Resolution 09-016 Adopting Shoreline Master Program Public Participation Plan CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 09-016 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN FOR THE SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM UPDATE WHEREAS, the Washington State Legislature passed the Shoreline Management Act (SMA) in 1971 requiring, among other things, the development of a Shoreline Master Program for cities; and WHEREAS, following incorporation, the City of Spokane Valley adopted the Spokane County Shoreline Master Program (SMP) as the interim SMP for the City to comply with the requirements of the Shoreline Management Act; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley must take legislative action to update its Shoreline Master Program to ensure the program complies with the new 2003 Shoreline Master Program Guidelines requirements of the SMA(RCW 90.58 and WAC 173-26); and WHEREAS, the update of the City of Spokane Valley's Master Program must be completed on or before December 1, 2013, pursuant to the timetable mandated in RCW 90.58.080; and WHEREAS, the city of Spokane Valley must establish and broadly disseminate to the public a public participation program consistent with RCW 90.58.130 that identifies procedures and schedules whereby updates, proposed amendments, or revisions, are considered by the governing body; and WHEREAS, on October 8, 2009, the Spokane Valley Planning Commission voted to forward to the City Council a recommendation of approval of the Public Participation Plan for the Shoreline Master Program Update. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Adoption of Public Participation Plan for the Shoreline Master Program. The City Council adopts the attached Public Participation Plan for the City of Spokane Valley Shoreline Master Program Update. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Adopted this 27th day of October, 2009. CIT O • - ' ANEV• LLEY AT�S, / I //at( ///rrrj j hristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to form:, Office 6 the City Attorney Resolution No.09-016,Public Participation Plan for the SMP Update Page 1 of 4 Spokane Valley Shoreline Master Program and Development Regulations Update Public Participation Plan Project Update the Shoreline Master Program and Development Regulations consistent with the DOE Guidelines. The update process includes completion of inventory and analysis reports with corresponding maps and illustrations that characterize shoreline ecological conditions; development of shoreline policies,environment designations, and use regulations; as well as analysis of cumulative impacts and uses, and preparation of a shoreline restoration plan. Applicable Rules and Regulations The following regulations apply to this project: 1. WAC 173-26-201 Comprehensive process to prepare or amend shoreline master programs 2. WAC 173-26-100 Local process for approving/amending shoreline master programs 3. RCW 36.70A.140 Comprehensive Plans—Ensure public participation 4. RCW 90.58.130 Involvement of all persons having an interest, means 5. WAC 365-195-600 Public Participation. Public Involvement Plan Overview The public involvement plan is based on the following requirements or points: 1. Create opportunities for early and continuous involvement of all interested parties that include, shoreline property owners, state agencies, Tribes, local residents, neighboring jurisdictions, elected officials, recreational users, conservation groups, etc. 2. Include opportunities to identify shoreline management issues of local concern early in the process; 3. Inform the public of the process, opportunities to participate, decisions made, and next steps by utilizing various media methods. The plan includes the use of a Shoreline Advisory Committee and the identification of a Technical Advisory Group, community meetings, Planning Commission and Council workshops, meetings and briefings, creation of a shoreline page on the City's website, and mailings. The specific elements of the plan include: Citizens Advisory Committee and Technical Review Group A Technical Review Group(TRG)will consist of representatives from local, regional, state, and tribal agencies. The City is required to seek input, participation and recommendations from these groups. Completed phases of the update will be provided to the group for review and comment to share information, encourage cooperation and promote intergovernmental activity associated with the SMP update. A list of TRG members will be developed for distribution of materials. A Shoreline Advisory Committee (SAC)will be established to provide feedback and communication primarily during the development of goals, policies and supporting development regulations. However, the committee may be used throughout the process. The SAC will consist of property owners, interested neighborhood groups, recreational users, interested individuals and organizations with technical expertise. A limited number of government and agency representatives may be involved at this level. The Committee will review and discuss the findings and or recommendations associated with the phases listed below. Resolution No.9-016 Page 2 of 4 Key points for discussion with committees are: 1. Shoreline inventory, characterization, and analysis a. Present report and request feedback and issue identification 2. Shoreline environment designation a. Introduce designations and rationale—request input 3. Shoreline policy and regulation development a. Ongoing meetings to review the draft policy and regulation language 4. Cumulative impacts analysis and restoration planning a. Present reports and request input Open Houses/Community Meetings This format will be used to educate the public on the Shoreline Master Program and gain input from the public on issues or alternatives. Open Houses will be scheduled at the conclusion of the following tasks or other significant timeline events. 