Ordinance 09-037 Amending 2009 Budget CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-037 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 08-023 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON OCTOBER 28, 2008, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2009 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2009, APPROPRIATING FUNDS AND ESTABLISHING SALARY SCHEDULES FOR ESTABLISHED POSITIONS. WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of the annual budget, it has become necessary to make changes by adding new revenue, amendments, appropriations and transferring funds in order to properly perform various City functions, services and activities; and WHEREAS, the budget changes set forth in this Ordinance could not have been reasonably anticipated or known when the annual budget was passed by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the best interests of the City are served by amending the adopted budget to reflect anticipated revenue, expenditures, fund balances, and appropriating same as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. Amended Revenues. Ordinance No. 08-023, as adopted or amended, adopted the budget for the twelve months ending December 31, 2009. Each item, revenue, appropriation, and fund is hereby amended as follows. A. Debt Service Fund (204) of the 2009 budget is amended to provide for additional revenue in the amount of$60,000 from the Public Facilities District. B. Capital Grant Fund (307) revenues are amended to include $387,000 in additional State and Federal Grant revenues and $46,000 in Real Estate Excise Tax. C. Barker Road Bridge Fund (308) revenues are amended to include $2,000,000 in Federal Grant receipts on costs originally projected to be spent in 2008. D. Parks Capital Fund (309) revenues are amended to include $800,000 in State Grant funds and $900,000 in transfers in from the Real Estate Excise Tax fund (301). E. Street Fund (101) revenues are amended to include $100,000 from a local utility to pay for damage to a city street. F. Risk Management fund (502) revenues are amended to use unappropriated fund balance of$5,000 to pay for unemployment claims for the final quarter of 2009. For purposes of these budget amendments, Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference as set forth in full. Ordinance 09-037 Amending 2009 Budget Page 1 of 3 REVENUES: REVENUES: FUND FUND 2009 Est. Rev.& AMENDMENT ENDING NUMBER NAME Fund Balances Oct.20,2009 REVENUES 001 GENERAL $ 49;288,955 $ 49,288,955 101 STREET $ 7,392,000 $ 100,000 $ 7,492,000 102 ARTERIAL ST. $ 591,000 $ 591,000 103 TRAILS/PATHS $ 43,000 $ - $ 43,000 105 HOTEL/MOTEL $ 600,000 $ - $ 600,000 123 CIVIC FAC. REPLCMT. $ 767,000 $ 767,000 204 DEBT SERVICE $ 650,000 $ 60,000 $ 710,000 301 CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 5,948,000 $ - $ 5,948,000 302 SPECIAL CAP. PRJ $ 2,980,000 $ - $ 2,980,000 303 STREET CAP PRJ $ 16,725,000 $ - $ 16,725,000 304 MIRABEAU PT $ 370,000 $ - $ 370,000 305 STREET BOND PRJ $ - $ - $ - 306 COM DEV BLK GRNT $ 300,000 $ 300,000 307 CAPITAL GRANTS $ 1,573,000 $ 433,000 $ 2,006,000 308 BARKER BRDGE FED $ 5,977,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 7,977,000 309 PARKS CAPITAL PRJ $ 1,220,000 $ 1,700,000 $ 2,920,000 310 CIVIC FACILITIES $ 5,800,000 $ 5,800,000 120 CENTERPLACE OP. $ 340,000 $ - $ 340,000 121 SERVICE LEV. STAB $ 5,400,000 $ - $ 5,400,000 122 WINTER WEATHER $ 500,000 $ - $ 500,000 402 STORMWATER $ 3,440,000 $ - $ 3,440,000 501 EQUIP REPL&RES $ 780,000 $ - $ 780,000 502 RISK MGMT $ 230,000 $ 5,000 $ 235,000 TOTALS 110.914.955 __$___111,298 000 1 I 212.959 The new total of all fund revenues and beginning fund balances, appropriated for the year 2009 is $115,212,955. Section 2. Expenditures Appropriated. To appropriate the amendments from the above estimated revenues and beginning unrestricted fund balances for each separate fund, the expenditure appropriations for the period January 1 through December 31, 2009 are amended as set forth below. EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS: NUMBER NAME BUDGET AMENDMENTS APPROPRIATIONS 001 GENERAL $ 49,288,955 $ - $ 49,288,955 101 STREET $ 7,392,000 $ 100,000 $ 7,492,000 102 ARTERIAL ST. $ 591,000 $ - $ 591,000 103 TRAILS/PATHS $ 43,000 $ - $ 43,000 105 HOTEUMOTEL $ 600,000 $ - $ 600,000 123 CIVIC FAC. REPLCMT $ 767,000 $ 767,000 204 DEBT SERVICE $ 650,000 $ 60,000 $ 710,000 301 CAPITAL PROJ. $ 5,948,000 $ - $ 5,948,000 302 SPEC. CAP. PRJ $ 2,980,000 $ - $ 2,980,000 303 STREET CAP PRJ $ 16,725,000 $ 16,725,000 304 MIRABEAU PT $ 370,000 $ - $ 370,000 306 COM DEV BLK GRNT $ 300,000 $ 300,000 307 CAPITAL GRANTS $ 1,573,000 $ 433,000 $ 2,006,000 308 BARKER BRDGE FED $ 5,977,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 7,977,000 309 PARKS CAP. PRJ $ 1,220,000 $ 1,700,000 $ 2,920,000 310 CIVIC FACILITIES $ 5,800,000 $ - $ 5,800,000 120 CENTERPLACE OP. $ 340,000 $ - $ 340,000 121 SERVICE LEV. STAB $ 5,400,000 $ - $ 5,400,000 122 WINTER WEATHER $ 500,000 $ - $ 500,000 402 STORMWATER $ 3,440,000 $ 3,440,000 501 EQUIP REPL 8, RES $ 780,000 $ - $ 780,000 502 RISK MGMT $ 230,000 $ 5,000 $ 235,000 TOTALS $ 110,914,955 $ 4,298,000 $ 115,212,955 Ordinance 09-037 Amending 2009 Budget Page 2 of 3 These amendments include additional budget for accrual of debt service costs, authorizing 2009 funds for the completion of 2008 projects, additional appropriations for the Barker Bridge and Discovery Park and street improvements for damage caused by a broken water line as shown on the attached Exhibit A. The total balance of all fund expenditures appropriated for the year 2009 is $115,212,955. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this 8th day of December, 2009. "ffice .91K AT E! ) `' ichard M. • unson, Mayor tot—. Ihril Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk APPROV 1 • S TO Rib : a EIWibea._ . Office a the ity Attorney Date of Publication: 12-18-09 Effective Date: Date of Publication: 12-23-09 Ordinance 09-037 Amending 2009 Budget Page 3 of 3 City of Spokane Valley Exhibit A Amendments to 2009 Budget Dec-09 REVENUE EXPENDITURE Fund INCREASE INCREASE Explanation 101 Street Fund Reimb from utility $ 100,000 12th&Blake st. project $ 100,000 Improvements to 12th&Blake 204 Debt Service Fund Public Facilities District $ 60,000 Debt Service on 2003 Bonds $ 60,000 Accrue Debt Service for late 2009 307 Capital Grants Grant $ 387,000 RE excise tax trans in $ 46,000 Appleway Tshirley to Hodges $ 129,000 2008 carryover Signal controller upgrades SRTC 06-22 $ 48,000 2008 carryover Broadway Moore to Flora $ 200,000 2008 carryover Sprague Ave ADA Improvements $ 56,000 2008 carryover 308 BARKER BRIDGE Federal Grant $ 2,000,000 Replace Bridge $ 2,000,000 Barker Bridge carryover 309 Parks Capital State Grant Disc Prk $ 800,000 RE excise tax&Donations $ 900,000 Construction Disc. Prk $ 1,700,000 Discovery Park Construction 502 Risk Mgmt Unapprop. Fund balance $ 5,000 Unemployment claims $ 5,000 To pay unemployment claims Total--> $ 4,298,000 $ 4,298,000