2006 Salary Commission - Survey ResultsSalary Survey Data, November 2006
1. Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate
monthly salary?
$400 (no change): 31 43%
$500 -$800: 6 8%
$900 -$ 1200: 16 22%
$1300- $1500: 12 16%
$1600- $2000: 7 10%
2. Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly
$500 (no change): 30 42%
$600 -$900: 5 7%
$1000 - $1300: 7 10%
$1400 - $1700: 17 24%
$180042100: 13 18%
3. Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary
Commission? [number (or comment) in parenthesis after each comment indicates the number of years
that person stated they have lived in Spokane Valley.]
1. With their medical benefits they are amply compensated (30)
2. Medical already adds about $800 /month; no light rail; lower property taxes (45)
3. You knew what you were getting into when you ran. Live with the pay or don't do it. Half the
Valley doesn't want to be a city anyway !!! (since incorporation)
4. For the kind of work being accomplished I believe the wages are appropriate. The people that
pushed and pushed and pushed for this joke of a city were all content to have some power and
authority at first. But now here comes the pocket rape of valley citizens. It is to bad that the
Valley royal court are putting in more hours than they anticipated. There should be a period of
ten years before there is a wage increase for a new city. The other cities that are being compared
are mostly established one. The council still hounds the county for this and for that. Another
reason that wages should be frozen until the joke of Spokane valley can become self - sufficient
and quit bumming from the county. A few more dollars a month could have been made by valley
city employees with the $18,000+ that was spent on the Christmas tree that only a handful of
Salary Survey Data November 2006 Page 1 of 5
Salary Survey Data, November 2006
people wanted in the first place. You people wanted this cluster - - -now get it running efficiently
and then we'll see about raises. (53)
5. Average salaries do not take into consideration time on the job, experience, or effectiveness of
the participant. People from all over the valley, and from Post Falls, Cda, etc travel daily back &
Forth on Appleway /Sprague. It is, in many cases, the first road other than 1 -90 they travel on in
the valley. It is their FIRST IMPRESSION of our FAIR city. Unfortunately, it's not a good one,
and arguably, not a safe one either. So, other than money, which apparently we have enough of
(prodding us to raise salaries) where is the evidence that anyone in City Hall knows or cares
about safety? (2)
6. They knew what the pay was when deciding to run for office. With their very extremely good
medical package they don't need a pay raise. If it's not enough then don't run again. Quit trying
to stick it to the taxpayers. (3 1)
7. There seems to be enough money to have more fire fighters and stations. IF that is the case
why has the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY take the moneies you want for a raise and make our
city look like a city instead of a bunch of strip malls and broken streets, and car cluttered, junk
yards. You spend things on the wrong items. I am very discouraged with what the council is
doing and the mayor. We hear gun shots going off practically every nite, and nothing is done
about it. We live in a nice corner, but you allow more apartments and duplexes in which draws
the undesireables. So NO on raises for the council, and the mayor. (6)
8. Comparing this area to any other area for pay scale is ludicrous. If the people do not think they
are making enough money then they should find another line of work where they can make what
they think they are wroth. The statement was made that having another layer of government
would not cost any more in taxes well here we go this will only be the tip of the iceberg. (24)
9. My bosses past and present have always told me, if I don't like what I am being paid, go
somewhere else! I wonder what each of there benefit packages comes to as it has not been
revealed!!! You need let the public know! (I5)
10. Since this has already been turned down by the voters, this appears to be a back door attempt
to circumvent the wishes of the voters who put you into office, not a good idea. Where would
you be without the support of the voters? This is beginning to smell like the city council, which
is one of the reasons I do not choose to live in the city. (40)
11. 1 do not feel that the city should have a increase in wages because there is nothing different
from what we had before it became a city, as far as I can see, except a one way east and a one
way west that doesn't do much except confuse everybody. All the empty business's that we have
along Appleway and Sprague are a real eye sore and doesn't say much for the city, and we have
no incentives for new business to move here. So until I can see an improvement I don't feel there
should be a increase in wages. I did not vote for the incorporation, but was hoping since it was
shoved down our throat that we would see something good come of it by now. That hasn't
happened yet. (51)
12. If you didn't like the salary perhaps you should not have run for the office. (10)
Salary Survey Data November 2006 Page 2 of 5
Salary Survey Data, November 2006
13. These people were elected to their positions knowing what the salaries were. If the salaries
stay the same, then we will get people who want to do the job instead of career politions. If they
