2024-03-14 PC APPROVED SIGNED MINUTESRegular Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Spokane Valley City Hall March 14, 2024 Chairman Bob McKinley called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings. IL The Commissioners and staff stood for the Pledge Of Allegiance. III. Administrative Assistant Robin Holt took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Susan Delucchi Tony Beattie, Senior Deputy City Attorney Bob McKinley Chaz Bates, Planning Manager John Robertson Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Vadim Smelik Levi Basinger, Associate Planner Justin Weathermon Nikki Cole, IT Specialist Dan Wilson Robin Holt, Administrative Assistant IV. AGENDA: Commission Delucchi moved, and it was seconded to approve the meeting agenda for March 14, 2024, as submitted. There was no discussion. The vole on the motion was six in favor, zero against, and the motion passed V. MINUTES: Commissioner Delucchi moved, and it was seconded, to approve the February 22, 2024, minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Delucchi reported that she attended the Regional Transportation Comprehensive Plan Meeting reviewing the proposed projects for Spokane Valley. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates reported that the Planning Commissioner handbooks are completed and have been distributed. VIIL PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment offered. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a. Public Hearing: 2024 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments 03-14-2024 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 6 Chairman McKinley opened the public hearing at 6:05 p.m. Planner Levi Basinger presented a staff report. He explained that Comprehensive Plan Amendments can be initiated by property owners/representatives, citizens, agencies, neighborhoods, or the City. The deadline for submitting an amendment for consideration during 2024 was November 14, 2023. Mr. Basinger stated that the City received two City initiated map amendments to the Comprehensive Plan that were docketed by the City Council for consideration. The first amendment (CPA-2024- 0001) is a change from Multi -Family Residential (MFR) to Mixed Use (MU) and Single -Family Residential (SFR). The property is located at 4418 E 8°i Avenue (at the corner of 8"' Avenue and Havana Street) and is comprised of a total of 49 acres and thirteen parcels of land. The property is owned by the Spokane Conservation District. The northern three parcels will be changed to MU zoning and the southern ten parcels will be changed to SFR. Mr. Basinger stated that the proposed change will expand the MU zone by 44 acres and expand the SFR zone by 5.2 acres. After review of the application, staff determined the proposal meets the Comprehensive Plan Amendment requirements because it will promote the development or redevelopment of vacant and underutilized properties, it will maintain and enhance the character and quality of life in Spokane Valley, and it will ensure compatibility between adjacent residential and commercial uses. Mr. Basinger stated that the second amendment (CPA-2024-0002) is a change from SFR to Corridor Mixed Use (CMU). The property is located at 17103 E. Main Avenue (at the corner of Main Avenue and Flora Road) and is approximately .83 acres of land. The property is owned by Family Promise of Spokane and is currently a single-family residence. Mr. Basinger said that after review of the application, staff has determined the proposal meets the Comprehensive Plan Amendment requirements because it will engage in active recruitment of service providers that desire to serve Valley residents through targeted programs focused on homeless service delivery, will support community resource hubs where service providers can co - locate in areas in close proximity to public transportation, and will encourage and support new projects and programs which seek to assist in maintaining housing stability or provide exits from homelessness to housing. Mr. Basinger said that a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review was completed on both properties, and a Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) was issued on January 5, 2024. The SEPA notice was published in the newspaper and was posted on the site. Mr. Basinger commented that a notification of public hearing was sent out to property owners within a 400 square foot radius of each property and additional notices were also sent out to some additional properties that could be affected by the change of use. A large Notice of Public Hearing sign was also posted on each site. 03-14-2024 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 6 Mr. Basinger noted that the City received two public continents for CPA-2024-0001 prior to the hearing. The comments were neutral to the proposal but requested information regarding uses allowed in the MU zone and information on what will be occurring on the subject property. Mr. Basinger said that the City received three public continents for CPA-2024-0001 prior to the hearing. The continents were in opposition to the proposal and noted concerns about impacts to a single-family neighborhood, traffic generation, and that a similar comprehensive plan amendment was previously denied. Public Connnent: Jace Steinmetz, Spokane Valley (CPA-2024-0002) requested information about what the plan is for the property once the change happens. She stated that she would like to see the property changed to multi -family rather than mixed use. Emma Hughes, Family Promise of Spokane (CPA-2024-0002) expressed that they are in favor of the amendment, and they intend to use the property as it is currently. They will keep the single-family home and use the barn as office space. They hope to add two additional bedrooms and a bathroom. They also plan to move the parking and access to the property to Main Avenue instead of Flora Avenue and to add fencing and landscaping to the property. Eventually they hope to use the property for transitional housing for families with children in local schools that are seeking housing. Peter Bityukov, Spokane Valley (CPA-2024-0001) stated that he would like the property to be home to a playground or a bicycle track for children to use. He said that he does not want homes built in that area. Mike Thacker, Spokane Valley (CPA-2024-0002) requested information if the change to MU would require improvements to streets and sidewalks. He expressed concern about multiple families being housed in a single-family home but there will be a rotation of families in and out of the home. He stated that the speed limit needs to be reduced from 35 mph to 25 mph on Flora Road due to traffic. Vicki Carter, Spokane Conservation District (CPA-2024-0001) stated that the Conservation District has no intention of building homes in the southern portion of the property. They decided on the proposed change because it would be the most restrictive zoning available. The plan is to put in a community garden in that area. She also stated that the proposed improvements to the northern portion of the property are all community based. They hope to put in a year-round farmers market and provide a place of education and recreation. Administrative Assistant Robin Holt read two public comments into the record: Echo Fatis, Spokane Valley (CPA-2024-0001) stated that she is in support of the requested change but does not wish to see additional homes built on the southern portion of the land because she would like to see the land remain in its natural state. Deanna Shine, Spokane Valley (CPA-2024-0002) expressed concern about Family Promise building apartments on the property and the safety of school children who walk by the location on their way to Greenacres Middle School. 