Pre-Incorporation City Council Meetings 11/26/2002I ** *DRAFT * ** CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY TRENT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3303 PINES AVENUE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26.2002 - 6 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL 5. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS A) Linda®ein (Business Plans Inc.) Strategic Planning 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS (For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the Agenda. Please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes.) 7. ACTION ITEMS A) Approval of Agenda B) Consent Calendar* a. Minutes of November 19 b. Approval of Claims - None c. Other Miscellaneous Administrative Items C) Public Hearings (as scheduled) D) Motions a.— tomaer aaopuon or b. Selection of Mayor c. Selection of Deputy Mayor d. Approve request for banking services proposal e. e - 0fllePffl6117t1PS ** *DRAFT * ** E) Ordinances —First Reading F) Ordinances —Second Reading G) Resolutions: bF,-C- 3 rd C a. RESOLUTION 0t- 0XEXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO THE SPOKANE VALLEY INCORPORATION AND TRANSITION COMMITTEES b. RESOLUTION 02 -02, EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO ALL COUNCIL CANDIDATES c. RESOLUTION 03 -02, EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO REDWOOD PLAZA FOR USE OF INTERIM OFFICE SPACE AND EQUIPMENT d. RESOLUTION 04 -02, ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE e. RESOLUTION 05 -02, ESTABLISHING THE TIME, PLACE AND DATE OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AND PROVIDING FOR THE POSTING OF THE AGENDA f. RESOLUTION 06 -02, ADOPTING CITY COUNCIL RULES OFPROCEDURE 8. Council and Committee Reports 9. City Manager and Staff Reports 10. Public Comments (Maximum of three minutes please; please state your name and address for the record) 11. Executive Session (f necessary) a. To consider: 12. Reconvene Council Meeting 13. ADJOURN TO DECEMBER 3 AT � o O * The Consent Agenda consists of items considered routine which are considered as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from 1heAgenda to he considered separately.