are not willing to do the jobs at the current rate resign. (33)
14. There are part time positions. They were part time positions when these people applied for
them. I will not vote a pay increase for these part time people. (5)
15. I didn't want this "CITY" and one of the items they used for propaganda when it was voted
on time and time again, was the lower cost of government. Well I say keep it low cost, if these
people don't want to "SERVE" for the current wages, let someone else do it. (35)
16. These people knew the salary when they decided to run for office, they should not continue if
they cannot support themselves. Isn't it public service? (3)
17. They were elected to this position. (19)
18. What part of public servant don't you understand; their medical benefits are more than I
make. (30)
1. You forget to calculate the benefits these people get that should be included too! (30 +)
2. 1 feel the Mayor & Council should also have a paid for medical plan. If they already have one
use the added expense and donate to one of our local charities. (35)
3. Pay raises should be a small amount at a time so as not to get to many people excited about a
large amount, maybe later on another one enatted (75)
4. $2000 is too much (a while)
5. Not all councilmembers participate in medical benefits. (30)
6. Why do they need a raise? "we need to attract qualified people" I heard one official say. Are
the current members not qualified? (27)
7. I think they should get more money, but not until they (the councilmembers and mayor) make
the case to the public that they deserve more. (34)
8. I was on the council of a small eastern Washington town for 5 years and later served as Mayor
Pro tem for a year and then Mayor for four years. Small towns have the same problems that large
cities have just fewer people and less funds to deal with it. I wish you all the very best. (18)
9. The valley incorporation was based on running an efficient government with more public
service for less money. Perhaps we should wait until we know how much "more public service"
will cost (e.g. public safety services, roads, etc.,) before we consider giving raises. I believe it is
still too early to be considered raises for public officials. (23)
10. Why is there no mention of the benefits they receive beyond the monthly salary? When that
is taken into account it becomes a great job. (22)
Salary Survey Data November 2006 Page 3 of 5
Salary Survey Data, November 2006
1. Great job (no answer)
2. They work hard, they deserve it! (18)
3. You get what you pay for. (18)
4. Good for them. They desearve it. (no answer)
5. Running a city, particularly a city the size of Spokane Valley, is not unlike running a business.
Where in the world would you find a corporate "board of directors" that would work the hours
demanded of our elected officials for so little. (28)
6. It's grossly unfair to have people give of their time and talent for as little pay as they currently
receive! There are 2 of us in this household that agree about this. (39)
7. We need good folks (no answer)
8. As a strong supporter of the city of Spokane Valley, I have felt from the beginning we ask a
great deal of ALL our council members. From the beginning I felt we need to help compensate
the considerable contribution our council members and Mayor make. Personally, to pay them
less than what I suggest (council $900, Mayor $1800) is totally unfair. They do not do the job
they work so hard at for money, it is personal commitment to our community. They are all doing
an excellent job and should be properly compensated. Terry Lynch (37)
9. These people are dedicated to their jobs and the community and they spend far more time than
just the council meetings working for this city. They attend all kinds of commissions and
meetings to promote our best interests and to make sure that people are aware of our needs. (37)
10. The council definitely deserves more than their "less than minimum" wage !!!!!!!!!!!!! (30)
11. The City Council is doing a fine job for the city. They need to be paid a fair salary for what
they are doing. (8)
12. They do a great job. (18)
13. You can't get something for nothing, which is what those who are against a decent wage
want. They want government free and that just isn't feasible if they want quality leadership and
representation. Tax revenues are being generated in Spokane Valley which could support an
appropriate wage for the mayor and city council, so why not give them the wage they deserve?
14. I feel that our Mayor and our counsel members deserve a fair raise, as they have a lot of
responsibilities and do a great job. (7)
15. I feel that the Mayor and Council members have committed their time and efforts to us. They
deserve our commitment to them and it would also justify our commitment to the Spokane
Valley. (19)
Salary Survey Data November 2006 Page 4 of 5
Salary Survey Data, November 2006
4. How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? [answers in years]
03: 3
07: 2
12: 2
15: 4
16: 2
18: 5
19: 2
28: 2
30: 6
33: 2
35: 2
37: 2
39: 2
Since incorporation: 2
A while: 1
Long time: I
No answer: 1 l
Life: 1
72 responses
Salary Survey Data November 2006 Page 5 of 5
NOV 2 7 2006
11707 E Spragu4M55i6PWM4k Valley WA 99206
509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509Qcf.Q9('&1tF cityhati@spokanevalley.org
* The 2006 Independent Salary Commission requested that the following information and questions be made available
to the public for review and comment.
