2003 Fixed Asset Summary Nine Months Ending 12/31/2003FIXED ASSET SUMMARY For the Nine Months Ending 1213112003 Description Infrastructure Roadways Signs, Signals, Beacons Crosswalks Bridges Beginning Ending 04/01/03 12/31/03 Balance Additions Deletions Balance Accum 2003 Accum Value 04/01/03 2003 2003 12/31/03 Deprec. Deprec. Deprec. 12/31/03 E: - $ 187,732,531 $ - $ 187,732,531 $ 127,418,027 $ 6,718,473 $ 134,136,500 $ 53,596,031 - 9,056,000 - 9,056,000 4,528,000 679,200 5,207,200 3,848,800 - 130,084 - 130,084 13,008 9,756 22,764 107,320 - 5,633,979 - 5,633,979 2,808,112 106,021 2,914,133 2,719,846 - 202,552,594 - 202,552,594 134,767,147 7,513,450 142,280,597 60,271,997 - 1,548,655 - 1,548,655 - - - 1,548,655 - 898,729 - 898,729 609,824 9,984 619,808 278,921 - 2,123,571 - 2,123,571 1,059,298 43,174 1,102,472 1,021,099 3,337 - 3,337 3,003 3,003 334 - 4,574,292 - 4,574,292 1,672,125 53,158 1,725,283 2,849,009 51,490 30,401 - 81,891 - 11,873 11,873 70,018 - 37,691 - 37,691 - 785 785 36,906 398,826 - 398,826 - 398,826 51,490 466,918 - 518,408 - 12,658 12,658 505,750 Parks Land Buildings Improvements Machinery & Equipment City Hall Machinery & Equipment Leasehold Improvements Construction in Progress Total Governmental Assets $ Internal Service Machinery & Equipment Total Fixed Assets 51,490 $ 207,593,804 $ - $ 207,645,294 $ 136,439,272 $ 7,579,266 $ 144,018,538 $ 63,626,756 193,475 $ 193,475 456,743 - $ 456,743 $ - 650,218 $ 650,218 37,240 $ - $ 37,240 37,240 $ 37,240 612,978 $ 612,978 $ 244,965 $ 208,050,547 $ - $ 208,295,512 $ 136,439,272 $ 7,616,506 $ 144,055,778 $ 64,239,734 4/20/2004 9:44 AM dec FIXED ASSET SUMMARY For the Nine Months Ending 1213112003 City Hall Machinery & Equipment Beginning Ending 04 /01/03 - 11,873 12/31/03 70,018 Leasehold Improvements Balance Additions Deletions Balance Accum 2003 Accum Value Description 04/01/03 2003 2003 12/31/03 Deprec' Deprec. Deprec. 12/31/03 Infrastructure 51,490 466,918 - 518,408 - 12,658 12,658 505,750 Roadways $ - $187,732,531 $ - $187,732,531 $127,418,027 $ 6,718,473 $134,136,500 $ 53,596,031 Signs, Signals, Beacons - 9,056,000 - 9,056,000 4,528,000 679,200 5,207,200 3,848,800 Crosswalks - 130,084 - 130,084 13,008 9,756 22,764 107,320 Bridges - 5,633,979 - 5,633,979 2,808,112 106,021 2,914,133 2,719,846 Total Fixed Assets - 202,552,594 - 202,552,594 134,767,147 7,513,450 142,280,597 60,271,997 Parks $208,050,547 $ - $208,295,512 $136,439,272 $ 7,616,506 $144,055,778 $ 64,239,734 Land - 1,548,655 - 1,548,655 - - - 1,548,655 Buildings - - 898,729 - 898,729 609,824 9,984 619,808 278,921 Improvements - 2,123,571 - 2,123,571 1,059,298 43,174 1,102,472 1,021,099 Machinery & Equipment - 3,337 - 3,337 3,003 - 3,003 334 - 4,574,292 - 4,574,292 1,672,125 53,158 1,725,283 2,849,009 City Hall Machinery & Equipment 51,490 30,401 - 81,891 - 11,873 11,873 70,018 Leasehold Improvements - 37,691 - 37,691 - 785 785 36,906 Construction in Progress - 398,826 - 398,826 - - - 398,826 51,490 466,918 - 518,408 - 12,658 12,658 505,750 Total Governmental Assets $ 51,490 $207,593,804 $ - $207,645,294 $136,439,272 $ 7,579,266 $144,018,538 $ 63,626,756 Internal Service Machinery & Equipment 193,475 