23-120.02CorridorContractorsLLCBarkerRdAtUnionPacificCrossing crry cx `J CHANGE ORDER NO: 2 ENGINEERING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 23-120.02 PROJECT: BARKER ROAD AT UNION PACIFIC CROSSING-PHASE 2 CONTRACT DATE: 6/21/2023 PRIME CONTRACTOR: Corridor Contractors, LLC CIP NO: 313 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Order addresses railroad coordination, irrigation repairs, swale revision, additional modular block wall and modifications to channelization. Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 185 Preparation For Railroad Suspension LS -1 $64,635.00 -$64,635.00 187 Railroad Safety Compliance LS 1 $24,190.66 $24,190.66 188 Railroad Traffic Revisions LS 1 $2,966.80 $2,966.80 189 Railroad Construction Support LS 1 $10,240.40 $10,240.40 190 Irrigation Repairs LS 1 $1,970.76 $1,970.76 191 Swale Revisions LS 1 $10,861.10 $10,861.10 192 Segmental Concrete Retaining Wall LS 1 $3,946.31 $3,946.31 193 Removing Plastic Line L.F. 150 $14.56 $2,184.00 194 Bollard Restocking Fee L.S. 1 $230.27 $230.27 195 Replaced Damage Sign EACH 1 $812.00 $812.00 Total Amount of this Change Order(incl.Tax): -$7,232.70 8.9%Sales Tax(NOT applicable) $0.00 VERBAL APPROVAL AND JUSTIFICATION Independent Justification on File Yes Verbal Approval N/A Verbal Approval by N/A PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 85 Revision By This Change Order: 0 Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 0 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 85 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 2,727,828.20 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(co#1) $ 21,718.40 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 2,749,546.60 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ -7,232.70 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 2,742,313.90 APPROVALS CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: /. ,�i DATE: 1 1/8/23 i The contractor hereby accepts this adjust un a terms of Section 1-04.4 of the original contract. RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: 11/08/2023 Proj ct anager APPROVED BY: ( — DATE: 11/08/2023 Engineering Manager William S. Helbig Digitally signed by WilliamS.Helbig APPROVED BY: Date:2o23.11.os13:o3:13-oe'oo' DATE: Community&Public Work Director APPROVED BY: N/A DATE: City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor, PW Project File, Project Inspector,Finance Department Milky Change Order No: 2 Construction Contract No: 23-120.02 THE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: WORK TO INCLUDE Background: Issue#1-Railroad Coordination Though the entire work zone was closed to the public,Union Pacific Railroad(UPRR) insisted that additional precautions were needed to block the public from crossing their tracks while the existing/new signal crossing was out of service. After the road improvements were completed per plan,UPRR required modifications to the already installed pavement markings, sign placement and curbing. UPRR also needed additional construction support while installing the new signal crossing. At the request of the City,the Contractor provided additional surveying, potholing and excavation to help UPRR install their signal foundations. The City is 100%responsible for all construction costs for installing the new signal crossing per the Construction and Maintenance Agreement with UPRR. Issue#2-Irrigation Repairs City and Contractor agreed to a lump sum price for all the irrigation repairs needed along the abutting new curb and/or sidewalk, instead of tracking the work as force account under Bid Item#141-Irrigation System Revision. Issue#3-Swale Revisions Due to the revisions in the storm pipe grades/elevations (see Field Work Directive#5)the swale in the northeast corner of Barker and Euclid needed to be regraded, covered with topsoil and hydroseeded. Issue#4-Additional Modular Block Wall The grade from the back of the new sidewalk to the property lines (Euclid Sta. 5+15 to Sta 6+00 Rt)was too steep for pedestrian safety. City decided to install a small modular block wall at the property line to provide a flatter grade at the back of sidewalk. Issue#5-Modifications to Pavement Markings, Signs & Bollards The existing channelization at the south end of the project limits was in poor condition and the existing double centerline on Euclid(West)was 18 inches wide compared to the city standard width of 12 inches. City requested the Contractor to remove and replace these pavement markings in these two areas to better transition the channelization markings from the existing to the new markings within the project limits. An existing sign just south of the project limits was damaged by a third party during the road closure. City requested the sixteen ordered flexible bollards for the project to be replaced with a different model option that had factor installed reflective strips on them. Description of Change: Issue#1-Railroad Coordination This change order provides an equitable adjustment for the Contractor for railroad related issues for 1)the additional railroad safety precaution measures required by the UPRR while their railroad crossing was out of service during the contract work, 2) modifications to the already installed pavement markings, signs and curbing and 3)for the additional construction support to assist the UPRR in installing their new signal crossing equipment needed for the project. s.