23-166.01ReclaimProjectRecoveryAffordableHousingHomelessnessGrants AMENDMENT TO THE GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND RECLAIM PROJECT RECOVERY Spokane Valley Contract#23-166.01 For good and valuable consideration,the legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,City and the Grant Recipient mutually agree as follows: 1.Purpose:This Amendment is for the Grant Agreement for homeless services Home Base and transitional housing Facility,by and between the Parties, executed by the Parties on August 29, 2023, and which terminates on December 31,2027. Said contract is referred to as the"Original Grant Agreement"and its terms are hereby incorporated by reference. 2. Original Grant Agreement Provisions: The Parties agree to continue to abide by those terms and conditions of the Original Grant Agreement and any amendments thereto which are not specifically modified by this Amendment. 3. Amendment Provisions:This Amendment is subject to the following amended provisions,which are attached hereto as Appendix"A". All such amended provisions are hereby incorporated by reference herein and shall control over any conflicting provisions of the Original Grant Agreement,including any previous amendments thereto. 4.Compensation Amendment History:This is Amendment#_1 of the Original Contract. The history of amendments to the compensation on the Original Contract and all amendments is as follows: Date Award Amount Original Contract Amount August 29, 2023 $1,460,000.00 Amendment#1 to be executed NA Total Award Amount $1,460,000.00 The parties have executed this Amendment to the Original Contract this Z a day of , 202Yf CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: GRANT RECIPIENT: J n Hohman By: nyC son City Manager Its: Executive Director APPR VED AS T FORM: Offic f the City rney 1 APPENDIX"A" 1. Section 1.1 of the Original Grant Agreement is amended to read as follows: The term "Project"means the acquisition of the "Facility" described in Exhibit A-1 for transitional housing, and the operations and administration of their programs related to homeless services at the Home Base facility located at 16814&16816 E.Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley,WA 99037. Both the acquisition of the Facility for transitional housing and the operations and administration of the programs related to homeless services are described in Exhibit B,the Scope of Work. Grant Award Funds available pursuant to this Agreement may only be used for the Project. To complete the Project,Grant Recipient shall use the Grant Award Funds to acquire the Facility,consistent with the requirements set forth in this Agreement and in the following attached exhibits,which are incorporated herein by reference: Map of Facility and Location Attached as Exhibit A-1 L1 Scope of Work Attached as Exhibit B L1 Project Budget Attached as Exhibit C- 1 Timeline,Milestones,&Performance Metrics Attached as Exhibit D- 1 E Insurance Requirements Attached as Exhibit E II Restrictive Covenant Agreement Attached as Exhibit F- 1 2. Section 6.1 of the Original Grant Agreement is amended to read as follows: The total amount available for the purchase of a new Facility for transitional housing shall be all proceeds available to the Grant Recipient from the sale of the Facility located at 13513 E. 11th Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99216 up to $531,408.26 that was remitted back to the City plus$68,591.74. Payment for the acquisition of a new Facility for transitional housing will be made by wire to the identified escrow account on the date of closing or another agreed upon time. Closing and wire instructions shall be provided by the escrow agent directly to the City.Grant Recipient shall comply with all terms identified in Exhibit G attached to this Agreement. 3. Section 12 of the Original Grant Agreement is amended to read as follows: Grant Recipient shall record an executed Restrictive Covenant Agreement in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit F-1 within 30 days of receiving approval to operate its transitional housing through the permitting process. Nothing contained in this Grant Agreement shall be deemed as permit approval or any other approval related to any proposal. 4. Section 13.1 of the Original Grant Agreement is amended to read as follows: Grant Recipient shall acquire the transitional housing Facility identified in Exhibit A-1 with the Grant Award as identified in Section 6.1 and Exhibit G herein. The Grant Recipient will apply other funds to design, develop, and construct the Facility, features, and amenities in accordance with all applicable design(s), timelines, restrictions, environmental considerations,permitting determinations,neighborhood impact mitigations, and all other legal requirements. However,if Grant Recipient uses less than$600,000 to acquire said Facility,then Grant Recipient may use grant 2 difference between$600,000 and the amount ofgrant funds applied to the acquisition,and(b)ifthe City Manage r ortheir designee has authorized the same in writing prior to incurring the expenditure. 