PC231 Frank Cobb 11-11-20151 Elisha Heath From:Sue Passmore on behalf of mayor/ councilmembers Sent:Thursday, November 12, 2015 8:38 AM To:City Council; Mike Jackson; John Hohman; Cary Driskell Cc:Deanna Horton; Elisha Heath Subject:FW: Painted Hills developement Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged FYI    Sue Passmore, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor and City Council  City of Spokane Valley  11707 E Sprague, Suite 106  Spokane Valley, WA 99206  Telephone: (509) 720‐5106 Fax: (509) 688‐0194  Unsubscribe: This email is provided as an informational service to those interested in staying informed on City of Spokane Valley programs, projects and issues. If you no longer prefer to receive these emails, please email spassmore@spokanevalley.org and type “Unsubscribe” in the subject line or call Sue Passmore at 509-720-5106. (Contents of this email and reply are subject to public disclosure)      From: Frank Cobb [mailto:fccobb@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 4:04 PM To: mayor/ councilmembers Subject: Painted Hills developement Mayor and Council members, I watched the council video of Oct. 6, 2015 study session concerning this developement. I understand that the decision to approve or not is out of your hands as one councilman stated at the end of this session. I sure hope that the City's legal staff is taking a hard look at this because it's loaded with problems for not only city government but citizens of the city as well. Hope you have all seen pictures of past flooding here. If lived around it for 30 years. I built most of the homes in The Greens at Midilome and watched the whole course lake up more than once. There's major problems from my seat: 1. Two out of three of the collection ponds are not on the owner/developer's property. 2. Thorpe Rd. Will be part of the developer's mitigation system. Four culverts have to be built through City property. I see a liability problem here for the City. 3. The developer wants to turn over the ten acre park on Thorpe Rd. to the City. Does that mean the city becomes responsible for maintenance of the flood mitigation in the park? 4. The developer proposes that the Homeowners Association will be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the flood mitigation system which also includes a pit on E. 40th one half mile away from the property. We have 41 residents in our community and have difficulty getting one half of them in the M&O of our neighborhood. How will this work with 580 members? I'm a retired small businessman and all for economic development. But this developement does not belong in this corner of the Valley. Especially in a flood plain. 2 Respectfully Frank Cobb