Pre-Incorportion BRB 555-01 OFFICIAL RECORD - Volume 1 C�0PY ORIGINAL opy FILED 2 g �nn� 1 THOMFEBAS R. FALL.OUIST 2 SPOKANE COUNTY CLERK 3 4 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 5 FOR SPOKANE COUNTY 6 7 8 CITY OF SPOKANE ) NO. 2002-02-00111-9 9 ) 10 Appellant, ) 11 ) vs. ) 12 ) 13 WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY ) CERTIFICATION OF 14 REVIEW BOARD FOR SPOKANE ) OFFICIAL RECORD COUNTY, SPOKANE COUNTY, ) 15 SPOKANE COUNTY FIRE ) 16 PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 1, ) 17 SPOKANE COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION) DISTRICT NO. 8, EDWARD J. MERTENS) 18 as Chairman, COMMUNITYACTION ) 19 COMMITTEE, and individually ) 20 with JANE DOE MERTENS, husband and ) Wife, PHILIP RUDY and JANE DOE ) 21 RUDY husband and wife, the CITY OF ) 22 LIBERTY LAKE, and TOWN OF ) 23 MILLWOOD ) 24 ) Respondents. ) 25 ) 26 27 SUSAN WINCHELL hereby certifies the following: 28 29 1. I am the Director of the Washington State Boundary Review Board for 30 Spokane County, and the custodian of the official records for the Board. I am over LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAKI,KAUF MAN, 32 SIMMERLY£+1 JACKSON,FLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 • FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -1- • 1 2 the age of eighteen, competent to testify on the matters herein, and base this 3 declaration on my personal knowledge. This declaration is submitted to transmit to 4 the Superior Court a true copy of the official record of the proceedings before the 5 6 Board in its File No. 555-01, "Proposed Incorporation of Spokane Valley". 2. The record maintained in this matter is comprised of three components. These 8 are file documents, exhibits admitted into evidence in connection with the public 9 10 hearings conducted by the Board, and a verbatim report (transcript) of the public 11 hearings. All documents are submitted to the court herewith with the exception of 12 certain oversize maps and exhibits that do not lend themselves to filing with the 13 Court. These are Exhibits B-43, B-71, and Attachments "A" and "B" to Exhibit B- 14 82. These exhibits will be brought to court on the date set for trial and are available 15 for inspection by all interested parties during normal business hours at the office of 16 17 the Boundary Review Board, 1026 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, Washington. 18 3. Submitted herewith and incorporated by this reference to the Clerk of the 19 20 Spokane County Superior Court together with this Certification is a true copy of the 21 following: 22 23 A. FILE DOCUMENTS 24 25 Bates Stamp No. Item Document 26 00001 A-1 August 28, 2000 - Spokane County cash receipt 27 28 for filing fee for Notice of Intent to Incorporate 29 the Spokane Valley 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAM,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY Ed JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE.WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-168 9 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -2- 1 00002 - 00027 A-2 August 24, 2000 - Notice of Intent to 2 Incorporate from Edward J. Mertens, President 3 4 of the Community Action Committee to 5 Spokane County Board of County 6 Commissioners 7 00028 A-3 September 11, 2000 - Resolution No. 0 0767 8 signed by the Board of County Commissioners 9 acknowledging receipt of Notice of Intent to 10 Incorporate 11 12 00029 A-4 August 28, 2000 - Affidavit of Newspaper 13 Publication in Spokesman-Review-for public 14 meeting held September 11, 2000. 15 00030 A-5 September 11, 2000 - Affidavit of Newspaper 16 Publication in the Spokesman-Review for 17 public meeting held September 11, 2000 18 19 00031-00034 A-6 September 11, 2000 — Brochure for public 20 meeting held September 11,2000 21 00035-00036 A-7 September 11, 2000 — Flyer for public meeting 22 held on September 11, 2000 23 00037 A-8 May 30, 2001 - Spokane County cash receipt 24 for filing fee for Notice of Intention: BRB 25 26 555-01: Proposed Incorporation for the City of 27 Spokane Valley. 28 00038 June 14, 2001 - Letter from Spokane County 29 BRB to Ed Mertens, Community Action 30 Committee. LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAM,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY F?JACKSON, FLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE.WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -3- 00039 A-9 June 15, 2001 - Memo from Boundary Review 2 Board Director to affected agencies and 3 4 interested parties 5 00040-00047 A-10 June 18, 2001 - Affidavit of Mailing with 6 attached mailing list for memo from Boundary 7 Review Board Director to affected agencies 8 and interested parties 9 00048 A-11 July 10, 2001 - Memo from Boundary Review 10 Board Director to affected agencies and 11 12 interested parties announcing the public 13 hearing and transmitting the Spokane Valley 14 Incorporation Study 15 00049-00051 A-12 July 10, 2001 - Affidavit of Mailing with 16 attached mailing list for memo from Boundary 17 Review Board Director to affected agencies 18 19 and interested parties announcing the public 20 hearing and transmitting the Spokane Valley 21 Incorporation Study 22 00052 A-13 July 13, 2001 — Poster for August 8, 2001 23 public hearing 24 00053 A-14 July 13, 2001 -Affidavit of Posting 25 26 00054 A-15 July 3, 2001 — Postcard announcing public 27 presentation of Spokane Valley Incorporation 28 Study 29 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAKI,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY EI JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE.WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -4- 1 00055-00059 A-16 July 17, 2001 - Affidavit of Mailing with 2 attached mailing list for postcard regarding 3 public presentation 4 5 00060 A-17 July 18, 2001 - Affidavit of Newspaper 6 Publication in the Valley News Herald 7 advertising August 8, 2001 public hearing 8 00061 A-18 July 30, 2001 - Affidavit of Newspaper 9 Publication in the Spokesman-Review 10 announcing public hearing. 11 12 00062 A-19 Postcard announcing August 8, 2001 public 13 hearing 14 00063-00074 A-20 August 1, 2001 - Affidavit of Mailing with 15 attached mailing list for postcard announcing 16 August 8, 2001 public hearing 17 00075 ' A-21 August 13, 2001 - Faxed memo to Spokesman- 18 Review from Boundary Review Board Director 19 20 regarding legal advertisement for continuation 21 of public hearing 22 00076 A-22 August 13, 2001 - Faxed memo to Valley News 23 Herald from Boundary Review Board Director 24 regarding legal advertisement for continuation 25 of public hearing. 26 27 00077 A-23 August 15, 2001 — Press Release for 28 continuation of public hearing 29 00078-00079 A-24 August 16, 2001 — Affidavit of Mailing for 30 press release with mailiAng OFFIlist LCES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAKI,KAUFMAN, SIM 32 MERLY&JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116Th AVENUE NORTHEAST IBELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -5- 1 00080 A-25 August 14, 2001 - Postcard announcing August 2 27, 2001 continuation of public hearing 3 4 00081-00102 A-26 August 14, 2001 - Affidavit of Mailing with 5 attached mailing list for postcard announcing 6 August 27, 2001 continuation of public hearing 7 00102 A-27 August 27, 2001 - Affidavit of Newspaper 8 Publication in Spokesman-Review announcing 9 continuation of public hearing 10 00103 A-28 August 22, 2001 - Affidavit of Newspaper 11 12 Publication in the Valley News Herald 13 announcing continuation of public hearing. 14 00104-00105 A-29 September 13, 2001 - Flyer announcing the 15 October 2, 2001 continuation of public hearing 16 00106-00127 A-30 September 13, 2001 - Affidavit of Mailing with 17 attached mailing list for flyer announcing the 18 19 October 2, 2001 continuation of public hearing 20 00128 A-31 September 20, 2001 - Faxed legal 21 advertisement to Valley Voice Spokesman- 22 Review announcing October 2, 2001 23 continuation of public hearing 24 00129 A-32 September 20, 2001 - Faxed legal 25 26 advertisement to Valley News Herald 27 announcing October 2, 2001 continuation of 28 public hearing 29 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAKI,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY FI JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116Th AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -6- 1 00130 A-33 September 26, 2001 - Affidavit of Publishing 2 Notice in the Valley News Herald announcing 3 4 October 2, 2001 continuation of public hearing 5 00131 A-34 October 1, 2001 - Affidavit of Newspaper 6 Publication in Spokesman-Review announcing 7 October 2, 2001 continuation of public hearing 8 00132 A-35 December 13, 2001 - Memo announcing 9 availability of the Resolution and Hearing 10 Decision for BRB 555-01. 11 12 00133-00136 A-36 December 13, 2001 - Affidavit of Mailing with 13 attached mailing list for memo regarding the 14 Resolution and Hearing Decision in BRB 555- 15 01 16 00137 A-37 December 13, 2001 - Memo transmitting the 17 Resolution and Hearing Decision in BRB 555- 18 19 01. 20 00138-00139 A-38 December 13, 2001 - Affidavit of Mailing with 21 attached mailing list for memo transmitting the 22 Resolution and Hearing Decision in BRB 555- 23 01 24 00140 A-39 December 13, 2001 - Letter from boundary 25 26 Review Board Director to Ed Mertens, 27 Community Action Committee, regarding the 28 filing of the Resolution and Hearing Decision 29 in BRB 555-01 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAKL KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY&JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -7- 1 00141-00155 A-40 December 13, 2001 - BRB 555-01: Resolution 2 and Hearing Decision 3 00156 A-41 December 13, 2001 - BRB 555-01: Resolution 4 5 and Hearing Decision Map of approved 6 boundaries 7 00157-00167 A-42 December 13, 2001 - BRB 555-01: Resolution 8 and Hearing Decision - Appendix A — Legal 9 description of the approved boundaries 10 00168-00175 A-43 December 13, 2001 - BRB 555-01: Resolution 11 12 and Hearing Decision - Appendix B — List of 1$ Exhibits 14 00176-00270 A-44 December 13, 2001 - BRB 555-01: Resolution 15 and Hearing Decision - Appendix C — Spokane 16 Valley Incorporation Study 17 00271-00291 A-45 December 13, 2001 - BRB 555-01: Resolution 18 19 and Hearing Decision - Appendix C — Spokane 20 Valley Incorporation Study Addendums 1 — 13 21 00292-00305 A-46 May 31, 2001 — Notice of Intention for BRB 22 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of 23 Spokane Valley 24 25 26 27 B. PUBLIC HEARING EXHIBITS 28 Bates Stamp No. Exhibit Document 29 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAKI,KALTMAN, 32 SIMMERLY&JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116Th AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE.WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -8- 1 00306 B-1 September 11, 2000 - Letter from the Hank 2 Miggins, City of Spokane, asking that the 3 4 boundaries of the proposed City of Spokane Valley 5 be modified 6 00307 B-2 October 10, 2000 - Letter from Ed Mertens, Chair 7 of the Community Action Committee, granting a 8 waiver of the 120 day review period 9 00308-00309 B-3 April 12, 2001 - Letter from Martha and Earl 10 Draper opposed to Valley incorporation 11 12 00310 B-4 April 12, 2001 - Letter from Carnhope Irrigation 13 District No. 7 requesting that the entire district 14 remain within the boundaries of the new city 15 00311 B-5 April 14, 2001 - E-mail from Lois Rich Woodland 16 Ridge PUD, NW corner of Northwood, opposed to 17 inclusion of Northwood 18 19 00312 B-6 April 16, 2001 - E-mail from Richard Clark, 901 S. 20 Williamette, opposed to annexation by City of 21 Spokane 22 00313 B-7 April 16, 2001 - E-mail from Linda Connor 23 opposed to Valley Incorporation 24 00314 B-8 April 12, 2001 - E-mail from Pat Tebo requests 25 that Painted Hills area should be included in new 26 27 city 28 00315 B-9 April 12, 2001 - E-mail from Richard and Paula 29 Janssen requesting Ponderosa neighborhood not to 30 be included in new city LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAKI,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY Fl JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -9- 1 00316 B-10 April 12, 2001 - E-mail from Hans Krauss prefers 2 that Ponderosa be out of the proposed area 3 00317 B-11 April 12, 2001 - E-mail from Edward Mitchell and 4 5 Kimberly Anderson-Mitchell concerned about 6 community core and fire protection and opposed 7 to incorporation 8 00318 B-12 April 12, 2001 - E-mail from Rev. Dr. Jacqueline 9 S. Dickson opposed to Valley incorporation and 10 would like the area west of Sullivan and south of 11 12 8th Avenue excluded 13 00319 B-13 April 16, 2001 - E-mail from Honey Poppe 14 opposed to Valley incorporation and would like 15 Upriver Drive, not Wellesley as the boundary for 16 the new city 17 00320 B-14 April 14, 2001 - Letter from Epifania and Arthur 18 19 Olson opposed to incorporation and would like 20 Pasadena Park excluded 21 00321 B-15 April 15, 2001 - Letter from Mr. & Mrs. James W. 22 Gantt indicating they would like to be included in 23 the new city 24 00322 B-16 April 17, 2001 - Letter from Harriet C. Blum 25 requesting that Barker Road be the east boundary 26 27 of the new city leaving all of Otis Orchards out 28 29 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAM,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY&JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -10- 1 00323 13-17 April 18, 2001 - Letter from Robert D. Miller and 2 Alice E. Miller requesting that the area south of 3 32nd and between Hwy 27 and Dishman-Mica 4 5 Road be excluded 6 00324 B-18 April 19, 2001 - Letter from Walter and Sally 7 Bonsack asking to adjust the boundary so the area 8 east of Henry Road and south of Sprague be 9 included 10 00325 B-19 April 23, 2001 - Letter from Wilbert and Gladys 11 12 Fritz, Greenacres, requesting to be included in new 13 city 14 00326-00327 B-20 April 28, 2001 Letter from Gordon Landberg 15 opposes incorporation if it will raise taxes 16 00328 B-21 May 14, 2001 - E-mail from V. Rauer opposes the 17 area north of the Spokane River and west of Pines 18 19 being included in the new city 20 00329 13-22 May 23, 2001 - E-mail from Robert V. Oos 21 requesting that the Ponderosa area be excluded 22 from the new city 23 00330 B-23 August 1, 2001 - E-mail from John and Leanne 24 Pardee opposes incorporation 25 00331 13-24 August 1, 2001 - E-mail from Craig Shillam 26 27 opposes incorporation 28 00332 13-25 August 3, 2001 E-mail from Robin Oos opposes 29 incorporation 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAICI,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY Ed JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -II- 1 00333 B-26 August 3, 2001 E-mail from Larry Blanchard 2 opposes incorporation 3 4 00334-00335 B-27 July 27, 2001 - Letter from Cary P. Driskell 5 requesting inclusion of property owned by Packet 6 Place, LLC., and Outlook Development, LLC 7 00336-00338 B-28 August 8, 2001 - Letter from John Powers, Mayor 8 of the City of Spokane, requesting that the 9 boundaries for the proposed City of Spokane 10 Valley be modified to exclude the Yardley and 11 • 12 Alcott areas and map showing areas requested to 13 be excluded 14 00339-0043 B-29 August 8, 2001 - Information packet from Spokane 15 County Fire District 1 containing: 1) comparison 16 of FD 1 and City fire departments; 2) summary of 17 the interlocal agreement, 3) economic impact on 18 19 FD1 if annexed to the City of Spokane, and 4) a 40 request that the Yardley area to remain within the 21 incorporation boundaries 22 00344 B-30 August 8, 2001 - Map presented to the Board from 23 Fire District 1 indicating the Yardley boundary 24 and the mileage from the Valley Fire Department 25 26 in comparison to the City of Spokane Fire 27 Department 28 00345-00346 B-31 August 8, 2001 - Letter from John and Karen 29 Kercheval requesting to be excluded from the 30 proposed boundaries LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN, RECOR,ARAM,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY F?JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE,WASHWCTCN 98004 • (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -12- 1 00347-00348 B-32 August 8, 2001 - Letter from Brian Sayrs 2 requesting areas adjacent to the new City of 3 Liberty Lake be excluded from the proposed 4 5 boundaries with map depicting areas 6 , 00349-00357 B-33 August 13, 2001 - Fax from Gayle Puu Carroll 7 including testimony before the Spokane County 8 board of County Commissioners and a request that 9 approximately 640 acres south of 40th Avenue 10 between SR 27 and Pines/Madison Roads not be 11 12 included within the proposed boundaries 13 00358 B-34 August 10, 2001 - Letter from James and Mildred 14 Gantt, residing inside the east border, within the 15 block bordered by Henry Road and two blocks 16 North of Mission Avenue, requesting to remain 17 within the proposed boundaries 18 00359 B-35 August 12, 2001 - Fax from Gene Cohen 19 20 requesting that his property, located on the west 21 edge of Hodges Road and fronting on the south 22 side of I-90 be excluded from the proposed 23 boundaries 24 00360 B-36 August 13, 2001 - Fax from Mayor Steve Peterson, 25 City of Liberty Lake, requesting that the area 26 27 adjacent to the new City of Liberty lake be 28 excluded from the incorporation 29 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAKI,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY F-1 JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE.WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -13- 1 00361-00363 B-37 August 13, 2001 - Letter from James Graue, 2 Assistant Fire Chief', Spokane County Fire 3 Protection District 9 requesting any areas within 4 5 Fire Districts 8 and 9 be excluded and that the 6 Northwood area be excluded from the proposed 7 boundaries 8 00364 B-38 August 11, 2001 - Letter from Edwin Dahl 9 requests that the entire Ponderosa neighborhood be 10 excluded from the proposed incorporation 11 12 boundaries 13 00365 B-39 August 14, 2001 - E-mail from Vernon Slichter 14 requests that the entire Ponderosa neighborhood be 15 excluded from the proposed incorporation 16 boundaries 17 00366 B-40 August 15, 2001 - E-mail from Jim Twelves 18 19 asking why Otis Orchards is not included within 20 the proposed boundaries 21 00367-00406 B-41 August 23, 2001 - Letter from Spokane County 22 Fire District 1 requesting the inclusion of the 23 Yardley and Alcott areas and including 1) a copy 24 of the Fire and Emergency Medical Protection 25 Service Area Agreement between the City of 26 27 Spokane and Fire District 1 and 2) a copy of P8 relevant chapters from the City of Spokane's 29 Comprehensive Plan 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAKI,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY&JACKSON, PLLC 2100-116Th AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -14- 1 00407 B-42 August 27, 2001 - Letter from Bernard and 2 Mafalda Levernier requesting to be included 3 4 within the proposed boundaries 5 00408 B-43 August 27, 2001 - Letter and map from Wayne 6 Frost, Inland Empire Paper Company, requesting 7 exclusion from the proposed boundaries and map 8 showing property owned (Map on file at Boundary 9 Review Board office) 10 00409 B-44 May 5, 2001 - E-mail from Jodie and Terry Cripps, 11 12 Greenacres, requesting exclusion of their property, 13 which lies on the south side of 8th Avenue between 14 Barker and Henry Road 15 00410 B-45 August 27, 2001 - E-mail from Kirsten and Jim 16 Fehlig concerned about the validity of the 17 Pasadena Park Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 18 19 if they are included within the proposed boundaries 20 00411-00414 B-46 August 27, 2001 —Petition from Pete Higgins with 21 signatures of neighbors requesting exclusion from 22 the proposed boundaries 23 00415-00418 B-47 August 27, 2001 - City of Spokane Agenda Sheet 24 for Council Meeting of October 26, 1998 regarding 25 Fire and Emergency Medical Protection Service 26 27 Area Agreement with the Spokane Valley Fire 28 Department 29 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAKL KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY F?JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAx (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -15- 1 00419-00420 B-48 August 27, 2001 - Letter from Mayor John Powers, 2 City of Spokane providing information on the 3 Yardley and Alcoa areas and stressing that the 4 5 issue before the Board is the incorporation of a 6 new city not annexation 7 00421-00422 B-49 August 27, 2001 - Letter from Bobby Williams, 8 Fire Chief of the City of Spokane Fire Department 9 describing fire service information and options 10 00423 B-50 August 27, 2001 - Letter from Ivah Jane Behm, 11 12 North Ponderosa area, requesting to be included 13 within the proposed boundaries 14 00424 B-51 August 27, 2001 - Poll taken of residents from the 15 Yardley and Alcott areas by Anita Remshard 16 00425 B-52 August 27, 2001 - Letter from Raymond Hanson in 17 favor of a new city 18 00426 B-53 August 27, 2001 - Letter from Iris Kiger, Pasadena 19 20 Park, requesting to be excluded from the proposed 21 boundaries 22 00427 B-54 August 27, 2001 - Letter from Edward Mertens, 23 Larry Rudy and Terry Lynch registering their 24 concern about Mr. Stone being able to make an 25 unbiased vote on the final decision 26 27 28 29 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAK,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY&JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116Th AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -16- 1 00428-00481 B-55 August 27, 2001 - Documentation submitted by 2 Gayle Puu Carroll including 1) maps of affected 3 area, 2) letter to Spokane County Planning 4 5 Commission, 3) newspaper article, 4) letter to GM 6 Steering Committee, 5) letter to Spokane County 7 Planning Department, 6) petition of Midilome 8 property owners, 7) October 5, 2000 letter and 9 maps submitted to Spokane County Planning 10 Commission, 8) May 31, 2000 letter to Spokane 11 12 County Planning Commission, 9) letter from 13 Spokane County Transportation Engineer to 14 Spokane County Planning Commission, 10) 15 correspondence on 40th Avenue in urban growth 16 area, 11) Midilome Subdivision Traffic Calming 17 Report and Plan, and 12) letter from Consulting 18 Transportation Engineer to Midilome Property 19 20 Owners Association 21 00482 B-56 April 12, 2001 - E-mail from Rev. Dr. Jacqueline 22 S. Dickson opposing the incorporation efforts 23 00483 B-57n Philip L. Rudy, spokesperson for the Coalition, 24 urging a timely decision of the Boundary Review 25 26 Board 27 00484-00485 B-58 September 6, 2001 - Letters from Edward Mertens 28 and a several proponents confirming desire for 29 November 2001 election 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAKL KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY&JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116T1-1 AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE,WASHNGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -17- 1 00486-00487 B-59 September 5, 2001 -Letter from Laletta Sartain not 2 wanting to be part of the City of Spokane 3 00488-00513 B-60 September 21, 2001 — Letters from Susan Ashe 4 5 Kaiser Aluminum, stating that Kaiser requested 6 that its properties be included in the Final Urban 7 Growth Area but has no position on incorporation 8 00514 B-61 September 26, 2001 - E-mail from Robin and 9 Robert Oos opposed to the Ponderosa area being 10 included within the proposed Valley boundaries 11 12 00515-00516 B-62 September 28, 2001 - Fax and map from Kert 13 Carlson asking that a 21-acre parcel be taken out 14 from the Spokane Valley Incorporation and allow 15 the City of Liberty Lake to annex the land 16 00517 B-63 September 28, 2001 - Letter from Fire Chief 17 Daniel L. Stout, Fire Protection District 8 asking to 18 19 utilize the Fire District 1 boundary as the new City 20 of Spokane Valley boundary 21 00518 B-64 September 29, 2001 - Letter from Mac McGrath 22 asking the Board to move back the southern 23 boundary from 44th to at least as far north as 32nd 24 00519-00520 B-65 October 1, 2001 - Copy of the Boundary Review 25 Board flyer with comments returned from Robert 26 27 and Alice Miller 28 00521 B-66 September 29, 2001 - E-mail from Mike Luzzo 29 expressing concerns regarding land development 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAICI,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY&JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -18- 1 00522 B-67 September 30, 2001 - E-mail from Tom Herrmann 2 in favor of excluding the Pasadena Park 3 4 community from the proposed boundaries for the 5 Spokane Valley 6 00523-00534 B-68 October 2, 2001 - Letter and maps from Ross 7 Kelley, Spokane County Engineer, requesting 8 changes to the proposed boundaries 9 00535 B-69 October 2, 2001 - Annette Remshard submitted 10 results from poll on Yardley and Alcott areas 11 12 00536-00539 B-70 October 2, 2001 - Letter from Cary Driskell 13 requesting the Yardley and Alcott areas to remain 14 within the proposed boundaries 15 00540 B-71 October 2, 2001 - Map from Ed Mertens pertaining 16 to the original proposed boundaries of the new 17 City of Spokane Valley (Original on file at the 18 19 Boundary Review Board Office) 20 00541 B-72 October 4, 2001 - E-mail from David and Sallie 21 Dooley requesting the Pasadena Park 22 neighborhood to be excluded from the proposed 23 boundaries 24 00542 B-73 October 3, 2001 - Letter from Cary Driskell 25 requesting copies of exhibits the City of Spokane 26 27 has submitted to the Board regarding the Yardley 28 and Alcott areas 29 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAxI,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY&JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -19- • 1 00543 B-74 October 9, 2001 - E-mail from Wilbert and Gladys 2 Fritz Greenacres, asking to remain within the 3 proposed boundaries 4 5 00544 B-75 October 6, 2001 - Letter from Carnhope Irrigation 6 District No. 7 requesting Alcott and Yardley to 7 remain within the proposed boundaries since they 8 have recently annexed the Alcott area into their 9 water district 10 00545 B-76 October 9, 2001 = Letter from Hutchinson 11 12 Irrigation District No. 16 requesting the Alcott and 13 Yardley areas to be included within the boundaries 14 00546 B-77 October 4, 2001 - Letter from Grant and Karin 15 Dunbar requesting Pasadena Park and Northwood 16 to be excluded from the proposed boundaries 17 00547 B-78 October 10, 2001 - Letter from Edward Mitchell 18 requesting Pasadena Park, Pasadena Terrace and 19 20 the Northwood neighborhoods to be excluded from 21 the proposed boundaries 22 00548 B-79 October 19, 2001 - Letter from Dave Mandyke, 23 Deputy Director, City of Spokane Public Works 24 and Utilities Dept., estimating the value of City 25 utility infrastructure in the Yardley area of the 26 27 proposed City of Spokane Valley 28 00549-00550 B-80 October 22, 2001 - Letter from Vern Slichter 29 submitting an article published in the Valley News 30 Herald on October 10, 2001 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAKI,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY F1 JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE.WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -20- 1 00551-00570 B-81 April 8, 1997. - Findings and Decision by the 2 Spokane County Board of County Commissioners 3 designating an interim urban growth area for 4 5 Spokane County 6 00571-00600 B-82 November 5, 2001 - Findings and Decision by the 7 Spokane County Board of County Commissioners 8 adopting a comprehensive plan and capital 9 facilities plan and urban growth area for Spokane 10 County including Attachment A: Spokane County 11 12 Comprehensive Plan and Attachment B: Spokane 13 County Capital Facilities Plan (Attachments A and 14 B are on file at the Boundary Review Board 15 Office) 16 00601-00611 B-83 November 5, 2001 - Findings and Decision by the 17 Spokane County Board of County Commissioners 18 adopting a comprehensive plan and capital 19 20 facilities plan and urban growth area for Spokane 21 County adopting urban growth area for the City of 22 Spokane and identifying joint planning areas 23 24 00612-00613 B-84 November 5, 2001 - Letter from Cary Driskell 25 regarding the potential exclusion of Yardley and 26 • 27 Alcott 28 00614-00615 B-85 November 5, 2001 - Memo from Dennis Scott 29 requesting Yardley to remain within the proposed 30 boundaries LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN,RECOR,ARAM,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY&JACKSON,PLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE.WASHPIGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -21- 1 00616-00620 B-86 November 5, 2001 - Petition from residents in the 2 Greenacres area requesting to be excluded from the 3 4 boundaries of the proposed City of Spokane Valley 5 6 7 8 4. A Verbatim Report of the public hearing conducted by the Board is submitted 9 to the Clerk of the Superior Court for filing together with this Certification. 10 11 5. In accordance with the Briefing Schedule Order dated February 13, 2002, a 12 complete copy of the record has been delivered to Robert G. Beaumier, Jr., 13 Assistant City Attorney for plaintiff City of Spokane for duplication and 14 15 distribution to all other parties. 16 17 DECLARED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 18 THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND 19 CORRECT. 20 21 22 141 23 SIGNED at Spokane, Washington this ,Qjp day of February 2002. 24 25 26 I t QLtv1 b 27 SUSAN WINCHELL Chief Planner 28 Washington State Boundary Review Board for 29 Spokane County 30 LAW OFFICES OF 31 HERMAN, RECOR,ARAKI,KAUFMAN, 32 SIMMERLY Ed JACKSON, FLLC 2100-116TH AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98004 (425)451-1400 FAX (425)451-1689 CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL RECORD -22- SPOKANE COUNTY CASH RECEIPTh 08/2/00 THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED DEPARTMENT/DISTRICT; .. rn Boundary Review Board "' ADDITIONAL Wimchei1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CASH 2 b -i;y; NAME OF PREPARER: : `Danett:e LX3tbins Filing Fee for Notice of CHECKS $100 00 a 6 A., PHONE NUMBER: ELECTRONIC f 477-4237 Intent to Inc0LrA7tate the TRANSFER N AUTHORIZED/APPROVED BY: CREDIT I=- i-' Bpi-lone Valley CARDS - z C%;. ., RECEIPT NUMBERS OUTSIDE BANK j O 4 Ia BEGINNING: ENDING: DEPOSITS a ,}^, x TOTAL $100 00 0. K c^ vvta, ` I- at N ! SUB. DESCRIPTION. '�- REVENUE RPTG BEL S cvl FUND AGNCY ORGN ACTIVITY OBJ AMOUNT W c. rn SOURCE SROE CAT. SHEET IS). (27 CHARACTERS OR LESS) J 2 010 025 0007 4390 01 Check. 1028 $100 QO a 01 > 0 2 a 01 01 (NOTE: PREPARER IS LIMITED TO FOUR (4)LINES OF ENTRY). TOTAL $100 ' 00 O 0 7 0 F-+ a� Tk ....a.+2 xx S `'19-9 9 yu xy,� < ti:�,h s� y, ",�;,.:: '�.' ''�: . . tis 1 �t,yy _m� 0- (Vj 7k4:- .. _ A 4 ` y RECE-Et) • 0 070 AUd'2 4`2000'` Notice of >Incorporation COUNTYCOMMISSIONEAS August 24, 2000 O P To: The Honorable Spokane County Commissioners Please take notice that the Community Action Committee intends to circulate petitions for the incorporation of the Spokane Valley, Spokane County, State of Washington. 1. That the legal description of the territory hereby requested to be incorporated is attached to this notice, and is contained entirely within Spokane County's Interim Urban Growth Area (IUGA), Washington. 2. That the territory be incorporated as a Non-Charter Code City pursuant to RCW Title 35A, under the Council-Manager form of government, and is hereby named Spokane Valley, WA. 3. That said territory is not incorporated as a municipal corporation and no part of said territory is within the corporate limits of an existing city or town. 4. That the number of inhabitants, as nearly may be determined, residing within the boundaries of said territory proposed is approximately 90,000. 5. That valid signatures of 10% (approx. 4,000) of the registered voters within the proposed boundaries is required to validate a petition to incorporate the territory described in the legal description. Petitioners request that proceedings be had in this manner prescribed by RCW Title 35.02 and that said described territory be incorporated as a non-charter code city under the provisions of RCW Title 35A. Sincerely, .Cegthi(PA12246/"A Edward J. Mertens, •• President of the Community Action Committee • t } u."1 �as5- ^�%� "e3! 1 sGAy °{ (mac.. Fy#, � � .Cr f , i s 'A€ -*u ,, ct ' F t Pt,f ' . inti,,Y^ 2 't ar�,'^�} Y �z� a ... £ • uS • -,-- .s,- o,---- ¢.: � ` YG j Proposed Valley�Incorporation _ -.';':::::::5:17;i: , �, , �� �� SF ] 2yk F y- �L:egai Description - - % y" Sg rr':-'S.'n,, ' s i- he f„w 'rrli g di t �*4 $S'�R .cµ.>` `n 'pi:i. ° f y:4 nr� -H'UuP t XAtk, '' -: a y,..- ,,, �-_ , ,All the land lying eastter(y'of,the Clty of,Spokane srclty:Iirprts wrthi the deslgnatedr4i' Interim Urban Grow-if-4rea}(IUGA)adopted�by the Boardrof County-�L - , -- Commissioners(resolution:970321)`except,the Interestun.that porbon.thereof ._. ii .i J,V'ii g 6i it �r fi .'� l i ( :. `described as the:incorporated Town ofMillwood;andland°lying within`=Township 25 Range 45 of Sections 9, 10, 11, 14, 15,16 and theNortheast% section of 21 of the proposed incorporation boundaries of Liberty Lake. I - WI Iii lie ri" assi . rte,lt. w �.�� Illi ,, a 1....., tet. / .u3E=lilr� : anu 'a J •.rul 'rraSSFiJ-�i. i. M. upnsed n.0 off., 'lra,in --e be�dP gslI INIIIIEI NPS ilut. • ri V �1►' 12-1 t4i Viii. s sitivE: t„ Ikrilkairigirs....--asi ill a .............x.x.,„:„,„ � pp,roiii, Ie. ::::::.:.::.... 3,.....4. I�. y * iir ' \ fait": - __..................._. .......„...„.„,......., _.,,_ zdC ... 42,4 t .fr, tyfi i r.J r nF .y ?' .' s A < �i 'We?' 5 aL"; rs r.;i 'ftrl"N e., AFFIDAVXT • State of Washington } County of Spokane } TERRY LYNCH, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says; I am a registered voter within the boundaries of .the proposed incorporation to be known as SPOKANE VALLEY. This affidavit is made pursuant to RCW 35.02 and is being filed with the Spokane County Commissioners for the uses and purposes mentioned in said statute. TE', H SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 24th day of AUGUST 2000, Notary Public irfand for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Commission expires JULY 1, 2004 " F. �;'� '� u+' fi�-a.. a "ted .e'�..,. w ryN 1rf+ a . s it—±ili. w a . Cry ‘31, 4,4 00005 - AFFIDAVIT State of Washington 1 County of Spokane 1 EDWARD J. MERTENS, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says; I am a registered voter within the boundaries of the proposed incorporation to be known as SPOKANE VALLEY. This affidavit is made pursuant to RCW 35.02 and is being filed with the Spokane County Commissioners for the uses and purposes mentioned in said statute. EDWARD J. T 21-1: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 24th day of AUGUST 2000, / i i. 9AgarL Not-Mir blic in T: .r the State of Washington, residin• at Spokane. My Commission expires JULY-1;28@4 pmro fico Z Zoo/ `�/L 09 "r EFirot `( Q. ssion •<lii Pro ▪ o NOTARY t•;n ▪ • PUBLICi *-914:9r.2 2:1?-' �� - ''��10A/11111D���```_ -.;Y• "c-1.?1/4aSet-- i ctI4T b' •v't k4r- 74 - 0 00 6 Certification Notice Of Intention to Incorporate the City Of Spokane Valley I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true andaccurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City . Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation, ion or formation of said City. 400°F Si natureW late 7t--cteey Zyfl ril Printed Name 17V/Z rireig-fli e r-J-?"---/(04 Address Spo/6_64.1 e cuA Phone SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this day of August, 2000 fgAr NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 Y` ,a`�KT+ 'i,* P�M '.ttiu �L"'i},.`f$ ' to . /.. {: y aang, Certification Pv Notice of'sIhtention to.+Incorporate the Citp Of Spokane Valley ' 4. I Cert'.ifyrthat the .above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane::Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation';of . said ',City. tditt(,)AA,d ):,)/11.tAlc/./14,4 ignature Date EDWAL) MER-CEA) Printed Name 5 I b N P r e rce// Spo/4 wive) Q4 ?W o6 70,76-??3� Address f Phone SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this' of Augus , 2y° .� N'"1'Y PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. erre Zoo! My Appointment Expires z £ 00008 Certification Notice of Intention to Incorporate the City Of Spokane Valley I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. 1-4.1` - CJ �Zc1 /Qct ignature / Date l Printed Name /21/O7e- o/l ) ,5ook, u19 97 !6 1-526g Address Phone st SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this j ay of August, 2000 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 ia.s�a3- " r r sJr' % ';'tfx sxi' `ltvsisl'�o3'h'` `� . {i N Yt i i'F ''S r # la ''4+ N A :a ry x xi u o ^y s YI _-• fi54 % L 2,5, `s-r -.,: i i� g rc' k ?0 9 Certification: Notice of Intention to. Incorporate the City Of Spokane ;Valler I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and:accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. P ,, t_ , 0.0a Signature Date — oclAt D . Meitouse- Printed Name . 7/& - (€14 9�6 `9.s// Address. Phone its SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this�.y day of August, 2000 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 Y N Certification Notice ,of Intentionto InCorporate-the-City Of!Spokane Valley: I Certify that the above Notice of Intention istrue and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. V-� Signatur Date � cf L A FKELAyvp Printed Name // ,zj ,4.1 2 57771 %o2 f 5n_3 Address Phone SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this d y of August, 2000 g;4etetta9--Nta0-04 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 fl-0„4704mrsi.w. ift,Alrlofl:MINVXTitta. :':-;r:'''''-',1';', •,--1",- ,.' .15:: :'' ' ,.1-', -“A' ' :‘7' ,.':r-;;g14*,.') i.'l 5 ei ' ', '.'” ''''...7.;' :.;1;:f.:Y.:i . ..ic: 4,7.1: :',4:'''Clf.Jj‘Miti: ' '' 0 Q• -• , . Certification j ?4 Notice of Intention to Incorporate the City. Of•Spokertyelley -- : I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said Wty. /0,4 4011, /L/Adiel .n.L.le...4 Si':nature Date Al le wAr. it ye Printed Name z2 _ Address Phone SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this day of Augus , 2000 sdifra,t6 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 c� G -;f f {l ] . 0'001.2 Certification Notice of: Intention to Incorporate the City Of Spokane Valley I -Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. �' i✓Ci' /ice/ / 7—Zi/^0e.) ature 4110" Date t2,2 Aillikr ri ed Name 2 o 20 £% 9 - o92/ Address .0)‘74,(APhone SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this —dday�1 of August, 2000 �J�CAAJ�GC�t�C�h^yr�U�'VC3�'J NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 ry, , _ . t : • Certification - . Notice of Intention to Incorporate the City 'Of Spokane Valley I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. IP Sfri • / 0e Aili• lature Dat- ailtit nclecio n Pribted Name ‘../ 671(e AT L-6/0 6— kb eltOOCW_CIS ?ci1-6Yr7 Address Phone 47)/MC SIGNED AND SWORN to before me thisvi day of August, 2000 • Ae,„49, , 'I , NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 • 00014 Certification Notice of Intention to Incorporate the City Of Spokane Valley I Certify that the above Notice of: Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. � . r LC,�I. _4 8 �� Sig atu/r'ee D. e Rt ii,d) e 7.1 ,,,:---4-v Printed Name may, q ��'0c- S K,ctlt eV1eeVf �r c 1. 11)3 Address 5r,�� tai, 'c Phone at/ SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this day of Au ust, 2000 6(filli -1-412;CfrtilL/5 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 5 RECEIVED AUG 2 4 2000 - Notice of Incorporation COUNTY COMMISSIONERS August 24, 2000 To: The Honorable Spokane County Commissioners Please take notice that the Community Action Committee intends to circulate petitions for the incorporation of the Spokane Valley, Spokane County, State of Washington. 1. That the legal description of the territory hereby requested to be incorporated is attached to this notice, and is contained entirely within Spokane County's Interim Urban Growth Area (IUGA), Washington. 2. That the territory be incorporated as a Non-Charter Code City pursuant to RCW Title 35A, under the Council-Manager form of government, and is hereby named Spokane Valley, WA. 3. That said territory is not incorporated as a municipal corporation and no part of said territory is within the corporate limits of an existing city or town. 4. That the number of inhabitants, as nearly may be determined, residing within the boundaries of said territory proposed is approximately 90,000. 5. That valid signatures of 10% (approx. 4,000) of the registered voters within the proposed boundaries is required to validate a petition to incorporate the territory described in the legal description. Petitioners request that proceedings be had in this manner prescribed by RCW Title 35.02 and that said described territory be incorporated as a non-charter code city under the provisions of RCW Title 35A. Sincerely, .74(40-4-A4)1..MOC&A- Edward J. Mertens, President of the Community Action Committee 00016 Proposed Valley Incorporation Legal Description: All the land lying easterly of the City of Spokane's city limits within the designated Interim Urban Growth Area (IUGA) adopted by the Board of County Commissioners (resolution 970321), except the interest in that portion thereof described as the incorporated Town of Millwood, and land lying within Township 25 Range 45 of Sections 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 and the Northeast ' section of 21 of the proposed incorporation boundaries of Liberty Lake. II lirsu — nr•M4. E iE�.li1�1 nr.� �„rl�.� City oiinomff ;,Ater .,, ! -3- �. ,� �r aiit: iv • - v._ 4J n ��. —�, n V c . y a1 . :.:.YA J . tasr`aiI $ Uty�f u! a. .kajaflitatimATIS , —ASS t al ,0 yr, { ) tiff131cL4IF 4 . i!iiiiimimaiiiiiina ' r,1 • (�stip,+� 1 4 00017 AFFIDAVIT State of Washington } County of Spokane } EDWARD J. MERTENS, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says; I am a registered voter within the boundaries of the proposed incorporation to be known as SPOKANE VALLEY. This affidavit is made pursuant to RCW 35.02 and is being filed with the Spokane County Commissioners for the uses and purposes mentioned in said statute. r 8471f EDWARD J. TENS SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 24th day of AUGUST 2000, Not.Itar blic in T .r the State of Washington, residin. at Spokane. My Commission expires JULY-17 -$004 / Omjp3FiP Z Zan / `7)-4 O?ccss`on c:c NOTARY %;e tz: C PUBUG 00^ 18 AFFIDAVIT State of Washington } County of Spokane } TERRY LYNCH, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says; I am a registered voter within the boundaries of the proposed incorporation to be known as SPOKANE VALLEY. This affidavit is made pursuant to RCW 35.02 and is being filed with the Spokane County Commissioners for the uses and purposes mentioned in said statute. Arc TE4VILY, H SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 24th day of AUGUST 2000, (Ectuumik Notary Public i and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Commission expires JULY 1, 2004 00019 Certification Notice of Intention to Incorporate the City Of Spokane Valley I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. "rz8"G Si•nature late 7 y2u Printed Name Ff/Z CC Smlf RA 1/4° jW e _coQ-rn---x o Address S 7c /cs4wP (LS / 7aia Phone SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this/ day of August, 2000 ge,a 0-at ay- ILA NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 00020 Certification Notice of Intention to Incorporate the City Of Spokane Valley I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. ignature Date SUMO -. P1ERre/OS Printed Name /� q 3 ►t AJ Prerce e An1F ?Mob [o26-??3[� A dress Phone SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this of Augus , 290 ',tat-. /WOW --- NI- • •Y PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. 6PTZ ZOO/ My Appointment Expires Jt 00 ^21 Certification Notice of Intention to Incorporate the City Of Spokane Valley I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. ignature / Date/ IC-C>S P994 UMPAgif Printed Name /2 let ? c a//0E) 5��, W 972/6 1-526� Address Phone SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this ay of August, 2000 41111 t' 1111 Inv AP • P' NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 00022 Certification Notice of Intention to Incorporate the City Of Spokane Valley I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. g Ji �J r Signature, Date V0/0/4I-l7 III eww sx V Printed Name 6 . 7/671)/6- 50m W4 9a 9,5 // Address Phone t AI) SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this",-4Y of August, 2000 (eitiOt.4 714./2A. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 00023 Certification Notice of Intention to Incorporate the City Of Spokane Valley I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. (ad v --(7-0) Signatur Date 5 CI L- AFVE,CArvP Printed Name 4.7,7 j £4S7— /257771 Address Phone SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this day of August, 2000 g7 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 00024 Certification Notice of Intention to Incorporate the City Of Spokane Valley I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said C'ty. A // � . 1<< 0 Signature Date Printed Name -421e 9e-41-1P/0 Address Phone SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this day of Augus , 2000 foeig NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 00025 Certification Notice of Intention to Incorporate the City Of Spokane Valley I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. 4009 s ,,e2 /,lam/ P��JI • 7 zf^o C) ature v7 Date .���c -,-.1tip ri ed Name ;? 0,2,0 A// 1,1,‘"- 097/ Address Phone o) SIGNED AND SWORN to before me thiso<' ay of August, 2000 eeitAft NOTARY PUBLICv `1 in� and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 00026 Certification Notice of Intention to Incorporate the City Of Spokane Valley I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. fi I SfrikC ‘ilt 424 /10 •i• 'ature V Dat a hL $/ 051 n Pri ed Name Qi( M 1--6ti6-- kb ei - _/ E3 &Ii 8qi—aye s Address Phone SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this ty day of August, 2000 NOTARY PUBLIC and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 00027 Certification Notice of Intention to Incorporate the City Of Spokane Valley I Certify that the above Notice of Intention is true and accurate and that I reside within the boundary of the proposed City of Spokane Valley and that I am a proponent for the Incorporation or formation of said City. Sig a urreD. e VO 4:4 7 Printed Name 56- c- SWz.fel, aPr Address 5 Q U2 et-kW, Phone SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this Gv day of August, 2000 geetuteA)a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane. My Appointment Expires 7-01-04 �p 0/c 00 ^28 l3©Ke RECEIVED NO. 0 - 0767 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY.COMMISSIONERS S E P t 1 2000 'OF SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD IN THE MAI I'hR OF,THE NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ) RESOLUTION SPOKANE VALLEY,WA• ) WHEREAS,pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.32.120(6);the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County has the care of County property and the management of County fiords and business;and - WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 35.02.015, any person proposing the incorporation of a city or town chill file a notice of proposed incorporation with the County legislative authority of the county in which all or the major portion of the proposed city or town is located,such notice shall include the matters required to be included in the incorporation petition under RCW 35.02.030 and be accompanied by both a one hundred dollar($100.00) filing fee and an affidavit from the person stating • that he or she is a registered voter residing in the proposed city or town;and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 35.02.015, upon receipt of the notice as referenced in the immediately preceding recital,the County legislative authority shall promptly notify the Boundary Review Board of the proposed incorporation, which shall hold a public meeting on the proposed incorporation as provided by law;and WHEREAS, on August 24,2000, as provided for in RCW 35.02.015,Edward J. Mertens,President of the Community Action Committee, filed with the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County a document entitled "Notice of Incorporation,"a photocopy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit"A"and incorporated herein by reference,which document was :companied by a one hundred dollar($100.00)filing fee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, as provided for in RCW 35.02.015,that the Board does hereby acknowledge receipt on August 24, 2000 of that document entitled "Notice of Incorporation" signed by Edward J. Mertens, President of Community Action Committee, concerning the proposed incorporation of the Spokane Valley,WA and does hereby direct that the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County forward to the Washington State Boundary Review for Spokane County, a photocopy of this Resolution for its action as provided for in RCW 35.02.015,et seq. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5#7 day of 5107/8/742, 000- ar- °F conrryss ,kh BOARD OFC0 1 COMMISSIONERS :' oaijjrrE'CpG��02 'O CO AS GTON I • m n ATTEST: • 4144 i, I/uA.� . . . , VICKY M. DALT 't N J•A' ROSKELLEY, Chair CLERK OF THE B r. gr; •s - s ‘ • e8 _ - are �_si� BY:!/ / / i AL��' • 'rr ' D. ' ' 1 S, Vi -C • Daniela Erickson, Deputy � 11 ' r M. KATE c :,A • SLIN 1Spokane Valley proposed incornpotation 2000-rpe) Page 1of1 • 00029 *********FEDERAL TAX ID NO. 910420030 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Spokane, ss. Name: SPOKANE COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD Acct: CO22377 P.O.: No. Lines: 38 Total Cost: $40.52 Log No: SP9278 I, Jacquie Mencke do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the BOoRSPOKNECOUNTY,. OlBTY,.ti, SPOKESMAN-REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly iOP SPOKANE oOU OA Papaeelnpp«auana published, once each day in the English language, in and of u t,cgSppka eVa e ":, general circulation in the City of Spokane, Spokane County, Z"737,,•g`�'"n"" ;�oDo Washington; and in the Cityof Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, p to B pm Open Hoose, 9 Y "m"epm `T'�``?kept fife District No1Tainiig po m, Idaho; that said newspaper has been so established and regularly . published and has had said general circulation continuously for _. (1 Block Eat of Sullivan_;.:_ .ana blocks Saud of Marietta) . more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd day of July, 1941; that ---The.wasninaron State�eombaq Raview1ng a- rScokar Countyia. said newspaper is printed in an office maintained at its place of spmaori,g:a-public:.meeting:tw residents dSpokane Valley arid a„ecteda the a;to slate:„Kir. publication in the City of Spokane, Washington; that said views on the a proVed boandaries; tYPC !ems m _ newspaper was approved and designated as a legal newspaper 1,=, tyorsP,"=•2"' by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for 11,=for.akke.m�mvqreate: Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and that said totyprosalor.p�nropydo scat to Ue poponengyvu may do m at A' ofw �; order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; that the ,az3?; . ; s 7e: notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of publication, was published in said newspaper, one time(s), the publication having been made once each time on the following dates: August 27, 2000 That said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of the paper during the period of time of publication, and that the notice was published in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement. V^NE I-• xt Subscr fed and s rn to before me at the City of Spokane, this p\ �ssoti.. h'0 28 day of Augu , 2000 i 4 FSA ' i i :0 NOTARk m• �` e i Q •" % Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, PUBLIC S residing in Spokane County, Washington �4�°F WASW 00030 *********FEDERAL TAX ID NO. 910420030 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Spokane, ss. Name: SPOKANE COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD Acct: CO22377 P.O.: No. Lines: 38 Total Cost: $61.28 Log No: SP9278 I, Jacquie Mencke do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the BFUDNDSRKRANEWUOAYRi D ; SPOKESMAN-REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly Y Pmp af �a:aDpna published, once each day in the English language, in and of :CKY'oeSpokan<VI�Y general circulation in the City of Spokane, Spokane County, 3o�B`ftpemnb6a:2666.'; Washington; and in the City of Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, )pm to 8 pm PUMC Meetingn .. . Idaho; that said newspaper has been so established and regularly Re;DisLt No l Trxini g Roo I published and has had said general circulation continuously for 2411N Roneer lare oB°'k"eaW5u216n more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd day of July, 1941 ; that and 2 block¢South of Marietta) Nevl�ewWBotaNr SpoYanefa H s , said newspaper is printed in ari office maintained at its place of eponso^ng a ppblic,meet g for, publication in the Cityof Spokane, Washington; that said resides of the Spokane Valley and P g aewSOri mepopo"a�•aboucla,�eS'.: newspaper was approved and designated as a legal newspaper typeifi Ji form..af government CREW;;7.7; by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington fora:Arii 1 n.ad.:. he«r mo(drpo present above Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and that said Iheepropo a present ay mal ons ��pa°Pm n6,u°� may do a order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; that the gh, p'r althie9ouilry Review Mare Ojicet(509)47i. notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of a=3�.„a, .,,� gat)SS9?7a; publication, was published in said newspaper, two time(s), the publication having been made once each time on the following dates: September 3 and 10, 2000 That said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of the paper during the period of time of publication, and that the notice was published in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement. • _ 77 s��LlLa4Th�4�41 11Sdaylof Septnddd^F/sswborn 2to bbefore me at the City of Spokane, this �`� :yy,0E4 4est. Yob M1/�tl!//� �--- G _ :Cr C ; Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, r • . % residing in Spokane County, Washington et S>N4.9.0Y l OFW A, �t" 31 y :ii-t-1-e-Vennirarbiatlektrer,arcatrnatieWntstalitotatwilLWF.teps tittapaSEDik:INCOCta nti ktka:s�r.. ivy peimi t " ?i -"' ' 'T` „ a�'s' t., '� ` a "_f - BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD.PUBLIC MEETING Monday,;Sept 11, 2000_ Boundary Review Boards were created in 1967 by the legislature in part to"...provide a method of guiding and controlling the growth of municipalities... "(RCW 36.93.010). The Board is a quasi-judicial, administrative body empowered to make decisions on such issues as incorporations and annexations by cities, towns, and special purpose districts. It can approve, deny, or modify a proposal. Its decisions are final and can be appealed to the Spokane County Superior Court. ,,- ,, t- at,,.�,,.�$tom. ' o. ., . w�..' n j xa=• �..' Government alternatives for the Spokane Valley have been proposed and discussed for many years, dating back to the 1950s. In 1985, a Committee for Incorporation proposed incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley as a new city in Spokane County. This proposal was denied by the Boundary Review Board due to financial impacts to the Spokane County government. In February 1990, the incorporation of the Spokane Valley as the City of Chief Joseph was proposed. This issue was brought to an election in November 1990 and was defeated by a large margin. Proponents for the Spokane Valley incorporation continued their efforts and circulated a petition in 1993 for another proposal to incorporate. This proposal was also defeated but received 44 percent of the vote. Motivated by the 1993 election results, the proponents initiated the incorporation process again for the City of Spokane Valley, which placed the proposal on the ballot in May of 1995. This proposal was defeated receiving 42%of the vote. Not long after, another incorporation attempt was initiated that proposed five smaller cities: Dishman, Evergreen, Hillcrest Park, Opportunity, and Park Place. In order to continue with the incorporation process, these proponents had six months to circulate a petition and collect the signatures of ten percent of the registered voters within the proposed boundaries of the new cities. Only two of the five proponents filed petitions with the County Auditor within the time frame stipulated. The Cities of Evergreen and Opportunity were brought to an election in February 1997 and defeated by substantial margins. a , Na. t ,.f_€ tx W At the present time the Community Action Committee is ty�of Sp bane uValley„1 proposing a Spokane Valley Incorporation consisting of all the ars s .g territory east of the City of Spokane's city limits and west of the "ick f overnnent north boundary of the Liberty Lake proposed incorporation. The NornC a lke-e City proposed boundaries correspond with the Interim Urban GrowthArbz �, v >?opulatian Area(IUGA) adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, 90,000 1 a !cosi cerch April 8, 1997 excluding the Town of Millwood and the Liberty -fl -.> ;ir, -dell Lake community. The proposed new city's name, type of Font of Government . government, population, and form of government is listed to the `60Unell �r right. INCORPORATION PROCESS 0032 Public Meeting A Notice to Incorporate Spokane Valley was filed with the County Commissioners on August 24, 2000. Tonight's meeting is required to be held by the Boundary Review Board within thirty days of the filing of a Notice of Incorporation with the County Commissioners. The purpose of the public meeting is to give residents within the proposed city an opportunity to state their views regarding the elements of the incorporation petition -name of city, type and form of government, and boundaries. Petition After the public meeting, the proponents may revise the incorporation proposal. They then receive a petition number from the County Auditor and have six months to circulate a petition and collect the signatures of ten percent of the registered voters within the proposed boundaries of the new city. Notice of intention When a petition is declared sufficient by the Auditor and the Incorporation Study is complete, the proponent can file a Notice of Intention with the Boundary Review Board. The Board will then set a date for a public hearing. BOARD DECISION • The criteria the Board uses to make its decision include population, population density, land use, comprehensive plans and zoning, growth management plans, service agreements and interlocal agreements, per capita assessed valuation, need for municipal services, growth projections, prime agricultural soils, cost and adequacy of services, future needs for services and controls, and the effect on other governments. Before the Board evaluates the proposal, territory outside of the Urban Growth Area is removed. The Board can then decide to approve the proposal as submitted, modify the boundaries, or recommend against. r. Objectives for Board Decisions Each decision of the Boundary Review Board shall attempt to achieve the following objectives: 1. Preservation of natural neighborhoods and communities; 2. Use of physical boundaries, including but not limited to bodies of water, highways and land contours; 3. Creation and preservation of logical service areas; 4. Prevention of abnormally irregular boundaries; 5. Discouragement of multiple incorporations of small cities and encouragement of incorporation of cities in excess of ten thousand population in heavily populated urban areas; 6. Dissolution of inactive special purpose districts; - 7. Adjustment of impractical boundaries; 8. Incorporation as cities or towns or annexation to cities or towns of unincorporated areas which are urban in character; 9. Protection of agricultural and rural lands which are designated for long term productive agricultural Growth resource use rby.�a comprehensive plan adopted by the county legislative authority. Managet ent Act The Board's decisions are also required to be consistent with theWashington State Growth Management Act. As of this date, Spokane County has adopted County-wide Planning Policies, a Critical Area Ordinance, an Interim Urban Growth Area, and Interim Development Regulations in compliance with this law. ELECTION 00033 Residents of the Spokane Valley will vote on the proposal in the general election more than 60 days after the filing of the Boundary Review Board's written decision. BOUNDARY REVIEW-BOARD FOR SPOKANE COUNTY =, Board members are residents of Spokane County and serve for four-year terms. They are not allowed to hold other local government elected or appointed positions, contracts or jobs. Their compensation is $50 per day for work on Board business. Five members serve on the Boundary Review Board for Spokane County. Two members are appointed by the governor, one by the mayors of the city and towns in Spokane County, one by the Spokane County Board of Commissioners and one by the special purpose districts. In Spokane County these interests are served by John Hagney, Lawrence Stone, Rob Nebergall, Douglas Beu, and Dan Turbeville III respectively. The staff for the Spokane County Boundary Review Board consists of Susan Winchell, Director, Danette Dobbins, Staff Assistant, Mike Basinger, Planner and Robert Kaufnan, Special Assistant Attorney General. The regular meeting of the Board is on the second Monday of each month at 3:00 pm in the lower level hearing room of the County Public Works Building, 1026 W. Broadway, Spokane. The Boundary Review Board office is located on the second floor of the Public Works Building, Spokane and the phone number is (509) 477-4237. The office hours are from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm, Monday through Thursday. APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE In general, decision-makers such as Board members must not only be fair in their actions (i.e., have no conflicts of interest), but must also, to the ordinary citizen, appear to be free of any position or influence which would impair their ability to decide a case fairly. However, the State Supreme Court has held that if a person is of the opinion that a decision-maker is so impaired, that opinion must be stated at the first available opportunity. Members may not properly discuss proposals under their consideration outside of the public hearing (ex parte communications). QUESTIONS OR.COMMENTS For more information about the incorporation proposal, please call a member of Community Action Committee: Edward Mertens (509) 926-9930 Larry Rudy (509) 928-0904 Terry Lynch (509) 535-1226 For other information, please call the Boundary Review Board Office: (509) 477-4237 Webpage: http://www.spokanecounty.org/boundary/index.htm (Available October 1st) Written comments regarding the proposal will be accepted at the public meeting or may be mailed to the Boundary Review Board Office, 1026 West Broadway Street, Spokane, WA 99260. —. ! 1 ., _ tom' ILJ i _i Wellesley a 7 it UPAve• c ,- - .� 'L_ - - j i 11 1 l•••-• j { li iCity of /Spokane `_ Euclid owna TlIlwaa+ �;' r Montgomery1 111, / —'r � ' •'i f 1' Mission -> . Prop S6d Broadway ' j �, m 1»iU�rty E�akie • := _ ',r'. , F Sprague m ., e .' , - I 1 r `. ..a . �'. 1 lis (D ` _ 7.;__I-, .' _ �) L� /� / -- 'i . 4 s -a F 8th j- ' `, 1 '� 16th .. ..-;':,'',< /, - «> irL - • rt ' J!' \` ,24th -J 1 y - ti_" -kms 1 1' a-. n +'. 1 •-- 32nd 1' 40th 1 44th 4$tt - I Ca :Y",rw r .m „ - ZX' r.,., "`s n: W TfN'' Fj. T^r'i"I+i.tr. 52,'x' ti ^. t '� ;�� ;.' : a r « r, �'` a� � � ' f4. ' r Rr r �� �. WeshingtoniSlaie,�B�undary n% r '' FF�Proposed Spokane Vailey"Incorporation"A'rea �` „:k, *Revie'wB9 rd'fo '2000ne:County 4 ._ Boi.__Jary Review Board PROPOS.—ROPOS for Spokane County INCORPORATION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE Board members are residents of VALLEY Spokane County and serve for four- 3=.taarl1/217."1 'd �`iFIg p f year terms. They are not allowed to ��u u m'_, aW. >` .ifocnerYk . hold other local government elected �, A` zee- ,17 it v.. Y w•, :.4-:;‘.:,x ,jy [ or appointed positions, contracts or x li ; ., n„ 4 t '° jobs. Their compensation is $50 per ; > x 'OIlda�r ls,p e'be 1-b1 `2001 day for work on Board business. �o �hm" ,y`� a 5 " '- Five members serve on the , ri, 1, ; �. it,: if; r* 'r si Boundary Review Board for Spokane ' t' ` 'u '' `t'= , x 3 s County: Rob Nebergall, Chair, �l rx'.e$D1 tIei 1C1t,Nr0 ,%,r,' ^s appointed by Mayors; John Hagney, 3rta2411 N"ROn eLa e'r' neVapey Vice Chair, appointed by Governor; t Lawrence Stone, appointed by a i. { t.,foa e��* i� (Onebc15eastorAtikaj y blockssouthofMariet tw r4 sem % ,lf";� irit fiw§�v"9��i ',�Xfid .� Governor; DougBeu, appointed byC r; ° ` r r �,t,° County Commissioners; and Daniel Open House Turbeville III, nominated by Special Purpose Districts. 5:30 -7:OOpm Susan Winchell serves as Executive An opportunity for you to learn more abou Director for the Board and Robert the proposed incorporation and discuss it Kaufman, Special Attorney General's Office serves as the legal counsel. with proponents of the incorporation, the The regular meeting of the Board staff of the Boundary Review Board, and is on the second Monday of each Spokane County officials. Maps and month at 3:00 pm. The Boundary preliminary information will be available for Review Board office is located in the your review. Public Works Building, 1026 W. Broadway. The office hours are 8:30 Public Meeting am to 4:00 pm, Monday - Thursday. c 1 'a7:00-8:OOpm < `QUES TOS 'f", " ' a d �', , 5 , The Boundary Review Board will hold a fr':4Boundary�RavrewBoardOffice 4774237: o U ti o 3Proponents y r y„ * co 1) % special meeting to allow residents of the . * Citizentens92 9930 ee • I a, i a•Kiertens 926 9930 r v) o o d Spokane Valley to present their ideas, Spok`aneUalleyChamberofComm.cr_ �s o c2 3 suggestions and concerns regarding trig pD4nlazryyRna'y'928 0904k;` incorporation proposal including the !4. 81),6;ine:uailey sonnei? ".6500 tori - .a boundaries, name, type, and form of w fa$TerryLriOli1S35 162670 r o . J1 3 m° o & government proposed. [ NCORP ATION BOUNDARY PROLESS Board Decision REVIEW BOARDS 4-- '�*" 4 '� i - The criteria the Board uses to make its IsloAprir sl<4,4GorpOrate z''�'' i ' decision include factors such as population, Boundary Review Boards were *ANotrce�to�Incorpo ateXtheItity;Qt A� rar»,r-8, ri,& i , s i comprehensive plans, zoning, fiscal needs created in 1967 by the legislature in )pokanerValley was fited.with the County and resources; objectives such as part to"...provide a method of ommrssioners on August 24, 2000 .The a � preservation of communities, logical guiding and controlling the growth VoticeEmcluded the following services areas, and incorporation of urban of municipalities..."(RCW areas; and consistency with the Growth 36.93.010). The Board is a quasi- Name of City: Management Act. The Board can then judicial, administrative body City of Spokane Valley decide to approve the proposal as empowered to make decisions on Type of Government: s submitted, modify the boundaries, or such issues as incorporations and Non-Charter Code City recommend against the proposal. annexations by cities, towns, and la Population: , ' ,,£i 90,000 Election special purpose districts. It can Form of Government: 1 Residents of the Spokane Valley will vote approve, deny, or modify a proposal. ;r Council - Manager ! on the proposal in the general election Its decisions are final and can be m^ more than 60 days after the filingof the appealed to the Spokane County 67, Proponents: Y Ed Merton, Chair Boundary Review Board's written decision. Superior Court. i Citizen Action Committee . , ' f i`g"x�i Tc <✓sa• g i tekt >rE-s141 �r1 1 _j �-- �— PtUblitiMeetu g ', tNA - ;1:40- Iii Tc p"F '&Y.t whY.ti' 1 r ^� ,3,MYy d. .w' ��, / 19 a ' 1 The}BoundaryrRevrewaBoard rs holoan g4 �_1 f W+ C� __� t< °L' lutulil r.�+i�if °iii} 7ai ¢r.,,".' esurZ'meeting€togrv'e esrdenfslofg 4_ { -K7ve'M1'te41 csz[ ^.Xn' ks F-E.R ty d1C - ' 31'I J 1,t-_ : M C. O O SPOKANE COUNTY CASH RECEIPT DATE �T7URNED INORDELIVF R BY: fin'' RECEIVED FROM - - BANK -. OFFSET r_ PY)1.1r)0 keU1e.tO a00YC\ I ACCOUNT GASHACCT l�OrnrYiUr'�I`�1� !-YL:i7Uh 1�orY\rhl.lnl�'14 z c REF.INVOICEJ0B PROVIDER ADDITIONAL DETAIL - (y V5 VENDOR d NUMBER LINE ' NUMBER CODE Q 2 I , 1�g wee -For ( OI �� �2e 555-0 2 /PrOpO >e t' )rl(' or�30ra"�'f0rl -far : t'f�e o ,L,. C-141-( U'- ‘c-3- f)O ke-x-n:. L"Q I Ie..,Lj - i FUND AGNCY ORON ACTIVITY REVENUE RPTG 0AL OBJ 0 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT H I.1 SOURCE SRCE CAT. SHEET B _(rTCH RACTERS OR LESS) J 2 1 0) O. O 4 0007 t-1.390 of ke r k 7 , Ox 7 O Uo ° 01 (NOTE: - PREPARER IS LIMITED TO FOUR(4)LINES OF ENTRY).. - TOTAL 50 . QCT .. ..n,, v. . .J , 3 : . ["..iJ a •L;:.-: .., eY. , 5 ...�.... E;, .. .. • _ _ ,b Washington State O O r 3 g BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD For Spokane County 1026\V Broadway Avenue Spokane,WA 99260-0040 (509) 477-4237 FAX(509) 477-3631 http://www.spokanecounty.org/boundary June 14, 2001 Ed Mertens Community Action Committee 1310 N. Pierce Spokane, WA 99206 RE: BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation for the City of Spokane Valley Dear Mr. Mertens: The Notice of Intention transmitted to this office has been reviewed and filed effective May 31, 2001 and assigned BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation for the City of Spokane Valley. The Notice of Intention has been placed on the agenda the Boundary Review Board for the meeting on Monday, June 25, 2001 at 3:00 PM in the lower-level Hearing Room of the County Public Works Building, 1026 West Broadway, Spokane. The purpose of this meeting will be to present the proposal to the Boundary Review Board. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, AAA-a-21Cit:vceilf" • Susan M. Winchell Boundary Review Board Director Cc: Larry Rudy • BOARD MEMBERS: Douglas Beu John B. Hagney Robert E. Nebergall Lawrence B.Stone Daniel E.Turbeville, III Washington State BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD 0 0 0 3 9 For Spokane County 1026 W. Broadway Avenue Spokane,WA 99260-0040 (509) 477-4237 FAX(509) 477-3631 http://www.spokanecounty.org/boundary June 15, 2001 MEMO TO: Affected Government Agencies and Interested Parties FROM: Susan M. Winchell, Boundary Review Board Director RE: BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley The Citizen's Action Committee headed by Ed Mertens, filed a Notice to Incorporate with the Spokane Board of County Commissioners and a valid petition for incorporation with the Spokane County Auditor. The area includes approximately 45 square miles and 82,000 people within Fire District No. 1. The Notice of Intention for the incorporation of a new city in the Spokane Valley was filed on May 31, 2001; the proponent has waived the 120-day review period. A fiscal and service delivery analysis of the proposal is included in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study which provides significant additional information to the Notice of Intention. The Study will be available on July 10, 2001. The Notice of Intention is not being distributed at this time, but will be included in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. If you would like to receive the Notice of Intention prior to the Study, please contact the Boundary Review Board office. