2006 Affidavit of Publishing Salary CommissionSUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of: SPECIAL NOTICE No. Spokane Valley City Council Salary Commission Schedule AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING NOTICE STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )SS. County of Spokane ) CRAIGHOWARD. being first duly swomon oath deposes and says that he is the DIF TOR of The Spokane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and hasbeen for morethansix monthsprior to the date of the publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County. That the following is a true copy of a public notice as it was published in regular issues commencing on the 8th day of December. 2006. and ending the 15th day of December. 2006 all dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period: SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL NOTICE SALARY COMMISSION SCHEDULE Notice is hereby given that the City of Spokane Valley Salary Commission was formed pursuant to Washington Stale law and Spokane Valley City Ordinance 06 -021. The purpose of the Commission was to review and establish the salaries of the Mayor and Council. Ordinance 06 -021 stipulates that the Salary Commission file Its schedule of salanes with the City Clark no later than December 4, 2006, and that the schedule will be published twice, at least one I week apart, in the official newspaper of the City. The second date of publication, or December l5, 2006 shall be considered the official filing date of the salary schedule. The monthly salary schedule is as follows: Current' New Mayor $500 $975 Councilor $400 $750 Please note that the Commission's adopted sal-, ary schedule is subject to referendum petition by Me people of the City. A petition must be filed with the City Clerk within thirty (30) days after the official filing date of the salary schedule.II The deadline to file a petition Win Me City Cl.r is 5:00 p.m., local time Tuesday, January i6, 2007. Christine Bainbridge Spokane Valley City Clerk (509 - 688 -0177) PUBLISH: December 8, and 15, 2006 SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me this 15th day of December, 2006. State of Washington County of Spokane I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Craig Howard is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free 'III#/,, and voluntary act for the uses and purposes men - �� ... H ,. tioned in a instrument. 0 � 0 0 ��gSION fis NOTARY o_ Nl PUBLIC ?a zjolene Rae entz 's;F'••... . '�, Title: Nota y Public My appoint ent expires: 5 -16 -07 Y OF SPOKANE -'. - Estate of: ER. had named below has been oral Representative of this having a claim against the are the time the claim would dhenvise applicable statute :nt the claim in the manner 1 11.40.070 by serving on or oval Representative or the tobve's attorney at the ad- a copy of the claim and file Tim with the court. The claim within the later of: (1) Thirty one Representative served To the creditor as provided 020(3); or (2) four months Publication of this not.. If anted within this Time frame, barred, except as otherwise 40.051 and RCW 11.40.060. 0 to claims against both the and nonprobate assets. NGTON IN AND FOR THE INTY OF SPOKANE `of EY [presentative named below has !as Personal Representative of iermn having a claim against the before the time the claim would iy ceramics applicable statute asent the claim in the manner RCW 1140 070 by serving on personal representative or the Iteive attorney at the address bpy of the claim and (ling the n with rile Court. The claim most hing the later of days after the personal e served or mailed the mdilor as provitled .rider 20(3): or nanths after the date of in of the notice. presented within this time frame or barred except as otherwise 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This es to claims against both the Its and non- probate asserts. PUBLICATION: December. sal Representative id NA 99206 ) i65 10T10E TO CREDITORS 0.06401351E FOR COURT OF THE STATE GTON IN AND FOR THE ITY OF SPOKANE e Estate of: 9LUND, nesenetive named below has is Personal Rephomma8ve of ns having . claim against the stare the time the claim would otherwise applicable grouse sent the claim in the manner W 11.40.070 by serving on or nonal Representative or the Intativ8s attorney at the ad- e, a wpyof the claim and filing claim with the Court. The claim tl within the later of: (1) Mim, FILE ORIGINAL OF YOUR RESPONSE WITH THE CLERK OF THE COURTAT 311 GRAND AVENUE BELLINGHAM, WA 98225 SERVE A COPY OF YOUR RESPONSE ON: Petitioner's Lawyer DAVID B. HUNTER ATTORNEYAT LAW 103 E. HOLLY STREET, #519 BELLINGHAM, WA 98225 11/17, 11/14, 12/1, 1218, 12/15,12J22 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SPOKANE NO. 063 -01906-5 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (PARENTAGEHSMPB) nre: DIANA R. SAMPSON, - .. Petitioner, and JULIO MIR RIVERS, p RIVERA RIVERS MIRAMONTES, Respondent. TO THE RESPONDENT: Julio Miramontes Rivera, re The Javier m s Rivera Miraonte petitioner has an e in M 1. The Me abate wort requesting sting that there be a parenting plan approved for Francisco 2. The 2. The petition also requests that the court grant the following relief: Lxj Reserve child support for judicial or administrative r dt i 3. You must respond spond to to this this summons by serving a copy of sm response on the person signing g this this summons and by fling the original with the clerk of the wort. If you trot serve your written response 60 within 60 days after the of the fing Publication of this summons s (13 (60 days after the 17th day of mer o f d e f 2006), the court may enter orderof eault againstyou, and without further notice you, enter a judgment and approve or r p for other relief requested in is summons. if s you serve a notice of rice on the you are undersigned person, you are entitled to noficebeforcarooleroftleftrultora decree may be entered. 