2006 Salary Commission - Agenda/MinutesSpokane ,; 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 + Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.688 -0053 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatt@spokanevalley.org INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION October 23, 2006 8:00 a.m. Opportunity Conference Room Convene Meeting 2. Introductions 2. Discuss Election of Chair and Vice Chair at next meeting 3. Public Comment 4. Discussion of issues a. Review and Discussion Ordinance Establishing Independent Salary Commission for 2006 b. Applicable RCW provisions relating to duties of Council members under Council/Manager form of government C. Report from 2004 5. Set next meeting date and time 6. Public Comment 7. Good of the Order Adjourn 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEY INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION Spokane Valley City Hall Opportunity Conference Room, 8:30 a.m. October 23, 2006 Commission Members Present: Frankie DeWitt Jim Huttenmaier Robert (Rick) Lamed Gail Stiltner Diane Tortorelli Staff Present: Staff Liaison: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Meeting Summary: The meeting began at 8:30 .a.m. There were no members from the public in attendance. After everyone introduced themselves, Deputy City Attorney Driskell briefly reviewed the contents of the distributed notebooks, which included today's agenda, copy of signed Ordinance 06 -021 creating the Salary Commission; Powers and Duties of Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and Councilmembers per RCW; Spokane Valley Municipal Code 2.10 stating the current salary levels of the Mayor and Councilmembers; and the August 2, 2004, final report of the previous salary commission. Commission members discussed whether to elect a chair and vice chair now or at the next meeting; they voiced their preference to have the Salary Commission information included on the City's website, including meeting schedules and meeting notes; they reviewed Ordinance 06 -021 and the report due date of December 4 was announced. Commission members asked questions about and discussed the process from the last commission; discussed the importance of public education; and Mr. Driskell briefly explained the structure of City Hall and the Council /Manager form of government. It was determined that Mr. Driskell will survey the Mayor and Council as to the amount of time they spend in the capacity as members of the Council; and the idea was broached to put an interactive survey on the City's website to put the question to the public concerning a salary increase. Mr. Lamed said there are three things for the commission and the public to consider: are they (Mayor and Council) worth it; can the City afford it, and is it equitable in the public's mind. Mr. Driskell will, prior to next week, e-mail the requested information to each Salary Commissioner. Mr. Driskell will examine the list of comparable cities used last time, and will update that list, and research a total of twenty cities, comparable in size, and ones which use the Council /Manager form of government. It was determined that the next meeting will be held Wednesday, November 1, beginning at 4 p.m. in the Opportunity Conference Room; a tentative further meeting was set for the same time the following week (November 8), keeping in mind the date can change if necessary. Ms. DeWitt mentioned there were a couple recent newspaper articles relative to the Salary Commission and the Council's salary. The Commission elected Diane Tortorelli as Commission Chair, and Jim Huttenmaier as Vice Chair. The meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m. S#& Lane jValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 * Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.688 -0053 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION November 1, 2006 4:00 p.m. Opportunity Conference Room Agenda 1. Convene Meeting 2. Public Comment 3. Discussion of issues a. Three stated goals of Commission in relation to Washington law. b. Research findings of 20 largest cities in Washington C. Questions to be placed on website survey d. Scope of questions to be submitted to Council members 4. Set meeting dates and times after November 8 meeting 5. Public Comment 6. Good of the Order 7. Adjourn SpoKane ,,;,oOValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.92 1. 1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhaIL@spokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEY INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION Spokane Valley City Hall Opportunity Conference Room, 4:00 p.m. November 1, 2006 Commission Members Present: Diane Tortorelli, Chair Jim Huttenmaier, Vice Chair Gail Stiltner Commission Members Absent: Frankie DeWitt Robert (Rick) Larned Staff Present: Staff Liaison: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Meeting Summary: The meeting began at 4:00 p.m. There were no members from the public in attendance. There was mention of previous news articles that Frankie DeWitt was going to bring. It was also mentioned that Charlie Plumb of the Valley News Herald may be doing an article soon. Mr. Driskell said of the three goals mentioned at the last meeting, that the only goal this Commission should focus on is the actual salary itself, and should not be concerned with whether the City can afford it as Council determines budget. Discussion continued on the information from the other cities, whether other councils are part-time or full time, how much time councilmembers spend on their duties as compared with other cities; and the difficulty in a strict absolute comparison among all cities. Mr. Driskell also explained the public input referendum process. Mr. Driskell said he will explore the "cost of living" issue, as the previous Salary Commission's recommendation included "no automatic annual cost of living increase." It was determined that Mr. Driskell will ask councilmembers about