Pre-Incorporation City Incorporation 11/25/2002I. Resolutions - A. Mayor - Council - Communit 1 Expressing appreciation to incorporation committee and transition committee Accepting reports -Certificate of Appreciation -Call Upon Committees at a later date for summ reports 2 Adopting City Mission Statement 3 Calling for Logo Design 4 Expressing appreciation for interim office space and equipment 5 Expressing appreciation to all council candidates B. General Business 1 Council Rules of Procedure 2 Time Place Date of Regular meetings 3 Resolution Appointing Mayor Pro -Tem Motion 4 Establish Agenda Format and Notice of Public Meetings _ 5 Official Date of Incorporation 6 Official Newspaper 7 Designating Interim Depository Bank 8 Investments in Government Pool 9 Petty Cash Fund - Policies 10 Finance Procedures /Policies 11 Purchasing Polic 12 Moratoriums 13 General Insurance for City and Staff 14 Greeting Boards and Commissions 15 Fund Advance from County/City County/City of Liberty Lake C. - Personnel 1 Employment Policies II. Ordinances A. Administration 1 Create Offices (City Manager, City Clerk, City Attorney, Police Chie 2 Bonds and Oaths 3 Establish Qualifications /Confirmation 4 Appoint Interim Staff CITY INCORPORATION n iclpa e g Responsibility Council Meetin Identification Date Completed leted SMS 1 G91VWUblakel egal SeMm City 1n0NW2hW-X1$ 1 11/2512002 CITY INCORPORATION Item 5 Records Maintenance /Public Disclosure 6 Mayor/City Mayor/City Council Compensation 7 Establish Office Hours 8 Establish Holidays 9 Travel - Reimbursement 10 Credit Cards 11 Indemnification 12 Ordinance on City Benefits • Retirement, Insurance, PTO • PERS or 401A • Deferred Compensation B. finance 1 Payment of Claims by Check 2 Create Accounting Funds 3 Petty Cash Fund 4 Auditing Officer 5 Sales Tax both halves 6 REET both quarters 7 TAN 8 Property Tax Le 9 Gambling Tax 10 Admission Tax 11 Hotel /Motel Tax 12 Leasehold Excise Tax 13 Franchise Fees (Utility Tax 14 Interim Budget 15 Govemment Loans 16 Business Licenses 17 Small Contract Authorization 18 Start-Up Budget 19 Interfund Loan Street to General Fund 20 Establishing Fees for Services Building Services 1 Adoption of Codes a Building Code b Mechanical Code c Fire Code d) Plumbing Code Anticipated Responsibility Council Meetin g Identification Date Co mpleted G:LLVM% iblakeLLepai Ser. M City Incarp bwG Ls 2 11/25/2002 Item CITY INCORPORATION Anticipatea Responsibility Council Meeting Identification Date Completed G:LLMM UblakeLLegal Services City Incorp bon.xls 3 11125/2002 e Energy Code 2 Unsafe Buildings 3 Permit Issuance 4 Fireworks D. Public Works 1 Street, Curb and Sidewalk Standards 2 Design Standards for Public Improvements 3 Street Maps - Official • Naming of Street • Sewer and Water • ElectdG/Gas • Telephone/Cable • Solid Waste 4 Franchises E. Planning/Zoning 1 Comprehensive Plan 2 Zoning Ma 3 Zoning Code, Subdivision Code, Sign Code, etc. 4 Environmental Procedures 5 Adult Entertainment 6 Code Enforcement Regulations 7 Shoreline Management/Critical Areas 8 Land Use Procedures Ordinance 9 Create Plan Commission 10 Application/Review Fees 11 Hearing Examiner uthor 12 Hearing Examiner Jurisdiction F. Public Safe 1 Model Traffic Code 2 Criminal Code 3 Infractions 4 Parking, Standing, Stoppin 5 Nuisance Abatement 6 Animal Control 7 Penalties 8 Emergency Services 9 Municipal Court G. Miscellaneous CITY INCORPORATION Anticipatea Responsibility Council Meeting Identification Date Completed G:LLMM UblakeLLegal Services City Incorp bon.xls 3 11125/2002 Item This document was prepared by Stanley M. Schwartz, attorney, Witherspoon, Kelley, Davenport & Toole, P.S. CITY INCORPORATION Anticipated Responsibility Council Meetin g Identification Date Com leted G. LVMWbLakelegal Services City InCwp=hM.xls 4 11/25/2002 1 Fire Services 2 Library Services III. Contracts A. Attorney Services B. Employment/Consultant Services C. Engineering Services D. Interlocal Agreements 1 Police 2 Animal Control 3 Street Maintenance (sweeping, striping, snow removal 4 Signs & Signals 5 Surface and Stormwater 6 Municipal Court • Prosecution/Public Defender 7 Jail Services 8 Landmarks 9 Planning/Zoning • Permit/Technical Review • Hearing Examiner • Comprehensive Plan Development This document was prepared by Stanley M. Schwartz, attorney, Witherspoon, Kelley, Davenport & Toole, P.S. CITY INCORPORATION Anticipated Responsibility Council Meetin g Identification Date Com leted G. LVMWbLakelegal Services City InCwp=hM.xls 4 11/25/2002