PC32 John Sisser 11-12-2018John & Kathy Sisser 3909 S Robie Road Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-990-6119 John.sisser@hotmail.com November 12, 2018 Lori Barlow, Spokane Valley Community and Public Works Department 10210 E Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Lbarlo@spokanevalley.org RE: Painted Hills Devolvement Ms. Barlow; I am writing concerning the EIS Scope for the Painted Hills Project. With the Developers plan to do a cut and fill to elevate the base of the area to deter the flow of water from Chester Creek, where will the water go and at what price does the City want to take liability for this activity. With the amount of fill being suggested for this project, can our streets take the additional weight from the trucks hauling in the dirt. Who will pay for the damage? Once the dirt is in place and we go through our first winter with runoff and spring rains, what is the impact of the water as it moves through the area? Who will pay for the damage left behind, when the project is built out and the HOA does not have the funds to repair or files bankruptcy? The city will be liable. As a tax payer, I do not want that liability. Look at Phillips vs. King County M & O Failure. Now let us look at the traffic impact. Where will they get the 170,000 to 330,000 cubic yards of fill? Hopefully the shortest distance between the sites, does not include driving down Pines Road past three schools and the neighboring neighborhoods. These roads can not take that kind of impact, let alone the safety of the kids crossing the street to and from school. What is the impact on wildlife that make frequent stops in this area. Today, two eagles were spotted on the site. Where will the deer and other wildlife go to bed down and graze daily? The Developer can file a Traffic Impact Study, but the numbers are only as good as the time they take the study. Projections are impossible to make. In 2001 or 2002, we were discussing the pushing of Woodlawn thru to 40th. I asked the Consultant about the impact of cars coming thru to drop kids off at Horizon and Chester to avoid the traffic light at 32nd and Pines RD. He told us that would not happen. Go to the schools any morning and see where the traffic is coming from. He also told us that when they opened the Evergreen Overpass, people in our area would continue to use Pines Road to get to the Mall. Another false conclusion. Please do not allow this project to continue until all areas of this project can pass all the Environmental Impacts that need approval. Sincerely, John and Kathy Sisser