PC035 Joedy Friemel 09-16-2015From:Joedy Friemel To:Christina Janssen Subject:Sub-2015-0011/prd-2015-0001 painted hills project Date:Wednesday, September 16, 2015 10:16:32 PM Christina, I am writting to express my concern over this project and ask that it not go forward. Low income housing more apartments and NO NEW SCHOOLS, THIS IS NOT THE ANSWER. The people of spokane valley need solutions to the issues we already have and this is not one. Developers In this town have spent years not paying for the development they have done from the stand point of road impact, wildlife impact, schools, and basic infrastructure. We moved to this area of town because of its quality of homes and family environment, not to have it ransacked by another greedy developer taking advantage of some stupid growth development plan loop hole. PLEASE stop this development. I am sure that as beautiful as the county golf courses are we could always use one more, developing more apartments in this town is not good for anyone who owns a home in this area and you could single handily be responsible for that. Thanks for allowing me to comment, Concerned citizen of spokane valley Joedy Friemel 3524 s vercler Sent from my iPhone.