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 477-4237. BOARD MEMBERS: Douglas Beu John B. Hagney Robert E.Nebergall Lawrence B. Stone Daniel E.Turbeville, III 0 "^ 40 FILE NO.: BRB 555-01 Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS. COUNTY OF SPOKANE I, Susan M. Winchell, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States, a resident of Spokane County, Washington, and over the age of eighteen years. That on June 14, 2001 I know that true and correct copies of the attached memo dated June 15, 2001 pertaining to the above referenced Boundary Review Board action were delivered to the Spokane County mailroom for the purpose of being distributed through either the U.S. Postal system or Interoffice mail to those person(s) listed on the attached mailing list. Signature of the Planner for the BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD for Spokane County State of Washington County of Spokane Subscribed and Sworn to before me by 1.(Sei-;Z on this /day of y , 2001. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington - - My Appointment expires August 1, 2001 00041 INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Scott Kuhta Mr. Jim Falk Mr. Michael Needham Long Range Planning Current Planning Director ,ounty Planning Dept. County Planning Dept. County Planning Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Board of Co. Commissioners Mr. Kevin Cooke Mr. Pat Harper and Clerk of the Board Division of Utilities Engineering Department Board Mail County Public Works Dept. County Public Works Dept INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Sheriff Mark Sterk Sgt. Rick Kendall Mr. James Emacio County Sheriffs Dept. Sheriffs Research Division Chief Civil Deputy County Sheriffs Dept. Prosecuting Atty. Office INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Marshall Farnell Ms. Sadie Charlene Cooney Mr. Doug Chase Budget Office Assessor's Office Parks & Rec. Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Vicky Dalton Mr. David Swink, Director Mr. Gene Repp Auditor's Office County Health Dept. Division of Utilities INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Gary Oberg, Director Ms. Sherry Bays Mr. Burel Schulz, County Public Works Dept. Elections Office Undersheriff Sheriffs Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Downs Paul Ms. Margaret Smith Mr. Bruce Rawls, Budget Office Budget Office Director Utilities Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Kasey Kramer, Mr. Doug Smith Mr. Henry Bruno Director Community Development District Court Community Development INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Donna Wilson Ms. Karla McNeilly Mr. Don Westerman District Court District Court Public Defenders 0r ^4? INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Bill Fiedler, Director Mr. Ian Von Essen Mr. Bob Wrigley ISD GIS Treasurer's Office Public Works Bldg. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Linda Martin Mr. Ross Kelly Mr. Gary Oberg, Director Treasurer's Office County Engineer Public Works Bldg. Public Works Bldg. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Stan Miller Ms. Brenda Sims Ms. Nancy Hill Water Quality Stormwater Utility Animal Control INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Jim Manson, Director Ms. Francine Boxer, Mr. Tim Crowley, Dev. Spec. Building Dept. Chief Administrative Officer Community Development Spokane County Board of Co. Commissioner INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Mike Dempsey Hearing Examiner Spokane County Chief Bob Anderson Chief Dan Stout Chief Mark Grover Fire District No. 9 Fire District No. 8 Fire District No. 1 3801 E. Farwell Road 12100 E. Palouse Hwy. 10319 E. Sprague Mead, WA 99021 Valleyford, WA 99036 Spokane, WA 99206 Ms. Katy Allen Ms. Eva Colomb, Clerk Mr. Michael J. Wirt City of Spokane Town of Millwood Spokane Co. Library Dist. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 9103 E. Frederick 4322 N. Argonne Road Spokane, WA 99201 Millwood, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Mayor John Powers Mr. Dean Lynch, Manager Mr. John Mercer City of Spokane City of Spokane Planning Director 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Noxious Weed Control Ms. Teresa Brum Board Historic Preservation 222 N. Havana 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Thokane, WA 99202 Spokane, WA 99201 00043 Spokane Regional Mr. Bob Ashcraft Mr. Kevin Wells Transportation Council Consolidated Irrigation Dist. Vera Irrigation District 221 W. First Suite 310 120 N. Greenacres PO Box 630 'ookane, WA 99201 Greenacres, WA 99016 Veradale, WA 99037 Mr. Mike Miller Mr. Jim Lande Mr. Terry Squibb Trentwood Irrigation District Model Irrigation District Carnhope Irrigation District 4402 N. Sullivan Road 1506 S. Pierce Road 4903 E. 3rd Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Mr. Terry Squibb Mr. Mike Klein Ms. Kathleen Small Hutchinson Irrigation District Orchard Ave. Irrigation Dist. Pasadena Park Irrig. Dist. 618 N. Sargent 7415 E. Marietta Avenue 9227 E. Upriver Drive Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99211 Spokane, WA 99206 Mr. Ty Wick Mr. Glenn Talmage Mr. Gary McGeorge Spok. County Water Dist. 3 Irvin Water District No. 6 East Spok. Water District 1 PO Box 11187 11907 E. Trent 704 S. Coleman Road Spokane, WA 99211 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Mr. Mike Baker Kaiser— Trentwood Spokane Industrial Park Modern Electric Water Co. 15000 E. Euclid 3808 N. Sullivan Road "O Box 14008 Spokane, WA 99216 Building N-15 ,pokane, WA 99214 Spokane, WA 99216 Waste Management Spokane Transit Authority WA. State DOT 11720 E. 16' 1230 W. Boone Avenue 2714 N. Mayfair Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99205 Spokane, WA 99207 Central Valley School Dist. East Valley School Dist. West Valley School Dist. 19307 E. Cataldo 12325 E. Grace 2805 N. Argonne Road Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane School Dist. 81 200 N. Bernard Street Spokane, WA 99201 • Washington State BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD 0 4 4 For Spokane County 1026 W. Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260-0040 (509) 477-4237 FAX (509) 477-3631 http://www.spokanecounty.org/boundary July 10, 2001 MEMO TO: Affected Agencies and Interested Parties FROM: Susan Winchell,AICP,Director, Boundary Review Board RE: BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley Boundary Review Board PUBLIC HEARING Wednesday, August 8, 2001 at 7:00 PM Neville Auditorium 1445 N. Argonne, Spokane Please find enclosed a copy of the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. A Public Hearing on the proposal to incorporate a new City in the Spokane Valley will be held on Wednesday, August 8, 2001 at 7:00 PM at the Neville Auditorium, 1445 N. Argonne, Spokane. If you would like to provide further information to the Board, please either submit written materials by Friday, August 3, 2001 or present the material in person to the Board at the public hearing. If you have questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me at 477-4237. BOARD MEMBERS: Douglas Beu John B.Hagney Robert E. Nebergall Lawrence B. Stone Daniel E. Turbeville, Ill OQr45 • FILE NO.: BRB 555-01 Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS. COUNTY OF SPOKANE I, Susan M. Winchell, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States, a resident of Spokane County, Washington, and over the age of eighteen years. That on July 10, 2001, I know that true and correct copies of the attached Memo dated July 10, 2001 announcing the Public Hearing pertaining to the above referenced Boundary Review Board action were delivered to the Spokane County mailroom for the purpose of being distributed through either the U.S. Postal system or Interoffice mail to those person(s) listed on the attached mailing list. 171 n ` Signature of the Planner for the BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD for Spokane County State of Washington County of Spokane t / ofi Subscribed and Sworn to before me by .u �, on this -8 e day of lPi Ci , 2001. kOet_f.__CrAl :VictrCHI Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Or ,,;- SEALMy Appointment expires August 1, 2001 DANETTE DOBBiNE II NOTARY PULER,—STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY POK-NE c_ 11, 2001 00 " 46 INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Scott Kuhta Mr. Jim Falk Mr. Michael Needham Long Range Planning Current Planning Director Thunty Planning Dept. County Planning Dept. County Planning Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. John Roskelley Mr. Phil Harris Ms. Kate McCaslin County Commissioner County Commissioner County Commissioner INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Sheriff Mark Sterk Francine Boxer Mr. James Emacio County Sheriff's Dept. County Commissioners Chief Civil Deputy Office Prosecuting Atty. Office INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Marshall Farnell Spokane County Mr. Doug Chase Budget Office Assessor's Office Parks & Rec. Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Vicky Dalton Mr. Jim Manson Mr. Bruce Rawls Auditor's Office Building & Code Enforce. Division of Utilities 'INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Gary Oberg, Director Ms. Margaret Smith Mr. Burel Schulz, County Public Works Dept. Budget Office Undersheriff Sheriff's Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Bill Fiedler, Director Ms. Linda Wolverton Mr. Ian Von Essen, GIS ISD Treasurer's Office Public Works Bldg. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Kasey Kramer, Mr. Doug Smith Mr. Henry Bruno Director Community Development District Court Community Development INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Honorable Donna Wilson Ms. Karla McNeilly Mr. Don Westerman District Court District Court Public Defenders INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Or47 Mr. Ross Kelly Ms. Brenda Sims Ms. Nancy Hill County Engineer Stormwater Utility Animal Control 'ublic Works Bldg. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mayor John Powers Mr. Mike Dempsey Ms. Kim Thorbum City of Spokane Hearing Examiner Spokane Regional Health 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane County Spokane, WA 99201 Ms. Katy Allen Mr. Terry Lynch, Manager Mr. John Mercer City of Spokane City of Spokane Planning Director 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Ms. Eva Colomb, Clerk City of Liberty Lake Mr. Rob Higgins Town of Millwood PO Box 370 Council President 9103 E. Frederick Liberty Lake, WA 99109 . 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Millwood, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99201 SRTC Mr. Jerry Lenzi Spokane Transit Authority 221 W. First Suite 310 Dept. of Transportation 1230 W. Boone Ave. Spokane, WA 99201 2714 N. Mayfair Spokane, WA 99205 Spokane, WA 99207 Chief Bob Anderson Chief Dan Stout Chief Mark Grover Fire District No. 9 Fire District No. 8 Fire District No. 1 3801 E. Farwell Road 12100 E. Palouse Hwy. 10319 E. Sprague Mead, WA 99021 Valleyford, WA 99036 Spokane, WA 99206 Mr. Michael J. Wirt Spokane Co. Library Dist. 4322 N. Argonne Road Spokane, WA 99212 I Washington State 00048 BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD For Spokane County 1026 W Broadway Avenue Spokane,WA 99260-0040 (509) 477-4237 FAX (509) 477-3631 http://www spokanecounty.org/boundary July 10, 2001 MEMO TO: Affected Agencies and Interested Parties FROM: Susan Winchell, AICP,Director, Boundary Review Board RE: BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley Boundary Review Board PUBLIC HEARING Wednesday, August 8, 2001 at 7:00 PM Neville Auditorium 1445 N. Argonne, Spokane Please find enclosed a copy of the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. A Public Hearing on the proposal to incorporate a new City in the Spokane Valley will be held on Wednesday, August 8, 2001 at 7:00 PM at the Neville Auditorium, 1445 N. Argonne, Spokane. If you would like to provide further information to the Board, please either submit written materials by Friday, August 3, 2001 or present the material in person to the Board at the public hearing. If you have questions or comments,please do not hesitate to call me at 477-4237. BOARD MEMBERS: Douglas Beu John B. Hagney Robert E. Nebergall Lawrence B. Stone Daniel E.Turbeville,111 IS 00049 FILE NO.: BRB 555-01 Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) I, Susan M. Winchell, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States, a resident of Spokane County, Washington, and over the age of eighteen years. That on July 10, 2001 I know that true and correct copies of the attached Memo dated July 10, 2001, with the Valley Incorporation Study pertaining to the above referenced Boundary Review Board action were delivered to the Spokane County mailroom for the purpose of being distributed through either the U.S. Postal system or Interoffice mail to the person listed on the attached memo and those persons indicated on the attached mailing list. / 1 Signature of the Planner for the BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD for Spokane County State of Washington County of Spokane J 1. i Subscribed and Sworn to before me by Jl f 'jce ,1 �.i on this ; day ofL-i4pLk , 2001. . f 1 , SEAL Notary Public in and for the State of Washington D!:,.NETTE ,DOBBi`tS NOTARY-UBuc-FATE 3;WASHINGTON My Appointment expires August 1, 2001 !r„ INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL 5 Mr. Scott Kuhta Mr. Jim Falk Mr. Michael Needham Long Range Planning Current Planning Director 'ounty Planning Dept. County Planning Dept. County Planning Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. John Roskelley Mr. Phil Harris Ms. Kate McCaslin County Commissioner County Commissioner County Commissioner INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Sheriff Mark Sterk Francine Boxer Mr. James Emacio County Sheriff's Dept. County Commissioners Chief Civil Deputy Office Prosecuting Atty. Office INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Marshall Farnell Spokane County Mr. Doug Chase Budget Office Assessor's Office Parks & Rec. Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Vicky Dalton Mr. Jim Manson Mr. Bruce Rawls Auditor's Office Building & Code Enforce. Division of Utilities INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Gary Oberg, Director Ms. Margaret Smith Mr. Burel Schulz, County Public Works Dept. Budget Office Undersheriff Sheriff's Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Bill Fiedler, Director Ms. Linda Wolverton Mr. la n Essen, GIS ISD Treasurer's Office Public We, Bldg. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTER MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Kasey Kramer, Mr. Dbu\g ith Mr. Henry Bruno Director Commu'Ntyp velopment District Court Community Development INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Honorable Donna Wilson Ms. Karla McNeilly Mr. Don Westerman District Court District Court Public Defenders INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIQ0051 Mr. Ross Kelly Ms. Brenda Sims Ms. Nancy Hill County Engineer Stormwater Utility Animal Control 'ublic Works Bldg. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mayor John Powers Mr. Mike Dempsey Ms. Kim Thorburn City of Spokane Hearing Examiner Spokane Regional Health 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane County Spokane, WA 99201 Jack Ms. Katy Allen Mr. Terry Lynch, Manager Mr. John Mercer City of Spokane City of Spokane Planning Director 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Ms. Eva Colomb, Clerk City of Liberty Lake Mr. Rob Higgins Town of Millwood PO Box 370 Council President 9103 E. Frederick Liberty Lake, WA 99109 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Millwood, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99201 SRTC Mr. Jerry Lenzi Spokane Transit Authority 221 W. First Suite 310 Dept. of Transportation 1230 W. Boone Ave. Spokane, WA 99201 2714 N. Mayfair Spokane, WA 99205 Spokane, WA 99207 Chief Bob Anderson Chief Dan Stout Chief Mark Grover Fire District No. 9 Fire District No. 8 Fire District No. 1 3801 E. Farwell Road 12100 E. Palouse Hwy. 10319 E. Sprague Mead, WA 99021 Valleyford, WA 99036 Spokane, WA 99206 Mr. Michael J. Wirt Spokane Co. Library Dist. 4322 N. Argonne Road Spokane, WA 99212 00C 52 PUBLIC HEARING • FOR • BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2001 7:00 PM NEVILLE AUDITORIUM 1445 N. ARGONNE, SPOKANE VALLEY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Washington State Boundary Review Boarl1 for Spokane County on the proposed incorporation presented in the Notice of Intention filed,May 31,2001 by Ed! Mertens,Community Action Committee. The purpose of the public hearing is to hear testimony and deliberate on the proposal. Testimony and factual material concerning the proposal may be presented to the Board by an affected person or agency at this time or written testimony may be submitted to the Boundary Review Board Office before August 3,2001. For more information about the proposal,please contact: Susan M.Winchell,Boundary Review Board 1026 W.Broadway,2"Floor,Spokane,WA 99260-0040 (509)477-4237 II �! �i �r *F3� ! Proposed Sp Bomdxlle �� r AB �'�topt- --:_- 4 r of Spokane Valley • tatoor illk le.: --rlirtuiratir.n III 4Das �ee d+ LSVnofa ric / �11 ni mak ,- I :t rivy, - im�ioni�- siara +t' - otamomvi Es to w ' u rt1911iil ii1ii4 'i iFRinii��li ' nc-. intJii= �fai �l���rvaen.rr a r. u;® = :2Mr.a stere— g .�a:_ -- iea eiie_ Y _ 51 r•�..�nill�iikv",'i4I %% a. !JILI )aapilfa RIPAll 11014417 .'..Ub n Growth Ares It SCAB Orl Mg ea r 7ig k Incorporated r Areas le ED Wier Bodes �IS`r �� y P Propelled City of Spolum Valley Milt A 17 • 00053 • FILE NO.: BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley • AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) I, Michael Basinger, being first duly sworn, declare and say: That at all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States, a resident of Spokane County, Washington and over the age of eighteen years. That on July 13, 2001, I personally posted 10 true and correct copies of the attached NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING at the places in Spokane County, indicated on the attached map. n c J Michael Basinger, Plgr 'ner Signed and Sworn tobeforeme this /-3 day of LAS' iL ,2001 by Fri! ME; l lct: I11 eY I. , J ❑III111111111111I1 1111IIIIII11111111111111111illilllllQ NOTA Y PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington UcjCtt( ktiCirt Off-trial � e My Appointment expires August 1, 2005. - DANETTE DOBBINS - = NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON - COMMISSION EXPIRES:AUGUST 1.2005 = �itlII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH11111111111111iiii i1t7 • - " 00054 . , 0 . ta "z--tt-att,,,,40--.gic.-,::.:-.i.,=•-•,,,,,,t-f-__- -t.„--!---:fi-2._,-71e___--,-,---.,---.-_-,,-..1, - , _, ....,. ',...---,=:-:k„-_-_,--E--,---sy.:41-: .,-----,-z---_---a _7::- =-.---'.1'PI"---t-C-•::: ,,,,.=-;;-- -.`— - , '- 1",. , , ti2,04-‘..-- ,,.-_-, ,..._ . .. .-....., . - _ -- ,--„--_.„,tc2ra.;„ . ,_ PUBL. icL, • o PM ;11 • • . • 2 -a Monday, JullyCl-P67.2S0E0NITAalli70. - • k „,,,, ‘ a Apkamm ha .1-- ' •' ' Neville Auditorium. • w -:.• ':::"..,. - - } - - - ‘ no Spokane.- , z 1.44P'''NPrth 'Argon-- I , . 6.1o•AltnoathrelodsOwq • _ , Iretu-a.10 LEZILL9. ,-,.. • ' ,,: - ' ?60s) uuo asPald itl°r4Full°Jukal° ol - . , ' -..... opunovqu olo•Aoopaue)foos mam• ,• , : IN 0 uo 0i$ Io; a(?) l . ' - - • - do •A n4 uorTelothoouI . • • , , • pa;aidulop AlluaDal altlJ° s411,1s Wpire suonsanb .inoA IdSlre `, •, - ' * ' . # S41.1e4111S1103 pile - ' "' , • ' I --' --.%-)."‘ uo!leiodao)u,AalleA- ..‘. ; ds ay*Inoqe wow*no,P 1 .,. , . onv Aempeom tsaAA 9Z01.T 09Z66 YM `auelfodS Aluno3 auelods Jo; ,z: peon ma!noil Mepunog , ails uotau!gsem 1 9 00055 FILE NO.: BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) I, Susan M. Winchell, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States, a resident of Spokane County, Washington, and over the age of eighteen years. That on July 3, 2001, I know that true and correct copies of the attached Public Meeting July 16, 2001 postcard pertaining to the above referenced Boundary Review Board file were delivered to the Spokane County mailroom for the purpose of being distributed by either interoffice mail or through the U.S. Postal system to those persons listed on the attached mailing list(s). p / 7 /e' Signature of the Planner for the BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD for Spokane County State of Washington County of Spokane c. Subscribed and Sworn to,)Zefore�me by v._�.Z-1> `h E .),(/a'}r'.JUL on this /7 day of ..'(.i:1,t[ , 2001., Notary Public in and for the State of Washington • • OFFICIAL SEAL De-,N TTE DOBBINS My Appointment expires August 1, 2001 NOTARY FUELIC-STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNIY OF SPOKAhNE II My C.;,111:-...sic;: nrz; KIT! $ 1 n 00056 Susan Bishop Cathy Greiner Steve Heinen 1010 S. Blake 2012 S. Burns Court 14814 E. Alki Spokane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Mary Jane Honegger Andra Love Scott McClay 14822 E. 12th Ave. 10924 E. 11" Lane 2222 E. Collins Ct. Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Ed Mertens April Miller Terri Reed 1310 N. Pierce 12707 E. 4th Ave. #1 13213 E. Rich Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Mike Routt Larry Rudy Debbie Wehrli 1611 S. David 10720 E. Fruithill Road 4017 N. Marguerite Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99217 Spokane, WA 99212 Ben Wick Lynn laquinta Beverly J. Spadt 4820 N. Keller Road 2912 S. Progress Road 11505 E. 32"° Ave. Spokane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Bill Crawford Marianne Torres Don Kachinsky 15615 E. 4th Ave. #10 14819 E. 4th Ave. 716 S. Koren Road Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212-0385 Mike Donahue Mike Flanigan 18804 Fairview Court 1712 S. McCabe Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99216 00057 Spokane Regional Mr. Bob Ashcraft Mr. Kevin Wells Transportation Council Consolidated Irrigation Dist. Vera Irrigation District 221 W. First Suite 310 120 N. Greenacres PO Box 630 'pokane, WA 99201 Greenacres, WA 99016 Veradale, WA 99037 Mr. Mike Miller Mr. Jim Lande Mr. Terry Squibb Trentwood Irrigation District Model Irrigation District Carnhope Irrigation District 4402 N. Sullivan Road 1506 S. Pierce Road 4903 E. 3rd Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Mr. Terry Squibb Mr. Mike Klein Ms. Kathleen Small Hutchinson Irrigation District Orchard Ave. Irrigation Dist. Pasadena Park lrrig. Dist. 618 N. Sargent 7415 E. Marietta Avenue 9227 E. Upriver Drive Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99211 Spokane, WA 99206 Mr. Ty Wick Mr. Glenn Talmage Mr. Gary McGeorge Spok. County Water Dist. 3 Irvin Water District No. 6 East Spok. Water District 1 PO Box 11187 11907 E. Trent 704 S. Coleman Road Spokane, WA 99211 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Mr. Mike Baker Kaiser— Trentwood Spokane Industrial Park Modern Electric Water Co. 15000 E. Euclid 3808 N. Sullivan Road "'O Box 14008 Spokane, WA 99216 Building N-15 Spokane, WA 99214 Spokane, WA 99216 Waste Management Spokane Transit Authority WA. State DOT 11720 E. 1St 1230 W. Boone Avenue 2714 N. Mayfair Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99205 Spokane, WA 99207 Central Valley School Dist. East Valley School Dist. West Valley School Dist. 19307 E. Cataldo 12325 E. Grace 2805 N. Argonne Road Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane School Dist. 81 200 N. Bernard Street Spokane, WA 99201 INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL 00058 Mr. Scott Kuhta Mr. Jim Falk Mr. Michael Needham Long Range Planning Current Planning Director Thunty Planning Dept. County Planning Dept. County Planning Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Board of Co. Commissioners Mr. Kevin Cooke Mr. Pat Harper and Clerk of the Board Division of Utilities Engineering Department Board Mail County Public Works Dept. County Public Works Dept INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Sheriff Mark Sterk Sgt. Rick Kendall Mr. James Emacio County Sheriffs Dept. Sheriffs Research Division Chief Civil Deputy County Sheriffs Dept. Prosecuting Atty. Office INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Marshall Farnell Ms. Sadie Charlene Cooney Mr. Doug Chase Budget Office Assessor's Office Parks & Rec. Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Vicky Dalton Mr. David Swink, Director Mr. Gene Repp Auditor's Office County Health Dept. Division of Utilities INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Gary Oberg, Director Ms. Sherry Bays Mr. Burel Schulz, County Public Works Dept. Elections Office Undersheriff Sheriffs Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Downs Paul Ms. Margaret Smith Mr. Bruce Rawls, Budget Office Budget Office Director Utilities Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Kasey Kramer, Mr. Doug Smith Mr. Henry Bruno Director Community Development District Court Community Development INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL . Honorable Donna Wilson Ms. Karla McNeilly Mr. Don Westerman District Court District Court Public Defenders INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL 00059 Mr. Bill Fiedler, Director Mr. Ian Von Essen Mr. Bob Wrigley ISD GIS Treasurer's Office Public Works Bldg. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Linda Martin Mr. Ross Kelly Mr. Gary Oberg, Director Treasurer's Office County Engineer Public Works Bldg. Public Works Bldg. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Stan Miller Ms. Brenda Sims Ms. Nancy Hill Water Quality Stormwater Utility Animal Control INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Jim Manson, Director Ms. Francine Boxer, Mr. Tim Crowley, Dev. Spec. Building Dept. Chief Administrative Officer Community Development Spokane County Board of Co. Commissioner INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Mike Dempsey Hearing Examiner Spokane County Chief Bob Anderson Chief Dan Stout Chief Mark Grover Fire District No. 9 Fire District No. 8 Fire District No. 1 3801 E. Farwell Road 12100 E. Palouse Hwy. 10319 E. Sprague Mead, WA 99021 Valleyford, WA 99036 Spokane, WA 99206 Ms. Katy Allen Ms. Eva Colomb, Clerk Mr. Michael J. Wirt City of Spokane Town of Millwood Spokane Co. Library Dist. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 9103 E. Frederick 4322 N. Argonne Road Spokane, WA 99201 Millwood, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Mayor John Powers Mr. Dean Lynch, Manager Mr. John Mercer City of Spokane City of Spokane Planning Director 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Noxious Weed Control Ms. Teresa Brum Board Historic Preservation 222 N. Havana 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Thokane, WA 99202 Spokane, WA 99201 00060 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of PUBLIC HEARING ) No. Proposed City of Spokane Valley ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING ) ) NOTICE ) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. County of Spokane ) MICHAEL HUFFMAN being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he is the MANAGING EDITOR of The Valley News Herald,a weekly newspaper.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper,which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County. That the following is a true copy of a public notice as it was published in regular issues commencing on the 11th day of luly,2001 andending the18th daV of lu1V,2001 both datesiu lu 've,an�t• I such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period: •-" BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD' • /, FOR SPOKANE COUNTY • Lae PUBLICof HEARING ,�U;SCRI8' i and /0 ORN to before me ProposedWCity Spokane Valley Wetlneatla:00August mB,2001 this 18th da eAv I 2001. le dm Neville Auditorium • 1445 N.Argonne Spokane State of Washl gton • County of Spokane NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that B hear public No. testimony-01Proposed and deliberate on - Michael Huffman is the person who appeared before to No.City ofSpokane el Valley. or align of the of Spokane The me, and said person acknowledged that he signed new city is proposed as a f er code city with a council-manager tornrm of of coven- this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free nient and an estimated papulation of approxi- and voluntary act for the uses and purposes men- mately 82,000 and an area of approximately 45 square miles.Asian report on the proposal boned in the instrument. win be available prior to the public hearing. • If you would like to present information to Q the Board,you may the public hear-d . ....��``,�,,, inge or submit wriaan testimony01 to the Board - h 11n�\ Planner before August e,2001.If you have olene i Wentz questions or mould like a copy of the stat) r•eport,legal description or map,please call: Title: NO ry PublicWrithe,Susan W ,Director.Boundary Review Board. 1026 West Broadway Avenue.Spo- My appointment expires: 5-16-03 kane,WA 99260,(509)477-4237. PPO P 141 87-+.5 '7.21 , 00061 `Federal Tax ID No.91-0420030 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION • STATE OF WASHINGTON BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD County of Spokane, ss. FOR SPOKANE COUNTY PUBLIC HEARING Name: Spokane County Boundary Reviw Board Acct: CO22377 Proposed City of• Spokane Valley P.O.: No. Lines: 50 wednesda August 8,ZOO' t:oo Pm Neville Auditorium • 1445 .SpoAmon,* Total Cost: $ 168.00 Log No: SR1320 ane NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Pudic Hearingg wllt be M1el by the Board for Spokane Courier vleW I, Joni Vincent pPpuubli tr:Pony and 0 liberate an do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the SPOKESMAN- Incorporation File No. fel Ole Proposed Spokane Valley.°' the City of REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly published, once Spo ose asano The new city ty a osnnoncnaer code city with a council-managertdnByrn w each day in the English language, in and of general circulation int e government and ag estinarely ated °e°z,000"a�a =� maPrd'a"o'y- City of Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; and in the City of matey.45 square miles. &"staff Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has reavailable pon o tPropobel will be. o lthepublic tearing been so established and regularly published and has had said general If you would to like d presentomcirculation continuouslyfor more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd testifynfMma atM to IM blit aon submitr the phearing a day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office wither testimonyfore to me Board tPlanner bav+ere August 8, maintained at its place of publication in the City of Spokane, . 2001. 11 you have eutall re or oultl es a copy o1 nM1e stad plead, would tle3cnDnml,o< Ina,, please Washington; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a 1 Susan Winc"ell,Director • Boundary Bedew Bo3m legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of DzSpokanerWA9.260 Washington for Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and 150914774237 5131302 that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; 148043 that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of publication, was published in said newspaper, three time(s), the publication having been made once each time on the following dates: July 8, 22 & 20, 2001 „�i11Star f.„ That said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every L.1_yl{%i, number of the paper during the period of time of publication, and that the notice was published in the newspaper proper and not in a ~ ' NOTARY supplement. c Y �` V : PUBLIC Y��� t' / 1t(/ rls9 ..... ve`✓ ._ Subscribed and sworn to before me at the City of Spokane,this 30 ....:....pct\,•' day of July, 2001 ;' .• livASYT\ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Spokane County, Washington 2 = 00062 7:�p,e6 11ey ' •l`tiT'��ye1.•� A%ti l° 6. ., 1 : 65 pMM .� ' rF : x1-4 Liberty - i It e _eet . alts Loke Cly of _Spokane f5 Ya i. ,'u t1 u,� sc. aon '`' tiltittifi t � s+ip iS g.4wMY.+"e',.y,!-X,d to ti~ �"• ;,egeed � : ,� t- WyQbomd Metl + ' fimryoc ei ��r� pPsWmd CltY of Spotpnc Vdl PUBLIC HERRING Wednesday, dlaigttst 8, 2: 0-_0.,-.1 at 7:00 PN! C;l Neville Aud46num ;1445 North Argonne,Spokane 1lalley.k'stro ww comer.of Mission and- nne ewer throw. Miracle 8°° Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County 1026 West Broadway Ave. Spokane,WA 99260 Public Hear•ing on Proposed New City of Spokane Valley The Boundary Review-Board will conduct a publrchearing on the proposedinew city Please attend the hearing,to;testify b ' 'send inwrttencomments'to theaov address or a=mail b bpspokaneaounty orq Copies of the Spokane',Valley Incorporation Study axe;avarlable fors$10 on Ckfor $3 or can be"viewed at Spokane County ,; libraries or;on une at r. -www.spokanecountV.o q/boundaiv For more information;,please call(509j 47V.42.3, ..-...'-,:.'-:,':' 00063 FILE NO.: BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SPOKANE I, Susan M. Winchell, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States, a resident of Spokane County, Washington, and over the age of eighteen years. That on August 1, 2001, I know that true and correct copies of the attached Postcard announcing the Public Hearing pertaining to the above referenced Boundary Review Board action were delivered to the Spokane County mailroom for the purpose of being distributed through either the U.S. Postal system or Interoffice mail to those person(s) listed on the attached mailing list. /' 1 / C l Signature of the Planner for the BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD for Spokane County State of Washington County of Spokane • Subscribed and Sworn to before me by , r1 tj t - C_ � j \i3V� on this ( day of ri3 , 290\1. ®lllllllllllllllllilillilllllllllllllllllllllillllnum Notary Public in and for the State of Washington (Official *tat DANETTE DOBBINS My Appointment expires August 1, 2001 = NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES:AUGUST 1,2005 = 811111111111111111IIIllllllllllil!IIIIIIIIIII}IIIIIII!IQ 1 1 . 0006 Art Britton Joey Whitney Mr./Mrs. Burnette 18812 E. Euclid Ave. 4607 N. Garry Rd. PO Box 268 is Orchards, WA 99027 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Todd & Janet Bischoff Eugene & Betty Guess Eric & Angie Lobdell 15702 E. 21st Ct. 14306 E. 16th Ave. 3518 N. Molter Road Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 • Sharon Beck Vern Slichter Hugh Smith 4514 N. Stevenson Road 10913 E. 19th 8016 E. Boone Ave. Otis Orchard, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Resident Jack Holt Alberta Yale 9512 E. Nora Ave. 2603 S. Sonora Dr. 10416 E. Springfield Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Dennis Young Dale Hearn Daniel Watson 8622 E. Whitman 2105 N. Monroe 1409 N. Herald Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99205 Spokane, WA 99206 Mary Corsmo Ralph Tils John & Leanne Pardee 11703 E.Glenview Circle 11318 E. Empire Ave. 14806 E. '10th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Ed Brown Mr./Mrs. Johnson Michele Maher 8004 E. Maringo Dr. 4219 N. Woodlawn Rd. 5105 S. Cree Dr. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Paul Simmons Jess & Ruth Brooks Francis Potter 13017 E. Alki Ave. 3621 N. Ella Rd. 1210 S. Highland Dr. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 R. Frome Dennis Sparks Resident 1917 S. Union 11010 E. 28th Ave. 11710 E. Fairview Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 isident Rex Alstrom Mr./Mrs. Tuohy 17904 E. Riverway 13412 E. Boone 9008 N. Murray Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99216 Newman Lake, WA 99025 0006s Mr./Mrs. Munts Michelle Cotton Resident 4903 S. Mohawk 1324 S. Bolivar Rd. 17216 E. 4th Ave. iokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Clarence & Myrtle Gehrke John Skov Robert Burns III 1022 N. Greenacres Rd. 11511 E. Sunview Cir. 11106 E. 50th Court Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 M.L. Anderson Tom & Jeanette Warga Dan & Kathy Mork 12022 E. Skyview Ave. 9811 S. Big Rock Lane 3309 N. Davis Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Valleyford, WA 99036 Spokane, WA 99206 Terri Wagner Shirley Meyer Robert Geiser 4506 E. 6th Ave. 15015 E. 22nd Ave. 13621 E. 30th Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Resident Maxine Pence Larry & Kim Cameron 4105 S. Conifer Court 13310 E. Mission Apt. 26 16310 E. Olympic Court Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Bob & Barb Peregoy Harold Buelow Sammy Knowles 4034 S. Sundown Dr. 422 N. Bates Rd. 12519 E. 24th Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Brian Bayne Marvin & Cindy Towers R. Richardson 4333 S. Locust Rd. 11313 E. 7th Ave. 1501 N. Woodruff Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Resident G. Tuneland Gary Boothe 2216 N. Marguerite Rd. 7917 E. Carlisle 3514 N. Park Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Kenneth Ellis Donald Cook R. Allen 2724 S. Pines Rd. 11515 E. Empire Ave. 5208 N. Elton Ct. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Marietta Wright Kathryn White Resident 7707 E. Augusta Ave. 19625 E. Wellesley Ave. 14725 E. Bella Vista Dr. Spokane, WA 99212 Trlr. 4 Veradale, WA 99037 00066 Lowell Wilcox Max & Ramona Kunze Roy Johnson 14215 E. Broadway PO Box 870 16513 E. Nixon Ct. )okane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Resident Resident Glen Kivett 13906 E. 28th Ave. 2019 S. Adams 17 N. Walnut Rd. Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Henry Eller Robert Lawery Beverly Spadt 3005 S. Bannen Ct. 4008 S. Best Ct. 11505 E. 32nd Ave. Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Loren Robinson Gene Goben Maxine Davidson 4404 S. Adams Rd. 1114 S. Dishman Rd. 12912 E. 12th Ave. Apt 136 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Paul Krupa Mari Ford Mr./Mrs. Dolphin 11115 E. 24th 13710 E. Heroy 1228 N. Dick Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Gerry & Debbie Bassen J. Crabtree Tom Huffy 712 S. Carnahan Rd. 11108 E. 20th 24912 E. Maxwell Ln. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Mr./Mrs. Driskell Mr./Mrs. Morrison Alison Bell 11014 E. 21st 905 N. Ravalli Dr. 3826 S. Loretta Dr. Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Harold Weatherford Danelle Brown Bell RV., Inc. 15120 2nd St. E. 11006 E. 27th Ave. 15020 E. Sprague Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Resident N. Spencer Ken & Crystal Lamoreann 12407 E. 26th 2322 S. Vercler Rd. 10714 E. 31st St. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 ..L. Burke Resident John Elias 2215 N. Coleman Rd. 304 S. Conklin #44 15220 E. 13th Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 00 7 Edwin Brown • Georgia Gilbertson Ed Wormuth P 6 15020 E. 22nd Ave. 17205 E. 4th Ave. 315 S. Barker Rd. ;radale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Greenacres, WA 99016 Carol Campbell Meredith Elsensohn Park Lane Motel 11012 E. 46th Ave. 8828 E. Argonne Lane 4412 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Marie Bristow Jack Holloway Jane Franks 8720 E. Montgomery Ave. 105 N. Bannen Road 12508 E. Skyview Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Gary Burchill R. Knight Thomas Garrett 11200 E. Sprague Suite C 9205 E. Cataldo 5301 N. Argonne Lane #6 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Terry McMullen Frank Berglund Edward Mattfeld 3415 N. Beige St. 1920 S. Evergreen 2520 S. Steen Rd. Spokane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 R & R Insurance Agency Jeannette Selbo Claude Morris 2817 N. Argonne 10807 E. 3rd #18 5210 N. Riblet View Lane Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 William Hartmeyer Gordon & Judy Landberg Shirley Morrow 14111 E. Springfield Ave. 13606 E. 27th Ave. 704 N. Vercler Rd. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Wayne Green L. Blanchard Nancy Yohe 11115 E. 29th Ave. 2601 N. Barker Rd. #105 8816 E. Woodland Park Dr. Spokane, WA 99206 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99217 L. Griffith Sandy Darnold Mr./Mrs. Thompson 12925 E. Valleyway 15206 E. 26th Ave. 6301 S. Conklin Spokane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 . Anderson Joce & Leo Ohanesian John Sisser 2504 N. Drumond 1920 S. Century Lane 3409 S. Woodlawn Dr. Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 00068 Robert Glaze Mr./Mrs. Schumann E.D. Foreman 16321 E. Valleyway Ave. 228 S. Sommer Rd. 19006 E. Montgomery Dr. ;radale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Mike & Cora Bailey Steve Sabo Suzanne Sweetser 3107 N. Lily Rd. 5423 S. Pawnee Ct. 10926 E. 30th Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Paul Heppner Resident Rick Bryant -Lamplighter 11412 E. 31st 12512 E. Main #3 Homes Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 19401 E. Broadway Blvd. Andre Tulleners Mr./Mrs. Johnson Lawrence & Mable Stingley 10008 E. Augusta Ave. 8920 E. Upriver Dr. 7620 E. Baldwin Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Dan the Piano Man Carl Cliff Dana Beach 1708 N. Vista Rd. 515 S. Granite Dr. 701 N. Farr Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Ray Schoessler Margo Wolf Clayton & Rita Drew 3225 S. Whipple Rd. PO Box 719 513 S. Skipworth Ct. Spokane, WA 99206 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Spokane, WA 99206 Kelly Throckmorton Robert & Donna J.R. Norman 5110 N. Snow Owl Rd. Poffenberger 18321 E. Riverway Otis Orchards, WA 99027 14703 E. 14th Ave. Greenacres, WA 99016 Gary & Kathy Gemar George Ragland Jay Bischoff 24811 E. Liberty Cr. Rd. 14816 E. 16th Ave. 15508 E. 24th Ave. Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Kurt Campbell Bernard Turner Joan Krogh 1105 S. Glenbrook Ct. PO Box 817 1403 S. Wilbur Rd. Greenacres, WA 99016 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 any & Theresa Goetz Shirlee Sweo Dave & Sandy Odeen 14517 E. 17th Ave. 7703 E. South Riverway 3618 S. Woodruff Rd. Veradale, WA 99037 Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 00069 David Leavenworth Jerry & Cindy Mielke Raymond Hunt 11503 E. Sunview Cr. 5315 N. Davis Rd. 13111 E. 7th Ave. okane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Therse Reed Tim & Debbie Herman Bill Bell 13213 E. Rich Ave. 12020 E. 31st Ave. 12024 E. 20th Ave. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Alan Calley Resident David & Shannon Grafton 10182 E. 9th PO Box 141346 2021 N. Snake River Lane Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99214 Greenacres, WA 99016 Allan deLaubenfels Harold Kellams Mr./Mrs. Stephens 13120 E. Sixth Ave. 1424 S. Eastern Rd. 12726 E. 33rd Ct. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Howard Stemmer R. Hamm Alan & Susan Roberts 9605 E. 43rd Ave. 8120 E. 1st Ave. #4 7305 E. 11th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 E.R. Schultz Martha Brookhart Leonard Byrne 1207 N. Vista 10009 E. 7th Ave. 1302 N. Skipworth Ct. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 M.L. McGrath Judy Malley David Riggs 9510 E. Holman Rd. 13112 E. 6th 10520 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Margaret Cummings Kelly Pefley Russ Hagen 12457 E. Olive Dr. 1317 N. Skipworth Ct. 22809 E. Country Vista Dr. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Apt 129 Sue Mauro Jack Carpenter Molly Sneider 7427 N. Pleasant Prairie 9623 E. 43rd Ave. 15726 E. 23rd Ave. Spokane, WA 99217 Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 :sident Vincent Retzel Gene & Selma Hair 2503 N. Coleman Rd. 12514 E. 12th 12820 E. Sinto Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Rome & Janice Page Marian Olson Resident 00070 19617 E. Mica View Dr. 2915 S. Sommer Lane 11008 E. Boone Ave. eenacres, WA 99016 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Resident Norman Sanborn The Ries 13030 E. Main 6003 E. 6th Ave. Apt Y7 11826 E. Skyview Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 K.J. Cryderman Resident James & Carolyn Dods 14504 E. 16th Ave. 4026 Terre Verde 313 N. Walnut Rd. Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 William & Deborah Pierce Tess Rosean Steve Aspinwall 8024 E. Gunning Dr. 6314 E. 11th Ave. 4711 N. Center Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Steve Heinen Mr./Mrs. Schroeder Remax 14814 E. Alki Ave. 15815 E. Longfellow 12810 E. Nora Suite E Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 F. Archer Vearl Olson Alfred Pedersen 5518 S. Cree Dr. 2206 N. Dora 14420 E. Cataldo Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 Peter Lepagnol George Miller Louise Ayers 619 N. Evergreen Blvd. 5307 N. Argonne Lane #2 11112 E. 6th Opportunity, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Bud Thompson Rosemarie Jones Philip Anderson 11023 E. 24th Ave. 11712 E. 6th Ave. 5315 N. Vista Ct. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Johnny Gonzalez Sr. D.E. Nemitz Norman Samish 502 N. Farr Rd. PO Box 11723 3213 N. Ella Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99211 Spokane, WA 99212 ../Mrs. McKnight Darlene Allen Marilyn Rider 5021 N. Bannen Rd. 2403 N. Ella Rd. 11516 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 00071 E. Friend Carl Burnham Wilbert Fritz 10806 E. 21st 524 S. Arc 18506 E. 4th Ave. iokane, WA 99206 Greenacres, WA 99016 Greenacres, WA 99016 Karol Banks David Simmons Peter Boden 19520 E. Pheasant Dr. 15902 E. Cameron Ct. 5018 N. Evergreen Greenacres, WA 99016 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Roy & Margaret Caldwell Resident Craig Bersagel 13112 E. Main Ave. 1218 S. Wilbur Rd. 14019 E. Nixon Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 A. Hess William Duffy Barbara Latta 8812 E. Montgomery 11012 E. 24th Ave. 12415 E. 12th Ave. Apt 214 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Mr./Mrs. Hulten R. Glidden C.J. Hart 4124 S. Sullivan Rd. 5308 N. Lynden Rd. PO Box 35 Veradale, WA 99037 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Mr./Mrs. Love Mr./Mrs. McCombs Mr./Mrs. Vermeers 10924 E. 11th Lane 18723 E. 2nd Ave. 5008 N. Vista View Circle Spokane, WA 99206 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99212 Melvin Allen Resident Todd & Laura Hyde 1102 N. Locust Road 2308 N. Calvin Road 5209 N. Bellevue Ct. Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Resident Resident Charles Botchek 2014 N. Vista 15105 E. Mallon 8609 E. Parkside Lane Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99217 Michael & Dee Myers Kathleen Brown Karri Franzese 1106 N. Calvin Rd. 3002 S. Park Rd. 2023 S. Fawn Dr. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 ibert Noack Dean & Sharon Bakke Debbie Glaza 3222 N. Corrigan Road 6909 E. Mansfield Ave. 16321 E. Valleyway Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 00072 Mr./Mrs. Sykes Resident Ron Fandrick 22824 E. Clearwater Lane PO Box 399 7818 E. Columbia Dr. perty Lake, WA 99019 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99212 Ellen Higgins Delmar McKinley H. Dahl 20221 E. Eighth 5815 S. Cree Drive 15206 E. Valleyway Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 INB Mortgage George Lepard Resident 15111 E. Sprague 11416 E. 19th Ave. 6615 E. 10th Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Brandon & Wendy N. Wright James Gantt Traynham 916 S. Nina Cir. 20202 E. Nora 6515 E. 14th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Greenacres, WA 99016 Kimberly Donahue Nolting Residence Karen & Jaren Schatz 4112 N. McDonald 4821 S. Long Lane 10719 E. 47th Spokane, WA 99216 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 Ruth Greenlee Barb O'Hood Bernard Levernier 8313 E. Harrington Ave. 16514 E. Nixon Court 2605 S. Adams Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Erma Riese Mr./Mrs. Gillingham Mr./Mrs. Picard 3902 N. Farr Rd. 1707 S. Airpark 7614 E. Riverway Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99212 Walker Tax Office Resident Beverly Stenson 15108 E. Sprague Ave. PO Box 141004 13211 E. Semro Ave. Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99214 Spokane, WA 99216 Thomas Williams Marsha Urlacher Kathleen Roberts 1807 S. Buttercup St. 11618 E. Sunview Cir. 509 S. Wilbur Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 :n & Mary Cameron Resident Mr./Mrs. Germaine 12425 E. Olive Ave. 13802 E. 24th 7719 E. Glass Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 00073 ML VanWey Louis Nees Jeanne Moore 3615 N. Ely 11813 E. Mission Ave. 4015 S. Sundown Dr. )okane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Margaret Mortz Marjorie Walker Albert Bair 3420 S. Ridgeview Dr. 11303 E. 7th Ave. 10610 E. Nixon Lane Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 James Abb Mr./Mrs. Robinson David Orahood 5704 E. 16th Avenue 13920 E. 28th Ave. 10620 E. Cimmaron Dr. Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Silvia & David Gnotta S.A. Miller R.J. VanWey 805 S. Mariam Ct. 10804 E. 10th Ave. 7008 E. 6th Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Mr./Mrs. Cowles Resident Thomas Dixon 11821 E. 37th 9618 E. Maringo Dr. 608 N. Farr Road Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Paul Allison Mr./Mrs. Redl Mr./Mrs. Frlan 11315 E. 44th Ave. 6703 N. Starr Rd. 11404 E. 23rd Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Spokane, WA 99206 Mr./Mrs. Daugherty Lyle Leslie Ian Robertson 8316 E. Valleyway Ave. 5420 E. Cataldo Ave. 1716 S. Rotchford Dr. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 GS Moriarty John & Cindy Scinto Mike & Sherry Routt 10321 E. Main Ave. 304 18401 E. 8th Ave. 1611 S. David Spokane, WA 99206 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99212 Mr./Mrs. Spraggins S. Lundin Resident 1424 S. St. Charles Road 211 N. Hutchinson 11012 E. Main Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 iirley Grumbly James Moss Paula Blount 5119 S. Bernhill Ct. 2104 N. Bessie Rd. 1417 N. Felts Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 00074 Margaret Millsap Lance & Connie Peterson Glennis Moore 1426 N. Bowdish 26720 E. Ante Road 1806 N. Felts Rd. )portunity, WA 99206 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Spokane, WA 99206 Mr./Mrs. Wehrli Kirk & Linda Appleby Mr./Mrs. Kirk 4017 N. Marguerite Rd. 3515 S. Ridgeview Dr. 13714 E. 26th Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 00075 r �, August 13, 2001 Cait-fo U- (3cI MEMO TO: Diane Thom, Spokesman Review FROM: Susan M. Winchell, Boundary Review Board Director RE: LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Please publish the following Legal Advertisement in the Sunday, August 19, 2001 and Sunday, August 26, 2001 editions of the Spokesman Review. Please bill per Spokane County rates. BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR SPOKANE COUNTY CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING Proposed City of Spokane Valley Monday, August 27, 2001 7:00 pm Neville Auditorium 1445 N. Argonne Spokane Valley NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County has continued the public hearing to hear public testimony and deliberate on BRB File No. 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. The new city is proposed as a non-charter code city with a council- manager form of government and an estimated population of approximately 82,100 and an area of approximately 45 square miles. A staff report on the proposal will be available prior to the public hearing. If you would like to present information to the Board, you may testify at the public hearing or submit written testimony to the Board Planner before August 27, 2001. If you have questions or would like a copy of the staff report, legal description or map, please call: Susan Winchell, Director, Boundary Review Board 1026 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, WA 99260 (509) 477-4237 r .. 00076 -12-tyke- b-UF3- August 13, 2001 qmi I s'- MEMO TO: Jolene Wentz, Valley News Herald FROM: Susan M. Winchell,Boundary Review Board Director RE: LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Please publish the following Legal Advertisement in the Wednesday, August 15, 2001 and Wednesday, August 22, 2001 editions of the Valley News Herald. Please bill per Spokane County rates. BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR SPOKANE COUNTY CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING Proposed City of Spokane Valley Monday, August 27, 2001 7:00 pm Neville Auditorium 1445 N. Argonne Spokane Valley NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County has continued the public hearing to hear public testimony and deliberate on BRB File No. 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. The new city is proposed as a non-charter code city with a council- manager form of government and an estimated population of approximately 82,100 and an area of approximately 45 square miles. A staff report on the proposal will be available prior to the public hearing. If you would like to present information to the Board, you may testify at the public hearing or submit written testimony to the Board Planner before August 27, 2001. If you have questions or would like a copy of the staff report, legal description or map, please call: Susan Winchell, Director,Boundary Review Board 1026 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, WA 99260 (509) 477-4237 • rr . 4 .6x. -Cr - 1(re f Washington State 00077 BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD For Spokane County 1026 W. Broadway Avenue Spokane,WA 99260-0040 (509) 477-4237 FAX(509) 477-3631 http://www.spokanecounty.org/boundary PRESS RELEASE August 15, 2001 TO: Media FROM: Susan M. Winchell, Boundary Review Board Director RE: Press Release announcing Continuation of Public Hearing for the Proposed City of Spokane Valley BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR SPOKANE COUNTY CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING Proposed City of Spokane Valley Monday, August 27, 2001 7:00 pm Neville Auditorium 1445 N. Argonne, Spokane Valley (Enter through Miracles Book Store,Argonne Mission Plaza) BOARD MEMBERS: Douglas Beu John B. Hagney Robert E. Nebergall Lawrence B. Stone Daniel E.Turbeville, III • 00078 FILE NO.: BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS. COUNTY OF SPOKANE I, Susan M. Winchell, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States, a resident of Spokane County, Washington, and over the age of eighteen years. That on August 15 & 16, 2001 , I know that the attached Press Release announcing the Continuation of the Public Hearing pertaining to the above referenced Boundary Review Board action were faxed to the attached media list. , . L '�ti� r Signature of the Planner for the BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD for Spokane County State of Washington • County of Spokane t f l {A Subscribed and Sworn to before me by �L�Y-t� 1. ' �°j yam` on this IL— day of / t4 , 2,dp1 . F\ A.41 k-6Lr • �:kt ®illllillllllllllsissnssssssssusllllllslssssslsssssssr Notary Public in and for the State of Washington (Official s•�t1 DANETTE DOBBINS = MyAppointment expires August 1, 2005 NOTARY PUSLIC.STATE OF WASHINGTON' = pp p g COMMISSION EXPIRES:AUGUST I.2005 6111111ilIiIiIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIilliIi IIitUIilIiiII!li EJ • BROADCAST REPORT • 0 0 0 7 9 TIME 08/16/2001 13: 59 NAME COUNTY PLANNING FAX 5093247663 TEL 5094562294 PAGE(S) 01 DATE TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT COMMENT 08/16 13 40 KHQ TV 26 01 OK ECM 08/16 13 41 KAYU FOX 26 01 OK ECM 08/16 13 42 CITY CABLE 25 01 OK ECM 08/16 13 43 KDRK KGA 25 01 OK ECM 08/16 13 44 COX CABLE 25 01 OK ECM 08/16 13 45 JOURNAL OF BUS 26 01 OK ECM 09/18 13 46 KMBI 25 01 OK ECM 08/16 13 47 KPBX FM 26 01 OK ECM 08/16 13 48 KSBN 01:32 01 OK 03/16 13 50 KUDY KKZX 35 01 OK 08/16 13 51 KXLY RADIO 25 01 OK ECM 08/16 13 52 KXLY TV 25 01 OK ECM 08/16 13 59 KZZU KTRW 25 01 OK ECM BUSY BUSY/NO RESPONSE NG POOR LINE CONDITLON CV COVERPAGE j_GccI PIcne —3R, t„_,-)-t4 -3Lc1K ; -1:e,..-11 j T ,S ) } . . 00080 ,...., .,„,,L,,,,;::.::-:.-.--,,,-,±.:::0.;.-----. ,-. .- : .-t-1--.:-:_7--r-,,,- - . ,:,-,-:-,-,;,-------,_-- • .... .....,9,2.,, .•$ 1 •i; !":-^" . - ,.Rtirgia,tQTFlt..-,eil-.-,.9.,§,flW i,: . , 6--i.duilosiz..44w493, V t::-:.!:7-.::.... ::::: ,:: '.z.i:."."::. 1)19:19-* ke 5 lt.pa*.P.11)951f.,-: •, . . - •,- .-.... ..;,..,•:,,....,.,.,-.4...:,-,...-,:-..---s.,:f;7.:-,••.-::,-"-•-n- .A.unaa,a1.1F1-...,?2,,i---A---, :XPlS' -"--.:. • . . •;:-...i.ii .;, -:."." 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Illonday, August 27, 2001 at 7:00 PM - - CeiiilteillOgitOtiOinif':::?,;---C---; Slit corner a Misioo ,:;,-;:- .!'i:(--;::::'::',---7.";r51-1;,:;:",=:--,:!:4:„.-?:.; --7;:- 1Plith? tieitStiiikjne--,V0Peyi?.di,,“--;.::::::-,,-,-;„,7,,::,---:-., ....:,.:::,, . . ' Waild,A-: 1., 00081 FILE NO.: BI2B 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) ) I, Susan M. Winchell, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States, a resident of Spokane County, Washington, and over the age of eighteen years. That on August 14, 2001, I know that true and correct copies of the attached Continuation of Public Hearing, August 27, 2001 postcard pertaining to the above referenced Boundary Review Board file were delivered to the Spokane County mailroom for the purpose of being distributed by either interoffice mail or through the U.S. Postal system to those persons listed on the attached mailing list(s). 1f /S I 4, a.,t t,tf:t.t. iol Signature of the Planner for the BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD for Spokane County State of Washington County of Spokane ��t e I ti Subscribed and Sworn to before me by ll Wit..(1-'�!t ; I v . 1C`---f on this /4 day of , 2001 t r � ❑IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIiII / 1Notary Public in and for the Shie of Washington UP- ff cialeal DANETTE DOBBINS = My Appointment expires August I, 2004 NCOMMISSION OTARY (C STATE OF WASHINGTON ELI.- EXPIRES:AUGUST 1,2005 5IIIIUI iiUUIittii1ilillii IiiiiiIIIlillIIIIIIIIIIItb0 INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL 00082 Mr. Scott Kuhta Mr. Jim Falk Mr. Michael Needham Long Range Planning Current Planning Director 'ounty Planning Dept. County Planning Dept. County Planning Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. John Roskelley Mr. Phil Harris Ms. Kate McCaslin County Commissioner County Commissioner County Commissioner INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Sheriff Mark Sterk Francine Boxer Mr. James Emacio County Sheriff's Dept. County Commissioners Chief Civil Deputy Office Prosecuting Atty. Office INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Marshall Farnell Spokane County Mr. Doug Chase Budget Office Assessor's Office Parks & Rec. Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Vicky Dalton Mr. Jim Manson Mr. Bruce Rawls Auditor's Office Building & Code Enforce. Division of Utilities INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Gary Oberg, Director Ms. Margaret Smith Mr. Burel Schulz, County Public Works Dept. Budget Office Undersheriff Sheriff's Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Bill Fiedler, Director Ms. Linda Wolverton Mr. Ian Von Essen, GIS ISD Treasurer's Office Public Works Bldg. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Kasey Kramer, Mr. Doug Srgqth Mr. Henry Bruno Director Comm -litzlielopment District Court Community Development INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Honorable Donna Wilson Ms. Karla McNeilly Mr. Don Westerman District Court District Court Public Defenders INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL 00083 Mr. Ross Kelly Ms. Brenda Sims Ms. Nancy Hill County Engineer Stormwater Utility Animal Control iblic Works Bldg. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mayor John Powers Mr. Mike Dempsey Ms. Kim Thorburn City of Spokane Hearing Examiner Spokane Regional Health 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane County Spokane, WA 99201 Ms. Katy Allen Mr. Terry Lynch, Manager Mr. John Mercer City of Spokane City of Spokane Planning Director 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Ms. Eva Colomb, Clerk • City of Liberty Lake Mr. Rob Higgins Town of Millwood PO Box 370 Council President 9103 E. Frederick Liberty Lake, WA 99109 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Millwood, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99201 SRTC Mr. Jerry Lenzi Spokane Transit Authority 221 W. First Suite 310 Dept. of Transportation 1230 W. Boone Ave. Spokane, WA 99201 2714 N. Mayfair Spokane, WA 99205 Spokane, WA 99207 Chief Bob Anderson Chief Dan Stout Chief Mark Grover Fire District No. 9 Fire District No. 8 Fire District No. 1 3801 E. Farwell Road 12100 E. Palouse Hwy. 10319 E. Sprague Mead, WA 99021 Valleyford, WA 99036 Spokane, WA 99206 Mr. Michael J. Wirt Spokane Co. Library Dist. 4322 N. Argonne Road Spokane, WA 99212 00084 Art Britton Joey Whitney Mr./Mrs. Burnette 18812 E. Euclid Ave. 4607 N. Garry Rd. PO Box 268 s Orchards, WA 99027 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Todd & Janet Bischoff Eugene & Betty Guess Eric & Angie Lobdell 15702 E. 21st Ct. 14306 E. 16th Ave. 3518 N. Molter Road Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Sharon Beck Vern Slichter Hugh Smith 4514 N. Stevenson Road 10913 E. 19th 8016 E. Boone Ave. Otis Orchard, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Resident Jack Holt Alberta Yale 9512 E. Nora Ave. 2603 S. Sonora Dr. 10416 E. Springfield Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Dennis Young Dale Hearn Daniel Watson 8622 E. Whitman 2105 N. Monroe 1409 N. Herald Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99205 Spokane, WA 99206 Mary Corsmo Ralph Tils John & Leanne Pardee 11703 E.Glenview Circle 11318 E. Empire Ave. 14806 E. 10th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Ed Brown Mr./Mrs. Johnson Michele Maher 8004 E. Maringo Dr. 4219 N. Woodlawn Rd. 5105 S. Cree Dr. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Paul Simmons Jess & Ruth Brooks Francis Potter 13017 E. Alki Ave. 3621 N. Ella Rd. 1210 S. Highland Dr. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 R. Frome Dennis Sparks Resident 1917 S. Union 11010 E. 28th Ave. 11710 E. Fairview Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 :sident Rex Alstrom Mr./Mrs. Tuohy 17904 E. Riverway 13412 E. Boone 9008 N. Murray Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99216 Newman Lake, WA 99025 00085 Mr./Mrs. Munts Michelle Cotton Resident 4903 S. Mohawk 1324 S. Bolivar Rd. 17216 E. 4th Ave. Dkane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Clarence & Myrtle Gehrke John Skov Robert Burns III 1022 N. Greenacres Rd. 11511 E. Sunview Cir. 11106 E. 50th Court Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 M.L. Anderson Tom & Jeanette Warga Dan & Kathy Mork 12022 E. Skyview Ave. 9811 S. Big Rock Lane 3309 N. Davis Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Valleyford, WA 99036 Spokane, WA 99206 Terri Wagner Shirley Meyer Robert Geiser 4506 E. 6th Ave. 15015 E. 22nd Ave. 13621 E. 30th Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Resident Maxine Pence Larry & Kim Cameron 4105 S. Conifer Court 13310 E. Mission Apt. 26 16310 E. Olympic Court Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Bob & Barb Peregoy Harold Buelow Sammy Knowles 4034 S. Sundown Dr. 422 N. Bates Rd. 12519 E. 24th Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Brian Bayne Marvin & Cindy Towers R. Richardson 4333 S. Locust Rd. 11313 E. 7th Ave. 1501 N. Woodruff Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Resident G. Tuneland Gary Boothe 2216 N. Marguerite Rd. 7917 E. Carlisle 3514 N. Park Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Kenneth Ellis Donald Cook R. Allen 2724 S. Pines Rd. 11515 E. Empire Ave. 5208 N. Elton Ct. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 irietta Wright Kathryn White Resident 7707 E. Augusta Ave. 19625 E. Wellesley Trlr. 4 14725 E. Bella Vista Dr. Spokane, WA 99212 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Veradale, WA 99037 00086 Lowell Wilcox Max & Ramona Kunze Roy Johnson 14215 E. Broadway PO Box 870 16513 E. Nixon Ct. 'okane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Resident Resident Glen Kivett 13906 E. 28th Ave. 2019 S. Adams 17 N. Walnut Rd. Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Henry Eller Robert Lawery Beverly Spadt 3005 S. Bannen Ct. 4008 S. Best Ct. 11505 E. 32nd Ave. Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Loren Robinson Gene Goben Maxine Davidson 4404 S. Adams Rd. 1114 S. Dishman Rd. 12912 E. 12th Ave. Apt 136 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Paul Krupa Mari Ford Mr./Mrs. Dolphin 11115 E. 24th 13710 E. Heroy 1228 N. Dick Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Gerry & Debbie Bassen J. Crabtree Tom Huffy 712 S. Carnahan Rd. 11108 E. 20th 24912 E. Maxwell Ln. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Mr./Mrs. Driskell Mr./Mrs. Morrison Alison Bell 11014 E. 21st 905 N. Ravalli Dr. 3826 S. Loretta Dr. Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Harold Weatherford Danelle Brown Bell RV., Inc. 15120 2nd St. E. 11006 E. 27th Ave. 15020 E. Sprague Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Resident N. Spencer Ken & Crystal Lamoreann 12407 E. 26th 2322 S. Vercler Rd. 10714 E. 31st St. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 _. Burke Resident John Elias 2215 N. Coleman Rd. 304 S. Conklin #44 15220 E. 13th Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 00087 Edwin Brown Georgia Gilbertson Ed Wormuth 15020 E. 22nd Ave. 17205 E. 4th Ave. 315 S. Barker Rd. radale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Greenacres, WA 99016 Carol Campbell Meredith Elsensohn Park Lane Motel 11012 E. 46th Ave. 8828 E. Argonne Lane 4412 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Marie Bristow Jack Holloway Jane Franks 8720 E. Montgomery Ave. 105 N. Bannen Road 12508 E. Skyview Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Gary Burchill R. Knight Thomas Garrett 11200 E. Sprague Suite C 9205 E. Cataldo 5301 N. Argonne Lane #6 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Terry McMullen Frank Berglund Edward Mattfeld 3415 N. Beige St. 1920 S. Evergreen 2520 S. Steen Rd. Spokane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 R & R Insurance Agency Jeannette Selbo Claude Morris 2817 N. Argonne 10807 E. 3rd #18 5210 N. Riblet View Lane Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 William Hartmeyer Gordon & Judy Landberg Shirley Morrow 14111 E. Springfield Ave. 13606 E. 27th Ave. 704 N. Vercler Rd. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Wayne Green L. Blanchard Nancy Yohe 11115 E. 29th Ave. 2601 N. Barker Rd. #105 8816 E. Woodland Park Dr. Spokane, WA 99206 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99217 L. Griffith Sandy Darnold Mr./Mrs. Thompson 12925 E. Valleyway 15206 E. 26th Ave. 6301 S. Conklin Spokane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Anderson Joce & Leo Ohanesian John Sisser 2504 N. Drumond 1920 S. Century Lane 3409 S. Woodlawn Dr. Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 00088 Robert Glaza Mr./Mrs. Schumann E.D. Foreman 16321 E. Valleyway Ave. 228 S. Sommer Rd. 19006 E. Montgomery Dr. radale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Mike & Cora Bailey Steve Sabo Suzanne Sweetser 3107 N. Lily Rd. 5423 S. Pawnee Ct. 10926 E. 30th Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Paul Heppner Resident Rick Bryant -Lamplighter 11412 E. 31st 12512 E. Main #3 19401 E. Broadway Blvd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Greenacres, WA 99016 Andre Tulleners Mr./Mrs. Johnson Lawrence & Mable Stingley 10008 E. Augusta Ave. 8920 E. Upriver Dr. 7620 E. Baldwin Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Dan the Piano Man Carl Cliff Dana Beach 1708 N. Vista Rd. 515 S. Granite Dr. 701 N. Farr Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Ray Schoessler Margo Wolf Clayton & Rita Drew 3225 S. Whipple Rd. PO Box 719 513 S. Skipworth Ct. Spokane, WA 99206 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Spokane, WA 99206 Kelly Throckmorton Robert Poffenberger J.R. Norman 5110 N. Snow Owl Rd. 14703 E. 14th Ave. 18321 E. Riverway Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Gary & Kathy Gemar George Ragland Jay Bischoff 24811 E. Liberty Cr. Rd. 14816 E. 16th Ave. 15508 E. 24th Ave. Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Kurt Campbell Bernard Turner Joan Krogh 1105 S. Glenbrook Ct. PO Box 817 1403 S. Wilbur Rd. Greenacres, WA 99016 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 ny & Theresa Goatz Shirlee Sweo Dave & Sandy Odeen 14517 E. 17th Ave. 7703 E. South Riverway 3618 S. Woodruff Rd. Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 00089 David Leavenworth Jerry & Cindy Mielke Raymond Hunt 11503 E. Sunview Cr. 5315 N. Davis Rd. 13111 E. 7th Ave. iokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Therse Reed Tim & Debbie Herman Bill Bell 13213 E. Rich Ave. 12020 E. 31st Ave. 12024 E. 20th Ave. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Alan Calley Resident David & Shannon Crafton 10182 E. 9th PO Box 141346 2021 N. Snake River Lane Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99214 Greenacres, WA 99016 Allan deLaubenfels Harold Kellams Mr./Mrs. Stephens 13120 E. Sixth Ave. 1424 S. Eastern Rd. 12726 E. 33rd Ct. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Howard Slemmer R. Hamm Alan & Susan Roberts 9605 E. 43rd Ave. 8120 E. 1st Ave. #4 7305 E. 11th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 E.R. Schultz Martha Brookhart Leonard Byrne 1207 N. Vista 10009 E. 7th Ave. 1302 N. Skipworth Ct. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 M.L. McGrath Judy Malley David Riggs 9510 E. Holman Rd. 13112 E. 6th 10520 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Margaret Cummings Kelly Pefley Russ Hagen 12457 E. Olive Dr. 1317 N. Skipworth Ct. 22809 E. Ctry Vista Dr. 129 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Sue Mauro Jack Carpenter Molly Sneider 7427 N. Pleasant Prairie 9623 E. 43rd Ave. 15726 E. 23rd Ave. Spokane, WA 99217 Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 ' esident Vincent Retzel Gene & Selma Hair 2503 N. Coleman Rd. 12514 E. 12th 12820 E. Sinto Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 00090 Rome & Janice Page Marian Olson Resident 19617 E. Mica View Dr. 2915 S. Sommer Lane 11008 E. Boone Ave. aenacres, WA 99016 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Resident Norman Sanborn The Ries 13030 E. Main 6003 E. 6th Ave. Apt Y7 11826 E. Skyview Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 K.J. Cryderman Resident James & Carolyn Dods 14504 E. 16th Ave. 4026 Terre Verde 313 N. Walnut Rd. Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 William & Deborah Pierce Tess Rosean Steve Aspinwall 8024 E. Gunning Dr. 6314 E. 11th Ave. 4711 N. Center Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Steve Heinen Mr./Mrs. Schroeder Remax 14814 E. Alki Ave. 15815 E. Longfellow 12810 E. Nora Suite E Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 F. Archer Vearl Olson Alfred Pedersen 5518 S. Cree Dr. 2206 N. Dora 14420 E. Cataldo Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 Peter Lepagnol George Miller Louise Ayers 619 N. Evergreen Blvd. 5307 N. Argonne Lane #2 11112 E. 6th Opportunity, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Bud Thompson Rosemarie Jones Philip Anderson 11023 E. 24th Ave. 11712 E. 6th Ave. 5315 N. Vista Ct. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Johnny Gonzalez Sr. D.E. Nemitz Norman Samish 502 N. Farr Rd. PO Box 11723 3213 N. Ella Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99211 Spokane, WA 99212 ./Mrs. McKnight Darlene Allen Marilyn Rider 5021 N. Bannen Rd. 2403 N. Ella Rd. 11516 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 00091 E. Friend Carl Burnham Wilbert Fritz 10806 E. 21st 524 S. Arc 18506 E. 4th Ave. )okane, WA 99206 Greenacres, WA 99016 Greenacres, WA 99016 Karol Banks David Simmons Peter Boden 19520 E. Pheasant Dr. 15902 E. Cameron Ct. 5018 N. Evergreen Greenacres, WA 99016 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Roy & Margaret Caldwell Resident Craig Bersagel 13112 E. Main Ave. 1218 S. Wilbur Rd. 14019 E. Nixon Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 A. Hess William Duffy Barbara Latta 8812 E. Montgomery 11012 E. 24th Ave. 12415 E. 12th Ave. Apt 214 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Mr./Mrs. Hulten R. Glidden C.J. Hart 4124 S. Sullivan Rd. 5308 N. Lynden Rd. PO Box 35 Veradale, WA 99037 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Mr./Mrs. Love Mr./Mrs. McCombs Mr./Mrs. Vermeers 10924 E. 11th Lane 18723 E. 2nd Ave. 5008 N. Vista View Circle Spokane, WA 99206 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99212 Melvin Allen Resident Todd & Laura Hyde 1102 N. Locust Road 2308 N. Calvin Road 5209 N. Bellevue Ct. Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Resident Resident Charles Botchek 2014 N. Vista 15105 E. Mallon 8609 E. Parkside Lane Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99217 Michael & Dee Myers Kathleen Brown Karri Franzese 1106 N. Calvin Rd. 3002 S. Park Rd. 2023 S. Fawn Dr. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 • bert Noack Dean & Sharon Bakke Debbie Glaza 3222 N. Corrigan Road 6909 E. Mansfield Ave. 16321 E. Valleyway Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 00092 Mr./Mrs. Sykes Resident Ron Fandrick 22824 E. Clearwater Lane PO Box 399 7818 E. Columbia Dr. erty Lake, WA 99019 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99212 Ellen Higgins Delmar McKinley H. Dahl 20221 E. Eighth 5815 S. Cree Drive 15206 E. Valleyway Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 INB Mortgage George Lepard Resident 15111 E. Sprague 11416 E. 19th Ave. 6615 E. 10th Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Brandon & Wendy N. Wright James Gantt Traynham 916 S. Nina Cir. 20202 E. Nora 6515 E. 14th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Greenacres, WA 99016 Kimberly Donahue Nolting Residence Karen & Jaren Schatz 4112 N. McDonald 4821 S. Long Lane 10719 E. 47th Spokane, WA 99216 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 Ruth Greenlee Barb O'Hood Bernard Levernier 8313 E. Harrington Ave. 16514 E. Nixon Court 2605 S. Adams Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Erma Riese Mr./Mrs. Gillingham Mr./Mrs. Picard 3902 N. Farr Rd. 1707 S. Airpark 7614 E. Riverway Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99212 Walker Tax Office Resident Beverly Stenson 15108 E. Sprague Ave. PO Box 141004 13211 E. Semro Ave. Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99214 Spokane, WA 99216 Thomas Williams Marsha Urlacher Kathleen Roberts 1807 S. Buttercup St. 11618 E. Sunview Cir. 509 S. Wilbur Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 n & Mary Cameron Resident Mr./Mrs. Germaine 12425 E. Olive Ave. 13802 E. 24th 7719 E. Glass Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 00093 ML VanWey Louis Nees Jeanne Moore 3615 N. Ely 11813 E. Mission Ave. 4015 S. Sundown Dr. )kane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Margaret Mortz Marjorie Walker Albert Bair 3420 S. Ridgeview Dr. 11303 E. 7th Ave. 10610 E. Nixon Lane Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 James Abb Mr./Mrs. Robinson David Orahood 5704 E. 16th Avenue 13920 E. 28th Ave. 10620 E. Cimmaron Dr. Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Silvia & David Gnotta S.A. Miller R.J. VanWey 805 S. Mariam Ct. 10804 E. 10th Ave. 7008 E. 6th Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Mr./Mrs. Cowles Resident Thomas Dixon 11821 E. 37th 9618 E. Maringo Dr. 608 N. Farr Road Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Paul Allison Mr./Mrs. Redl Mr./Mrs. Frlan 11315 E. 44th Ave. 6703 N. Starr Rd. 11404 E. 23rd Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Spokane, WA 99206 Mr./Mrs. Daugherty Lyle Leslie Ian Robertson 8316 E. Valleyway Ave. 5420 E. Cataldo Ave. 1716 S. Rotchford Dr. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 GS Moriarty John & Cindy Scinto Mike & Sherry Routt 10321 E. Main Ave. 304 18401 E. 8th Ave. 1611 S. David Spokane, WA 99206 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99212 Mr./Mrs. Spraggins S. Lundin Resident 1424 S. St. Charles Road 211 N. Hutchinson 11012 E. Main Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 .irley Grumbly James Moss Paula Blount 5119 S. Bernhill Ct. 2104 N. Bessie Rd. 1417 N. Felts Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 00094 Margaret Millsap Lance & Connie Peterson Glennis Moore 1426 N. Bowdish 26720 E. Ante Road 1806 N. Felts Rd. portunity, WA 99206 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Spokane, WA 99206 Mr./Mrs. Wehrli Kirk & Linda Appleby Mr./Mrs. Kirk 4017 N. Marguerite Rd. 3515 S. Ridgeview Dr. 13714 E. 26th Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Joe Carroll Curtis & Shirley Archer Ray Stenson 00095 12929 E. Sprague 5518 S. Cree Drive 8716 E. Sinto Avenue Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Loyd & Esther Peterson Kenneth Gilbert Paul Hatten 3001 N. Joel Ct. 2818 N. Joel Road 15210 E. 18th Court Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Veradale, WA 99037 Richard W. Bryant Cecil Cleveland Sam Garvin 12025 E. 31st Avenue 16223 E. 24th 17803 E. Mission Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Jim Peck Don Daniels Judi Marvin 807 S. Wright Blvd. 4119 N. Van Marter Road 13309 E. Boone Avenue Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Jennifer Leinart Michael Piccolo Ray Perry 14220 E. Boone Avenue 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 2020 N. Ely Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99212 0ohn & Laura Odette Bernard Levernier Jerry & Nancy Gleesing 8603 E. Mansfield Avenue 2605 S. Adams Road 13421 E. 25th Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Fred & Lois Rogers Carl Gross Frank Gropp 6220 N. Campbell Road 13320 E. Heroy 7119 E. 6th Avenue Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Vern Slichter Leonard Byrne Richard Reed 10913 E. 19`h 1302 N. Skipworth Ct. 13213 E. Rich Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Norm Hoff Allan B. Hanson Chuck Arnold 13116 E. 221th 4701 S. Progress Ct. 10504 E. 44th Spokane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 7velyn Santesson Larry Gants Harriet Blum .2915 E. Broadway #217 10916 E. 16`h Avenue 2926 E. Joel Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Nettie & Bill Blosser Mike Gilbert Vern Thill 00096 11111 E. 48th Avenue 19106 E. Marietta 3620 N. Park Road Spokane, WA 99204 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99206 Milton Lotze Mrs. Andrew Kinzer Robert May 12609 E. Wellesley 824 S. Willamette 11112 E. 31st Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Gary Davies John Bjork Martha Witter 10605 E. Holman Road 2321 S. Veracrest 1105 N. Warren Road Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Mary Summerset Keith Peterson Sonya Peterson 1107 N. Warren Road 18309 E. Appleway 4202 S. Pondra Spokane, WA 99216 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 Mr. & Mrs. Broers Mr. Pfeiffer Lynda Bums 4310 S. Hollow 4310 S. Hollow 11106 E. 50th Court Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 ?lonty lien James & Mildred Gantt Martha & Earl Draper 4711 N. Evergreen 20202 E. Nora 3615 N. Dick Road Spokane, WA 99216 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99212 Richard & Paula Janssen Ed & Kimberly Mitchell Honey Poppe 11011 E. 50th Court 7717 E. Princeton Avenue 4721 N. Vista Road Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Arthur Olson Bob & Alice Miller Walter & Sally Bonsack 4104 N. Marguerite Road 3718 S. Union Court 20409 E. First Avenue Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Greenacres, WA 99016 Wilbert & Gladys Fritz Gordon Landberg Susan Bishop 18506 E. 4th Avenue 13606 E. 27th Avenue 1010 S. Blake Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 ,athy Greiner Steve Heinen Mary Jane Honegger __J12 S. Burns Court 14814 E. Alki 14822 E. 12th Avenue Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Andra Love Scott McClay Ed Mertens 00097 10924 E. 11th Lane 2222 E. Collins Court 1310 N. Pierce Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 April Miller Terri Reed Mike Routt 12707 E. 4'h Avenue #1 13213 E. Rich 1611 S. David Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, Wa 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Larry Rudy Debbie Wehrili Ben Wick 10720 E. Fruithill Road 4017 N. Marguerite Road 4820 N. Keller Road Spokane, WA 99217 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 Lynn laquinta Mike Donahue Mike Flanigan 2912 S. Progress 18804 Fairview Court 1712 S. McCabe Veradale, WA 99037 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99216 Bill Crawford Marianne Torres Don Kachinsky 15615 E. 4'" Ave. #10 14819 E. 4th Ave. 716 S. Koren Road Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212-0385 cleverly J. Spadt Esther Petersen Wilma J. Martin 11505 E. 32°° Ave. 3001 N. Joel Ct. 2910 N. Joel Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Kirsten & Jim Fehlig Ronald L. Schmidt James E. Mayabb 11117 E. Lacrosse P.O. Box 727 5704 E. 16th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99212 Jerry Gleesing Walt McKee Dan Ward 13421 E. 25'h 515 N. Sargent Rd. 2203 N. Morton Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99207 Dave Mandyke Lester L. Smith Edith Latterell 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 12324 E. Maxwell 2818 N. Joel Rd. Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99216 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 2ophia & Joe Wetzler David A. Thompson Jim & Lynn Tobert ,24 N. Moore Road 1402 S. Henry Rd. 10322 E. Dean Ave. Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 Dick Behm Greg Bever John Bumgarner 00098 Behm's Valley Creamery Journal of Business Sterling Savings 9405 E. Sprague Avenue 112 E. First Avenue 111 N. Wall Street )okane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99202 Spokane, WA 99201 Martin Burnette Jr. Cecil Cleveland Eileen DeArmon Interpacific Investors Valley Best Way World Wide Packets 4407 North Division P.O. Box 14024 P.O. Box 14665 Spokane, WA 99207 Spokane, WA 99214 Spokane, WA 99214 Dick Denenny Michael DeVleming Raymond Hanson Richard Denenny & Co. Vera Water & Power Hanson Industries P.O. Box 14389 P.O. Box 630 15102 E. Indiana Spokane, WA 99214 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 John Hanson Robert Henry Jack McLaughlin US Bank United Specialty Advert. DA Davidson 428 W. Riverside 1311 W. Sprague 221 N. Wall Street Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99204 Spokane, WA 99210 Kathy Pierson Vickie Redlin, Attorney Dennis Scott Hanson Industries P.O. Box 13156 Co!dwell Banker 15102 E. Indiana Spokane, WA 99213 24324 E. Pinehurst Spokane, WA 99216 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 milk Skaggs Chuck Stocker Pat Tebo Metropolitan Mortgage Inland Power & Light First Savings Bank 601 W. First Avenue 320 E. 2nd Avenue P.O. Box 14617 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99202 Spokane, WA 99214 Frank Tombari Stephen Prince Walt McKee Farmers & Merchants Bank Pring Corporation 515 N. Sargent Rd. P.O. Box 14588 8412 E. Sprague Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99214 Spokane, WA 99212 Edith Latterell Sophia & Joe Wetzler David A. Thompson 2818 N. Joel Road 424 N. Moore Road 1402 S. Henry Road Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Jim & Lynn Tobert Gayle Carroll Richard A. Castleman 10322 E. Dean Avenue 11823 E. 38'h Avenue 1427 S. Avalon Lane Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 ')onald J. Karlinsky Larry T. Rider Del Liljegren /16 S. Koren Road 1225 N. Skipworth 418 N. Moore Road Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 00099 Mr. Adam Lynn Ms. Lisette Carter, Atty. Mr. Brad Blegen, Director Spokesman Review Evans, Craven & Lackie City Pubic Works Dept. ^99 W. Riverside Ave. 818 W. Riverside, Suite 250 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. pokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Mr. John Mercer Mr. Larry Sweeney Mr. Michael J. Wirt, Director City Planning Director Dept. of Natural Resources Spokane Co. Library District 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Box 190 4322 N. Argonne Rd. Spokane, WA 99201-3333 Colville, WA 99114 Spokane, WA 99212-1853 Chief Mark Grover Chief Dennis McClellan Chief Bruce Holloway Fire District No. 1 Fire District No. 2 Fire District No. 3 10319 E. Sprague P.O. Box 288 10 S. Presley Drive Spokane, WA 99206 Fairfield, WA 99012-0228 Cheney, WA 99004 Chief Ed Lewis Chief Dan Stout Fire District No. 4 Fire District No. 5 Fire District No. 8 712 N. Cedar Rd. 17217 W Four Mound Rd. 12100 E. Palouse Hwy. Deer Park, WA 99006 Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 Valleyford, WA 99036 Chief Robert I. Anderson Chief Dick Gormley Chief Stan Seehorn Fire District No. 9 Fire District No. 10 Fire District No. 11 3801 E. Farwell Road PO Box 2199 P.O. Box 65 Mead, WA 99021 Airway Heights, WA 99001 Rockford, WA 99030 Chief Bill Tensfeld Chief Robert Kolva Mr. Ronald R. Daniels Fire District No. 12 Fire District No. 13 Deputy Base Civil Engr. Box 173 P.O. Box 70 92 Civil Engr. Squad. Latah, WA 99018-0173 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Fairchild AFB, WA 99011 City Desk-Editorial Dept. Mr. Tom Costigan, Editor Valley News Herald Spokesman Review The Deer Park Tribune P.O. Box 142020 999 W Riverside Ave. 114 West 1st Spokane, WA 99214 Spokane, WA 99201 Deer Park, WA 99006 Bridget Murtagh, Assign. Ed. Assignment Editor Ms. Jamie Sijohn KREM TV KXLY TV KXLY TV 4103 S. Regal 500 W. Boone Ave. 500 W. Boone Ave. Spokane, WA 99203 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Ms. Jana Gray, Assign. Ed. Mr. John Delay, Director Mr. Richard Ripley, Editor KHQ TV City Cable 5 Journal of Business P.O. Box 600 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 112 E. First Avenue Spokane, WA 99210-0600 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99202 Ar. Kevin Hanson Mr. Dan Hansen, Reporter Mr. Carl Nuechterlein Cheney Free Press Spokesman Review 4501 N. Monroe, Rm. 100 1616 West First 999 W. Riverside Ave. Water Quality Cheney, WA 99004 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99205 00100 Mr. Bruce Howard Spokane Transit Authority Mr. Garrett Smith, Planner 4501 N. Monroe, Rm. 100 1230 W. Boone City of Airway Heights Water Resources Spokane, WA 99201 P.O. Box 969 ,pokane, WA 99205 Airway Heights, WA 99001 Mr. Tom Richardson Mr. Roger Krieger, Director Ms. Donna McLean, Clerk City of Cheney Deer Park Planning Dept. Town of Fairfield 609 2nd Street P.O. Box F P. O. Box 334 Cheney, WA 99004 Deer Park, WA 99006 Fairfield, WA 99012-0281 Planner Ms. Viola Tiegs, Clerk Ms. Eva Colomb, Clerk City of Medical Lake Town of Latah Town of Millwood P. O. Box 369 P. O. Box 130 9103 E. Frederick Medical Lake, WA 99022 Latah, WA 99018-0130 Spokane, WA 99206 Ms. Jeannie Heinen, Clerk Ms. Darlene LaShaw, Clerk Ms. Linda Lasz, Clerk City of Spangle Town of Rockford Town of Waverly 115 West 2nd P. O Box 49 P O. Box 37 Spangle, WA 99031 Rockford, WA 99030-0049 Waverly, WA 99039-0037 Mr. Steve Holden Mr. Steve Bloom Mr. Gerry Storhaug Consolidated Supp. Serv. Eastern Wash. University Metro Engineering P.O. Box 500 MS 184 1322 N. Monroe #201 Medical Lake, WA 99022 Cheney, WA 99004-2490 Spokane, WA 99201 Ms. Cathy Ramm Mr. Stan Schultz, Atty. Mr. Robert Scanlon, Atty. Ramm Associates Witherspoon & Kelley, P.S. Dellwo Roberts Scanlon Sienes 25 S. Altamont 1100 U. S. Bank Bldg. 1124 W. Riverside Ave. #310 Spokane, WA 99202 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Mr. Steve Jolley, Atty. Mr. Jim Frank Mr. Terry Squibb, Mgr. Herman, Herman & Jolley Greenstone Corp. Carnhope Irrig. Dist. No. 7 12340 E. Valleyway 707 W. 7th - Suite 320 4903 E. 3rd Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99204 Spokane, WA 99212 Mr. Bob Ashcraft, Manager Mr. Dan Dorshorst, Manager Mr. Steve Bortfeld, Mgr. Consolidated brig. Dist. 19 Four Lakes Water Dist. No. 10 Hangman Hills Wtr. Dist.#15 120 N. Greenacres P.O. Box 47 2804 E. 30th, Suite 210 Greenacres, WA 99016 Four Lakes, WA 99014 Spokane, WA 99223 Mr. Terry Squibb, Mgr./Supt. Mr. Glenn Talmage, Mgr. Mr. Lee Mellish, Manager Hutchison Irrig. Dist. No. 16 Irvin Water District No. 6 Liberty Lake Sewer Dist. 1 618 N. Sargent 11907 E. Trent 22510 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 .eorge Stegaman, Manager Mr. Jim Lande, Supt. Mr. Mike Baker, Manager Moab Irrigation Dist. No. 20 Model Irrigation Dist. No. 18 Modern Electric Water Co. P.O. Box 81 1506 S. Pierce Rd. P.O. Box 14008 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Opportunity, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99213 00101 District President Ms. Kathy Small Mr. Dick Price Orchard Ave. Irrig. Distr. #6 Pasadena Park Irrig. Dist. #17 P.U.D. No. 1 of Stevens Co. —415 E. Marietta Ave. 9227 E. Upriver Dr. P. O. Box 592 ,pokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99207 Loon Lake, WA 99148 Mr. Gary McGeorge, Mgr. Mr. Gary Lowe, Manager Mr. Ty Wick, Manager E. Spokane Water Dist. # 1 N. Spokane Irrig. Dist. No. 8 Spokane Water Dist. No. 3 704 S. Coleman Road 7221 N. Regal P.O. Box 11187 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99207 Spokane, WA 99211 Mr. William Hargrove, Mgr. Mr. Mike Miller, Manager Mr. George Twiggs, Sec. Strathview Wtr. Dist. # 106 Trentwood Irrig. Dist. No. 3 Vel View Water District 13 17117 W. Silver Lk. Rd. 4402 N. Sullivan Rd. 3524 Vel View Drive Medical Lake, WA 99022 Spokane, WA 99216-1187 Spokane, WA 99208 Mr. Kevin Wells, Manager Ms. Susan McGeorge Mr. Gene Drury Vera Irrigation Dist. No. 15 Whitworth Water Dist. No. 2 State Dept. of Ecology P.O. Box 630 P. O. Box 28008 4501 N. Monroe, Rm 100 Veradale, WA 99037-0630 Spokane, WA 99228-8008 Spokane, WA 99205 Mr. Scott Torpie Mr. Joseph Carroll Mr. Steve Eugster, Atty. St. Dept of Health/Drkng Wtr. Attorney at Law 100 Minnesota Bldg. 1500 W. 4th Ave. Suite 305 12929 E. Sprague 423 West First Avenue cpokane, WA 99204 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99204 Doug Smith, Director Ms. Lori Hudson Liberty Lake Splash City of Liberty Lake Valley Voice P.O. Box 363 P.O. Box 370 13208 E. Sprague Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Spokane, WA 99216 00102 • `Federal Tax ID No. 91-0420030 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Spokane,ss. BOFORBtfatfi EICOUNTY O Name: Spokane County Boundary Review Board Acct: CO22377 CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING Proposed City of P.O.: No- Lines: 51 Spokane Valley Monday,August 27,2003 00 Nn Total Cost: $ 103.31 Log No: SR1610 14454Nt5e Auditorium N.Ae allye Spokane Valley NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ibat I, Jacquie Mencke Re "afaSke° onBoar poanco ), do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the SPOKESMAN- has continued the public hearing to near ppbtic testimony and deliber- REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly published, once ate on BRB File No. 555-03: Prpposedlnoorp«a(ionolthECiYy each day in the English language, in and of general circulation in the of poNane Valley.The new city w° asanp,11,A cede cio itR a°cnpneil-managar ,°r« , City of Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; and in the City of gwemrnent and an es(rmated In and n of aDof aproxi telt' Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has and an area of approximately 45 o o a;i,,Ves aih8le"iLrtio been so established and regularly published and has had said general the public hearing. • circulation continuously for more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd "roYe'°M1iket°D'�nOn1o"^a day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office Bon m me Roam.rop mar tesnN at test public hearing or submit wnY.en before August I2 B 00 RIf you maintained at its place of publication in the City of Spokane, before ester socwou2w°kea'e I Washington; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a oftmhea staff report,legal rcril>non . « SPu x W r�e�I Director legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of o�wee;aRe;a BFre est Washington for Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and 5",kane,J".cD2SO that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; `RJ6,]E10 that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of publication, was published in said newspaper, two time(s), the publication having been made once each time on the following dates: August 19 and 26,2001 ,''1 I > That said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every ;` C„f ,, number of the paper during the period of time of publication, and that F, the notice was published in the newspaper proper and not in a . ltpv ??,`:, supplement i., ._-. �� Cf F;,,, _ ...tea' Pi; !i<_'. Subscribed and sworn to before me at the City of Spokane, this 27 -=q r day of August, 2001 . Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Spokane County, Washington 31., 00103 • SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC ) No. HEARING Proposed City of Spokane Valley ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING Monday,August 27, 2001 Q 7:00 pm ) NOTICE ) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. County of Spokane ) MICHAEL HUFFMAN being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he is the MANAGING EDITOR of The Valley News Herald,a weekly newspaper.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said lime was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper,which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County. That the following is a true copy of a public notice as it was pub's ed in regular issues commendng on the 22nd day of August, 2001 and ending the 22nd da of Au! xt 211 A'oth data_ r4 usive,and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period: • de REVIEW OFPUBLIC LIC RN 4,/�,�i. SPOKANE COUNTY CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING Proposed City of Spokane Vatey �". /• r'ORN to before me • Monday.August 27,2001 e a . i r'a 7:00 pm. • Neville Auditorium this 22nd da • '. u_ st 2001. 1445 N.Argonne - /Spokane Valley State of Washi• • on NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the County of Spokane Washington State Boundary Renew Board for Spokane County has continued the public hearing to hear public testimony and deliber- I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ate on BRB File No 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. Michael Huffman is the person who appeared before The new city is proposed as a non-charter me, and said person acknowledged that he signed code city with a counci-manager form of gov- ernment and an estimated population of this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free approtdmately 82,100 end an area of approa- and voluntaryact for the uses and purposes men- mately 45 square miles.A staff report on the proposal will be available prior to the public tioned in the instrument. hearing. 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II - T I cr ' • . • ... , . ._ . . . _ . . ......, .• : . . Tuesday, October' 2, 2001 at 7:00 PM " : Neville h uditorium, 1445 North Argonne,-Spokane,Valley .,... . : . 1 .. . .. . :.. . , .- : : . .- .• • .- - .: • . : (SW corner of Mission and Argonne; nter: through Miracle Book Store) • ,. -, . • ..-. s., • . • . . . . . . .. . .. . . „ . . . • • ,. , . The Boundary.ReVieW.Board. has•continued its public hearing on BRE The Board can:modify.theproposal by adding:di;deletingiten percent • . . . . ,.. • 555;01:, Proposed City;of.Spokane Valley to.receive additional'testi- of the territory Within the:proposal after the landfbutside-,of the • mony on the Propoat:'„:This will be the final,oPPOrinnity for the :. Urban GrowthArea has beenremoved. Alltertitory:Within'tlie•Lirbart,,, .: public to present information to the Bo4rd. The Board will continue • Growth Area will be considered for inclusion in the-prOposed..city.ancf.: to receive written.COrrirrientsUhtil October.15;.2001....and.maye)itend - •' : .many ard'as'arebeing considered for e*clUsiohl;,If(YotiWonliViliketOl,':-.. the written comment period toa date following the effective date of .‘ „ comment on the proposal, please attend'the:meeting•,•Or serid,corn- the County's Urban' Growth Area., . • . ,:. .'• .., .• :•:,.-: ,.. ", •:, :•.. :. . .: •: rnents:tc;i,the;address:for'the 13oundary:Review:Board,on:the:hag ...., . ,- 00106 FILE NO.: BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS. COUNTY OF SPOKANE I, Susan M. Winchell, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States, a resident of Spokane County, Washington, and over the age of eighteen years. That on September 13, 2001 , I know that true and correct copies of the attached mailing announcing the Continued Public Hearing pertaining to the above referenced Boundary Review Board action were delivered to the Spokane County mailroom for the purpose of being distributed through either the U.S. Postal system or Interoffice mail to those person(s) listed on the attached mailing list. ALA4_, - Signature of the Planner for the BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD for Spokane County State of Washington County of Spokane Subscribed and Sworn to before me by � C l� e ,�L/1 X fi on this 43 day of J-ei , 2 1. 01111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 111111111111® Notary Public in and for the State of Washington (Official %ral DANETTE DOBBINS = My Appointment expires August 1, 2001f5 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES:AUGUST 1,2005 = 0IIIuluuuluulnlullIIIIIIlIllllllllilllllllllllla 3 Smooth Feed Sheets""' Use template for 5160® 00107 INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL . INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Tim Crowley, Dev. Spec. Mr. Scott Kuhta, Planner Ms. Sadie Cooney Community Development Long-Range Planning County Assessor ;pokane County Spokane County INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Ross Kelley, Engineer Mr. Jim Falk Sgt. Rick Kendall Division of Engineering Current Planning Sheriff's Research Division Public Works Department Public Works Bldg. Sheriff's Department INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Bruce Rawls, Director Mr. Doug Chase Ms. Francine Boxer, Division of Utilities Parks Department Chief Administrative Officer Public Works Department Spokane County . Board of Co. Commissioners INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Pat Harper Mr. Kevin Cooke Mr. Jim Manson, Director Division of Engineering Division of Utilities Building Dept. Public Works Department Public Works Department Spokane County INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mark Sterk, Sheriff Mr. David Swink, Director Mr. James Emacio, Attorney Spokane County Environmental Health Services Civil Division County Health Department Prosecuting Attorney's Office INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Phil Harris, Ms. Kate McCaslin, Mr. John Roskelley, Dist. No. 3 Commissioner Dist. No. 2 Commissioner Dist. No. 1 Commissioner Board of Co. Commissioners Board of Co. Commissioners Board of Co. Commissioners INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Daniela Erickson, Ms. Brenda Sims, Manager Ms. Sherry Bays, Supervisor Clerk Storm Water Management Elections Department Board of Co. Commissioners Division of Engineering Elections & Voter Registr. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Susan Winchell Mr. Gene Repp Mr. Mike Dempsey Director Division of Utilities Hearing Examiner Boundary Review Board Public Works Department Spokane County INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Leroy Eadie City of Spokane Attomey Mr. Michael Needham City Planning Services 808 W. Spokane Falls Spokane County 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 Planning Director Spokane, WA 99201-3333 Ir. Jack Lynch Mr. Roger Flint Ms. Katy Allen City Administrator Engineering Services City of Spokane - Contr.Serv. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Spokane, WA 99201-3333 Spokane, WA 99201-3333 Spokane, WA 99201 6 AVERY@ Address Labels Laser 5160® ®09LS lases s' ssaiPPV ®AuaAV ®. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MARO 08 Ms. Margaret Smith, Mr. Bill Fiedler, Director Mr. Kasey Kramer, Financial Analyst ISD Director County Budget Office Community Development INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Burel Schulz, Mr. Gary Oberg , Director Ms. Linda Wolverton Undersheriff County Public Works Dept. Spokane County Treasurer Sheriffs Dept. Spokane County County Treasurer's Office INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Ian Von Essen, GIS Mr. Henry Bruno Mr. Marshall Farnell, Public Works District Court County Budget Director INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Don Westerman Mr. Vicky Dalton Ms. Karla McNeilly Public Defenders County Auditor District Court County Auditor's Office INTEROFFICE MAIL = INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Honorable Donna Wilson Ms. Nancy Hill Ms. Kim Thorburn District Court Animal Control Spokane Regional Health Mayor John Powers Mr. Terry Lynch, Manager STRC City of Spokane City of Spokane 221 W. First Suite 310 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Mr. Jerry Lenzi Mr. Rob Higgins Dept. of Transportation Council President 2714 N. Mayfair 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99207 Spokane, WA 99201 Smooth Feed Sheets"' Use template for 5160® Margaret Millsap Lance & Connie Peterson Glennis Moore 1426 N. Bowdish 26720 E. Ante Road 1806 N. Felts Rd. Opportunity, WA 99206 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Spokane, WA 99206 Kirk & Linda Appleby Mr./Mrs. Kirk 3515 S. Ridgeview Dr. 13714 E. 26th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Smooth Feed Sheets" ' Use template for 5160® 00109 Mr. Adam Lynn Ms. Lisette Carter, Atty. Mr. Brad Blegen, Director Spokesman Review Evans, Craven & Lackie City Pubic Works Dept. 999 W. Riverside Ave. 818 W. Riverside, Suite 250 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. pokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Mr. John Mercer Mr. Larry Sweeney Mr. Michael J. Wirt, Director City Planning Director Dept. of Natural Resources Spokane Co. Library District 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Box 190 4322 N. Argonne Rd. Spokane, WA 99201-3333 Colville, WA 99114 Spokane, WA 99212-1853 Chief Mark Grover Chief Dennis McClellan Chief Bruce Holloway Fire District No. 1 Fire District No. 2 Fire District No. 3 10319 E. Sprague P.O. Box 288 10 S. Presley Drive Spokane, WA 99206 Fairfield, WA 99012-0228 Cheney, WA 99004 Chief Ed Lewis Chief Dan Stout Fire District No. 4 Fire District No. 5 Fire District No. 8 712 N. Cedar Rd. 17217 W Four Mound Rd. 12100 E. Palouse Hwy. Deer Park, WA 99006 Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 Valleyford, WA 99036 Chief Robert I. Anderson Chief Dick Gormley Chief Stan Seehorn Fire District No. 9 Fire District No. 10 Fire District No. 11 3801 E. Farwell Road PO Box 2199 P.O. Box 65 Mead, WA 99021 Airway Heights, WA 99001 Rockford, WA 99030 Chief Bill Tensfeld Chief Robert Kolva Mr. Ronald R. Daniels Fire District No. 12 Fire District No. 13 Deputy Base Civil Engr. Box 173 P.O. Box 70 92 Civil Engr. Squad. Latah, WA 99018-0173 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Fairchild AFB, WA 99011 City Desk-Editorial Dept. Mr. Tom Costigan, Editor Valley News Herald Spokesman Review The Deer Park Tribune P.O. Box 142020 999 W Riverside Ave. 114 West 1st Spokane, WA 99214 Spokane, WA 99201 Deer Park, WA 99006 Bridget Murtagh, Assign. Ed. Assignment Editor Ms. Jamie Sijohn KREM TV KXLY TV KXLY TV 4103 S. Regal 500 W. Boone Ave. 500 W. Boone Ave. Spokane, WA 99203 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Ms. Jana Gray, Assign. Ed. Mr. John Delay, Director Mr. Richard Ripley, Editor KHQ TV City Cable 5 Journal of Business P.O. Box 600 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 112 E. First Avenue Spokane, WA 99210-0600 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99202 'r. Kevin Hanson Mr. Dan Hansen, Reporter Mr. Carl Nuechterlein Cheney Free Press Spokesman Review 4501 N. Monroe, Rm. 100 1616 West First 999 W. Riverside Ave. Water Quality Cheney, WA 99004 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99205 6 AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed Sheets"" Use template for 516O' 00110 Mr. Bruce Howard Spokane Transit Authority Mr. Garrett Smith, Planner 4501 N. Monroe, Rm. 100 1230 W. Boone City of Airway Heights Water Resources Spokane, WA 99201 P.O. Box 969 pokane, WA 99205 Airway Heights, WA 99001 Mr. Tom Richardson Mr. Roger Krieger, Director Ms. Donna McLean, Clerk City of Cheney Deer Park Planning Dept. Town of Fairfield 609 2nd Street P.O. Box F P. O. Box 334 Cheney, WA 99004 Deer Park, WA 99006 Fairfield, WA 99012-0281 Planner Ms. Viola Tiegs, Clerk Ms. Eva Colomb, Clerk City of Medical Lake Town of Latah Town of Millwood P. O. Box 369 P. O. Box 130 9103 E. Frederick Medical Lake, WA 99022 Latah, WA 99018-0130 Spokane, WA 99206 Ms. Jeannie Heinen, Clerk Ms. Darlene LaShaw, Clerk Ms. Linda Lasz, Clerk City of Spangle Town of Rockford Town of Waverly 115 West 2nd P. O Box 49 P O. Box 37 Spangle, WA 99031 Rockford, WA 99030-0049 Waverly, WA 99039-0037 Mr. Steve Holden Mr. Steve Bloom Mr. Gerry Storhaug Consolidated Supp. Serv. Eastern Wash. University Metro Engineering P.O. Box 500 MS 184 1322 N. Monroe #201 Medical Lake, WA 99022 Cheney, WA 99004-2490 Spokane, WA 99201 Ms. Cathy Ramm Mr. Stan Schultz, Atty. Mr. Robert Scanlon, Atty. Ramm Associates Witherspoon & Kelley, P.S. Dellwo Roberts Scanlon Sienes 25 S. Altamont 1100 U. S. Bank Bldg. 1124 W. Riverside Ave. #310 Spokane, WA 99202 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Mr. Steve Jolley, Atty. Mr. Jim Frank Mr. Terry Squibb, Mgr. Herman, Herman & Jolley Greenstone Corp. Carnhope Irrig. Dist. No. 7 12340 E. Valleyway 707 W. 7th - Suite 320 4903 E. 3rd Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99204 Spokane, WA 99212 Mr. Bob Ashcraft, Manager Mr. Dan Dorshorst, Manager Mr. Steve Bortfeld, Mgr. Consolidated Irrig. Dist. 19 Four Lakes Water Dist. No. 10 Hangman Hills Wtr. Dist. #15 120 N. Greenacres P.O. Box 47 2804 E. 30th, Suite 210 Greenacres, WA 99016 Four Lakes, WA 99014 Spokane, WA 99223 Mr. Terry Squibb, Mgr./Supt. Mr. Glenn Talmage, Mgr. Mr. Lee Mellish, Manager Hutchison Irrig. Dist. No. 16 Irvin Water District No. 6 Liberty Lake Sewer Dist. 1 618 N. Sargent 11907 E. Trent 22510 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 George Stegaman, Manager Mr. Jim Lande, Supt. Mr. Mike Baker, Manager Moab Irrigation Dist. No. 20 Model Irrigation Dist. No. 18 Modern Electric Water Co. P.O. Box 81 1506 S. Pierce Rd. P.O. Box 14008 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Opportunity, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99213 6 AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed Sheets"' Use template for 5160" 00111 District President Ms. Kathy Small Mr. Dick Price Orchard Ave. Irrig. Distr. #6 Pasadena Park Irrig. Dist. #17 P.U.D. No. 1 of Stevens Co. 7415 E. Marietta Ave. 9227 E. Upriver Dr. P. O. Box 592 pokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99207 Loon Lake, WA 99148 Mr. Gary McGeorge, Mgr. Mr. Gary Lowe, Manager Mr. Ty Wick, Manager E. Spokane Water Dist. # 1 N. Spokane Irrig.Dist. No. 8 Spokane Water Dist. No. 3 704 S. Coleman Road 7221 N. Regal P.O. Box 11187 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99207 Spokane, WA 99211 Mr. William Hargrove, Mgr. Mr. Mike Miller, Manager Mr. George Twiggs, Sec. Strathview Wtr. Dist. # 106 Trentwood Irrig. Dist. No. 3 Vel View Water District 13 17117 W. Silver Lk. Rd. 4402 N. Sullivan Rd. 3524 Vel View Drive Medical Lake, WA 99022 Spokane, WA 99216-1187 Spokane, WA 99208 Mr. Kevin Wells, Manager Ms. Susan McGeorge Mr. Gene Drury Vera Irrigation Dist. No. 15 Whitworth Water Dist. No. 2 State Dept. of Ecology P.O. Box 630 P. O. Box 28008 4501 N. Monroe, Rm 100 Veradale, WA 99037-0630 Spokane, WA 99228-8008 Spokane, WA 99205 Mr. Scott Torpie Mr. Joseph Carroll Mr. Steve Eugster, Atty. St. Dept of Health/Drkng Wtr. Attorney at Law 100 Minnesota Bldg. 1500 W. 4th Ave. Suite 305 12929 E. Sprague 423 West First Avenue Spokane, WA 99204 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99204 Doug Smith, Planning Director Ms. Lori Hutson Liberty Lake Splash City of Liberty Lake Valley Voice P.O. Box 363 P.O. Box 370 13208 E. Sprague Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Spokane, WA 99216 .City Clerk City of Liberty Lake PO Box 370 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 6 AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed Sheets*"' Use template for 5160 00112 E. Friend Carl Burnham 10806 E. 21st 524 S. Arc okane, WA 99206 Greenacres, WA 99016 Karol Banks David Simmons Peter Boden 19520 E. Pheasant Dr. 15902 E. Cameron Ct. 5018 N. Evergreen Greenacres, WA 99016 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Roy & Margaret Caldwell Resident Craig Bersagel 13112 E. Main Ave. 1218 S. Wilbur Rd. 14019 E. Nixon Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 A. Hess William Duffy Barbara Latta 8812 E. Montgomery 11012 E. 24th Ave. 12415 E. 12th Ave. Apt 214 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Mr./Mrs. Hulten R. Glidden C.J. Hart 4124 S. Sullivan Rd. 5308 N. Lynden Rd. PO Box 35 Veradale, WA 99037 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Mr./Mrs. McCombs Mr./Mrs. Vermeers 18723 E. 2nd Ave. 5008 N. Vista View Circle Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99212 Melvin Allen Todd & Laura Hyde 1102 N. Locust Road 5209 N. Bellevue Ct. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Resident Resident Charles Botchek 2014 N. Vista 15105 E. Mallon 8609 E. Parkside Lane Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99217 Michael & Dee Myers Kathleen Brown Karri Franzese 1106 N. Calvin Rd. 3002 S. Park Rd. 2023 S. Fawn Dr. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 bed Noack Dean & Sharon Bakke Debbie Glaze 3222 N. Corrigan Road 6909 E. Mansfield Ave. 16321 E. Valleyway Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160® 00113 Mr./Mrs. Sykes Resident Ron Fandrick 22824 E. Clearwater Lane PO Box 399 7818 E. Columbia Dr. ''erty Lake, WA 99019 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99212 Ellen Higgins Delmar McKinley H. Dahl 20221 E. Eighth 5815 S. Cree Drive 15206 E. Valleyway Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 INB Mortgage George Lepard Resident 15111 E. Sprague 11416 E. 19th Ave. 6615 E. 10th Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Brandon & Wendy N. Wright Traynham 916 S. Nina Cir. 6515 E. 14th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Kimberly Donahue Nolting Residence Karen & Jaren Schatz 4112 N. McDonald 4821 S. Long Lane 10719 E. 47th Spokane, WA 99216 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 Ruth Greenlee Barb O'Hood Bernard Levernier 8313 E. Harrington Ave. 16514 E. Nixon Court 2605 S. Adams Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Erma Riese Mr./Mrs. Gillingham Mr./Mrs. Picard 3902 N. Farr Rd. 1707 S. Airpark 7614 E. Riverway Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99212 Walker Tax Office Resident Beverly Stenson 15108 E. Sprague Ave. PO Box 141004 13211 E. Semro Ave. Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99214 Spokane, WA 99216 Thomas Williams Marsha Urlacher Kathleen Roberts 1807 S. Buttercup St. 11618 E. Sunview Cir. 509 S. Wilbur Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 . Spokane, WA 99206 n & Mary Cameron Resident Mr./Mrs. Germaine 12425 E. Olive Ave. 13802 E. 24th 7719 E. Glass Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 6, AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed SheetsrM Use template for 5160 00114 Art Britton Joey Whitney Mr./Mrs. Burnette 18812 E. Euclid Ave. 4607 N. Garry Rd. PO Box 268 's Orchards, WA 99027 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Todd & Janet Bischoff Eugene & Betty Guess Eric & Angie Lobdell 15702 E. 21st Ct. 14306 E. 16th Ave. 3518 N. Molter Road Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Sharon Beck Vern Slichter Hugh Smith 4514 N. Stevenson Road 10913 E. 19th 8016 E. Boone Ave. Otis Orchard, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Resident Jack Holt Alberta Yale 9512 E. Nora Ave. 2603 S. Sonora Dr. 10416 E. Springfield Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Dennis Young Dale Hearn Daniel Watson 8622 E. Whitman 2105 N. Monroe 1409 N. Herald Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99205 Spokane, WA 99206 Mary Corsmo Ralph his John & Leanne Pardee 11703 E.Glenview Circle 11318 E. Empire Ave. 14806 E. 10th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Ed Brown Mr./Mrs. Johnson Michele Maher 8004 E. Maringo Dr. 4219 N. Woodlawn Rd. 5105 S. Cree Dr. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Paul Simmons Jess& Ruth Brooks Francis Potter 13017 E. Alki Ave. 3621 N. Ella Rd. 1210 S. Highland Dr. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 R. Frome Dennis Sparks Resident 1917 S. Union 11010 E. 28th Ave. 11710 E. Fairview Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 esident Rex Alstrom Mr./Mrs. Tuohy 17904 E. Riverway 13412 E. Boone 9008 N. Murray Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99216 Newman Lake, WA 99025 AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed Sheets*" Use template for 5160® 0 _ i : J Mr./Mrs. Munts Michelle Cotton Resident 4903 S. Mohawk 1324 S. Bolivar Rd. 17216 E. 4th Ave. iokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Clarence & Myrtle Gehrke John Skov Robert Bums Ill 1022 N. Greenacres Rd. 11511 E. Sunview Cir. 11106 E. 50th Court Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 M.L. Anderson Tom & Jeanette Warga Dan & Kathy Mork 12022 E. Skyview Ave. 9811 S. Big Rock Lane 3309 N. Davis Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Valleyford, WA 99036 Spokane, WA 99206 Terri Wagner Shirley Meyer Robert Geiser 4506 E. 6th Ave. 15015 E. 22nd Ave. 13621 E. 30th Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Resident Maxine Pence Larry & Kim Cameron 4105 S. Conifer Court 13310 E. Mission Apt. 26 16310 E. Olympic Court Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Bob & Barb Peregoy Harold Buelow Sammy Knowles 4034 S. Sundown Dr. 422 N. Bates Rd. 12519 E. 24th Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Brian Bayne Marvin & Cindy Towers R. Richardson 4333 S. Locust Rd. 11313 E. 7th Ave. 1501 N. Woodruff Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Resident G. Tuneland Gary Boothe 2216 N. Marguerite Rd. 7917 E. Carlisle 3514 N. Park Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Kenneth Ellis Donald Cook R. Allen 2724 S. Pines Rd. 11515 E. Empire Ave. 5208 N. Elton Ct. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 nrietta Wright Kathryn White Resident 7707 E. Augusta Ave. 19625 E. Wellesley TrIr. 4 14725 E. Bella Vista Dr. Spokane, WA 99212 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Veradale, WA 99037 la AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed Sheets"' Use template for 5160 Lowell Wilcox Max & Ramona Kunze Roy Johnson 0 01 16 14215 E. Broadway PO Box 870 16513 E. Nixon Ct. okane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Resident Resident Glen Kivett 13906 E. 28th Ave. 2019 S. Adams 17 N. Walnut Rd. Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Henry Eller Robert Lawery Beverly Spadt 3005 S. Bannen Ct. 4008 S. Best Ct. 11505 E. 32nd Ave. Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Loren Robinson Gene Goben Maxine Davidson 4404 S. Adams Rd. 1114 S. Dishman Rd. 12912 E. 12th Ave. Apt 136 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Paul Krupa Mari Ford Mr./Mrs. Dolphin 11115 E. 24th 13710 E. Heroy 1228 N. Dick Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Gerry & Debbie Bassen J. Crabtree Tom Huffy 712 S. Carnahan Rd. 11108 E. 20th 24912 E. Maxwell Ln. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Mr./Mrs. Driskell Mr./Mrs. Morrison Alison Bell 11014 E. 21st 905 N. Ravalli Dr. 3826 S. Loretta Dr. Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Harold Weatherford Danelle Brown Bell RV., Inc. 15120 2nd St. E. 11006 E. 27th Ave. 15020 E. Sprague Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Resident N. Spencer Ken & Crystal Lamoreann 12407 E. 26th 2322 S. Vercler Rd. 10714 E. 31st St. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 _. Burke Resident John Elias 2215 N. Coleman Rd. 304 S. Conklin #44 15220 E. 13th Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 6 AVERY' Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed SheetstM Use template for 51600 00117 Edwin Brown Georgia Gilbertson Ed Wormuth 15020 E. 22nd Ave. 17205 E. 4th Ave. 315 S. Barker Rd. wradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Greenacres, WA 99016 Carol Campbell Meredith Elsensohn Park Lane Motel 11012 E. 46th Ave. 8828 E. Argonne Lane 4412 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Marie Bristow Jack Holloway Jane Franks 8720 E. Montgomery Ave. 105 N. Bannen Road 12508 E. Skyview Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Gary Burchill R. Knight Thomas Garrett 11200 E. Sprague Suite C 9205 E. Cataldo 5301 N. Argonne Lane #6 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Terry McMullen Frank Berglund Edward Mattfeld 3415 N. Beige St. 1920 S. Evergreen 2520 S. Steen Rd. Spokane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 R & R Insurance Agency Jeannette Selbo Claude Morris 2817 N. Argonne 10807 E. 3rd #18 5210 N. Riblet View Lane Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 William Hartmeyer Gordon & Judy Landberg Shirley Morrow 14111 E. Springfield Ave. 13606 E. 27th Ave. 704 N. Vercler Rd. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Wayne Green L. Blanchard Nancy Yohe 11115 E. 29th Ave. 2601 N. Barker Rd. #105 8816 E. Woodland Park Dr. Spokane, WA 99206 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99217 L. Griffith Sandy Damold Mr./Mrs. Thompson 12925 E. Valleyway 15206 E. 26th Ave. 6301 S. Conklin Spokane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Anderson Joce & Leo Ohanesian John Sisser 2504 N. Drumond 1920 S. Century Lane 3409 S. Woodlawn Dr. Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 nil AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed SheetstM Use template for 51600 00118 Robert Glaza Mr./Mrs. Schumann E.D. Foreman 16321 E. Valleyway Ave. 228 S. Sommer Rd. 19006 E. Montgomery Dr. radale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Mike & Cora Bailey Steve Sabo Suzanne Sweetser 3107 N. Lily Rd. 5423 S. Pawnee Ct. 10926 E. 30th Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Paul Heppner Resident Rick Bryant -Lamplighter 11412 E. 31st 12512 E. Main #3 19401 E. Broadway Blvd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Greenacres, WA 99016 Andre Tulleners Mr./Mrs. Johnson Lawrence & Mable Stingley 10008 E. Augusta Ave. 8920 E. Upriver Dr. 7620 E. Baldwin Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Dan the Piano Man Carl Cliff Dana Beach 1708 N. Vista Rd. 515 S. Granite Dr. 701 N. Farr Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Ray Schoessler Margo Wolf Clayton & Rita Drew 3225 S. Whipple Rd. PO Box 719 513 S. Skipworth Ct. Spokane, WA 99206 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Spokane, WA 99206 Kelly Throckmorton Robert Poffenberger J.R. Norman 5110 N. Snow Owl Rd. 14703 E. 14th Ave. 18321 E. Riverway Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Gary & Kathy Gemar George Ragland Jay Bischoff 24811 E. Liberty Cr. Rd. 14816 E. 16th Ave. 15508 E. 24th Ave. Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Kurt Campbell Bernard Turner Joan Krogh 1105 S. Glenbrook Ct. PO Box 817 1403 S. Wilbur Rd. Greenacres, WA 99016 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 sly & Theresa Goatz Shirlee Sweo Dave & Sandy Odeen 14517 E. 17th Ave. 7703 E. South Riverway 3618 S. Woodruff Rd. Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 nAVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed Sheets"' Use template for 5160" David Leavenworth Jerry & Cindy Mielke Raymond Hunt 0 ill i 9 11503 E. Sunview Cr. 5315 N. Davis Rd. 13111 E. 7th Ave. )kane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216. Tim & Debbie Herman Bill Bell 12020 E. 31st Ave. 12024 E. 20th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Resident David & Shannon Grafton PO Box 141346 2021 N. Snake River Lane Spokane, WA 99214 Greenacres, WA 99016 Allan deLaubenfels Harold Kellams Mr./Mrs. Stephens 13120 E. Sixth Ave. 1424 S. Eastern Rd. 12726 E. 33rd Ct. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Howard Stemmer R. Hamm Alan & Susan Roberts 9605 E. 43rd Ave. 8120 E. 1st Ave. #4 7305 E. 11th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 E.R. Schultz Martha Brookhart Leonard Byrne 1207 N. Vista 10009 E. 7th Ave. 1302 N. Skipworth Ct. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 M.L. McGrath Judy Malley David Riggs 9510 E. Holman Rd. 13112 E. 6th = 10520 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Margaret Cummings Kelly Pefley Russ Hagen 12457 E. Olive Dr. 1317 N. Skipworth Ct. 22809 E. Ctry Vista Dr. 129 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Sue Mauro Jack Carpenter Molly Sneider 7427 N. Pleasant Prairie 9623 E. 43rd Ave. 15726 E. 23rd Ave. Spokane, WA 99217 Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 asident Vincent Retzel Gene & Selma Hair 2503 N. Coleman Rd. 12514 E. 12th 12820 E. Sinto Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 n AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed Sheets"' Use template for 5160w Rome & Janice Page Marian Olson Resident 00120 19617 E. Mica View Dr. 2915 S. Sommer Lane 11008 E. Boone Ave. -eenacres, WA 99016 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Resident Norman Sanborn The Ries 13030 E. Main 6003 E. 6th Ave. Apt Y7 11826 E. Skyview Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 K.J. Cryderman Resident James & Carolyn Dods 14504 E. 16th Ave. 4026 Terre Verde 313 N. Walnut Rd. Veradale, WA 99037 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 William & Deborah Pierce Tess Rosean Steve Aspinwall 8024 E. Gunning Dr. 6314 E. 11th Ave. 4711 N. Center Rd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Mr./Mrs. Schroeder Remax 15815 E. Longfellow 12810 E. Nora Suite E Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 F. Archer Vearl Olson Alfred Pedersen 5518 S. Cree Dr. 2206 N. Dora 14420 E. Cataldo Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 Peter Lepagnol George Miller Louise Ayers 619 N. Evergreen Blvd. 5307 N. Argonne Lane #2 11112 E. 6th Opportunity, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Bud Thompson Rosemarie Jones Philip Anderson 11023 E. 24th Ave. 11712 E. 6th Ave. 5315 N. Vista Ct. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Johnny Gonzalez Sr. D.E. Nemitz Norman Samish 502 N. Farr Rd. PO Box 11723 3213 N. Ella Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99211 Spokane, WA 99212 (Mrs. McKnight Darlene Allen Marilyn Rider 5021 N. Bannen Rd. 2403 N. Ella Rd. 11516 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 6. AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed Sheets," Use template for sieur 00121 ML VanWey Louis Nees Jeanne Moore 3615 N. Ely 11813 E. Mission Ave. 4015 S. Sundown Dr. )kane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Margaret Mortz Marjorie Walker Albert Bair 3420 S. Ridgeview Dr. 11303 E. 7th Ave. 10610 E. Nixon Lane Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 James Abb Mr./Mrs. Robinson David Orahood 5704 E. 16th Avenue 13920 E. 28th Ave. 10620 E. Cimmaron Dr. Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99206 Silvia & David Gnotta S.A. Miller R.J. VanWey 805 S. Mariam Ct. 10804 E. 10th Ave. 7008 E. 6th Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Mr./Mrs. Cowles Resident Thomas Dixon 11821 E. 37th 9618 E. Maringo Dr. 608 N. Farr Road Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Paul Allison Mr./Mrs. Redl 11315 E. 44th Ave. 6703 N. Starr Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Newman Lake, WA 99025 Mr./Mrs. Daugherty Lyle Leslie Ian Robertson 8316 E. Valleyway Ave. 5420 E. Cataldo Ave. 1716 S. Rotchford Dr. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 GS Moriarty John & Cindy Scinto 10321 E. Main Ave. 304 18401 E. 8th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Greenacres, WA 99016 Mr./Mrs. Spraggins S. Lundin 1424 S. St. Charles Road 211 N. Hutchinson Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99212 Jhirley Grumbly James Moss Paula Blount 5119 S. Bernhill Ct. 2104 N. Bessie Rd. 1417 N. Felts Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 //.� AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed Sheets"' Use template for 5160® Dick Behm Greg Bever John Bumgamer 00122 Behm's Valley Creamery Journal of Business Sterling Savings 9405 E. Sprague Avenue 112 E. First Avenue 111 N. Wall Street Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99202 Spokane, WA 99201 Martin Burnette Jr. Cecil Cleveland Eileen DeArmon Interpacific Investors Valley Best Way World Wide Packets 4407 North Division P.O. Box 14024 P.O. Box 14665 Spokane, WA 99207 Spokane, WA 99214 Spokane, WA 99214 Dick Denenny Michael DeVleming Raymond Hanson Richard Denenny & Co. Vera Water & Power Hanson Industries P.O. Box 14389 P.O. Box 630 15102 E. Indiana Spokane, WA 99214 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 John Hanson Robert Henry Jack McLaughlin US Bank United Specialty Advert. DA Davidson 428 W. Riverside 1311 W. Sprague 221 N. Wall Street Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99204 Spokane, WA 99210 Kathy Pierson Vickie Redlin, Attorney Dennis Scott Hanson Industries P.O. Box 13156 Coldwell Banker 15102 E. Indiana Spokane, WA 99213 24324 E. Pinehurst Spokane, WA 99216 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 crik Skaggs Chuck Stocker Pat Tebo Metropolitan Mortgage Inland Power & Light First Savings Bank 601 W. First Avenue 320 E. 2nd Avenue P.O. Box 14617 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99202 Spokane, WA 99214 Frank Tombari Stephen Prince Walt McKee Farmers & Merchants Bank Pring Corporation 515 N. Sargent Rd. P.O. Box 14588 8412 E. Sprague Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99214 Spokane, WA 99212 Edith Latterell Sophia & Joe Wetzler David A. Thompson 2818 N. Joel Road 424 N. Moore Road 1402 S. Henry Road Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Jim & Lynn lobed Gayle Carroll Richard A. Castleman 10322 E. Dean Avenue 11823 E. 38t Avenue 1427 S. Avalon Lane Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Gene Roloff Larry T. Rider Del Liljegren . 1224 E. Empire 1225 N. Skipworth 418 N. Moore Road Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Laser 5160® a AVERY® Address Labels Smooth Feed Sheets*"' Use template for 51600 Curtis & Shirley Archer Ray Stenson 0 012 5518 S. Cree Drive 8716 E. Sinto Avenue Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Loyd & Esther Peterson Kenneth Gilbert Paul Hatten 3001 N. Joel Ct. 2818 N. Joel Road 15210 E. 18th Court Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Veradale, WA 99037 Richard W. Bryant Cecil Cleveland Sam Garvin 12025 E. 31th Avenue 16223 E. 24th 17803 E. Mission Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Jim Peck Don Daniels Judi Marvin 807 S. Wright Blvd. 4119 N. Van Marter Road 13309 E. Boone Avenue Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Jennifer Leinart Michael Piccolo Ray Perry 14220 E. Boone Avenue 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 2020 N. Ely Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99212 John & Laura Odette Bernard Levernier Jerry & Nancy Gleesing 8603 E. Mansfield Avenue 2605 S. Adams Road 13421 E. 25th Spokane, WA 99212 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Fred & Lois Rogers Carl Gross Frank Gropp 6220 N. Campbell Road 13320 E. Heroy 7119 E. 6'h Avenue Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Leonard Byrne 1302 N. Skipworth Ct. Spokane, WA 99206 Norm Hoff Allan B. Hanson Chuck Arnold 13116 E. 22nd 4701 S. Progress Ct. 10504 E. 44th Spokane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Evelyn Santesson Larry Gants Harriet Blum 12915 E. Broadway #217 10916 E. 16th Avenue 2926 E. Joel Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 nAVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed SheetstM Use template for 5160° Nettie & Bill Blosser Mike Gilbert Vern Thill 0 0 12 4 11111 E. 48" Avenue 19106 E. Marietta 3620 N. Park Road Spokane, WA 99204 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99206 Milton Lotze Mrs. Andrew Kinzer Robert May 12609 E. Wellesley 824 S. Willamette 11112 E. 31' Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Gary Davies John Bjork Martha Witter 10605 E. Holman Road 2321 S. Veracrest 1105 N. Warren Road Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Mary Summerset Keith Peterson Sonya Peterson 1107 N. Warren Road 18309 E. Appleway 4202 S. Pondra Spokane, WA 99216 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 Mr. & Mrs. Broers Mr. Pfeiffer Lynda Burns 4310 S. Hollow 4310 S. Hollow 11106 E. 501h Court Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 .Monty lien James & Mildred Gantt Martha & Earl Draper 4711 N. Evergreen 20202 E. Nora 3615 N. Dick Road Spokane, WA 99216 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99212 Richard & Paula Janssen Ed & Kimberly Mitchell Honey Poppe 11011 E. 50th Court 7717 E. Princeton Avenue 4721 N. Vista Road Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Arthur Olson Bob & Alice Miller Walter & Sally Bonsack 4104 N. Marguerite Road 3718 S. Union Court 20409 E. First Avenue Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99206 Greenacres, WA 99016 Wilbert & Gladys Fritz Gordon Landberg 18506 E. 4th Avenue 13606 E. 27th Avenue Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99216 6. AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed Sheets?" Use template for 5160`" 00125 Mike Donahue Mike Flanigan 18804 Fairview Court 1712 S. McCabe Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Spokane, WA 99216 Bill Crawford Marianne Torres Don Kachinsky 15615 E. 4th Ave. #10 14819 E. 4th Ave. 716 S. Koren Road Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212-0385 Wilma J. Martin 2910 N. Joel Rd. Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Kirsten & Jim Fehlig Ronald L. Schmidt James E. Mayabb 11117 E. Lacrosse P.O. Box 727 5704 E. 16th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99212 Jerry Gleesing Walt McKee Dan Ward 13421 E. 25th 515 N. Sargent Rd. 2203 N. Morton Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99207 Dave Mandyke Lester L. Smith Edith Latterell 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 12324 E. Maxwell 2818 N. Joel Rd. Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99216 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Sophia & Joe Wetzler David A. Thompson Jim & Lynn Tobert 424 N. Moore Road 1402 S. Henry Rd. 10322 E. Dean Ave. Veradale, WA 99037 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99206 nAVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth Feed Sheets*" use remp►arrorlyytr Kolby Hanson Annette Remshard Martha Summerson Witter 4313 N. Martinson 1705 N. McMillan Lane 1105 N. Warren Road Otis Orchards, WA 99027 Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99216 Iris Kiger Louise Dolan John M. Gray 9618 E. Maringo Drive 9704 E. Maringo Drive 4521 E. 2nd Avenue Spokane, WA 99206-4453 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Ed Mertens Pete Higgins Bill Crawford 1310 N. Pierce 20221 E. 8t 15615 E. 4th Avenue #10 Spokane, WA 99206 Greenacres, WA 99016 Veradale, WA 99037 Lucile E. Santesson Cary Driskell John Wittemberg 12915 E. Broadway #217 TrunkenbolzlRohr/Driskell 2109 N. Bessie Spokane, WA 99216 12704 E. Nora Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99216 John & Cleo Workland Dorothy Trechter Laletta Sartain 2319 S. Vercler Road 3504 S. Ridgeview Drive 5304 E. Cataldo Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Pony Lazanis James Fehlig Don Lynch 10625 E. Trent 11117 E. Lacrosse 9609 E. Nora Spokane, WA 99206 • Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99206 Jack Riley Dave Mandyke 11920 E. Mansfield #55 City of Spokane Spokane, WA 99206 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 Janet Brown Mary E. Summerson 11123 E. Empire 1107 N. Warren Road Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Lawrence L. Stingley Dolores A. Hardin Iva Danelo 7620 E. Baldwin Avenue 6014 E. Valleyway 6212 E. Valleyway Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 6 AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® ®09;5 easel Wiwi sswPPV ®AuI3Ad V Susan Bishop Cathy Greiner Steve Heinen 00127 1010 S. Blake 2012 S. Burns Court 14814 E. Alki Spokane, WA 99216 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Mary Jane Honegger Andra Love Scott McClay 16658 N. Reservoir Road 10924 E. 11th Lane 2222 E. Collins Ct. Rathdrum, ID 83858 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99216 Lynn laquinta April Miller Terri Reed 2912 S. Progress Road 12707 E. 4th Ave. #1 13213 E. Rich Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99216 Mike Routt Larry Rudy Debbie Wehrli 1611 S. David 10720 E. Fruithill Road 4017 N. Marguerite Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99217 Spokane, WA 99212 Ben Wick Ed Mertens Martha & Earl Draper 4820 N. Keller Road 1310 N. Pierce 3615 N. Dick Road Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 dichard & Paula Janssen Honey Poppe Olson Residence 11011 E. 50th Ct. 4721 N. Vista Road 4104 N. Marguerite Road Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99212 Robert & Alice Miller John & Lynn Pardee Craig Shillam 3718 S. Union Court 14806 E. 10th 2014 N. Vista Road Spokane, WA 99206 Veradale, WA 99037 Spokane, WA 99212 Robin Oos Jim Twelves 4130 S. Conifer Court 6111 N. Mitchell Drive Spokane, WA 99206 Otis Orchards, WA 99026 n09;S 101 afetdwa1 a5n w,;siaa45 paaj 43oow5 c)--J0-01 00128 September 20, 2001 MEMO TO: Jacquie Mencke,Valley Voice, Spokesman Review FROM: Susan M. Winchell,Boundary Review Board Director RE: LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Please publish the following Legal Advertisement in the Thursday, September 27, 2001 and Saturday, September 29, 2001 editions of the Valley Voice. Please bill per Spokane County rates. BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD ' FOR SPOKANE COUNTY Continuation of PUBLIC HEARING Proposed City of Spokane Valley Tuesday, October 2, 2001 at 7:00 pm Neville Auditorium, 1445 N. Argonne, Spokane Valley (SW corner of Mission and Argonne) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Hearing on the above matter has been continued by the Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County to hear additional public testimony on BRB File No. 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. This will be the final opportunity for the public to present information to the Board. The Board will continue to accept written testimony until October 15, 2001 and may extend the written comment period to a date following the effective date of the Spokane County Urban Growth Area. If you have questions or would like a copy of the staff report, legal description or map,please contact: Boundary Review Board Office 1026 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, WA 99260 (509)477-4237 brb@spokanecounty.org - -aL.P cl Li-0)0-01 00129 September 20, 2001 MEMO TO: Jolene Wentz, Spokane Valley News FROM: Susan M. Winchell, Boundary Review Board Director RE: LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Please publish the following Legal Advertisement in the Wednesday, September 26, 2001 edition of the Valley News Herald. Please bill per Spokane County rates. BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR SPOKANE COUNTY Continuation of PUBLIC HEARING Proposed City of Spokane Valley Tuesday, October 2, 2001 at 7:00 pm Neville Auditorium, 1445 N. Argonne, Spokane Valley (SW corner of Mission and Argonne) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Hearing on the above matter has been continued by the Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County to hear additional public testimony on BRB File No. 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. This will be the final opportunity for the public to present information to the Board. The Board will continue to accept written testimony until October 15, 2001 and may extend the written comment period to a date following the effective date of the Spokane County Urban Growth Area. If you have questions or would like a copy of the staff report, legal description or map,please contact: Boundary Review Board Office 1026 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, WA 99260 (509) 477-4237 brb@spokanecounty.org • • 00130 • SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of LEGAL NOTICE ) No. Continuation of Public Hearing Proposed City of Spokane Valley AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING ) NOTICE ) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. County of Spokane ) MICHAEL HUFFMAN being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he is the MANAGING EDITOR of The Valley News Herald,a weekly newspaper.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper,which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Supe*or Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County. That the following is a true copy of a • blic notice it as 2011, shed in regular issues commencing on the 26th_day of September,2001, and ending the 26th da of -•tember2; b. +vmciusive,and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said perigd: j�/ .se., / / "BotfrDABV REVIEW BOARD rivLRs.-ES .r.t.WE00tRm TA.- - . .p, "'" `` v SUI#•�'I'E� n. s�ORN to before me rj 7✓P" dcm«Spoka` : - th s 26th da o : .tember 2001. • s 7ueaaey Or.1o64r220QtatT pari Nevilre AM4ItONunr,g1445 N pArgonM • State of Washln'•on Sbd®rie Va0tlik`-iA , 9ikb4 �tE bi e3 4 T-4, County of Spokane NOT IS 4i srowEttet tee P Me leadq�theeSogeaa �ra�m I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that .` asci b tI*Welhind{dn stain nun rh• Ne'viety Bourg-far sboken6CourTr to Michael Huffman is the person who appeared before :ti edad�etws� muns<mrPeFkt• me, and said person acknowledged that he signed ssu� P S A b .frropoo a- nqI PMeji7t ptaa sQtlogmIio * this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free nititbttha¢i.1441 1124.0 idaili*otireBi. OTk tloarm.�xx rmeaaC atooP and voluntary act for the uses and purposes men- 0Y,T` oal y.umt s .n'ar„ tioned in the instrument. 5 M�rip i ie6edNa data a`aiai SpoCeney (� Y ysir ttroan ithi:l a rit u^avCeopy ., t la .J/,a G.ha.. -� "'r �e �pascndoi orplease cart- ; t xiCest. rrxa, -e r Jolene R Wentz 84siiti?"e"BwBoa6oc Title: No Public c 1028 West,aoaOwer Avenue,Spdar•a,'+ . ry wae2acw ' ` sosibdx31 �' ' - Myappointment expires:fres: 5-16-03 3enofpsmnorc x _.,.. %. 1426 Rr..4 2' 00131 *Federal Tax ID No. 91-0420030 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Spokane, ss. Name: Spokane Co Boundary Review Board Acct: CO22377 P.O.: No. Lines: 32 ;BOUNDARY'tREVIEW BOARD'F0R=SPOKANE•COUNTY. Total Cost: $57.52 Log No: SR1846 :., Contfnuatfon of - _ I,Jacquie Mencke do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the SPOKESMAN- '1•11 ninu POKESMAN- HRING REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly published, once t :::Pro osedfClty of = each day in the English language, in and of general circulation in the Sokae Valle City of Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; and in the City of p ,ny Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has Tuesday, October 2 2001 been so established and regularly published and has had said general at 7 00 pm circulation continuously for more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd Neville Auddonum. r N Argonne; day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office Spokanellaliey an maintained at its place of publication in the City of Spokane, (SW,corner of Minion and Argopne) Washington; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a NOME iS SEEP?Ga'EN NZA am PuMcNaan,g m the legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of atoe,i IS HEREYGIVEN that aa•WjtMngr¢Sitte Botititai '"a`hi" B°amsf*is cn .e n� Washington for Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and ammo wbl mm on eaa,rut N>;sawr. an ' aa�w that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; mianauonwme boil Web • twiN date W that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of d ated the Spokane=Its , r 11 publication, was published in said newspaper, two time(s), the °, a<�r �aerK.eva -9 publication having been made once each time on the following dates: ' ' t5�v.�eMNma, 5Gswa ': i.(5091 ana2i] ? WG;ES@sV '�"'��SRt8a6; September 27 and 29, 2001 Esic,i it? \ rc Sbscribed sworn before me at the City of Spokane, this 1 day d (NOTARYy m l r..*^ `, = of October, 2001 vuauc tZt 'y fCtAsn,\\\� Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, fit)'J1ilStitiS�1 residing in Spokane County,Washington 3d �,t Washington State 0 0 1 3 2 BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD --+ For Spokane County 1026 W. Broadway Avenue Spokane,WA 99260-0040 (509) 477-4237 FAX(509) 477-3631 http://www.spokanecounty.org/boundary December 13, 2001 MEMO TO: Affected Government Agencies and Interested Parties FROM: Susan M. Winchell, Boundary Review Board Director RE: BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley RESOLUTION AND HEARING DECISION The Boundary Review Board approved and modfied the above file and signed the Resolution and Hearing Decision on December 10, 2001. It was filed with the County Commissioners on December 13, 2001. An appeal period of thirty days follows the filing of the Resolution and Hearing Decision. After that time, the Spokane County Board of County Commissioners will set an election date for a vote by residents of the proposed City of Spokane Valley for the general election sixty days or more from the filing of this Resolution and Hearing Decision or final action of an appeal. If you would like additional information, a copy of the Resolution and Hearing Decision ora map of the boundaries, please contact the Boundary Review Board office. BOARD MEMBERS:. Douglas Beu John B. Hagney Robert E.Nebergall Lawrence B.Stone Daniel E.Turbeville, III � 3� 00133 FILE NO.: BRB 555-01 Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS. COUNTY OF SPOKANE • ) I, Susan M. Winchell, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States, a resident of Spokane County, Washington, and over the age of eighteen years. That on December 13, 2001, I know that true and correct copies of the attached Memo dated December 13, 2001 pertaining to the above referenced Boundary Review Board action were delivered to the Spokane County mailroom for the purpose of being distributed through either the U.S. Postal system or Interoffice mail to those person(s) listed on the attached mailing list. /7 Signature of the Planner fort e BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD for Spokane County State of Washington County of Spokane ' ' 11 Subscribed and Sworn to efore me by (Sa /� W on this 13 day of -Q-L-PJ'164_21 , 2001. A÷Art4- DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111I11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII10 Notary Public in and for t e State of Washington .. (Dffriul %rat DANETTE DOBBINS E My Appointment expires August 1, 2005 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON = COMMISSION EXPIRES:AUGUST 1,2005 = 13 IIIItlIIIInIIIIINlINI111NIININJNIIIN11NNIIIIa INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL 00134 Mr. Tim Crowley, Dev. Spec. Mr. Jim Falk Mr. Michael Needham Community Development Current Planning Director County Planning Dept. County Planning Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Sheriff Mark Sterk Mr. Kevin Cooke Mr. Pat Harper County Sheriff's Dept. Division of Utilities Engineering Department County Public Works Dept. County Public Works Dept INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Linda Martin Mr. Ross Kelly Mr. Mike Dempsey Treasurer's Office County Engineer Hearing Examiner Public Works Bldg. Spokane County INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Marshall Farnell Ms. Sadie Charlene Cooney Mr. Doug Chase Budget Office Assessor's Office Parks & Rec. Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Vicky Dalton Supervisor Mr. Gene Repp Auditor's Office Elections Office Division of Utilities INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Bruce Rawls, Ms. Downs Paul Mr. Burel Schulz, Director Budget Office Undersheriff Utilities Dept. Sheriff's Dept. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Ms. Francine Boxer, Mr. Jim Manson, Director Ms. Nancy Hill Chief Administrative Officer Building Dept. Animal Control Board of Co. Commissioner INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Kasey Kramer, Ms. Brenda Sims Mr. Henry Bruno Director Stormwater Utility District Court Community Development INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Honorable Donna Wilson Ms. Karla McNeilly Mr. Don Westerman District Court District Court Public Defenders INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL 00135 Mr. Bill Fiedler, Director Mr. Ian Von Essen Mr. Bob Wrigley ISD GIS Treasurer's Office Public Works Bldg. INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Doug Smith Mr. Stan Miller Margaret Smith City of Liberty Lake Water Quality Budget Office P.O. Box 370 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Central Valley School Dist. East Valley School Dist. Mayor Steve Peterson 19307 E. Cataldo 12325 E. Grace City of Liberty Lake Greenacres, WA 99016 Spokane, WA 99216 P.O. Box 370 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Spokane School Dist. 81 Ms. Teresa Brum West Valley School Dist. 200 N. Bernard Street Historic Preservation 2805 N. Argonne Road Spokane, WA 99201 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99201 Noxious Weed Control Mr. Gary McGeorge Mr. Mike Baker Board East Spok. Water District 1 Modern Electric Water Co. 222 N. Havana 704 S. Coleman Road PO Box 14008 Spokane, WA 99202 Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99214 Mr. Lee Mellish Mr. Bob Ashcraft Mr. Kevin Wells Liberty Lake Sewer/Water Consolidated Irrigation Dist. Vera Irrigation District 22510 E. Mission 120 N. Greenacres PO Box 630 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Greenacres, WA 99016 Veradale, WA 99037 Mr. Mike Miller Mr. Jim Lande Mr. Terry Squibb Trentwood Irrigation District Model Irrigation District Carnhope Irrigation District 4402 N. Sullivan Road 1506 S. Pierce Road 4903 E. 3rd Spokane, WA 99216 Spokane, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Mr. Terry Squibb Mr. Mike Klein Ms. Kathleen Small Hutchinson Irrigation District Orchard Ave. Irrigation Dist. Pasadena Park Irrig. Dist. 618 N. Sargent 7415 E. Marietta Avenue 9227 E. Upriver Drive Spokane, WA 99212 Spokane, WA 99211 Spokane, WA 99206 Mr. Ty Wick Mr. Glenn Talmage Spok. County Water Dist. 3 Irvin Water District No. 6 PO Box 11187 11907 E. Trent Spokane, WA 99211 Spokane, WA 99206 ®091S easel "'Nei ssaIPPV ®A213AW V, City Desk-Editorial Dept. Ms. Shaun Brown Valley News Herald 00136 Spokesman Review Liberty Lake Splash P.O. Box 142020 999 W Riverside Ave. PO Box 363 Spokane, WA 99214 Spokane, WA 99201 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Bridget Murtagh, Assign. Ed. Assignment Editor Ms. Jamie Sijohn KREM TV KXLY TV KXLY TV 4103 S. Regal 500 W. Boone Ave. 500 W. Boone Ave. Spokane, WA 99203 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Ms. Jana Gray, Assign. Ed. Mr. John Delay, Director Mr. Richard Ripley, Editor KHQ TV City Cable 5 Journal of Business P.O. Box 600 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 112 E. First Avenue Spokane, WA 99210-0600 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99202 Ms. Lori Hutson Valley Voice 13208 E. Sprague Spokane, WA 99216 minis Joj aieidwaa as8 Wisiaa4S Paaj yioow5 Washington State 0 013 7 BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD + • For Spokane County 1026 W. Broadway Avenue Spokane,WA 99260-0040 (509) 477-4237 FAX(509) 477-3631 http://www.spolcanecounty.org/boundary December 13, 2001 • MEMO TO: Affected Government Agencies and Interested Parties FROM: Susan M. Winchell, Boundary Review Board Director • RE: BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley RESOLUTION AND HEARING DECISION The Boundary Review Board approved and modfied the above file and signed the Resolution and Hearing Decision on December 10, 2001. It was filed with the County Commissioners on December 13, 2001. An appeal period of thirty days follows the filing of the Resolution and Hearing Decision. After that time, the Spokane County Board of County Commissioners will set an election date for a vote by residents of the proposed City of Spokane Valley for the general election sixty days or more from the filing of this Resolution and Hearing Decision or final action of an appeal. If you would like additional information or a copy of the attachments to the Resolution and Hearing Decision, please contact the Boundary Review Board office. BOARD MEMBERS: Douglas Beu John B. Hagney Robert E. Nebergall Lawrence B.Stone Daniel E.Turbeville, 111 ) 00138 FILE NO.: BRB 555-01 Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) • I, Susan M. Winchell, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States, a resident of Spokane County, Washington, and over the age of eighteen years. That on December 13, 2001, I know that true and correct copies of the attached Memo dated December 13, 2001 with attached Resolution and Hearing Decision aad- Assesso fnap pertaining to the above referenced Boundary Review Board action were delivered to the Spokane County mailroom for the purpose of being distributed through either the U.S. Postal system or Interoffice mail to those person(s) listed on the attached mailing list. _AA„Lit A 6A:4_Lei Signature of the Planner for the BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD for Spokane County State of Washington County of Spokane Subscribed and Sworn t efore me by S o_so n �,C nC O on this /3 day of / Q OzJrj(i C� , 2001. pnnlnlNIIINN;NIIiININilnmlullillllii;i���i0 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington (Official . rat _ My Appointment expires August 1, 2005 E DANENETTE DOBBINS E. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES:AUGUST 1.2005 811NN11111INNINVIII111111111 IIIIJI111111111111111a a�' nn ! 39 INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Scott Kuhta• Mr. James Emacio Long Range Planning Chief Civil Deputy "ounty Planning Dept. Prosecuting Atty. Office INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL INTEROFFICE MAIL Mr. Phil Harris Mr. John Roskelley Ms. Kate McCaslin Board of Co. reel rp Board of Co. recj r�� Board of County recd map Commissioners Commissioners Commissioners Chief Bob Anderson Chief Dan Stout Chief Mark Grover Fire District No. 9 Fire District No. 8 Fire District No. 1 3801 E. Farwell Road 12100 E. Palouse Hwy. 10319 E. Sprague Mead, WA 99021 Valleyford, WA 99036 Spokane, WA 99206 Ms. Katy Allen Ms. Eva Colomb, Clerk Mr. Michael J. Wirt City of Spokane Town of Millwood Spokane Co. Library Dist. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 9103 E. Frederick 4322 N. Argonne Road Spokane, WA 99201 Millwood, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99212 Mayor John Powers Mr. Jack Lynch, Admin. Mr. John Mercer City of Spokane City of Spokane Planning Director )8 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane, WA 99201 City Clerk City of Liberty Lake P.O. Box 370 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 1 Washington State 0 014 0 BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD For Spokane County 1026 W Broadway Avenue Spokane,WA 99260-0040 • (509) 477-4237 FAX(509) 477-3631 hdp://www.spokanecounty.org/boundary December 13, 2001 Ed Mertens Community Action Committee 1310 N. Pierce Spokane, WA 99206 RE: BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation for the City of Spokane Valley Dear Mr. Mertens: The Boundary Review Board approved and modified the above file and signed the Resolution and Hearing Decision on December 10, 2001. It was filed with the County Commissioners on December 13, 2001. An appeal period of thirty days follows the filing of the Resolution and Hearing Decision. After that time, the Spokane County Board of County Commissioners will set an election date for a vote by residents of the proposed City of Spokane Valley for the general election sixty days or more from the filing of this Resolution and Hearing Decision. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 477-4237. Sincerely, Susan Boundary Review Board Director cc: Dennis Scott Dr. Larry Rudy • BOARD MEMBERS: Douglas Beu John B. Hagney Robert E.Nebergall Lawrence B. Stone Daniel E.Turbeville, III 00.141 RECEIVED 00142 WHEREAS, approximately 50 persons attended the meeting, public comments and questions were made and discussed, and the following persons were asked to give presentations: • Susan Winchell, Director, Boundary Review Board and Peter Fortin, Consultant; • Ed Mertens, proponent for the Spokane Valley incorporation, describing the proposed boundaries; WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board directed its staff to prepare an incorporation study of the proposed City of Spokane Valley; WHEREAS, a petition for incorporation of a non-charter code city with a council- , manager form of government and an estimated population of 90,000 to be called the City of Spokane Valley was circulated and submitted to the County Auditor on March 8, 2001; WHEREAS, on March 19, 2001, the County Auditor notified the Board of County Commissioners that the petition was sufficient; WHEREAS, a Notice of Intention was filed by the Boundary Review Board Director on May 31, 2001 in File No. 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley and pursuant to RCW 36.93.153, the jurisdiction of the Board was invoked; WHEREAS, on June 14, 2001, affected agencies and interested parties were sent copies of the Notice of Intention to review; WHEREAS, on July 10, 2001, affected agencies and interested parties were sent copies of the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study to review; WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board set a hearing date for Wednesday, August 8, 2001 at 7:00 PM at the Neville Auditorium in the Spokane Valley to follow the adoption of the Urban Growth Area by Spokane County; WHEREAS, the Board directed its Director to advertise for the hearing and include adjacent areas that may be added in any modifications to the proposal; WHEREAS, public notice procedures pursuant to RCW 36.93.160 (1) were carried out: notice to affected jurisdictions and interested parties thirty days prior to the public hearing (July 3, 2001), publication of legal notices in the Spokesman Review (July 8, 2001, July 20, 2001, and July 22, 2001) and the Valley News Herald (July 11, 2001 and July 18, 2001) three times prior but not later than five days before the hearing and posting of notices (July 13, 2001) in at least ten places in the proposed area and other public places; WHEREAS, prior to the public hearing Exhibit Nos. 1 - 27, as listed in Appendix B, were received and considered by the Board; 12/13/01 2 00143 WHEREAS, the Board held a special meeting on July 23, 2001 which was advertised pursuant to RCW 42.30.080 to inspect the proposed incorporation area; WHEREAS, the public hearing was held on August 8, 2001 at 7:00 PM in the Neville Auditorium in the Spokane Valley, all proceedings were recorded, approximately 75 people were in attendance and all Board members were present; WHEREAS, the Board Director administered an oath to those planning to testify and presented a staff report on the proposal; WHEREAS, the Board Director then introduced the proponents of the proposal: Philip Rudy and Ed Mertens who gave a presentation on the merits of the proposal; WHEREAS, affected government agency representatives then testified: •John Mercer, City of Spokane Planning Director •Mark Grover, Fire Chief for Spokane County Fire District 1 -Larry Rider, Assistant Fire Chief for Spokane County Fire District 1 WHEREAS, public testimony on the incorporation was given by: -Jack Riley, P.O. Box 13474, Spokane, WA 99213 •Loyd Peterson, 3001 N. Joel Court, Otis Orchards, WA 99027 -Margaret DeCroff Milsap, 1426 N. Bowdish, Opportunity, WA 99206 -Mike Donahue, 18809 E. Fairview Court, Otis Orchards, WA 99027 -Tony Lazanis, 10625 E. Trent, Spokane, WA 99206 -Harold Kellams, 1424 S. Eastern, Spokane, WA 99212 •Annette Remshard, 1705 N. McMillan Lane, Greenacres, WA 99016 -Scott McClay, 2222 S. Collins Court, Spokane, WA 99216 -Tom Herman, 8703 E. Maringo Drive, Spokane, WA 99212 -Cary Driskell, 12704 E. Nora, Spokane, WA 99216 -Wayne Frost, 3320 N. Argonne Road, Spokane, WA 99212 •R.A. Hansen, 15102 E. Indiana, Spokane, WA 99216 -Richard Behm, 3626 S. Ridgeview, Spokane, WA 99206 -Pete Higgins, 20221 E. 8th, Greenacres, WA 99016 -Donna Blomberg, 4508 N. Dick Road, Spokane, WA 99212 -Dennis Scott, 24324 E. Pinehurst Lane, Liberty Lake, WA 99016 -Alan Carlson, Spokane, WA -Brian Sayrs, 1011 N. Malvern Circle, Liberty Lake, WA 99016 WHEREAS, Exhibit Nos. 28 - 32, as listed in Appendix B, were received during the public hearing, held on August 8, 2001, and considered by the Boundary Review Board; WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board considered all testimony and in order to sufficiently review all materials submitted as exhibits, to hear from additional persons and entities affected by the proposal, and to accommodate the scheduled adoption of the Urban Growth Area by Spokane County, continued the public hearing to Monday, August 27, 2001 at 7:00 pm; 12/13/01 3 00144 WHEREAS, notice was given to affected jurisdictions and interested parties of record prior to the continued public hearing on the proposal and possible modifications (August 14, 2001); WHEREAS, the Board received Exhibit Nos. 33 - 45, as listed in Appendix B, prior to the continuation of the hearing; WHEREAS, the continued public hearing was held, all proceedings were recorded and all Board members were present; WHEREAS, the Board Director administered the oath to those planning to testify and reviewed exhibits received since the last hearing; WHEREAS, public testimony was given by: -John Mercer, City of Spokane, Planning Director •Bobby Williams, Fire Chief, City of Spokane Fire Dept. •Loyd Petersen, 3001 N. Joel Court, Otis Orchards 'Annette Remshard, 1705 N. McMillan Lane, Greenacres 'Raymond Hanson, 2031 S. Parkwood Circle, Spokane 'Iris Kiger, 9618 E. Maringo Drive, Spokane -John Gray, 4521 E. 2nd Avenue, Spokane .Ed Mertens, 1310 N. Pierce, Spokane 'Pete Higgins, 20221 E. 8th, Greenacres 'Bill Crawford, 15615 E. 4th Avenue #10, Veradale •John Wittemberg, 2109 N. Bessie, Spokane •Gayle Puu Carroll, 11823 E. 38th Avenue, Spokane -Don Kachinsky, 716 S. Koren Road, Spokane •Tony Lazanis, 10625 E. Trent Avenue, Spokane WHEREAS, Exhibit Nos. 46 - 55, as listed in Appendix B, were received during the August 27, 2001 continued public hearing and were considered by the Boundary Review Board; WHEREAS, Dr. Phillip Rudy, speaking for the proponents, requested the Board not make its decision until the written decision adopting the Urban Growth Area was signed by the County Commissioners and he stated that the proponents were aware that because of the delay, the matter would not be on the November ballot; WHEREAS, the Board continued the public hearing to a special meeting on October 2, 2001 at 7:00 PM in the Neville Auditorium in the Spokane Valley to accommodate the delayed adoption of the Urban Growth Area by Spokane County; WHEREAS, notice was given to affected jurisdictions and interested parties of record prior to the continued public hearing (September 13, 2001); 12/13/01 4 00145 WHEREAS, the Board received Exhibit Nos. 56 - 67, as listed in Appendix B, prior to the continuation of the hearing;. WHEREAS, the continued public hearing was held, all proceedings were recorded and all Board members were present; WHEREAS, the Board Director administered the oath to those planning to testify and presented a staff report on alternative boundaries; WHEREAS, public testimony was given by: •Mike Donahue, 18809 Fairview Court, Otis Orchards -Walter Bonsack, 20409 E. 1st Avenue, Greenacres •Laletta Sartain, 5304 E. Cataldo, Spokane 'Annette Remshard, 1705 N. Mcmillan Lane, Greenacres 'Loyd Petersen, 3001 N. Joel Court, Otis Orchards 'Dennis Scott, 24324 E. Pinehurst Lane, Liberty Lake .Ed Mertens, 1310 N. Pierce, Spokane Cary Driskell, 12704 E. Nora, Spokane WHEREAS, the Board continued the public hearing to its regular meeting on November 5, 2001 at 3:00 pm in the Spokane County Public Works Hearing Room in Spokane to allow proponents a closing statement; WHEREAS, the Board received Exhibit Nos. 68 — 83 including the Spokane County Findings and Decision adopting the Urban Growth Area, as listed in Appendix B, prior to the continuation of the hearing; WHEREAS, the continued public hearing was held, all proceedings were recorded and all Board members were present; WHEREAS, the Board Director administered the oath to those planning to testify and presented a staff report on alternative boundaries; WHEREAS, public testimony was given by: 'Dennis Scott, 24234 E. Pinehurst Lane, Liberty Lake 'Tom Gregory, 10909 E. 23rd, Spokane -Dan Sander, 8315 E. Bridgeport, Millwood -Cary Driskell, 11014 E. 21m, Spokane 'Pete Higgins, 20221 E. 8th Avenue, Greenacres -Ed Mertens, 1310 N. Pierce, Spokane WHEREAS, Exhibit Nos. 84 - 86, as listed in Appendix B, were received during the public hearing, held on November 5, 2001, and considered by the Boundary Review Board; 12/13/01 5 00146 WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board closed the public hearing and began its deliberations; WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board directed its staff to compile information in several areas to be considered further for possible modification to the proposed incorporation: the Yardley area, Alcott area, Carnahan, Ponderosa, undeveloped areas on the southern and eastern boundary, Otis Orchards, Northwood, and Pasadena Park; WHEREAS, the Board continued the deliberations to a special meeting on November 19, 2001 at 3:00 pm in the Spokane County Public Hearing Room in Spokane; WHEREAS, at the special meeting on November 19, 2001, the Boundary Review Board took action to remove territory of the proposed incorporation outside of the Urban Growth Area; WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board considered each factor (RCW 36.93.170), and determined which objectives were met or not met by the proposal or an alternative (RCW 36.93.180); WHEREAS, the Board considered proposed alternative boundaries and modifications to the proposal; WHEREAS, the Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County based its decision on all testimony, evidence and exhibits presented at the public hearing and the information contained in BRB File No. 555-01 and decided that the proposal as submitted did not meet its objectives and therefore, modified the proposal to include the south half of the Ponderosa neighborhood, additional parcels in the Carnahan and Morningside areas, and to exclude the Pasadena Park neighborhood and undeveloped areas on the southern and eastern boundaries; WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board modified the boundaries of the proposed City of Spokane Valley, which are described in Appendix A, by a vote of five (5) in favor and zero (0) against; WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board is entering its written decision concerning this matter, pursuant to RCW 36.93.160 (4), and is adopting and filing its decision on or before December 14, 2001. 12/13/01 6 00147 FINDINGS Pursuant to RCW 36.93.150 (2), the Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County modified BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. This action is based upon the following findings pursuant to RCW 36.93.170, "Factors to be considered by the Board", RCW 36.93.180, "Objectives of the Boundary Review Board", and RCW 36.70A, "Growth Management Act". . FACTORS (RCW 36.93.170) The Boundary Review Board considered all of the factors identified in RCW 36.93.170, which include, but are not limited to the following: POPULATION AND TERRITORY Population density The estimated 2001 population for the City of Spokane Valley as originally proposed was 82,135 people with a population density of 1,825 people per square mile based on a land area of 45 square miles. After the land area outside of the Urban Growth Area was removed the estimated 2001 population was 81,617 with a population density of 1,954 people per square mile based on a land area of 41/7 square miles. The Board considered population density to be an important factor in its decision to modify the proposal. Subsequently, the Board modified the proposal to exclude undeveloped and less dense areas containing more rural land uses and including areas, which were more urban in character containing significant additional residential uses. The projected population of the proposed city as modified would be 80,693 with a population density of 2,092 persons per square mile based on a land area of 38.5 square miles. Land area and uses The proposed City of Spokane Valley contains a wide range of land uses. Industrial uses are concentrated in the eastern portion of the proposed city, in the area identified as Yardley, and north of 1-90 between Argonne Road and Sullivan Road. Agricultural uses can be found in the easterly section of the proposed city with some agricultural uses scattered throughout other residential areas. Commercial corridors are found along Sprague Avenue, Pines, Sullivan and Argonne/Mullan Roads. Urban density residential land use is concentrated in the Opportunity, Dishman, Veradale, and East Spokane areas. Small acreage residential, mixed with some higher density residential can-be found in the Greenacres and Otis Orchards areas of the proposed new city. The Board considered this an important factor in its decision to modify the proposal by excluding the less developed areas on the south and east boundaries and including the developed urban areas adjacent to the proposed city boundary of Ponderosa, Carnahan, and Morningside. In direct correlation to this factor, the Board did not 12/13/01 7 00148 exclude the Yardley area because of its existing urban character containing residential, commercial, and industrial land uses. Comprehensive Plans and Development Regulations Within the boundary of the incorporation proposal, the Spokane County Comprehensive Land Use Plan designations are diverse. Approximately 90 percent of the originally proposed incorporation area was within the Urban Growth Area (UGA) designated in the 2001 Comprehensive Plan. The Yardley and Alcott areas designated as City of Spokane Joint Planning Areas were included in the original proposal as was the area designated within the Pasadena Park Neighborhood/Community Plan. Zoning classifications within the area, and described by the Spokane County Zoning Code, vary from intense Heavy Industrial (1-3) and Regional Business (B-3) to the least intense General Agricultural (GA) designation. The area outside of the UGA was removed by the Board eliminating Rural and Agricultural designations. The Board considered the adopted comprehensive plans and zoning an important factor in its decision and modified the proposal to exclude land outside of the designated Urban Growth Area and the Pasadena Park Neighborhood and to include land urban in character within the Urban Growth Area and developed as urban residential: Ponderosa, Carnahan, and Morningside areas. Applicable Service Agreements As a part of the comprehensive plan that a new City of Spokane Valley would prepare is the establishment of service agreements with the affected special purpose districts (i.e., Fire District No. 1, and Spokane County Library District) and Spokane County. These agreements can include policies for the continuation of services, annexation, County planning and zoning in its Urban Growth Area, and revenue sharing. Applicable Interlocal Agreements The interlocal agreement between the City of Spokane and Fire District 1 includes the process agreed to by the two entities for eventual annexation of the area by the City of Spokane; mitigation when annexation occurs; and joint planning of facilities and services. The Board considered this timeline an important factor is its decision to not exclude the Yardley and Alcott areas from the new city in that the area would remain unincorporated for at least two years according to the agreement. Per capita assessed valuation The originally proposed city had an estimated 2001 taxable assessed value of real property of$4,450,000,000. Using a 2001 population of 82,135 people, the estimated per capita assessed value was $53,120. With the area outside of the Urban Growth Area removed, the per capita assessed value increased to $53,364. The Board considered this an important factor in its decision to leave the Yardley area within the boundaries and modify the proposal by adding more developed areas and removing less urban areas. The 2001 taxable assessed value of real property for the 12/13/01 8 00149 modified proposal is $3,962,605,256 and the per capita assessed value of the modified proposal is $53,376. Topography, natural boundaries and drainage basins, proximity to other populated areas The proposed city is relatively flat with slopes in northern and southern portions. The incorporation area contains a large number of drainage basins and wetland areas, which have been identified. A major portion of the proposed city is over the Spokane Valley/Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. The proposed City of Spokane Valley lies directly east of the City of Spokane, which is the County's largest urban area and is the second largest city in Washington with a 2000 population of 195,629. The Board modified the proposal to extend the use of the Spokane River as a natural boundary north of the Town of Millwood. The existence and preservation of prime agricultural soils and productive agricultural uses Much of the original landscape within the proposed city has been altered by human activity. Residential, commercial, and industrial activity has displaced much of the agricultural activity. The County has not designated areas within the boundaries for primarily agricultural uses; however, much of the eastern portion of the Spokane Valley contains various agricultural uses including farming and animal raising. The Board considered this an important factor in its decision to modify the proposal by excluding rural and agricultural lands to the extent possible. The likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas during the next ten years A growth rate of 9.7 percent was projected for the incorporation area for the next ten years based on the growth of the incorporation area from 1990 through 2000. Population projections for Spokane County and the City of Spokane were estimated as a part of the growth management planning process. For the table below, the 1990-2000 population growth rate was continued to 2010. 10-year Population Projection for the Spokane Valley Incorporation Area Spokane County 361,333 417,939 13.5 453,881 Unincorporated Area 165,443 199,135 16.9 232,788 Incorporated Area 195,890 218,804 10.5 221,093 City of Spokane 177,165 195,629 9.4 214,018 City of Spokane Valley* 74,081 81,277 9.7 89,425 *As originally proposed. The Board considered population growth as an important factor in its decision to modify the proposal by excluding areas with rural residential zoning whenever possible. 12/13/01 9 001.50 Location and most desirable future location of community facilities Community facilities within the incorporation area include recreation facilities such as parks and golf courses, public service facilities such as the transit station, post offices, fire stations, cemeteries, schools, a hospital and churches. With incorporation, municipal buildings and maintenance facilities would be required. MUNICIPAL SERVICES Need for municipal services Governmental services are provided to the area, at present, by a combination of special purpose districts, Spokane County, the City of Spokane and private companies. The Board considered this an important factor in its decision. The Board modified the boundaries to include adjacent urban areas requiring urban services and reduced the total non-urban lands, which do not require municipal services or do not have them available. For this reason, the Ponderosa, Carnahan, Morningside, and Yardley areas, which require full urban services, were included in the incorporation boundaries. The Board was concerned that a substantial portion of the proposed City of Spokane Valley was not completely sewered and would be the only new city to incorporate without sewers in place creating a financial burden to the new city. The existing wastewater treatment plant will soon be at capacity and an alternative treatment facility is planned to serve the Spokane Valley. The Board was concerned that the planning for this facility would be delayed by a change in wastewater management and the expense of the new facility would be another burden to the new city. Effect of ordinances, governmental codes, regulations and resolutions on existing services Initially the new city could contract for a county level of service by policy and ordinance. If that were the case, there would be a minimal effect on the present level of service to the area. With incorporation, fire protection service would have to be negotiated between Fire District 1 and Fire District 8, considering both fire districts serve the proposed new city. Present cost and adequacy of governmental services and controls in the area Proponents have stated that more local control over the Valley's future development was a reason for the incorporation effort. The Board acknowledged the proponents concern over local control of services. As part of the Spokane Valley incorporation study staff developed a survey in an attempt to identify Valley residents' satisfaction with existing service providers. The survey was published in the Valley Voice edition of the Spokesman Review in November 2000. Five hundred responses were received and the results were compiled and analyzed. The results of the survey expressed that Valley residents' were for the most part satisfied with municipal services. Prospects of governmental services from other sources The new city would provide some new services to the area in the form of general government functions. Those services initially would be legislative, administrative, 12/13/01 10 00151 planning, legal and finance. Other services may be contracted with Spokane County, City of Spokane, special purpose districts, or private enterprises. The new city council would make many of these decisions if incorporation occurs. Probable future needs for such services and controls Future needs will depend on the demand for a higher level of service or desire to have greater control over municipal services of the city. Probable effect of proposal on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area and adjacent areas There are a number of impacts of the incorporation of the Spokane Valley that affect the cost and adequacy of services in the incorporation area and adjacent unincorporated areas. The Board considered this factor in evaluating alternative boundaries for the proposal by excluding areas that were non-urban in nature to prevent future fiscal strains from providing urban services to less densely developed areas. The revenue available to the new city as modified was estimated at $27,668,847 for 2001 and $29,365,288 for 2003 for the General Budget and $2,288,416 for 2001 and $2,437,964 in 2003 for Capital Improvements. Expenses for the new city were estimated at $32,724,101 for 2001 and $34,500,262 for 2003 to provide the same level of services to Spokane Valley residents. Capital improvements for the Spokane Valley planned by Spokane County for 2002 — 2006 amount to $27,952,000. The Board determined that the new city would have other revenue mechanisms available (i.e. a utility tax) and its budget could be balanced and the city could be financially viable. The effect on the finances, debt structure, and contractual obligations and rights of all affected governmental units Spokane County would be the most affected government unit by the incorporation of a city in the Spokane Valley. The total revenue loss to Spokane County would be approximately $18 million or 18 percent of the County General Fund and a loss of$9 million to the Road Fund or 15 percent of the County Road Fund. In addition to this, state and federal road grants and community development grants would be reduced. The Board also considered the impacts of the proposal and its alternatives on the special purpose districts and the City of Spokane. An estimated revenue loss of $169,179 to Fire District 8 would result from the incorporation as modified. Negotiation between Fire District 1 and Fire District 8 could be made in order to continue providing adequate fire protection. THE EFFECT OF THE PROPOSAL ON ADJACENT AREAS, ON MUTUAL ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL INTERESTS, AND ON THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE OF THE COUNTY The impacts of the incorporation of a new city in the Spokane Valley on Spokane County government could be significant, however, testimony from Spokane County officials did not establish the impact to be great enough to be considered a significant factor. Revenue losses would most likely be made up with contractual agreements for County services. 12/13/01 11 0 ` 152 OBJECTIVES (RCW 36.93.180) Preservation of natural neighborhoods and communities The Spokane Valley has had a distinct identity since its beginnings as orchard lands and small farms. Several communities can still be generally defined with the incorporation proposal: East Spokane, Yardley, Alcott, Orchard Avenue, Trentwood, , Chester, Irvin, Ponderosa, Northwood, Pasadena Park, Opportunity, Veradale, Greenacres, and Otis Orchards. Distinct industrial and commercial areas can also be identified: the Trentwood area including Kaiser and Spokane Industrial Park, Mirabeau, the Sprague Avenue, Argonne/Mullan, Pines and Sullivan Road commercial corridors. Testimony received indicated that the boundaries proposed for the new city divided the communities of, Carnahan, and Ponderosa and isolated other urban areas such as Pasadena Park. The Board determined that the Pasadena Park area should be excluded because of its unique character. The Board determined that the southern part of the Ponderosa area and the remaining portion of the Carnahan area should be included because the original boundary divided these neighborhoods. The Board ruled that as modified, the proposal would better meet this objective (RCW 36.93.180 (1)). Use of physical boundaries, including but not limited to bodies of water, highways and land contours Fire district boundaries were originally used to define the new city. These are not physical boundaries in some areas and the Board was concerned that it was difficult for the County to service roads in the area. The Board modified the proposal because the Spokane River separated the Pasadena Park area from the rest of the Spokane Valley and to alleviate some of the road maintenance and service concerns of Spokane County. The Board ruled that if modified by excluding Pasadena Park and using the Spokane River as a boundary and making road modifications recommended by the County Engineer, this objective would be met by (RCW 36.93.180 (2)). Creation and preservation of logical service areas The new city would annex to the fire district immediately upon incorporation maintaining that service area. Water purveyors were assumed to remain serving their existing service areas. The Board was concerned that other service providers both within the new city and the County would have illogical service areas leading to increased cost and staff time (i.e. road maintenance, police protection). By modifying the proposal to include adjacent urban areas and exclude undeveloped areas, the Board determined that these service problems would be alleviated. The Yardley area remained within the 12/13/01 12 00153 proposed city boundaries due to its existing urban character and existing industrial uses that require urban level of services. In addition, the Board determined that removing Yardley would create an island of County land causing service delivery problems. The Board ruled that as modified, this objective would be met by the proposal (RCW 36.93.180 (3)). Prevention of abnormally irregular boundaries The Board considered several modifications to the proposal. At the request of the City of Spokane, the Board was asked to consider excluding the Yardley area because the area is in the City's water and sewer service area, the City serves water to the area and has extended sewers to the area. Testimony received by the City of Spokane indicated that annexation was not currently proposed for that portion of Yardley that it currently served. Excluding only the City of Spokane's water and sewer service area would create an irregular boundary. The Board determined that the proposed western boundary of the new city was not abnormally irregular as proposed. In the Pasadena Park area, the Board received testimony stating that the proposed boundary was irregular, the roads used as boundaries divided the community, and the eastern boundary was not distinct. The Board determined that the eastern boundary was abnormally irregular and modified the boundary to use the Spokane River as the boundary in that area. In other areas, the Board followed recommendations of the County Engineer to use road rights-of-way and not divide parcels. The Board determined that by modifying the boundaries this objective would be met better than the original proposal (RCW 36.93.180 (4)). Discouragement of multiple incorporations of small cities and encouragement of incorporation of cities in excess of ten thousand population in heavily populated urban areas The estimated population for the proposed City of Spokane Valley is 80,700, which would rank it as one of the larger cities in the State of Washington. The Board determined that modifying the proposal meets this objective (RCW 36.93.180 (5)). Dissolution of inactive special purpose districts The Board determined that this objective did not apply. Adjustment of impractical boundaries The Board considered modifications to the original boundaries to meet this objective with the constraint of the state law limiting modifications to ten percent of the land area after the territory outside of the Urban Growth Area is removed. The Board adjusted the boundaries to allow more consistency for service providers, more efficient provision of urban services, and better management of resources. 12/13/01 13 nn + 54 The Board determined that the modified boundaries met this objective (RCW 36.93.180 (7)). Incorporation as cities or towns or annexation to cities or towns of unincorporated areas which are urban in character Urban character is defined by population distribution and density, land uses, and availability of services. The population density for the area as proposed is low when compared to other cities in Spokane County and Washington. The Board modified the proposal by eliminating areas of very low population density, non-urban land uses, and those lacking in urban services and included adjacent areas of higher densities, urban land uses, and full urban services. The Board determined that as modified, the population density would increase from 1,855 persons per square mile to 2,096 persons per square mile; the percentage of vacant land uses would decrease from 24 percent to 20 percent; and the area receiving full urban services would increase accordingly. Therefore, the Board determined that this objective would be better met with modification (RCW 36.93.180 (8)). Protection of agricultural and rural lands which are designated for long term productive agricultural and resource use by a comprehensive plan adopted by the county legislative authority No lands in the proposed incorporation area are designated for agricultural or rural purposes although portions of the area include land, which is suitable for agricultural purposes and is currently used for that purpose. The Board determined that this objective was not applicable to its decision (RCW 36.93.180 (9)). 12/13/01 14 00155 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR SPOKANE COUNTY that based upon the record, testimony and exhibits in File No. 555-01 and the above findings and conclusions, is hereby modifying the proposed incorporation. ADOPTED BY THE WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR SPOKANE COUNTY by a vote of 5 in favor and O against on this 10th day of December, 2001 and signed by me in authentication of its adoption on said date. WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR SPOKANE COUNTY /// (7 Rob Nebergall, Chair eatilbt 4 kagi Jo 1 Hag' of , Vice Chair L.._!!i, Lam._ Doug B-., :.a . 1e .er �� Lawrence Stone, e.ard Member aares rikTs 1'3 Daniel Turbev - III, Board Member r3 ATTESTED TO and filed by me on this 1tth day of December, 2001. AS Q Q vt W.vi4M Susan M. Winchell, Director Boundary Review Board 15 to 0 1 �' "' 5) yI Ir l 1.----1-e- p , 1.=CsA �. - ] \ 1,1-,,' I i lit- Ct �I a 18c rA@u titsill Ii 7I� r � di a r �' —:. _ �.— r ���q� �� � cCityy of 5 Okawel 4.iii ;, r 't5 'R'"' �° - — )1 i'�'- • ' ,, ° w "` _ .1 r� PPro`ved,Bounfl8riea , a. l � 3 � �f, a tit: •„w eir& C g HI ST rx A9FV1l i d�sv,.Y jl erx++F't�`ii 7 J s $ 1 i e n' 7�'iFtT�°. '-�3 _ d - ) A'�, ".1`q- v" u'1'S7^,- a�rnin'W, `�,'v 1� � ,� . LI +1nR 1' u @ la ® i roti 3L II . esu �.=n _ - .'' � '° � i. 5 aEwa t„m„uwlas `x:. A r C-_ sir1� /. -�'r ''" 7 w, 1 �..A,m*Z ` • tt�?i" ''�`, *'�7 ' "a' Pork I " - ayes! 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E' Approved Boundary I ° lma % mgton slate BomdaryReView Baud for 9polmro Cowry December 13,2001 Q0157 APPENDIX A • Legal Description for BRB 555-01: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of Havana Street and the South line of Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M.; Thence North along the East line of Havana Street in Sections 23 and 14, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M. to the South easterly right of way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad (formerly known as Northern Pacific Railway); Thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly right of way line to the West line of Fancher Road in said Section 14; Thence North along said West line of Fancher Road to the South line of Block 81 of Parkwater, filed in Book P, Page 48, in Section 11, Township 25 North, Range 43 East W.M.; Thence East along said South line extended to the East line of Fancher Road in Section 12, Township 25 North, Range 43 East W.M.; Thence North along said East line to the Northwesterly right of way line of the Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and Palouse Railway in said Section 12; Thence Northeasterly along said Northwesterly right of way line to the East Spokane City Limit line on "F" Avenue extended South, located in the Northeast Quarter (NE '/) of Section 12, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M.; Thence North along said East Spokane City Limit line to the North line of Euclid Avenue (formerly Idaho Street) in Section 1, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M.; Thence East along said North line of Euclid Avenue to its intersection with the West line of Coleman Road (formerly "D" Street); Thence North along said West line to the North line of Bridgeport Avenue; Thence East along said North line to the East line of Park Road in Section 6, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, W.M.; Thence North along said East right of way line to the center of the Spokane River in said Section 1; Thence Easterly along the center of the Spokane River to the East line of the West half of said Section 6; 12/13/01, V3 1 00158 Thence South along said East line to the North right of way line of Glass Avenue in said Section 6; Thence Westerly along said North right of way line to the West right of way line of Vista Road extended North in said Section 6; Thence Southerly along said West right of way line to the North right of way line of Liberty Avenue in said Section 6; Thence Easterly along said Northerly right of way line to the East right of way line of Vista Road and the city limits boundary for the City of Millwood as it exists December 10, 2001; Thence Southerly, Easterly and Northerly respectively along said boundary in Section 6, 7, 8 and 5, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W.M., to the Southerly line of the Spokane River; Thence continuing Northerly along the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly boundary to the center of the Spokane River in said Section 5; Thence Easterly along said center of the Spokane River in Sections 5, 4, and 3, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W.M., to the South line of the Northwest quarter of said Section 3; Thence East along said South line to the West line of the East 1038' of said Northwest quarter of Section 3; Thence North along said West line to the South right of way line of Wellesley Avenue in said Section 3; Thence West along said South right of way line to the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line of Short Plat 617-90, filed in Book 7, Page 8 in Section 34, Township 26 North, Range 44 East W.M.; Thence North along said line to the Northwest corner of said Plat in Section 34; Thence East along the North line of Sanson Lane and Sanson Avenue extended to the East right of way line of Forker Road in Section 35, Township 26 North, Range 44 East W.M.; Thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly right of way line of Forker Road to the South line of Progress Road in Section 35; 12/13/01, V3 2 00159 Thence Southeasterly and South along the South and West line of Progress Road to the North line of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 35; Thence East along said line to the Northwest corner of the South half of the Southwest quarter of Section 36, Township 26 North, Range 44 East W.M.; Thence East along the North line of said South half of the Southwest quarter to the East right of way line of Moore Road in Section 36; Thence South along said East right of way line to the North line of Wellesley Manor 4th Addition filed in Book 12, Page 65 in Section 36; Thence East along said North line to the West line of the Plat of Chinook No. 4 filed in Book 23, Page 1 in Section 36; Thence North along said West line to the North line of said plat in Section 36; Thence East along the North line of said plat and the North line of the Plat of Chinook No. 1, filed in Book 21, Page 84 to the East line of said plat in Section 36; Thence South along said East line to the North right of way line of Wellesley Avenue in Section 36; Thence East along said North right of way line to the East right of way line of Flora Road in Section 31, Township 26 North, Range 45 East W.M.; Thence South along said East line to the North right of way line of Trent Avenue (S.R. 290) in Section 6; Thence East along said North line of Trent Avenue to the Southwesterly right of way line of Wellesley Avenue in Section 32, Township 26 North, Range 45 East W.M.; Thence Southeasterly along said Southwesterly right of way line to the East line of the West half of said Section 5, Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.; Thence South along said East line of the West half of said Section 5, to the South quarter corner; thence continuing along said line to the South right of way line of Euclid Road in Section 8, Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.; Thence East along said South right of way line to the East right of way line of Rockford Road in Section 8; 12/13/01, V3 3 oo ; 60 Thence South along said East right of way line and the prolongation thereof to the centerline of the Spokane River in Section 8; Thence Southwesterly along said center line to the East line of the West half of Section 8; Thence South along said East line of Section 8 and the East line of the West half of Section 17, Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M. to the North right of way line of Sprague Avenue in Section 20, Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.; Thence East along said South right of way line to the East right of way line of Hodges Road in Section 20; Thence South along said East right of way line to the South right of way line of 8th Avenue in Section 20; Thence West along said South right of way line to the East line of Meadow View Ranch Estates filed in Book 21, Page 58 in Section 20; Thence Southerly and Westerly along the boundary of said plat to the southerly line of Meadow View Ranch Estates No. 2, filed in Book 24, Page 81 in Section 20; Thence Northwesterly along said South line of Meadow View Ranch Estates No. 2, filed in Book 24, Page 81 to the West right of way line of Barker Road in Section 19, Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.; Thence South along said West line to the South line of Turtle Creek 3`d Addition, filed in Book 26, Page 89 in Section 19; Thence Northwesterly along said South line and continuing Northwest along the South line of Turtle Creek 2nd Addition, filed in Book 25, Page 84 to the North line of the South half of Section 19; Thence West along said North line to the West line of the East 330' of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 19; Thence South along said West line to the South line of said Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 19; Thence East along said line to the East line of the Southwest quarter of Section 19; Thence South along said East line to the North line of Section 30, Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.; 12/13/01, V3 4 00161 Thence West along said North line and the North line of Section 25, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W.M., to the Easterly line of Ridgemont Estates No. 2, filed in Book 13, Page 85 in Section 25; Thence Southerly along said Easterly line to the Northerly line of Ridgemont Estates No. 3, filed in Book 21, Page 80 in Section 25; Thence Southerly and Easterly along said Northerly line to the Westerly line of Morningside, Phase 1 a P.U.D., filed in Book 22, Page 88 in Section 25; Thence Northerly, Easterly, Southerly and Westerly along the boundary of said P.U.D. to the Westerly line of Viewmont at Morningside, a P.U.D., filed in Book 24, Page 47 in Section 25; Thence Easterly, along the boundary of said P.U.D., to the West right of way line of Chapman Road in Section 25; Thence Southerly along said West right of way line to the Southerly right of way line of Steen Road extended East in Section 25; Thence Westerly along said Southerly right of way line to the South line of the North half of Section 25; Thence West along said South line to the Southeast right of way line of 24th Avenue in Section 25; Thence West along said Southeast right of way line to the East line of Timberlane 1st Addition, filed in Book 10, Page 61 in Section 25; Thence Southerly and Westerly along the boundary of said plat to the East line of the plat of Timberlane, filed in Book 8, Page 90 in Section 25; Thence Southeasterly and Southwesterly to the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 4 of Timberlane in Section 25; Thence South 30°17'00" East a distance of 320; Thence South 51°57'00 East, a distance of 140'; thence South 38°03'00" West to the Northerly right of way line of Saltese Road in Section 25; Thence Westerly along said Northerly right of way line extended to the West right of way line of Sullivan Road in Section 26, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W.M.; Thence North along said West right of way line to the South line of Short Plat 1064-96, filed in Book 15, Page 93 in Section 26; • 12/13/01, V3 5 O3162 Thence West along said South line and the South line of McLaughlin Addition, filed in Book 9, Page 14 to the East right of way line of Progress Road in Section 26; Thence North along said East right of way line to the South line of Tract 215 of Vera, filed in Book 0, Page 30, extended East in Section 26; Thence West along the South line of Tracts 215, 214, 213 and 212 of Vera to the East right of way line of Best Road in Section 26; Thence South along said East right of way line to the South line of 32nd Avenue in Section 35, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W.M.; Thence West along said South right of way line to the East line of Midilome East 1st Addition, filed in Book 24, Page 1 in Section 34, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W.M.; Thence Southerly along said East line and the extension thereof to the South line of the North half of Section 34; Thence West along said South line to the North right of way line of 40th Avenue in Section 34; Thence West along said North right of way line to a point on a line 30' East of and parallel with the East line of the West half of the West half Section 34; Thence South along said line to the South right of way line of 40th Avenue in Section 34; Thence West along South right of way line to the East right of way of Madison Road in Section 34; Thence South along said East right of way line to the South right of way line of Thorpe Road extended in Section 3, Township 24 North, Range 44 East W.M.; Thence West along said South right of way line to the East right of way line of Dishman-Mica Road in Section 4, Township 24 North, Range 44 East W.M; Thence South along said East right of way line to the North line of Government Lot 7 in Section 4; Thence West along said North line to the East right of way line of the Oregon, Washington, Railroad and Navigation Co., in Section 4; 12/13/01, V3 6 00163 Thence Southwesterly along said East line to the South right of way line of Ponderosa Drive extended East in Section 4; Thence West along said South line to the East line of Short Plat 78-042, filed in Book 1, Page 19 in Section 4; Thence Southerly, Westerly and Northerly along said Short Plat boundary to the South right of way line of Ponderosa Drive in Section 4; Thence Southwesterly along said South right of way line to the Northeasterly line of Valley Vista Estates, filed in Book 17, Page 66 in Section 4; Thence Southeasterly and Southwesterly along the Southerly boundary of said plat to the North line of Short Plat 1129-97, filed in Book 15, Page 81 in Section 4; Thence Easterly and Southerly to the Northeast corner of Guthrie Family Tracts, filed in Book 20, Page 86 in Section 4; Thence South along the East line of Guthrie Family Tracts to the Northeast corner of Short Plat 1128-97, filed in Book 15, Page 83 in Section 4; Thence South, West and North along the East, South and West boundary to the South line of Guthrie Family Tracts in Section 4; Thence Northwesterly along said South line to the East line of Section 5, Township 24 North, Range 44 East W.M.; Thence North along the East line of Section 5 to the South line of Ponderosa Hills, filed in Book 15, Page 79; Thence Westerly and North along the boundary of Ponderosa Hills to the South line of Iller 1st Addition, filed in Book 14, Page 8 in Section 5; Thence West along the South line of said plat to the East line of Short Plat 740- 92, filed in Book 9, Page 5 in Section 5; Thence Southerly, Westerly and Northerly along said Short Plat boundary to the South line of Iller Addition, filed in Book 9, Page 78 in Section 5; Thence West and Northwesterly along said plat boundary to the South right of way line of Holman Road in Section 5; Thence Westerly along said South right of way line to the West line of Johnstone Addition, filed in Book 16, Page 65, extended Southerly in Section 5; 12/13/01, V3 7 00164 Thence North and East along the boundary of said plat to the West line of Short Plat 92-746, filed in Book 9, Page 8 in Section 5; Thence North along said West line to the South right of way line of 44th Avenue in Section 5; Thence Northerly to the Southwest corner of Ponderosa Heights Addition, filed in Book 08, Page 93 in Section 32, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W.M.; Thence North and East along the boundary of said plat to the South corner of Lot 1 Block 3 of Ponderosa Acres 7th Addition, filed in Book 14, Page 60 in Section 32; Thence Northwesterly to the Northwest corner of said lot; Thence North 15°50'18" West a distance of 215'; Thence North 67°15'10" East to the Westerly right of way line of Sunderland Drive in Section 32; Thence Northeasterly along said Westerly right of way line to the South line of Ponderosa 8th Addition, filed in Book 19, Page 51 in Section 32; Thence Westerly and Northerly along said plat boundary to the East line of the West half of Section 32; Thence North along said East line to the South line of Ponderosa 9th Addition, filed in Book 22, Page 7 in Section 32; Thence Southwesterly, Northerly and Easterly along said plat boundary to the West line of Short Plat 945-94, filed in Book 11, Page 58 in Section 32; Thence Northerly along the Westerly boundary of said Short Plat to the South line of Section 29, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W.M.; Thence East along said South line to the West right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad in Section 29; Thence Northwesterly along said West right of way line to the North line of 16th Avenue in Section 20, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W.M.; Thence West along said North right of way line and the extension thereof to the West right of way line of Bluff Drive in Section 20; Thence Southerly along said West right of way line to the South line of Section 20; 12/13/01, V3 8 00165 Thence West along said South line to the East line of the Record of Survey filed in Book 49, Pages 75 through 80, in Spokane County; Thence Northerly and Westerly along said boundary to the West line of Section 20 and the Southeast corner of Lot 13 of Ben Peters Addition, filed in Book 18, Page 64 in Section 20 and Section 19, Township 25 North; Range 44 East W.M.; Thence Westerly and Northerly along said plat boundary to the North line thereof; Thence continuing North along the prolongation of the said West boundary to the South right of way line of Appleway Boulevard in Section 19, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W.M.; Thence Westerly along said South right of way line to the East right of way line of 3rd Avenue in Section 19; Thence Southwesterly along said East right of way line to the East line of Lot 2, Block 13 of the Plat of West Dishman, filed in Book 3, Page 77 in Section 19; Thence Southerly and Westerly along said plat boundary to the West line of Lot 4 Block 12 of said plat in Section 19; Thence South on the Southerly extension of said West line to the South line of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter in Section 19; Thence West along said South line a distance of 152' to the West right of way line of Sargent Road in Section 19; Thence North along said West right of way line to the South right of way line of Appleway Boulevard in Section 19; Thence Westerly along said South right of way line to the West line of the East 20' of the West half of Section 19; Thence South along said West line to a point on a line 380' North of and parallel to the South line of the North half of the North half of Section 19; Thence West on said line to a point on a line 245' West of and parallel with the West line of the East half of Section 19 as shown on Record of Survey filed in Book 94, Page 81 in Spokane County; Thence South 0°04'36" East a distance of 50'; Thence South 12°42'20" West a distance of 113.05'; 12/13/01, V3 9 00166 Thence South 89°21'44" West, a distance of 390' to the West line of the East half of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter; Thence South along said West line to the South line thereof in Section 19; Thence West along said South line to the Northeast corner of Government Lot 2 in Section 19; Thence South along the East line of said Government Lot to the Easterly prolongation of the South line of the Record of Survey filed in Book 91, Page 13 in Section 19; thence West along said line to the East line of said survey. Thence Westerly and Northerly along said boundary to the East line of Short Plat 1033-95 filed in Book 12, Page 55 in Section 19; Thence Southerly, Easterly and Westerly of said Short Plat to the East right of way line of Park Road in Section 19; Thence South along said East right of way line to the North right of way line of 8th Avenue In Section 19; Thence East along said North line to the East line of 8th Avenue; Thence South to the South line of 8th Avenue; Thence West to the East line of Beverly Hills First Addition, filed in Book 5, Page 5 in Section 19; Thence Southerly along said plat boundary to the East right of way line of Skyline Place in Section 19; Thence Southerly along said East right of way line to the Northerly line of Curtis Park Club Tracts, filed in Book 7, Page 4 in Section 19; Thence Easterly, Northerly and Southerly along said plat boundary to the Northeasterly right of way line of Skyline Drive in said Section 19; Thence Southerly and Westerly along said Skyline Drive and the Southerly right of way line of Beverly Drive to the East line of Lot 2, Block 4 of Beverly Hills 1st Addition in Section 19; Thence Southerly along said East line to the South line of said Plat; Thence Westerly and Northerly along said boundary to the South line of Lot 1, Block 3; 12/13/01, V3 10 00167 Thence Westerly along said South line and the prolongation thereof to the West right of way line of Park Road in Section 24, Township 25 North, Range 43 East W.M.; Thence Northerly along said right of way line to the South line of Woodlawn Park filed in Book 0, Page 23; Thence Westerly along said south boundary to the East line of the West half of said Section 24; Thence South along said East line to the North line of Croffut Addition filed in Book 8, Page 85 in Section 24; Thence Easterly, Southerly and Westerly along said plat boundary to the East line of the West half of Section 24; Thence Southerly along said East line and the East line of the West half of Section 25, Township 25 North, Range 43 East W.M., to the North line of Short Plat 82-201, filed in Book 3, Page 16; Thence Westerly, Northerly and Southerly along the Northerly boundary of said Short Plat to the Southerly right of way line of Lake Road in Section 25; Thence West along said Southerly line to the East line of Section 26, Township 25 North, Range 43 East W.M.; Thence North along said East line to the South line of the North half of the Northeast quarter of Section 26; Thence West along said South line to the East right of way line of Carnahan Road in Section 26; Thence North along said East right of way line to the South line of Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 43 East W.M.; Thence West along said South line to the Point of Beginning. 12/13/01, V3 11 00168 APPENDIX B EXHIBIT LIST FOR: BRB 555-01: PROPOSED SPOKANE VALLEY INCORPORATION Exhibit 1: Letter dated September 11, 2000 from the Hank Miggins, City of Spokane, 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd., asking that the boundaries of the proposed City of Spokane Valley be modified pursuant to RCW 36.93. Exhibit 2: Letter dated October 10, 2000 from Ed Mertens, Chair of the Community Action Committee granting a waiver of the 120 day review period. Exhibit 3: Letter dated April 12, 2001 from Martha and Earl Draper, Orchard Avenue area, 3615 N. Dick Road, Spokane, WA 99212, opposed to Valley incorporation. Exhibit 4: Letter dated April 12, 2001 from Carnhope Irrigation District No. 7, requesting that the entire district remain within the boundaries of the new city. Exhibit 5: E-mail received April 14, 2001 from Lois Rich, Woodland Ridge PUD, NW corner of Northwood, opposes incorporation. Exhibit 6: E-mail received April 16, 2001 from Richard Clark, 901 S. Williamette, requesting to be included in the boundaries. Exhibit 7: E-mail received April 16, 2001 from Linda Connor, opposes Valley Incorporation. Exhibit 8: E-mail received April 12, 2001 from Pat Tebo, requests that Painted Hills area should be included in new city.. Exhibit 9: E-mail received April 12, 2001 from Richard and Paula Janssen, 11011 E. 50th Ct, requesting Ponderosa neighborhood not to be included in new city. Exhibit 10: E-mail received April 12, 2001 from Hans Krauss, stating if it's going to cost more in taxes, he prefers that Ponderosa be out of the proposed area. Exhibit 11: E-mail received April 12, 2001 from Edward Mitchell and Kimberly Anderson-Mitchell, 7717 E. Princeton Ave, Spokane, WA 99212, opposes incorporation. 12/13/01 1 00169 Exhibit 13: E-mail received April 16, 2001 from Honey Poppe, 4721 N. Vista Road, Spokane, WA 99212, 924-3333, opposes Valley incorporation and would like Upriver Drive, not Wellesley as the boundary for the new city. Exhibit 14: Letter dated April 14, 2001 from Epifania and Arthur Olson, 4104 N. Marguerite Road, Spokane, WA 99212, (Pasadena Park), opposes incorporation and would like Pasadena Park excluded. Exhibit 15: Letter dated April 15, 2001 from Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gantt, 20202 E. Nora Ave, Greenacres, WA 99016 indicating they would like to be included in the new city. Exhibit 16: Letter dated April 17, 2001 from Harriet C. Blum, 2926 N. Joel Rd, Coachlight Estates, Otis Orchards, WA 99027, requesting that Barker Road be the east boundary of the new city leaving all of Otis Orchards out. Exhibit 17: Letter dated April 18, 2001 from Robert D. Miller and Alice E. Miller, 3718 S. Union Court, Spokane, WA 99206, requesting that the area south of 32nd and between Hwy 27 and Dishman-Mica Road be excluded. Exhibit 18: E-mail received April 19, 2001 from Walter and Sally Bonsack, 20409 E. First Ave, Greenacres, WA 99016, asking to adjust the boundary so the area east of Henry Road and south of Sprague be included. Exhibit 19: E-mail received April 23, 2001 from Wilbert and Gladys Fritz, 18506 E. 4th Ave, Greenacres, requesting to be included in new city. Exhibit 20: Letter dated April 28, 2001 from Gordon Landberg, 13606 E. 27th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99216, opposes incorporation if it will raise taxes. Exhibit 21: E-mail received May 14, 2001 from V. Rauer, opposes the area north of the Spokane River and west of Pines being included in the new city. Exhibit 22: E-mail received May 23, 2001 from Robert V. Oos, requesting that the Ponderosa area be excluded from the new city. Exhibit 23: E-mail received August 1, 2001 from John and Leanne Pardee, 14806 E. 10th, Veradale, WA 99037, opposes incorporation. Exhibit 24: E-mail received August 1, 2001 from Craig Shillam, 2014 N. Vista Road, Spokane, opposes incorporation. Exhibit 25: E-mail received August 3, 2001 from Robin Oos, 4130 S. Conifer Ct., Spokane, WA 99206, opposes incorporation. 12/13/01 2 00170 Exhibit 26: E-mail received August 3, 2001 from Larry Blanchard, 2601 N. Barker Rd. #105, Otis Orchards, WA 99027, opposes incorporation. Exhibit 27: Letter dated July 27, 2001 from attorney Cary P. Driskell requesting inclusion of property owned by Packet Place, LLC., and Outlook Development, LLC. Exhibit 28: Letter and map dated August 8, 2001 from John Powers, Mayor of the City of Spokane, requesting that the boundaries for the proposed City of Spokane Valley be modified to exclude the Yardley and Alcott areas. Exhibit 29: Information packet from Spokane County Fire District 1 explaining the long term planning procedures that have taken place. The fire department requests the Yardley area to remain within the incorporation boundaries. Exhibit 30: Map presented to the Board from Fire District 1 indicating the Yardley boundary and the mileage from the Valley Fire Department in comparison to the City of Spokane Fire Department. Exhibit 31: Letter dated August 8, 2001 from John and Karen Kercheval, 7905 E. Wellesley, requesting to be excluded from the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 32: Comments received August 8, 2001 from Brian Sayrs, 1011 N. Malvern Circle Road, requesting modification areas 8 and 9 be excluded from the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 33: Fax received August 13, 2001 from Gayle Puu Carroll, 11823 E. 38th Avenue, requesting that approximately 640 acres south of 40th Avenue between SR 27 and Pines/Madison Roads not be included within the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 34: Letter dated August 10, 2001 from James and Mildred Gantt, 20202 E. Nora Avenue, requesting to remain within the proposed boundaries. They reside inside the east border, within the block bordered by Henry Road and two blocks North of Mission Avenue. Exhibit 35: Fax dated August 12, 2001 from The Nut Factory, 19425 E. Broadway Avenue, requesting that their property, which consists of the west edge of Hodges Road and fronting on the south side of 1-90 be excluded from the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 36: Fax dated August 13, 2001 from the City of Liberty Lake requesting modification areas 8 and 9 be excluded from the proposed boundaries. 