the number of hours they spend in their capacity as Councilmembers, and hopes to get that information quickly. Mr. Driskell will also determine of those twenty cities researched, which cities have part -time councils. It was also determined to get specific time commitments from councils in Kennewick, Bellevue, Federal Way, and Yakima, and compare that information with that of our Councilmembers. The Commission will continue to work on phrasing of the question for the website, and will explore this further when all commission members are present. There was consensus that Mr. Driskell contact the media (Spokesman Review and Valley News Herald) after the November 8 meeting in the hope that they will run a public service announcement directing citizens to our website so citizens can give us their input. The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Spokane jV91ey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 4 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.688 -0053 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall ®spokanevalley.org INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION November 8, 2006 4:00 p.m. Opportunity Conference Room = 1. Convene Meeting. 2. Public Comment. 3. Discussion of issues: a. Calculation of benefits as part of compensation. b. Option of cost of living adjustments. C. Ideas for website survey. 4. Set meeting dates and times for future meetings. 5. Public Comment. 6. Good of the Order. 7. Adjourn. SpWa- ne ,,,f Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 + Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatt@spokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEY INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION Spokane Valley City Hall Opportunity Conference Room, 4:00 p.m. November 8, 2006 Commission Members Present: Staff Present: Diane Tortorelli, Chair Staff Liaison: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Frankie DeWitt Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Robert (Rick) Larned Gail Stiltner Commission Members Absent: Others Present: Jim Huttenmaier Bob Blum Meeting Summary: The meeting began at approximately 4:15 p.m. Mr. Bob Blum, member of the public (and member of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission), was also in attendance. The following discussion took place: I. Calculation of benefits as part of councilmember's compensation: determined difficult to compare exactly internally and with the other four cities (Bellevue, Federal Way, Yakima, Kennewick), as some discrepancy likely to occur concerning benefits compensation, as number of family members vary, health benefits may be available but some would chose not to sign up for those benefits. It was determined to use an average for Spokane Valley councilmembers, that of $549.43 monthly. Mr. Driskell will work on exact wording for the website. 2. Suggestions for questions for the website: Ms. DeWitt: "Considering the fact that the salary for council of start-up cities is mandated by state law of $500 for mayor, and $400 for other councilmembers, and the City of Spokane Valley incorporated as the 8` largest city in the state, what salary would you recommend for our councilmembers ?" Discussion was also held concerning Mr. Huttenmaier's e- mailed suggestions. 3. Discussion on the process: whether to go forth with the report, or educate the citizens first. It was determined that questions would be placed on our website as soon as possible to gather citizen feedback. Mr. Driskell will also contact the City's Public Information Officer Carolbelle Branch, and Charlie Plumb of the Valley News Herald after today's meeting to discuss a public service announcement. Salary Commission members were reminded that the report must be completed and filed with the City Clerk by December 4, 2006. Mr. DeWitt asked if it was appropriate for each salary commissioner to write a letter to the editor; and Mr. Driskell said that would not be inappropriate. Concerning other cities' councilmember's salaries, staff will research to see how far down the list we have to go to find a $400 monthly councilmember salary. Staff will also research to determine the annual budgets for the other four comparable cities. It was also determined to add the following for the website information: Prior to Spokane Valley's incorporation, the average population of a newly incorporated city was ;" and "how long have you been a resident of the City of Spokane Valley;" and to include the name, phone number and e -mail address of Chris Bainbridge as the person to send website responses to. Mr. Driskell will take all the comments and draft what he understands is to be placed on the website; and will send to all commission members for input. Mr. Blum stated that it appears we are readying public information before a salary decision is made; and perhaps the commission should determine if council should get paid more and if so, how much, then place the information on the website. It was determined that the next meeting will be held next Wednesday at 4:15 p.m. in the Opportunity Conference Room; and to tentatively schedule a subsequent meeting for the following Monday at 4:00 p.m. It was determined that Diane Tortorelli will be the spokesperson for media contact. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m. INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION November 15, 2006 4:15 p.m. Opportunity Conference Room Agenda 1. Convene Meeting. 2. Public Comment. 3. Discussion of issues: a. website survey; b. potential recommendations for future salary. 4. Public Comment. 5. Good of the Order. 