2003 Depreciation Generation Report - 3/17/04(3) The City may voluntarily levy taxes below the legal limit. For 2004, the City levied $9,265,808 on an assessed valuation of $4,409,259,851. NOTE 6 - CAPITAL ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION Capital assets, which include property, plant, equipment, and infrastructure assets (e.g. roads, bridges, sidewalks, an similar items), are reported in the applicable governmental or business -like columns in the government -wide financial statements. The City defines capital assets as assets with an initial, individual cost of more than $5,000 and an estimated useful life in excess of one year. Such assets are recorded at historical cost or estimated historical cost if purchased or constructed. Other donated assets are recorded at estimated fair market value at the date of donation. The costs of normal maintenance and repairs that do not add to the value of the asset or materially extend assets lives are not capitalized. Major outlays for capital assets and improvements are capitalized as projects are constructed. Interest incurred during the construction phase of capital assets of business -type activities is included as part of the capitalized value of the assets constructed. A summary of changes in governmental capital assets follows: Donated capital assets received from Spokane County at the time of incorporation were recorded at cost and the accumulated depreciation at the time of transfer. These assets are shown as capital contributions on the statement of activities. The following schedule details the assets transferred. Capital Assets Donated From Spokane County Ending Balance Historical Accumulated Depreciated Increases Decreases Cost Depreciation Cost Infrastructure Land $ - $ 1,548,655 $ - $ 1,548,655 Roadways $ 187,732,531 $ 127,418,027 $ 60,314,504 Signs, signals, beacons 9,056,000 4,528,000 4,528,000 Crosswalks 130,084 13,008 117,076 Bridges 5.633.979 2.808.112 2.735.867 Total Infrastructure 202,552,594 134,767,147 67,695,447 Parks Land Buildings Improvements other buildings Machinery and equipment Total parks assets 1,548,655 898,729 2,123,571 3.337 4.574.292 609,824 1,059,298 3.003 1.672.125 1,548,655 288,905 1,064,273 334 Total County assets donated A summary of changes in governmental capital assets follows: 2.902.167 Beginning Ending Balance 936,420 Balance Governmental activities: 03/31/03 Increases Decreases 12/31/03 Capital assets, not being depreciated: - 202,552,594 - 202,552,594 Land $ - $ 1,548,655 $ - $ 1,548,655 Construction in progress - 398.826 - 398.826 Total capital assets, not being depreciated $ - 1,947,481 $ - 1,947,481 Capital assets, being depreciated: Buildings 936,420 - 936,420 Improvements other buildings 2,123,571 - 2,123,571 Infrastructure - 202,552,594 - 202,552,594 Machinery and equipment 244.965 490.481 - 735.446 Total capital assets, being depreciated 244,965 203,072,665 206,348,031 4/20/2004 4:11 PM 10 i faDeprc Depreciation Generation Report 311712004 8:54:26AM Spokane Valley Page: 1 Document Group: dcenis Depreciation Date: 12/31/2003 Asset / Account # Intervals 000001 POINT TO POINT LAZER itequip 10 E 901.000.000.590.30.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000002 AUDIO SYSTEM - COUNCIL CHAMBERS offeq 9 E 901.000.000.590.30.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000003 HANDHELD POLICE RADAR EQUIPMENT mach 0 E 901.000.000.590.30.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000004 2003 CHEVROLET 5 -10 PICK -UP veh 9 E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000005 2003 CHEVROLET S -10 PICK -UP veh 9 E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Pasted Into: 12/2003 000006 2003 CHEVROLET MALIBU SEDAN veh 8 E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000010 � PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip 1 E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000011 PC WORKSTATION W /FLAT PANEL MONITOR itequip 1 E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000012 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip 1 E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Pasted Into: 12/2003 000013 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip 1 E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000014 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip 8 E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000015 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip 1 E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000016 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip 1 E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000017 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip 1 E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 Depreciation Accumulated Last 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 oils AII r� � �r lr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 r w Current Error 6,899.71 1,481.61 29.55 1,219.72 3,167.31 2,266.49 30.57 32.60 27.63 27.63 253.72 27.63 30.57 27.63 faDeprc Depreciation Generation Report Page: 2 3117/2004 8:54:26AM Spokane Valley Document Group: dcenis Depreciation Depreciation Date: 12/31/2003 A / Account # Accumulated 000018 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000019 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000020 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000021 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000022 PC WORKSTATION CPU itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000023 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000024 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000025 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000026 PC WORKSTATION CPU itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000027 PC WORKSTATION CPU itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000028 PC WORKSTATION CPU itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000029 HP 8150DN PRINTER itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Pasted Into: 12/2003 000030 PC WORKSTATION CPU itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000031 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000032 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 Depreciation Intervals Accumulated Last Current Error 1 0.00 0.00 27.63 1 0.00 0.00 30.57 1 0.00 0.00 30.57 9 0.00 0.00 271.60 1 0.00 0.00 20.27 8 0.00 0.00 253.72 8 0.00 0.00 261.06 1 0.00 0.00 30.57 1 0.00 0.00 20.27 1 0.00 0.00 29.67 1 0.00 0.00 20.27 3 0.00 0.00 273.67 1 0.00 0.00 44.80 1 0.00 0.00 27.63 1 0.00 0.00 30.57 