12/13/01 3 00171 Exhibit 37: Letter dated August 13, 2001 from James Graue, Assistant Fire Chief, Spokane County Fire Protection District 9 requesting any areas within Fire Districts 8 and 9 be excluded. Assistant Chief Graue also requests that the Northwood area be excluded from the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 38: Letter dated August 11, 2001 from Edwin Dahl, 11302 E. 42nd Court, requests that the entire Ponderosa neighborhood be excluded from the proposed incorporation boundaries. Exhibit 39: E-mail received August 14, 2001 from Vernon Slichter, E. 10913 19th Avenue, requesting Yardley be included within the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 40: E-mail received August 15, 2001 from Jim Twelves, 6111 N. Mitchell Drive, asking why Otis Orchards is not included within the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 41: Letter dated August 23, 2001 from Spokane County Fire District 1, 10319 E. Sprague, Spokane, WA 99206 requesting the inclusion of the Yardley and Alcott areas. Exhibit 42: Letter received August 27, 2001 from Bernard and Mafalda Levernier, 2605 S. Adams Road, Veradale, WA 99037 requesting to be included within the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 43: Letter and map dated August 27, 2001 from Wayne Frost, Inland Empire Paper Company, requesting exclusion from the proposed boundaries. The property is located near the eastern boundary. Exhibit 44: E-mail received May 5, 2001 from Jodie and Terry Cripps, 19710 E. 8th, Greenacres, requesting exclusion of their property, which lies on the south side of 8th Avenue between Barker and Henry Road. Exhibit 45: E-mail received August 27, 2001 from Kirsten and Jim Fehlig concerned about the validity of the Pasadena Park Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan if they are included within the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 46: Letter received August 27, 2001 from Pete Higgins, 20221 E. 8th Greenacres requesting exclusion from the proposed boundaries. Several neighbors signed the request for exclusion. Exhibit 47: City of Spokane Agenda Sheet for Council Meeting of October 26, 1998 regarding Fire and Emergency Medical Protection Service Area Agreement with the Spokane Valley Fire Department. 12/13/01 4 00172 Exhibit 48: Letter dated August 27, 2001 from Mayor John Powers, City of Spokane requesting the Yardley and Alcott areas be excluded from the boundaries of the proposed new City of Spokane Valley. Exhibit 49: Letter dated August 27, 2001 from Bobby Williams, Fire Chief of the City of Spokane Fire Department requesting Yardley and Alcott areas be excluded from the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 50: Letter dated August 27, 2001 from Ivah Jane Behm, 3626 S. Ridgeview Drive, (North Ponderosa area) requesting to be included within the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 51: Poll taken from residents from the Yardley and Alcott areas. Exhibit 52: Letter dated August 27, 2001 from Raymond Hanson, Hanson Industries, PO Box 7310, proponent for incorporation. Exhibit 53: Letter dated August 27, 2001 from Iris Kiger, 9618 E. Maringo Drive, (Pasadena Park property owner) requesting to be excluded from the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 54: Letter dated August 27, 2001 from Edward Mertens, Larry Rudy and Terry Lynch registering their concern about Mr. Stone being able to make an unbiased vote on the final decision. Exhibit 55: Documentation submitted by Gayle Puu Carroll regarding the area near 40th Avenue between SR 27 and Pines/Madison Roads. Exhibit 56: E-mail dated April 12, 2001 from Rev. Dr. Jacqueline S. Dickson opposing the incorporation efforts. Exhibit 57: Fax received August 28, 2001 from Philip L. Rudy, spokesperson for coalition, urging a timely decision of the Boundary Review Board. Exhibit 58: Letter received from Ed Mertens and members of the coalition asking the Board to move forward using the permanent boundaries of the GMA. Exhibit 59: Letter dated September 5, 2001 from Laletta Sartain, 5304 E. Cataldo Avenue, Spokane, does not want to be part of the City of Spokane. Exhibit 60: Letter Dated September 21, 2001 from Susan Ashe, Kaiser Aluminum, 534 E. Trent, Spokane, Kaiser has requested that its properties be included in the Final Urban Growth Area. 12/13/01 5 00173 Exhibit 61: E-mail dated September 26, 2001 from Robin and Robert Oos, 4130 S. Conifer, Spokane, opposes the Ponderosa area being included within the proposed Valley boundaries. Exhibit 62: Fax and map dated September 28, 2001 from Kert Carlson, Sports USA, 7706 E. Woodview Dr., Spokane, asking that a 21-acre parcel be taken out from the Spokane Valley Incorporation and allow the City of Liberty Lake to annex the land. Exhibit 63: Letter dated September 28, 2001 from Fire Chief Dan Stout, Fire Protection District 8, asking to utilize the Fire District 1 boundary as the new City of Spokane Valley boundary. Exhibit 64: Letter Dated September 29, 2001 from Mac McGrath, 9510 E. Holman Road, Spokane, asking the Board to move back the southern boundary from 44th to at least as far north as 32"d Exhibit 65: Copy of the Boundary Review Board flyer returned from Robert and Alice Miller, 3718 S. Union Court, Spokane, asking the area between 32nd and 44th Avenues to be deleted from the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 66: E-mail dated September 29, 2001 from Mike Luzzo, 12422 E. Mansfield, Spokane, expresses concerns regarding land development. Exhibit 67: E-mail received September 30, 2001 from Tom Herrmann, 8703 E. Maringo Drive, Spokane, in favor of excluding the Pasadena Park community from the proposed boundaries for the Spokane Valley. Exhibit 68: Letter and maps dated October 2, 2001 from Ross Kelley, Spokane County Engineer, requesting changes to the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 69: Annette Remshard submitted results from poll regarding Yardley and Alcott areas. Exhibit 70: Letter dated October 2, 2001 from Cary Driskell, 12704 E. Nora, Spokane, requesting the Yardley and Alcott areas to remain within the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 71: Map from Ed Mertens pertaining to the original proposed boundaries of the new City of Spokane Valley. Exhibit 72: E-mail dated October 4, 2001 from David and Sallie Dooley, 8419 E. Maringo Drive, Spokane, requesting the Pasadena Park neighborhood to be excluded from the proposed boundaries. 12/13/01 6 00174 Exhibit 73: Letter dated October 3, 2001 from Cary Driskell, 12704 E. Nora, Spokane, requesting copies of exhibits the City of Spokane has submitted to the Board regarding the Yardley and Alcott areas. Exhibit 74: E-mail dated October 9, 2001 from Wilbert and Gladys Fritz, 18506 E. 4t' Avenue, Greenacres, asking to remain within the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 75: Letter dated October 6, 2001 from Carnhope Irrigation District No. 7 requesting Alcott and Yardley to remain within the proposed boundaries since they have recently annexed the Alcott area into their water district. Exhibit 76: Letter dated October 9, 2001 from Hutchinson Irrigation District No. 16 requesting the Alcott and Yardley areas to be included within the boundaries. Exhibit 77: Letter dated October 4, 2001 from Grant and Karin Dunbar, 4223 N. Locust Road, Spokane, requesting Pasadena Park and Northwood to be excluded from the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 78: Letter dated October 10, 2001 from Edward Mitchell, 7717 E. Princeton Avenue, Spokane, requesting Pasadena Park, Pasadena Terrace and the Northwood neighborhoods to be excluded from the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 79: Letter dated October 19, 2001 from Dave Mandyke, Deputy Director, City of Spokane Public Works and Utilities Dept., 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd., Spokane, estimating the value of City utility infrastructure in the Yardley area of the proposed City of Spokane Valley. Exhibit 80: Letter dated October 22, 2001 from Vern Slichter, 10913 E. 19tH Spokane, submitting an article published in the Valley News Herald on October 10, 2001. Exhibit 81: Received October 30, 2001 Findings and Decision regarding the allocation of the 20 year growth management population projection and adoption of the Spokane County Interim Development Regulations designating Interim Urban Growth Areas adopted April 8, 1997 by the Board of County Commissioners. Exhibit 82: Received November 5, 2001 Findings and Decision adopting the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan and Capital Facilities Plan signed by the Board of County Commissioners on November 5, 2001. 12/13/01 7 00175 Exhibit 83: Received November 5, 2001 Findings and Decision adopting the Population Allocation and Urban Growth Area signed by the Board of County Commissioners on November 5, 2001. Exhibit 84: Letter dated November 5, 2001 from Cary Driskell, 12704 E. Nora, Spokane, regarding the potential exclusion of Yardley and Alcott. Exhibit 85: Received November 5, 2001 a memorandum dated November 5, 2001 from Dennis Scott requesting Yardley to remain within the proposed boundaries. Exhibit 86: Received November 5, 2001 signatures of residents in the Greenacres area who requested to be excluded from the boundaries of the proposed City of Spokane Valley. 12/13/01 8 00176 1r- t f. 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TYa 9„1 h�1! d -4 12. etc,7=-7.e-t''' ....i!,,,:r\,...7; ;...,:.e.,,,,,:'4")4'WS* .1,41,,,1444:41:4'1414444.-4 :114N44 Ce-147 e 44414-12.43. t'a ii P ` ;2t . �'i .---6..ix •y 1. • _ Imo;r : 't ” � a`�, f 3all li.4 4• 'int .rCg ..;;Li144 1"' 54'..L YL 'tr..5.Yilla.,,,,rt y • L...,7,111•:41111"'i +'i nrs .le .,,, ,.�.. 6 '¢ ..s a= aac as•aan..eer �e._ ea.a... .,w.y.,:.,.„ , ` L r' (//) 01, -. .. sa& 'ase_+ 7-z c .::ar. -zms it ' Washington State Boundary Review Board i„= for Spokane County t Y July 2001 '” 00177 Spokane Valley Incorporation Study for Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County Incorporation Study Team Susan Winchell, AICP, Director, Boundary Review Board Office Michael Basinger, Planner, Boundary Review Board Office Peter Fortin, Fiscal Analysis Consultant Mary Jane Honegger, Historic Preservation Consultant July 10, 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables List of Maps iv Overview of Study 1 PART I: INCORPORATION PROPOSAL 3 Proposed City of Spokane Valley 3 Type of Government 3 Form of Government Background of Spokane Valley Incorporation 3 Incorporation Process 5 Boundary Review Board Process 5 Incorporation of New Cities 5 Existing Conditions in the Spokane Valley 9 Population 9 Assessed Value 11 Land Use 11 Topography and Environment 15 PART II: SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY 17 History of the Spokane Valley 17 Spokane Valley Community Views 23 Survey of Residents 23 Steering Committee 25 PART III: MUNICIPAL SERVICE ANALYSIS 27 Inventory of Services 28 General Government 28 Legislative 28 Administrative 28 City Clerk 28 Human Resources/Risk Management 28 Finance 29 Information Services 29 Other Administrative 29 Judicial and Legal 29 District Court 29 Probation 30 Prosecutor's Office 30 Public Defender 30 0J ; 79 Public Safety 31 Law Enforcement 31 Corrections 31 Jail 31 Animal Control 32 Fire Protection 32 Public Works 33 Engineering Administration 33 Roads Maintenance 33 Highway Maintenance 34 Wastewater Management 35 Stormwater Management 36 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal 38 Water Provision 38 Other Municipal Services 40 Planning 40 Building and Code Enforcement 41 Hearing Examiner 42 Parks and Recreation 42 Geographic Information Services 43 Community Development 14 Educational Services 45 Schools 45 Library Services 46 County-wide Services 47 Noxious Weed Control 47 Spokane Transit Authority 47 Spokane Regional Transportation Council 48 Spokane County Air Pollution Control Board 49 Spokane Regional Health District 49 PART IV: REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS 51 New City Expenditures 51 City Revenues 53 Capital Expenses 57 Capital Revenues 6o Impacts of the Proposal on Spokane County 61 Impacts on Home Owners and Businesses 62 PART V: ALTERNATIVES TO INCORPORATION 63 Governance Alternatives 63 Modified Boundaries 64 PART VI: MAPS 69 00180 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Comparison of Past Incorporation Proposals 4 Table 2: Incorporation Election Dates 9 Table 3: Population Density of Spokane County Cities (2000) 10 Table 4: Population Density of Washington Cities over 50,000* 10 Table 5: 10-year Population Projection for the Spokane Valley Incorporation Area 11 Table 6: Per Capita Assessed Value of Washington Cities over 50,000 11 Table 7: Spokane Valley Cultural and Historic Sites 22 Table 8: Spokane Valley Survey Results 24 Table 9: Septic Tank Elimination program Funding 35 Table 10: Water Purveyors within the Spokane Valley Incorporation Area 39 Table 11: Spokane Valley Parks within the Incorporation Area 43 Table 12: Comparison with Similar Cities in Washington 44 Table 13: New City Budget 52 Table 14: Revenues Available to the New City 53 Table 15: Utility Tax Revenue Rates 56 Table 16: 2002-2006 Planned Capital Improvements for Sewers 58 Table 17: 2002-2006 Planned Capital Improvements for Parks 59 Table 18: 2002 Planned Spokane County Road Projects within Incorporation Area 59 Table 19: 2003 Planned Spokane County Road Projects within Incorporation Area 60 Table 20: Summary of Modification Areas 64 iii 00181 LIST OF MAPS Map 1: Spokane Valley Incorporation Area and Vicinity Map 2: City of Spokane Valley's Proposed Boundary Map 3: Cultural and Historic Sites Map 4: Elevation and Hydrology Map 5: Land Use by Communities Map 6: Spokane County Recommended Comprehensive Plan Map 7: Spokane County General Zoning Map 8: Spokane County Road Projects 2002-2003 Map 9: Spokane Valley Water Purveyors Map 10: Spokane County Sewer Project Priorities Map 11: Fire Districts Map 12: Spokane County Sheriff Districts Map 13: School Districts Map 14: Community Facilities Map 15: Possible Modification Areas iv 00182 Overview of Study Purpose The purpose of the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study is two-fold: 1) to provide the Boundary Review Board with an analysis of factors required to be considered and objectives required to be met in making its decision on the proposal; and 2)to provide the citizens of the Spokane Valley with clear and factual information upon which to base their vote on the incorporation issue. To accomplish this,the Study includes: • A description of each of the factors identified in RCW 36.93.180 required to be considered by the Boundary Review Board in making its decision (i.e. population and territory, municipal services,and the impact of the proposal on other governments). • An assessment of the objectives the Board shall attempt to achieve as identified in ROW 36.93.170 (i.e. preservation of neighborhoods and communities,logical services areas, and inclusion of areas urban in character). • An analysis of service delivery options for the new city including contracting with existing service providers, establishing new city departments,and contracting with other entities. • A financial analysis of the proposal and possible modification areas including an estimate of revenues collected in the new city boundaries and an estimate of expenses for its first full year of operation. • A description of other governance options available for the Spokane Valley. The information in this Study was based on interviews and research and reflects the conditions as of July 1, 2001. The Boundary Review Board will receive additional testimony, both written and oral, during the public review period for this Study and during the public hearing process. The final decision of the Boundary Review Board will be based upon any additions or changes to the information in this Study. Study Team An Incorporation Study team was formed to prepare,research,and analyze the incorporation proposal. The team was composed of Susan Winchell,AICP,Director, and Michael Basinger, Planner, Boundary Review Board Office;Peter Fortin,consultant to the Boundary Review Board, who provided information on the municipal services and prepared the revenue and expenditure analysis; and Mary Jane Honegger who contributed the history of the Spokane Valley. Michael Basinger, using a GIS application,developed population figures and land use analysis for the proposal and as well as preparing the maps and graphics for the Study. Study Organization The"incorporation area" as referred to in this Study is the proposed incorporation boundaries within Spokane County's Urban Growth Area (Map 2). Except where noted,population, land use, revenues, and expenses have been based on this boundary. The Incorporation Study describes the proposed City of Spokane Valley and discusses pertinent information about the criteria that the Boundary Review Board is required to consider in making its decision. It is divided as follows: 1 00183 Part I: Incorporation Proposal provides a background of the incorporation proposal,a description of the government proposed for the new City of Spokane Valley,an overview of the incorporation process,criteria of the Boundary Review Board, and existing conditions including population,land use by sub-areas,topography and environment. Part II: Spokane Valley Community is a portrait of the Spokane Valley community including a history of development in the Valley and results of a survey of residents. Part III: Municipal Service Analysis is an analysis of municipal services currently available in the Spokane Valley and anticipated if a new city is formed. In addition,the existing cost of providing services,options for service providers, and the impacts of incorporation for each service is described. Part IV: Revenue and Expenditure Analysis addresses the fiscal aspects of the incorporation. This includes a proposed budget for the first full year of operation for the City of Spokane Valley and an estimate of available revenues. Part V: Alternatives to Incorporation includes both governance alternatives to incorporation and modifications to the incorporation proposal. Part VI: Maps includes maps of the incorporation area showing physical features, service boundaries and plans for the area. 2 00184 >111 Im PART I: z INCORPORATION PROPOSAL ;4 Z g a. 0 cg O. 0 V 00185 PART I: INCORPORATION PROPOSAL Proposed City of Spokane Valley The proposed new City of Spokane Valley is bounded on the west by the City of Spokane and on the east by the newly formed City of Liberty Lake (Map 1). The proposed City's current estimated population is 82,135 and is projected to grow to a population of 90,300 in ten years. The new city boundaries encompass about forty-five square miles. Type of Government The type of government selected for the new city is classified as a non-charter code city. Code cities follow the Optional Municipal Code (RCW 35A)that provides for broad powers of local self- government; a judicial rule of liberal construction of code city powers;liberal interpretation of statutory construction; and a grant of"omnibus authority". There are two classes of code cities: charter and non-charter. The essential difference between a charter and non-charter code city is that a charter code city can provide for an individualized plan of government with a unique administrative structure,whereas a non-charter code city must choose one of the forms of government provided and are governed by statutory provisions. Form of Government The City of Spokane Valley will have a council-manager form of government. This form of government is for cities over 2,500 population and has seven council members elected by the voters. Either the council may elect a council member to serve as mayor and chair of the council or the city council may,by resolution, submit a proposition to the voters to designate the person elected to council position "one" as the chair of the council. If the proposition is approved, at all subsequent general elections,the person elected to position one becomes council chair and the city's mayor. Because the "mayor" continues to be a council member,however, the only elective position under a council-manager form remains that of council member. The elected officials must be residents of the city for one year and are elected for a four-year term. Until a salary ordinance is passed,the salaries are restricted to $500 per month plus expenses for the Mayor and $400 per month plus expenses for the council members. The council appoints a person to the position of"city manager". The city manager is the Chief Executive Officer of the city and the head of the administrative branch of the city's government. Appointments of all department heads, officers, and employees are made by the city manager. Under a council-manager form of government,two positions must be appointed by the council: City Clerk and Chief Law Enforcement Officer. Legal Counsel must be provided for either by appointment or by contract. Background of Spokane Valley Incorporation Government alternatives for the Spokane Valley have been proposed and discussed for many years, dating back to the 1950s. In the late 1970s,there were a number of Valley residents who began to look at the issue of incorporation as a means for self-government. In 1984,the Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce published Directions for Tomorrow: Local Government in the Spokane Valley on local government options for Valley residents. 3 00186 Table 1: Comparison of Past Incorporation Proposals ,199Q M1995a"x200 Land Area(square miles) 55 75 50 33 45 Population 78,200 91,200 76,700 64,800 82,100 Housing Units 32,349 34,992 30,929 25,600 37,867 Population Density(persons/sq mi) 1,422 1,216 1,534 1,963 1,806 Taxable Assessed Value(million) $2,160.0 $2,364.3 $2,096.6 $2,500.3 $4,450.0 1987 Spokane Valley Incorporation Proposal In 1985,the Committee for Incorporation was formed and proposed the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley as a new city in Spokane County. A Notice of Intention to incorporate the Spokane Valley was submitted to and subsequently filed by the Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County on July 3, 1985. On November 9, 1985, following a series of public hearings on the proposal,the Board approved the proposal with modified boundaries. Before the incorporation proposal was placed on the ballot,the Board's decision was challenged in Spokane County Superior Court by a consortium of affected entities. One of the principal reasons for the suit was the consortium's claim that the Board had reached its decision without sufficient information, particularly financial information. On September 22, 1986,the Court found in favor of the consortium,remanding the issue back to the Boundary Review Board for further consideration. A report entitled Fiscal and Service Analysis of the Proposed City of Spokane Valley was then prepared. Following publication of this document in September 1987, the Board held three public hearings in the Spokane Valley. After reviewing the report and considering the factors and objectives of the state law for Boundary Review Boards, the Board voted to deny the proposal on December 9, 1987. 1990 City of Chief Joseph Proposal In February 1990,a Notice of Intention for incorporation of the Spokane Valley as the City of Chief Joseph was submitted to the Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County. The Boundary Review Board filed the Notice of Intention on March 9, 1990. A report entitled Chief Joseph Incorporation Study was prepared and published in July 1990. After four public hearings on the incorporation,the Boundary Review Board deliberated on the proposal and recommended against the incorporation. The state law had changed and Boundary Review Boards could no longer deny a proposal if the population was over 7,500;the Board's decision was limited to approve as submitted,modify the proposal by up to ten percent of the land area, or recommend against the proposal. With the change in the state law,even though the Board recommended against the proposal,the incorporation was placed on the ballot. The issue was brought to an election in November 1990 and was defeated by a large margin. It needed a simple majority to pass but received only 34 percent of the vote. State law requires that if an incorporation ballot receives less than 40 percent of the vote,three years must elapse before an incorporation may be placed on the ballot again. November 1993 was the earliest that the incorporation could be placed on the ballot. 1993 Spokane Valley Incorporation Proposal Proponents for the Spokane Valley incorporation continued their efforts and a petition was circulated in early 1993 for another proposal to incorporate. In the proposal,the boundaries encompassed less land area and a smaller population. The Boundary Review Board held several 4 00187 public hearings and after deliberation,again recommended to deny the proposal because of the large amount of rural land included. The Board's decision was appealed because a request for modification to exclude the Kaiser and Spokane Industrial Park property was not approved. Both the Superior Court and later the Court of Appeals upheld the Board's decision and the matter went on the ballot in April 1994. The proposal was defeated but received 44 percent of the vote so that the matter could be placed on the ballot without any time restrictions. 1995 Spokane Valley Incorporation Proposal Inspired by the 1993 election results,the proponents again initiated the incorporation process. A Notice of Intention for the incorporation was filed on January 12, 1995. The Boundary Review Board held a public hearing on the proposal on February 13, 1995.The matter was placed on the ballot in May of 1995 and was again defeated at the polls. The vote for incorporation was greater than forty percent in favor,which enabled the proposal to go on the ballot the following year. 1996 Cities of Opportunity and Evergreen Proposals Immediately after the 1995 election,proposals to incorporate five separate cities in the Spokane Valley were filed with the County. Proponents of two of the five cities submitted petitions in a timely manner and the petitions were certified by the County Auditor. The proposed cities of Opportunity and Evergreen were scheduled for public hearings before the Boundary Review Board on February 26th and 29th, 1996,respectively. The incorporations went to the voters, but received less than forty percent of the vote, preventing another election for three years. 2000 City of Liberty Lake Proponents for Spokane Valley incorporation had in the past included the Liberty Lake community within its incorporation boundaries. In 1999, a committee was formed to look at governance options for the Liberty Lake community. An incorporation of the area was proposed in early 2000; was placed on the ballot in November 2000; and was approved by the voters. The official incorporation date for the new City of Liberty Lake will be August 31, 2001. Incorporation Process Boundary Review Board Process The Board bases its decisions on many criteria as directed by statute. These criteria are: the factors and objectives of the Boundary Review Board law,consistency with the Growth Management Act, and oral and written testimony. Factors of the Boundary Review Board In reaching a decision on a proposal or an alternative, the Board specifically considers the factors (RCW 36.93.170) affecting such a proposal,which include, but are not limited to the following: 1) Population and Territory •Population density; •Land area and land uses; •Comprehensive plans and zoning as adopted under RCW 35.63, 35A.63 or 36.70; •Applicable service agreements entered into under RCW 36.115 or 39.34; •Applicable interlocal agreements between a county and its cities; •Per capita assessed valuation; •Topography,natural boundaries and drainage basins, proximity to other populated areas; •The existence and preservation of prime agricultural soils and productive agricultural uses; 5 00188 •The likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas during the next ten years; •Location and most desirable future locations of community facilities; 2)Municipal Services •Need for municipal services; •Effect of ordinances, governmental codes,regulations, and resolutions on existing uses; •Present cost and adequacy of governmental services and controls in area; •Prospects of governmental services from other sources; •Probable future needs for such services and controls; •Probable effect of proposal or alternative on cost and adequacy of services and controls in area and adjacent area; •The effect on the finances, debt structure, and contractual obligations and rights of all affected governmental units; and 3) The effect of the proposal or alternative on adjacent areas, on mutual economic and social interests, and on the local government structure of the county. Objectives of the Boundary Review Board The decisions of the Boundary Review Board shall attempt to achieve the following objectives (RCW 36.93.180): (1) Preservation of natural neighborhoods and communities; (2) Use of physical boundaries,including but not limited to bodies of water,highways and land contours; (3) Creation and preservation of logical service areas; (4) Prevention of abnormally irregular boundaries; (5) Discouragement of multiple incorporations of small cities and encouragement of incorporation of cities in excess of ten thousand population in heavily populated urban areas; (6) Dissolution of inactive special purpose districts; (7) Adjustment of impractical boundaries; (8) Incorporation as cities or towns or annexation to cities or towns of incorporated areas which are urban in character; and (9) Protection of agricultural and rural lands which are designated for long term productive agricultural and resource use by a comprehensive plan adopted by the county legislative authority. Following the final public hearing,the Board will deliberate on the above issues. The Board may then decide to approve the incorporation proposal, modify the boundaries by increasing or decreasing the land area up to ten percent, or recommend against the proposal. A written decision of the Board will then be adopted and filed. An appeal period of thirty days follows filing of the Board's written decision. If the proposal is approved or modified,the Spokane County Board of County Commissioners will then set the election date for the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. Incorporation of New Cities The statues guiding new incorporation proceedings in the State of Washington are described in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 35 and 35A. The role of the Boundary Review Boards in the incorporation process is outlined in RCW 36.93. The necessary legal steps for the incorporation of a new city in the State of Washington are outlined below: 6 00189 STEP 1: A notice of the proposed incorporation is filed with the County Commissioners together with a one hundred dollar filing fee and an affidavit from the person submitting the notice stating that he or she is a registered voter in the incorporation area. The notice must indude the following information: 1. The type of city proposed. 2. The form of government proposed. 3. Legal description of the proposed boundaries. 4. Proposed name of the new city. 5. Estimated population of the new city. 71x notice for the incrnporation of the City of Spokane Valley with the filing*vnc submittal to the County Commissioners on August 24, 2000. It stated that it would k 1)a non-charter code city;2)a cwnrnl-manager�orn ofgoternme t,3)the legal description;4)ncnnel the City of Spokane Valley;5)with an estimated population of 90,000;and included an affidavitfitvnpro/xnent;Ed Mertens. STEP 2: The Board of County Commissioners then notifies the Boundary Review Board of the proposal. On Septemhxr 5, 2000, the Comty Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 0-0767 fonearding the Notice of Inanporation to the Boundary Review Baud STEP 3: The Boundary Review Board schedules a public meeting in the area proposed for incorporation to allow persons favoring and opposing the proposed incorporation an opportunity to state their views. 71x infonnatio nal public meeting on the nosed City of Spokane Valley incorporation was held on Septonlxr 11, 2000 in the Spokane Valley. STEP 4: Within one working day after the public meeting,the County Auditor provides an identification number to be included on petitions circulated for the incorporation proposal. The proponent may retain or alter the proposed boundaries for the petition at this time. On September 212000, the County Auditor provided an identification number to the proponent to be used on petitions cimulatEd for the City of Spokane Valley pmp7saL •STEP 5: The petition for incorporation with the identification number is circulated and must include: 1. The type of city proposed. 2. The form of government proposed. 3. Legal description of the proposed boundaries. 4. Proposed name of the new city. 5. Estimated population of the new city. 6. Official request for incorporation. 7. The last date by which the petition must be filed. 7be petition for the imanporation of the City of Spokane Valley stated that itwould lx 1)a nondazrter axle city;2) a mnmcibmcmagerform ofgorenment,3)the legal description;4)ncmnel the City of Spokane Valley;5)with an 7 • 00190 estimated population of90,000;6)officially 7equuest incorporation and 7)March 9, 2001 uw the last date to file the STEP 6: The petition is submitted to the County Auditor for validation within 180 days of the public meeting. The number of signatures on the petition must be at least ten percent of the registered voters within the incorporation area. The petition for the incorporation oftlx City of Spokane Valley requiral approximately 4,300 signatures anthills submitted to the County Auditor on March 8, 2001. STEP 7: The County Auditor shall notify the County Commissioners within thirty days that the number of signatures on the petition is sufficient. The County Auditoruzlidatal the petition and notified the Canty Ccrranissianers on March 23, 2001. STEP 8: A Notice of Intention for incorporation is submitted to the Boundary Review Board. With the completion of the Incorporation Study,the Notice of Intention is filed. The Boards jurisdiction is invoked at this time providing the Board 120 days to file a written decision on the matter. The Notice of Intentionvas filed by the Boundary Review Board on May 31, 2001 and the prolxmerriacnhni the 120-day lint for review on October 10, 2000. STEP 9: The Boundary Review Board distributes the Notice of Intention to affected governmental agencies for their review and the Incorporation Study is presented to public officials and citizen groups. The Notice of Intentionwzs distributed to affected agencies on June 7, 2001 and presentations oftlx Inuurpv abort StudyItmmade. STEP 10: The Boundary Review Board holds a public hearing on the proposal,reviews the factors and objectives required by state law, and then decides to approve the proposal,modify it by increasing or decreasing the land area up to ten percent,or recommends against the proposal. The Board then files its written decision. There is an appeal period of thirty days following the filing of the written decision. 77x Boundary Review Board has set a public hearingfor Wednesday,August 8, 2001 at 7:00 pm in the Spokane Valley. If the hearing or the Baud's decision is continuel,the continuation date will be set at the hearing STEP 11: The Board of County Commissioners sets the incorporation proposal for the next regularly scheduled general election at least sixty days from when the Board's written decision is filed,to be voted on by registered voters in the proposed incorporation area. If the Boundary Review Board's written Resolution and HearngDaision is filed before Septonlxr 6, 2001, the County Commissioners will set the matter foran elation on Nownlxr 6, 2001. STEP 12: If the new city is approved by a majority of voters within the proposed jurisdiction,the new city has between 180 and 360 days to incorporate. At least 60 days after the election on incorporation, a primary election for city officials will be held. Candidates may file for office 30 to 8 00191 45 days prior to this primary election. If more than sixty percent of the votes are against incorporation, another election on any portion of the area cannot be held for three years. STEP 13: The final election of city officials is to be held at least thirty days after the certification of the results of the primary election. STEP 14: An interim period exists between the time the new city officials are elected and qualified and the official date of incorporation. During this interim period,the newly elected officials are authorized to adopt ordinances and resolutions, enter into contracts and agreements,issue tax or revenue anticipation notes or warrants, submit ballot propositions to the voters to authorize taxes or annexation by a fire protection district or library district. However,these cannot become effective until on or after the official date of incorporation. The new city may acquire needed facilities, supplies, equipment,insurance and staff as if they were in existence. STEP 15:After the transition period of 180 to 360 days elapses,the new city officially incorporates. Table 2: Incorporation Election Dates IneorporatronlElection x. 1 November 6„2001 *,o &, , , rFebruaWS1002 9 fix day filingperiod for candidates Da:mber 21, 2001 -January 4, is chosen by the Auditor letceten 2002 Manu 12 - 23, 2002 dose dates • Primary elErtian for city officials held February 5, 2002 April 23, 2002 Final elation could be held April 23, 2002 September 18, 2002 Interim p i*d uuuld begin May 2002 Septanlxr 2002 New city mist inmrporate letiean May 2 - Nocanlxr 1, 2002 August 6, 2002-January 31, 180 and 360 clays after first dawn. 2003 Optimal Incu lu ation Date August 31, 2002 Deemer 31, 2002 The optimal date for a new city incorporation was provided by the Municipal Research Services Center based upon the flow of revenue to a new city. Existing Conditions in the Spokane Valley Population The estimated 2001 population for the proposed City of Spokane Valley is 82,100 people. There are approximately 37,867 residential units. These numbers are based upon the 2000 U.S. Census data updated with Spokane County residential building permit information from April 2000-2001. The population density for the new city would be 1,825 people per square mile based on a land area of 45 square miles. The tables are based on 2000 Census data for each city(the proposed City of Spokane Valley has a 2000 population of 81,277) and show how the new city would compare to other cities in Spokane County and Washington. 9 00192 Table 3: Population Density of Spokane County Cities (2000) ;- `�--�s�X 7 j "j �su� lands Population m of;Git}� 7 2000 Population.r Area _',Density Spokane 195,629 59 3,315/sq mi Spokane Valley 81,277 45 1,806/sqmi Cheney 8,832 4 2,154/sq mi Airway Heights 4,500 5 900/sq mi Medical Lake 3,758 4 1,043/sq mi Deer Park 3,017 6 479/sq mi Millwood 1,649 1 2,356/sq mi When analyzing population density,it is important to realize that concentrated development can lead to greater efficiency, reduced fiscal and social costs, and potentially a better quality of life. Population density can also be used to identify areas that are urban character. Out of the twelve cities on the table below,the proposed City of Spokane Valley has the lowest population density. Table 4: Population Density of Washington Cities over 50,000 =ALkzed4I N ;',.- .. 0```p,4.1t ; 00193 Table 5: 10-year Population Projection for the Spokane Valley Incorporation Area c+zip` fr s^ t,ti' H19-9:054i 20°0. %Cha g X M010 Spokane County 361,333 417,939 13.5 453,881 Unincorporated Area 165,443 199,135 16.9 232,788 Incorporated Area 195,890 218,804 10.5 221,093 City of Spokane 177,165 195,629 9.4 214,018 Spokane Valley Incorporation Area 74,081 81,277 9.7 89,425 Assessed Valuation The proposed city has an estimated 2001 assessed value of real property of$4,450,000,000. This estimate of value is for taxable regular value and includes a component for personal property and state assessed value and excludes certain taxable value exemptions. Table 6 compares assessed valuation and per capita assessed value to Washington cities with populations of 50,000 or more. Table 6: Per Capita Assessed Value of Washington Cities over 50,000 Name of sltyntAssessedValuahonPer Captta AssessedValue Bellevue $14,980,866,542 $1,367.25 Kent $6,468,268,324 $813.37 Everett $7,183,712,229 $785.21 Shoreline $3,708,147,323 $699.32 Vancouver $8,479,116,092 $590.63 Bellingham $3,932,604,474 $585.46 Federal Way $4,717,399,199 $566.59 Spokane Valley $4,450,000,000 $531.20 Lakewood $2,968,214,814 $509.90 Tacoma $9,847,273,062 $508.75 Spokane $8,461,699,950 $432.54 Yakima $3,076,532,870 $428.22 Kennewick $2,261,626,148 $413.50 Land Use The Spokane Valley incorporation area contains a typical mix of urban land uses as well as rural and suburban uses (Map 5). Urban land uses in the Valley consist of single and multi-family dwellings; recreational areas;light manufacturing; commercial,including many retail stores; professional office buildings; business parks;schools; and undeveloped land suitable for residential, commercial and industrial growth. Rural and suburban land uses include low density residential and agriculture. The land use inventory information was compiled using aerial photos,windshield surveys, and parcel data from the Spokane County Assessor's Office. In order to make better use of the data, smaller areas within the incorporation boundaries were identified. These were based upon the responses to the Valley Survey questions on community identity and on observable physical and cultural features. The following section provides an overview of existing land use by these smaller areas and major characteristics of each area. The percentages have been rounded. Refer to Map 5 for the boundaries of each sub-area. 11 00194 1. Yardley Yardley is geographically defined as the area south of Rutter Road,west of Thierman,east of Havana Road and north of Sprague Avenue. Approximately 34 percent of this area is vacant land. Most of the vacant land within the area is owned by Spokane County and the City of Spokane. Single-family residential (2%) and multi-family residential (0.2%) is located primarily north of Trent Road. The commercial (20%) and industrial(24%) uses are dispersed throughout the area. Some of the industrial uses in the area are Scafco, Snyders,Fruehauf Trailers,Central Pre Mix,WW Grainger Inc.,Humble Oil,Kolbar,Brown Bearing Company,B&B Distributors, and ASC Machine Tool. Some of the commercial uses within this area are Home Depot,Continental Oil Company,Costco, Shea Construction, and Western States Equipment Company. Public and semi-public uses (13%) within this area include the Spokane County Fairgrounds and Avista Ballpark. The acreage for this area is 883 acres or 1.4 square miles. The area is within the City of Spokane's Urban Growth Area. 2. Alcott Alcott is geographically defined as the area south of 8th Avenue, east of Havana,west of Carnahan and north of 35th Avenue. Only the portion north of 16th Avenue is within the boundaries of the incorporation; however,the entire area is described in this section. Approximately nine percent of this area is vacant land. Dispersed throughout the area is single-family(32%) and multi-family residential (0.2%). Public and semi-public uses (3%)within this area consist of Instructional Technology Support Center and the Holy Temple Church. The acreage for this area is 492 acres or 0.8 square miles. The entire Alcott area is within the City of Spokane's Urban Growth Area. 3. East Spokane East Spokane is geographically defined as the area south of Trent Avenue and Interstate 90,west of Argonne,and east of Havana Road. Approximately 22 percent of this area is vacant land. Most of the vacant land within the area is owned by Washington State Department of Natural Resources and the Federal Government. Single-family residential (40%) and multi-family residential (3%) is dispersed throughout the area. The commercial (7%) and industrial (4%) uses are distributed throughout the area. Some identifiable commercial uses within the area are Safeway,Tidyman's, K- mart, and Food Rainbow. The largest industrial uses in the area are Boise Cascade and Caterpillar located off Mission Avenue. The largest commercial use within the area is Acme Materials and Construction,which is located off Valleyway Avenue between Ella Road and Park Road. Acme Materials also has a rock quarry within this area and does a considerable amount of mining (4%);its location is between Park Road and-Merman Road. Public and semi-public uses (6.5%)within this area consist of several schools including Spokane Valley High, Seth Woodard Elementary, Centennial Middle, and Pratt Elementary. Open space (1%) is owned by Spokane County,which is located off Park Road. The acreage for this area is 4,806 acres or 7.5 square miles. 4. Orchard Avenue Orchard Avenue is geographically defined as the area north of Trent Avenue,west of Vista Road and south of the Spokane River. Approximately 11 percent of this area is vacant land. Single-family residential (56%) and multi-family residential (1.4%) is dispersed throughout the area. The commercial (3%) and industrial (0.4%) uses in the area are primarily located along Trent Avenue. Public and semi-public uses (28%)within this area consist of West Valley High School,Orchard Center Elementary, and St.Pascal's School,Orchard Avenue Irrigation District office, and South Hill Baptist Church. Also, centrally located within the area,there is a culturalrecreation area owned by Victory Faith (0.1%). The acreage for this area is 653 acres or approximately one square mile. 12 00195 5. Northwood Northwood is not within the incorporation boundaries. Geographically defined as the area south of Francis Avenue,east of Girard,west of Argonne Road and north of Wellesley Avenue. Approximately 27 percent of this area is vacant land. Dispersed throughout the area is single-family (29%) and multi-family residential (5%). The commercial area (0.4%) is located west of Argonne Road on Columbia Drive. There is some forestry land (2%) located in the southwest corner of this area owned by the City of Spokane. The agricultural land (14%) is located east of Argonne Road and west of Lehman Road and north of Wellesley Avenue. Public and semi-public uses (15%) consist of several drainage ponds owned and maintained by Spokane County. The acreage for this area is 1,133 acres or 1.7 square miles. 6. Pasadena Park Pasadena Park is geographically defined as the area south of Wellesley Avenue and north of the Spokane River. Approximately 34 percent of this area is vacant land. Dispersed throughout the area is single-family (37%) and multi-family residential (2%). The commercial (3%) and industrial (2%) uses in the area are primarily located along Wellesley Avenue. There is a large portion of open space (5%) located in the northeast corner of this area owned by the Mielke Properties. The agricultural land (14%) is also located in the southeast. Public and semi-public uses (10%) consist of Pasadena Elementary and the Nazarene Church. The acreage for this area is 1,495 acres or 2.3 square miles. 7. Irvin Irvin is geographically defined as the area south of Trent Avenue, east of Argonne Road,west of Pines Road and north of Interstate 90. Approximately 26 percent of this area is vacant land. Dispersed throughout the area is single-family (30%) and multi-family residential (7%). The commercial (10%) and industrial (21%) uses are located off Interstate 90 and Montgomery Road. A recognizable commercial use within the area is Spalding's wrecking yard located off Knox Road. Public and semi-public uses (3%) include Trent Elementary. The acreage for this area is 1,134 acres or 1.7 square miles. 8. Opportunity Opportunity is geographically defined as the area north of 16th Avenue, south of Interstate 90,west of Pines Road and east of Opportunity Road. Approximately 9 percent of this area is vacant land. Single-family residential (60%) and multi-family residential (9%) is dispersed throughout the area. The commercial (12%) and industrial (2%) uses in the area are predominantly located along Sprague Avenue. The largest commercial use in the area is University City Mall located along Sprague Avenue and University Road. Public and semi-public uses (7%)within this area consist of several schools including St John Vianney,North Pines Junior High,Gethsemane Lutheran,Broadway Elementary,University High, and Opportunity Elementary.There are also several churches within the area. The acreage for this area is 4,824 acres or 7.6 square miles. 9. Chester Chester is geographically defined as the area south of 16th Avenue, east of Dishman,west of State Route 27 and north of 40th Avenue. Approximately ten percent of this area is vacant land. Dispersed throughout the area is single-family(62%) and multi-family residential (6%). The commercial (2%) uses in the area are located along State Route 27 and Dishman Mica Road. Public and semi-public uses (15%) within this area consist of Chester Elementary,University Elementary, South Pines Elementary,Valley Christian,Bowdish Junior High,Horizon Junior High Schools, 13 00196 Avista Corporation,Modern Electric Water Company and several churches. The acreage for this area is 3,338 acres or 2.4 square miles. 1o. Ponderosa Ponderosa is geographically defined as the area south of 40th Avenue,west of Evergreen Road and bisected by Dishman Mica Road. A portion of the Ponderosa area south of 44i6 Avenue is not within the incorporation area,however,the entire Ponderosa area is described in this section. Approximately 6 percent of this area is vacant land. Dispersed throughout the area is single-family (49%) and multi-family residential (0.4%). The commercial (1%) and industrial (1%) uses are located off Dishman Mica Road. Some identifiable commercial uses within the area are Barney's Soopermarket and Chester Store. Public and semi-public uses (5%) consist of Ponderosa Elementary and various churches dispersed throughout the area. The acreage for this area is 1,647 acres or 2.6 square miles. 11. Veradale Veradale is geographically defined as the area south of Interstate 90,north of 32'Avenue,west of Flora Road and east of Pines Road. Approximately 10 percent of this area is vacant land. Dispersed throughout the area is single-family(58%) and multi-family residential (6.5%). The commercial (10%) and industrial (1%) uses are congregated along the Sprague Avenue corridor. Some identifiable commercial uses within the area are the West Coast Hotel,K-Mart,Les Schwab Tires, Safeway,Fred Meyers,Albertson's and Yokes. Public and semi-public uses (7%) within this area consist of several schools including Central Valley High School; Sunrise,McDonald,Adams, Progress, Blake, Keystone,Pioneer and Rainbow Elementary Schools; Evergreen Junior High School and various churches. The acreage for this area is 4,561 acres or 7.1 square miles. 12. Mirabeau Mirabeau is geographically defined as the area south of Trent Avenue,north of Interstate 90,west of Flora and east of Pines. Approximately 42 percent of this area is vacant land. Most of the vacant land within the area is owned by Washington State Department of Natural Resources. There is very little single-family residential (4%),which is located off Shannon Road and Indiana Avenue. The commercial (8%) and industrial (28%) uses are dispersed throughout the area and constitute more than one third of total land use within the area. The largest industrial use in the area is Kaiser Aluminum located north of the Spokane River and west of Sullivan Road. The largest commercial use within the area is the Spokane Valley Mall,which is located off Interstate 90 between Evergreen and Sullivan Roads. Central Pre Mix is also located within this area and does a considerable amount of mining (6%); its location is at the intersection of Sullivan Road and Flora Pit Road. Public and semi-public uses (6%)within this area consist of the YMCA recreation complex. Open space (4%) primarily located north of the Spokane River is owned by Spokane County and the Washington State Department of Parks and Recreation. The acreage for this area is 2,454 acres or 3.8 square miles. 13. Trentwood Trentwood is geographically defined as the area north of Trent Avenue,west of Flora and east of Pines. Approximately 22 percent of this area is vacant land. Spokane County Parks and Recreation owns a large portion of the vacant land within the area,which is located on the Spokane River in the southwest corner of the area. Single-family residential (45%) is dispersed throughout the area;there is also multi-family residential (2%) located along Trent Ave and Sullivan Road. The commercial (2%) and industrial (1%) uses in the area are mainly located along Trent Avenue. The largest industrial use in the area is Key Tronic situated east of Sullivan Road along Trent Avenue. Public and semi-public uses (6%)within this area consist of several schools including Skyview and 14 00197 Trentwood Elementary, East Valley Middle,and East Valley High;there are also several churches within the area. Open space (1%) located along the Spokane River in the southwest corner is owned by Spokane County and Washington State Department of Parks and Recreation. Also,centrally located within the area is a large percentage of agricultural land (16%). The acreage for this area is 2,029 acres or 3.1 square miles. 14. Otis Orchards Otis Orchards is generally defined as the area north of the Spokane River and east of Barker Road. The following land use information is limited to the portion of Otis Orchards within the incorporation area. Approximately 57 percent of this area is vacant land. Inland Empire Paper owns most of the vacant land within the area;there is also some vacant land owned by the Washington State Department of Transportation,and the Washington State Department of Parks and Recreation. The second largest land use within this area is single-family residential (32%) including the Barker Road Mobile Home Park located mainly along Barker Road in the eastern portion of the study area. The commercial (4%) and industrial (6%) uses in the area are congregated along Euclid Street, Eden Road and Flora Road. The chief commercial uses within the area are Bayliner Marine and Free Enterprise Center. The agricultural land (1%) is located south of Euclid Road and west of Barker Road. The acreage for this area is 1,305 acres or 2 square miles. 15. Greenacres Greenacres is generally defined as the area south of the Spokane River and west of Henry Road. Approximately 31 percent of this area is vacant land. Inland Empire Paper and Liberty Lake Land Company hold most of the vacant land within this area. The largest land use within this area is single-family residential (39%) dispersed evenly throughout the area. The commercial (6%) and industrial (1%) uses in the area are congregated along Interstate 90,Appleway Road and 8th Street. The agricultural land (14%) is located south of Appleway Road and east of Barker Road. Public and semi-public uses within this area consist of Greenacres Elementary and Junior High, Barker Community Learning Center, Educational Service Center, and several churches (1%),which are dispersed throughout the area. The acreage for this area is 3,776 acres or 5.9 square miles. Topography and Environment Topography The proposed city is relatively flat with moderate slopes (15 percent to 30 percent)within the Mirabeau area and south of Shelley Lake (Map 4). Steep slopes (exceeding 30 percent) are located in the surrounding areas near Dishman Hills Natural Area, East Spokane (south of Eighth Avenue), southeast of Shelly Lake,and the Carlson Hill area. Because of the relative flatness of the valley floor,the incorporation area contains a large number of drainage basins. Surface Water and Wetlands The Spokane River and Shelley Lake are the largest natural water bodies located within the proposed city. Man-made water bodies are located within the Yardley area where surface mining has penetrated the Spokane/Rathdrum Aquifer. Surface water within the Spokane Valley basin generally flows from the north to the south on the north side of the Spokane River and from the south to the north on the south side of the Spokane River. However,most surface water percolates into the Spokane Valley/Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. Wetlands have been inventoried for the area with maps located and maintained by the Spokane County Planting Department. 15 U „ lub Groundwater The majority of the proposed city is over the Spokane Valley/Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. The Mirabeau area and the slopes south and east of Shelley Lake are "islands" not connected to the aquifer but within the Aquifer Sensitive Area. The Spokane Valley/Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer is an unconfined aquifer and is considered one of the most productive aquifers in the United States. The aquifer has been identified as the only significant source of good-quality water supply in the Spokane Valley and was designated as a "Sole Source Aquifer" by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1978. Vegetation and Wildlife Much of the original landscape within the proposed city has been altered by human activity. Agricultural activities, residential, commercial,and industrial activity have displaced much of the native vegetation and altered the wildlife patterns. Natural areas still exist along the Spokane River bank and in the Dishman Hills area. Proximity to Other Populated Areas The proposed City of Spokane Valley lies directly east of the City of Spokane (Map 1). The City of Spokane is the County's largest urban area and is the second largest city in Washington. It has a 2000 population of 195,629. The Town of Millwood is surrounded by the proposed new city and has a 2000 population of 1,649. The newly incorporated City of Liberty Lake lies directly east of the incorporation area and has an estimated 2001 population of 3,654. 16 00199 >1 ›N JN PART II: ZSPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY Wkm. g a � 0 V 00200 PART II: SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY History of the Spokane Valley It took the forces of nature millions of years to carve the Spokane Valley. Volcanoes,lava flows, glaciers and finally flood waters combined to create this thirty-four miles long Valley situated midway between the Cascade and the Rocky Mountains. Surrounded by heavily treed foothills,the Valley varies from fifteen miles in width,to just over two miles wide at its narrowest point near the city of Spokane. The Valley extends from the western side of Spokane to the shores of Coeur d'Alene Lake and the Coeur d'Alene Mountains. It contains 57 square miles of lowland plain,which is divided by the Spokane River and the Idaho-Washington state line (Map 4). It contains many cultural and historical sites of significance described below and shown on Map 3. The First Inhabitants For thousands of years, Indians lived quietly in the Spokane Valley area. They were members of the Upper Band of the Interior Salish Indians and called themselves "Sn-tutu-ul-i",the meaning of which is not known. In about 1783, fur traders from the North West Company began traveling through the area. They called these Indians the "Spokanes",which has been interpreted as meaning "Children of the Sun". The Spokanes were a peaceful people, on friendly terms with neighboring tribes, and later the fur traders and missionaries who came to the area.They fished for the plentiful salmon in the river, hunted game, and ate camas roots and berries they gathered. As with most Native Americans,the Spokanes honored and respected the earth and left little mark on the land with the exception of the faint trails on which they traveled. Despite their many years of peaceful acceptance of the white settlers, and the calming influence of Chief Spokan Garry,the Spokanes protested the loss of their lands by joining in the Indian uprisings of the 1850's. The final battle,in 1858, culminated in the Spokane Valley with the destruction of over 800 of their horses,their food and teepees. The Spokanes were eventually forced from the lands of their ancestors to a reservation north of the Spokane River,just east of the Spokane area. First Penna eat Settler- 1849 Antoine Plante,the first permanent settler in the Spokane Valley,was a retired French-Canadian trapper who built a small cabin near the Spokane River in 1849. He maintained a small Hudson's Bay Company trading post in the home he shared with his Indian wife and family. In 1850,Plante built the first ferry across the Spokane River. The ferry,operated by cables and pulleys,was the only means of crossing the Spokane River,and proved to be a lucrative business for him for many years. The ferry was used to provide transportation across the river to military personnel heading north to Fort Colville, as well as U.S.Army surveyors and miners heading for the mining districts in western Montana and southeastern British Columbia. Trails and Roads Early travelers in the Spokane Valley followed trails traveled by generations of Spokane Indians. Fur traders,prospectors and later settlers followed these faint trails,which gradually became roads, some of which remain in use today. The most important road through the Valley was the Mullan Military Road. Captain John Mullan was commissioned by the U.S. government in 1859 to survey and build a road connecting Fort Benton at the head of navigation on the Missouri River with Old Fort Walla Walla on the Columbia 17 OU2C 1 River. The road was built to insure a military presence following the Indian uprisings of 1858. Completed in 1862,the road crossed the Spokane River at Plantes Ferry. Small Settlement Begins- 1864 In 1862 A.C. "Charley"Kendall built a cabin and established a store on the north side of the Spokane River. Seeing a business opportunity,Joe Herring,Timothy Lee and Ned Jordan built the first bridge to cross the Spokane River at the site of Kendall's store in 1864. A small community, known as Spokane Bridge, began to build up near the bridge. M.M.Cowley took over the holdings of Charley Kendall in 1872,including the bridge, a trading post and a log hotel. Interestingly,the history of the settlement of the Spokane Valley predates the history of the City of Spokane. Spokane Valley holds many of the "firsts" for the Spokane area. In addition to being home to the area's first settler,Antoine Plante,in 1849,the Spokane Valley had the first business and first ferry in 1850; the first store and bridge in 1862;the first house in 1866; and the first post office in 1867. All these "firsts" occurred before the 1873 arrival of James Glover, "The Father of Spokane". First Settlers 1865 - 1882 During the next few years, growth was slow,but a few early settlers set down roots in the Valley area. William Newman, an escort to boundary surveyors for the U.S.Army, settled and farmed near Newman Lake,later named for him. Daniel Courchaine, a French Canadian, began ranching in the Saltese area in 1866. Stephen Liberty moved from Rathdrum in 1871 to settle on the west side of Liberty Lake with his wife and nine children. Other early settlers included the families of Albert Edmond Canfield,Benjamin Lewis and Joe Goodner in 1880; the Joseph Woodard family of nine in 1882; and the William Pringle family in 1883. Most of these early settlers were ranchers who raised stock,letting them graze on the dry,bunch grass-covered land of the Valley. Railroad Brings Early Grazed/ 1883 - 1898 The Northern Pacific Railroad began laying tracks through the Spokane Valley in 1881. The first township was platted as new businesses started up to supply services to the men building the railroad. More early pioneers settled in the Valley as money and jobs began to come into the area. By 1883,the final tracks had been laid, and a transcontinental link was established. This transcontinental link and the discovery of the silver mines in the Coeur d'Alenes created a rush of traffic. Within a few years, Spokane was tied to the outside world by five transcontinental railroads, making it the hub of commerce it remains today. Thus it was that by 1889,while Spokane was beginning to rebuild after its devastating fire,the Spokane Valley was bustling with activity. Schools, churches, and communities were springing up. Cattle and dairy farms dotted the land where Indians still roamed and were frequent visitors to Valley homes. Mr.A.T. Dishman traded his interest in a Spokane livery stable for a work team and wagon and bought land south of what is now Dishman. He began hauling granite to help rebuild Spokane buildings after the fire. Irrigation Brings Land And Valley To Life- 1899- 1920 Attempts to irrigate the Spokane Valley began as early as 1895. Developers and real estate speculators tapped into nearby lakes,the Spokane River and the aquifer lying under the valley in an effort to turn the dry land into saleable agricultural acreage. In 1899,the Spokane Valley Land and Water Co.,later owned by long-time irrigation advocate D.C.Corbin,built a canal to irrigate acreage in the Greenacres area with water from Liberty Lake. In 1905,the Spokane Canal Company built a 18 O 2 canal to irrigate the Otis Orchard area with water from Newman Lake, and Modem Irrigation and Land Company tapped into the underground aquifer to irrigate 3,000 acres in Opportunity. The promise of irrigation brought prosperity to the Valley.Within an amazing twenty years, 30,000 acres of dry land had been converted into fertile farmland. Access to water increased land values immensely and fortunes were made as promoters purchased land, furnished irrigation and resold the land. Promoted by the developers and the railroad in the East and the Midwest as prime agricultural land,the Valley attracted Easterners by the thousands. Valley population swelled from 1,000 residents in 1900 to nearly 10,000 by 1922. Valley Torrrubips With the exception of the incorporated Town of Millwood,the Spokane Valley was developed as townships with no governmental functions. Most of the townships platted in the early 1900's were surveyed as a tool for promotion and sales, and remain as names for neighborhoods and post office designations today. A few Spokane Valley townships were developed for residential and/or business purposes. Trent was originally platted as a residential area for Northern Pacific railroad workers in 1881,Millwood began as a "company town",developed by Inland Empire Paper Mill for their employees, and Dishman developed primarily as a business center. All other Valley townships were developed as irrigation districts and owe their existence to their agricultural roots. Between 1901 and 1915 the townships of Orchard Avenue, Greenacres,Otis Orchards,Opportunity,Vera, Dishman, Liberty Lake,Newman Lake, East Spokane,Mica and Chester were platted. Apple Is King- 1904 - 1920 The first apple trees were planted as an agricultural experiment in Opportunity in 1904. The apples thrived in the gravelly soil of the Valley and by 1912 nearly 2 million apple trees had been planted. Acres of apples soon lined Sprague Avenue, causing it to be renamed "The Appleway". Fruit stands were a common sight throughout the area, and the Spokane Valley hosted its first national apple show in 1908. Fruit growers formed the Spokane Valley Growers Union to help market their produce and built a huge packing plant in 1911. During these years the Spokane Valley was promoted as a wonderful place to live. Though most Valley residents were farmers or orchardists, canneries, brickyards,railroad maintenance facilities and lumber mills provided jobs for many. The beauty of the surrounding area,pleasant communities, fertile farmlands, business opportunities,outdoor sports and activities,local recreational areas and community organizations caused it to be called "Spokane Valley,the Valley Bountiful". As the population increased, small communities with schools, churches, businesses, community clubs and organizations thrived. Tied to Spokane,local lakes and Coeur d'Alene by railroads and bus systems,the people of the Valley enjoyed a full life. Truck Farms— 1920s As early as 1915, area orchardists began to have crop trouble. By the end of 1928,early frosts, disease, soil depletion and competition from other apple producing areas ended the apple dreams of the Spokane Valley. In addition to crop problems, no provisions had been made for repair or upkeep and many of the unique ditches and irrigation systems built near the turn of the century were failing. Despite their best efforts, more than three-quarters of the apple trees grown in the Valley had been pulled out by 1926. Area residents began losing their farms or selling them in five,ten, or twenty- 19 002u3 acre lots as suburban home sites. Others converted them to truck farms, successfully raising many crops in the gravelly soil of the Valley,including strawberries,raspberries,tomatoes, beans,peas, watermelons, asparagus,squash,cucumbers and thousands of acres of Heart of Gold cantaloupes. Dairy,poultry and fur farms also appeared in the Valley during these years. Depression- 1930s Like the rest of the nation,the Spokane Valley was hit with a depression in the 1930s. Although hunger was not a problem, as most people had enough land to grow food for their families,there were few jobs and money was scarce until 1940. The Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce adhered to a positive agenda throughout these hard times. They placed street signs on Valley roads and in an effort to show solidarity with Spokane, east-west roads were re-named to correspond with Spokane's roads. Observing that fires were a constant and catastrophic problem for area residents,the Chamber lobbied to begin a fire protection district in the Valley. Their efforts were successful and Valley residents were first offered fire protection in 1940,with the formation of Spokane County Fire Protection District Number One. New activities flourished during these years. Miniature golf and golf became favorite pastimes. Skiing was brought close to the area with the opening in 1933 of Ski-More,just south of Dishman, and in 1935 Playfair Race Course was built. An Inland Empire Regatta was held at Liberty Lake in 1937, and fourteen dancing schools sprang up as a dancing craze hit the area. Movies were a favorite pastime for Valley residents, and the Dishman Theater opened in 1939. In 1932,the Diamond,Ohio and Federal Match Companies were located in the eastern part of the Valley. Making match blocks was the largest industry in the Spokane area during that time, and over 200,000 feet of white pine timber were used by the match block industry each day. New businesses included Peter's Hardware in 1934, and Jacklin Seed in 1936. The first Safeway opened in 1937,and the Aslin Finch Feed Store opened for business the following year. War Brings Activity and Roaeuaf Gmetb- 1940s With the fear of war looming, the U.S. government made the decision to build an aluminum plant in the Spokane Valley. The federal Government also recognized the need for warehouse space and facilities to support the coastal naval activities during wartime. In 1942,the Spokane Valley was chosen as a site for one of these Inland Supply Depots. Almost overnight unemployment disappeared and a labor shortage began in the Spokane Valley as hundreds of workers immediately began working on the aluminum plant and the Naval Supply Depot. Begun in 1941,the Trentwood Aluminum Rolling Mill opened in 1942 with 450 employees. By May 1944,the$12 million supply depot included twelve general storehouses, five heavy material storehouses and outside storage for approximately 3,000 railroad carloads. The war years were a boom time as new people arrived to work in both the aluminum mill and the Naval Supply Depot. Valley residents cleaned out old houses, barns and even chicken coops to use as rentals to house the newcomers. Businesses and the community thrived despite wartime shortages and rationing. In 1948,with the war over,the Valley was growing rapidly and looking forward to a bright future. Valley industries were impressive- an aluminum rolling mill, cement plant,paper mill, brick and lime plant,trailer fabricating plants, match block factories, seed plants, canning factories, a Naval Supply Depot besides dozens of smaller industries and businesses. 