4. Your watten response to the summons and petition must be on form WPF PS Of is 0, Response to Petition for Estab- lab hmeout ntofParentage Information abouthow toget this form mm ybeObtained . y by contacting the Administrative on of court, by contacting the Atlm0n 8 ro of 553 the Courts at (360) Courts h 28 rom m the Washington State Courts omep from htt t x. on has not nns been S. If this action has not been filetl with the wort, you may demand c that the petitioner file this action with h the the wort. If you do so, Me must be i writing and must be served ervetl upon toe person publishing this summons. Within 14 days serve the demand the petitioner oner most file this adios a surf or the service on you summons of this summons will ee e th 6. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you mat a so Promptly Nat your written onse, if any, maybe be served time. 7. One method seren ving a copy of your response on the petitioner is to send it by certified mail with return receipt requested. This summons is issued pursuant to RCW 4.28.100 and Superior Court Civil Rule 4.1 of the seta of Washington. Dated:11/13 106 Mark B. Callen WSB 7904 Attorney for Petitioner FILE ORIGINAL OF YOUR RESPONSE WITH THE CLERK OF THE COURT AT. Spokane County Superior Court 1116 W. Broadway Spokane, WA 99260 (509)477 -2211 ,SERVE A COPY OF YOUR RESPONS ON PETITIONER'S LAWYER: Mark B. Callen - W. 505 Riverside, #500 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 459 -0386 11/17, 1124, 101, 12/8, /15, 1222 " to the creditor as provided k020(3); OR (2)four months PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITC 0, publication of the notice. If No. 064013206 isented within Nis timefreme, SUPERIOR COURT. STATE OF WA- y baited except as otherwise TON, COUNTY OF SPOKANE 11.40051 and 11.40.060. This: RCW 11.40.030 ( ) a to claims against both the In the Matter of the Estate of: a antl nonprobate assets. PHYLLIS M. HAMILTON, "Hi lf:AT.DxI Deceased, has been appointed as Personal Repr of this estate. Any person having a cla the decedent must, before the time would he barred by any otherwise —na T —Mr No. 060934 -9 40 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SPOKANE In TO the Estate of - EVELYN HYLTON, SSN:539 -24 -9382 DOB: 7/02130 DOD: 7103106 Deceased The personal 91t mp.god tit e has been appointed as peonal decedent must, before the time t be barred by any otherwise app Of limitatlons, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11,40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the rs peonal representative ''s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of Me claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of (1) Thirty (30) days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as pmvided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) Four (4) months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever Barred except as otherwise pmvided in Chapter 252, Section 11, S.S.B. No. 5110 and RCW 11.40 060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent's probate and nonprobate assets. Date of First Publication: December 1, 2006 PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: KEVIN E. HYLTON ATTORNEY FOR THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: ROYA. BERG ADDRESS FOR MAILING OR SERVICE: 703 W. Seventh Avenue Spokane, WA 99204 (509) 624 -8888 telephone (509) 624 -2630 facsimile 1211, 12/8, 12/15 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 No. 06401337 -1 SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF WASHING - TON, COUNTY OF SPOKANE In the Matter of the Estate of BENJAMIN ROBERT HICKS, Deceased, The personal representative named below have been appointed as personal representative edits estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would bearred by any otherwise applicable satule of limitations present the claim. in the manner as pmvided in RCW 11.40. W0 by serving on or mail- ing to the Personal representative or Me personal representative' attorney at the address stated below a copy of the antl filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the lateral; (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provitled under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is of- fective as to claims against both the decedent's probate and non probate asseshe Date of first publication: December 1, 2006 GARY L. HICKS ve Attorney for Person al Representati RICHARD W. PEREDNIA, P.S., INC By: Richard W, Perednia WSBA# 57 Address for mailing or service 28 West Inds S p 1216. 05-08205(5509)- 12/15 SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL NOTICE SALARY COMMISSION SCHEDULE Notice is hereby given that the City of Spokane Valley Salary Commission was formed pursuant to Washington State law and Spokane Valley City Germanic. 