03-14-2024 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 6 The public hearing was closed at 6:48 p.m. Commissioner Delucchi stated that she has objections to CPA-2024-0002 because it will create a zoning island in the map. She doesn't think it is in the best interest of the single-family homes in the area. She also thinks there's a traffic issue on Flora Road and this proposal will exacerbate the problem. However, she is in support of CPA-2024-0001. Commissioner Wilson stated that he also has objections to CPA-2024-0002. He said that property owner rights are taken very seriously by the Planning Commission but that they also have to look at the rights of the surrounding neighbors as well. He said that the impact of the change to the property owned by Family Promise will have a substantial impact on the neighborhood and traffic. However, he is also in support of CPA-2024-0001. Chairman McKinley expressed concern about CPA-2024-0002 and support for CPA-2024-0001. Commissioner Smelik asked staff if there is a restriction in the code regarding creating zoning islands or peninsulas. Planning Manager Bates responded that privately initiated zoning or comprehensive plan amendments are prohibited from creating islands or peninsulas, but City initiated amendments are not subject to the same rules. Mr. Smelik asked if transitional housing is allowed on properties zoned single-family. Mr. Bates answered that transitional housing is allowed in all single-family and commercial zones. Commissioner Nilson moved, and it was seconded to recommend approval of CPA-2024-0001 to the City Council as presented There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. Commissioner Delucchi moved, and it was seconded to recommend denial of CPA-2024-0002 to the City Council as presented There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, one against with Commissioner Smelik descending, and the motion passed. b. Study Session: STV-2024-0001 — Girard and Lily Street Vacations Senior Planner Lori Barlow gave a staff presentation. She explained that a street vacation is the complete or partial abandonment or termination of the public right to use a street, highway, or public service easement. She stated that STV-2024-0001 is a privately initiated street vacation request to vacate the south 60' X 80' of Girard Road and the south 60' X 95' of Lily Road lying north of I-90 and south of Boone Avenue. Ms. Barlow said that James Boone, LLC has requested the street vacation of Lily and Girard to expand the operation area for the existing landscape materials business. The adjacent property owner Avodah, LLC has signed the application, authorizing James Boone, LLC to represent their interests. James Boone, LLC and Avodah, LLC own the adjacent property to the ROW requested to be vacated. Both properties are paved but do not have curbs, gutters, or sidewalks. 03-14-2024 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 6 Ms. Barlow explained that the three southernly properties that abut I-90 are being used for the landscaping business. The three smaller properties are historically used for single-family uses. Only one of the properties has a single-family home currently but it is in the process of being removed. The property with frontage onto Lily Rd has the landscaping businesses shop. The property owned by Avodah, LLC is the location of Senske Lawn Services. The surrounding properties are zoned industrial. Ms. Barlow stated that the applicants' reasons for the request are their landscaping business shop is located at 1110 N Lily Road and the business location is accessed off Cataldo Road so there is confusion for customers and delivery trucks looking for the main entrance to their business. There are traffic attempts to access Cataldo Road and the freeway through the property which contributes to traffic in the neighborhood. The additional residential properties were purchased with the intent to create paved storage space for products which will reduce the amount of dust and noise affecting residential neighbors. The shop is located outside the fenced business area so secure fencing along the north property lines will reduce impacts of trespassing and vandalism. Ms. Barlow said that the staff will provide a review of the application at the next meeting that will address all the requirements of a street vacation which includes street connectivity, traffic volumes, development and access, and a need assessment. It will also identify any potential concerns from agencies regarding utility easements. Ms. Barlow explained that the existing condition of the proposed vacation is that Lily Road is not used for access to the business. Girard Road is used for access to the single-family residences but there is a plan to remove all the single-family homes from the properties. Ms. Barlow stated that staff has reached out to utilities and service providers regarding the proposal. Avista and Spokane County Water District #3 commented that they have utilities located in the Girard right-of-way (ROW) and would like an easement granted. Comcast and Lumen commented "No Issue" and the Fire Department commented that they would like to maintain access to residences if retained or adequate access to the commercial site. Ms. Barlow said that the public hearing for this matter will be held on March 28, 2024. X. GOOD OF TIIE ORDER: There was nothing offered for the Good Of The Order. XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Wilson moved, and it Was seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 p.m. The mote on the motion ivas six in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. 03-14-2024 Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 6 Bob McKinley, Chairman Marianne Lemons, Secretary 3�zS/zy Date Signed