2006 Council Salary Survey
The City of Spokane Valley was incorporated on March 31, 2003 as the 8" largest city in Washington State. In the last
three years, the City has grown and is now the 7" largest city in the State.
State law mandates the initial salary, for the Mayor of a new city to be $500 monthly and for the Council members to be
$400 monthly. The Spokane Valley'City Council receives those salaries, plus benefits. The Council is responsible for a
$76 million annual budget and makes regular policy decisions on our behalf. The Mayor averages 20 to 25 hours weekly
and Council members average 15 to 20 hours weekly attending to City business.
An Independent Salary Commission has been established to determine what an appropriate monthly salary should be in
'he future and requests your input by answering the following questions. Your response can be provided by telephone to
'ity Clerk Chris Bainbridge at 688 -0177, via e-mail to cbainbridge(Cbsookanevalley.org or via regular mail to City Clerk,
City of Spokane Valley, 11707 East Sprague, #106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206.
The deadline for submitting surveys is 4:00pm on Tuesday, November 28 2006.
See reverse side for the salaries of council members of the 20 largest cities in Washington state.
1. Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
A $400 (no change) _ $500 -$800 _ $900 -$1200 _ $1300 41500 _ $1600 - $2,000.
2. Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
X $500 (no change) _$600 -$900 _ $100041300 _ $1400 -$1700 _ $1800 - $2100.
3. Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
E- ✓b
w, !t TN,Egtr_t9� fat vr %X t9be'6 Amay ldhiPEV
4. How long have you lived in Spokane Valley ? b.. y f}►2 5. ,
NOV 2 7 2006
CrryOFS yr yq�,
11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206
509.921.1000 1 Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall @spokanevalley.org
* The 2006 Independent Salary Commission requested that thefollowing information and questions be made available
to the public for review and comment.
2006 Council Salary Survey
The City of Spokane Valley was incorporated on March 31, 2003 as the 8" largest city in Washington State. In the last
three years, the City has grown and is now the 7` largest city in the State.
State law mandates the initial salary for the Mayor of a new city to be $500 monthly and for the Council members to be
$400 monthly. The Spokane Valley City Council receives those salaries, plus benefits. The Council is responsible for a
$76 million annual budget and makes regular policy decisions on our behalf. The Mayor averages 20 to 25 hours weekly
and Council members average 15 to 20 hours weekly attending to City business.
An Independent Salary Commission has been established to determine what an appropriate monthly salary should be in
the future and requests your input by answering the following questions. Your response can be provided by telephone to
City Clerk Chris Bainbridge at 688 -0177. via e -mail to cbainbridee a snokanevalley.orG or via regular mail to City Clerk,
City of Spokane Valley, 11707 East Sprague, #106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206.
The deadline for submitting surveys is 4:00pm on Tuesday, November 28'", 2006.
See reverse side for the salaries of council members of the 20 largest cities in Washington state.
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
(.] (no change) _ $500 -$800 __ $900 - $1200 _$130041500 _ $1600- $2,000.
2. Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
�$500(no change) _$600 -$900 _ $1000 -$1300 _ $1400 -$1700 _ $1800 - $2100.
3. Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
4. How long have you lived in Spokane Valley. 3 /,
S' ;' n we Ass � 2� 0.-3
f / $Zw �/'...
NOV 27 2096
11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 1 __ " )<B 99206
509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509. 921.1008 1 c
* The 2006 Independent Salary Commission requested that the following information and questions be made available
to the public for review and comment
2006 Council Salary Survey
The City of Spokane Valley was incorporated on March 31, 2003 as the 8" largest city in Washington State. In the last
three years, the City has grown and is now the 7` largest city in the State.