06 -021. The purpose of the Commission was to review and establish the salaries of the Mayor and Council. Ordinance 06 -021 stipulates that the Salary Commission file its schedule of salaries with the City Clerk no later than December 4, 2006, and that the schedule will be published twice, at least one week apart, in the Official newspaper of the CiCity. the salary schedule. The monthly salary schedule is as follows:' Current New Mayor .$500 $975 Councilor $400 $750 Please note that the Commission's adopted sal- ary schedule is subject to r eferendum petition by the people of the City. A petition must be filed with the City Clerk within thirty (30) days after the official fling date of the salary schedule. The deadline to file a petition with the City Clerk is 5:00 p.m., local time, Tuesd January 1 2007. Christine Bainbadge Spokan Valley C Clerk (509- 688 -0177) PUBLISH: Demo and 15, 2006 12/15, MARK D 2006 at Pursuant To the .24, at seq. File imposes oy me Maine To protect the lender and borrower) will sell at public auction to the high- est and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the cerunty(ies) of Spokane, State of Washington: Tax Parcel ID ns.: 35052.1204 THE WEST 50 FEET OF THE EAST 200 FEET OF THE NOTH HALF OF BLOCK 24 IN LIDGERWOOD PARK AS PERPLATTHEREOF RECORDED INVOLUME A OF PLATS PAGE 124 SITUATE IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE COUNTY OF SPOKANE STATE OF WASHINGTON Commonly Known as: 36 EAST PRINCETON AVENUE, SPOKANE, WA 99207 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 411512005, recorded on 4/212005, underAUditors File No. 5206176, records of Spec- kane County, Washington from MARK DONALD ANDERSON, AS HIS SEPARATE PROPERTY, as grantor, to LANDAMERICA TRANSNATION, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of NEW CENTURYMORTGAGE CORPORATION, es beneficiary. II. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Tmst is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any court by reason of the Grantor's. or Borrower's default on the obligation secured by the Dead of Trost. Ill. The Beneficiary alleges default of the Dead of Trust for failure to pay the following amounts now in arrears and /or other defaults: A Mnnthhr ante W tb.9b later Amount Due: $3,565.88 Other potential defaults do not involve payment of the Beneficiary. If applicable, each of these defaults must also be cured. Listed below am are categories Of common defaults, which do not involve pay- ment of money to the Beneficiary. Opposite each such listed default is a brief description of the action /documentation necessary to core the default. The list does not exhaust all pas sible other defaults; any defaults Handled by Beneficiary or Trostee Nat are not listed below must also be cured. Other default, Action neces- sary to cure Nonpayment of TaxeelAssessments Deliver to Trustee written proof that all taxes and assessments against the property are paid current Default under any senior lien Deliver to Trustee written proof Nat all senior liens are paid current and that no otherdemule exist. Failure to insure property against hazard Deliverto Trustee written proofing the property is insured against harmed as required by the Deed of Trost. Waste Cease and desist from committing waste, repair all damage to property and maintain property as required in Deed of Trust. Unauthorized sale of property (Due on Sale) Revert title to permitted vestee. IV. The sum owing on the obligation se- cured by the Deed of Trust is Principal Balance of $ 55,455.67, together with interest as provided in the note or other instrument secured from 61112006 and such other costs and fees as are due underthe Note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute, V. The above - described real property will be mid to satisfy the @xpense of the sale and'the obligation secured the Deetl of Trust as Provided! Provided! by statute. The MIT be made without warranty, express or Ter due, must be cured by 12/11/2006 (11 afore the sale date),towuseadisconfinu- f the sale. The sale will be disconfinueet urinated if at any time before the dose Trostee's business on 1211112006 (11 afore the sale date), the defaults) as th in paragraph Ill, together with any luent payments, late charges, advances, end fees thereafter due, Want cured and stee s fees and costs are paid. The sale -fore the sale date), and before the sale Borrower, Grantor, and Guarantor or the Many mouraetljuniorlien orenwmbeinse the entire balance of princlpal and inter - .uretl by the Do III Trust plus vests, net ativances, if any made pursuant to M ed the obligation end /or, Dead of Trust . iften notice of default was transmitted by reficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and r at the following address(es): MARK 38 mail, return receipt requested, or registered mail on 312012006, proof of which is in the passes obligation in any County reason ofthe or Borrower's default on the obligation by the Deed of Trost. III The Beneficiary tlefault of the Deed of Trust for failure to following amounts now in arrears once defaults: Amount due to reinstate by 91 Monthly Payments $5,806.46 B. Late 1 $232.21 C. Advances $527.05 D. Other $0.00 Total Anearage $6,565.72 E. T Expenses (Itemization) Trustee's Fee m Atloey's Fees $0.00 Title Report $441 cess Service $115.00 Statutory Mailings Recording Fees $50.00 Publication $0.