23-038.02CameronReillyBalfourParkExpansion Spokane Valley CHANGE ORDER NO: 2 ENGINEERING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 23-038 PROJECT: Balfour Park Expansion CONTRACT DATE: 2/7/2023 PRIME CONTRACTOR: Cameron Reilly,LLC GIP NO: 316 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Add Balfour Facility(former Leather Gallery)clean-uo. Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total ONSITE-SCHEDULE A CO#2.1 Balfour Facility Clean Up 1 LS $ 18,380.00 $ 18,380.00 Subtotal $ 18,380.00 8.9%Sales Tax $ 1,635.82 Subtotal Schedule A $ 20,015.82 Total Amount of this Change Order(incl.Tax): $ 20,015.82 VERBAL APPROVAL AND JUSTIFICATION Independent Justification on File Yes Verbal Approval Yes Verbal Approval by Glenn Ritter PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 121 Revision By This Change Order: 3 Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 16 Total Revised Contract Working Da s: 140 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 3,810,723.87 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(through co#1) $ 165,810.78 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 3,976,534.65 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 20,015.82 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 3,996,550.47 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: DATE: 6/3d/�z3 The contractor hereby accepts this adjustment un er the terms of Section 1-t13.4 of the original contract. • RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: 7/3/23 r` Pr act Manager APPROVED BY: t6j1 DATE: 7��/Z� City E neer APPROVED BY: 1 a DATE: ((( City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Cameron Reilly-Change Order Proposal Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor,PW Project File,Project Inspector,Finance Department Spokane Valley Change Order No: 2 Construction Contract No: 23-038.02 THE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: WORK TO INCLUDE Background: This change order pays for items of work that were added for the recently acquired Balfour Facility(former Leather Gallery).The work authorized by City Council at the May 9th meeting includes general cleanup of the site by removing a tree, fences, shrubs, signs(w/safe-off of electrical),a shed,etc. Description of Change: This change order pays for the following added work: • Removal of 21 tall Arbor Vitae shrubs • Removal of 5 large Juniper bushes • Removal of 2 signs, including removal and safe-off of electrical connections • Removal of approximately 260 lineal feet of chain link fence and salvage of mesh fabric • Removal of one tree • Removal of old storage shed Specification: No changes to the specifications because of this change. Plans: See attached exhibit for location of removal items. Time: Three(3)working days are added to the contract because of this change. Measurement: There are no specific measurements for the new lump sum item. Payment: Payment for new item#2.1 `Balfour Facility Clean-Up", lump sum The lump sum Contract price for"Balfour Facility Clean-Up"shall be full pay for labor,equipment and disposal/salvaging of items listed in this change order. LRemove Fence and salvage fabric em 1 , _ — LII-------;;:::-------:::: (.4°' .. •-L,\r-.':-1*.\:: ,,.: -.. ......- - - . --- - -..- ,- ----..---, z.-----7--- \-------- .; N.-, r--, • -- D Remove Arbor ,,,N'1 Vitae (typ.) 1 Remove Curb and Remove Shed 1 match pavement ------ elevations. Remove Juniper :I II ii li I ii bushes (typ.) ti I 11 1 1 1, 1 1 1 1 i I Remove Fence and 1 salvage fabric L 1 , iN Fence to remain II L I I I II II --, I IL— Pole to remain I L 0 _..: ____ , , , „ i .1 . .; Remove Sign and safe-off electrical Remove and safe-off , , I _ Hydrant to remain - - — 11r electrical (2 places) I-- 1 I 0 i Remove Juniper 1 1 bushes (typ.) -- i ea I— — — — 1 — s ..-.. ••... ' ' - • , _ . - . • —ir . % ,• ,•-"" ' • \ •A'"--'\ ....• _ -------- Ic‘ - ----- Remove Tree Remove Sign