State law mandates the initial salary for the Mayor of a new city.to be $500 monthly and for the Council members to be
$400 monthly. The Spokane Valley City Council receives those salaries, plus benefits. The Council is responsible for a
$76 million annual budget and makes'regular policy decisions on our behalf. The Mayof averages 20 to 25 hours weekly.
and Council members average 15 to 20 hours weekly attending to City business:
An Independent Salary Commission has been established to determine what an appropriate monthly salary should be in
the future and requests your input by answering the following questions. _Your response can be provided by telephone to
City Clerk Chris Bainbridge at 688 -0177, via e-mail to cbainbridee((Dspokanevallev.org or via regular mail to City Clerk,
City of Spokane Valley, 11707 East Sprague, #106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206.
The deadline for submitting surveys is 4:00pm on Tuesday, November 28'", 2006.
See reverse side for the salaries of council members of the 20 largest cities in Washington state.
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
$400 (no change) X_ $500 4800 _ $900 - $1200 _ $1300 -$1500 _ $1600- $2,000.
2. Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
$500 (no change) x[$600 -$900 _ $1000 -$1300 $1400 -$1700 _ $1800 - $2100.
3. Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
4. How long have you lived in Spokane Valley ? / � (� gC�l -S
LJ�ry /LryJ 2y g�^' `' �>ti Cti✓� v'v /l �t� o-MA_ 11/17/06
Nov 2 7 2006
11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane. Valley WA 99206
509.921.1000 1 Fax: 509.921.1008 # cityhalld pokaneva4ey.org
* The 2006 Independent Salary Commission requested that the following information and questions be made available
to the public for review and comment.
2006 Council Salary Survey
The City of Spokane Valley was incorporated on March 31, 2003 as the 8" largest city in Washington State. In the last
three years, the City has grown and is now the 7 largest city in the State.
State law mandates the initial salary for the Mayor of a new city to be $500 monthly and for the Council members to be
$400 monthly. The Spokane Valley City Council receives those salaries, plus benefits. The Council is responsible for a
$76 million annual budget and makes regular policy decisions on our behalf. The Mayor averages 20 to 25 hours weekly
and Council members average 15 to 20 hours weekly attending to City business.
An Independent Salary Commission has been established to determine what an appropriate monthly salary should be in
the future and requests your input by answering the following questions. Your response can be provided by telephone to
City Clerk Chris Bainbridge at 688 -0177, via e -mail to cbainbridee &),spokanevalleo, or via regular'mail't6 City Clerk,
City of Spokane Valley, 11707 East Sprague, #106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. `
The deadline for submitting surveys is 4:00pm on Tuesday, November 28", 2006.
See reverse side for the salaries of council members of the 20 largest cities in Washington state.
1. Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
X $400(no change) _ $500 -$800 _ $900 -$1200 _$130041500 _$160042,000.
2. Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, haw much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
X $500 (no change) _$600 -$900 _ $1000 41300 $1400 -$1700 $1800 - $2100.
3. Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
4 / o wax ne T )We3,
4. How long have you lived in Spokane Valley?
Me5�tj +(, ^tieA-v✓ R ors f16° "<
NOV 2 7 2006
11707 E Sprague Ave Sui FIYO? aep�yaIIPyWA 99206
509.921.1000 1 Fax: 509.921.100 city a @spokanevalley.org
* The 2006 Independent Salary Commission requested that the following information and questions be made available
to the public for review and comment.
1 .006 Council Salary Survey
The City of Spokane Valley was incorporated on March 31, 2003 as the 8 °i largest city in Washington State. In the last
three years, the City has grown and is now the 7` largest city in the State.
State law mandates the initial salary for the Mayor of a new city to be $500 monthly and for the Council members to be
$400 monthly. The Spokane Valley City Council receives those salaries, plus benefits. The Council is responsible for a
$76 million annual budget and makes regular policy decisions on our behalf. The Mayor averages 20 to 25 hours weekly
and Council members average 15 to 20 hours weekly attending to City business.
An Independent Salary Commission has been established to determine what an appropriate monthly salary should be in
the future and requests your input by answering the following questions. Your response can be provided by telephone to
City Clerk Chris Bainbridge at 688 -0177. via e -mail to ebainbridee(a�spokanevallev.ore or via regular mail to City Clerk,
City of Spokane Valley, 11707 East Sprague, #106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206.
The deadline for submitting surveys is 4:00pm on Tuesday, November 28 ", 2006.
See reverse side for the salaries of council members of the 20 largest cities in Washington state.
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
$400 (no change) $500 4800 __ $900 -$1200 _ $1300 -$1500 _ $1600 - $2,000.
2. Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
'�*$500(no change) _$600 -$900 _ $1000 -$1300 _ $1400 41700 _ $1800 - $2100.
3. Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
4. How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? I,- 1 � "S I
NOV 2 7 2006
11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206
509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921 "kyptWjiM cA7t2,v, ty.org
*The 2006 Independent Salary Commission requested that the following information and questions be made available
to the public for review and comment.
2006 Council Salary Survey
The City of Spokane Valley was incorporated on March 31, 2003 as the 8 largest city in Washington State. In the last
three years, the City has grown and is now the 7 °i largest city in the State.
State law mandates the initial salary for the Mayor of a new city to be $500 monthly and for the Council members to be
$400 monthly. The Spokane Valley City Council receives those salaries, plus benefits. The Council is responsible for a
$76 million annual budget and makes regular policy decisions on our behalf. The Mayor averages 20 to 25 hours weekly
and Council members average 15 to 20 hours weekly attending to City business.
An Independent Salary Commission has been established to determine what an appropriate monthly salary should be in
the future and requests your input by answering the following questions. Your response can be provided by telephone to
City Clerk Chris Bainbridge at 688 -0177. via e -mail to cbainbridee@spokanevallev.org or via regular mail to City Clerk,
City of Spokane Valley, 11707 East Sprague, #106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206.
The deadline for submitting surveys is 4:00pm on Tuesday, November 28 " 2006.
See reverse side for the salaries of council members of the 20 largest cities in Washington state.
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
�(,$400(no change) _ $500 -$800 $900 -$1200 _$1300-$1500 _ $1600 - $2,000.
2. Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, hove much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
.$500 (no change) _$600 -$900 _ $1000 41300 _ S1400 -$1700 _ $1800 - $2100.
3. Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
e Pee -mg
4. How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? _ "r
Page I of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fivm: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 8:28 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 7 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F.—.n: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 7:04 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1300 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1800 - $2100
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 28 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F._.n: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 1:47 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1800 - $2100
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? I feel the Mayor & Council
should also have a paid for medical plan. If they already have one use the added exspense and donate to one of our
local charities.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 35 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F. postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 6:53 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? life
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F,_.r. postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 1:41 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1300 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? Great job
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley?
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fr,,.a: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 8:29 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the 'responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $600 - $900
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 20 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F, postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 9:24 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1300 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? They work hard, they deserve
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 18 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F. postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 3:50 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $600 - $900
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? You knew what you were
getting into when you ran. Live with the pay or don't do it. Half the Valley doesn't want to be a city anyway!!!
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? since it was incorporated
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F. postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 9:27 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? 5500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 30 Years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F, postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 5:37 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1800 - $2100
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? you get what you pay for
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 18yrs
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F, _.r. postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2006 11:18 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1300 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1800 - $2100
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 33 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fr�.a: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 9:24 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 16 yea
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F. .: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2006 9:17 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1600 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1800 - $2100
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley?
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F. .,: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2006 9:17 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1600 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? good for them. They desearve
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley?
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F. postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2006 9:06 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1000 - $1300
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 12
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F, .: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 5:20 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1300 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? Running a city, particuarly a
city the size of Spokane Valley, is not unlike running a business. Where in the world would you find a corporate
"board of directors" that would work the hours demanded of our elected officials for so little.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 28 YEARS
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F,_.a: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 3:56 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? FOR THE KIND OF WORK
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 53 yrs
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F. postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 1:34 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 4 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F, .i: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 1:14 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1000 - $1300
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 15
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F. .c postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 11:23 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? It's grosely unfair to have
people give of their time and talent for as little pay as they currently receive! There are 2 of us in this household
that agree about this.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? Since 1967
Page I of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fk_.,i: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 11:21 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? It's grosely unfair to have
people give of their time and talent for as little pay as they currently receive! There are 2 of us in this household
that agree about this.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? Since 1967
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fr., n: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:00 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1600 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1800 - $2100
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley?
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:00 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1600 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1800 - $2100
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley?
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Rum: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 8:57 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 16yrs
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Frum: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 9:59 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1300 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? we need good folks
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? why
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:00 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1600 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1800 - $2100
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley?