°`kane Vdl Change Order No: 2 Construction Contract No: 23-120.02 Change order deletes the railroad suspension work from the contract, as the railroad completed all their signal crossing work during the course of the Contractor's Contract Work. Bid item#185 "Preparation for Railroad Suspension" is deleted. This change order is the final equitable adjustment for the Contractor on all issues related to the Union Pacific Railroad on the project. Issue#2-Irrigation Repairs This change order provides a new lump sum item to compensate the Contractor for all the repairs on the encountered existing irrigation systems behind the new curb/sidewalk. Issue#3-Swale Revisions This change order provides a new lump sum item to compensate the Contractor for all the repairs to the existing irrigation systems that are behind the new curb/sidewalk. Issue#4-Additional Modular Block Wall This change order provides a new lump sum item to compensate the Contractor for the new modular block wall at Euclid Sta. 5+15 to Sta 6+00 Rt, Rt. Issue#5-Modifications to Pavement Markings, Signs & Bollards A new item will be measured and paid for to remove existing pavement markings. This change order provides a new lump sum items to compensate the Contractor for the restocking fees incurred by the Contractor for the sixteen bollards. A new item will be measured and paid for to replace the damaged sign. The additional pavement markings will be measured and paid for using existing bid items. Specification: Section 2-05 of the Special Provisions is deleted(Issue#1). Plans: Plan Sheet DT4 was revised as part of Field Work Directive#5. Time: No additional working days are added to the Contract due to these changes. Measurement: There are no specific measurements for the new lump sum items. "Replace Damage Sign"will be measured per each. "Removing Plastic Line"will be measured per linear foot. Payment: CITY OFkane jValley Change Order No: 2 Construction Contract No: 23-120.02 "Railroad Safety Compliance", lump sum. The lump sum price for"Railroad Safety Compliance"shall be full pay for furnishing all tools, labor,equipment, and materials required for moving and maintaining concrete barricades,reflective tape, and high visibility safety fencing through the duration of the roadway closure. "Railroad Traffic Revisions", lump sum. The lump sum price for"Railroad Traffic Revisions"shall be full pay for furnishing all tools, labor, equipment, and materials for the pavement markings, sign placement and curbing modifications requested by UPRR. "Railroad Construction Support", lump sum. The lump sum price for"Railroad Construction Support"shall be full pay for furnishing all tools, labor, equipment, and materials for the additional surveying, potholing and excavation needed by UPRR. "Irrigation Repairs", lump sum. The lump sum price for"Irrigation Repairs" shall be full pay for furnishing all tools, labor, equipment, and materials required to reconfigure the irrigation systems that were impacted by installation of project work. "Swale Revisions", lump sum. The lump sum price for"Swale Revisions"shall be full pay for the Contractor to regrade,topsoil and hydroseed the existing swale. "Segmental Concrete Retaining Wall", lump sum. The lump sum price for"Segmental Concrete Retaining Wall"shall be full pay for furnishing all tools, labor, equipment, and materials required for furnishing and installing the retaining wall including the cost of loading,haul, and disposal of all excavation; furnishing and installing leveling pad and backfill; furnishing and installing segmental units with shear connectors and cap stone adhesive; and re-grading top of wall slopes. "Removing Plastic Line",per linear foot. The unit price per linear foot for"Removing Plastic Line", shall be full pay for all costs necessary to remove existing plastic pavement markings. "Bollard Restocking Fee", lump sum. The lump sum price for"Segmental Concrete Retaining Wall" shall be full pay for the Contractor to restock the 16 ordered bollards with the supplier/manufacturer. "Replace Damaged Sign",per each. The unit price per each for"Replace Damaged Sign"shall be full pay for all costs necessary to furnish all labor, tools, equipment, and materials to; remove, dispose, and replace an existing sign. CITY OF 11101111"e\I Balk Malley Change Order No: 2 Construction Contract No: 23-120.02 Summary of Quantities: ,I-L,,A.--' , c:e.y.' te- :Esti ate . ig,gggigg vgIngigtgivggeg,ggig,..:„„go-g- --g, ,g,ggig!gg‘r g,gg,, 7.,,,+:g„gg,. .g, ,2 , w . li c %,-Rite'-'ulg'-': iiiiiitioirgigg', -- ' oitglt,i; :,,,, ,$)-0-g A.-city `;;;;---gg. :.---- - -4/4 ' .''''.—i*i‘•-,- e.....,i't"4 ''.-4-.. ' = -,.,,%;,,-- '''' ',1::.,,,,-' '-.' 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