2024-02-22 PC APPROVED SIGNED MINUTESSpecial Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Panning Commission Spokane Valley City Hall February 22, 2024 L Chairman Bob McKinley called the special meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings. IL The Commissioners and staff stood for the Pledge Of Allegiance. III. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Susan Delucchi Tony Beattie, Senior Deputy City Attorney Bob McKinley Chaz Bates, Planning Manager John Robertson Levi Basinger, Associate Plamrer Vadim Smelik Justan Kinsel, IT Specialist Justin Weathernron Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant Dan Wilson IV. AGENDA: Commission Wilson moved, and it eras seconded to apin•ove the meeting agenda for February 22, 2024, as submitted. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against, and the motion passed V. MINUTES: Commissioner Delucchi moved, and it was seconded, to approve the February 8, 2024, minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote mr the motion was six in favor, zero against, one abstention, and the motion passed VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Wilson reported that Ire attended an open house at the new Elks Lodge. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates reported that applications for the vacant Planning Commissioner position will be taken until 4:00 p.m. on March lsr, 2024. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public continent offered. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a. Study Session: 2024 Annual Comprehensive Plan Annendments 02-22-2024 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 4 Plainer Levi Basinger presented a staff report. He explained that Comprehensive Plan Amendments can be initiated by properly owners/representatives, citizens, agencies, neighborhoods, or the City. The deadline for submitting an amendment for consideration during 2024 was November 14, 2023. Mr. Basinger stated that the City received two City initiated map amendments to the Comprehensive Plan that were docketed by the City Council for consideration. The first amendment (CPA-2024- 0001) is a change from Multi -Family Residential (MFR) to Mixed Use (MU) and Single -Family Residential (SFR). The property is located at 4418 E 8111 Avenue (at the corner of 8°' Avenue and Havana Street) and is comprised of a total of 49 acres and thirteen parcels of land. The northern three parcels will be changed to MU zoning and the southern ten parcels will be changed to SFR. Mr. Basinger explained that the southern portion is adjacent to an existing SFR area. The proposal is to rezone the property from MFR to SFR to make the land use compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and limit the intensity of development that can occur in the area. Mr. Basinger said that the northern portion of the property has several existing businesses and buildings on site. Areas of the property have substantial terrain and was formerly used as a rock quarry. Mr. Basinger stated that the proposed change will expand the MU zone by 44 acres and expand the SFR zone by 5.2 acres. After review of the application, staff determined the proposal meets the Comprehensive Plan Amendment requirements because it will promote the development or redevelopment of vacant and underutilized properties, it will maintain and enhance the character and quality of life in Spokane Valley, and it will ensure compatibility between adjacent residential and commercial uses. Mr. Basinger stated that the second amendment (CPA-2024-0002) is a change from SFR to Corridor Mixed Use (CMU). The property is located at 17103 E. Main Avenue (at the corner of Main Avenue and Flora Road) and is approximately .83 acres of land. The property is owned by Family Promise of Spokane and is currently a single-family residence. Mr. Basinger said that after review of the application, staff has determined the proposal meets the Comprehensive Plan Amendment requirements because it will engage in active recruitment of service providers that desire to serve Valley residents through targeted programs focused on homeless service delivery, will support community resource hubs where service providers can co - locate in areas in close proximity to public transportation, and will encourage and support new projects and programs which seek to assist in maintaining housing stability or provide exits from homelessness to housing. Mr. Basinger said that a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review was completed on both properties, and a Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) was issued on January 5, 2024. The SEPA notice was published in the newspaper and was posted on the site. Mr. Basinger commented that a notification of public hearing was sent out to property owners within a 400 square foot radius of each property and additional notices were also sent out to some 02-22-2024 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 4 additional properties that could be affected by the change of use. A large Notice of Public Hearing sign was also posted on each site. Mr. Basinger explained that the public hearing for this matter will be held on March 8, 2024. Commissioner Delucchi asked if Spokane Conservation District is planning to sell the property. Mr Basinger responded that the City has not received a proposed site plan or development plan. Commissioner Robertson expressed concern about drainage and run off due to the new pavement. He also mentioned concerti about possible traffic issues that could arise due to additional development in the area. Mr. Basinger responded that any proposed development would be subject to review by the City stornnwater engineers and traffic engineers. Also, a flood plain study would be needed to address any potential issues in that area. Commissioner Robertson asked about the impact on the nearby school if the land use change is granted for the property on Main Avenue (CPA-2024-0002). Mr. Basinger responded that the City has not received a formal application yet for transitional housing in that location. A Rill review will be done if an application is received. Commissioner Wilson asked if the Family Promise location could be sold, and a half -way or detoxification center could be put on the site. Mr. Basinger answered that essential public facilities are allowed in any zone but there is a process that has to be followed for approval. b. Training: Public Records Act & Open Public Meeting Act Deputy City Attorney Tony Beattie gave the annual public records and open public meetings training to attending Planning Commissioners and staff. c. Training: Planning Commission Orientation Planning Manager Chaz Bates presented a training session regarding the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, the Planning Commission Rules of Procedure, Robert's Rules of Order, and an introduction to projects currently under review by the planning staff. X. GOOD Or THE ORDER: Commissioner Delucchi requested meetings with economic development, transportation, capital facilities, housing, public and private utilities, parks and open space, natural resources, and the hearing examiner over the next year to get an understanding of what is planned by each of these entities in preparation for the comprehensive plan updates in 2026. XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Wilson moved, and it was seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 p.m. The vote on the motion ivas four in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. 02-22-2024 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4 Bob McKinley, Chairman Marianne Lemons, Secretary 3�%Ly Date Signed