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 9:59 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1300 -
$1500 _
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? $2000 is too much
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? awhile
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Frum: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:51 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? Average salaries do not take
into consideration time on the job, experience, or effectiveness of the participant. People from all over the valley,
and from Post Falls, Cda, etc travel daily back & forth on Appleway / Sprague. It is, in many cases, the first road
other than 1 -90 they travel on in the valley. It is their FIRST IMPRESSION of our FAIR city. Unfortunately, it's
not a good one, and arguably, not a safe one either. So, other than money, which apparantly we have enough of
(prodding us to raise salaries) where is the evidence that anyone in City Hall knows or cares about safety?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? Since April 2004
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Frum: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:03 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? They knew what the pay was
when deciding to run for office. With their very extremely good medical package they don't need a pay raise. If it's
not enough then don't run again. Quit trying to stick it to the taxpayers.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 31 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fr.,. r: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 4:07 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1800 - $2100
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? As a strong supporter of the
city of Spokane Valley, I have felt from the beginning we ask a great deal of ALL our council members. From the
beginning I felt we need to help compensate the considerable contribution our council members and Mayor make.
Personally, to pay them less than what I suggest is totally unfair. They do not do the job they work so hard at for
money, it is personal commitment to our community. They are all doing an excellent job and should be properly
compensated. Terry Lynch
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 37
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 1:33 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1300 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1800 - $2100
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? these people are dedicated to
their jobs and teh community and they spend far more time than just the council meetings working for this city.
They attend all kinds of commissions and meetings to promote our best interests and to make sure that people are
aware of our needs.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 37
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fr,,.n: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 10:23 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1000 - $1300
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? Not all council members
participate in medical benefits.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 30 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 10:15 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1000 - $1300
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? The council definitely
deserves more than their "less than minimum" wage!!!!!!
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 30 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fi -..i: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:27 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 60 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F. ,i: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:40 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? 5500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? There seems to be enough
money to have more fire fighters and stations. IF that is the case why has the CITY OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY
take the moneies you want for a raise and make our city look like one instead of a bunch of strip malls and broken
streets, and car cluttered, junk yards. You spend things on the wrong items. I am very discouraged with what the
council is doing and the mayor. We hear gun shots going off practically every nite, and nothing is done about it.
We live in a nice corner, but you allow more apartments and duplexs in which draws the undesireables. So NO on
raises for the council , and the mayor.
Hoong have you lived in Spokane Valley? six years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fk—a: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 8:49 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1000 - $1300
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 15 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F. .j: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:24 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? Why do they need a raise?
"we need to attract qualified people" I heard one official say. Are the current members not qualified?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 27 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F _.,i: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:03 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1300 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? The City Council is doing a
fine job for the city. They need to be paid a fair salary for what they are doing.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 8 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fi—n: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 7:56 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1300 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? long time
Page 1 of I
Chris Bainbridge
Fromm: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 7:55 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? Comparing this area to any
other area for pay scale is ludicrous. If the people do not think they are making enough money then they should
find another line of work where they can make what they think they are worth. The statement was made that
havung another layer of government would not cost any more in taxes well here we go this will only be the tip of
the iceberg.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 24 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fi..n: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 7:56 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1600 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1800 - $2100
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? They do a great job.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 18
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F. .i: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 8:03 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? My bosses past and present
have always told me, if I don't like what I am being paid, go somewhere else! I wonder what each of there benifit
packages come to as it has not been revealed!!! You need let the public know!
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 15 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 9:22 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1300 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 3 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 8:45 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? You can't get something for
nothing, which is what those who are against a decent wage want. They want government free and that just isn't
feasible if they want quality leadership and representation. Tax revenues are being generated in Spokane Valley
which could support an appropriate wage for the mayor and city council, so why not give them the wage they
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 3 years
Page 1 of 1
Ch-is Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 7:20 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? since this has already been
turned down by the voters, this appears to be a back door attempt to circumvent the wishes of the voters who put
you into office. not a good idea. where would you be without the support of the voters? this is beginning to smell
like the city council, which is one of the reasons I do not choose to live in the city.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 40 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
F. „m: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 7:09 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (n change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? I do not feel that the city
should have a increase in wages because there is nothing different from what we had before it became a city,as far
as i can see,except a one way east and a one way west that doesn't do much except confuse everybody. All the
empty business's that we have along Appleway and Sprague are a real eye sore and doesn't say much for the city,
and we have no incentives for new business to move here. so until I can see an improvement I don't feel there
should be a increase in wages. I did not vote for the incorporation, but was hoping since it was shoved down our
throat that we would see something good come of it by now. that hasn't happened yet.