faDeprc 3/17/2004 8:54:26AM Depreciation Generation Report Spokane Valley Page: 3 Document Group: dcenis ' Depreciation Date: 12/31/2003 Intervals Asset / A # Last 000033 PC WORKSTATION CPU itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000034 PC WORKSTATION CPU itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000035 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000036 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000037 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000038 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000039 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000040 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000041 PC WORKSTATION CPU itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000042 PC WORKSTATION W /LCD MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000043 PC WORKSTATION W /LCD MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into- 12/2003 000044 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000045 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000046 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000047 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 Current Error 29.67 20.27 30.57 30.57 30.57 42.85 47.47 30.57 20.27 166.38 55.46 253.72 30.57 27.63 30.57 Depreciation Intervals Accumulated Last 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 8 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 Current Error 29.67 20.27 30.57 30.57 30.57 42.85 47.47 30.57 20.27 166.38 55.46 253.72 30.57 27.63 30.57 faDeprc Depreciation Generation Report 3/1712004 8:54:26AM Spokane Valley Document Group: dcenis Accumulated Last Depreciation Date: 12/31/2003 A sset / A # 000048 PRINTER /PLOTTER offeq E 901.000.000.590.30.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000050 NETWORK SERVER itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000051 TELEPHONE SYSTEM itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000052 PC WORKSTATION W /FLAT PANEL MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000053 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000054 NOTEBOOK COMPUTER itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000056 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000057 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000058 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000059 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000060 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000061 PC WORKSTATION CPU itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000062 NOTEBOOK COMPUTER itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000063 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000064 NOTEBOOK COMPUTER itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 Depreciation Page:4 Intervals Accumulated Last Current Error 10 0.00 0.00 2,785.81 1 0.00 0.00 6,450.66 8 0.00 0.00 5,411.08 1 0.00 0.00 32.60 1 0.00 0.00 30.18 1 0.00 0.00 64.84 1 0.00 0.00 30.57 1 0.00 0.00 30.57 1 0.00 0.00 30.57 1 0.00 0.00 27.63 1 0.00 0.00 30.18 1 0.00 0.00 29.67 9 0.00 0.00 491.86 1 0.00 0.00 30.18 1 0.00 0.00 54.65 Page: m I I I J faDeprc Depreciation Generation Report 3117/2004 8:64:26AM Spokane Valley Document Group: dcenis Depreciation Intervals Accumulated Depreciation Date: 12/3112003 8 A sset / Account # 0.00 000065 LAPTOP COMPUTER itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000066 PC WORKSTATION CPU itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000067 NOTEBOOK COMPUTER 0.00 itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000068 NOTEBOOK COMPUTER itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000069 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000070 PC WORKSTATION W /CRT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000073 HP 8150DN PRINTER itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000087 2003 CHEVROLET 5 -10 PICK -UP veh E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000088 2002 FORD 15 PASSENGER CLUB WAGON VAN veh E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Pasted Into: 12/2003 000089 2003 FORD EXPLORER veh E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Pasted Into: 12/2003 000090 2004 DODGE DAKOTA PICK -UP veh E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Pasted Into: 12/2003 000091 2003 CHEVROLET S -10 PICK -UP veh E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000092 2003 DODGE CARAVAN veh E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000093 2004 FORD F -150 PICK -UP veh E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000094 2004 FORD TAURUS SEDAN veh E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 1212003 1 1 1 10 8 6 2 12 11 1 1 i$t 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page: 5 Current Error 471.56 20.27 54.65 54.65 31.72 30.18 90.72 2,715.56 1,538.76 2,479.07 684.34 1,423.50 1,762.79 140.53 126.39 Depreciation Intervals Accumulated Last 8 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 1 1 10 8 6 2 12 11 1 1 i$t 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page: 5 Current Error 471.56 20.27 54.65 54.65 31.72 30.18 90.72 2,715.56 1,538.76 2,479.07 684.34 1,423.50 1,762.79 140.53 126.39 faDeprc Depreciation Generation Report Page: 6 311712004 8:64:26AM Spokane Valley Document Group: dcenis Depreciation Date: 12/31/2003 Asset I Account # 000095 PC WORKSTATION W /LCD FLAT MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 1212003 000096 NOTEBOOK COMPUTER itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000097 NOTEBOOK COMPUTER itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000098 NOTEBOOK COMPUTER itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 1212003 000099 NOTEBOOK COMPUTER itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 1212003 000100 PC WORKSTATION W/ LCD MONITOR itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 1212003 000101 MAILING MACHINE offeq E 901.000.000.590.30.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000102 CITY HALL LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS leasehold E 901.000.000.590.30.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 000103 EDEN FINANCIAL SYSTEM SOFTWARE itequip E 501.501.181.548.63.00.00 Posted Into: 12/2003 Depreciation Intervals Accumulated Last Current Error 9 0.00 0.00 421.32 1 0.00 0.00 45.55 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 Rio rr rr 54.65 54.65 54.65 1 0.00 8 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 Total Depreciation: 0.00 r rr r rr rr 0.00 0.00 56.42 676.71 785.23 2,851.04 49,898.34