6. Adjourn. Spokane ,,; Valley 1707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 1 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatt@spokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEY INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION Spokane Valley City Hall Opportunity Conference Room, 4:15 p.m. November 15, 2006 Commission Members Present: Diane Tortorelli, Chair Frankie DeWitt Robert (Rick) Larned Gail Stiltner Commission Members Absent: Jim Huttenmaier Staff Present: Staff Liaison: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Meeting Summary: The meeting began at approximately 4:15 p.m. Mr. Driskell mentioned as an information item, that approximately a month ago someone asked the Attorney General if an increase in health benefits is considered an increase in salary and therefore not allowed. Mr. Driskell explained that the Attorney General issued an opinion that such an increase would be considered an increase in salary, would not be allowed, and therefore, the official would have to pay the increased cost. Mr. Driskell said -that he and our City Attorney Mike Connelly are working on language between now and Monday to propose to the AWC (Association of Washington Cities) to address this issue. Website survey: (see " Website Survey draft below): It was moved by Diane Tortorelli and seconded to accept the survey draft. h was then moved by Gail Stiltner and seconded to amend that motion to include the mention of benefits in the document. After brief discussion, Commission members voted unanimously to amend the motion. Commission members concurred to add a new sentence after the words $400 monthly: "The Spokane Valley City Council receives those salaries, plus optional benefits. " Mayor /Council Work Hours: Commission members discussed monthly and weekly average council work hours, and cattle to the consensus to amend the website survey to Include that the Mayor averages 20 -25 hours a week, and the council members each average 15 -20 hours a week Discussion then turned to average monthly salaries of the cities of Spokane Valley compared to Yakima, Bellevue, Federal Way, and Kennewick, resulting in an average mayor's salary of $1529; and an average council member's salary of $1180. Discussion then turned to the issue of if or how to include on the website survey, the survey of monthly council and mayor salaries of the twenty largest Washington cities. It was determined that a document will be drafted showing the municipality, population, form of government, and monthly salary of the Mayor and Councilnnembers (along with mention of the source of the information), and to link that document to the website survey. Commission members concurred to add the new information, by adding the following sentence "click here to see the salaries of councibnemhers of the 20 largest Washington State cities" and to acid that information as a new sentence in the third paragraph, after the word "questions. " It was moved by Frankie DeWitt, seconded and unanimously agreed to adopt the web survey as now amended. Further discussion was held on the issue of salary and of the amounts recommended by the former Commission. It was also mentioned that the City of Walla Walla, with a population of 30,000 pays their council and mayor less than $400 a month; followed by the City of University Place, population of 28,751 which pays their Mayor $1500 per month and $1250 monthly for council. It was also the consensus of the Commission members to wait until survey results are in before deciding on a recommended salary for Spokane Valley mayor and council; and that the Commission will meet again next Monday (November 20) at 4 p.m.; and the following Monday (November 27) at 4 p.m., with the possibility of having one additional meeting thereafter, perhaps the following Wednesday (November 29). It was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. DRAFT: Salary Commission — Website survey The City of Spokane Valley incorporated March 31, 2003 as the 8` largest city in Washington State. In the last three years, the City has grown and is now the 7' largest city in the State. State law mandates that the initial salary for the Mayor of a new city is $500 monthly and for the Council members is $400 monthly. The Spokane Valley City Council receives those salaries, plus optional benefits. The Council is responsible for a $76 million annual budget and makes regular policy decisions on our behalf. The Mayor averages 20 to 25 hours weekly and each Council member averages 15 to 20 hours weekly attending to City business. A Salary Commission has been established to determine what an appropriate monthly salary should be in the future and requests your input by answering the following questions. Click here to see the salaries of councilmembers of the 20 largest Washington State cities. Your response can be provided by telephone to City Clerk Chris Bainbridge at 688 -0177, via e-mail to ebainbridae�spokanevalle aLg or via regular mail to City Clerk, City of Spokane Valley, 11707 E. Sprague #106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. I. Given the responsibilities of CounciImembers, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? [ ]$400 (no change) [ ] $500 — $800 [ ] $900 - $1200 [ ] $1300 -$1500 [ ] $1600 - $2000 2. Given the responsibilities of the Mayor, how much do you feel is an appropriate monthly salary? [ ]$500 (no change) [ ] $600 — $800 [ ] $900 - $1300 [ ] $1400 - $1700 [ ] $1800 - $2100 3. How long have you lived in the City of Spokane Valley? 