Ho— long have you lived in Spokane Valley? since 1955
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 7:10 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? If you didn't like the salary
perhaps you should not have run for the office.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 10 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:00 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1600 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1800 - $2100
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley?
Page 1 of 1
Ch-is Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 7:03 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? These people were elected to
their positions knowing what the salaries were. If the salaries stay the same, then we will get people who want to do
the job instead of career politions. If they are not willing to do the jobs at the current rate resign
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 33 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 5:22 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 18 Years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Monday, November 20, 2006 6:22 PM
Chris Bainbridge
2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? These are part time positions.
They were part time positions when these people applied for them. I will not vote a pay increase for these part time
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 5 yrs
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 6:20 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 -
$ 800
G iven the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? 51000 - $1300
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley?
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fromm: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 3:54 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? I think they should get more
money, but not until they (the councilmembers and mayor)make the case to the public that they deserve more.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 34 years
Page I of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fromm: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2006 2:59 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? I didnt want this "CITY" and
one of the items they used for propaganda when it was voted on time and time again , was the lower cost of
government. Well I say keep it low cost, if these people dont want to "SERVE" for the current wages , let someone
else do it.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 35 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fromm: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 12:58 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $600 - $900
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? I was on the council of a small
eastern Washington town for 5 years and later servered as Mayor Pro tem for a year and then Mayor for four
years. Small towns have the same problems that large cities have just fewer people and less funds to deal with it. I
wish you all the very best.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 18 years
Page 1 of 1
Cl—is Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 5:35 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? The valley incorporation was
based on the running an efficient government with more public service for less money. Perhaps we should wait
until we know how much "more public service" will cost (e.g., public safety services, roads, etc.,) before we
consider giving raises. I believe it is still too early to be considered raises for public officials.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 23 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 7:19 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1300 -
$ 1500
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1800 - $2100
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? I feel that our Mayor and our
counsel members deserve a fair raise, as they have alot of responibilits and do a great job.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 7 +years
Page 1 of 1
Cl--is Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 8:22 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1000 - $1300
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 15
Page I of 1
Chris Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 5:14 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $900 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? I feel that the Mayor and
Council members have committed their time and efforts to us. They deserve our commitment to them and it would
also justify our commitment to the Spokane Valley.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 19 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fru.n: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 7:18 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley?
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fi..a: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 8:07 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? Why is there no mention of
the benifits they recieve beyond the monthly salary? When that is taken into account it becomes a great job.
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 22 years
Page 1 of 1
Chris Bainbridge
Fru.n: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 8:12 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? These people knew the salary
when they decided to run for office, they should not continue if they cannot suppport themselves. Isn't it public
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 3
NOV 28 2006 10:55AM BLUMENGARTEN GREENHOUSE I 5099282699 p.2
11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206
509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall ®spokanevalley.org
"7he 2006 Independent Salary Commission requested that the following informatlon and questions be made available
to the publiefor review and comment.
2006 Council Salary Survey
The City of Spokane Valley was incorporated on March 31, 2003 as the 8'" largest city in Washington State. In the last
three years, the City has grown and is now the 7` largest city in the State.
State law mandates the initial salary for the Mayor of a new city to be $500 monthly and for the Council members to be
$400 monthly. The Spokane Valley City Council receives those salaries, plus benefits. The Council is responsible for a
$76 million annual budget and makes regular policy decisions on our behalf. The Mayor averages 20 to 25 hours weekly
and Council members average 15 to 20 hours weekly attending to City business.
An Independent Salary Commission has been established to determine what an appropriate monthly salary should be in
he future and requests your input by answering the following questions. Your response can be provided by telephone to
City Clerk Chris Bainbridge at 688 -0177, via e-mail to cbainbrid¢eL(O-spokanevallev oil or via regular mail to City Clerk,
City of Spokane Valley, 11707 East Sprague, #106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206.
The deadline for submitting surveys is 4:00pm on Tuesday, November 29 2006.
See reverse side for the salaries of council members of the 20 largest cities in Washington state.
1. Given the responsibilities Of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
_$400 (no Chang) _ $500 -$900 _ $900 -$1200 _$130041500 _ $1600 - $2,000.
2. Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
C$500(no ) _$600 -$900 _$1000 -$1300 _$1400 -$1700
$1800 - $2100.
3. Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
4. How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? If
o ..t
'% %� V
■ e ■
Ili ■ti
28 2006 10:55AM BLUMENGRRTEN GREENHOUSE I 5099282699
11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206
509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhail @spokanevalley.org
* The 2006 Independent Salary Commission requested that the following in forma tfon and questions be made available
to the puhlie for review and comment.
?006 Council Salary Survey
The City of Spokane Valley was incorporated on March 31, 2003 as the 8" largest city in Washington State. In the last
three years, the City has grown and is now the 7 largest city in the State.
State law mandates the initial salary for the Mayor of a new city to be $500 monthly and for the Council members to be
$400 monthly. The Spokane Valley City Council receives those salaries, plus benefits. The Council is responsible for a
$76 million annual budget and makes regular policy decisions an our behalf. The Mayor averages 20 to 25 hours weekly
and Council members average 15 to 20 hours weekly attending to City business.
An Independent Salary Commission has been established to determine what an appropriate monthly salary should be in
the future and requests your input by answering the following questions. Your response can be provided by telephone to
-ity Clerk Chris Bainbridge at 688 -0177, via e -mail to cbainbrideerlsookanevallev ore or via regular mail to City Clerk,
City of Valley, 11707 East Sprague, #106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206.
The deadline for submitting surveys is 4:00pm on Tuesday, November 28"', 2006.
See reverse side for the salaries of council members of the 20 largest cities in Washington state.
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
)� $400 (no change) _ $500 -$800 — $900 -$1200 _ $130041500 _ $160042,000.
2. Given the responsibilities of file Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
_C$500 (no change) _$600 -$900 _ $1000 -$1300 _ 5140041700 $1800 - $2100.
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
4. Flow long have you lived in Spokane Valley? i a
11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206
509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatl @spokanevaltey.org
r The 2006 Independent Salary Commission requested that the following information and questions be made available
to the public for review and comment
2006 Council Salary Survey
The City of Spokane Valley was incorporated on March 31, 2003 as the 8" largest city in Washington State. In the last
three years, the City has grown and is now the 7 largest city in the State.
State law mandates the initial salary for the Mayor of a new city to be $500 monthly and for the Council members to be
$400 monthly. The Spokane Valley City Council receives those salaries, plus benefits. The Council is responsible for a
$76 million annual budget and makes regular policy decisions on our behalf. The Mayor averages 20 to 25 hours weekly
and Council members average 15 to 20 hours weekly attending to City business.
An Independent Salary Commission has been established to determine what an appropriate monthly salary should be in
the future and requests your input by answering the following questions. Your response can be provided by telephone to
City Clerk Chris Bainbridge at 688 -0177, via e-mail to cbainbridee(a sookanevalley.org or via regular mail to City Clerk,
'ity of Spokane Valley, 11707 East Sprague, #106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206.
The deadline for submitting surveys is 4:00pm on Tuesday, November 28", 2006.
See reverse side for the salaries of council members of the 20 largest cities in Washington state
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
4 $400 (no change) _ $500 -$800 _ $900 - $1200 _ $1300 41500 _ $1600 42,000.
2. Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary:
$500 (no change) _$600 -$900 $1000 41300 _ $1400 -$1700 _ $1800 - $2100.
3. Are the any other co�im nts you would 1' a to convey tgg the Salary
,� 1Jt 'I ommissi9n?
�lf/ti /i 2r^ OF �u SEZVI}A17 �J_ P /,yD 1= 5Ti4wt�
T1162 L M='pic-*� RfAZ;FiTs AAe tW4& 7JW5y _ /yIYIA
4. How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 3
Page ] of l
Chris Bainbridge
postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 10:54 AM
Chris Bainbridge
2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $600 - $900
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission?
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley?
Page 1 of 1
ChriS Bainbridge
From: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 3:54 PM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $400 (no
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $500 (no change)
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? FOR THE KIND OF WORK
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? 53 yrs
ID - k
Chris Bainbridge
Frurn: postmaster @spokanevalley.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 9:59 AM
To: Chris Bainbridge
Subject: 2006 City Council Salary Survey
2006 City Council Salary Survey:
Results for
Page 1 of 1
Given the responsibilities of Council members, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1300 -
Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? $1400 - $1700
Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? $2000 is too much
How long have you lived in Spokane Valley? awhile