CUP-CHC-2023-0002 - Sequoia Detox Final Decision 3 8 242.CUP-CHC-2023-0002 is consistent with all applicable requirements, including Title 19SVMC (Zoning Regulations) and Title 21 SVMC (Environmental Controls), and isconsistent with the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan. 3.Adequate public noticing was conducted for CUP-CHC-2023-0002 in accordance withadopted public noticing procedures. 4.Any Finding of Fact that is more correctly a Conclusion of Law is hereby incorporated assuch by this reference.ill. DECISION Based on the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Hearing Examiner APPROVESCUP-CHC-2023-0002, subject to the following Condition of Approval. IV.CONDITION OF APPROVAL PLANNING DIVISION: 1.This Conditional Use Permit authorizes the change of condition to increase the number ofpatients to 15 and change the services to include on-site meal preparation as described inthe background section of this report. All conditions of approval contained in the HearingExaminer decision for Conditional Use Permit file no. CUP-2020-0002 shall remain ineffect except Planning Division Condition no. 1 which shall be modified as follows:"This CUP authorizes the use as generally described in the plans and application documents on file with the Planning Department, at the specified location and for a maximum of 15 patients. Any increase in the number of patients, or change in services provided, will require a modification to this CUP. Other non-substantive changes may be administratively approved by the City." Dated this __J__ day of March, 2024. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY HEARING EXAMINER Jf :!lt:Sv--7 CUP-CHC-2023-0002 Sequoia Detox Centers Page 8 of9