4. Are there any other comments you would like to convey to the Salary Commission? ,o Walley 1707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 1 cityhatt@spokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEY INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION Spokane Valley City Hall Opportunity Conference Room, 4:00 p.m. November 20, 2006 Commission Members Present: Staff Present: Diane Tortorelli, Chair Staff Liaison: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Frankie DeWitt Carrie Acosta, Deputy City Clerk Robert (Rick) Lamed Gail Stiltner Jim Huttenmaier Meeting Summary: The meeting began at approximately 4:10 p.m. Potential Recommendations for Future Salary: Mr. Driskell discussed the issues City Attorney Connelly researched in regard to increasing council salaries. He stated one potential option is to have councilmembers pay the cost increase of benefits themselves or the Salary Commission can include the benefits as part of their salary recommendation. Discussion was held as to whether benefits are part of the salary or if recommendations on benefits should be a separate issue. Mr. Driskell explained that the Attorney General's definition of salary varies, some include benefits and some do not. He further stated the report approved by the Salary Commission should indicate that discussion of benefits came up during the meetings, helping to provide full disclosure. Mr. Driskell explained that the Salary Commission could help clarify its own definition of "salary" by giving a concise recommendation for the councilmember's salary and include benefit verbiage. Legally the commission can include terms such as "plus benefits" in their report. The commissioners discussed keeping the benefits at the current level. It was proved by Jim Huttenmaier and seconded that any salary recommendation shall include an optional benefits package that is the same as what the City Council currently receives. Commissioners concurred Mr. Driskell will prepare a draft report for the commissioners to review and will e-mail to the commissioners by Wednesday, November 22, 2006. The draft report will not include specific dollar amounts. Commissioners discussed as part of their focus die need for assessing the market value of salary levels and whether increasing salaries will be acceptable to public opinion and the public perception of whether the city can afford it. The concern is that the recommendations by the Salary Commission may not be marketable to the public; however, marketing is not the purpose of the commission. The Salary Commission was formed to make a fair and equitable recommendation and the final report needs to justify the numbers recommended by assessing the market value of compensation and area wage rates. A fixed dollar amount on benefits cannot be included in the report because that amount varies depending on the benefit option chosen. Mr. Driskell indicated it is not necessary for the report to have a City fundability comparison showing the cost of salary and benefits now and the additional cost in the overall package being proposed. The City's budget does not have anything to do with the market rate, but is a consideration in the assessment of public opinion. Public Comment: Bob Blum asked if the Salary Commission is to determine if the City Council gets benefits as part of their salary. It was determined that the purpose of the Salary Commission is to include benefits language in its recommendation. The question again came up as to the definitions of salary and compensation. Mr. Blum questioned if benefits should be recommended by this Salary Commission or if they should just discuss the salary without including benefits. He also asked if the proposed salary increase would be retroactive. Cary — did Mr. Blum get an answer to this question? Because the answer is no — the salary cannot be retroactive. Good of the Order: The survey ends Thursday, November 28, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, November 29, 2006 at 3:30 p.m. The final meeting will be Monday, December 4, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. to adopt the report. The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.688 -0053 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatt@spokanevalley.org INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION November 29, 2006 4:00 p.m. Opportunity Conference Room 1. Convene Meeting. 2. Public Comment. 3. Discussion of issues: a. review and discuss survey results; b. recommendations for future salary; and C. other comments and suggestions on draft report 4. Public Comment. 5. Good of the Order. 6. Adjourn. Spokane jValley 1707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 1 Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall @spokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEY INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION Spokane Valley City Hall, Opportunity Conference Room November 29, 2006 4:00 p.m. Commission Members Present: Diane Tortorelli, Chair Jim Huttenmaier, Vice Chair Frankie DeWitt Robert (Rick) Larned Gail Stiltner Staff Present: Staff Liaison: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Others: Bob Blum, Citizen Meeting Summary: The meeting began at approximately 4:10 p.m. Call for Public Comments: No comments were offered. Discussion of issues: Salary Recommendation: The results of the website survey were reviewed and discussed. Discussion included the process once the report is finalized; leaving the salary as is or making an increase, and if an increase, how large; that survey results indicated a majority agreed to an increase; and that commission members realize that this survey is only one way to get some public input and is only one factor in their deliberations on the matter. It was moved by Mr. Huttenmaier and seconded, that the salary commission recommend that the mayor's salary be increased to 51100 monthly and the salary for the councilmembers be increased to $900 monthly. Discussion on the motion included the need for an acceptable range; other budget implications, and the service to the public; to make a salary fair and equitable for what the councilmembers do; the public's perspective of what these councilmembers do; salaries for other councils of comparable cities; that a majority of those responding to the survey were in favor of an increase; and whether there should be a differentiation in the Deputy Mayor's salary. Mr. Huttenmaier called for the question. Vote on the motion to increase the mayor's monthly salary to $1100 and the monthly councilmembers salary to $900: In favor: Jim Huttenmaier, Diane Tortorelli. Opposed: Frankie DeWitt, Gail Stiltner, and Rick Larned. Motion failed. After further discussion, it was moved by Ms. Stiltner and seconded, to set the mayor's monthly salary at 5975 and the councilmember's monthly salary at 5750. After discussion on whether to have a separate salary recommendation for the deputy mayor, it was the Commission's consensus to keep the salary at the two levels: mayor and councilmembers. Vote on the motion: In favor: Frankie DeWitt, Gail Stiltner, Rick Larned. Opposed.