456,743 - 650,218 - 37,240 37,240 612,978 $ 193,475 $ 456,743 $ - $ 650,218 $ - $ 37,240 $ 37,240 $ 612,978 Total Fixed Assets $ 244,965 $208,050,547 $ - $208,295,512 $136,439,272 $ 7,616,506 $144,055,778 $ 64,239,734 M &E, LI, 501 M &I total Capital Outlay Expenditures Adjust expenditures to actual capital expe uol. oq0, CCo- 7 S9y.11.63 1 0 3 pal, cgo..c�3.'13.!0.35 01 4120/2004 8:58 AM dm 524,835 h 531,157 / J �� 1 (6,322) Cat, 1 � 3aa '0c Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Governmental Funds For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in Transfers out Long -term debt issued Premium on long -term debt Discount on long -term debt Total other financing sources (uses Net change in fund balance Fund balance - beginning Fund balance - ending - (959,000) - - 7,000,000 2,430,000 - - 131,847 59,638 (49,591) (17,573; - (959,000) 7,082,256 2,472,065 (1,054,122) 5,109,367 6,876,825 2,445,058 (1,355,058) (86,598) - - $ (2,409,180) $ 5,022,769 $ 6,876,825 $ 2,445,058 0• # 81891.00 + 371691.00 + 6501218.00 + '769800.00 0 531157.00 - 23816G3.00 * 312,103 312,103 (312,103) (1,271,103) - 9,430,000 - 191,485 - (67,164) - 8,595,321 1,700,042 15,077,170 - (1,441,656) $ 1,700,042 $ 13,635,514 Other Total General Street Mirabeau Street Bond Governmental Governmental Fund Fund Point Project Capital Projects Funds Funds Revenues: Taxes $ 9,258,661 $ 6,633,165 $ - $ - $ 1,594,933 $ 17,486,759 Licenses and permits 1,088,165 - - - - 1,088,165 Intergovernmental revenues 706,443 966,581 - - 451,941 2,124,965 Charges for services 477,342 - - - - 477,342 Fines and forfeitures 533,496 - - - - 533,496 Miscellaneous 23,079 3,006 14,140 4,003 666 44,894 Total revenues 12,087,186 7,602,752 14,140 4,003 2,047,540 21,755,621 Expenditures: Current: General government 2,830,676 - 31,180 6,519 - 2,868,375 Public safety 7,394,857 - - - - 7,394,857 Physical environment 817,532 - - - - 817,532 Transportation - 1,484,775 - - 17,109 1,501,884 Economic environment 722,116 - - - 35,425 757,541 Mental and physical health 8,858 - - - - 8,858 Culture and recreation 879,047 - - - - 879,047 Debt Service: Principal �.�57 �'- Interest 6,6 75 53 - - - 6,675 Bond issuance costs - - 84,528 24,491 t^IP - Scf 109,019 Capital Outlay 481,547 49,610 103,863 - 294,964 929,984 Total expenditures 13,141,308 1,534,385 219,571 31,010 347,498 15,273,772 Excess (deficiency) of revenue over (under) expenditures (1,054,122) 6,068,367 (205,431) (27,007) 1,700,042 6,481,849 Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in Transfers out Long -term debt issued Premium on long -term debt Discount on long -term debt Total other financing sources (uses Net change in fund balance Fund balance - beginning Fund balance - ending - (959,000) - - 7,000,000 2,430,000 - - 131,847 59,638 (49,591) (17,573; - (959,000) 7,082,256 2,472,065 (1,054,122) 5,109,367 6,876,825 2,445,058 (1,355,058) (86,598) - - $ (2,409,180) $ 5,022,769 $ 6,876,825 $ 2,445,058 0• # 81891.00 + 371691.00 + 6501218.00 + '769800.00 0 531157.00 - 23816G3.00 * 312,103 312,103 (312,103) (1,271,103) - 9,430,000 - 191,485 - (67,164) - 8,595,321 1,700,042 15,077,170 - (1,441,656) $ 1,700,042 $ 13,635,514