5. Exhibit A of the Original Grant Agreement shall be removed and replaced with "Exhibit A-1"which will include the address and map ofthe Facility to be purchased for transitional housing Grant Recipient shall provide the City with`Exhibit A-1"15 days prior to the closing on the new Facility fortiansitional housing. The Parties agree that"Exhibit A-1"shall be incorporated herein by this reference upon receipt and approval of the Exhibit by the City. Further,any reference to Exhibit A in the Original Grant Agreement shall mean"Exhibit A-1". 6. Exhibit C of the Original Grant Agreement is removed and replaced with `Exhibit C-1"which is attached to this Appendix A,and incorporated herein by this reference. Further, any reference to Exhibit C in the Original Giant Agreement shall mean"Exhibit C-i". 7. Exhibit D of the Original Grant Agreement is removed and replaced with"Exhibit D-1"which is attached to this Appendix A,and incorporated herein by this reference. Further, any reference to Exhibit Din the Original Grant Agreement shall mean`Exhibit D-1". 8. Exhibit F ofthe Original Grant Agreement is removed and replaced with`exhibit F-1"which is attached to this Appendix A,and incorporated herein by this reference. Further, any reference to Exhibit F in the Original Grant Agreement shall mean"Exhibit F-1". 9. The Original Grant Agreement is hereby amended by the addition of Exhibit G,which is attached hereto. The Parties agree to continue to abide by those terms and conditions of the Original Giant Agreement and any amendments thereto which are not specifically modified by this Amendment. 3 Exhibit A-1 Map of Facility and Location The transitional housing facility is proposed to be located at (insert location and map here) The location of the Facility may be amended with City approval. 4 Exhibit C-1 Proiect Budget Transitional Housing Allowance-600,000 600,000.00 Program Operational and Administrative Costs 774,000.00 Lease of Home Base Facility(first 2 of 3 years) 400,00000 Administrative Sa la ries 250,00000 Program Operations 124,000.00 10%start up costs to be paid upon execution includes 86,000.00 initial lease payments,salaries,operations for 2-3 months Total Budgeted Award Amount 1,460,000 1,460,000.00 5 w• Exhibit D-1 Timeline, Milestones &Performance Metrics I. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Project deliverables are noted under Section III. Commencing in2024, Grant Recipient shall provide the following information on a [quarterly] basis by the 15th day following each quarter - Total number of persons served at transitional housing Facility and Home Base facility, including a breakdown of demographic information. - Number of persons with City zipcode served at Facility, last place housed - Time to exit, exit destination. - Number of persons employed at the thrift store that are served by the program - Number of persons that graduate and move out of the program that were served by the facilities funded by this grant II. PROJECT PERIOD The Project begins on the date of execution through the disbursement of all Grant Award funds, or December 31, 2027, whichever occurs first. III. KEY MILESTONES AND DELIVERABLES Milestones: Property identification for transitional housing Facility: early 2024 Transitional housing Facility acquisition: Q1 to Q2 2024 Opening of Home Base facility: September 2023 Begin process of completing gather sharing agreement of Community Management Information System (CMIS) within 120 days of Home Base opening. Deliverables: Monthly or quarterly project budget and expenses report until funds are expended: By 15th day of subsequent month after month or quarter end. This may be included in the reimbursement requests for payment of grant funds for operational and administrative costs. 6 , r Exhibit G The Grant Recipient purchased the Facility described in Exhibit A to the Original Grant Agreement for transitional housing located at 13513 E. 11th Ave. Spokane Valley,WA 99216. The Original Grant Agreement designated up to$600,000.00 for the purchase of said transitional housing Facility. The City contributed$531,408.26 to the purchase of the Facility per the terms of the Grant Agreement. Grant Recipient wishes to sell the Facility located at 13513 E. l lth Ave. Spokane Valley,WA 99216. Due to this,the City and Grant Recipient agree that the City shall retain all proceeds due to the Grant Recipient as a result of such sale up to $531,408.26 as outlined below. All proceeds owed to the Grant Recipient upon the sale of the Facility up to $531,408.26 shall be provided to the City by cashier's check payable to the City of Spokane Valley within 30 days of closing the sale of the Facility. The cashier's check shall be hand delivered to the City, attention to Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director, and shall be accompanied by the Settlement Statement or other similar document that itemizes fees and credits related to the real estate transaction. The City shall retain the proceeds from the sale for the purchase of a different Facility for transitional housing pursuant to the Scope of Work and all other terms in the Original Grant Agreement. The combined total of the City funded costs of acquisition for the transitional housing shall not exceed $600,000. The City may terminate the Grant Agreement if any funds, in the judgment of the City Manager or designee,are misappropriated as a result of the sale of the Facility. Pursuant to Section 19, upon such a determination, Grant Recipient shall return to the City immediately any misappropriated funds. 7