20 00209 Baton Cc mmunity/Suha b of Spokane- 1950s The 1950's found the Valley quietly becoming a suburb,or a bedroom community to Spokane. Although the agricultural economy that had supported the Valley in the past was disappearing,many area residents realized they wanted to live in the less urbanized and surroundings of the Spokane Valley. As the small farms disappeared one by one, subdivisions appeared and hundreds of new homes were built,creating a semi-rural community. The construction of an east-west freeway, I-90, made the commute to the City of Spokane easier. The influx of people moving into the Valley provided a basis for continuing business and prosperity. Business hubs in Millwood,Dishman and Opportunity continued to thrive. A 1950 Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce information sheet listed the following facts about the Spokane Valley: 14,212 irrigated acres,9,090 homes, fourteen grade schools and three high schools, 352.81 miles of paved roads, forty motor courts and motels,twenty-two churches, 660 businesses, four fire stations, two airports and one flying field,twelve community and service clubs,one country club,two theaters, one roller rink,one bowling alley, two lakes with sixteen resorts and two Chambers of Commerce. Steady Growth— 1960s The 1960s found the Valley still a quiet, but ever growing suburb of the City of Spokane. Rapid growth continued as more and more land was subdivided. This growth seemed to be a minor problem to.the people of the Valley,as jobs were plentiful and industries were growing. The Navy Supply Depot,which dosed in 1958,was reopened as Spokane Industrial Park by a subsidiary of Washington Water Power. It successfully began attracting light industries in 1962. Throughout the 1960s,the semi-rural life residents had sought by moving to the Valley was still intact.Most Valley residents had a little acreage and could ride a horse up into the foothills. Valley businesses continued to grow in number and size and Valley residents were thrilled when the first shopping center,University City,opened in 1965. The opening of the Spokane Valley Hospital was another big step forward for Valley residents. Grouth and Enviyannvrtal Ccnens— 1970s and 1980s Following national trends,Valley residents began to question environmental issues during the 1970s. Problems from prior growth began to surface. Concerned citizens began to question growing pollution of the aquifer and area lakes. The lakes,especially Liberty Lake, began showing signs of deterioration. Yet,despite the fact that these environmental issues were being discussed,thousands of new homes and many new businesses continued to locate in the Valley. No protection was given to the aquifer, as no sewers were required for new construction. Steady residential and commercial growth continued in the Spokane Valley throughout the 1980s. Hewlett Packard,which had established operation in the area in 1979,was the first of several high tech companies that opened for businesses in the Industrial Park and Liberty Lake areas. Although area residents continued to enjoy their semi-rural, but increasingly urban,lifestyle,the influx of people finally began to be felt as area schools became crowded and a few major roadways became congested. Fears concerning the aquifer continued into the 1980s, leading State Board of Health officials to threaten a moratorium on new construction in 1983,unless sewering of the Valley began. In answer, Spokane County developed a wastewater management plan and designated a priority sewer 21 002u5 service area. A sewer trunk line was eventually extended into the area,and at long last,the Valley slowly began to hook up to sewers. Following up on an earlier proposal by the Spokane County Parks Department,the Parks and Recreation Committee of the Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce proposed a ten and one-half mile hiking,biking,and recreational trail to be built in conjunction with the Washington State Centennial in 1989. Gaining support from a multitude of sources,the Centennial Trail quickly became a reality. By 1989,the trail meandering through the Valley along the Spokane River,began providing enjoyment to thousands of residents. Urbanization— 1990s Throughout the 1990s,the Spokane Valley continued to grow more urban, becoming one of the fastest growing regions in the state. Commercial growth increased and joined residential growth as it moved towards the state line. The urban development included the opening of the long-awaited Spokane Valley Mall in 1997,the establishment of dozens of other businesses along business corridors, and the development of the Mirabeau Point community complex. Table 7: Spokane Valley Cultural and Historic Sites h . sbSignifcance' tat1g :w gx.:a� s 1. Central Valley Barn NW corner of 32nd Avenue& Agricultural history,upstairs once used for Sullivan Road CVHS basketball 2. Chester Teacher's Cottage- 11626 E. Sands Road School history in Chester community 1890s 3. Dishman Depot- 1939 100 S.Argonne Road Train history community platted in 1908 4. Dishman Quarry- 1889 South of Sprague in Dishman Site of A.T.Dishman's granite quarry used for area Gonzaga U,LCHS,Great Northern Depot 5. Dishman Theater- 1930 8722 E.Sprague Avenue First theater 6. Edgecliff- 1916 511 to 601 S.Park Road Medical history-tuberculosis sanitarium 7. Federal,Ohio&Diamond Yardley area-between Trent Match block factories,the largest industry in Match Companies- 1929 and Sprague Avenue Spokane for many years 8. Felts Field- 1919 5629 to 6105 E.Rutter Pkwy Early aviation history 9. Grcenacres Business District- 18100 E.Appleway Avenue Agricultural community 1904 10.Intl Portland Cement Co. 3800 N.Cement Road One of first large industries 11. Mullan Road Marker- 1861- 8122 E.Sprague Avenue Historical reference to Mullan Road,early 62 development of the Valley 12. Opportunity Township Hall 12114 E. Sprague Avenue Meeting place for Valley residents,used for &Business District- 1912 political and social functions 13. Orchard Avene Community 2810 N.Park Road Meeting place/Orchard Avenue Center- 1917 14. Pine Creek Dairy- 1889 Corner of University&8th One of two large dairies with hundreds of cows Avenue which ranged on thousands of acres before settlement-stone walled milk house still stands 15. Plante's Ferry Monument- 12000 E.Upriver Drive Historical reference to first permanent settler in 1849 Valley 16. River Rock House 11907 E.Broadway Avenue Relates to use of local materials to build 17. Spokane University- 1912 10212 E.9th Avenue School history,site of a university and the center of the University area community 18. Van Marter Orchard&House 322 N.University Avenue Henry Van Master apple orchardist, top floor of - 1910 house once used by Valley residents for skating rink 19. Velox Naval Supply Depot - 3808 N.Sullivan Road 1942 WW II history-Valley industrial history 1942 (Spokane Industrial Park) 20. Vera Pump House- 1906 500 N.Evergreen Road Irrigation/Vera community 22 0 J 2 u 6 Roninders of the Past Looking across the Spokane Valley, although much has disappeared,one can still see the remnants of the past. Interspersed throughout the new fenced subdivisions, a few homes still remain that were built out of the river rocks that the farmers and orchardists picked out of their fields. Craftsman bungalows with cobblestone foundations, chimneys and porch columns stand in contrast to the new apartment buildings. Rushing traffic bypasses many of the old farmhouses, a few quietly decaying old barns stand in backyards, and a small number of apple trees still dot the landscape. Table 7 lists some of these cultural and historic features in the Spokane Valley that are located on Map 3. Spokane Valley Community Views Survey of Residents At the onset of the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study, a survey of Spokane Valley residents was conducted with the cooperation of the Spokesman Review newspaper. The survey attempted to identify Valley residents'satisfaction with existing service providers, service levels, community identity,and governance options. The results were used in determining staffing levels for a new city, assumptions for service providers, boundaries of neighborhoods and communities within the Valley, and priorities of residents for future capital projects. The survey was prepared by the Incorporation Study staff and published in the Valley Voice edition of the Spokesman Review in November 2000. Five hundred responses were received and the results were compiled and analyzed as shown on Table 8 on the following page A score of 1 indicates a high level of satisfaction with the service provided;a score of 2 indicates an acceptable level;and a score of 3 indicates that residents are unsatisfied with the service provided Open-Endod Questions In addition to the quantifiable responses on the survey, open-ended questions were asked regarding the most positive change in the Valley,most negative change, and biggest concern with the development of the Valley. Some of the responses from the survey are summarized below: What do you think has been the most positive change in the Spokane Valley? By a large majority,citizens listed investment in roads,with new additions and improvements to the freeway and road system, as the most positive change in the Spokane Valley. Over one hundred respondents noted the freeway improvements and widening of I-90, and the new Evergreen Road Exchange.Additional new roads were mentioned by over ninety citizens,who listed both the Valley Couplet and the Argonne railroad overpass at Trent Road as important projects. Business and commercial growth received the second largest response as being a positive change in the Spokane Valley. Although most mentioned the Spokane Valley Mall,others mentioned various new commercial developments that have brought businesses and services that they no longer have to go to Spokane to find. Citing their pleasure in maintaining natural areas, a few people mentioned the development of the Dishman Hills Natural Area and the Mirabeau Point area as positive developments for the Valley. Others indicated the recreational facilities created by the construction of the Centennial Trail and the Mirabeau Point/YMCA complex were their picks for the most positive changes. 23 00207 Table 8: Spokane Valley Survey Results `ESERVIGE :3 'tit.");;.24- ISATISFACTION.!is %ire sof a.+S $aP ear' gr r u � VA-14,Ww51Will Transportation Traffic Movement X Public Transit Service X Sidewalks X Bike and Pedestrian Trails X Pedestrian Access to Schools X Planning and Land Use Quality of Planning for Growth X Land Use Regulations X Enforcement of Zoning Violations X Quality of New Development X Land Use Decision-making Process X Sign and Billboard Regulations X Environment Noise Levels X Visual and Aesthetic Quality X Air Quality X Protection of Natural Areas X Protection of Shorelines X Sense of Community Community Events and Gatherings X Employment Opportunities X Arts and Cultural Events X Preservation of Historic Sites/Buildings X Parks and Open Space Availability of Parks/Open Space X Quality of Parks and Open Space X Quality of Recreation Facilities X Public Safety Enforcement of Safe Traffic Speeds X Fire Protection X Sheriff Response Time X Safe to Walk in your Neighborhood X Neighborhood Crime Rate X Animal Control X Utility Services Sewer Service and Availability X Water Service X Garbage Service X Street Cleaning X Snow Removal X Street Repair and Maintenance X Street Lighting X Stormwater Control/Flooding X Community Services Library Services and Facilities X Shopping X Schools X 24 00208 Nearly fifty respondents listed sewer construction as a slow, but positive development.A few mentioned improvements in other services,such as police or fire,but the availability of medical services did receive a few positive responses. Government was mentioned several times as bringing positive changes to the Valley. Some mentioned their satisfaction with the fiscal responsibility shown by the current County Commissioners. What do you think has been the most negative change in the Spokane Valley? Overwhelmingly,respondents to the survey listed uncontrolled and poorly managed business, commercial and residential growth,and the resultant traffic problems they have caused, as the most negative change in the Spokane Valley. Many residents expressed their discouragement concerning the continued lack of use of the University City Mall and the closure of dozens of businesses along the Sprague corridor. The proliferation of new businesses and strip malls being built,while dozens of commercial and retail stores remain vacant,was viewed by some as leading to urban sprawl. A few residents surveyed indicated that rapid growth has brought increased crime,heavy traffic, poor air quality,loss of natural habitat and a reduced quality of life to them. They expressed their displeasure with the small,clustered, gated developments,too many apartment complexes, and the small lot size in new subdivisions. Other respondents mentioned environmental concerns, such as not enough protection for the aquifer and danger to the river from pollution and increased shoreline building. Loss of natural habitat with resultant negative effects on wildlife and quality of life was a concern expressed by others. Do you feel a sense of community in the Spokane Valley? Although greatly outnumbered, a few residents felt positive about their sense of community, either through their schools or community events. Valleyfest, a fall community event,was listed by many as giving a sense of community. Others mentioned the Dishman Hills Association,the Centennial Trail,the Mirabeau Point/YMCA complex and the Spokane Valley Mall as providing new ties for Valley residents and offering great hope for future cultural events. Those few positives aside,the overwhelming majority of Spokane Valleyites responded that they do not feel a sense of community. While a few voiced the opinion that they relate to Spokane County, many others felt they are a part of the City of Spokane. Still others revealed that although they do not feel they are affiliated with Spokane,they believe they have to go into the City of Spokane to find any cultural opportunities. Rather than feeling part of another larger community,a few responding felt that a cohesive, community-defining element is missing in the Spokane Valley. Some reasons proposed for this deficiency in sense of community included: lack of a civic center and other meeting places,lack of events, both community and cultural, and lack of communication about community and cultural events. Steering Committee The Incorporation Study team selected Spokane Valley residents who indicated on the survey a willingness to participate to a Spokane Valley Incorporation Study Steering Committee. The Steering Committee included a mix of residents from eighteen to over sixty-five,men and women, living in all areas of the Valley,and not having been involved in incorporation efforts in the past. 25 Fifteen members were originally included and,in addition,the incorporation proponent and the chair of the Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce Governance Committee were included. The Steering Committee met five times from January 2001 through June 2001 and reviewed preliminary budget proposals, staffing levels,potential revenue sources, and community identification. Based upon the comments and suggestions,the staff formulated assumptions for a new city budget, acceptable levels of taxation, and service providers. 26 00210 0iii JN JPART III: OMUNICIPAL SERVICE ANALYSIS > IIJ � Z � 1a 0 Cg (1) 0 V Z 00211 PART III: MUNICIPAL SERVICE ANALYSIS The proposed incorporation area is served by a large number of public agencies and private companies. In addition to the services provided by county,federal and state agencies,there are various local taxing districts that have jurisdiction within this area. These governmental units are: Spokane County: Within general government are the legislative, administrative, budget and support services. Judicial and legal include the district courts, superior courts,prosecutor's office, and public defender's office. The public safety function of Spokane County includes the Sheriffs department, corrections,probation, and jail. Other departments within the County include planning; building and code enforcement;hearing examiner;parks,recreation and fairgrounds; animal control; noxious weed control; geographic information services; community development; and public works including engineering,wastewater management, solid waste management, stormwater management,and transportation. City of Spokane: Water and sewer service and wastewater treatment. Special Purpose Districts: Fire Protection: Spokane County Fire District 1 Schools: Central Valley School District No. 356 East Valley School District No. 361 West Valley School District No. 363 Spokane School District No. 81 Library: Spokane County Library District Water Purveyors: Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19 Vera Irrigation District No. 15 Trentwood Irrigation District No. 3 Model Irrigation District No. 18 Camhope Irrigation District No. 7 Hutchinson Irrigation District No. 16 Orchard Avenue Irrigation District No. 6 Pasadena Park Irrigation District No. 17 Spokane County Water District No. 3 Irvin Water District No. 6 East Spokane Water District No. 1 Solid Waste Collection:Waste Management of Spokane Private Water Purveyors: Modern Electric Company Holiday Trailer Court Hutton Settlement Pinecroft Mobile Home Park Kaiser-Trentwood Spokane Industrial Park 27 00212 County-wide Authorities: Spokane Transit Authority Spokane Regional Transportation Council Spokane County Health District Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority Noxious Weed Control Board State of Washington: Washington State Patrol Washington State Department of Transportation The services provided by these entities are normally referred to as "municipal",that is,they are usually performed by a city within a city's jurisdictional boundaries. Cities require that these services be provided at a higher level than rural areas. Law enforcement would be an example of a municipal service now being provided to the Spokane Valley by the County. County services such as the Coroner,Auditor,Assessor,Treasurer,Superior Court,Prosecutor, Public Defender, and District Courts are performed county-wide in both incorporated and unincorporated and are therefore considered "non-municipal'. These services will not be affected to the same degree as municipal services. The provision of educational services is another non- municipal service that will not be directly affected by incorporation of a new city. INVENTORY OF SERVICES General Government Legislative The Board of County Commissioners now provides the policy-making and oversight of general government operations for Spokane County. With a new city, a Mayor and City Council will serve these functions by representing citizens, setting policy,establishing priorities and goals,and adopting a budget. The estimated cost for the Mayor and Council for the first year of operation is $150,842. Administrative The County Administrative Officer, appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, now oversees the operation of Spokane County. With a new city,a City Manager will provide the administrative leadership to implement Council policies and is responsible for management direction to city departments and staff and for monitoring all contracts with other agencies. The estimated cost for the City Management is $285,759 for the first year of operation. City Clerk The City Clerk is responsible for maintaining a record of all official actions of the City Council including the publication of notices and minutes of meetings. The estimated cost for the first year of operation for this responsibility is $160,062. Human Resources/Risk Management For the new city, a Human Resources Department would be required for administration of personnel including hiring, benefits coordination,disciplinary investigations, and risk management. The estimated cost for the first year of operation for this function in- dudes staff costs of$185,722, 28 00213 maintenance and operation costs of$117,744 including a liability insurance premium of$106,000 for a total department budget of$303,477. Finance For the new city, a Finance Department would be responsible for financial management systems and reports,budget preparation and monitoring,acting as Treasurer for investment of City funds, and purchasing supplies and capital items. The estimated cost for the first year of operation for this function includes staff costs of$452,538 and maintenance and operation costs of$29,667 for a total of$482,205. Information Services For the new city, an Information Services Department would be responsible for providing information technology to city departments to assist them in achieving its goals including financial and payroll systems, geographic information in conjunction with Spokane County personnel, data and records management and network development and support. The estimated cost for the first year of operation for this function includes staff costs of$330,956, maintenance and operation costs of$46,928 which includes $25,000 for capital and an additional $500 annual capital expense for each city employee in departmental budgets, for a total of$377,884. Options for the new city in providing this service include hiring its own staff, contracting with Spokane County,or hiring a consultant or any combination of these. Other Administrative For the new city,temporary positions are budgeted to be used as needed with the concurrence of the Human Resources Director and the City Manager for a staff cost of$82,500 and maintenance and operation cost of$8,750 for a total for the first year of$91,250. In addition, expenses for dues and assessments, copiers and lease of a facility for city hall are estimated to be $236,845 for the first year. Judicial and Legal District Court Existing Service: Spokane County has one District Court with county-wide jurisdiction. The district court has nine judges; five serving Spokane County and four that provide services to the City of Spokane. Cost of Existing Service: The District Court estimates that sixty percent of its caseload is generated in the new city boundaries with an estimated 2001 cost of $1,792,732 increasing to$1,900,296 in 2003. Incorporation Options: The new city of Spokane Valley can create either a municipal court or a municipal department of the Spokane County District Court similar to the arrangement with the City of Spokane. The jurisdiction of municipal courts is the same as that of municipal departments of district courts. If the new city chooses to have municipal department judges,their appointment would be from the elected District Court judges and would serve under contract. This decision will be dependent on the City of Spokane Valley's desire to be a self-governing body of the District Court. In either case,jurisdiction is limited to matters that arise under city ordinances (i.e. traffic or criminal matters). 29 oozy Incorporation Impacts: The District Court system currently serves the entire county and would not be affected by the incorporation boundaries aside from traffic infractions,which would be included in the new city municipal court system. Probation Existing Service: The Probation Department provides supportive services to the Court including investigations and monitoring defendants'compliance with Court-ordered conditions. The City of Spokane and Spokane County each have separate probation staff. Cost of Existing Service: The number of cases assigned to the Probation Department within the incorporation boundary were calculated with projected costs of$276,682 in 2001 and $293,283 in 2003. Incorporation Options: The new city has the option of hiring its own staff or contracting with Spokane County. Incorporation Impacts: If the new city contracts with the District Court,residents could receive the same level of service with the Spokane County Probation Department. Prosecutor's Office Existing Service: The Spokane County Prosecutor's Office provides administration of both civil and criminal cases for the County. This office is responsible for legal advice and counsel to the Board of County Commissioners and employees drafting of ordinances, defense of the County administrative and policy matters, and prosecuting misdemeanors in District Court. Cost of Existing Service: Costs for the new city for these services are estimated at $479,400 for staff and $30,727 for operation and maintenance for a total of$510,127 for the first year of operation. Incorporation Options: The new city could establish a new city attorney's office which would undertake the estimated workload now handled by the county Prosecutor's Office; contract either partially or totally with the Prosecutor's Office; or contract with a private attorney. Incorporation Impacts: It is assumed for this Study that the new city would provide this service. Public Defender Existing Service: The Spokane County Public Defender's Office represents persons otherwise unable to afford legal counsel for adult,juvenile, felony and misdemeanor crimes. Cost of Existing Service: Costs for providing services to the proposed incorporation area are based on the Sheriff's estimate of sixty percent of its workload being generated in that area. For the Public Defender, sixty percent of the costs for adult misdemeanor defense would be $463,413 for 2001 and $491,218 for 2003. Incorporation Options: The new city could contract with Spokane County for Public Defender services; contract with an independent attorney;or set up its own office within an internal legal department. 30 00215 Incorporation Impacts: For this study,it was assumed that the new city would contract with Spokane County. Public Safety Law Enforcement Existing Service: The primary agency providing police service in the unincorporated area of Spokane County is the Sheriffs Department. It is responsible for 1,725 square miles and provides services to residents of the unincorporated area (Map 12). Some of the services that the Sheriff's Department provides to the Spokane Valley include a portion of Patrol,Community Services, Detectives,Traffic, K-9, Drug Unit,DARE, School Resource officers, Identification,Radio Dispatch,CAD/RMS,Fleet Lease, and Garage. The Department also provides contract services to some of the smaller cities in the county. The Washington State Patrol also provides services within the incorporation area including traffic enforcement on state and interstate highways and back up to local agencies on emergencies. Cost of Existing Service: The Sheriff's Department estimates that approximately sixty percent of its resources are required in the proposed incorporation area. This was calculated on a functional basis including some support activities as there is no reliable data available based upon the geographic location of chargeable activities. Based upon its 2001 budget including indirect costs this amount is $12,236,273 for 2001 and increases to $12,970,449 for 2003. Incorporation Options: The new city could negotiate an agreement with the County Sheriff to provide service or establish its own municipal police department. Incorporation Impacts: If the new city contracts with Spokane County,residents could receive the same level of service or negotiate a higher level of service with the Sheriff's Department. Corrections Existing Service: The Geiger Corrections Center provides confinement and supervision of low security,adult offenders and provides rehabilitation services for the unincorporated areas of Spokane County and for other jurisdictions by contract. Cost of Existing Service: Cost for 2001 for adult misdemeanant confinement is based upon sixty percent of the resources allocated by the Sheriff's Department to the incorporation area; for 2001 it is estimated at$1,223,539 and $1,296,951 for 2003. Incorporation Option: The new city can contract with Spokane County Corrections to provide correction services. Incorporation Impacts: There would be no impact on this department as the contract amount would equal the cost of the services. Jail Existing Service: Spokane County provides a safe and secure environment for the incarceration of suspected and convicted offenders. It is operated by Spokane County and serves the City of Spokane,the federal government, and other cities and towns by contract. 31 00216 Cost of Existing Service: Current costs for jail for the Spokane Valley incorporation area are based on a percentage of the new city population compared to the City of Spokane;this would be $997,831 in 2001 and$1,057,701 in 2003. Incorporation Options: The new city could contract with Spokane County in the same manner as the City of Spokane or build a new jail facility,hire and train a new staff and contract with Spokane County until those actions area completed. Incorporation Impacts: If the new city contracted with the Spokane County Jail,there would be no impact on the existing operations of the jail. Animal Control Existing Service: The Spokane County Animal Control Department currently provides this services for the proposed City of Spokane Valley. Animal Control Officers are trained and commissioned by the County Sheriff's Department. The Spokane County Animal Shelter is located on Flora Road within the proposed incorporation area. Cost of Existing Service: The main revenue source for this department is license fees. Based on a net cost of operation of$3.47 per person, approximately$284,887 is the estimated cost in 2001 for the proposed incorporation area and $301,980 is the estimated cost for 2003. Incorporation Options: Spokane County Animal Control currently provides animal control services by contract to the Cities of Millwood,Cheney,and Fairchild Air Force Base. For animal control,the new city could contract with Spokane County Animal Control,hire a private enterprise, or provide the service itself. Incorporation Impacts: If the new city contracted with Spokane County,there would be no impact on the existing operations of the animal control department. Fire Protection Existing Service: Spokane County Fire District 1 is a fully paid fire department with 143 employees, responding from seven fire stations and providing the following services: structural fire suppression; wildland fire suppression;hazardous materials response; incident management; technical rescue response for automobile extrication, confined space rescue,high angle rope rescue,trench rescue, and ice rescue; EMS basic life support response (EMT); EMS advanced life support response (paramedic); fire and arson investigation;plan review;commercial building inspection;incident pre- planning; and public safety education. It is a separate taxing jurisdiction governed by an elected board of commissioners and it is not a part of the county government. The district covers 75 square miles and at a population of 115,000,Fire District 1 is the largest fire district in Spokane County(Map 11). Cost of Existing Service: The tax valuation of the district for 2001 is $5,071,297,990. A regular property tax of$1.3992 per$1,000 and a special property tax of$1.5422 per$1,000 generates $14,795,859 for the operation of the district. Incorporation Options: The new city will be annexed into Fire District 1 upon incorporation, but voters within the new city will have the option during the first year of operation to either remain a part of the District or form their own fire department as per state law. 32 00217 Incorporation Impacts: With forty-five square miles proposed for the City of Spokane Valley,59 percent of Fire District 1 would be inside the new city and 30 square miles or 41 percent would remain unincorporated within Fire District 1. Serving the southern portion of the Spokane Valley is Spokane County Fire District 8 and serving the northern portion of the Spokane Valley is Spokane County Fire District 9. Modifications to the proposed boundaries could include portions of these Districts. Public Works Engineering Administration Existing Service: Spokane County performs project management, bridge design,urban street and rural road design, construction,traffic and traffic safety programs, and transportation demand management for the unincorporated areas of Spokane County. In addition,the Engineering Division applies for and administers the Arterial Improvement Program,the Transportation Partnership Program, and other federal and state grants. Cost of Existing Service: The estimated costs of engineering and administration for programs in the incorporation area are $3,063,000 for 2001 and $3,246,780 for 2003. Incorporation Options: The new city can contract with Spokane County to continue to provide these services or establish its own engineering department. Incorporation Impacts: For this Study,it was assumed that the new city would contract, at least initially,with Spokane County. Roads Maintenance Existing Service: Within the City of Spokane Valley's boundaries,there are 420 miles of County Roads. The County roads within the proposed City of Spokane Valley represents 14 percent of the 2,925 road miles for which Spokane County is responsible countywide. The County Road Department provides maintenance of the roadways,storm drainage,winter maintenance including plowing,roadside facilities, street cleaning, traffic signs,traffic striping and legends,utility payments for street lighting and traffic engineering services. There are also two State highways within the proposed boundaries consisting of State Route 27 (Pines Road) and State Route 290 (Trent Road) and Interstate 90 (I-90) which are maintained by the Washington Department of Transportation. The urban principle east-west arterials include Broadway,Sprague,Appleway, 16th and 32"a Through traffic is primarily carried by I-90 and secondarily by Trent. Travel orientation in the Spokane Valley is east-west with a majority of local traffic traveling by means of Sprague,Appleway and Trent. The urban principal north-south arterials are spaced approximately a mile a part,which include Fancher,Park,Argonne,Mullan,University,Pines,Evergreen,Sullivan, and Barker,all of which, pass over or under I-90, except for University that ends at Mission Rd. Fancher,Argonne, and Sullivan have overpasses over the Burlington Northern railroad tracks running parallel with Trent Road on southern side;the remaining north-south corridors are subject to 10 to 15 minute delays if a train is passing through. 33 nn 2 ! 8 Plans and Policies: To manage and implement the Spokane Regional Transportation Council's comprehensive transportation planning,required by Federal law,for Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, such as Spokane County. Cost of Existing Service: The County Road Fund is comprised of the funds described below and local public funds. There are several funding mechanisms available for the City of Spokane Valley contingent upon approval. Funding is available from the Federal Transportation Acts that are passed by Congress to cover periods of five to six years. The present Federal Transportation Act, called TEA 21, has made more than $50 million available each year of the Act. Most of these funds are passed through the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) for distribution. A portion of the funding is distributed on a competitive basis through the Olympia office of the WSDOT. The local distribution of funds is done by SRTC on a priority basis with governmental agencies within Spokane County competing for a limited amount of funding. These Federal funds may be used for urban roadways, bridges, sidewalks, pathways,railroad crossings, and special safety projects. In 2001,Spokane County expects to use nearly$8 million in federal grant funds in the Spokane Valley incorporation area, which will require over$2 million in local matching funds to secure. The Transportation Improvement Board has two funding methods: the Arterial Improvement Program and the Transportation Partnership Program. The 2002 construction program has over$7 million in approved projects,which would require over$2 million in local match funds to secure. The estimated cost of providing roadway maintenance service to the new city by Spokane County is $4,065,250 for 2001 and $4,309,165 for 2003. Spokane County has $15,365,000 in road projects planned for the incorporation area in 2002;of that total,the County has $4,244,000 in local funds have been committed. In 2003, Spokane County has $12,877,000 planned in road projects; of which $3,559,000 in local funds have been committed. Tables 18 and 19 list these projects and Map 8 shows their locations. Incorporation Options: The new city could contract with the County or develop a capital plan and bring the service in-house and contract with Spokane County for an interim period. Incorporation Impacts: All of the planning, capital programming, and construction in relation to local road improvements in the newly incorporated area would become the responsibility of the new city as well. This work usually starts up in the interim period between the election on incorporation and the effective date of incorporation. The County would continue to supervise construction until the effective date of incorporation. Highway Maintenance Existing Service: The Washington State Department of Transportation provides maintenance for the two state highways within the incorporation boundaries: State Route 27 (Pines Road) and State Route 290 (Trent Road). In addition,the DOT provides maintenance to Interstate 90. Cost of Existing Service: State law requires that when a city over 22,500 in population incorporates, the city immediately assume the responsibility for maintenance activities. The Department of Transportation would enter into an agreement with the new city to perform these activities at the city's cost. The estimated cost for these highway maintenance services by the Department of Transportation for 2001 is $300,000 and$318,000 for 2003. 34 00219 Incorporation Options: The new city could contract with the State Department of Transportation or Spokane County or provide the service itself. Incorporation Impacts: There would be no impact on Spokane County;the assumption for this Study is that the new city would contract with the Department of Transportation. Wastewater Management Existing Service: The Spokane County Sewer Utility is the designated sewer service provider to the area within the proposed city.The Utility currently has 19,300 customers, of which 15,400 are within this area. Plans and Policies: In 1996,Spokane County adopted an Interim Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan to revise and refine the County's original 1981 plan. The intent of the plan was to develop strategies to advance the sewer program for the protection of the aquifer and to satisfy regulations established by the Washington State Departments of Health and Ecology,the Spokane County Health District and other regulatory requirements. The plan prioritizes sewer projects into six-, fifteen-, and twenty-year programs shown on Map 10. Spokane County is developing a Wastewater Facilities Plan to identify wastewater treatment facilities that must be implemented to meet the 20-year and long-term needs for the County's Urban Growth Area. Presently,it is anticipated that 10 million gallons per day will continue to go to the City of Spokane Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, and a new plant will be constructed to treat 12 million gallons per day in the 20-year planning horizon. Presently,it is projected that about 120 million dollars cm 2001 dollars) will be required for wastewater treatment in the 20-year horizon. Table 16 lists the sewer projects planned for the next five years in the Spokane Valley. Cost of Existing Service:Each year the Utility spends approximately$12 million in a Septic Tank Elimination Program (STEP),which adds about 2,000 new customers to the sewer utility. Approximately eighty percent of the program budget and new connections are within the incorporation area. The revenues to fund the STEP program come from four major sources. The table below shows the revenue generated from each funding source and the amount expended. Table 9: Septic Tank Elimination Program Funding a [fait- �T�ypia calrSewer z: ; tRevenue Source Amount� i , ante� tProgram xpenditore Centennial Clean Water Grant $3,750,000 $3,750,000 Capital Facilities Rate $6,250,000 $6,250,000 Aquifer Protection Area Fund $1,500, 000 $2,000,000 County Sales Tax Contribution $3,700,000 TOTAL $15,200,000 $11,950,000 These four funding sources are described below: CENTENNIAL CLEAN WATER EXTENDED GRANT: A twenty-year extended grant was awarded to Spokane County in 1996,with annual payments scheduled to end in 2015. CAPITAL FACILITIES RATE: A one-time charge per household when hooking up to the sewer,it is currently set at$3,020 per household or equivalent residential unit. This rate will most likely increase without the subsidization (1/8 of a percent on sales tax) provided by the County currently. 35 00220 AQUIFER PROTEC770NAREA (APA)FUND: Currently fees are collected in the aquifer sensitive area of Spokane County,these fees were voted in for a 20-year period that ends in 2005. If the fees are to be reauthorized, a vote will be required. The amount of fees used for the STEP is the net amount available to the County after paying administrative costs, an annual allocation to the Regional Health District, and an annual allocation to the City of Spokane for septic tank elimination within its boundaries. SALES TAX: The County currently allocates one-eighth of a cent of its sales tax to the sewer utility to provide a subsidy to property owners when hooking up to the sewer. The sewer subsidy(approximately$3,700,000) is provided by the County and will most likely dissolve with the incorporation of a new city. An additional amount known as the General Facilities Charge (GFC) of$2,220 per household is assessed at the time of hook-up. Currently,25 percent of the GFC is subsidized from Sales Tax and APA revenues, so the amount paid by each household is $1,665. The GFC is an allocation to all sewer customers for the County's cost of wastewater treatment capacity at the City of Spokane's wastewater treatment facility, and for construction of major interceptors and pumping stations. The GFC is projected to increase in the future to help pay for new treatment plant capacity. The last source of revenue for wastewater facilities is the Wastewater Treatment Plant Charge of $4.00 per month per household. The revenue from this charge is being used exclusively to upgrade the existing treatment plant,and provide for new wastewater treatment capacity. Currently,the aggregate amount of revenue exceeds the annual expenditures for the STEP. Excess revenues are placed in sewer construction program reserve accounts. However, it is projected that in the future,the revenues will fall short of expenditures, and the reserves will be spent to complete the last few years of the sewer construction program. Incorporation Options: The incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley would require negotiations with Spokane County on the continuation of the Septic Tank Elimination Program in many areas. The Centennial Clean Water Grant funding would appear to be forthcoming if the current level of conversion could be maintained or increased. Aquifer Protection Area fees are collected by the County in an area larger than the proposed city, so an equitable method of apportioning the revenue would require negotiation. Incorporation Impacts: Upon the incorporation of the new city,the County would lose 85 percent of the sales tax revenue it currently receives from the incorporation area,which almost certainly would affect the current subsidy given to the sewer utility.The new city would need to either continue the dedication of the sales tax revenue, or find another source of funding to continue the current level of subsidy,or pass the costs on to the homeowners within the new city. The ownership of the wastewater system should remain with Spokane County because of the regional nature of the utility,but other areas would need investigation such as the collection of the hook-up fees mentioned previously and also collection of monthly sewer fees. (i.e. should the collection effort remain with the County or be assumed by the city). Stormwater Management Existing Service: Spokane County provides the following stormwater management services to the unincorporated areas of Spokane County inventorying and maintaining stormwater facilities inside 36 00221 county road rights-of-way;developing plans for regional storm water facilities;implementation (currently not funded); enforcement of grassy swale regulations; and meeting NPDES requirements for water quality. Major stormwater management issues facing Spokane County including the proposed City of Spokane Valley include: 1) reducing surface flooding and groundwater-related problems; 2) meeting federal and state surface-, ground-, and drinking water quality standards and requirements, including developing and administering a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit; 3) planning and constructing needed infrastructure;and 4) funding a stormwater program to handle all these responsibilities. Plans and Policies: The Department of Ecology is expected to require the new city to implement a stormwater plan to address the impacts of stormwater as mandated by State regulations and the Federal Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act,including Underground Injection Control regulations. Cost of Existing Service: Currently,the county's stormwater management program is financed through an annual stormwater charge. The annual charge is $10 for an average single family home (which is equal to one Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU). One ERU is defined as 3,160 square feet of impervious surface(s). Businesses, industries, schools, churches, apartment buildings, etc. are charged $10 per year per ERU. The square footages are measured from digital aerial ortho- photographs and building permit plans. The County Treasurer bills property owners the stormwater service charge on the tax statement each year. The stormwater fee is a line item on the tax statement. It is estimated that there are 99,720 stormwater ERUs in the proposed City of Spokane Valley. This translates into annual revenue of $997,200. When the county's stormwater utility was established in 1992,the annual stormwater charge was intended to be used primarily for preparing basin plans,inventorying public stormwater facilities, maintaining existing public stormwater facilities and related work. The fee was not intended to fund major capital improvements. The intent was that after individual basins plans were completed and the needed capital facilities and costs were identified, a decision would be made about how to finance plan implementation. Although public meetings and a public hearing were held in 1999 to discuss increasing stormwater fees,the means of raising funds has not been decided. New development is generally required to handle its runoff on-site where possible. The Stormwater Utility is re-focusing its efforts on preventing new stormwater problems by mapping and preserving natural drainage systems,reviewing and conunenting on development proposals, and providing technical assistance to homeowners associations responsible for maintaining private stormwater facilities, and similar activities. There is increasing recognition by this community that stormwater facilities are an important part of the infrastructure needed in this growing region. State and federal regulations assure that stormwater management will be a big issue facing local agencies and municipalities in the next few years. Incorporation Options: The new city could adopt the existing County plans, prepare its own,or contract with a private firm In either case,the cost would be about the same to the new city. 37 00222 Incorporation Impacts:Upon incorporation,the new city could contract with Spokane County or hire its own staff to provide the service. In any case,the jurisdiction with stormwater management responsibilities for the new city will need to address the issue of how to fmance a stormwater program to comply with federal and state requirements and construct necessary stormwater improvements. Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Existing Service: Spokane County has turned over future solid waste disposal activities to a joint City of Spokane-Spokane County Liaison Board to build and operate a waste-to-energy facility and to provide for the disposal of the resultant ash. Solid waste collection is currently provided by Waste Management Inc.,with rates and service boundaries regulated by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. Plans and Policies: The new city,if not a participant in the county-wide system,would also be required to submit a solid waste plan to the Department of Ecology for approval and negotiate for a disposal site outside of Spokane County. Cost of Existing Service: Currently the costs to the Valley area for solid waste collection and disposal vary depending on the geographical location. An estimation of this service with recycling and two garbage cans is approximately$18.00 per month. Incorporation Options for Collection: The new city could not create any immediate changes to solid waste collection services because of the requirements to honor the life of the franchise agreement. After the agreement has expired, the new city could honor previous agreements for disposal, enter into a new agreement, or arrange for different methods of disposal. If the new city chooses other methods of disposal and not to use the waste-to-energy plant,the County residents would get an increase to the solid waste collection and disposal fee. Incorporation Options for Disposal: The new city could join the City-County Flow Control Agreement and accept the County Solid Waste Master Plan or develop its own plan. Incorporation Impacts: The new city could not alter solid waste collection franchise agreements until the expiration of the agreements or agreement options. Water Provision Existing Service: The proposed incorporation area includes eighteen separate entities providing water services. Currently,Spokane County's role in the provision of water service is primarily coordination. The table following depicts the water purveyors with corporate boundaries within the proposed new city. Boundaries for each purveyor are shown on Map 10. Plans and Policies: The Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP) was completed in 1982 and most recently updated in 1999. It addresses the requirements of the Public Water System Coordination Act and the County Services Act. The plan establishes future service areas for public water utilities, minimum design standards, a utility services review procedure,a conflict appeals process, and regional supply needs. Spokane County's current role in the provision of water services is limited to general coordination with the water purveyors within the incorporation area. The proposed incorporation area is entirely within the Critical Water Supply Service Areas designated in the CWSP. 38 00223 Table 10: Water Purveyors Within the Spokane Valley Incorporation Area 144 '; 47'4 r t-44 A rv�'eR Crf 4 ' fr.-tea '�`+:'` [ 1 i 'rc'4 Y i '� h e+` } —carat:or t. . ' s 2000F Residential ' e_al., e"Incorporation, WateryPurveyor, Ir. 15 p opulatioi i, $onnectron_s, Acres Area _... Camhope Irrigation 1,200 480 248 100% District No.7 City of Spokane 195,000 57,957 NA NA Consolidated Irrigation 17,795 5,589 12308 47°k District No. 19 East Spokane Water 4,063 1,018 1356 93% District No. 1 Holiday Trailer Court 21 12 5 100% Hutchinson Irrigation 1,950 780 332 100% District No. 16 Hutton Settlement 53 18 333 93% Irvin Water District No. 2,531 729 999 100% 6 Kaiser- Trentwood 563 100% Model Irrigation District 5,708 2,129 945 100% No. 16 Modem Electric 16,677 5,187 2887 100% Company Orchard Avenue 3,178 1,271 678 100% Irrigation District No. 6 Pasadena Park Irrigation 4,168 1,667 1868 54% District No. 17 Pinecroft Mobile Home 248 143 16 100% Park Spokane County Water 22,140 8,856 6690 46% District No. 3 Spokane Industrial Park 273 100% Trentwood Irrigation 4,048 1,453 2293 90% District No. 3 Vera Irrigation District 19,801 5,641 9843 41% No. 15 Spokane County Capital Facilities Plan,March 2001 Cost of Existing Service: Each water purveyor sets its own fees and charges for water service. Incorporation Options: Cities have the option of assuming jurisdiction of water districts under RCW 35.13A and each has varying impacts depending on the amount of the area or assessed valuation that is within the city: 100%: The city may by resolution or ordinance assume jurisdiction over all assets of the district including taxes levied but not collected. 60%: A city may assume jurisdiction over the entire district except portions that are within another city's boundaries. If this is done,the water district,by means of an election, can require the city to assume jurisdiction of the entire district. Less 60%: The city may only assume jurisdiction of the portion that is within its boundaries. 39 nnn94 The new city could allow all of the water purveyors to continue operations as before incorporation, or assume jurisdiction and operation of some or all of the water purveyors serving the incorporation area. The State law addresses how to take over water districts, but there is no established procedure relative to other water purveyors such as private companies, other municipal organizations,irrigation districts,mobile home parks, subdivisions, or Kaiser-Trentwood and the Spokane Industrial Park. Incorporation Impacts: For the purposes of this study,it is assumed that the new city would not assume jurisdiction of water purveyors within its boundaries. Other Municipal Services Planning Existing Service: The Spokane County Division of Planning provides long range and current planning services to the unincorporated areas of the County. The Planning Division provides professional and administrative services for the County including permit review and issuance, field inspection and zoning code compliance services. The Division is also responsible for implementing provisions of the Growth Management Act for the unincorporated areas of Spokane County and coordinating with other municipal governments for county-wide implementation of GMA provisions. Plans and Policies: The Spokane County Comprehensive Land Use Plan, adopted on January 12, 1980, is the official policy document for decisions relating to future physical development and public 1- resources. In addition to the required land use and transportation elements, the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan also incorporates by reference:the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan,Parks and Recreation Plan, and the Coordinated Water System Plan. The current plan was developed under the Planning Enabling Act (ROW 36.70). This plan will be replaced by the comprehensive plan developed under the Growth Management Act and expected to be adopted by the Board of County Commissioners in August 2001. On July 1, 1993, Spokane County reached the threshold for mandatory compliance with the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A). Growth management planning is nearing completion in Spokane County. The County is charged with developing county-wide planning policies, identifying urban growth areas, identifying and protecting critical/sensitive areas,writing and adopting a new comprehensive plan and the regulations to implement it. Each incorporated city must also develop a plan with the required elements based upon the county-wide planning policies. On December 22, 1994,Spokane County adopted its County-Wide Planning Policies for the development and adoption of comprehensive plans under the Growth Management Act. Consistency with adopted policies would be required of the new city at the time of its formal incorporation. On April 8, 1997, Spokane County adopted an interim Urban Growth Area (IUGA) and Interim Development Regulations. The statutes prohibit new cities from incorporating outside of urban growth areas; therefore,the proposed City of Spokane Valley and any modifications are limited to incorporating territory within the IUGA. In March 2000,the Spokane County Planning Commission issued a draft Comprehensive Plan, referred to as Draft Plan 2000. The draft Comprehensive Plan included land use maps,policies,and a draft Urban Growth Area. The Planning Commission held public hearings and accepted public 40 0022.5 comment on the draft plan until March 5,2001, and after considering public input,the Planning Commission made final revisions and forwarded the Planning Commission Rarnr Ccnprehensice Plan to the Board of County Commissioners on March 7, 2001. The Board of County Commissioners held a series of public hearings on the Recommended Comprehensive Plan (Map 11) in early May,2001 and is expected to adopt a new Comprehensive Plan,including a final Urban Growth Area,in early August, 2001 (Map 6). The Spokane County Zoning Code is the set of land use regulations, adopted under RCW 36.70, designed to protect the health, safety,and general welfare,to promote community goals and to implement the goals and policies of the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. The zoning code establishes specific, binding regulations in the zone categories. Within the proposed city boundary, a variety of land use zones are found. They include industrial,commercial,with a mix of low to high- density residential zones. The zoning code will be updated to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan developed under the Growth Management Act. The existing zoning for the Spokane Valley is shown on Map 7. Also included in the zoning regulations is the establishment of an aquifer sensitive overlay zone (ASA). It is intended to coincide with the recharge area for the Spokane/Rathdrum Aquifer. The ASA overlay zone provides supplemental development regulations to permanently protect the source of metropolitan Spokane's water supply. Other regulations influencing the incorporation include the Spokane County Shoreline Program,the Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance,the Spokane County Short Plat Ordinance, and the Spokane County Environmental Ordinance. Spokane County has also adopted wetland policies directing development on or near wetland areas. Cost of Service:The cost of providing planning services by setting up a City Planning Department is estimated at$481,667 for 2001 and $509,847 in 2003. Incorporation Options: The first task the new city will be required to do, as mandated by the Growth Management Act (GMA),is develop a Comprehensive Plan,which includes designating an Urban Growth Area. The new city can hire its own staff, contract with Spokane County,or hire a consultant to develop its plan. For other planning services,the new city would have the same options. Incorporation Impacts: For this Study,it was assumed that the new city would set up its own Planning Department. This would impact Spokane County by reducing its workload by an amount that could result in a reduction of County planning staff. Building and Code Enforcement Existing Service: The Building and Code Enforcement Division administers and enforces the State Building Code Act and other regulations governing land use and construction, alteration, and use of new and existing buildings and structures within unincorporated Spokane County. It is operated on the basis that it will "break-even",or operate as an enterprise fund,which is geared to generate surpluses in high activity years to cover potential deficits in years when construction activity is low. Cost of Existing Service: The Building and Code Enforcement Division provided permit data for the last ten years within the boundaries of the new city to estimate the cost to the new city. It was recommended that the City retain from the building permit fees collected for its own use a "minimum 41 00226 fee". The "minimum fee" would be ten percent of the building permit fee as adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County. The County would be compensated for 100 percent of those plan review fees collected pursuant to the Building Code,as well as 100 percent of those fees collected pursuant to the Plumbing Code and the Mechanical Code as amended by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County. The cost of providing building services to the new city is estimated at$805,401 for 2001 and $853,725 in 2003. Incorporation Options: The new city could contract with Spokane County or hire staff to perform these functions. Spokane County currently provides building services to small cities and towns within the County. Incorporation Impacts: It was assumed for this Study that the new city would contract with Spokane County. Hearing Examiner Existing Service: The Hearing Examiner issues decisions on Spokane County land use applications within the unincorporated area. Cost of Existing Service: Approximately fifty percent of the cases heard by the Hearing Examiner are generated in the incorporation area at an estimated cost of$81,529 for 2001 increasing to $86,421 in 2003. Incorporation Options: The new city could contract with the Spokane County Hearing Examiner, hire its own staff,contract with a private attorney,or use a volunteer committee system. Incorporation Impacts: For the purposes of this study,it was assumed that the new city would use one of the first three options and that the costs would be similar. Parks and Recreation Services Existing Service: Spokane County has 31 parks located in the unincorporated areas of the County with thirteen of these located in the proposed incorporation boundaries and eleven of these parks are within the Urban Growth Area (UGA). The area also indudes three County swimming pools. Map 14 shows the location of Spokane County parks as well as other community facilities. Plans and Policies: The Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for enhancing the general quality of life for the residents of Spokane County by providing the highest quality and quantity of park,recreation, open space, and related cultural opportunities given the available resources. Cost of Existing Service: The Spokane County Parks Department estimated that the annual maintenance and operation costs on a per park basis, including administration, capital equipment and capital improvements on a percentage basis and the net cost of pool operations in the new city for the eleven parks within the proposed new city and the Urban GrowthArea would amount to $891,964 in 2001 and $945,482 in 2003. Spokane County also has capital improvements planned for 2002-2006 which are listed on Table 17. 42 00227 Table 11: Spokane Valley Parks within the Incorporation Area -aBe;- -f.it r,r ,mow --, Name� ;� Location,�.f , :;_g� '�s, c'.�,. ..r� ��F� . #Acres„"Annual.Cost;� Balfour Park Balfour and Main 2.8 $12,359 Brown Park Pines and 32"d Avenue 8.2 $36,193 Castle Park University and 33`d Avenue 2.7 $11,917 Centennial Trail Spokane River(13 miles) 300.0 $67,519 Edgecliff Park Park and 6t Avenue 4.8 $21,186 Mirabeau Park Spokane River and Mirabeau 17.3 $72,500 Orchard Park Park Road and Bridgeport 3.8 $16,772 Park Road Park and 9d'Avenue 2.0 $8,828 Sullivan Park Sullivan at Spokane River 10.3 $22,104 Terrace View Park 24th and Blake Road 9.1 $40,165 Valley Mission Park Mission and Bowdish 27.2 $88,323 Three County Pools Park Road,Valley Mission,Terrace View $68,950 Senior Center Valley Mission Park $30,000 Admin/Capital Costs $324,765 County Indirect Costs • $70,383 Total 388.2 $891,964 Incorporation Options: Incorporation of the new City of Spokane Valley would essentially put eleven County parks within the jurisdictional boundaries of the new city;however,the new City would not gain ownership of these park properties by act of incorporation. In the event of incorporation, Spokane County would most likely undertake detailed analysis of the alternatives available for County-owned park property within the new city boundaries. After incorporation, Spokane County may decide to maintain ownership and operation of these facilities or transfer the parks to the new city upon negotiations. The new city would have three options if the facilities are transferred, contract with the County for maintenance of the parks,operate and maintain the parks themselves, or contract with a private company. Incorporation Impacts: There would be no cost impacts under either option; recreation opportunities for County residents outside of the new city may decrease depending on new city policies for facilities. Geographic Information Systems Existing Service: Provides technical staff and support in developing and maintaining the County's computerized mapping and analysis of geographic information. The County also provides GIS services to other jurisdictions and private parties on a contract basis. For the new city,GIS services would include continued maintenance of the map layers required for updating planning information for both long range and current planning. Cost of Existing Service: The Spokane County estimate of the cost to provide this service to the new city is $70,318 in 2001 and $74,537 in 2003. 43 00228 Incorporation Options: The new city can contract with Spokane County,hire its own staff,or contract for this service. Incorporation Impacts: For the purposes of this study,it was assumed that the cost of the service would remain the same under each of the alternatives. Community Development Existing Service: Spokane County receives an entitlement allocation of federal Community Development Block Grant and HOME Affordable Housing Funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) each year. Approximately$2.6 million is granted or loaned each year by Spokane County to local governments, special purpose districts,not-for-profit organizations, and for-profit businesses to conduct activities,which improve the lives of lower income residents of the ten small cities and unincorporated areas of the County. These programs provide funding for renovation of water and sewer systems, connection of homes to centralized sewer,road paving,repair of sub-standard homes, construction of multi-family housing,down payment assistance for first-time homebuyers, child-care services, crisis counseling, emergency food and transportation assistance, and medical and dental services for people in need. Plans and Policies: Funds are allocated through a competitive "Request for Proposal"process,with project applications generally due in December of each year. Applications are initially reviewed and rated by Department staff on the degree to which they address identified priority needs,project readiness, cost eligibility and reasonableness, activity eligibility,applicant capacity, etc. Funding recommendations are made to the Board of County Commissioners by the Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee, a citizen advisory committee made up of one representative from each of the County's ten small cities and towns and ten "at- large" County residents. Following a public comment period, final funding recommendations are approved by the County Commissioners as part of the County's Annual Action Plan,which is then forwarded to HUD for final approval. Approved activities are conducted from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. Cost of Existing Service: Federal entitlement funding allocated to the proposed City of Spokane Valley has been $6,260,605 in the last 12 years and has been used predominately for water and sewer infrastructure improvements. Spokane County has a poverty rate of 12.2 percent. The following cities were used as comparables for determining an estimated amount of entitlement funds that could be available to the proposed city: Table 12: Comparison with Similar Cities in Washington City" „`" '` P,opulahon Go PovertyrL`evel$`CDBGt'Entitlement 3t, _ s N • vn.. :w`3FA $'Yg.r,,(.L..iv'1 .�ret4- YT`�i4'.6J�Yam,s.Yaaa1 t`g ,..matinthwavznm?:/:A'TT4i.]4SY Everett 87,520 7.80% $930,000 Federal Way 77,010 8.60% $589,000 Yakima 65,830 20.20% $1,009,000 Spokane Valley 82,135 122% See options Incorporation Options: The new city would have three options for continuing to receive Community Development funds. 44 00229 OPTION 1: The proposed City of Spokane Valley could make application for entitlement status and receive an allotment of Community Development Block Grant funds directly from HUD to address essential community development needs for low income people within its boundaries. Based on an evaluation of similar sized jurisdictions with comparable demographic characteristics (population, poverty levels, condition of housing stock, growth lag, etc.) a new city could receive an estimated $800,000 entitlement amount per year. With this option,the loss to the County-and other cities and towns would be approximately$2,600,000. OPTION 2: A new city could elect to forego its entitlement status and continue participation in the Urban County entitlement. This would involve entering into a cooperation agreement with Spokane County every three years and changing the composition of the Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee to provide for representation of a new city. Based on historic allocation amounts,the area of the proposed city currently receives an average annual allocation of approximately$521,717. With this option,there would be no loss in funds for the County or other cities or towns. OPTION 3: The proposed City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County could submit a request for a joint entitlement and the new city would be eligible to become a pass-through city. This would entitle the city to receive a direct share of the federal funds to allocate to local needs. In order to qualify as a pass-through city,the city would need to develop a Consolidated Plan and an allocation process for distribution of their anticipated funds. However,this option removes the staffing requirements for the proposed city and leaves the county with responsibility for entitlement management of the program for the City of Spokane Valley. The funds the new city could expect under this option would be an estimated $800,000 with a loss to the unincorporated areas and other cities and towns of approximately$278,283. Incorporation Impacts: The impacts are dependent upon which option the new city chooses in order to continue Community Development funds. Educational Services Schools Existing Service: Four school districts serve the proposed new city: Central Valley School District No. 356, East Valley School District No. 361, Spokane School District No. 81,and West Valley School District No. 363 (Map 13). In addition to public schools,there are several private schools in the incorporation area. Facilities within the proposed incorporation area are listed below: Central Valley School District Elementary:Adams,Blake, Broadway,Chester, Greenacres, Keystone,McDonald, Opportunity,Ponderosa,Progress, South Pines, Sunrise,University. Junior High Schools: Bowdish, Evergreen, Greenacres,Horizon,North Pines. High Schools: Central Valley,University. West Valley School District Elementary: Arthur B.Ness,Pasadena Park,Seth Woodard,West Valley City School. Junior High School: Centennial. High School: Spokane Valley,West Valley. 