2024-02-08 - Agenda PacketSpokane jvalley Notice and Agenda For Special Meeting Spokane Valley Planning Commission Thursday, February 8, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. Remotely via ZOOM meeting and In Person at: Spokane Valley City Hall located at 10210 E Sprague Avenue NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special Spokane Valley Planning Commission meeting will be held February 8, 2024, beginning at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in Council Chambers at Spokane Valley City Hall located at 10210 E Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the items listed below on the Agenda. NOTE: Members of the public may attend Spokane Valley Planning Commission meetings in -person at City Hall at the address provided above, or via Zoom at the link below. Members of the public will be allowed to comment in -person or via Zoom as described below: Public comments will only be accented for those items noted on the agenda as "public comment" or "Public hearine." If making a comment via Zoom, comments must be received by 4:00 pm, the day of the meeting. Please email planniniz(@,st)okanevalleywa.gov or call the Planning Commission Secretary at 509-720-5112 to be added to the Zoom speaker list. Otherwise, comments will be taken in -person at the meeting, as noted on the agenda below: LINK TO ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION: httos://sookaneval lev.zoom. us/i/871465 97722 One tap mobile US: +12532158782„ 87146597722# or+13462487799„87146597722# US Dial by your location US: +1 253 215 8782 US AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 25, 2024 6. COMMISSION REPORTS 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 8. PUBLIC COMMENT: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except items listed as public comment opportunity or public hearing as comments will be taken when those items appear on the agenda. 9. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a. Election Of Officers b. Study Session: 2024 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments (Presented By Levi Basinger) 10. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER 11. ADJOURNMENT Special Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Spokane Valley City Hall January 25, 2024 I. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons called the special meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. The meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings. II. The Commissioners and staff stood for the Pledge Of Allegiance. III. Administrative Assistant Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Susan Delucchi Tony Beattie, Senior Deputy City Attorney Val Dimitrov Chaz Bates, Planning Manager Bob McKinley Chad Knodel, IT Manager Dan Wilson Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant IV. AGENDA: Commission Wilson moved, and it was seconded to approve the meeting agenda for January 25, 2025, as submitted. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. V. MINUTES: Commissioner McKinley moved, and it was seconded, to approve the December 14, 2023, minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero against one abstention, and the motion passed. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: There were no Commissioner Reports. VH. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates reported that the new Planning Commission member appointments will occur at the January 30, 2024 City Council meeting. VIH. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment offered. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a. Motion Consideration: Planning Commission Rules Of Procedure Amendment Senior Deputy City Attorney Tony Beattie presented a proposed amendment to the Rules of Procedure for the Planning Commission. He explained that in June 2023, the Planning Commission recommended approval to the City Council to pass an Ordinance moving the location of meetings from City Hall to Centerplace due to remediation work being done on the Council Chambers. The 12-14-2023 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 2 Resolution was approved by the City Council, so all meetings were relocated to Centerplace. The work has been completed on the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mr. Beattie explained that the proposed amendment to the Rules of Procedure would change the meeting location from Centerplace back to City Hall located at 10210 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206. The dates and times of the meetings remain the same, the second and fourth Thursday of each month beginning at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Beattie also requested that the Planning Commission waive the requirement for a study session on this matter since a study session was held regarding this amendment in June when the change originally occurred. Commissioner McKinley moved, and it was seconded to waive the rules requiring a study session, approve and forward the Planning Commission Rules of Procedure as amended by City Council for adoption. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero against and the motion passed. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner Delucchi expressed concern about the large County development being built off of Barker Road and the amount of traffic funneling onto City streets and the environmental impacts to the wetlands in that area. She feels that the City needs to coordinate more with Spokane County regarding large developments. She also expressed concern about the development occurring on Saltese Road. XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner McKinley moved, and it was seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:13 p.m. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. Chairman Marianne Lemons, Secretary Date Signed CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: February 8, 2024 Item: Check all that apply ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® study session ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2024 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments — Study session GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A, SVMC 17.80.140 and 19.30.010. PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION: None BACKGROUND: The Growth Management Act (GMA) allows local jurisdictions to consider amendments to their Comprehensive Plans once each year. The City codified this process in Section 17.80.140 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). Consistent with state law and the SVMC, staff published notice on September 15 and 22, 2023, notifying the public of the annual amendment process and that the City would accept applications for the 2024 cycle through November 14, 2023. The notice was also sent to all agencies, organizations and adjacent jurisdictions that may have an interest in amending the comprehensive plan. As part of the annual comprehensive plan amendment cycle, the City Council is presented with proposed amendments that may be considered for the year's amendment cycle. This process, known as docketing, provides the City Council the opportunity to remove items from the docket. On December 19, 2023, the City Council approved the 2024 Docket. The Docket includes two City -initiated map amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. On January 5, 2024, the City issued a Determination of Non -significance (DNS) for both the proposed comprehensive plan amendments pursuant to Title 21 SVMC, Environmental Controls. A public hearing on the proposed amendments is scheduled for March 14, 2024. The Notice of Public Hearing has not yet been published. The notice has not yet been posted on site, nor has it been mailed to residents within a 400-foot radius. The Notice of Public Hearing will be issued a minimum of 15 days prior to the hearing date. Tonight, staff will present the proposed comprehensive plan amendments for review and discussion. On February 22, 2024, the Planning Commission will hold a second study session on the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: No action recommended at this time. STAFF CONTACT: Levi Basinger, Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation RPCA Study Session for 2024 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Page 1 of 1 i E i E Q i _co A R* N O N N O N Cd T co LL W U O CL W Q E O U cc a o r E= ; o u u L u E u .3 A E p > a V] m. ou _ d ' nu O V z v/ 4� O vJ 7D -0 M O O E I 7D }' L > L W L 4� O O z CL WJ o g- � c� cn O N U) N _ (n — 70 0 +� N 7C:) )OL'L Ncn C6 v N cB U 7C3 Q O m U C6 C6 �co N N a—+ Q N > U U +� +� 7:) Q Q a z z c U U Q E I Q I Lj H Q� U O L. 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