1 Shoreline inventory, characterization and analysis report 2 Development of the environment designations 3 Draft Shoreline policy and regulations 4 Draft cumulative impacts analysis and restoration plan 5 Final Draft Plan and Development Regulations City of Spokane Valley Web page Staff will create and maintain a web page. The web page will be used to issue press releases, SMP updates, and notices for public meeting. Content updates will occur as new information is available. The web page will also be used to distribute information and provide opportunity for public comment. Materials on the site will include fact sheets, reports, maps, as they become available, meeting notices, agendas, and summaries, and staff contact information. Informational Mailings Mailings will be sent to all the property owners within the shoreline jurisdictional area that describe the SMP update process, introduce the City of Spokane Valley web page where information can be consistently found regarding shoreline update process, and identify key staff for contact information. Property owners will be encouraged to provide their email addresses for the email distribution list. Additional mailings may be completed for open houses and public hearings to insure opportunity for feedback. E-mail Notification and Mailing Lists Staff will maintain an E-mail distribution list and a mailing distribution list for notices of scheduled public meetings. Notice will be provided by mail and/or email. Individuals and Organizations interested in being on the mailing list will be provided opportunity to add their names to the list at public meetings, on the shoreline website, or by contacting staff directly. Staff will distribute updates;notices for open houses, and notices for Planning Commission and Council meetings. Press Releases Press Releases will be prepared and published area wide prior to each open house. Planning Commission Updates/Public Hearings Staff will provide monthly updates to the Commission on process and progress. Study sessions will be scheduled at the conclusion of major tasks or other significant timeline events. Tasks and information to be reviewed will be the same as the Committee work program. The Commission will conduct a public hearing and provide a recommendation to the council to accept each completed phase of the SMP update Resolution No.9-016 Page 3 of 4 by resolution. Additional Study Sessions/workshops will be held prior to public hearings for final review by Commission. The Commission will hold a minimum of one public hearing and forward its final recommendations and findings to the City Council for further action. Joint Plan Commission and Council Review Meetings Joint work sessions may be held between the Planning Commission and Council to review preliminary Shoreline Master Program Information at the conclusion of major tasks. Joint sessions will be scheduled at the discretion of staff if it is determined to be a more efficient means to review information. Council Updates/Public Hearings Staff will provide quarterly updates to council. As major components of the SMP are completed Council will be asked to accept them individually by resolution (or other mechanism) including the public participation plan, inventory and analysis, environmental designations, goals and policies, and regulations. Study sessions will be conducted prior to a request for action on each component. Study • Sessions will be conducted prior to any public hearings conducted for final adoption of the plan. Additional Public Meetings Staff may elect to hold additional meetings if it is determined that more meetings are needed to provide project information and/or provide additional opportunities for gathering public comments and public participation. Written comments Written comments will be considered throughout the SMP update. During formal comment periods, written comments must be received by the end of the public comment period (to be determined). All written comments should be sent to the address below or may be submitted through the Shorelines Master Program Update web page. City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department 11707 E Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Fax 509-921-1008 Staff Staff will be available to answer questions and provide information regarding the Shorelines Master Program update. The following individuals may be contacted for shoreline update information: Greg McCormick,AICP, Planning Manager, Project Lead (509)688-0023 Lori Barlow, Associate Planner, 509-688-0262 Micki Harnois, Associate Planner, 509-688-0048 Resolution No. 9-016 Page 4 of 4