (section 6) do not apply to Developer so long as actual development of Developer's Portion is limited to infrastructure improvements and residential multi-family structures which, in total,do not contain more than 1,176 dwelling units. The applicant for each Qualifying BuildingPermit shall payaper tripSMF based on the number PP Q fY� g of trips that will be generated from the use for which a building permit is sought.The Developer shall pay the SMF before the Qualifying Building Permit is issued. The Developer may at any time pre-pay as many Page 3 of 7 6I285.0001.15977323.1 new SMF trips as it may deem appropriate, provided (1)the SMF has been determined by agreement or arbitration;and(2)Developer identifies in writing the specific lot(s)to which the pre-payment(s)apply. When the issuance of a building permit will create trips both within and above the 507 trips covered by the total PMF,taking into consideration the cumulative trips that will be generated by uses for which building permits have already been issued and/or applied for,then the Developer must pay(a)the per-trip PMF for those trips causing the total Developer's Portion generated trips to equal 507;and(b)the per-trip SMF for the balance of trips expected to be generated by the use for which the building permit is sought. 7. Compliance with RCW 82.02.020. Payments collected by the City shall be held in a mitigation fee reserve account and may only be expended towards the design, right-of-way acquisition, construction, and other related components of the projects identified in section 2 of this Agreement. The City shall be entitled to reimbursement from the mitigation fee reserve account for any funds it may expend for the design,right-of-way and construction prior to the collection of the fees.The mitigation fee payment shall be expended by the City within five years from the date of payment by the Developer. Pursuant to RCW 82.02.020,any funds in the mitigation fee reserve account not expended within the five-year period identified above shall be refunded by the City to the Developer with interest; however, if the payment is not expended within five years due to delay attributable to the Developer, the payment shall be refunded without interest. 8. Notice. All communications, notices or demands of any kind which a party under this Agreement is required or desires to give to any other party shall be in writing and be either: (a)Delivered personally;or (b)Deposited in the U.S.mail,certified mail postage prepaid,return receipt requested and addressed as follows: If to the City: City of Spokane Valley 10210 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Attn: City Manager If to the Developer: Liberty Lake,LLC c/o Gemstar Management,Inc. Attn:Thomas E.Clemson 1620 North Mamer Road,Building C-400 Spokane Valley,WA 99216 9. Covenant Running with the Land; Successors.This Agreement and its terms shall be covenants running with the land. This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the successors and the assigns of the Developer, including all subsequent purchasers.This Agreement or other documentation which identifies the obligations herein shall be recorded with, and in a format accepted by, the Spokane County Auditor's Office against the title of all parcels/lots within the Development and shall be noted on the binding site plan and any recorded plat. 10. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Venue shall be in Spokane County, State of Washington. Except as provided in Section 5,all disputes arising under or related to this Agreement that cannot be resolved through informal Page 4 of 7 61285.0001.15977323.1 discussion and negotiations shall be resolved by litigation filed in the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County,unless otherwise required by applicable federal or state law. 11, Modifications,No modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid unless the same is reduced to writing and executed with the same formalities as the present Agreement. 12. Waiver. No officer, employee, agent or otherwise of the City has the power, right or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions to this Agreement.No waiver or any breach of this Agreement shall be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. 13. Entire Agreement. This Agreement forms a fully integrated agreement between the Parties.No other understandings,oral or otherwise,regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the Parties hereto. All Parties have read and understand all of the Agreement,and now state that no representation,promise or agreement not expressed in the Agreement has been made to induce any Party to execute the same. The Parties have each had the opportunity to be fully advised by their legal counsel and any other advisors with respect hereto. Each party is executing this Agreement after sufficient review and understanding of its contents, 14. Authority. Both Parties to this Agreement represent and certify that they have full authority and power to enter into and carry out this Agreement. The persons signing this Agreement represent that they have authority to act for and bind their respective principals, 15. No Third Party Beneficiary. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the Parties hereto and their successors and assigns. In the event of any action or suit brought against the City disputing the enforceability of this Agreement or any term herein, then the Developer agrees to actively cooperate with the City in its defense of this Agreement. 16. Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause,sentence, paragraph, subdivision,section, or portion of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstance. 17. Condition Precedent.The terms of this Agreement shall be effective only if and when(a) Centennial and the City fully execute a similar agreement mitigating the impacts from development of Centennial's Portion;and(b)this Agreement is fully executed by Developer and the City,The condition of the MDNS requiring this Agreement to be in place before final approval of the BSP shall not be satisfied unless and until both Developer and Centennial have each executed a traffic impact mitigation agreement for the Development. 18. Attorneys' Fees. In the event that either Party initiates any action to enforce the terms of this Agreement,the substantially prevailing party,including on appeal,shall be entitled to reasonable costs and attorneys'fees and expert witness fees incurred therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Voluntary Mitigation Agreement for Country Vista Traffic Mitigation on the date written below. [Signatures on Following Page] } Page 5 of 7 61285.0001.15977323,1 • CITY OF SPOKA.NE VALLEY: 1��� /i-i3-2 3 Jo n Hohman City Manager Date g ATTES : k' 1601 0 I (3 • 2-3 Moroi Pat rson,City Cleric Date APP OVEl/DJ.S TO FORM: //'f•f_l /1— --23 O e of the ' rty Attorney Date DEVELOPER: LIBERTY LAKE,LLC, a Washington limited liability company e ame:Thomas E.Clemson Its: Manager STATE OF WASHINGTON ) t . )ss. County of Spokane ) On this 1p day of N 6v r n l b.er 2023 before me,the undersigned, a Notaiy Public ! in and for the State of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Thomas E.Clemson tome known to be the Manager of Liberty Lake,LLC,the limited liability company that executed the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged the instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of the limited liability company,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. \ `C\'1 C.CL � t tk OA ). �C 9 d A A. MALINDA G ELDRIDGE NOTARY PUBLIC,in and for the State of�47ashington, y� NOTARY PUBLIC residing at \\x-4 us) E 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON My commission expires: IT•1 q 2 t c License Number 22036079 My Commission Expires 12119/2926 /`"ICi t i ry t= [rl I,i CIf`� Printed Name J Page 6 of 7 61285.0001,15977323,1 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )as. County of Spokane ) On this 1314,day of Ak Ye` i 2023 before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn,personally appeared John Hohman to me known to be the City Manager of the City of Spokane Valley, the municipal corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of the municipality,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affx: ►the day and year in tit' certificate above written. 4111 NN"� �""ilt' N•TARY PU Lid< n and forrthe State of Washington, *%( BU{4 h/ residing at ( Ic! �y �►��`�'�,`���N���p� 0�Y / IVIy commission eX s // "� y z � y�' Sic sa„ �. 4�//D c �� � '"' Printed Name 157873o ~ i tn�% wVsL�c, IO 9� ,p'�alwsva�`�, /4,,FOF SN`�, ts111j%1Wm``NN 3i Page 7 of 7 61285.0001.I5977323.1 Exhibit A o�S.*ANf`9 Community& Public Works Department Spokane 2tJ :a ? 10210 E Sprague Avenue ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 �,,•'�Valley® "`""`$ Phone: (509)720-5000 ♦ Fax: (509) 720-5075 • 003-20 3 www.spokanevalley.org Memorandum Date: June 28, 2023 To: File From: Jerremy Clark, PE, PTOE—Traffic Engineering Manager Re: Barker/Appleway Traffic Assessment of the Country Vista Binding Site Plan Introduction This memorandum summarizes an evaluation completed to assess the impact of traffic related to the Country Vista Binding Site Plan (BSP) to the intersection of Barker Road and Appleway Avenue. The proposed development project is located east of Henry Lane, north and south of East Country Vista Drive, in the City of Liberty Lake. The BSP assumes 1,176 apartment units, 1,092,485 square feet of commercial use, and one convenience store/gas station according to the trip distribution and generation letter(TGDL) included with the SEPA notice of application (NOA) circulated on September 27, 2022. As noted in the TGDL, the development is expected to generate 1,665 trips during the AM peak hour and 1,647 trips during the PM peak hour. Of these trips, 957 trips