( $0.00 Total Costs $1,397.73 TOTAL default $7,963.45 Other potential tlefaul AT involve payment to the Beneficary. If apt each of these defaults must also be Listed below are categories of common which do not involve payment of mane Beneficiary. Opposite each such listed d a brief description of the action1documl necessary 0 cure the default. The list d Ilientirlea by Beneficiary or Trustee t not listed below must also be cured. 1 DEFAULT: Nonpayment of TaxeslAsses: ACTION NECESSARY TO CURE: De Trost" written proof Nat all taxes and ments against the property are paid 1 ..._rent......_.. „ante current and that other ther d pr exist. DEFAULT: Failure re to insure property hazard; ACTION NECESSARY CU Trustee liver True written proof Nat the pro ro insured against as A tl by of Trust. OTHER R DE FAULT. : Waste; A NECESSARY CURE: a des committing wage, all repair all damage ge to p and maintain property e required in C Trost. OTHER DEFAULT: E Property (Due ve Sale); ACTION [ION CE N NE T CURE: Revert title to p s p v The sum owing on the obligatiomon securr c Deed h interest al Balance i together tar with nterest provided d 0n th / th or other in strum e nt costs secured from 10/1/( such other vests and d fees se are due um a. Note or other instrument cured, and provided by statute. V. The above -des real property will be cold to satisfy the of sale and the obligation secured the hr Trust as provided statute. The se to made without warranty, express or I regarding title, possession, or endum bi on December 21, . The t t(s) n to y ra paragraph III, t r g es, a r Tanyany subs payments, late charges, advances ances costar thereafter due, must cured days I Tile e to of Me e a disc, ands self. . T to sal sale will 11 b e a disc, be r e the and terminated the # at any time before the of foe Trustee's business 12/111 before the sale date), the defau se in paragraph III, together a any any as as se Payments, late charges, . advances, and fees hereafter due, is /are cured aI Tr fees cose are paitl. The sa be term be terminated any y time after ore Me 6 (1' Bobo the sale and before e sale Borrower, Cantor, tor, any Guaran or the of any rewrtlejunior lien or encu nc 's entire b balance of p plus sand and it by the Dead of Trostt, plus cuts and ad and advances, if any made pursuant terms the obligation and Deed of Tro th written n of default was transmit) aBenafi the y w or Trustee to Me Borrows G Grantor at the following O W. 99021 31H 3606 EAST 3RD A V EN UE UE E N h ST B. E POSEV 16116 ST %021 STREET FAST E SUM NER, WA 98390 JOHN DOE POSE MEAL SPOUSE OF POSEV FAST 3RD AVENUE MEAL 99021 JOHN HN DOE POSE/ SPOUSE E) LINE W. POSE/ 16118 64TH STREET SUMNER, WA9B39P30 re both first clan as either certified mail, receipt request registered mail an 1510 rn 8 proof of whit the possession o f a the a Trustee; and on B Cantor antl Borrower were personally s with said written notice of default the notice of default was stated on pri , ty pla the teal p roperty s in prim above, e, and the Trustee has as ssse d c in sces of names daddi o rs e s VII eTrurostsv nameandatltlressereset et fold b tpr a wdang to anyone trost Me c os ts erid e fa ga setemi tlue e time time prior a the salale. . V Wste VIII The effect t effect ct of the will be deprive the Grantor and all those hold by, , through hrough to under the Goner of all right, title and interest in ao e-0esc prosrty. IX Anyone having g any objection 1 sale a grounds ad to th be ago an opportunity to head e objet ba if they ng w a lawsuit To restrain to those the sale pun to RCW 130. F bringsuch a may result ult in in a a waiver er f any proper groom invali the Trustee's s sale. X pu I OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS -The e purl at the Tru Sae is entitle to sssel Of the Property on the 20th day follownnl rs named below On December representative main lobby oft aimagainslthe 1116 W. Broad he claim would Washington, t livable statute Trust Compan Page 1 of 1 Chris Bainbridge From: Chris Bainbridge Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 4:23 PM To: 'vnh@onemain.com'; '"Legals' Subject: legal publication salary commission Please publish the following notice in the September 22 and September 29 editions. Thanks Chris Bainbridge, CMC Spokane Valley City Clerk 509-688-0177 - - - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY VOLUNTEERS WANTED: Salary Commission Members The City of Spokane Valley seeks members to serve on an Independent Salary Commission, the purpose of which is to review and establish the salaries of the Mayor and the Councilmembers. The committee will consist of five members. The term of appointment is one year. Member qualifications include: U.S. citizenship, and a resident of the City of Spokane Valley for at least one year. The Commission will serve without compensation. The first meeting of the Commission shall occur no later than October 23, 2006; members will also be responsible for filing a report of their recommendations by December 4, 2006. If you or someone you know is interested in serving on this committee, please request an application from City of Spokane Valley City Clerk Chris Bainbridge, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, Wa. 99206 (509) 688-0177. Applications can also be found on the City's website at www.spokanevalley.org under "volunteer opportunities." Applications must be received by the City Clerk no later than 4:00 P.m. Wednesday, October 4.2006. Christine Bainbridge Spokane Valley City Clerk Publish: September 22 and 29, 2006 9/14/2006