PC106 Terry & Connie Oviatt 09-18-2015From:Connie Oviatt To:Christina Janssen Subject:PAINTED HILLS PROJECT-SUB-2015-0011/PRD-2015-001 Date:Friday, September 18, 2015 9:38:37 AM We have lived in the Spokane Valley since 1970. I love the valley and enjoy our wonderful quality of life. We do not want more housing in our area to where the children are not safe to play, because of overflowing of traffic and people. We need to save the Painted Hills Golf Course, We need to keep it a golf course so we have a nice golfing area without having to drive to Liberty Lake or Esmerada to play a round of Golf. We need it for our future generations. We do not need low-end housing and apartments to bring down the value of our homes. Please WE NEED TO PRESERVE THE PAINTED HILLS AREA.. Thanks Terry and Connie Oviatt