are estimated to go into the City of Spokane Valley and through the intersection of Appleway Avenue and Barker Road during the PM peak hour. Likewise, 1,011 trips are expected to go through that same intersection during the AM peak hour(see Figure 5 of the TGDL). A previous analysis was completed to identify the need for mitigation at the Appleway/Barker intersection. This evaluation was completed to quantify the proportionate-share contribution toward the mitigation identified in the City's 6-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). This memo includes the following sections: • Mitigated Capacity • Proportionate-Share Calculation • Summary Mitigated Capacity The Appleway/Barker intersection has been shown to deteriorate below acceptable levels of service prior to the inclusion of the Country Vista BSP trips.There is a planned improvement along the Barker Corridor that improves the operations at this intersection. Channelization and signalization improvements at the Barker/Appleway intersection are included in the City's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Project#41, which includes a widening of the 0.29- mile section of Barker Rd from Appleway Ave to the 1-90 interchange. The southern portion of this improvement was evaluated with the additional volumes from vested trips and the Country Vista BSP. Traffic from the Country Vista BSP causes the Appleway Avenue and Barker Road Intersection to fail, even after accounting for improvements. As a result, an analysis was completed to determine how much of the BSP trip generation could be accommodated by the City's TIP project. This was completed through an iterative series of evaluations at various Exhibit A Barker/Appleway Traffic Assessment of the Country Vista BSP June 27, 2023 Page 2 of 3 levels of completion. As summarized in Table 1, below, the proposed TIP project at Appleway/Barker can accommodate approximately 85% of the Country Vista BSP trips that are distributed through the intersection. This equates to 814 out of 957 trips expected to travel through the intersection. The analysis was based on a 120 second cycle length for the traffic signal to maintain consistency. The signal timing for the 85% volume scenario was adjusted to 110s to accommodate all phases with an acceptable level of service. As shown in the last row of the table, the expected delay with 85% of development is 54.4 seconds per vehicle during the PM peak hour. The threshold for the maximum delay for an acceptable level of service is 55 seconds. Table 1. Appleway/Barker Development Volumes to Failure 2023 Baseline CVBSP volumes Tri s 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% N BL 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 NBT 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 NBR 151 34 180 178 177 175 173 171 SBL 307 159 442 434 426 418 410 402 SBT 432 432 432 432 432 432 432 SBR 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 EBL 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 EBT 619 172 765 r 757 r 748 r 739 r 731 r 722 EBR 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 W BL 193 113 289 283 278 272 266 261 W BT 632 342 923 906 889 871 854 837 WBR 156 138 273 266 260 253 246 239 Total Intersection 3220 4034 3986 3939 3891 3843 3795 Volumes Added Trips 814 766 719 671 623 575 Seconds of delay 53.9 @ 120s cycle I Near threshold at 120s cycle,update to 110s cycle and within LOS Threshold;delay =54.4 Proportionate Share Calculation Given the established requirement for mitigation, the proportionate share of the mitigation cost was determined for the proposed BSP. In addition to the deficiencies at Appleway and Barker, a separate analysis completed by the developer's consultant identified deficiencies at the 1-90 EB Ramp and Barker. The improvements at the 1-90 ramp were shown to be mitigated by the addition of a northbound right turn lane onto the eastbound entrance ramp. This improvement would tie in to the City's TIP project for a 5-lane Barker between 1-90 and Appleway, but was not included in the original project scope. As a result, the project cost estimate was updated to include the ramp intersection improvements and reflect current construction and right-of-way pricing. In project cost estimate was further refined to only include those components necessary for mitigation of the BSP, as described below. Exhibit A Barker/Appleway Traffic Assessment of the Country Vista BSP June 27, 2023 Page 3 of 3 Project Cost The total cost of the City's TIP project was revised to account for current construction and right- of-way pricing and to incorporate refinements into the planning-level design. Excluding the proposed roundabout to be built at the Broadway/Barker intersection, the updated cost of the Barker: Appleway to 1-90 project is expected to exceed $11.5M. As analyzed, the Country Vista BSP will contribute to deficiencies at the 1-90 EB ramp and the Appleway intersection. In order to provide