45 .. Gln 00230 IEc00 East Valley School District Elementary: Skyview,Trent,Trentwood. n P 2 31 Junior High School: East Valley. High School: East Valley. Spokane School District Elementary: Pratt. Priurte Schools Gethsemane Lutheran Pioneer and Rainbow Saint John Vianney Saint Mary's Saint Paschal's Spokane Valley Seventh Day Adventist Valley Christian Incorporation Impacts: School districts and educational facilities will not be affected by the incorporation of a new city. Library Services Existing Service: The Spokane County Library District serves the proposed incorporation area with the Argonne and Valley Libraries and the administration offices in the proposed incorporation area. (Map 14). The Library District includes the unincorporated areas of the county and the Cities of Cheney,Medical Lake, Latah,and Waverly,which have annexed to the District under RCW 27.12. The Library District also provides services under contract to the Cities of Millwood,Fairfield, and Deer Park. Plans and Policies: The Spokane County Library District Board of Trustees recognizes that cities and towns may wish to annex to the Library District, as provided for in RCW 27.12, rather than contract for library services. Therefore,the Board of Trustees will concur with requests from cities and towns to annex to the District under the following conditions: 1. If the city or town has an interlocal cooperation agreement with the District,the city or town agrees that if the annexation is approved: a. All financial responsibilities related to the library facilities shall remain identical to those in the interlocal cooperation agreement b. A new interlocal cooperation agreement shall be executed, reflecting the change in contracting status and including the financial responsibilities related to library facilities 2. If the city or town has no interlocal cooperation agreement with the District, annexation will not obligate the District to provide a library facility in that city or town 3. The annexation will not cause a reduction in the District's regular property tax levy rate, either immediately or in future years,based upon reasonable projections Further,to extend public library services to all residents within Spokane County,the District encourages annexation of non-contracting cities and towns to the District. Cost of Existing Service: A property tax of 504/$1000 of assessed valuation is collected by the Library District. In 2001,$2,225,000 was generated from within the incorporation boundaries. 46 o°►QWW Incorporation Options: The Spokane County Library District, a separate taxing district, serves the proposed incorporation area. The new city can annex to or contract with the library district,provide its own library service, or not offer the service. Incorporation Impacts: It is assumed that the new city would annex to the District with the property tax levy paid directly to the District. County-Wide Services Noxious Weed Control Existing Service: The local noxious weed control boards and weed districts carry out the state's noxious weed law at the local level. Each county board has the authority to hire staff to regulate the control of noxious weeds in its jurisdiction. Plans and Policies: The Board has the authority to charge all landowners within cities for weed control work performed county-wide. Cost of Existing Service: Funding of these local programs is either through a weed assessment on land or an appropriation from the county general fund.Currently,45 percent of these programs are funded by a weed assessment on land. The remainder have budgets appropriated from the county general fund.Whether by assessment or general fund,more than $3,000,000 is locally invested in the annual budgets of these programs statewide.They,in turn,direct the substantial investment made by landowners throughout Washington for actual noxious weed control work.The existing cost to landowners is $3.00 per platted parcel in Spokane County. At the current assessment rate of$3.00 per platted parcel and the area of proposed incorporation consisting of approximately 32,162 parcels,the amount for noxious weed control services would be $96,486. Incorporation Options: The new city could either contract with the Board to provide the services at a cost similar to that which is presently charged or establish a weed control program as a function of local government,either on a departmental or contract basis. However,RCW 17.10 provides that only County Noxious Weed Boards can enforce the control of noxious weeds. Incorporation Impacts: For this study,it was assumed that the new city would contract with the Noxious Weed Control Board for these services. Spokane Transit Authority Existing Service: Spokane Transit Authority is a regional public transportation agency,and as such provides a variety of transportation services,including fixed-route service on thirty-seven routes to the cities of Airway Heights,Cheney,Medical Lake,Millwood, and Spokane.These services include connections between the Central Business District (CBD) in Spokane to the Spokane International Airport,major shopping malls, area colleges and universities, and Fairchild Air Force Base. In addition to regular fixed route bus service, STA also provides door-to-door paratransit van service for persons of disability who are unable to reach or use traditional public transportation. Lastly, STA also operates a fleet of thirty-four rideshare vans to assist those commuters wishing to participate in vanpools. Taken together,these STA services provided over nine million customer trips in 2000, an all-time record for STA. 47 Cost of Existing Service: A municipal corporation was formed in 1980,to administer mass transit services throughout the established Public Transportation Benefit Area (PTBA),with levy of the sales tax beginning in April, 1981. The sales tax is$.03 per$10.00 of retail sales within STA's service area boundary. This tax,which has been level since 1982,currently provides $17.3 million toward a total of$41.3 million in operating and capital expenditures for the 2001 budget. The recent loss of the local transit portion of the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax has decreased operating revenues in 2001 by approximately$17 million per year,or about forty percent from 1999 levels. Incorporation Options: STA would continue to serve the incorporation area regardless of the success or failure of an incorporation vote. Incorporation Impacts: The creation of this city would not have a direct effect on the provision of public transportation services in the incorporation area or on the financing of those services. Under state law,the creation of a new city within the STA service area would trigger a regional meeting to determine the future make-up of the STA Board of Directors,which is limited to nine members. The meeting could result in a revised Board structure that provides the new city with direct representation on the STA Board. Spokane Regional Transportation Council Governance: SRTC was established through inter-local agreement between local jurisdictions, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), and Spokane Transit Authority under the auspices of Tide 23 U.S.0 Section 134 and Part III of the Growth Management Act. A nine- member board comprised of elected officials from City of Spokane, Spokane County,and small towns;WSDOT Regional Administrator,WSDOT Transportation Commissioner, and a private sector transportation provider govern SRTC. Presently,two Spokane County Commissioners represent the Spokane Valley. Existing Service: SRTC serves as the federally designated metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for Spokane County. As the MPO, SRTC is responsible for conducting a continuing, coordinated and comprehensive transportation planning program that identifies problems and solutions for inclusion in a twenty year Metropolitan Transportation Plan. SRTC is also responsible for the prioritization,selection, and programming of transportation projects eligible to receive funding from both Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration. SRTC also conducts transportation air quality planning in coordination with the Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority,Washington State Department of Ecology,and the Environmental Protection Agency. Plans and Policies: SRTC is responsible for developing and updating the Metropolitan Transportation Plan consistent with Federal and State laws and regulations. The plan takes into account the safe and efficient movement of people and goods into and through the Spokane Metropolitan Area, addressing highways,transit,rail and non-motorized transportation. Cost of Existing Service: SRTC is funded from Federal,State and local resources. Local funding requirements are shared equally between the City of Spokane,Spokane County and the Spokane Transit Authority. WSDOT contributes funding related to specific projects and tasks undertaken as a part of the defined work program. Incorporation Options: If the new city incorporated,it would be required to participate in the metropolitan planning process conducted by the SRTC,as a pre-requisite to being eligible to receive 48 00233 Federal or State transportation funding. The SRTC Board would most likely seek an elected official from the new city to join the Board. Incorporation Impacts: The impacts of incorporation to the new city would relate to active participation in the metropolitan transportation planning process conducted by SRTC,compliance with the Metropolitan Transportation Plan in the developing the regional transportation system, providing its share of funding to support the program, and demonstrating the ability to comply with Federal and State laws and regulations related to the use for transportation funding. Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority Existing Service: The Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority(SCAPCA)is the local agency,which administers state, federal and local laws and regulations regarding air pollution control in the incorporated cities and towns and unincorporated portions of Spokane County.SCAPCA inspects air pollution sources and assists with control technology,monitors ambient air quality,and strives to educate the public about air quality. Cost of Existing Service: The State Clean Air Act empowers local air pollution control boards to apply to the state and federal governments for grants-in-aid,to charge fees for certain services, and to assess cities and counties within the Authority's boundaries for "supplemental income" in proportion to the population, assessed property value, or a 50-50 combination of population and assessed property value. SCAPCA has financed its program through state and federal grants, local assessments of cities within Spokane County according to third method, and through permit fees. Based upon this formula,costs to the new city would be $135,000 for 2001 and $143,100 for 2003. Incorporation Options: SCAPCA would continue to serve the residents of the Spokane Valley regardless of the outcome on a vote on incorporation. Incorporation Impacts: The new city's mayor or a designated council member would most likely become a member of the SCAPCA Board of Directors. Spokane Regional Health District Existing Service: The Spokane Regional Health District serves as the region's public health leader and partner by demonstrating and advocating sound policies, principles, and practices to promote and protect the public's health. Plans and Policies: The Health District provides a wide array of public health services,such as public health clinics for TB, sexually transmitted diseases and immunizations; other communicable disease control functions including surveillance, outbreak investigations, and contact tracing; maternal child health services including public health nurse home visiting, 0-3 services for children with special health care needs, and health and safety consulting for childcare;women,infant, children and senior nutrition programs; community health assessment; public health laboratory including water testing;HIV case management; oral health access programs;various disease and injury prevention and health promotion activities including tobacco control,HIV prevention,heart health,injury prevention, adolescent health,sexual health, breast and cervical health; methadone treatment; substance abuse outreach and assessment; public health policy development,etc. The environmental health services include licensing and inspection of food outlets,issuance of permits for on-site sewage systems, review of plans and specs for proposed water system,licensing and inspection of solid waste facilities, etc. 49 00234 Cost of Existing Service: The revenue for the Health District is provided from the state,the county, grants and fees. Incorporation Options: The Spokane Regional Health District would continue to provide services to the new city. Incorporation Impacts: The governing Board consists of eleven members: three County Commissioners,three City of Spokane elected officials,two small cities and towns'elected officials, and three members-at-large appointed by the County Commissioners. The County Commissioners may include a representative from the new city if it incorporates. 50 00235 >1. 0 lim -1 0 -la PART IV: Z REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SM O ANALYSIS Wimi Z p� 1a 0 Ce am y0 v Z 0023fl PART IV: REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS New City Expenditures Based upon the description of each municipal service in Part III, an example of a new city budget was developed. The following section represents an allocation of resources to specific functions to provide the basic municipal services to the new city during the first full year of operations using 2001 costs as a base. There are many options available both as to who provides the service and also as to the way the services are organized. This budget is provided as an example. The ultimate decision as to the types of service provided,the levels of service and the choice of service provider for each function will depend on the priorities established by the new city council. The hypothetical budget that has been created was done using conservative amounts for both revenues (low) and expenditures (high) in order to test the financial feasibility of the incorporation. The expenditure budget is divided into two sections,the first are departments, which would be created and staffed by city employees, and the second group is services that by their nature may require substantial study or capital outlay to provide internally.Many newly incorporated cities have contracted with the county in which they are located to provide these services; some cities continue to contract for services while others have decided after a period of years to bring some service in- house. This budget proposes contracting with Spokane County for these services. In compiling this budget many resources were used including budgets from other Washington cities of similar size including Federal Way,Kent, Everett, Bellevue,Yakima,Lakewood,Vancouver, and Spokane to analyze costs of providing service including staffing levels along with the overall scope of services provided. Spokane County departments were interviewed extensively to determine the cost of service currently being provided to the area to be incorporated. It became apparent that most departments other than the Road Department,County Jail and the Sewer Utility did not have the capability to unit cost their service to a specific area within the County.Therefore,many departmental costs are estimates of the percentage of resources allocated to the area. There is now an effort within the County to develop methodologies to more accurately track the expenditure of resources on a geographic basis and data should be available if and when the new city desires to negotiate for services with the County. Table 13,on the following page, is an example of a new city budget. 51 00237 Table 13: New City Budget tExpen enlaro .,r 3 "'ems x _ i 6 4j $2001 ' $; 2003 Mayor/Council $150,842 $156,455 City Manager $281,919 $298,564 City Clerk $160,062 $169,396 CityAttomey/Prosecutor $510,128 $540,016 Human Resources/Risk Management $303,477 $321,416 Finance $482,205 $510,417 Planning $481,669 $509,849 Information Services $377,885 $400,018 Temporary Help $91,250 $93,988 General Administrative $236,845 $251,056 Total City Departments $3,076,282 $3,251,173 Municipal/District Court $1,792,732 $1,900,296 Probation $276,682 $293,283 Public Defender $463,413 $491,218 Sheriff $12,236,273 $12,970,449 Corrections (Geiger) $1,223,539 $1,296,951 Jail $997,831 $1,057,701 Animal Control $284,887 $301,980 Engineering Administration $3,063,000 $3,246,780 Street Maintenance $4,065,250 $4,309,165 Sewer Connection Subsidy $2,960,000 $2,960,000 Building and Code Enforcement $805,401 $853,725 Hearing Examiner $81,529 $86,421 Parks $891,964 $945,482 GIS $70,318 $74,537 SCAPCA $135,000 $143,100 State DOT $300,000 $318,000 Total Contracted Services $29,647,819 $31,249,088 Total City Budget $32,724,101 $34,500,262 52 002: 00238 City Revenues The financial and tax information presented below is intended to provide the types of revenue sources available to new cities and estimates of the amount that could be generated from each source. If projected expenditures are less than revenues currently generated in the new city boundaries, additional revenue sources will not be assumed. However,if projected expenditures are greater than the amount of revenue currently generated in the new city boundaries, additional revenue sources will be needed to balance the new city budget. Table 14: Revenues Available to the New City tRevei ue:Souree . _;. „12091'.`" 2092 , 2003: ", , 2004 , 3005 Property Taxes $7,120,000 $7,452,000 $7,793,960 $8,146,179 $8,508,964 Sales Tax $14,311,514 $15,027,090 $15,628,173 $16,253,300 $16,903,432 Criminal Justice $1,036,694 $1,078,162 $1,121,288 $1,166,140 $1,212,785 Franchise Fees $385,000 $404,250 $424,463 $445,686 $467,970 Gambling Taxes $875,000 $875,000 $875,000 $875,000 $875,000 Admissions Tax $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Building Permits $894,890 $939,634 $986,616 $1,035,947 $1,087,744 Planning Fees $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 State-shared Revenues $2,112,012 $2,132,287 $2,152,757 $2,173,424 $2,194,289 Grants $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Fines and Forfeits $1,501,575 $1,516,591 $1,531,757 $1,547,074 $1,562,545 Interest Earnings $175,000 $180,250 $185,658 $191,227 $196,964 Total Revenues $28,636,684 $29,930,263 $31,024,671 $32,158,976 $33,234,693 3T,,,ounsmce,a 3w _T,t„x -2001V11 1 2002 2003 74;9 2004 .a 2005 r+t Hotel/Motel Tax $400,000 $412,000 $424,360 $437,091 $450,204 t Capae trmp{ r sX200 " t. xNry° 2002 �2003� g r20041 ..?t ,e 2005 0.a ' ,, i s '14,-4' ' � 5rr` tq : a .1 ) nIrOVCnent „ , .. _.: { �'` ',eye. ,;z .k---.; ,:r. w -s;1432-'!at 3 .0: r1 Arterial Gas Tax $596,820 $602,549 $608,334 $614,174 $620,070 Real Estate Excise Tax 0n 1/+0k) $845,798 $879,630 $914,815 $951,408 $989,464 Real Estate Excise Tax (2'd 1/a%) $845,798 $879,630 $914,815 $951,408 $989,464 Total Capital Improvement Revenues $2,288,416 $2,361,810 $2,437,964 $2,516,990 $2,598,998 Special levies and property taxes for Fire District No. 1 and the Spokane County Library District are not included. Property Tax Revenue The regular levy property tax is based upon the total assessed value of all taxable property within the city boundaries multiplied by the city's annual levy rate. The assessed value of taxable property is determined by the County Assessor. Taxable property includes land and improvements; and can include certain personal property such as machinery,some business equipment,and non-attached 53 ( . � 3J. mobile homes. Specifically,it does not include household goods or business inventories. It is an unrestricted tax to be used for any municipal purpose. The maximum property tax levy for Washington State cities is$3.60 per thousand of taxable assessed value. Of this, $1.50 is to be used for fire protection services, and $0.50 is to be used for library services. If a city is annexed to either a fire district,a library district,or both,it cannot levy those corresponding amounts. For this study,it is assumed that the City of Spokane Valley annexes to both Fire District 1 and the Spokane County Library District. Therefore,the City of Spokane Valley's maximum Regular Levy would be $1.60 per thousand of taxable assessed value. The Spokane County Assessor's Office has estimated that the 2001 property tax revenues for the proposed incorporation area are $7,120,000. This is projected to increase to $8,508,964 in 2005 because of the general growth in the community's assessed value and new construction. Property Tax—Excess Levy A property tax levy in addition to the one cited immediately above also can be imposed by a municipality either to pay the debt service on a voter-approved or Council-approved ("councilmanic") municipal bond, or can be imposed for a voter-approved annual maintenance and operation levy. Usually, such an excess levy is imposed in order to finance a major public improvement or land acquisition. Leasehold Excise Tax Can apply to the lease or rent amount a private entity pays to occupy space in a publicly-owned building(or use of land). There was no revenue assumed to be generated from this source. Sales Tax Revenue A sales and use tax is applied to all qualifying retail sales in Washington State. Qualifying sales include tangible personal property(except groceries and prescription drugs) and certain personal services, and the tax is applied to the selling price. In the Spokane Valley,which is part of the Spokane County Transportation Benefit Area,the retail sales tax is 8.1 percent. A portion of the total sales tax is considered the"local"sales tax. In unincorporated areas,this amount is imposed by the county and accrues to its benefit. In incorporated cities,the local portion is levied by that city. Eighty-five percent of the local portion accrues to the city,but the remaining fifteen percent is remitted to the county in which the city is located. The local sales tax is 1.0 percent. In the Spokane Valley,this amount is currently imposed by Spokane County. The City of Spokane Valley could impose this same 1.0 percent tax to replace what is imposed by Spokane County,though the City would only be able to receive eighty-five percent of the amount,the balance accruing to Spokane County. The net effect to the consumer is zero, since the local rate would be the same and the Spokane Valley levy would replace and not add to the total sales tax. The revenue generated from this source is unrestricted and can be used for any municipal purpose. The Spokane County Budget Office estimated the retail sales tax that would be generated in the incorporation area. With the deduction of the fifteen percent that the County receives,the sales tax 54 00240 revenue to the new city for 2001 would be $14,311,514. Growth of that annual collection for 2002 and beyond is based upon general inflationary growth in the amount currently collected and new sales tax revenue attributable to increased business activity. This is projected to increase to$16,903,432 in 2005. • Criminal Justice On a county-by-county basis,voters were given the option in 1990 to approve the imposition of a 0.1 percent sales tax for the benefit of criminal justice purposes. Voters in Spokane County approved this sales tax for all qualifying transactions,whether they occur in cities or unincorporated Spokane County. By statute,ten percent of the total amount remitted to the county is retained by that county for ks own criminal justice purposes. The remaining ninety percent is divided between the county and the cities in that county on a per capita basis. The City of Spokane Valley would not need to enact any special legislation to benefit from this sales tax,since the tax already has been approved by the voters of Spokane County. The estimated revenue for 2001 is $1,036,694 increasing to$1,212,785 in 2005. State-Shared Revenues The State of Washington generates a number of revenues that it distributes partially to jurisdictions in the state on a per capita basis and retains the rest. The City of Spokane Valley would not need to enact any special legislation to receive these revenues. General purpose revenues to be refunded by the state are estimated to be$2,112,012 in 2001 and are projected to increase to $2,194,289 in 2005; and the arterial gas tax which is limited to road projects is projected to increase from$596,820 in 2001 to$620,070 in 2005. Hotel/Motel Tax Local jurisdictions can impose a special tax of up to 2.0 percent on the charges for lodging at hotels, motels,private campgrounds,RV parks, and similar facilities on stays lasting up to 30 days. This tax is a part of the 8.1 percent sales tax collected,and the State reimburses 2.0 percent of the 6.0 percent sales tax that it receives. Use of the revenues is restricted to purposes that promote tourist-related activities. Revenues of$400,000 are projected for 2001 and are expected to increase to $450,204 in 2005. Business and Occupation Tax Although, not imposed by any cities in eastern Washington,this revenue source allows for a certain degree of responsiveness to local jurisdictions. Unlike many municipal revenues,which are derived by affixing a certain tax or fee to a readily-identifiable base,business and occupation taxes can be based upon gross business income,or other rational factors; and can differentiate between different classes of business provided every business in such a class is assessed on the same basis. This source of revenue was not considered for the City of Spokane Valley and therefore, an estimate of potential revenues was not calculated. 55 • 00241 Utility Tax In Washington State,cities are statutorily authorized to levy utility taxes but counties are not. Therefore,the Spokane Valley does not pay local utility taxes at this time because, as a part of unincorporated Spokane County,such taxes cannot be levied. Local utility taxes can be applied to any private utility operating within the boundaries of the city, and to public utilities provided that the public utility is an enterprise of the city itself. No city can legally tax a public utility that is its own special purpose district. For example,the City of Spokane Valley cannot levy a utility tax on the many water districts within its boundaries. A city's local utility tax levy can range up to 6.0 percent on private utilities. There is no established utility tax rate limit on city-owned public utilities. The city's tax is levied upon the utility provider and is based upon the gross revenue the utility provider derived from sales within the city. The private utilities in turn are authorized to collect an amount equal to the tax from its customers. For the Spokane Valley,the following utilities could be charged up to six percent in a utility tax with the amount for each percentage listed. Table 15: UtilityTax Rev enue Rates i Y iSO ,✓ 7413 Aira t 3 •tigr4 � . " 4 t,wxlitt. s_ r _ °ftc ,a2% T4x 1.5.2Ta,744` 4°/ 'IT_. '31524? khs6%oTax i Electricity $427,000 $854,000 $1,281,000 $1,708,000 $2,135,000 $2,562,000 Natural Gas $173,600 $347,200 $520,800 $694,400 $868,000 $1,041,600 Telephone $453,600 $907,200 $1,360,800 $1,814,400 $2,268,000 $2,721,600 Cable TV' $77,000 Refuse $104,728 $209,456 $314,184 $418,912 $523,640 $628,368 'Spokane County currently assesses a five percent cable television franchise fee;a one percent utility tax could be assessed in addition to this by the new city. Gambling Tax Gambling activity as reported to the Washington State Gambling Commission is the basis for this revenue source. The maximum rate varies from two to twenty percent depending upon the nature of the activity(amusement games to card rooms), and the base is the gross receipts the business derives from the activity. Taxes collected must be used to offset costs a jurisdiction incurs to enforce such activities. Spokane County currently collects $1,000,000 in gambling taxes in the Spokane Valley. The study assumes that the same rate of tax would be levied;however,with the impact of Native American casinos,it was assumed that the gaming activity in the incorporation area would decrease, lowering gambling taxes collected to $875,000 annually. Admissions Tax The City of Spokane Valley has the option of imposing a tax of up to five percent on admissions. The tax collected can be used for any municipal purpose. Counties cannot impose an admission tax, therefore one is not being collected at this time. It was assumed that $100,000 annually could be generated by this source in the Spokane Valley. 56 00242 Planning and Building Permit Fees Local jurisdictions can charge a fee for special services, such as those services associated with planning,zoning,and development. For the Spokane Valley,fees were assumed to be the same as Spokane County's current fee structure. This would provide $125,000 from planning fees and $894,890 in building permit fees in revenue to the new city. Franchise Fees A franchise fee of up to five percent can be imposed by either counties or cities on the gross receipts of cable television providers in the jurisdiction. This would generate $385,000 in revenue in 2001,increasing to $467,970 in 2005. Business Licensing Fee Local jurisdictions can charge a fee to license all businesses that operate in the jurisdiction. There are no set guidelines for these fees. Some jurisdictions charge only a modest amount in order to track business activity in their jurisdiction. Others charge a sizable licensing fee in place of a business and occupation tax. Still others require licenses only from those businesses that have special regulatory issues associated with them, such as taxi services or pawn shops. The taxes collected can be used for any municipal purpose. It was assumed that a business license fee would not be collected. Fines and Forfeits Every city collects a certain amount in fines and forfeit revenues through the judicial enforcement of its municipal code. The court system in Washington and the nation operates according to a well- defined hierarchy,so the kinds of infractions, citations, and other judicial proceedings that are within a city's purview is somewhat limited. In broad terms, a city court handles primarily traffic infractions and criminal traffic citations,though some other cases such as certain domestic violence or misdemeanors also can be "city" cases. The maximum fine for each type of court filing is defined in State law. The amount that is actually assessed,though,is decided by the judge — unless a person simply"pays the ticket"without contest. Revenues collected can be used for any municipal purpose. The level of filing activity for the Spokane Valley was based upon a percentage of Spokane County as a whole. An estimate of revenues collected in 2001 is $1,501,575 increasing to$1,562,545 in 2005. Capital Expenses Capital improvements are those investments a city makes in its physical infrastructure that allow that city to improve its overall position for the future. These improvements could include repair and construction of roads, acquisition and development of park lands, construction of sewer lines and facilities,or development of structures to enhance stormwater management. These investments are as important to a new city as the day-to-day operations of the city. Because the returns to capital improvements are generally received over a long period, and because the costs of these improvements are substantial,it is important that a city plan these investments carefully. In fact,as required by the Growth Management Act,the City of Spokane Valley is required to develop a six- year capital improvement plan that conforms to the policies outlined in its comprehensive plan. While it is not possible to know what a new city would develop as its comprehensive plan,to give an idea of possible capital projects,those identified in the Capital Facilities Plan for Spokane County 57 00243 area used. Some of the Spokane Valley projects identified in the Capital Facilities Plan include parks,sewers, and roads as identified on Tables 16 through 19. Spokane County plans to contribute over$20 million in local funds for park and sewer projects in the next five years in the incorporation area and dose to $20 million in local funds in road projects. Stormwater facilities have not been identified in the Capital Facility Plan because Spokane County has not as of this time, committed to a capital facilities plan that will fund the needed regional stormwater facilities. Table 16: 2002-2006 Planned Capital Improvements for Sewers s u., x"zrfrOgt `A . +1 �5 3 '513n fir`.^is a l eve t nota r ze SewerfProlect „,',,;Achvtty�. 4. 7 S Total Costo a ,u_ rte:,; : K.t�:3 ,ve„ � � ..:. s ra.'`.dfi3�. _ o- I�.,;4Yro`„4 '_ki 4 Co 4 Pasadena Park Sewer Construction $4,776,000 $1,579,000 Woodlawn/Bever}y Sewer Construction $3,141,000 $377,000 Hills Chronicle Sewer Construction $2,296,000 $276,000 Minor sewer construction in conjunction with Misc.Projects-2002 County roads,maintenance projects,and repairs $400,000 $163,000 (80% of total budgeted) Mansfield Sewer construction $246,000 $99,000 Pinecroft Sewer construction $116,000 $47,000 Harrington Sewer construction $3,063,000 $1,220,000 Upriver Drive Sewer construction $2,097,000 $836,000 Minor sewer construction in conjunction with Misc.Projects -2003 County roads,maintenance projects,and repairs $400,000 $159,000 (80% of total budgeted) Carnahan Sewer construction $2,385,000 $824,000 Weatherwood Sewer construction $3,166,000 $1,092,000 Sipple Sewer construction $2,690,000 $928,000 Owens Sewer construction $411,000 $142,000 Veradale Sewer construction $2,619,000 $903,000 Minor sewer construction in conjunction with Misc.Projects-2004 County roads,maintenance projects,and repairs $400,000 $172,000 (80% of total budgeted) Mica Park Sewer construction $774,000 $293,000 Orchard Avenue Sewer construction $2,905,000 $1,099,000 Inland Sewer construction $685,000 $155,000 Parks Road Sewer construction $1,450,000 $550,000 Edgerton Sewer construction $3,497,000 $1,322,000 Minor sewer construction in conjunction with Misc.Projects-2005 County roads,maintenance projects,and repairs $400,000 $189,000 (80% of total budgeted) Electric RR Sewer construction $3,021,000 $1,131,000 Veradale Heights Sewer construction $3,598,000 $1,348,000 Vera Terrace Sewer construction $2,232,000 $836,000 Upriver Terrace Sewer construction $2,694,000 $897,000 Minor sewer construction in conjunction with Misc.Projects -2006 County roads,maintenance projects,and repairs $400,000 $188,000 (80%of total budgeted) Total Sewer $49,862,000 $16,825,000 58 00244 Table 17: 2002-2006 Planned Capital Improvements for Parks Flo 4 c 2 1 4 3 i -"'.' 44<�' ,„,--,,,t,";�ry„a. :k ". " d "A " ` 'Y` •p R e =` Q s s� a ` Yin's {-91,:v. „sty e. s ` '.G .'-. "Mt £Dare rPr `� Wit`` .2 .e. 3:. '-•'. '71n,`1L-0L un .-k'.' ik.-a .,. ..%%•.:.vw $1,868,000 $1,400,000 Valley Senior Center Construct $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Valley Mission Park Redevelopment Centennial Trail Restrooms—Harvard,Flora,Mission Road $210,000 $210,000 Trailheads $214,000 $214,000 Picnic Shelters Valley Mission,Edgecliff Parks $150,000 $150,0002 Edgecliff Park Tennis Court $350,000 Barker Road Trailhead Parking lot paving $350,000$3,792 000 $3,324,000 Total Parks Table 18: 2002 Planned Spokane County Road Projects within Incorporation Area k ,s 424 Projec314 . g kTbtall calif 1otea tCO 16th Avenue l Reconstruct to three-lanes with curbs and $253,000 $25,000 (State Route 27 to Sullivan) sidewalks. Valley Couplet Construct multi-lane road with curbs and $6,733,000 $1,656,000 (University to Evergreen) sidewalks;remove islands and restripe. Reconstruct and widen to three lanes; Mission Avenue construct curbs and sidewalks;traffic $3,010,000 $602,000 (McDonald to Sullivan) signal at McDonald;overlay;preliminary engineering;right of way;construction. Evergreen Road Reconstruct and widen to three lanes; $1,274,000 $255,000 (16th Ave to 2nd Ave) preliminary engineering;right of way. Reconstruct and separate road and Park Road/BNSF railroad grades;preliminary engineering; $100,000 $40,000 (Indiana to Montgomery Ave) right of way. 16th Avenue Reconstruct as three-lane arterial. $1,335,000 $180,000 (Dishman Mica Rd to SR 27) Implement and evaluate voluntary CTR $94,000 Commute Trip Reduction programs among Sullivan Road $104,000 (Sullivan Road) businesses. Various Roads Resurface arterial and residential roads $800,000 $300,000 (Sewer Paveback Projects) after sewer construction. Various Roads (Urban Resurface or reconstruct road surface. $900,000 $600,000 Arterial Preservation) Various Roads Minor improvements. $400,000 $400,000 (Minor Urban Projects) Havana Street (Sprague to Sidewalk $45,000 $9,000 Broadway Avenue) Barker Road Engineering and design costs to replace $411,000 $83,000 (Spokane River) bridge over Spokane River. $15,365,000 $4,244,000 TOTAL 59 00245 Table 19: 2003 Planned Spokane County Road Projects within Incorporation Area rilygot �:` '� I.oc -irtit.oto® Evergreen Road` Reconstruct and widen to three lanes. $1,876,000 $375,000 (16th Avenue to 2nd Avenue) 32nd Avenue Reconstruct and widen to three lanes; $533,000 $72,000 (SR 27 to Sullivan Road) sidewalks. Park Road/BNSF Reconstruct Park Road to separate road $1,480,000 $592,000 (Indiana to Montgomery Ave) and railroad grades. Park Road Reconstruct and widen to five lanes. $365,000 $73,000 (Broadway to Indiana Avenue) Appleway Road Reconstruct to five-lane urban arterial. $438,000 $60,000 (Tschirley to Hodges Road) Bowdish Road Reconstruct and widen to three lanes; $659,000 $132,000 (32nd Avenue to 8th Avenue) preliminary engineering. 16th Avenue (Dishman Mica Road to Resurface as three-lane arterial. $2,000,000 $270,000 State Route 27) Various Roads Resurface arterial and residential roads $800,000 $300,000 (Sewer Paveback Projects) after sewer construction. Various Roads Resurface or reconstruct road structural $900,000 $600,000 (Urban Arterial Preservation) section. Various Roads Minor improvements. $400,000 $400,000 (Minor Urban Projects) Barker Road Construction costs to replace bridge $3,426,000 $685,000 (Spokane River) over the Spokane River. $12,877,000 $3,559,000 TOTAL In addition to the infrastructure needs identified by Spokane County for the Spokane Valley in its Capital Facilities Plan,the incorporation of a new city may require other capital projects such as space for city hall,possibly a law enforcement facility,or other needs dependent on the service delivery option selected and decision to purchase or lease facilities. Capital Revenues Many revenue options are available to cities to fund capital projects. These are described below: Real Estate Excise Taxes This is one obvious source of capital funding earmarked under State law for capital spending. It is projected that the new city would generate $1,691,596 in 2001 from real estate excise tax. State-Shared Revenues The Arterial Gas Tax is a state-shared revenue earmarked for arterial street improvement projects. Approximately 32 percent of the new city's fuel tax revenue is allocated for this purposed and cannot be used for operating expenses. Public Works Trust Fund The Public Works Trust Fund makes low-interest loans for the repair,replacement,rehabilitation or improvement of eligible public works systems to meet current standards and to adequately serve the needs of existing population. It is not designed to finance growth-related public works expenditures. The Public Works Board relates all project applications and prepares a prioritized list 60 00243 of qualifying projects to become part of an appropriation bill to be sent to the Legislature for review and modification. General Obligation (GO)Bonds These bonds represent a liability against all non-exempt property in the taxing district. GO bonds may be issued subject to voter approval,which involves a special property tax levy beyond the regular levy. The limit for the amount of GO bonds that can be issued for a city is based on the city's total assessed value, as follows: 2.5 percent for general purposes; 2.5 percent for municipally- owned water,light, or sewer systems;and 2.5 percent for acquiring and developing open space and park facilities. For the new City of Spokane Valley,the limit for GO bonds is estimated using the 2001 assessed value of$4,445,000,000 at$333,750,000 or$111,250,000 for each purpose. Long Term General Obligation (LTGO)Bonds Also known as "councilmanic" bonds,these bonds could be issued by the new city council without a vote of the people. The limit in this case is 0.75 percent of the city's total assessed value (which counts as a part of the GO bond limit discussed above.) In the case of the City of Spokane Valley, the limit on councilmanic bonds is estimated at $33,375,000. Councilmanic bonds are a general obligation of the city. Revenue Bonds Revenue bonds are supported by specific guarantees based on revenue from fees or service charges. Cities frequently use revenue bonds to finance sewer and water capital improvements. Federal Grants A number of grant programs may be available for capital purposes. State Grants State funding in addition to state-shared revenue and street construction programs is available on a limited basis. Impact of the Proposal on Spokane County The impacts of the incorporation of a new city in the Spokane Valley on the Spokane County budget can only be generali7Pd. Spokane County will continue to receive property tax revenue in the General Fund from the incorporation area at the current rate of$1.55/$1,000 of assessed value after incorporation. Sales tax to Spokane County will be reduced by an estimated$14,311,514 which is the amount generated in the proposed incorporation area not including the County's portion of fifteen percent. The total sales tax collected in Spokane County for 2001 is estimated at $29,747,807 including fifteen percent from cities and towns and 100 percent from unincorporated areas. This is approximately 48 percent of total sales tax received by Spokane County. The 2001 General Fund Budget for Spokane County is $132,756,653;the Spokane County total budget of all funds including capital funds is $234,146,441. The proposed Spokane Valley incorporation will reduce revenues to the Spokane County by$18,755,392. The 2001 cost of providing the existing level of service to the incorporation area by Spokane County is estimated at $29,212,819. Spokane County will lose $8,366,000 in property tax revenue that contributes to the County Road Fund, since it will no longer collect its current levy of$1.88/$1,000 in the area.The County Road Fund revenues projected in the 2001 County Budget are$57,970,000. State-shared gas tax receipts 61 • " 24 of$2,572,000 would be reduced by$500,000 per year for five years reducing the initial impact on Spokane County. County Arterial Preservation funds of$246,500 will also be lost to Spokane County. Some capital projects funding for the County would also be lost upon incorporation of the area including approximately$1,691,596 in Real Estate Excise Tax out of$3,724,170 collected in Spokane County and an indeterminate amount in grants. In addition,the County will lose $400,000 in 2001 in Hotel7Motel taxes in 2001. These taxes are limited to tourism-related expenses only. Impacts on Home Owners and Businesses Property owners will be affected by the incorporation in the amount of taxes paid. Property taxes will decrease,but the new city may increase other taxes paid by residents and businesses. Property owners in the unincorporated area of Spokane County pay$1.88 per$1,000 of assessed valuation in Road Fund taxes. Cities cannot collect this tax and must pay for roads out of its general fund or other source of revenue. Cities can impose property taxes of$1.60 per$1,000 of assessed valuation for its general fund that counties cannot impose. The difference in property taxes between unincorporated Spokane County property and property within a new City of Spokane Valley would be a savings of$28 per$1,000 of assessed valuation. If the new city were to provide the same level of services and continued infrastructure improvements,a new revenue source would have to be implemented as discussed in the previous section. 62 00248 >Ma AU lim -1 0 PART V: Q zALTERNATIVES TO INCORPORATION / O • W I� Z � ON � eg (1) o Cu) z 00249 PART V: ALTERNATIVES TO INCORPORATION Governance Alternatives In addition to incorporation, other government options that have been proposed for the Spokane Valley include: 1) an increase in County Commissioners to five; 2) annexation of a portion of the Spokane Valley to the City of Spokane; 3) consolidation of local governments; 4) consolidation of services; or 5) remaining unincorporated. Expanded County Commission In 1990,the State Legislature adopted a law allowing counties like Spokane to put on the ballot a measure that would increase the number of County Commissioners from three to five. The Board of County Commissioners can place this directly on the ballot or if a sufficient number of voters petition the Commissioners it can be set for election. The purpose of increasing the number of commissioners is to increase representation and legislative responsiveness to county residents. This change makes or provides for no other fundamental changes in the operation of County government. This alternative could be considered regardless of the outcome of the incorporation. Partial Annexation An alternative for a portion of the Spokane Valley is annexation to the City of Spokane. The Yardley and Alcott areas are within the incorporation boundaries and yet within the City of Spokane's Urban Growth Area as defined in its Growth Management Act Comprehensive Plan. These areas are currently served by the City of Spokane for water and sewer and are a part of a joint planning area with Spokane County. To complete the annexation of these areas,the City of Spokane is required to have a petition with signatures of owners of seventy-five percent of the assessed valuation. At this point in time,the City does not have the required number of signatures and there is no annexation effort underway. Consolidation of Governments In 1992,voters elected twenty-five freeholders to develop alternatives for government structures for Spokane County. A proposal to consolidate Spokane County and City of Spokane governments was placed on the ballot in 1995 and rejected by voters. The purpose of this alternative is to merge municipal service functions under one updated and single administrative structure. Functional Consolidation of Services The State of Washington has long provided authority for local governments to act cooperatively by contracting with each other for the provision of various types of services. Such contracting is possible in Spokane County and indeed has been utilized particularly between the City of Spokane and Spokane County on a number of occasions. Some of the areas that the two entities share services are the law enforcement facilities in the Public Safety Building,including numerous support services such as communications, police records, property control,and joint jail service. In addition, the two share District and Municipal Courts services; Public Defender services; Probation and Parole services;wastewater treatment and solid waste disposal. Remain Unincorporated A viable alternative for the Spokane Valley is to remain unincorporated. Doing so would mean maintaining the status quo,with no differences in local representation, land use control,or necessarily any change in services. Municipal services would continue to be provided by Spokane County and special purpose districts. The area would follow the plans, policies,ordinances and 63 00250 codes that are currently in effect or being developed for the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan under the Growth Management Act. Modified Boundaries The Boundary Review Board can modify boundaries of a proposed incorporation area by increasing or decreasing the area by no more than ten percent. Removing territory outside of an Urban Growth Area must be done first and is not included in the ten percent of land area that can be increased or decreased. Areas that are outside of the Urban Growth Area are shown in light green on Map 2. For the Spokane Valley proposal,the total land area is 45 square miles;therefore,the area can be modified by 4.5 square miles or 2,880 acres. The Board must consider its factors and objectives when making modifications to the proposal. Some specific issues that the Board must consider when making modifications are the impacts on Fire Districts 8 and 9 in the case of extending the boundaries into those fire districts; consistency with growth management plans in the case of including areas within the City of Spokane's Urban Growth Area; and the urban character of the area included. The Board has received requests to consider modifications to the proposed incorporation boundaries and will likely receive additional requests during the public hearing process. The areas that have been discussed for modification include those described below and shown on Map 15. Table 20: Summary of Modification Areas +3 Y4` R �D�` Cpt 4 .; f t;7-1 fst R .% Off 1 .�EStiti ated r.�, ,�mx'M a r t4Sc tt" 7 : Land Total ' "r W, 1-O$mg 'fit ar YI "4th ,Areas La 'nd*' EstunatedUnits Asses se 4 Vacant % , 4, Modification ,Area {(Acres),_ Areay '�'Population a s-0,1. ct_: Value aLand Sewereds 1.Yardley 802 -2.70% 220 88 $139,999,100 35% 100% 2.Alcott 133 -.50% 350 140 $13,339,180 89% City 3. Carnahan 106 +A0% 577 230 $33,807,920 13% 100% 4. Ponderosa (1) 423 -1.40% 1,367 546 $69,454,471 20% 50% Ponderosa (2) 440 +1.50% 1,448 580 $71,601,221 16% 40% 5. 40`h Avenue 601 -2.00% 259 104 $16,943,063 33% 10% 6. East of Sullivan Rd 214 -.70% 75 30 $6,860,970 42% 0% 7.Morningside PUD 9 +.04% 32 13 $2,355,300 38% 100% 8. Green Acres 322 -1.10% 348 140 $18,800,350 23% 0% 9.West -Liberty Lake 348 -1.20% 302 121 $13,102,981 88% 0% 10. Otis Orchards 1,027 -3.50% 1,150 460 $44,871,900 52% 0% 11.Northwood 582 +2.00% 1,646 658 $136,402,308 36% 30% 64 n 0 2 5 1 1. Yardley Decrease in boundaries: The area between Havana Street and Thierman Road,Rutter Parkway and Interstate 90 is designated as the Urban Growth Area for the City of Spokane in its recently adopted comprehensive plan under the Growth Management Act. It receives water and sewer service from the City of Spokane and is within the City's water and sewer service area according to the Coordinated Water System Plan and the Wastewater Management Plan. It is predominantly an older industrial and commercial area,with railroad access. Statistically,it has 88 housing units within its boundaries and an estimated population of 220, approximately.2 percent of the total incorporation population. At 840 acres,the area represents approximately 2.7 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $139,999,100 which is 3.1 percent of the assessed value for the proposed incorporation. 2. Alcott Decrease in boundaries: The Alcott area considered for exclusion is that part of Alcott within the incorporation boundaries (north of 16th Avenue within Fire District 1). This area together with the area south to approximately 37th Avenue is within the City of Spokane's Urban Growth Area according to its recently adopted comprehensive plan under the Growth Management Act. It receives water and sewer service from the City of Spokane and is within the City's water and sewer service area according to the Coordinated Water System Plan and the Wastewater Management Plan. Statistically,it has 140 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 350, approximately.4 percent of the total incorporation population. At 133 acres,the area represents approximately.5 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $13,339,180 which is .3 percent of the assessed value for the proposed incorporation. 3. Carnahan Increase in boundaries: The Carnahan area south of 16th Avenue is mainly within Fire District 8 and therefore,was excluded from the incorporation area. It is within the Urban Growth Area designated by Spokane County. The boundary line between Fire District 1 and 8 is not easily followed as it does not follow roads or other readily identifiable physical features. In some instances, the boundary line uses parcel lines between houses. The Carnahan area between 16th Avenue and approximately 19th Avenue is part of one of these residential subdivisions: Devon Ridge Planned Unit Development,Heather Park plat, or Valley View Hills plat. Statistically,it has 230 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 577, approximately.7 percent of the total incorporation population. At 106 acres,the area represents approximately.4 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $33,807,920 which is .8 percent of the assessed value for the proposed incorporation. 4. Ponderosa The Ponderosa community can be described as the residential area west of Dishman Mica Road. The incorporation boundary bisects the Ponderosa community at this time. The proponents used 44th Avenue as the new city boundary because it is the boundary between Fire Districts 1 and 8. Requests from residents have been to either include or exclude the entire Ponderosa area within the incorporation boundaries. 65 00252 Decrease in boundaries (1): North of 44th Avenue is within the incorporation boundaries and within the Urban Growth Area as designated by Spokane County. It is a residential area of predominately single family homes in a wooded setting. About half of the area is connected to the County sewer system,with the other half scheduled to be connected by 2014. Statistically,it has 546 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 1,367, approximately 1.6 percent of the total incorporation population. At 423 acres,the area represents approximately 1.4 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $69,454,471 which is 1.5 percent of the assessed value for the proposed incorporation. Increase in boundaries (2): South of 44th Avenue and west of Dishman Mica Road is within the Spokane County Urban Growth Area and is within Fire District 8. It is a suburban residential area. About a third of the area is connected to the County sewer system with the rest scheduled to be connected by 2014. Statistically,it has 580 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 1,448, approximately 1.7 percent of the total incorporation population. At 440 acres, the area represents approximately 1.5 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $71,601,221 which is 1.6 percent of the assessed value for the proposed incorporation. 5. 40th Avenue Decrease in boundaries: The area south of 40th Avenue and east of Dishman Mica was included in the Spokane County Urban Growth Area and is within Fire District 1; therefore,it was included in the incorporation boundaries. It is predominately vacant and agriculture,with some scattered residential. It is not served with sewers and the County has not included the area in its twenty-year sewer project priorities. In addition, other urban infrastructure is not available or planned for the area. Statistically,it has 104 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 259, approximately.3 percent of the total incorporation population. At 601 acres,the area represents approximately 2.0 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $16,943,063 which is .4 percent of the assessed value for the proposed incorporation 6. East of Sullivan Road Decrease in boundaries: An area south of 24th Avenue and east of Sullivan Road includes vacant and sparsely developed land. It is within the Spokane County Urban Growth Area and included within Fire District 1 and therefore,was included in the incorporation proposal. The area is not served with sewers and the County has not included the area in its twenty-year sewer project priorities. Statistically,it has 30 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 75, approximately.1 percent of the total incorporation population. At 214 acres,the area represents approximately.7 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $6,860,970 which is .1 percent of the assessed value for the proposed incorporation. . 7. Morningside PUD Increase in boundaries: A small area east of the proposed incorporation boundary is included in the Spokane County Urban Growth Area but is in Fire District 8 and was therefore, excluded from the incorporation proposal. It is a part of the Morningside Planned Unit Development which is located 66 00253 . partially in Fire District 1 and partially in Fire District 8 with some of the parcels in the PUD divided by the proposed incorporation boundary. The area is connected to the Spokane County sewer system. Statistically,it has 13 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 32, approximately.04 percent of the total incorporation population. At 9 acres,the area represents approximately.03 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $2,355,300 which is .05 percent of the assessed value for the proposed incorporation. 8. Greenacres Decrease in boundaries: The portion of Greenacres within the Urban Growth Area south of Appleway and east of Hodges Road was requested to be excluded from the incorporation boundaries because of the rural nature,vacant land,and proximity to the City of Liberty Lake. The area within these boundaries is predominately vacant and agriculture with low density homesites. It does not have sewer service and a portion of the area south of Appleway is included in the Spokane County sewering plan for 2015; the balance of the area is not planned to be connected to sewers within the next twenty years. Statistically,it has 140 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 348, approximately 1.2 percent of the total incorporation population. At 322 acres,the area represents approximately 1.1 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $18,800,350 which is .4 percent of the assessed value for the proposed incorporation. 9. West of Liberty Lake Decrease in boundaries: The portion of Greenacres within the Urban Growth Area south of the Spokane River and east of Hodges Road was requested to be excluded from the incorporation boundaries because of the rural nature,vacant land,and proximity to the City of Liberty Lake. A portion of the area is included in a development proposal that is also included in the City of Liberty Lake. The area within these boundaries is predominately vacant and agriculture. It does not have sewer service; however,a portion of the area south of Mission is included in the Spokane County sewering plan for 2015;the balance of the area is not planned to be connected to sewers within the next twenty years. Statistically,it has 121 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 302, approximately .36 percent of the total incorporation population. At 348 acres,the area represents approximately 1.2 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $13,102,981 which is .29 percent of the assessed value for the proposed incorporation. 10. Otis Orchards Decrease in boundaries: A part of the Otis Orchards community within the Urban Growth Area was included in the incorporation boundaries. The entire Otis Orchards community extends east to Idaho and is not within the Urban Growth Area. The included area is predominately vacant with a mobile home park along the Spokane River east of Barker Road. It is not served with sewers and the County has not included the area in its twenty-year sewer project priorities. In addition, other urban infrastructure is not available or planned for the area. Statistically,it has 460 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 1,150, approximately 1.4 percent of the total incorporation population. At 1,027 acres,the area represents approximately 67 00254 3.5 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $44,871,900 that is 1 percent of the assessed value for the proposed incorporation. 11. Northwood Increase in boundaries: The Northwood area is a suburban development of single family homes and apartments on a wooded hillside north of Wellesley and west of Argonne,north of the Town of Millwood. It is within the Spokane County Urban Growth Area,but because of its location within Fire District 9,was not included within the incorporation area. Statistically,it has 658 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 1,646, approximately 2 percent of the total incorporation population. At 582 acres,the area represents approximately 2 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $136,402,380 which is 3 percent of the assessed value for the proposed incorporation. 68 0?? 5 ' ›Ni .1 Z PART VI: Q MAPS O We Ya a 0 U ,- j �� a\ 1,4 rl ` SNi- R� S I'1 S e�alley:In o porati - 1 - . r ; / c ,Arae a ,sti to c � P I1 = IIf i r— l 1 / .i'� I )_ `t�+�r Sih' .,' -d2t"xL"'F +5h �,r"a 1 � i �.� I . �, rr.J�it i s 1�ia�.ft I � �r i j t r� •� v �, I <� � ;)jf, , _L I 1 r t P9HH _ ` r �" • , b N.N. l H ,.... ` t�P oltP � '/ r 1 - .... --�'C`- _ \ � 'fib Ir_.� . tin 1 „r 7. S,I L H ._ \ �� Vi G IIA e A m r "&� i-�-L I �1— -- �I, ��� 1 _ _' ,J I - " l It -. � ,F. 1Vrt1 i�`�k" r c '_'� Jit.-_,__:. ,t, ,,,.,,__,_' 1 •f\7e � 't� .� `�.,, �, t a� til trl e I � 1 � -t+� ill -1,-'25 :\ 2 1 I rF. �, 1 t\ ) P��YHnt lv7tal If i. i -tit" E l� t_ . -5y�1 i sly`77 ee-0.Y` �ry\lu� ,.\ ,,_ tt n 11 .._I /I i Y._��. {WJ ._. I . .I.'.' rdd � ' '. 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Iffy y Water Bodies 5 ,,, l a� Incorporated Areas 111 Irma. - \ / Proposed City of Spokane Valley P L V ` \,- Q Proposed City ouroide of UGA viralWi • 'I. ►. VVV _LI: Cr,III `"" f t c) Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County Spokane Valley Incorporation Study July 2001CA A.wAun• 1� ���, I — o , �_ q »,dear, Map3 , " a �� Cultural littiteiwSites �� g a a � a , iSa� c- ° .r Ie .,° sac r + o 7 .„ E `a. ct °- . tliti .' ta. -�. . 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'��;{i' :4 s�ti �. i��tiii�e_a_Py"ces• S-I�� r C� s t ' -E 992 a 9 i ::m.nnl - t • _��, 9 J"*.+. t ,y k::4. 1a7t_afiivr.a.,i4014.1 1u f- ty i•Jl 1 is4�,ujEag ul ylfi � t'1 Ullllprt w;`A` ,i )i), 1 i s 'agimmik IJP`ri gatl,lll-�' r - _ -9e �/ y `"i r `7� Z. � 1 n 1�'\,.,��,� .t 7 `'iii`I P"�p 1 it ea ,y �y ';mac-b ��YG' �47. a we E i•i .7 ."•l aoe"+1 ))f'��yk,` O�4N �� \ t-te IIa:bR,�y1yy1�_l`��'JI� a? �1 !,�lN� 'I -'` +� ik/r/� w "V ''f"°!({�Yh S" Ja�T� t� gpto° i' n1•�11• • :n, 2 iw 111: 4"t � p� PeeTre ''� ,y7 rktinstlr 't .. '! 4 epi ., aYr'p tarry Rt.,,. i.. aa' 4 " x,1.n ' x ' 1 L, ,il•`FrZati4t r tj irCi L � �* • ''st'' li se-ist `;9 .It, i "u�Pa N° ii'trt ai itai :rr ;. E ai. sd,1 } ,F,ti+`.'�i''" I �s��su 1:^� j r'Eify • 6 1 111 `#✓( -;10,1, 5 r moi z + L (, ir! .e4p ✓ �I (a:7�;�y�...0�e_� a � ..4A -n7 �Y T ,,yy i /I 1�,9J,1 'r JJ' 01A1 .19;ii .io .1 'a` p _ ry7ryry4 IIII s! 1'a�L�,irJ�i;�.. G d t to Q�1 ` \ l y l• �t,�y .`.\ ,� evY,r�l�!2. ^ "Y\_ aSi'��/r`i71 t � r" f,�t. SWlll '+1�� r. •7 . 1 a'� r r� =-Lp�tira u '� v'l'! ��' + ry''ri_,',��, u y1�r w ,� �:uf>i y iy' (u ( a .>k �{I 1 y:111 ;� Q,.; } . ' ;Wat�Badiea 1Faiiih�9 \��' r 7 x \r au i4''r� s• r n�P ! bl�• J !V Inco anted Arue [ J, (1\(} It r e1 �1.•yJ17� 1 c .�`wi I a j .: lllban Gm. Arse qy �Y- k"�i,..ir 2'951 ��'S� ,,Sy�1�la I� '�k y c �.p�!»14M�f' e ¢2"� r i'ifry 4F4, it (�� . =IProposed City of Spokane Vellry 9 i vv }.rcJ'�' , "cwz �� 4,1%.7.‘76);44,1lC� iroa"3w¢^` .jP�r �t "a+ Olt . - I` I .• I' i' -`lip J �'+r�A r X}pga n T ail" 71 nnw vaZrVl t r /v Soams V4-; Lr IR ra w 1 y�luu',�,,� s i Si �,�� .i"r,,��. FYrA 1 �y y�, ♦1 �� ) �I• N Contour Linea(Elevation) . a l�rF+'rt`NkNr��R�1� \Yv��i.�l, '�I��j1.12°''` a�liN'et Zj ia �, V �� Glenmse Wamhed [t ' r ,NP 6 ,t,f> ,1),t; "d rC "' �ry1ft`d.'i ^ .4.11L.rj74J s I 3} 1r M�rt?, I efSt.: y �l" +Y I 11 id k ' �Wt? sl 4^�iF. , } iliikt.4r f � � Wetlands 1 'Lit� 1' 1. �� atr a� �.r `'. Y$ p 1 a ' 7J'k S,citf�:M r ' v*`4 11 fr a i ( {•'+t P L t�.- � � �(�' "` r "+� S� �' n r� °r r� f)�� Erodable Soils r+ �i "`� V laii"vii f�' . i \. I` a a1lk j, i 1 i CAn� s �iy i ✓'�I r ((Sll l{iv " a.`�`- l ri 1 \�7 M 4 Y1 r �. as 1 yY q'(,� (('' "�� 1 �. .,. �f 'S,� In�'ri!` ��1:\�`'';¢rr`'� " C +�'fI Ar,',`.F' 7`�.�.. f',,t, 1�,'`'et al 1 <z r`r�'t, 1 o /� O ,� i ,a.. iC` s Y° scrAr a.,.W,. c..C ..✓. d� v6'(> }'1� U fAo1 �, �J "f .:�i. . .... , ...,�.�z..,..,,�,.., ._,.dn..� `� Wuhingmn Stale Boundary Review Board for Spokane County Spokane Valley Incorporation Smdy July200I czcstr t. r R E'n �. h, c 4 Y .p f r ,Ma d5 a 1` ' ,� , Land Uae PYrzm pav: 6tea .h''"'j'' & ' �� 7 4•mei r!,_.. I pit ,f'v.'yc Yelsia3 y)..415' [I JI41:1° 1 v'.ra'a z' +.<' ' l ,.' .e k4rd tViaw'amr°t • I �+"'.�,, �� I � �r,,,,113/47011.17%0=0'I � ®. t e 2.mead �p CI 3�r�q a r r3 ,, r:,�. N'j,,V' I.East Yardl IF . x •• r � L n , a.o ay�id' � � ' ,� •° ♦ I wet r,Fl ��� ti DM 3.East Spokane �mi � I RY 710 ° +, oNr a.'Po.4V I•IARa ,r^ '""W ' '�i��ti"i l M c'� d 6 ����� 4.Orchard Avenue §4#' 'vtTM"�:"' eijlr4lwI i7I.1'.•A1�11Po Y y.a" [M. ' ` a71 j i +1 IA a® s �:a7A, is ll!L� yg r t rt'F. e °,l,'7± � S.Northwood i;of "'i {' @ , m.A is µY% ' lll60111'1 Ilx 17Y1ICiLAaw'k�."`°M itn amu,i vl ° all71'\V '+ e Bali "A' t.'"i v�e274). � 6.opporLa rY :4: - 0.0,0):,-..>.,-,10t i e1 au n aw cII a r s"- `i i I Ir a Ni " I�m� 1 yYm /� F CJn ♦Ae}7� a , , � � �r °1` I .� �.ItV111 ^""P S ll a'' arMu�"eax rl aaly7!Jtt1 � n���u.a`�". t7a%rlrs a yyl, I"�41j �rK�jy� 1l��ii'.a 'kku , S.Oppprtt➢ity 'R.a'"ir. r .^° JtSa . �;r .e ». mc7 1 z t u ' .4 1] i 9I.Verad --+ y�7li i � 1"Nti r{ r, y J >•� :Myr y �ig/� '�� OEM 5-.. Y } ( l f a: f JI.r 4{.ldt+�Vi1[(t } i . , : e•IgIt g �. q . � JAe' Wi��lY�..� a� a,t�, 1Us�� p��rP , ' 10.Ponderosa �,kli�r.�}A`L�)Ex1; hs W,F; }p •1:3 m�.MJ• � re �j's�7Jain 1111RS21h � , ',licrrillarMinnaip - o-t"s y��Ei�6M�L,..r rf- II Vcrheauale ?- �13Y%hrret o'•'d4) r X 4 s 91 0.'•11.1191�In z ra-''19t6•1111 1m. 'i 541 l � a • .n i;j`. �@p��1- - �r.M a d'�S 13.Trentwood 1 h c a-.yen .a�,,,"„ ,a iv,-a ■ 1n."^" -, ..In r'.,rmdL r,.I gelI� t; ► I '` s's 14.Otis Orchards ! i'''„'�t ;'kr r,+'^{f' '&7§'iVdt � ._ ga. �NiM17r! LAI s-rnmei9i � au. 43. I"�j6a� � ��� wl : a^ r d',Aka �� _� "0 a- -el * m r it a ,;tr!"O iaia:io'�.� % v 11,x';i. ., 'Irs=M,:�'1®!11 �• ijr a 15 Oris Orchards �,— a, tk. >l7 b • u1 r l,n . ,,, In._e t— 'u iree..Ac l# 1 ft 7,Sr"x S . c ww an is ' a AY ` �•`�slf i�ItYn �rTl� NG i�I<a'iy,���`V i LI w ° ille re-ii.1 Wirilli Dirt="� it"'J.�lcr g 1 ' c,�:�, il 7Lr r Nt „ . g! ,++�,:I7 La I.`°S17 ri=914,41 Q Sub Areas ik l Y l i 'via A {�11 tE,-- e ri ;l „niters". vin f� M �I T� ' If 1a Y a• 516"�.�"l I Y M-a'}f It �I# ��„,„u2t 1198v. .v 1 1.52 11^5... • \ m. .i� '!' 7P '� srlis 1�r !.ar at S,S • Schools � my„rm a h.,,. 4r' §^ t ` L a . 9ti=I�. r,j �1J a �• P"u111, 1< 4 + 3.8a .-air a. par , 1� v tat 'r inn 11 rl DD P"- ISa1 /V Roads �k1:gl%M n+T',) MA. 1 ) l Q.,7 r ��,M��T iA^�l�\ny�:�U „,!5 +• C`�!'� ® Inwtporeted Artae w � �It L�, ria•r� �1',�� rBikBi Ya Land use �wxn +r� ax,d e� o , � tk,Im t�a ■�nw r, §4 '' C .... MIaAgriculture "P� Sn "17 �a i /! is 1 ..,..,Y 1! r � U ® emldmB Penult i v-.ueu....It— 1 y� y �� ' G� ,. �1{y:\pig ��r ie.7�"�.ua7P1 �.EM1�^sem ss'1w i ®1111:eatmn x ��� I-It- '^�^�e� ".t,n4�n sem J r ���01 i�atr-- 1[t tz mea r !yf.L• ,,`` I�diir..l Sayl` °�W rl��pp��{{ t1 ,,mow? t4 e14 l `, pk cGO'sala II�� �r1-t.-/♦1I{• Tf�; � p� _� ryy c,y6 %Itx Pu GSem • >fy^(( (p* T r 'rj+' •, y ',spy;,.Ye� ® bii iPublic ,P"S' �lti._2, 9mgle Femil &"1 ,: ..I '',�.� ,.. R1•Ri�L1'A ®vacant1� ��q,14,a,1" ;.li. �r� mil{{ 5ll �'f.,pa'V.can[-Final PIe[ a 1p- •�.-�. • .4,4,40.700, -Ir Tj Vment-hnprovM I��, ���I A f ( J� III, ® Vaca+[-NOVaN< 1 .. .512,■Al r , kCt Vacmt-Prtplat 1A1►Il � ✓"�� vacant-Unusable N O • J 4-42..... Ira" a A g Waabiorttan Smre Boundary Review Boar)for Spokane County Spokane Valley Incomoreuon Study July 2001 O. • 1iii1 s.,' If 11111111111 1.. tiTrSpd,� 7 Co• mprehensiv,01Plan�' " o 1 ekt4f rt1"t,i kaa,cr i , ( _ R . • / st ani:“...-L-'... v• • iJ li M : Jrat,ilk/• �ael Meg lila k or � em 3'�r+ :� a: eil" +W ' r �. k ° : „,,,,,,,,- ,,,,,,;(..-- ..,, Ir T r Illlh + Ihd �,, n . _ ', ivy,— ' '3� ; y' • .111' i.\ h” 44 Ian yet a,^a. .r.'.d`�°'a'4t5* ..kr ®® ��■;II��:Ir'I��+P' �^�, '^"is,v..1�"+x �"' r���..�� lif , 1, 9 ,, Ifi�1�T► .� aaY....u11.Y1�:lF�6+1� At no.rda , .arra " lra_lir !torr 1 ret s 1- Y'�d9l8"Ea mllki data'a .-l', Q Pr oeed Clty of Spokane Valley r11r.10191tAIL��-�r��� I1�� L�=ai M �_ is,� � •urban Growth Area We Bo les _ 46" Incorporated Areas '� •ar—iktilri i= l i3Ep � , Recommended Comp Plan y vY `. 1 �, Ee'�g1�1�� �1..��{� �,YP r"` '«'Incorporated Area � I,rr� • _/.� ,;j7sa-eNkIttEn_✓.: maim • Community Center Mho ai. i e Commum commercial i i z �]0 llija r 11 itt• w Foren[Land r t ¢� tY .', ,,,,,,I;$. ®• Hoary Industrial . — 1�1 �' �\ ®LDA High Density Residential .� an a^r -$lit 1 ®LDA 4 ? Y `e`=�� -7p=�ja - LDA ReYld Ag \r1�.ia'�'r`' ® " l' Large Trect Ag s � \ *Tarte - Light IndueMel s Iii Low Dmeity ReaidmNel ive`r.y =s� IS o`: xeaer F'- I/ " . �.■(!r � l�j +'tY+Neighborhood Commerctel ' ; .- PMI Rural Activity Center NAIL/ ®Rurramel Commeroial 7 L: 1-� •, ,At�'J,+ d e UP • Runl Commvation '77Lill; '1A�.Iya r" 1fit ray,„:,„ „',3.Small Tract Ag E -�i�'l_lr � �\.' .®Urban Activity Center 1 0 11 'tea S tivriessalli _ J I Utbeno eaerve " Au Ilfittri W aahington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County Spokane Valley Incorporation Study July 2001 0, N m � .�. I ,y. '" `;.r.-;,t,',), ,o [ s ,, z a n ^ ryr;'� '^ :uuv l .. ... _, rvmm• a;r . , ,< rs Ai? / a ^F3 ,4n . a hx ®® ( 4 < ✓ u tt, r r a '' 1' � s. .Fn .e d 7® tia t t 'RtA;^a 1J1 :k 3 t e t 0 '< " 1.T e,Y,,4 "a r ® ® ;::111;�y 't'' ...';��ka'+"'7�fiF Y.r,tun JM', r 4,' n '+' t t09).4 . .a '`� , u M8 5'J .,.$ » .x �.. sa 7 gy r; r^rV� T.21,a, a t m. x ,44fd f';: ii"�' a 'i w � .,SY I. t'7 �G°rzA a.,wwP s�arei-' � a Y xz >, mfl® ` �"'Jr d,`''` ', : 'A•4 ar ,� ple ra'ur n 'i ", `l s.. r r ';vel r e x r ». �4, P S•q' V >'✓'t r w 'F' , r ' >.fs'< I. » 5 mane Count t a' « ,,rr, ®(YSk� �,+:b, tryf' r,.w'-` y u: F {tV ,'! LL k t ru 1 E. " `.n .r !; 4¢1 r'':r M Ge110C8g liiii �10,,,,,.,„ s x w 9 a 1 Y k 4 �O1r � m OF� �S t� N d4 �i>F J.. tits e y� iL�S,v ¢N e,�'4, Pt. } �' �s�y� 3m7t?tQ'>�T�, rl s�(<1� "%ill �.®- Fj .a G1°+,.,Cl ,... ,:J.S<Lti,d r tits b" .t Jlb n ' VYix ,Ss i CR�"4 'TA t b N .,�4 ..'�i3 Ye ++Neff OnhI,IIrh40 ® 'I • 7 ,14:4VIN, G . ryr.,'e.,tirrra,,i ,Yurb ,n o�,� 1 krt 1.i Lit,' r , &&~tel �I 1IPI q" Y "i ,int, ,4 '& i"x1 i. i■. Ia ..a ° 3 h 7� ,�p{Ba�yg, r YL°"92, �.+.y�� - J .•f ,rtjt W ;1�y n'i, s'�Sl J-. �l.... .t 1 , '.r �, ® "Mr 1Nr31YID ' 1a s 4 tP` /111 cry�u�ua. wa'r d t .,v e a ,Lti I , tr �r A Y` t' IS a • �,.�♦ .'. p}R,n^f .kaka ' a� � l • . 1 "��r I ''v"°4' ',!�? ' x` 111 1 la ¢ata v r , `h da A , . r'b.0, Inu. 9Caue , �' k.+. 5 + 1skil �Rit[w »> �a. Itlll/ +.� r gip. ay 1'^',a rS xir q+ `$Y a 1111IIIIIIIIxl4 e1F Il+ y, 'IP v... '�ali 1.1V, lar , t ».L'1 � k ,1 ' ery . w. ',� "`:. wa P:. i Jnion /� I le' is Vs' Aeoig to c, `"w i+iJ I''"� ® ,' ca '`kim, 'T res . kk'"f� s £� �, ° ''.t;a/1 ,sta, fi ,h x .;. m,p,el 'V tfw' vµ r y ) avw.o- + �w Y ( 1 e r r �� att a x• a 4 H ,a.i . -® ., i fli 1; 17re:�Erz19 tl '�irr . �s w'*'ty 1111.111.Mx bR ,��!-� '' +'4 -A.,4e„.,)N.�.'T L. ,a^'Friar_'.`• �:' � '. €`+'e' 'c -�,..v �jpg•ti' L.o su c li �1 � ab ' a+ ;` . -a �. '' "•' r , & ° - ��/OIII1■R[arlT��1G."��■�O���^�1�. e:. �:I7.1'a.7► r ,M 43 - 4� r a� mrr,� �eJsar �■ o e'' w t s. t u S-° .- I� raata= ItettilR ;0 I ,�,�'a- �PJI I L"." �'� y �� /..r v s '410,i"a, r +... .,. nom' � wr ii.t k i• f I°' �bl.a. Aar alill I -ina ll �11f� iG.a k flrP islS ��..,,��l r t. .1 ,. , iiiiIrw --,,,/v4.', dds x'3.2 a rnal\9101• ■ t`IyyFanauS a.11.6`.a�� I�e�r.�1P ®''1®e11� ° 1F {L�i� :!x t. .i s {. i w,t�Ul I '2171t-_ i_vSl �Rt ''11'"t _Ft",�r�' �y �Oilipighw?� �"�-. -" ` ;' 'ua• a✓Las 3_d ie' �� i f' 1�7oIlartt .w.iwewr' t• W C® ` » + '} 1 ®ti' a , f"w 4st1 3fi�1 =��j�.� _�'� p is I� r .Y Biz i � � e•"W"1; ',s a L'- 3i .1A�kunt. 