PC094 Rob Miller 09-18-2015From:Rob Miller To:Christina Janssen Subject:Painted Hills Project - SUB-2015-0011/PRD-2015-0011 Date:Friday, September 18, 2015 11:56:43 AM Dear Ms. Janssen, I strongly support the Painted Hills Preservation Assoc. I don't wish to see the Painted Hills Golf Course turned in to nearly 600 homes. This plan should not even be considered, let alone executed and I explain my position below. I own a home in the Ponderosa neighborhood. Our family moved here from Portland in 2008. Two of the main reasons for this move were 1) Smaller and less dense population and 2) Quality K-12 education, specifically U-HI. A beloved bonus, at that time, was Painted Hills Golf Course. I took my son there all the time and it paid off; He made the U-HI golf team as a Junior. Building 600 homes in an area that size is simply unthinkable. I grew up in Spokane Valley (from 1977 to 1985). I graduated from University High School in 1985. I felt I received an excellent education from the school district and looking back now, I'm sure it was in part due to small class size. Now, both my children attend U-HI and are straight A students. If the proposed construction plan moves forward, I'm concerned on many levels, including increased traffic (and all the negatives that brings), overcrowding at U-HI (thus negating one reason I moved here in the first place), destruction of an established wetland area, almost assuredly a decrease in my home value as well as an increase in crime that inevitably follows a high density housing development. Please consider these points from a concerned citizen. www.savepaintedhills.org Thanks, Rob Miller 10107 E. 39th Ave Spokane Valley, WA. 99206 509-928-1218