- Diane Tortorelli, Jim Huttenmaier. Motion passed. Report Discussion: Using the previous commission's report as a base, it was the Commission's consensus to make the following changes: Introduction; third paragraph, add: "According to the state laws on incorporation, for cities of 15,000 or above, the starting salary for council is $400 per month and the mayor receives $500 per month." Introduction, third paragraph, last sentence, add the words "at incorporation" after the word salary. Page I of 2 Before the "Description of the Commission' add a discussion on the history of the first salary commission, including what was recommended and how that progressed. (Mr. Driskell will add the appropriate language.] Rationale for the proposal: first sentence, change the word "declared" to "Mandated." Rationale for the proposal: delete the sentence: "In many cases, this meant that Councilmembers were paid in effect less than half the minimum wage." Rationale for the proposal: add to the sentence "The Commission members uniformly agreed that the amount was too low for the amount of time elected officials were obliged to devote to the city" — and for the responsibility of representing the City and its residents. Council Roles and Responsibilities: add to the first paragraph: "Based upon a survey of the council members, the salary commission determined that the monthly average time spent for the six Councilmembers, excluding the Mayor, is 78 hours. The Mayor averages 100 hours per month. Council Roles and Responsibilities: Paragraph 4, In addition to these regular commitments, omit the words "for instance" in the second sentence. Page 4, Rationale for the proposal: omit the second paragraph. Rationale for the proposal, third paragraph: change the second sentence to read: However, they believe the basis for the Spokane Valley Council should be grounded in a sense of volunteerism and a desire to serve the community. Rational for the proposal, add: The Commission had a general discussion about total compensation which includes salary and optional benefits. The commission was also aware that the average benefit package for each councilmember is $569 per month. They weighed this information as they developed the proposal; however, they recognize that the scope of their work was limited to the salary, which does not include benefits. Page 5 — top paragraph, change the word "stipend" to "rate." Page 4, bottom of the page, last sentence, omit "and want it to continue." Top of page 5: "every day" should be one word. Page 5, paragraph beginning "Looking at the ten comparable cities," omit "the ten," omit "deputy mayor," and omit the last two sentences. There was also consensus to include a summary in the rationale, that this rationale is based on the amount of time spent (scope of activities) in their (council and mayor) duties of representing the city; after looking at comparable communities around the state, after a survey and examination of the survey results which showed that the majority favored an increase; and that public input was also gained by individual commission members talking to members of the public It was also determined that the survey results to include in the final report will only include the first two questions. The next and final meeting will be held Monday, December 4 in the Opportunity Conference Room, at 3:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. Page 2 of 2 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 0 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.688 -0053 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatt@spokanevalley.org INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION December 4, 2006 3:00 p.m. Opportunity Conference Room Agenda 1. Convene Meeting. 2. Public Comment. 3. Discussion of issues: a. discuss draft final report;, b. vote on adoption of draft final report; C. submit final report to City Clerk. 4. Public Comment. 5. Good of the Order. 6. Adjourn. 1707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatt@spokanevalley.org SPOKANE VALLEY INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION Spokane Valley City Hall Opportunity Conference Room, December 4, 2006, 3:00 p.m. Commission Members Present: Staff Present: Diane Tortorelli, Chair Staff Liaison: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Jim Huttenmaier, Vice Chair Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Frankie DeWitt Robert (Rick) Lamed Others Present: Gail Stiltner Peter Barnes, Spokesman Review Meeting Summary: Chair Diane Tortorelli convened the meeting at approximately 3:00 p.m, and asked for any questions or comments concerning the final report. There were no comments or suggestions for further revisions. It was moved by Rick Larned, seconded, and unanimously passed to accept the report as written. Deputy City Attomey Driskell then submitted the final report to City Clerk Bainbridge. Mr. Driskell thanked everyone for their work on the committee; and committee members thanked staff for their assistance. At the request of the committee members, Mr. Driskell will have the report placed on the City's website. In response to questions concerning the next steps, Ms. Bainbridge indicated that a notice will be placed in the City's official newspaper, the Valley News Herald, December 8 and 15, and that any petition from the citizens must be received within thirty days of the second publication, or by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 16, 2007. There being no further business, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously passed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.