mitigation specific to the development, the project was broken down into two components: • Improvements at the 1-90 EB ramp intersection with Barker,to include improvements 320' south on Barker. This is approximately the area between the west leg of Broadway Avenue and the I- 90 EB ramp. Based on analyses completed by the developer's consultant,the queues on the northbound approach with the proposed northbound right turn lane are expected to reach 319'. By extending the capacity for the right turn lane at the ramp intersection,this should maintain access to the right turn lane. • Improvements at the Appleway intersection with Barker,to include improvements 500' north of Appleway. At 85% buildout of the Country Vista BSP,the average queues for the southbound left turn lane during the PM peak hour are estimated at 488'. As a result, a length of 500'for improvements is required to accommodate the required storage and minimize spillback. Given these two elements of the overall project, the cost estimate was revised to exclude the "middle" portion of Barker Road. The resultant cost estimate mitigable by the BSP is $9.5 million, which includes a substantial right-of-way component. Cost Participation Based on a known volume that can be accommodated by the intersection, a proportionate share calculation was completed in a similar manner as accepted in the Neighborly Ventures determination and mitigation. The process is described below: • The total existing volume of the two intersections, including all vested projects but excluding the proposed BSP was determined, as listed below: O 1-90 EB at Barker : 2,151 o Appleway at Barker: 3,220 • The additional volumes contributed by the development were determined for the two intersections, which vary between 85% build at Appleway/Barker and 100% build at 1-90 EB/Barker. O 1-90 EB at Barker(100%) : 297 o Appleway at Barker(85%) : 814 • The proportionate share of the BSP project toward the intersection volumes was calculated for each intersection, as described below: O 1-90 EB at Barker : (297/2,151) = 13.81% o Appleway at Barker : (814 /3,220) = 25.28% • The total volume of the two intersections including the BSP project were determined, as listed below: O 1-90 EB at Barker : (2,151+297) = 2,448 o Appleway at Barker : (3,220+814) =4,034 Exhibit A Barker/Appleway Traffic Assessment of the Country Vista BSP June 27, 2023 Page 4 of 3 • The weighted average of the two separate proportionate shares were determined to identify the proportionate share of the overall project cost estimate, as summarized below. This was determined by multiplying the cost participation of each intersection by the total volume of each intersection including the project, adding the values together, and dividing by the total volume of both intersections. 0 (2,448 x 13.81%)+(4,034 x25.28%) _ 20.950 (2,448+4,034) • The proportionate share of this project toward the reduced portions of the Barker: 1-90 to Appleway improvements is estimated at$1,989,963.51 (20.95% of$9,500,000) • The total allowable trips for the development permitted within this mitigation are 1,400 (85% of 1647). • Given a potential mitigation strategy of delegating costs to each component of the development, the cost per trip was calculated based on a development total of 1,400 trips, as summarized below: $1,989,963.51 o 1,400 trips — $1,421.40 per trip Summary This document summarizes an evaluation completed to estimate the impact of trips generated by the Country Vista BSP in the City of Liberty Lake added to the Spokane Valley intersections of the 190 EB ramp at Barker Road and Appleway Avenue at Barker Road. As documented by a prior analysis, the addition of project trips to the Appleway/Barker intersection is expected to contribute to an already deficient level of service during the PM peak hour. As documented by a separate analysis by the developer's consultant, the addition of project trips to the 1-90 EB ramp/Barker intersection is expected to cause a deficient level of service. There is a planned project along the Barker Corridor between 1-90 and Appleway Avenue that will improve operations in this area. This project was modified to include a northbound right turn slip lane at the 1-90 EB ramp intersection. The northern and southern portions of the Barker corridor project were assessed as mitigation for the deficient levels of service attributed to the project. The planned project was shown to accommodate up to 85% of the additional trips generated by the development through the Appleway/Barker intersection and 100% of the additional trips through the 1-90 EB ramp/Barker intersection. The additional project trips through these intersections constitute a 20.95% contribution to the mitigable portions of the corridor project. As determined through a proportionate share calculation and presented herein, the project mitigation of the Country Vista BSP is estimated at$1,989,963.51, or$1,421.40 per trip. Exhibit A