'iL a! ie- Z , willC �rl t ■r lli I' JN4tlec.:: y .arS.S, Cy 1� I� �t��b\ �sal� ,n® ✓,''w'4 "Y Proposed City of Spokane Valley I �be S <t t,.,- _� I, x ay,'t^r{ \\� 1 1' `+. ,•'11®_ l "Air y� p L^.r a 9r T-� O . .s..>`y v, �,>;t.'' V111. Ara 211E .r;n p 11 x13.'0.I lto0 11.41‘'• "i ,4', ' "" -i ,j Urban incorporated Areas . ` .ma Ja v \ �r1`: L - ! &M• /� !'r ,p <B 1I . ... ��. 1 W 11 rX. t 1 1�tV .. 1 \ rvaJ� ' � ✓ ,`` aILI" '(11?°ro II ��r ` .1" 11—IS.' `a a "ryapr ,1 41 r "1 ;- Urban Growth Amo i ittslitc L as ,\ MlLM — ,• �. --pe R ''f N'"'" `JvlA r2 e.+.F r"••i water Bnaiee ' 'TS ,•, 1 S' ��� ` �^ I ., ® '...1 St .:N �� l Genus!Zoning e 1 �=. - n'iJEMI y �t°iIli= ..Q'� �. ger• ...., o a i Gmml A culture 1 m-vy,$43". .4.< Y`� Fr , .re :rintpn _>� de °,:.��® �� ""v" r ,�' �z'�ixi' ,4+ Rural Res.-I uni/10 ac. 71 ;iak t kfik + .dxl 2 r$'' `ille4 i��l ct x ¢.x Tt..y! eyx� r. .�-• x.., i >aN�9 `�.rgs u R ii'tL� i r'- Led '�-}.& a a p fit:: �d , _- Iati Ti 1� Ruburban Rea.iunilni-teuiten3l.t:a5c.5auartic./loac„,m, Y at r .M '144 w r.. - °` .r L 3 tAna Suburban Res unc-frz • tgw,4, S i v c t '� , �� , x� y r„.L '•'»1 ffn h Urban Residm” a ff 4� �'P'` §n �z d s S tun ®/) J . Tt r 5+1' x. '~ t .y f4 + o'ka b, dpi UrbanRea.-'! p'+a":' 1� F -e `a ` tll y1'i,� p_ .„ a • rN e p°' s:` 4 ein ,-'42,4?,P a ` ra ` e .I' E i fi UrhenRes.-1 ^F`zS:.4�'nt y7`vv1k• c k01,V..■ Olga ' t >J t b t. € , v<''rf `'6 c�.a r ; „f z .,, h ® reg�sr :44-:".1-,„747,... € P, ., '*i t ,« <4 4m t= o_ 1� urban Res.-22 aniw.e. +- b-Nair ,.nom .�`.r '§ x I aw.�h�s+ s- Vs. AA ° r' t i +ya'Ye~ 0 Regional Business - a"r�i7+\3;L$' \-r 1:I $„'Y, am£a n r~ 1 y,� s� x3 • Q >'ne3 y T ' it''ti. C°731n gBuainme i •. _f J'fi 1 "S ryrr <4 w`. t..21';:. s ✓<'.{. SLT° Nei hborhood Business {ia�il ytor i J 4,s 'y,,,, ,, a- -• M »Sy '�; L nv ., • µe'n I 1 III i /i111� =G3[I1/11\ �JI f , c ryr », . -a • ✓A IAN Extraction Industrial �.I �y p9 IAN •'alij _II_pi�!�l' lint 9 Y`f ^t' ,...b,t`` . g.u I • ,y y of I•4.."-,g1,rah , industrial® rilirdikti .«$'--4•- - 1. u4:, `4 a pa .b"Ate �.. ) e ,tux xr �1 �' ���• ��r7 ®c- 7• -fir^w"^s.to 5r "b -'Cts 6 'd+ Y �.". • . - ..",,7.,.Ay s Mineral Cxmction » ,.,� fir ,.-..-M,'•r.� .1'Ifs ' ���'a � ntr « r .t ..-r t {Y j Washington SW.Boundary Review Board for Spokane County Spokane Valley Incorporation Study July 2001 N • �, Map,8k, """�n • _ r 112002"2003 County+Roady��/ap/r'?oJ[eat.q' F - b•� f'GN�p� `l� .�+Y'� � J'F�� nir b�"Wv,4 t d$AM'e:�Uwi',. x � i. riI711,It liila Old l''' r ` '— .te : e�� /': as . �� twin .. ..m sass 'L .1111.11 ICI ' 157:441—=.yt•�a=.r r•m 1`II�/ice— 1{rI111P1 is� Iritpi .• • waxt+a •. see,. ma.., t r w W ...- r I.�.�.�• fly , ' �. y— juzapA� -erm�. ` ��'� ;-app=1 -1144_al •• •rr7��1111 1[ �litilitH � .:.3 ,,;1"Ti'� r i raisin. .�r�T F ,.- r l rlli— i\ = r�- , �•s,0�1�71"11ria ttritiilliA1 iw 1=1r�'�' . ,�+•+, . ���yr rtf.!!1� �glIli mill -. 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(] . . p Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County Spokane Valley Incorporation Study July 2001 C) C1 _1_ I r • i 4lklPit ii a % 1 f r 1 �foeblr Ilutlan_DletrletYg2q �p ie V y / \1i �` ., tin .�. WItlII ury o � ra , L Dunt fit. M1 b_ -\--- ISttf� yl \ _ r s .�� �1 5. �ll w n P atria c„�I t.:'V ...y: \ k 1 + 44%44'1} y1 / Il rioneer yl r E ' 1"7 u re 9 �lir !! k ..� fase' Water T wamr Co�npa�``� �" n t iii 18,1 3m al 111 L t' ' i utt n,� T3hl vu.a: DI:1;i tk 11Frlg �•. ,.,7,-', of A N"y r+i.X; , !// W r H �- liP -{{}} r b-L.. 't y '44? a f ill ! , f et,Can ll to I Ola Ion ,, t r, 1 jj' ii r ' :T 45\ t5pnra Diut ct 9 3 v. ... C s z/ 1 i'' 444, q J, ei r i,d r I t i r J , IFI NI ` i -' �+� uwt ntwwfi r4 E -} �,a / 41( hili .11 1��f I � +- a �," i i+ ,� ,'Pleee orthfi !sib-L. `.r N as� 'CI::�. ,-� r / i r sl' 2 .. /, lle_4'oa , ''ilk ilkT r T- 1 � '�7}t 1 rasa -',',.±-- e, z 7/11 T-rcl at z av n i• pad `, ""^-', -_. NEIL 7 w. ,1 .# 1� 6ewered <r ife-T�`,BPu— d " r L4 e n�;l Air' 1 -tt 1 7 DI trent` ) { * + m �, , -I rt Jy -Al L,-- ° dat d� bpnrmg ✓ Re " LIMO2® 1 S{ {F - f 1' 1 I 9 ai b Egli kitt11111FFFFFFq w� Igli `L rt i {� ' It � .,ry t �1 nr ., \'S1, ` f�pegbc 1e ^JJi t Fl` ( g. { ei a,, I1� � t �, y,fil �" �1 -It [. f1l �� t ice. r'�. la. 414 c 1.4.1. I.1_. ,r I _�. 1T ` ) kis ... ' i•_ m+s E':�ri 1 e*�'r' ? l \ ,. �.. il �- i 91 'avim+ '4°4.1 S *s\ry �4 . ` 1 zr ) � 1 7 — ,f - ,r_ _ A� _- a yflc± �i `- I ■ „ D SP b�yn.:CP4 N -v�_ , r . QPropoead Clrycfgpokane Val ley t F) \ v Ciry of 4pokane'e Water 9erWoa Arae' �T �I i ft-iii Ciryo[LIbmYLeke i . �` y ` Innorpoflt�areaa n �{ L J I 11 1 4 _ A Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County Spokane Valley Incorporation Study July Y 001% 0 0 tv 1� mi 7a' LLcu' rzI 1`/ J I . I\ ZY$,P ilMK'41S ! i' sib - t�(_ el okane Valle ' AW I� 1E �' `19 ._°�3z ®® /� Sewer ProjectPrioriNea;? id - ®� L2s/a _ J a ud �. .T a� t .. sw4o.B.a .,YM`.,e,# r,"_a4€'uk?ra+sfrld.$ i5 1—Erg' —_! -,-.0470.",s' .r t x C f� •�} zm3�L ` i; i _ II , IKilla' Tt 1. ' WOO a �'r�'m -�? - ® ,x,.k, ^; a.4. L -'-'-- 1 111 _;}14 -{.J OFT °� ucar . baa= if s (\ €_ �' J � 11 go _-in // > e C �'-- J„/ 2,�I I k�2 A� rs MI._9SP� v''' ' -sr+a�..._i- �`�- 1 4„�.' '. \\ `� q'r'�'�'� � 2 f 1 j� eglig Bib 4 I w d. 511 quk s r �m.-7 City ons- Pokane 2 � � t a 14° e - .� % s" rr �n�,��� City f a s� [— ��p�p r„ q +2 , st t., T, Ir iibe Lake e nm„M I, mt�� � i118� � I'-, 1 � � znnd-I `'- �,�E �.i F µ fit� lz ; gel ","� ,„2°415V .•-94 g., 416 ,� a6 --r-4 se!?Erg' Tza, \ ,3 w. 4w T a� a- L: Et. 1 Sw.+ .® ® a�.r 'mt' ,r3} wm..a w w� t • Wf�(,bg », (` xm �. I _ IIr4F aIL`�'1tit r2/ aI 1 �10� .' �$s 7 A I la l2rtIt a r as 2AII ,xd ,.,, it_t_ , }` wsst C.A. t (y I 11111 ill 9 a ,h55 I\ r� t ,••� I) \ � � / • Intercepmn end Extensions ,� / :71: li ) Q •' IN l� lin -� Water Bodies tl _ alter p 11 �'� / a _r=e tib^ 1 co I .. Urban Growth Area Mll l Propos CITY of Spokane allay - -{ pi i -- Incorporated areae pia I ._.l__ 9 ‘11 1 J __ AI 1 f City of Spokane's Sewer Service Ana 1: t >j-l� 11_- J- _ - y x' 'ISIS ` � °?trvv''6? I sewer Projects 1 IL i 1._ f O 6yean -51.6 e: tr I- �- ( 1 e �r/ ' t , 1t 1 ® ISyean '�.L }} '-rs3` 1� —1 Sewercd nL_ i t kj'\'-- H 4� . 1 i r Washington Stan Boundary Review Board for Spokane County Spokane Valley Incorporation Study July 2001 C. 0 ND CR 00266 I344 s m ,- Y�5 H ,+✓ ,kms Xi?t.▪t } \ w r w.�eD g'— si'?d�y' 4,' rr i = Y -srsa.cio.II d a y a =^� ' l'+a F 1 i t' r >1 t. n • s 't fia-Agir,ii 7'.'"Ss G lea g'`r� .'R , . v t jk7 r u i t, "r�� - g $ n .Fr'. 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K� T. .7. ..K : ..:� l�_ Proposed City of Spokane Valley.1 /0` wa cenaias ' Li ...���''' `J J Roads y.� 1111h35 / ' CI Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County Spokane Valley Incorporation Study July 3001 '] 7V ��® •Wits , �,I Maps. , 4.2_1411-..-Iatiall i'''' l; M A:lley#363 East Valley �.."� li „i :yS,c�h�oyol Distr[eta , � ®k,_.5.E-tLifr7.-ffj1i4i4 011 rarill�Yj ya,�,3y $` �'r° f `■. ' les��i 1111 ar "'t 'Rts cS,l`'x�41$*at � 011ie a �..a_ r / r0rl �����l�i� 1le IIII iliontueo x ®9®i ; ` 's•t e 3 1 :1i_ 4Wa � IIII--111111 • 1Inl a� t4, gy t `- �'� 7 �. GII� ,�� FJ I ite LIQ Y#8 a n}+'S° x 3/ r,'t' •I �L F Plirninirt-) .�__ ar #81,. ye�va.°f��wflll\ ��1- �►... `� ' , t . 1� �.�, ®„minn •e ®tom_ x, Vt4`iSei n or—l.s%�,I miter a Mier Lull. nilh .�—l� r'1: ' I/� n�lll:;.� F ar" s/Llil�je.A� ! nn t � _�\ �li'�� v'ueAi: mAL _p•• rialla11U drik'eezilp i�� �- ! �_�4 'I :nl ti ansaiiik / �� sill `r+" 't- Lar-no-.eir IM+nr..., a•—"i d �•l- ■�a�k ® A1�11i�`'a ®a•�1 ® lai., Irv- i finnc�n au �J nom!.1n��11 �c'I��1J_s ^'�1i 6„•Q: ��`4't ���ira�®� �nii�nn�ol�/1 —�l`� �,�ir�aaltQiis�{��i�' �yl WA nn®.v - -!a.,ws5v" ® ,� .�l�lln riap��i1�lliimaama' 1:9�Fi��, y �, , ...J Elimarffinml 0.)4432,1-;t4 Walia: e s ® � - ��I �:Cw�rl�!�Ir� �i� a ail=.:i=_, imlii mol ® ®®�� a) _.,c-,._,--1=■ ,7,n�u r�It�. ur-e • q il ���_� _ nlltlltn® ea 3rdiL 5 y^S .7. j, k \ii�ii�7�I.�L �`l ;!9`r7v='Lir�r L rs�'S41 1 ,.��L:AO s=',C.s'ile+ 1• k2�_ �' S -014-t. `s W... 1� 1-J��•i��`N,!�!�R� , 1dCentral 35. ; lc x c R ® aP� 1.��al +�1_. wsZtiit1WtrJ1 ° ., ey#, A• V'=_Cpl•Pt mg 1101 _ 1 ilk . rc(a 'dl r ,w .t L`� illi uY..IR -�.tcz"�m �: r� 't3tl t.Y,-i Pi m si%-� F,i •wail .€`,11111 al aIrrwlEripni ,- ® L re �, s l t k+Y'+' 'list w 6 1 �iumg,1+f1 B ”116' C Efil ii'FL < H „,T .; /A • r a , we Incorporated Areas 4- q�Ipp III ,i r t b + , /V °po Ali � W®1®® p 4.' a W,'` r • Shoos "�`, kill= y� ®®®a 3s �„ v ,�.rr Y`S ....... Recommended!ICA �✓r c .;<, ii: tnr ,qt Y :,cit el - it "'�Y �s Proposed City of Spokane Valley r0! " ie 'VI reeman #358 Water Bodies C ' Zry k. trek 'ii4 JF f Y k.;,�i3 Y .3 55 I, I O =A kis .xa,...l.,,%- .a �,,..Ei..' d \ I Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County Spokane Valley Incorporation Study July 3001 O rV C) O au pp , r 4blepa14', . +3 111l.. H � '6 7� t k _�__$ J�/ ®'��,Sean. iel._ } Community Fcllliies `s : 4 • "1< 23iWt?Viiiaj �ll�,R�.' fid6 °�" .�. -�i�i�:'�Y�.. . : ck,',I, min ar- 6.7 ..p IJiLJi!a a: _ Shields Park - •'• -r° .(Mmnehah�tocks) oiy�al 'dv nIII / •.� ,sall YMCA [ Mirabeau Park • Vaillf-iMr "• 's�xa'I' �� ��r f` � Walley a.i.. ® ,` . . �, �:. y-1E J'' C_�' . ' 'f1 `'1 � .a :a�rjtUI,1■. . l.. Pimii't{i= _._� ii:$1ivanp.:•k asiin :., ,. S fr . Es ty r. e o "Mos la • aIMO'''. "• : �1��iTi�� �' %e! Spo' .�j a e litial1 lL l r S�ffi Iii 1 r � c -� S�a = • ®R®0 ■ 1 a rin •.sp ' ��® �p� C o Lio Liberty ewsny r-gd=ita Fair .~....is Nag �'1'.' ZShtP4n L 7'_sh'� xJ . "ice ®Iiii •' ' rig c. itA I t ,' F.- ... , eel,€..►a n - g— js ..e� e m g-CtliT .7r=liJ Caro II ` ,' _ bi Iilllll S. ..L e2 IL �■ p t :g is pierT. Hills \ QQ1p7!!� ., 16101110,01116 a g ii�er ���� • thEnt--S,te_ a� a =�Y' s7d-I i 11 7i IY�C'f'3� `� SSPr. <rr� -rart= �5 .. \\ 1fYom'_1�{.e 3 34th N Urban Growth Arca �� IM"a Proposed City of Spokane Valley ■F-eg/ ile Illill y�S E;Q P:: te. Hffis-- CountyI Parks i! 1F. =r(+ py : =�A @l, Go] og1}e ' Conservation Londe u 111 W R _m oi ■ •. `El ��fFFiieE ) 7-- 141 ` �, EM Community Parka .....-. lElr It_ I Regional Parks �• Fv9ri��� ® Sperial Use Facilities Iller ConservAuon »�� m �JI J-� / �A-� Morso� Centennial Trail • &Mb b : ref / \''' (f ( ■ / _ _ I IConsertation 1 a 11 A rJr l A ( i Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County Spokane Valley Incorymation Study July 2001 ) J Cr).3 iiwir ;ci _ imo'��•��i=�1 = .� r � , _' •1/1'I11 '■ �.I��'r I full 1• 1 ■ q�����1' ®, m sL\�.. �7� , ,r,, ,I_ f.■Ijy ' 1�y f��1■1�I■��,,� 111�.��'n�r�• a-®!1�! ®�:_® rad '� i.L71P/1•/'� 4nw"sr�'�L r' $ '.01_"rs an/Arias �i ' �IIIIIR° !!!!!�!••�I.®Ilo I haEld��n III�r71��•a�■P�l nut _ - o ce lona Areas ■ A I iv®d .null -u =argil A A P v — . �'u v.. _M dlII�t 1.11 ,III_ .1111^ L®1111 .n �1 �' �yi' �j■ .t=n ■ -p' s■ ® .-. C.�,.r ,1-i Ilil .v. o mm ®�je' a , 1.Yardley r� \ Ri ` _ .�.��.%i ®®®1�®fob® • ®�p I t. air : Oh1,1,�,1� '' t ��a .. �tcm� ie®6BB® l_4,r� ��®•/�� 1.Mcott '_ '� Il'I ` 'rd 11hP,d1'i rN.l^lll�a. �� r < ®®®AAI2-1177:5111:4:41112M.-77A a� J..1 > ^moi J.Carnahan ®r�A,■'�I ♦ _ Elm F8 ,dl®m ®;ILII 4.ponder osa it! 1�iiiiIII���j1� /1.71,T :; 1, ®n `� w ®1►:1 T'■A@hta,,'.,t► ��III��IIooi S./oth Avenue B ,r ct` `"ala ►Ir iR' ®®JJ U I%I®\ 6.East of Sallva j 'r u -,a /±II �■ > ::10a ®' Ija �. �® ■• �I% r..1I\I \ 7.M otttirside PUD �i I �, � ar 1 as r ®e1 �® 7� ■■- ►a1•1•,.- . 1 �ml a av tr- �w/ !scut //-'' • Ai. ® IP' e' A.Greenacres 1 � r , ■il1• .a � . ® �� . 7CI 1 �,, .� . �a I „av IPI . IC9 1 !'� 9.West ofLWerty Lake �1 !Ir I .. .1.0_ Efai 11 Ill®_ ® IPA - ,��rr•� s:'�I 1 'e spy' ® 0O 'nn. 'I.n - s ��®,� tL 11�uama 11111 11 i� ]A.Otll Orchards Vaal' a I s - la�'`'�l -` n 1°-■a '®®IA `�"VaL ��®�, !�'lll, it®III ® II'i. an Il.Northwood v a�/.�� alnnt+(611 :' ® __top �1 '07-43,r.-2-:.1_� 1 hall®•� ®' • did Iia .�9 - 11 :�t l■r G.•ILrtive le�'IIY_was i- ItA •., vn ' 11,53�r I� 1 ;Sr. • .l'- _ u [ .��tr _® 11 11 I .111 P ill I. i1:11$1® 111"Min_ /A1 I!I a. f,W/a ® , IIA r1I11 . Ie ; " ,ib. Ea i1Mtl.®fill■r , 'k®111n2. • ® :4 /®�® bra®1 .. . 'f rl��®de l II, ®111111 D1 •n adbh'L!1®� ,_V I 1 1 I rl ( ' 11.. �ilezm. . '11P16yohA11711't''.1® h.1 dllklullllll Iz.11lJ a® � �. =, 11111 v'l/ ♦ `f "P 11 '111111 �rAl .. . Jnl■■' iita.iur. P o ,m 1141 r1 fll Y i` ■ '!P 1-.19 •' i Tad .r ® I'�i � • ,I �,■,1 , IJP® IAd IJIIII +�,`` 1■IIIaA IIItaIIIY' r. �• ' aolah �plm...a�®►\- . nl n II „ e I 1 I d na ®4 1 � h111111111 1119Yn0m `1 --x ' - I 4®�®® 6' aI 1 1 ® 1 r vat ® I ". rd®d16b111 ii. ;; -fin :pi 1 �® ® . 0®t II,,rI aaa4M-' Ill .■i.. r , 1I11ilJ: • " _ 4 '`� ll ®EJl 4 Pd II' 5 I:" : �� ` I�11® " �P'�s� ■lAlsv�st 7 1 tl y_ ij v '�� ■ I,��� �� o,. ` !311.19•2111♦1, 1 1,1, �1._rll,,■�Im M 111 .o I1 --1 rale 111a o ■ �i�\1^��,Il�i�� RI� ,ice tlnyg.�� 11 �ar♦1..�I. 'ra_�w=..11 :•_IIIIIGh���l..lr®\� 6_ - �a. ^.Wu1111�■ r � �I�®, ® ' rale modification Area 11� (: ModlDcatbn e 1 "till �■ ■,Rila 11—�a ' I® 1 • mjllllll;�\! . rien ar 99R.11111111T'f1®� . E reel ���_==• NUrbaneofwthAeaboundarie'l 1 I 111�•r ��rJ j �'ILIIIAI�uu- ��I�il a� a�■1�■irifigt IIEISdre r�lua .. ® 1 va■vc� loon r _ iligatr ' ■1/tel 1 ",��r■■■III® I 1�� , 6h •I �au11 I��1 �,�r1 / V W ter Growth Area 1 {6�F�IIL11JIa�_s>•1 I=��A111 \1 . . II ,��CAIN �'nr 1 r rf moi. .1��Si IIrII�n . P ' Ia\� •oldP I'� �.■■'t nn 1�=1,V11=ir.,� ^ _ t _ Water Bodian ■r ■ \AII�It711�II �y n e 1�� r A•�• IP ✓ - �'� Inco rated Areas t. '$SII _, ■ r IC!F'1 .9111 ' .I�!i I�„r��l�{�'1' Rul ,'j _II_Irir,// 1 sl YI 1- ,I �1■ 601351♦W IIIAI ,�,.�..L�= 14"1 t� i _I___ Propoeed City of Spokena Valley ■ 1 ■+ , ��� �' 'IlL j 'Ir ' �� IIaOIIIII '1- '—I1 '..•'. Proposed my outside of UGA -' t=r ■ I d=11.l�I1.-Ir�J. �_ .1 • r -w —til JS. .- a Alii J a I ��� 1 +�`it yy ♦ >„, .0 r+111111 1!1■ ► 1�1 sip— 7, w�l /. �r �— ..:a■u�.a- - ,�1]u-.-lII� �1�-��11Li��� "s`"c ti -r=�� Wanhinaten Sate Boundary Review Boa for Spokane County aura Spokane Valley Inco.paration Study July1001 �, t C 00271 APPENDIX C SPOKANE VALLEY INCORPORATION STUDY ADDENDUMS Addendum 1: August 13, 2001 - Revision to Modification Areas adding Pasadena Park , page 68. Addendum 2: August 13, 2001 — Revision to Table 20, page 64 adding Pasadena Park. Addendum 3: August 13, 2001 — New Table, Comparison of Selected Washington Cities over 50,000 (Table 1: Revenues) Addendum 4: August 13, 2001 — New Table, Comparison of Selected Washington Cities over 50,000 (Table 2: Services) Addendum 5: October 1, 2001 — Revision to Table 20, page 64. Addendum 6: October 1, 2001 — Revision to Table 14, page 53 updating tax figures. Addendum 7: October 1, 2001 — Revision to Table 20, adding service providers. Addendum 8: November 1, 2001 —Addition to Part V: Alternatives to Incorporation, page 63 updating section. Addendum 9: November 1, 2001 — New Table, Comparison of Alternative Boundaries for the Proposed City of Spokane Valley. Addendum 10: November 1, 2001 — Maps of Alternative Boundaries: Proposal within UGA, A, B, C, and D. Addendum 11: November 5, 2001 — Revision of Alternatives A and B. Addendum 12: November 5, 2001 — Revised Table, Comparison of Alternatives with Alternative A with Ponderosa and Alternative B with Yardley. Addendum 13: November 5, 2001 — Updated Table 14, Revenues. 00272 12. Pasadena Park Decrease in boundaries: The Pasadena Park area is a suburban development of single- family homes south of Wellesley, north of the Spokane River and the Town of Millwood. It is within the Spokane County Urban Growth Area, but because of its geographic location and unique identity residents have asked that Pasadena Park be excluded from the incorporation boundaries. In 1990, Spokane County adopted the Pasadena Park neighborhood plan, which residents feel could be compromised if this area is included in the proposed new city of Spokane Valley's boundaries. Statistically, it has 815 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 2,038, about 2.5 percent of the total incorporation population. At 1,100 acres, the area represents approximately 4 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $117,626,460, which is roughly 3 percent of the assessed value for the proposed incorporation. Table 20: Summary ,.. Modification Areas " .u7 w ' ; y , N t ; ° • - iit:' "4t `. %,VaC3Ilt '/u`h'��aN Y g-;;r' �, Land Areau ,.: /° of Total Estimated Estimated`' �.4 t•' F Modification Area: • '(Acres);. "`� Land-Area .:Population Housing,Units Assessed value;, : , '..Land : %o.Seweredr 1. Yardley 802 3.05% 220 88 $139,999,100 35% 100% 2. Alcott 133 0.51% 350 140 $13,339,180 89% City 3. Carnahan 106 0.40% 577 230 $33,807,920 13% 1000/0 4. Ponderosa(A) 423 1.61% 1,367 546 $69,454,471 20% 50% Ponderosa (B) 440 1.67% 1,448 580 $71,601,221 16% 40% 5. 40th Avenue 601 2.29°/a 259 104 $16,943,063 33% 10% 6. East of Sullivan Rd 214 0.81% 75 30 $6,860,970 42% 0% 7. Morningside PUD 9 0.03% 32 13 $2,355,300 38% 100°/0 8. Green Acres 322 1.22°/s 348 140 $18,800,350 23% 0% 9. West - Liberty Lake 348 1.32% 302 121 $13,102,981 88% 0% 10. Otis Orchards 1,027 3.91% 1,150 460 $44,871,900 52% 0% 11. Northwood 582 2.21% 1,646 658 $136,402,308 36% 30% 12. Pasadena Park 1,100 4.18% 2,038 815 $117,626,460 12% 10% 0 0 N Updated: 8-13-01 N Comparison of Selected W. ngton Cities over 50,000 Table 1: Revenues • • • y dQ QNN >O d FNm K yom • JU N w.' d : 2 X. 01141 H. Fte- N3' - NJ. �., ,, .3 .N . N; Bellevue 109,569 $14,980,866,542 $140,798 $1.50 $22,496,594 8.6% $41,929,316 .001496 $23.00/ 4.5% 4.5% 6.0% 4.5% 4.5% 4.5% once Bellingham 67,171 $3,932,604,474 $60,763 $2.34 $11,436,643 7.9% $13,010,120 .0017 $4oa.Da/ 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 4.5% 4.5% 4.5% Everett 91,488 $7,183,712,229 $82,080 $3.60 $25,861,364 8,3% $19,953,018 .001 $10.00/ 4.5% 4.5% 4.5% 6.0% 6.0% No once Federal Way 83,259 $4,717,399,199 $61,257 $1.49 $7,030,723 8.6% $10,302,450 No anau0al 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% No No 5.0% Kennewick 54,693 $2,261,626,148 $42,456 $2.65 $5,983,000 8.0% $8,895,775 No $50.00/ 8.5% 8.5% 8.5% 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% annual Kent 79,524 $6,468,268,324 $88,437 $2.92 $18,897,569 8,6% $20,410,790 No $50,00/ 4.8% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8% 7.8% annual Lakewood 58,211 $2,968,214,814 $46,531 $1.57 $4,648,521 8.4% $4,915,660 No $35.00/ 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 4.9% annual Shoreline 53,025 $3,708,147,323 $69,780 $1.60 $5,933,565 8.6% $4,943,661 No No 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% Spokane 195,629 $8,461,699,950 $44,723 $3.41 $28,871,145 8.1% $28,292,658 No /annual 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 17.0% 17.0% 17.0% Spokane Valley 81,277 $4,317,500,000 $52,588 $1.60 $7,120,000 8.1% $14,311,514 ? 7 7 7 ? 7 7 ? Tacoma 193,556 $9,847,273,062 $56,202 $3.60 $35,450,182 8.4% $30,737,414 .00153 $72'00/ 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% annual Vancouver 143,560 $8,479,116,092 $61,666 $3.26 $27,608,256 7.7% $9,369,395' .00044 $75.00/ 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 14.5% 14.5% No annual $42.90- Yakima 71,845 $3,076,532,870 $46,735 $3.49 $10,738,967 7.9% $10,317,870 No $128.50/ 4.0% 6.0% 6.0% 14.0% 14.0% 10.0% annual Unincorporated 199,135 $10,457,144,756 $52,512 $1.61' $16,836,003 8.1% $22,638,259 No No No No No No No No Spokane County 'Cities that provide Fire and Library services can impose a maximum of$3.60/$1000. County Fire • 'Spokane County also collects a Road Fund tax of$1.91 per$1,000;2000 revenues generated Districts can impose a maximum property tax of$1.50/$1000. Library Districts can impose a $19,973,146 county-wide of that$8,246,425 was generated in Spokane Valley. maximum property tax of$.50/$1000. Cities served by both Fire and Library Districts can impose a • 'The City of Vancouver only collects a one-half percent sales tax;other cities collect a full one percent. maximum property tax of$1.60/$1000. O O 2V p Comparison of Washington Cities Over 50,000 Table 2: Levels of Services f »,, p *d µ ,y :- 1 ..st s r t- }x. Y s.^` is c ^Y. `uj ":.1 >+ s Sb p `l^i' x i ( f.. rr'� h r. `q �,-tf i+' 6 vx''"�'s b 55,. 4 s�r4 . ., t- .i.., � y F 14 7, �,., . , s 7, a, 1, �{ F # F . s ni ' , � , r,4�r ., �z Police,Officers; Date.Of exs , ,r ; >h '2000 , �s- ,LaandrArea Population -Road Miles ,Eire' �R 0 '` e'';1 0000` (`Incorporation rf Name`of•City ;,.•s;,)-Population.,,� (Sq.;Miles) -, }Density=.��within ,City. ,Rating ,� ' .�._,.,;f.: p,•. .".x; ,F 1953 Bellevue 109',569 31.0 3,534/sq mi 365 2 100% 1.56 1903 Bellingham 67,171 25.0 2,686/sq mi 250 3 100% 1.62 1893 Everett 91,488 27.9 3,279/sq mi 294 3 100% 2.02 1990 Federal Way 83,259 21.2 3,927/sq mi 229 3 100% 1.29 1904 Kennewick 54,693 25.0 2,187/sq mi 236 4 100% 1.51 1890 Kent 79,524 29.4 2,704/sq mi 215 3 100% 1.63 1996 Lakewood 58,211 19.0 3,063/sq mi 182 (Fp 2) 100% 1.18 1995 Shoreline 53,025 12.0 4,418/sq mi 175 3 100% King County 1881 Spokane 195,629 59.0 3,315/sq mi 811 3 100% 1.52 4 Spokane Valley 81,277 45.0 1,806/sq mi 420 (FD 1) 60% 1.66* 1884 Tacoma 193,556 49.1 3,942/sq mi 776 2 100% 2.08 1857 Vancouver 143,560 44.3 3,240/sq mi 550 3 100% 1.15 1886 Yakima 71 ,845 26.0 2,763/sq mi 283 4 100% 1.66 Unincorporated 199,135 1,693.0 118/sq mi Fire 60% in 1.17 Spokane County Districts urban areas (0.79 if new city incorporates) *The Spokane County Sheriffs Department estimates that 60% of its resources are used to serve the proposed City of Spokane Valley. Currently, there are 233 commissioned officers; 60% of the commissioned officers were divided by the population and divided by 1,000. 0 0 N cri --c 00276 A y Crit: H it +�� b 1O O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 pa, ia_ma$~0/01.&,„ O c� o r, 0 0 0 0 ri 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 z n A cv.`.1 • 3• `; in 01 M O tO M N 00 en CO N tO N **;;uEJP/�r�/O - M co ri N ri M �t M N o0 Ln M c i ri° ? 0 O O ri r-I M 0 0 0 ct O Co O vim * '�r " 0 00 N I� N tO I - O in 00 O O t0 N -ter F i '�,' r i 01 '' N O Ol M M Ol Ol M �' i,t ''/ ..F, «`4 ° v _ malt- Ol I� r 1 M O Ln O N ri N tO ,{ M O t.n O �t tO Ln O O I— O N • �' t 1. 01 M CO tO 01 01/42C) D M 00 ci 00 t0 r, w:tro^,anitnr"" ;I; aN M M cs r1 to to N oo M lO I� 't't t4,€''•y-r . +v{t ti h M r-t en to I� ci b4 b4 r-1 r-' e M r-i p aSSaSSy :-, ri bR 44 b4 b4 bn• tR b3 b4 ri ,ilt.s th :.4 Sr r AHS r4..'1,iS�Iu b O O to O O ri O W in 6uisno}I ,v, co r^ in 00 O M ci N lfl Ln c-i ci N in in c-i c-{ lO 00 pawguwTnsg tf lTOT EI(IOS N. N. oo al Ln N00 N o to CO liCi, i.tiT.,.. r. a'•' O o to in IN. M Nt O Ln t M a EUII $ N M Lf1 M N M M t.0 O p } 3 <, ri ri ci ri N 0 O 0 O O O O o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y5,n t igTiM : Ln r1 O r-i N. 01 r 1 en N N ri ri CO d O tf1 '4' to tO N CO 0 N M Ol N r-1 • T'aIy<'pITE'IM O O ri ,-1 N O O ri ri M N '4' sa ; :W t9I�4o %a : - ..rSai, ' N M t0 en O ri 0 N 00 I- N 0 7- \ r y� O M O N Nt O c1 N �7' N co O '2•2:4•-•(..-..,'',---::"•k > w` 00 ,•--, Nt Nt to N M M O in ri raay•pugq • ri r a) .t.-4,:1/44.-°'.(.7 a J z a ,-- 'tee rd e °,r° y It- f v �. rd Q+ � t ✓ 4ii D ir 'd rdW N ;� ,-d 4J -0 fd 0 -- rd g r r rd w: X544: , ' 3 at � �"rts N 0cri 0 g -- Ql v a U 0 N 0 ,r-i g ) 9 41 6 'd O >✓r 4 ' ?"1 N • �Oi cd C Hazy= <0 o w ILI,QITEJT�IpO .` riC-initLri to I� ao ai r ci o. 5 00277 Table 14: Revenues Available to the New City (Revised October 1, 2001) _revenue;$ource " ;. a cl ° ,R 2001,"+" 1 2442; r1r.t11::2 66 3 CM #-i'M 4teaffiMiti5MG, Property Taxes $7,120,000 $7,309,600 $7,501,096 $7,694,507 $7,889,952 Sales Tax $14,311,514 $14,669,302 $15,256,074 $15,866,317 $16,500,970 Criminal Justice $1,036,694 $1,078,162 $1,121,288 $1,166,140 $1,212,785 Franchise Fees $385,000 $404,250 $424,463 $445,686 $467,970 Gambling Taxes $875,000 $875,000 $875,000 $875,000 $875,000 Admissions Tax $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Building Permits $894,890 $939,634 $986,616 $1,035,947 $1,087,744 Planning Fees $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 State-shared Revenues $2,112,012 $2,132,287 $2,152,757 $2,173,424 $2,194,289 Grants $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Fines and Forfeits $1,501,575 $1,516,591 $1,531,757 $1,547,074 $1,562,545 Interest Earnings $175,000 $180,250 $185,658 $191,227 $196,964 Total Revenues $28,636,685 $29,430,076 $30,359,709 $31,320,322 $32,213,219 „Tourism,; fir,<V n '` r ' W2001''„ T om „2002.. ,,. 4: 2003x` ` a ;M .:.2004, `2005„ ,:..,.;_ Hotel/Motel Tax $400,000 $412,000 $424,360 $437,091 $450,204 'CapitalImpievement'. : j .,2001 .`' ~2002 . 1. t; 2003 '% t' 2004 '1005.S2.(2. krterial Gas Tax $596,820 $602,549 $608,334 $614,174 $620,070 Real Estate Excise Tax (ft 1/<%) $845,798 $879,630 $914,815 $951,408 $989,464 Real Estate Excise Tax (2nd 140/0) $845,798 $879,630 $914,815 $951,408 $989,464 Total Capital Improvement Revenues $2,288,416 $2,361,810 $2,437,964 $2,516,990 $2,598,998 Special levies and property taxes for Fire District No. 1 and the Spokane County Library District are not included. Summary of Modification Areas Assessed �"� >r 4 s v sa t y� •. of Est Est Value_ Modification Area `Acres Area Pop • DUs . ($100 . Urbane %:Sewered'6,Water.' Firer? 1. Yardley 1,013 -3.55% 220 88 $139,999 35% 100%-City Spokane FD 1 2. Alcott 158 -.50% 350 140 $13,339 89% 100%-City Spokane FD 1 3. Carnahan 127 +.44% 577 230 $33,807 13% 100% SCWD 3 FD 1 4. Ponderosa(A) 563 -2.14% 1,367 546 $69,454 38% 50% SCWD 3 FD 1 Ponderosa(B) 506 +1.77% 1,448 580 $71,601 44% 40% SCWD 3 FD 8 5. 40th Avenue 626 -2.19% 259 104 $16,943 78% 10% SCWD 3 FD 1 6. East Sullivan 218 -.76% 75 30 $6,860 62% 0% Vera 15 FD 1 7. Morningside PUD 52 +.18% 75 30 $8,161 50% 50% Vera 15 FD 8 8. Green Acres 343 -1.20% 348 140 $18,800 73% 0% Cons 19 FD 1 9. West Liberty Lk. 378 -1.32% 302 121 $13,102 88% 0% Cons 19 FD 1 10. Otis Orchards 1,204 -4.22% 1,150 460 $44,871 72% 0% Cons 19 FD 1 11. Northwood 698 +2.45% 1,646 658 $136,402 46% 30% PPID 17 FD 9 12. Pasadena Park 891 -3.12% 2,038 815 $117,626 36% 10% PPID 17 FD 1 0 0 tv ao -1 i 00279 Alternative Boundaries for the Proposed City of Spokane Valley The Boundary Review Board has received testimony that it consider several modifications to the boundaries of the proposed City of Spokane Valley to better meet its objectives. These requests include: 1. Exclude Yardley 2. Exclude Alcott 3. Include more regular boundaries for the Carnahan area 4a. Exclude the Ponderosa area north of 44th Avenue 4b. Include the Ponderosa area south of 44th Avenue 5. Exclude the area near 40th Avenue 6. Exclude the area east of Sullivan Road 7. Include the entire Morningside PUD 8. Exclude the Greenacres area 9. Exclude the area west of Liberty Lake 10. Exclude Otis Orchards 11. Include Northwood 12. Exclude Pasadena Park The Board also received recommendations from the Spokane County Engineer for minor changes to road right-of-way, easements, and service area requests. After reviewing these requests together with the factors and objectives of the Board and consistency with the Growth Management Act, the Board will select areas for further analysis. The staff has prepared several draft alternatives including various modifications to the boundary. For each alternative, the population, land area, population density, assessed valuation, sales tax generated (if applicable), and service providers are described. After the area outside of the Urban Growth Area was removed, the percentage of change for each alternative was calculated. Summary of Modification Areas 1. Yardley Area The Yardley area is an older industrial and commercial area immediately east of the City of Spokane including the area in the incorporation proposal from Havana Street to Thierman Road, Rutter Parkway to Interstate 90. The area is designated as the Urban Growth Area of the City of Spokane and is included in the City of Spokane's water service area in the Spokane County Coordinated Water System Plan (1999) and within the City of Spokane's sewer service area in the Spokane County Wastewater Management Plan (1996). Urban services to the area are currently provided by Fire District 1, Spokane County Library District, City of Spokane water and sewer, private solid waste collection, and Spokane 10/30/01 1 8 00280 County for most other services. The sewering of the area and road reconstruction has recently been completed. The Yardley area is 1,013 acres (3.85% of the total proposed city) and has an estimated population of 220 with approximately 44 registered voters. The area has an assessed valuation of $139,999,100 with estimated local sales tax revenue of $1,400,000. The Board has received public testimony and exhibits regarding the exclusion of the Yardley area from the incorporation boundaries. Representatives of the City of Spokane requested that the area be excluded because of its identification in the City of Spokane Comprehensive Plan and Spokane County Growth Management Plan as the Urban Growth Area of the City of Spokane; the area is designated to receive water and sewer service from the City of Spokane and has for many years; the City of Spokane has signed an interlocal agreement with Fire District 1 for a transition of fire protection services and revenues upon annexation; and exclusion of the Yardley area would have no impact on Fire District 1 and would create a buffer area between the City of Spokane and the new city which would allow property owners and residents the opportunity to decide which jurisdiction to join. Representatives of Fire District 1 and incorporation proponents requested that the Yardley area remain within the boundaries of the new city because of the loss of revenue to Fire District 1 if it were annexed to the City of Spokane; it would create irregular boundaries in that a County island would be created; and if the area were annexed to the City of Spokane, Fire District 1 service delivery would be impaired. Public testimony to exclude Yardley was received from: John Mercer, City of Spokane Planning Director Bobby Williams, City of Spokane Fire Chief Public testimony to include Yardley was received from: Mark Grover, Fire Chief, Fire District 1 Tony Lazanis, Proponent Harold Kellams, Proponent Annette Remshard, Proponent Richard Behm, Proponent Dennis Scott, Proponent Loyd Peterson, Proponent Don Kachinsky, Proponent Laletta Sartain, Yardley resident Cary Driskell, Attorney for Citizen Action Committee Exhibits supporting exclusion of the Yardley area were received from: Exhibit 1: Hank Miggins, Spokane City Manager, September 11, 2000. Exhibit 14: Epifania and Arthur Olson, April 14, 2001. Exhibit 28: John Powers, Mayor of the City of Spokane, August 8, 2001. Exhibit 47: Fire and Emergency Medical Protection Service Area Agreement with the Spokane Valley Fire Department, October 26, 1998 10/30/01 2 00281 Exhibit 48: Mayor John Powers, City of Spokane, August 27, 2001. Exhibit 49: Bobby Williams, Fire Chief of the City of Spokane Fire Department, August 27, 2001. Exhibit 79: Dave Mandyke, Deputy Director, City of Spokane Public Works and Utilities Department, October 19, 2001. Exhibits supporting inclusion of the Yardley area were received from: Exhibit 30: Map from Fire District 1 comparing mileage from Valley Fire Department and City of Spokane Fire Department. Exhibit 39: Vernon Slichter, August 14, 2001 Exhibit 41: Spokane County Fire District 1, August 23, 2001. Exhibit 51: Poll of residents in Yardley and Alcott areas. Exhibit 59: Laletta Sartain, September 5, 2001. Exhibit 69: Updated poll regarding Yardley and Alcott areas. Exhibit 70: Cary Driskell, October 2, 2001. Exhibit 76: Hutchinson Irrigation District No. 16, October 9, 2001. 2. Alcott This 158-acre area is south of 8th Avenue, north of approximately 16th Avenue, and west of Carnahan Road, adjacent to the City of Spokane. It contains a large gravel mining operation, vacant land, and a pocket of residential land uses. This area together with the area south of 16th Avenue to approximately 33`d Avenue is designated as the Urban Growth Area of the City of Spokane and is included in the City of Spokane's water service area in the Spokane County Coordinated Water System Plan (1999) and within the City of Spokane's sewer service area in the Spokane County Wastewater Management Plan (1996). Urban services to the area are currently provided by Fire District 1, Spokane County Library District, City of Spokane water and sewer, private solid waste collection, and Spokane County for most other services. The Alcott area is .6% of the total incorporation area and has an estimated population of 350 with approximately 87 registered voters. The area has an assessed valuation of $13,339,000. Because the Alcott area and Yardley area have the same service providers and designation in the City of Spokane and Spokane County Growth Management Plans, much of the public testimony and exhibits refer to both areas. In addition to the public testimony and exhibits listed above, the Board has received letters from the Carnhope Irrigation District requesting that the entire District remain in the proposed incorporation boundaries (Exhibits 2 and 75) and one from an Alcott resident fearful of annexation to the City of Spokane (Exhibit 6). 3. Carnahan The Carnahan area is a hillside residential area with the portion south of 16th Avenue in Fire District 8 and the portion north of 16th Avenue in Fire District 1. It is all within the Urban 10/30/01 3 00282 Growth Area designated by Spokane County. The boundary line between Fire District 1 and 8 is not easily followed as it does not follow roads or other readily identifiable physical features. In some instances, the boundary line uses parcel lines between houses. The Carnahan area between 16th Avenue and approximately 19th Avenue is part of one of these residential subdivisions: Devon Ridge Planned Unit Development, Heather Park plat, or Valley View Hills plat. Urban services to the area are currently provided by Fire District 1, Spokane County Library District, Spokane Water District No. 3, private solid waste collection, and Spokane County for most other services. The Carnahan area south of 16th Avenue has 230 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 577 and contains 127 acres, approximately .48 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $33,807. The Board has received public testimony and exhibits regarding the addition of land south of 15th Avenue to better define the new city boundary. Spokane County Engineers requested in Exhibit 68 that the area be expanded to include the area east of Carnahan Road to Thierman Road extended including these subdivisions: Devon Ridge PUD, Heather Park, and Valley View Hills. The reasons for this request were to use a more defined boundary, which would facilitate road maintenance requirements. Representatives of Fire District 8 in Exhibit 63 requested that the Carnahan boundary remain the same as that of Fire District 1 to prevent the new city from dealing with more than one Fire District and avoid the potential loss of revenue to Fire District 8, which would adversely affect the entire District. 4. Ponderosa The Ponderosa area is defined for this proposal as the area south and west of Dishman-Mica Road and within the Urban Growth Area. As such, the Ponderosa area is bi-sected by the proposed new city boundary at 44th Avenue which is the existing boundary separating Fire Districts 1 and 8. The Ponderosa area is a forested residential area of half-acre or larger lots with single-family homes. Less than half of the area is sewered with plans by Spokane County to connect the area to sewers in 2014. Urban services to the area are currently provided by Fire Districts 1 and 8, Spokane County Library District, Spokane County Water District No. 3, private solid waste collection and Spokane County for most other services. The Board has received public testimony and exhibits from residents to either include or exclude the entire Ponderosa area within the incorporation boundaries. Both Fire Districts 1 and 8 requested that the boundaries remain as proposed to prevent the new city from dealing with more than one fire district and prevent the potential loss of revenue to Fire District 8 eventually adversely affecting service delivery to the entire District. 10/30/01 4 00283 This area north of 44th Avenue has 546 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 1,367. At 481 acres, the area represents approximately 1.83 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $69,454,000. This area south of 44th Avenue has 580 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 1,448. At 506 acres, the area represents approximately 1.92 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $71,601,221. The Board received the several exhibits requesting that the entire Ponderosa area be excluded because the neighborhood would remain intact, the fire district service would not be disrupted, the area receives adequate services from the County, and 32nd Avenue would create a logical boundary (Exhibits 9, 10, 17, 22, 38, 61, 64, 65). The Board received one exhibit asking that the area north of 44th Avenue be included (Exhibit 50). Public testimony did not address the Ponderosa area directly; however fire chiefs from Fire Districts 1, 8, and 9 requested that the Fire District 1 boundary be used to facilitate dealings with the new city (Exhibits 37 and 63). 5. 40th Avenue The area east of the Dishman Mica Road and south of 40th and 32nd Avenues is predominately undeveloped and agricultural with some scattered residential. It is not sewered and is not within the Spokane County 20-year sewer project priorities. In addition, other urban infrastructure is not available or planned for the area. Urban services to the area are currently provided by Fire District 1, Spokane County Library District, Spokane County Water District No. 3 serves a small portion with private wells serving the rest, private solid waste collection, and Spokane County for most other services. Statistically, it has 104 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 259. At 626 acres, the area represents approximately 2.38 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $16,943,063. Spokane County Engineers requested in Exhibit 68 that the Sun Acres Estates east of Evergreen be excluded to facilitate road maintenance and County service delivery. The Board has received a request to include the area (Exhibit 27) because it is in the Urban Growth Area; and a request to exclude the area (Exhibit 33) because it is not urban in character, cannot develop as urban until infrastructure is in place specifically transportation and sewering, there are no plans to provide infrastructure, and its inclusion would have an adverse impact on residents of the Midilome subdivision to the west. In addition, a petition of 68 Midilome residents (Exhibit 55) was submitted that stated that the development of the property at urban densities would have an adverse impact on the neighborhood. 10/30/01 5 00284 6. East of Sullivan Road This is an area south of 24th Avenue and east of Sullivan Road that includes vacant and sparsely developed land. Services to the area are currently provided by Fire Districts 1, Spokane County Library District, Vera Irrigation District No. 15, private solid waste collection, and Spokane County for most other services. Sewers are not available in the area and are not a part of the Spokane County 20-year sewer project priorities. The area is considered for exclusion because of the non-urban uses and lack of urban services available to the area. The area has 30 housing units on large lots within its boundaries and a population of 75. At 218 acres, the area represents approximately .83 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $6,860,970. 7. Morningside PUD This 52-acre area includes 30 existing housing units in two phases of a three-phase development. The area is located in Fire District 8 and was not included in the original proposal; Spokane County Engineers requested in Exhibit 68 that the entire area be included to facilitate road maintenance and County service delivery. Urban services to the area are provided by Fire District 8, Spokane County Library District, Vera Irrigation District No. 15, private solid waste collection, and Spokane County for most other services. The area is partially sewered with the balance of the area outside of the Spokane County sewer project 20-year priorities. The Morningside PUD Phase One is sewered and has 13 housing units and the second phase, Viewmont at Morningside has 17 housing units with a total population of 75. At 52 acres, the area represents approximately .20 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $8,161,300. 8. Greenacres The Greenacres area includes the area west of Hodges Road and east of Henry Road from the Interstate on the north to approximately 8th Avenue on the south. The area within these boundaries is predominately vacant and agriculture with low-density homesites. Urban services to the area are provided by Fire District 1, Spokane County Library District, Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19, private solid waste collection, and Spokane County for most other services. It does not have sewer service and a portion of the area south of Appleway is included in the Spokane County sewering plan for 2015; the balance of the area is not planned to be connected to sewers within the next twenty years. This area has 140 housing units on large lots within its boundaries and a population of 348. At 343 acres, the area represents approximately 1.3 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $18,800,350. The Board received several requests to exclude this area along with the area directly north to the Spokane River (Exhibits 32, 35, 36, 43, 44, 46, and 62). Reasons cited include a request by the City of Liberty Lake to honor the growth management planning process it 10/30/01 6 00285 has begun and allow the area as a buffer; to preserve the natural neighborhood; because it provides a logical service area; and its rural nature. Public testimony included a presentation of a petition of 27 property owners and testimony from the City of Liberty Lake regarding the development of its comprehensive plan. 9. West Liberty Lake The portion of Greenacres within the Urban Growth Area south of the Spokane River and east of Hodges Road was requested to be excluded from the incorporation boundaries because of the rural nature, vacant land, and proximity to the City of Liberty Lake (Exhibits 32, 35, 36, 43, 44, 46, and 6). A portion of the area is included in a development proposal that is also included in the City of Liberty Lake (Exhibit 43). The area within these boundaries is predominately vacant and agriculture. Urban services to the area are provided by Fire District 1, Spokane County Library District, Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19, private solid waste collection, and Spokane County for most other services. It does not have sewer service; however, a portion of the area south of Mission is included in the Spokane County sewering plan for 2015; the balance of the area is not planned to be connected to sewers within the next twenty years. Statistically, it has 121 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 302. At 378 acres, the area represents approximately 1.44 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $13,102,981. 10. Otis Orchards A part of the Otis Orchards community within the Urban Growth Area was included in the incorporation boundaries. The entire Otis Orchards community extends east to Idaho and is not within the Urban Growth Area. The included area is predominately vacant with a mobile home park along the Spokane River east of Barker Road. Urban services to the area are provided by Fire District 1, Spokane County Library District, Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19, private solid waste collection, and Spokane County for most other services. It is not served with sewers and the County has not included the area in its twenty-year sewer project priorities. In addition, other urban infrastructure is not available or planned for the area. Statistically, it has 460 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 1,150. At 1,204 acres, the area represents approximately 4.58 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $44,871,900. The Board has received exhibits requesting that the area be excluded because of the logical boundary of the Spokane River, the Otis Orchards neighborhood would not be divided, and the Inland Paper Master Plan could be completed in one jurisdiction (Exhibits 16, 21, 43). Two speakers asked that the entire Otis Orchards neighborhood be included. 10/30/01 7 00286 11. Northwood Northwood is a suburban development of single-family homes and apartments on a wooded hillside north of Wellesley Road and west of Argonne Road. Urban services to the area are provided by Fire District 9, Spokane County Library District, Pasadena Park Irrigation District No. 17, private solid waste collection, and Spokane County for most other services. A small portion of the area is served with sewers at this time with the rest of the area scheduled to receive sewer service in 2003. Northwood has 658 housing units within its boundaries and a population of 1,646. At 698 acres, the area represents approximately 2.65 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed value for the area is $136,402,380. The Board received public testimony from Fire District 9 regarding the negative affect of removing this area from its service area on the rest of the District and the longer response time from Fire District 1 (Exhibit 37). In addition, Exhibits 5, 31, 77, and 78 requested exclusion from the incorporation proposal because of the adequate level of services being provided, logical service area for Fire District 9 with a closer fire station, and suburban nature of the area. 12. Pasadena Park Pasadena Park is an older country-like area of large lot single-family homes south of Wellesley, north of the Spokane River and the Town of Millwood. Urban services to the area are provided by Fire District 1, Spokane County Library District, Pasadena Park Irrigation District No. 17, private solid waste collection, and Spokane County for most other services. A small portion of the area is served with sewers at this time with the rest of the area scheduled to receive sewer service in 2002 and 2006. This area has 815 housing units and a population of 2,038. At 891 acres, the area is 3.39 percent of the incorporation area. The taxable assessed valuation is $117,626,460. The Board received public testimony and exhibits from residents requesting that the Pasadena Park neighborhood be excluded from the incorporation proposal. Reasons cited include the adoption of the Pasadena Park Neighborhood Plan by Spokane County in 1990 which residents felt would be compromised with a new city. Other reasons include the logical boundary of the Spokane River and the fact that Pasadena Park is somewhat isolated geographically from the rest of the Valley. Residents also felt more connection to the Town of Millwood than the Spokane Valley and satisfaction with the services currently provided (Exhibits 11, 13, 14, 45, 53, 67, 72, 77, 78). 10/30/01 8 ' i f ,1 4 1 C Ixd�I.I_ f -11,' � l l l l h._i i ! 7 I I' 1- 1 I r, R ;� a � � ill } ill , 4 �� r i 1•1 l .k)k 111} r-a I ^1 a E t1.-b-,,:y.i u k E ,' as 0s 4 -,.' 7 ✓ r}- \ 11 r x f Pro oeai-,1 - UGA�"� i } 2 t rrl N " t `J' r. T A a I. r<4 mp I adftt II � , { fi 'r6101$411. ' i Y �M ��f $ I II 7 1 1 )� � p k 4°� ono q6 _ Jzr Y-111:4(iit e �F'H. 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"aAe } a'Y a l"f4YR >r { ra M }"'�1 a a a '*r '�fri � , ''4 i, ^ !lilt,s 1s t ' ,. r ( ,v,,{�e� —_ 6�t - y dlr } �{�j� � �1 � a, c �t x T F',11-77 #_�.. e.l Ir _ ���,i"9p, rd Al ..r:I'� ,,C,.}.4'� m'I° '' 11.- SY ..I v �$ rdV dY 51e*2s1t4}r` A SI' VO r�111 d wi` f ;'{ 'iµ+�{1y;.,e r �r', n ae7.�l�: r R.4 v.:1P E4 I. 1_t-� --' AI ._ +9i 5r.,.._;.''�` ,€tu-�a_S:ia ., !.1i 7�� .. . i za ,6 n 14{� ter � '�i'�P^I'"G ' 'i" ' 111601S1,1; ua 1 Il��( if f I.,�J'{� r '�`� 1�� -.�i �wmylyl �l 11/440.:10,1407,111 .sy�{pa8i1'Ytir� cM t n"v--�..8� t�.l.a��� .; R.: . �i r'sv .� ' X15116 1� a1a"a� ° : � i(,r ��� M: 4�F R �I x=R� 6n1 .:I I�u4r1 - y'!'rvt n .. `aw` $ i �� *:.. m4 .1 In � �,.� m 7 L41, r �'. rr s�. s3 t -'� m '' " . 2.5„A°°=i' 'r t5- t ;,' "if t��+ ti,�r I. s[+i l.401: ti,Ii or t l€�yt ; i- ,5;55. a„10,5„� i � t&J,a. ,;:azi.ta Sa i '?i��' M' \1 j : r�. . '�,'`- �y �.� x t� i a , Rug � �r 1 � �� ..a it nqx .,,3 Y 4 0,1 -r1 II, , .._ i,. } is a i 11 oM�„r,11 av n ,,;;a4Ylll@ g i„,,,,, ,,„„:E , p er t�. r ��' ” Ys1 n��.�a�yyr�d�'«,��R�I l Yta=� s, la ,r,� 7i yi I� �'4tl dlrf" '� vF�, �:YiBlim� �I 11 _ t ____ 1 ',: r J r .as mry"`� a qq� i s:frl SII 1 j1"kl ms x _ " .1 a N rl 1 tik.' s-%-,tlfr" t t '.`!r+' �`E �Qn 'a griv 1�i_. ® 1 # H v wa. vu'4 " "'''t '1"° r I :tc 7 w4 1 tits Itl 1'� r t 1 } „ d 1 , I a4u ° .� -a - % +nm ."Lrv"wrrt' +.-� ur h� t a v Ir n.5 r E,1 H < ...v __ ., ^T"obi 4.F j s �4. ,HS, — �� .., I inf aci �'� 7 ,I I,04 "'"II '1 � igl.m : 0 _ _ _ _. 1:.,, t ps ora a .R+ s v n z I II t t f E t � v?' ��s„ a ,'\ f�i_ 1 r.s a1 a. 1:10 ' • JJ MHO pr5.1;444'1111-' o FY ' s Y iti I k ti 1 '' {ur r��u.1, Jfl '.,..n {Cr @'+� L.'.._ - 11 4 a Ito v m � I at 4);"ft : I �a 1„„„}}}74•11Y` g- ; _ 4' m tl a'& " 'TM " . n«. znvaso 1° s 1j44N n pe e st : '+1"rv4 I:M1'I.fiS r a 'Oka.' q S Mill's,:41•17// ath iv R71i a : t C'' �' nrm- F1_ W.Il, m! - a 2 r4.40.71L.0001;44, 4 a i N p - r :'. -- Popmenefgl e17 v. �� 1,. �� 2 c v 't IA '16 I(` 17 �p� Pop Per rCa 1 :$5 M91 ,.: � x"- x - _, ,"1' _-._,l a• A i fey71' . Ars f e RC1/ 2- Y %ofVacaMLend 229% ; v r 1 '� a t. e I =- J I L 11 rnv .9 ,'64 a97",i _ . p a7g" " {u I11.I� 4; Modifications Areae - u (71 "+.L `fs"p%,xr.'itj ,r��_r�61 ,I_ If �:_ _ "/of Orie naiilPropan1100.00% ,v — 4. :iti','n m vrha,� . _�._. T 1-. :: 2.Alcott7 1R'Nn pss�,'d-- S" 1 � - il I a ter�tl �} _ _ l'--- ----r, 'ASR c _Ir 3.Carnahan --.40-06O-col�04, I. ° e. \\ I�3 X _. 1/41/4iparcels\ r 1 �f a , 4.Ponderosa 3t ht d �,"-: • r1.� -L �t� s1'x:; f�l� � P ,- - r_ - 1 n _ M pp a 1 - I - • 5.40th Avenue 1 .+ d4R ra T OO 7.East of gsldeSall m > i P x a it_ , til? N C �' : `�' - 7.Morningelde PUD �� ;�� Y � 1 I? �������:- t �� - r Urban Growth Area d! ii B.Grcenacree �E ',w U�; �g 1 { _ryra�a � �� ^ 'L�I = Water Bodma { ( 9.Waet of Liherty Lela_ 1 'S4 '� e x l J I- I' - w neorpomoee Areas '1�I .,� 10.011e Orchards _- u t _ r C ,'t Modified City[spokene valley — y�}fig 1F Il , _ 1 `'_-, 1t1 6 ; 1� 11.Northwood �`L 1 r 1 -i---: t : T " I a� ___ �nwo T � l "0-� 51� J� ��_ 1 o 12.Pasadena Park 7 r e W \ �4L , A �� � � •.._�� �'�L � ` ° eau 1 r __L; Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokene County Spokane Valley Incorporation Study November 2001 '��4:141.,..4 1 ��nit(' l�4,r5� 1[: Jg ';� j jr y I_ I 1- WI H1.1-L.:1: *Y I _ �t 1NS "1 f L7 tk. rd Y1 a I Cie_} k Ylr i t 1 L I,r+ 1 Ja� Z i L 6rum `? ve3?4 m �! sL 1 �, ;to �,.. r ,� -_� sus te6fu I � ,. {i II F .r,, Al#ernativeAsze ad 'S. .-,� ' ! ° +' L fL ^,� �`'F � .fl'd xck y"'etsuP f.. a f rl. 1 an s axu'� EECr aaa esttI�� JT,7� � .I � � _ {t I , ter 4,10:411;i � , t '411; L --C.'.� fva ���4 aLC4 �3+•k` E 'j ° +F3 s(4t �5 �'%a Mi�e*„g�, a ,,,,7„,„0,0,„, I!_-®^ o' i --1-- -1 'I t�t,l� { ' i V ra:lw46J^. Csac*- r."-nli"" , rl eC "' +1•1511t10,1115{ • t ' _' { 1 �1 11 . . A t- -- �}il a4 41 .rt�a nq 'ft a .i7"x -_--,--5-5r.1M1 ',ns, L� ur^I ,,:M 't Y'^tl , ill]f �> l_ 1',dl�-1 � .i,•x�W -�-,i 1 I u"' rC p� ,v gnu ...,..0„„„....:,,,e.„a^`a 4�"w- \ ~,tef a'F 7,,,t fy tzy '''S* h n / n IBJ awo asl a Imo_. g a ' -- )I 1,111-'./i tr y m l„,,, i,6'�w+ . 1, y 1 a,,, ar Y W sw i 4.111, P 1 dap WM l l "®',. '�" b z- 1 - I 41,N Jd° xe 11 ].d './i _ R 7'LlekGrli 4fi1-11405.,111- ',:1,1,wa r' *s :"I na x tk'11"r •� V' V t 'e,f 1 ___,-.7—_ J wro �M1F i w r 111 h +�`b t� n^ i' 1 uun ... .j''". t`0X5 4 • 1.11•1/211416 .4 ' " 1 n S { a,h *Lr". t, tt` y�y1 m J . 1,,m: 'J- ,� 4 •Cwt 'r�d.11w:try i� l/ 1. F ' F?'k�h ' ^® $ YY r t m."t^- ��' r ,q 's-1"„..941,,,-,c0,,400,111./:- f ki p, .tfs'St r�. µ .ya ,,] 'n^ a z p1 l M IJ ,,ee� gilt-, h r a* -Ze- . /' I , gaDVi s:a n't 4 t A�wi i 114-7.11.:414 m; - 3, 4 ., �y� l hl)� 1----1211_---i '� z_ �ry tl 1 �a4.:;4 t w �.3� +:, s»u'] , t�t sr + '� 1 d€+ {(�.•'�, CS � I x:.o. 4" .,+g. �'rV 'tt 4 I i7^x I41030L64" t ' a 5 ., , a,a 1166 tilt lta I ,c1-1 I ,wr,rv�1�"� E � p 1d �argg sytb, , r o- s +� t„1 sod' iw .' j v.IlIL .✓ � N �401,1($ l Wb 'p ia'va,w 1er,....--1.., a�,i_ par'• t) e ozc ,tt { d �5Y 1k, +J Thr N �., ..' xi^u! StY �I crei.. ...I -±_,-- -` ; g4 y, f-1�y^d3 e 1 1 � a l -B1 }° n 1., b11,,..,d t} Ie 1 - 'y t e M g'N'4, 4zt k J ] 4 L�pp�'j1. '�.�6 Y`I *„7, j9 , "• ,a #pia p f _' ,�"`i S. tic�q..1 II'�' ',,,,, ,,,,4.--cs: u. - 45 4 ,,.I'i'«s,gg g5-41i 4rsJ 7itfigafil� ,ir74m 4 iti' iig1v1,3}Cti 1s �a,, bas t P 1.',;1 our-.,s.k6 5 1 - I,a`aa„ _ a `r5 6a all ?t '� u,rjl; .V i'ti, t.0. t Pad 5'" io 3'v :: '444,24• , eln+ " �1 c«•,Sig 1041 1 4. --11_ 11 of 1 w. C"m ` .. 4• / , .,..T wkk "�... x�,1 # v,i a 4 ;y $£ iccau ai a -w 1,4c r, Ilan La -, , i .1n1-7\r,1 . �, n '4 t..: �a .i. Fr-.','. " rx Jili' C yR r'7 ;k�. rl llnil 4,1;I ePth ilial 'fi y> t o ' 1 :,^9 IIIA441 q 11�' tt �1�*Orn�__al _ eYt --, \,i t-..?; lq4 t..,1;44¢Li c`ttr, �..°1347-'q'.,t1A SMs l;ides"' ii , 'PO Nl=•fSr,� ti n g;l'g�P �i4,010a 1 F,�? 1' '_.,\ I [t`. > lirr-a-p Imo+ iTh. Sa fi 1 d X11' �� ritaI?'?i'S i '"a ,pnl�aaa'taa ` tit V',?gil t2 t aN'�n.-.'oelillk B of ie." 1gii I. < mat k i[rti elr'i�o lm�` 1i . �; �,� ,= iC °Ya�tt r sn,f R-m Mn'Y ¢ „. In I s.. SN4 ie.1"t {�a r 4 � rf I°t19� ` . a..* li s v w "• .. .. o1 My -oiloa IIS „o �I .v '1 h,. A' '4. .,# t1, _,.1„,11424 r e X.'T1 J ,i 7 . R 1 "':I1 .4.: :, „s„ ,. , ! I reo n„i:. ei0 a- IIA xa Ant.�, �tifig.u6 _ wmle : n�i as'ai I ' .:.1 . r '., p'rt : +I ® i ai ll'''I�fia.3 ' :"�Ist 1_._ 4�k({u �'a • S8"ld Pxa ll®® a 1�a � '11l V' 0 TY O p ,F �� i a I � i i A H Y :� ��jJS yry7��yry�,7�p d i 11f {11 .'in w a .: 1 a dy a Av t � dI 1,443 C ��, I.V--^{�pI(L9��1' _ .q F . �r h..„,„ 4 t . dFaa�S. °,% a,..(.n. 6 h li ygL,„1. tisi x,a t44.0+1'h'4� to l ” t6 r t, . �,,,r�'', I I F _ � n' ;.A'. "'” rfu „�ilen. 'Av 1 Col t f m• it togi,o d as, a w 1 , 1::.__-- _ ,6�+.;4, 1r",v ,, i .icIvA d1 M1 ' `' 1- i1/2 +, m aba`�IM1. 6.r : rlirx �' �A,17I11 t� i , ijw � + " , � .C._ I w as 1.,� t r nt+ 'm: .A _.. I °" a 's' �I,,...P ,..,,,...,,,ii. , .....,,,,,,,„I 'hi.1 1i�$ ". 1yf�u tl`€! .'fir 't�x,'.p 41 � _-_—._ _ I .. a _ I p/ I,C�7 r s 4 1 p 'p� k \ IL `_)�' eft'q:.�A,, y`4..�'e{y�'�iyr',.'t-? ",_ FV ..T•11'114.4.14-14.v,•2•14-51.."1.11!4•41111„4;244114,12;5•63, t31i Ya'k`'•1 ' ja' t+ ' ® ' v _ r �t iiiiae d I^�S will- h �ZV�i I �� b (i �' f1 �. l t 10,1,' f rvr l sf �, _�$p$.n n 1- 9ltt Y"{ 'aE ly l d e3 rr6' w l R a Aorca 14-1701 ,1,,, ' darn . �.._ 6 .4.1.1=1, „' n P i^r! r>"r', 'i Ue r 'OCN.k,-f r ° T toaMazian n 99 c p ° w -r 53111 R ; de {I F4: , n ■y, 1.�� !! r P' W l ! ffNA I I h Pop Danaliy 2 2J6 M41. '111/21-- ,Z4d - rr Hili ,-,:t.-7(....:,.y. 5 R f It1',1 ,. . �{ , T' _ tl_ w ) %ot Vaeant Land 100% 1 n^' f{ 'IIP ' x� t � �— f�+a 1� �- �1 � •TAV�34,14917n 07n �'. 1r - Mod(flcatton5 Areas --- .al >xr ? ” € _as', - inv per ca ua Sstl t„,,,, ,,,,,,..„,,,,,,,,),,,,,,,,,,,,ts �1t 161 i.Ya eat1 1 + u M w x ��i( i?; �� :� ,iiiiiii %of Dr:glinipmpoaal40:41%;> '14 u + 5 _ 3.Carnahan _, t1'+ ; , , r' t yJ '.., 1-. , :1:11:;21.\-1., aIl,-Li_�ec -� f, . ,f 1_1 __ _`7. ' ''I" d a 1$7- i. - 4.Ponderosa 4y y ..c fcl 1 {� ': N 1I [ -----4 O f ,1'„ �' ¢�'�; +�4`+,�' S.40th Avenue ' lr llLL. �}` -3--j'� w' I_ _ I Parcels M1 G ll 4atF RI. t 1 � 0 .r+,,y." t >,•M1 - I4 - 6.East of Sullivan a Ii 1 r )1-1 'I I 1 t 1 p Urban Growth Area 1I, ay Ii 1lI 4. l; Ai. .�' k water Bodies 00 _ IN.) w >i> 7.Morningside PUD 4, m 8 I 'k` in- ; 8.Greenacres F-F ypy w r f n A -� - '� � a' 9.West of Liberty Lake .4 ' :',IE r i a',`, J : {y1, �l �1 W Incorporated Areas - kl "l i4relO.Otis Orchards i� II f �1� :1. 9�„Y'1 � 1-'- JJ - _ --- I Lill: r 1 Mod,fied City of Spokane valley • D _ st, 11.Northwood fl- �fp a I r n No tiii I it- QCs �i 12.Pasadena Park 7 ,�_� \w9 , },�+ __r I r i - > t I I j. Washington Stam BoundaryReview Board for Spokane County Spokane Valley Incorporation Study November 2001 a, C 'T�� •a. w ` - v1`y "V p I s1� e e �[ r 4-11, F: w. ,�'' "{ X rr�etet" rx + , C'� )Acta'' ae4 z- ■ IV y, rr1 �� AlternativeBt • `{ 4"JE , .s., -( f • ��`` r�i� ,- I - e a :, .� ,� ,_ , it K.� & 4a f L �ro Y A t l *e �• 1��4:r ` ? u n� r �t w e° vr' ni- � an®® I _ r -1 9'',["l "" ��ku v _ p *k �i ��0 I }� 1. e14�_'+Si'� �.�-!? giant ]f - --1�" 1: pt".l�Rlt�. t e 11 IV f ) 1 �. i \ stag los n r Fn dS �' qP'f' .d4[h l:1 �� 1'�.1 _ f %J ,. iii n,4, .? ai' ��au•'�"4 4M1/4-!td e_..Y i%l �. -,7i,� � a III I. �� --� 7$ ,,.e( ,..m 5v .Qs i - 1. �i wp rl� p� F4 iur'tS1JCp" t t, x'17- r�4L,.-1,.41.113,1,otttcoli. \t I��� +✓�t°�'9a'.', .�®�. � .r� '.�', i y '��.rG - _ 7.,-, ==__ ...-.. , � ___ _.-' i ryhv r at i lily 1 r a�iyv� ttr< '" 4.L .g y C e �p . _ "( H 3 A l�t�beS. i P '�a^�."'i5' 1I ��Ik.P'h'- ��_� ��(-Kft 1 to- . h e t s r a, d hoar srf ewlllS 1�' t r V,--:1 ,',..,./it,,,,, - d _ - . r" -i .ne 1 1i't n 1� tys r sa a • tv ;e f� I�'�1 i3,. .4 i t / ��.�,jy j, s; .._Y. p ,,..A � tiw I "fty I l �YM:.I • poen^ ' N k-Ky- .. �" i i� 4 ( - t p :.. ''in ea 1 1 f' _r i'1 it{fx 4 Wit e y �t t ' is' 4:,a t• e e41 t :rr 11^ ��� ° � 4 1 -ss � J � .. A r�j �.t -t f ... > :.z �R I� is�- � ea It ,� rti.y � r tsw symh wraa� �'. tee= i �'��u 4u Li� �� "o � =I21l.. ,rti. v'r 7" �_F' �, � b�: ] 0� ,�+,����� 3"i oil lC �,�rijIR�`�� �t i id Y � � Edi a} .y '"+b4.: .ill: -dfl � �P q�'. y _ t ..p�kii0 . '✓ r l `Ww.;1.110. n uu l :.PO 411.�7l"jjv �I'a v 51. 'm it 'sok: . . .tYt ""l1 i '�17Ilt'° 1 vll hrecsk5w ,4 it tr �,t r..1. 1111 . �� dl"w it„ul rF"' k1 alll "" t`li1lU.1�" �.d a�"Pi' , Yatrel t.�.:�.W �i'1`i" we".-*:-41.1,44.1---exuw ..._�-lrt Of riti : r “I3' t w r r'k�t 11 r r s w ,,^ j y e " I 4414zt.tf°"u�^hY,,l. :'�0 .+ e. '11''11"At �:4 t .;tell L bar-,L ���. .� ?�i�''f. y� �_ s... lilt:it'��yhk�G�x$�S 8 t�? IH^ �u ����V".lp � i`���ktt di���� �le to!IIEt;'IPIJBrI����y 9at�,� np.�:; '�,. - - � -��'. �P .�. :o wi ti h 2 t a Irl it� ainifr {S it Il. p y . e,t tl i h l,. r -g. ? , i ee 7.1 � Y ! h vje�s ri ilibe w der x9 i11P ll � A a r �'� A �6 q.:Ip. ..� 2q'dan , ■ .?r+ayy'r ` P' eF'd-+ a S'Lw r` ! .� rF ve. �� R� i Yli t, a.d�U Ltl.e u,.d'lu ..f. ,� d'. .. / ..t Y fi $.r N ki%${!'�!"ra,1 E41 11� °!: i'J roti�''• ��„�!� � �:'L`yi m wli r i 1� l r ..�i 2a11 .i111'l� "'IRr t a : t t 1 LFIr {brMiNllq, °r. r pli 1 ����"rU '� '� � � • r _ mii _ r' `. M _ -. .. k��"k.`<� a �rrl. I wlfir�lla. `4' � �i9�i,a 'ex '"It`aJ'I'1'I .?' bgra'" tii ��'''�t�71 tht '`,..1-t.� l( m i� ,I tit® l K'�� f a 6L7d1 '�.• re ia7 ra Irl P $r s dS. lk a c rt r L'{�t(i il.h.. I _r. .. `1 r e Fr Pi a.�� t .].i ilwa,�l� t "d sell r V ke' e .a '':::'71(� _�� �� 1 ',�sititt 'T ei 11,1- � :11 _ f?&}},a nitsyt L p. 'h�yy rM1�1 ii� e,k n r I pt® >5 -"� : P��� ; ��t,_y.i1 ac?t�6�1 tom.. left{...�q� � i.� ,a` 3l{f" inV� 'N` 1�{e � t 9 1�.Jil1S(��yMPsys ir1�.��n e��Le 'L"�c"�"w � � � �. I t?')k y k \.1---- - Yar ii ggi i�.l),„r IY}•r Afifis+ rk'1' I � 4 5.5t-'ci 1 ids":=+< '� kk i.' nIv � ®®� ' +i, a. txl 1� 9'aa ?� i. i f "^t r -G,- - 14;,.'* ` � �y 3: -RP4r �� �- '1"ry['' F.'k L lr' ' @ 1Sk'G�y`` Irr k 3:. _ ��- git-1 f r' (�'� I 111 `__ b t 1,I�N`S� � a % {� tr Vin.. 4�� ,i` C ti.a �; i°u1..w u4� > y �.� +sd .ri ;+i f- C - \-\- if '1 � ' 7�i' r'`E 1i t a� �"ltkr•- i t `�{.v1,e&''''.1-1.1-t? r�£ s r' i_@' Ya. J. Acrc Densly:2, �.I /r �'iq�.:.t p�.rr ), d i 1, JT I " '�XCA` 2g L �-_ hie 4 1 �' S .1 [ z.. rY-111: ; rr . S Sq :SI.:3] I i ` fi �! .. °- }1 rw � ft T q Popula an.80.473 ♦u t J ' 1 Y,rt1 /�14147,4111,14t*:. v Is s� ry.!' 'Y _ t '1p?_ Pop Density:i.l]S TIT M% ti 1 II' � J dtvitt},. 1:.$ 14 '1^ 1 Pj �.Iee y . %of Vacant land II 1% ,4 � f $ r.. a 1 s f � ® l} J -III:" !■. ?AV:54,1691424]6 ��_ pens 1 Modifications Areas t`A '1 t r t _>Q tirTB1 l �g T t o A 333 - -TiV Per Capita:S51.810 �� N 111 I 1.Yardky __. 1- &,y f 's h _ f A mel t WA `i 2.Alcott a 5_ jl s _ e Popo.l:90.2tA Ip .g- it op x�n I. a 4 'r` 1 9.14.11. l yy t x nt - _ --I 015 I{ r t 1-7 d<I i i ' J.Ponder en - ' ' d 9 al A i ,1-2-_,_,-7, - f O i* a .ti i ` -� 4.Ponderosa ___ '2 ¢`'-, a,s " LFtr ;l�I nr 4_.� . - �I �T_ 1- � 3 V II Fi_ " i ,l g ..I_ 5.4016 Avenue a`e ?.Vit 'p 11C W1,. >� A. _-sl ___ A/ putels ` Z�? ytat�144444 r1 ' l "q1'1---_,_ i B.East ePUD n "n' 01 zp' 1�i11 1 1. ,VItji.I 3 -ls�'' 1-:=7.1 CO h➢_.. i 14 4 fA •' 6.Easl of Sullivan C s I� Br1u ��4z l� 1 _S �1� 1-- L",ei"Il j = -1- N Water n Bodwm Area i Y 17. Bgene xi sit ' ;rgesepI f ' "��1r• _ 9.WeslofLibertyLnkeII� 1 I� ',1 (I,y Q TT;{ ��`� +4 InmryontedArceeies La i i�k I'.r! �1': 12.Pa Northwood Park ._...:"1111 �� 1 :.�'� `" .� �� r- 1- ---ET �`� �1 I� I i i 1 LE HAW Li t - "1 ` l \ f^ `,� Modifitd Cityof Spokane Valley 7 f Washington State Boundary Review Bond Cor Spokane Counry Spokane Valley Incorporation Study November 2001 re,.! r m -�- L1 - I ,YuIII k y�#��� I fJ 11 11 a ' tt• 1� Y u 51:0,,.1, ah.. .._,� 1`L. ��f l�ltl■ � 6 . �I , ti�tl i K�I ro Si , - -1 ! � �� Y ap 1. gg*` 'v�i �;. },� thatn,1' r4Pm-Wil.' h' ill _I I. /1 iti 5;��. _ „,, r. , �y� (I' rr y� ' _ 444UUU M 7,A{ternatl eiSii 1 I - n ,€ ,� ■ `c 'i :.. '""r+/ f I- / .� -)• r _I u� ✓iAyyl i1�11J kW'� 1f¢, I�a�IaII j a ^lr.Wa hl^ '� $.xrt'sal I ( r ilr�p§y .� aE I -.P. • ' g t w � i a 7 }a�e°�nx .,�4�c! tor+- l �{( TµII II "y� ;11'..' k a ‘"1-.1-71 t y.fs. � - r 1i°, ` `M1�al���c _(-1 I 1 a .lite Lf H �r -. 1J I 1—11 / {fi f_(( U ��, ' '"r 1."iti^ :■ 9t a'S,fe� ®In Z��s.�_ a "aT-'"' ISr.11��a�` S 5sh �' 1 ' L ]j-, v T 'r_rill I� N� oma:dam :. �e--`ri�rr6N,/�■�Qir✓® e�'��-.� S trxaM(+i 2-IT 1� _ = 1 ri - S ,��,{ / h"�1t att .s inw _ a„yam r I "'q -�fJ�, ( u ha t n 3 iLu =---„,....00:3,1,0'' l d s 'i�: �7 Z",y. .311v4,,„ 4l:1,. 11112.3-- —I- II{.,1 a r l nom.”" � xe .aed° 2 '}'' �'' � d 1 II - r O r n 4'ri•b rtvrtu{ 11,, {p'rr�� Mini is I 4 E .17-1111-21:11 J �u:tW"r ft',.-. ,,1 1e3_ .r n,r�7 rr tk - � 6'�r a � �f® �r (i w" '.S�LYN�G'Se1:'+"yw�• �i1 r a ♦,tr / /' � ""� "•444)11-1-1%3;00,t. t•.��.,��� d+Mh• 1 ' �E ■aslf' _ t uw-1®,*-ur tf wY T� rye / y a �� ,� e ,YFT> '+.tr' .1a_.� G.: rIILr9i rA nr� 1. b Y ✓ &%.- Arra r �. ^Saf 3� �_ v t r t C'1. 4 =I t•0'0, . _r.tla • IF:L 9 1 al e rirt nrrt.e�y�{�r�_.14,51r ....4., ..r--......7.2::_,-'‘‘.2: O/ a /r'��Qa I •>aC i. t_ _— ✓ /'� I I, tl' € 3, . T 3`/ff a 55ey y cy Indn, (xn [•. m { i I titil gri n 1 ^I4 9. t' ." 1' a -�1 � d.,.ih -� L'®n, `..� (s8 I¢ SPd 1 - F :. } (l Sc .,.., „x,p■e 09 a 4y 3 r3' �l1u i- i 1 r tMa� 1 0 .,.. �l�/ ¢ $ I rr,2 '� a. nu w ;y." � .. � �ERSIP }�Ul`u Fa:,,,ka cin, i, .7- , .t-sO rn„ wt ,�i , 1_-.43, •�tl 1 i 'Csl t"® z�.��.�■llt;:4,` tl,:i rtil " r .5e ; g 1&.!ua�•ii �l{ ;it}�'3v ,^� ,...'Ia�il = P '3♦`GMf, r � M i Fa 'r 4.;.i. —.,_ ,1'ii 4' I=- 3 , % 11 � I _!r .7'a�ac'" `-r 3 �ti lm i i �' ��.Lr.1y�7���{'*��Y�',3 t�,ry'� k�gl(�r g� eg4 4, k -n' nv Cit Of i cad" ., vin S ii psi' },k i a . '+ § a �Y�.W !®paim.4 --w„j t, Y-'(N.�, .�„f,tl,I + ten t ';� sr- •-, a ;-- ..-,d- W _�it- att`thIT flat? 1` d«� ur11Pa+ 111{A pIrdi.,,^4i`.Ir 103 e"'-y4f'rillrp��rallf'a:lij BiI. {V.A4':�a i`Alelri.r- \- _J)lbCCty.k �1r, 1 n l if gias3,''h� rixi: `x•til'a lx la'gu Y. ,�[�:A x e }' r :31{3' '� I j^�,s- !L. /�� i‘ y}i '4„ i 16V hFa�Ale I @Ib 3•s ClR r I" �' Pr` l�° �I r � r A7. IT'S - l,■ kr x-C i j3 ., i -c Ir atn M t711va niYl� r t ,rs a�j Y• �_ ._ 4 d � `� '.. .tea. t �- e �� l o �e��., r ,a dotiii&ISI■ IM !4(+''�bo6 r0i ¢ '14"NIAB� _ C r ��r f r 2„.,k4-"I"' as. a � a-:s`{r �1�'s l {ate t IL ,�,I.}h � a�r ml�®7.�.'�{•t'7:II W8U �'� �� _ G.'a. ',.?...r..., -S-»_ An ' {4 _r } Ythmia dl: °Ie9 r3' n T'? Qal ;1 {IL'd� l R ' m rt $ E. y I y 1 f" w 8. a <a .oy ¢r!� Y; r Fu rd s d . n ' i'++�^-a `.J,ie� ®91f aur 11a I1C., t m�IfI1111k0 ■■a$l1 a' L-,._ }' . e r r t t. 4 I', A444i ri ii. tS r u PN 5.--1 e 1I 'r k r,°,�° 1 v ke ubs i i +, . ,Y}' ,h4, i , i .r"k•1#�r(`yruy r t' ' r L'II f ,.._- ( td l=rJ. a^ .iA' a'{"lu,;;, t . xa. wry uu 7 ,,u { 1. �If1F ♦ s N i TT `z n. k' r r p Ys ,4 `{+ f ,k '' S i 3nxnm j I, h 7r1' St 4 rS i 'i �" �„ }{y+he,J s � ]i � 1 �a r}'-. wf Sr t E' c2 * rA 1 Ilai �°Ir,d .b of '' Wiwi. )=- J t.' i .d,, ,t.t',4)11" �tl. 28® y nr Itt.F � t3t all r k F W F� Id pit I IS r�;�1�+ .•x� / r +, _ [_- V - •S,ar S. "1ti 'W''4 T y1,,fG ; �tl - t I hyl, wl .14.,,,, , tag ' 4 f^ - �� 1 13 Fv.vt r,.. 14 a-1 t d f?- b H ,yi : -i ° !'"•ii.C, 11'f 1..,- ;. �. _ m] 1 tl f� ` �W .Wv..a 6iI tr lir 3s 1°"�°F"� 1,� ' `Fl� n.I1P i1 mol 1 p .� Acrcs.24,179 t 'r'im's I .x. S g µ�„„ E-fa�. 1�+, E {' n rc Sa' R-' � .w. 3 7 " 1 t. 3 ar '` a r T d� t 'mF. 4 .41A.�i an: r; Sq.Matioo: .1 .r 1 1I�1 _"'. kT'IIJ I r 'jt�,f'®' 11;1 b fi ♦ - �l. _' oP tion R3 136 M ! te 'j ci+v :5�t r ,v.it t Denei 2247 of 1 __ , 1 u w,3 r+' 7{ i Lit- 1pi ty T 0. + rP( +yftl _ -L-�C4�. . t--- _ -i . '1'1 4°W� 1 s -{- N -_' W of VsanlLmd to 6% ' J r 8 -V , 1 11 �R,�a d S r ° w _ _-. 1 t1 4'F°� r takat � _. l �. r TAV S4,337,747.306" _ 4'1 Modifications Areas7 3; I TAV Poa v7 ./ tith { ¢ a zl ,_ 1.Yardle , {,. 3 s i ig ._ It cr: %erOrgmalPropnael co.Pa% ii,TviiZ t 2.Alcott - \ r q r_i t o w _ • w V tt 1 z ' lacy IJ - � irL r i is�r"L 3.Caroaban _-_ ."{ 7�� Ai y ( , Li 1 -_ - 7 7$ .', gii, �, _ ....- 4.Pond Avenue a a rr1 - 4.Ponderosa i r��g ^ 1 Ds �I� i11 . �� � 'W�a!I M i., 3� v }y x� y, r 44j y 5 15 t I I . O Ps Y ri !1 - 1 `s:4p e�_ 9berty Lake _ S _ 00� S1.North ood _ -��� _. l : 11 Ir bu Modified City of Spokane Valley ,�T. 1A ...,IyyL `/ N V L. li', 12 Paeadeea Perk .__. Z... r �I\, I - --lr J u t I. Washington State BoundaryReview Board for Spokane County Spokane Valley Incorporaton Study November 2001 �# . ns yi � _7I&Tl = I L� lit L �I r � � rw;•` ® mss! — \ 7� 11I� °01, vo �' [ 1.,•.A— sl IIr�} f 1 �4 `C t{�I,i gb..• ff _ �y it it' ii ;Mort 1 4 ti . .:. Yk 'pNylla e5 r s, `I +� � li - � LA'Ite[nsiveD - - 4 i�,y�.1,Fn 1 u _n i1 , rn rAn�kit"),Ar t ir- C 1_ _ 1 _ ry� T. 1 T \Y" . , ` Ihs a+!bM jvma ,- 2 1 - -_ T ,a� li 14 r ar \,.. n4. �fiiQ®Q1 ( �i �od (+ - 'I [ 1 7�. rill, ba'r'�tS ie'1 - ' ��rccllr �r� '�. ie e.A,.-^I 'II e� Ii � i >mrf k) yr� .} '- _ F' al i.`1,Ytt II \` jjBBli1,'@t-' �unY @@@ 5� l Wc Sf. ,- >f __I / i! !�I d, a 1 'mr!` t A � a. +yP" �, w , `U`- I� 1,��'__/.._ e1E { !r r � } - ! r � \ uu ,�n�� fr� i N4I- AIt4r Y „ !Q i,;,�,n9 "11 ua � 'w'r °. I e ! , rl.l ll . �y.�va ua' yl`ill /�µ�- i {"10`y'^' !',y Ny'S h f4. vi11� ill Y�v" 111 /�{ ®u 1� 1 1 A! , pg Ia q �' t.rifvi «, } a b`4�.,a ", j t'a'rs \\'d'2..il 4,s/ (IlkP4Yf J„�a c £� 1 a! � t m1 Y ,' „ •�' .. 4 __ ���r�+ri1 ~'41 l 1w�' n.r� I 3i _y�pf sI �- iddlh° .dr, '7 k'C.I f`4 1' vr �, r. }�' 9 r� blbui l,lil - `:7. r-:. . !rPux �S ii '�r4�"rj rl' aywng n v l . a e�i�ky_ �.� : .,� i �F'• ai, ull,. /\ 1hn1 I r+ �.: �g `-_ � °' �.1 � c .a Ik' ' ,µ! nls'. }k'ir 4r ,.®:Ifr.:4i iyla�I I ,,V\ ". �,. a tt ., 1 Sire— i Sg` k,{ d.i-'r .rR'1 IS-t l gg I py tY •1• � y� � -: +r I®f viv it i n i f+ '�t7't� . 11 ]§ 4� Ea�, M1: PJ :4 r yd • P! .,..r am i vew �- n, - a. ,;+ . 4,it"Ri ii°rl�teoli lk .. �#u � 6PS11 ; til.4 , .j.� 4 'Inr0iF ho14m- 'N -1- • C •`.,•t2 � �a Wim� a'!.tioe n � -. ,,tmitAtiosal: au 4tOtj `'i� 5 'e-® m -IIIk.++- 1.‘,..„.41;l �j€.„siu LII IS:1-Ari. -I-- L .5-11r,"erty.Lak P.P!�. �{IEmlJi4 `_ .T F , pEpix4, soli ._'ten ttctit v-�: I N iN` 3t ,iso t...., IFll Riot 7 ,5itiAg, F /r 11 h.Jn1 r + 1 �[' F �i 1 ib' 1�Tml ni 11Y lR� todl.,w1018 • -'_' �' i-- i._ q r i'me a rr r J �� $litt .L3 z3 s♦'e'.., "'4 t d1 1r"� -�v•3 a w v y r W � z �Jr .v: 1 : 1h* 4 e u�� I R ,t1 , _ e " .. >�i �r 'd't4�` °mo- n�,'' n m. � ' p. � o® y� �>;dq btl�� 11i� I�IiIPk? -` ucn 1811{! � drill 1- . �_ rs"d F9� ;'t r eCpL,A�L �iiiSt�. 4 yc..,7 It 'T� �`�`�' 3�f " 1�1'>r4 ,y o CmattdA *e _r]fl�llfCh'R�y73: --f_. ,-j ur a6 u i ly �-.. �{tia`i � �i klitl � `tige,- -4�ra.>S.N$'�iT �IP rd1't ��� I I Jr. r: -� _ �"q ,*'. U� T nP ti it wii enc r f 811 ,Hie dill flr'nr V-i'sn�r C-- _ r y o-i r ag ',1, til®t1 n'ie,i `.ce. E__- 2 2: cr' � s ��'2},, ''„+ar F�2 H"2,2m l:Hierill , aj c _ _ . Balli ® '�• /x . 4 u C q""al vM 1 r �'` �le.�"T'�'o-4�j, it! �n r �r a P�7iT tn.., �w = _ II, a it ' �' '6h1t � Fy — _ - \ _ 011 Mild I ai fl V L ry h x -a�h f r r C u ri d 44;(11/4M11,61111‘6304 rii r y u j hpo f{{FF� or`" 'S'� I-�_. - Ih., s ntf ria ' �k��t d (_ _�� Aare! 253499 V } kC Blit otitis' l 1 0( ,. A 1 4 lat ! _ kl „' ` - It[t 1 _ 1 I 8YI11 la sq Mnea3Bk .��;;,,� �JF 'Al I. w ",� S� t Its"`.V'1'i 34 M.4 �r w d' ! ( 1 � Population:83 706 ,r1 e 1,.- _11..� _ '�'..�� Z ��`` 5 L 1 ..b '� a �...,Icliff� 1� 1 %of Vacant Laud:1 A.4% . vMol ft' '' 'I :, ""P�= Modifications Areas - i zi F r ' 1 _� rev 64,508,677,306 , - �5 s8 II I _. .v, -�1 < a p a� t{- , 1 1 14 ¢ I t r _ TAV Per,Capaa S51 Nfil'. / Iri1yy(�4*I,1 tvi kpy {i 1.Yardley - t * } -1±-1 rl` /of Original Proposal:44.p2% O tir i e�"Y�' '1"rn. (1 ul _ 2.AIcot1 :1 , r� t^^t' _.4. .,} _. Y-1.0. 1 �� 5 ixI 1 _ '1 r 1 iv � as �sj7� , 3.Carnahan .� ,r� � 1 j -� ,ter �t�] I � � ��_. � 7" � --_• ZV 4+4.7 '5>�.. 4.Ponderosa — _ c 1'' €¢tt " 1-..{I { RRk 111 r $v iv C 5.40th Avenue s v Yr� airy �� :'1 �f 00 05 •• f MG _ ! a� a lra°3 'F� A1.-il I! T T \U� - - I Parcels . I -r IIf�l i34c w - _ 6.East of Sullivan 1: � .dc 9,i 1, t 1L t1 _ �q..jt` , a - ] .kl r / 1 , \ ,Jl .. ( -.� ..1 "/UrbanGrowrhAm _ 1 I� 1�x 7.Morningeide PUD III• „ t ,, t��Z _ y Water Bodin . ��, 1 r ,_- &Greenacree ��� /-1 'f�racert d3w 7 1 I - _ '�� ' P £ ry' _� r 9.west of Liberty Lake --L a S'A`q. 'r �_ I S,' _- IS !near/tonted Area! e 10.Otis Orchard! ! I I y{ -��-� 1' 1 '�����}}MMr�4. _-\{ t ]_ — — '` Modified City of Spokane Valley n7a Il t ~ 11.Northwood .--- ll 1 IJP I-�i L f-'ra .9 1 _ j- _ i � I 1 '� i f, �t's i 1 ,� q#1 li.Pasadena Park __If_ \\\iA' . _ Ora I 1 - r - I o I ^..�.F ?Si', Iii a in.: `_`oma-�L_ 1_- ..,I1nl-{-t-I. '_I I _ � �IC I I �i�' I I � I ��\IJ.1111.-' r,J =_r_. r_�..` _`I rL.f\.11 L 1)1-1 I� I I I I Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County Spokane Vallry Incorporation Study November 2001 Summary of Modification Areas -. tr t' r t ,,,- .x 3 .it,4 P: 41 T wkT 1:14x 7:44.� S :Z-S f�4� a 4 a r s �` >� t t ' k ' Assessed ` '-,':•,J17.3::::::, y ',t+t f L "F i ":q.-*/‘ of' 'Etr ESt'AtValue .� Non et ' t € '=I. r .E k p r ^ , O ` v... + d :'.1t,-.',% tt! t Modifcation 'Aea; Acres ,';Area Pop DUs, ` (100 ,-Urban .a'l Swered`t, e �F ier 1. Yardley 1,013 -3.55% 220 88 $139,999 35% 100%-City Spokane FD 1 2. Alcott 158 -.50% 350 140 $13,339 89% 100%-City Spokane FD 1 3. Carnahan 127 +.44% 577 230 $33,807 13% 100% SCWD 3 FD 1 4. Ponderosa(A) 563 -2.14% 1,367 546 $69,454 38% 50% SCWD 3 FD 1 Ponderosa(B) 506 +1.77% 1,448 580 $71,601 44% 40% SCWD 3 FD 8 5. 40th Avenue 626 -2.19% 259 104 $16,943 78% 10% SCWD 3 FD 1 6. East Sullivan 218 -.76% 75 30 $6,860 62% 0% Vera 15 FD 1 7. Morningside PUD 52 +.18% 75 30 $8,161 50% 50% Vera 15 FD 8 8. Green Acres 343 -1.20%o 348 140 $18,800 73% 0% Cons 19 FD 1 9. West Liberty Lk. 378 -1.32% 302 121 $13,102 88% 0% Cons 19 FD 1 10. Otis Orchards 1,204 -4.22% 1,150 460 $44,871 72% 0% Cons 19 FD 1 11. Northwood 698 +2.45% 1,646 658 $136,402 46% 30% PPID 17 FD 9 12. Pasadena Park 891 -3.12% 2,038 815 $117,626 36% 10% PPID 17 FD 1 0 0 N 00 V Comparison of Alternative Boundaries for the Proposed City of Spokane Valley ' a;' a {t s; 4 -c'-'a. lti i ;Le,'„d i.s ,.,at- ic'}. i "r m «s4 �._ .f" a33F ,..>s 'mss c.. -• n a Duh. •Y I n a c V1 3 ..•_ O F a +*'' , ;`'ave c�i. t' ,* F 4 '�s '� '�C`{t'`s 1, r ti• V): t s a t n7 c U ..?.. f K Vl' f 3. L .r S 1 T i at` ,� -+'i i VM a yx sc--y� 3 t " N' "s. f'- ,.u„i�- - ...v.� M � r e U' y CC: s mr.y 's l'T y ¢ p. �,y 'i t Vi Y k ' ; Rt� r._. 3 s a y;,i 4 =" at x yztki t s C ten' +A— e+ 'U ti t r rs {t' x cCi z T,r Ro~ ^v'.s" QF s --4`; 4 cs +� x� .� r, '� "' a.` r h Off- ,,- r 4 O ai- 3 �s. t r5r , r-"r' s '> "d ,dt ""' .xi tea, z z y ^rta s Pri ex't pxw� f' Y F ci.s{ CC - a- U r as S r.+ 3"''.s a. - �.,.r ••i. "� U ' -. � srr' � � . n,.34� t r.. `s5�st*oC-7(' r a r -7t 't y V1L ,,. � «y`gre it ,tk ,.wt.. 3 - - y ,C) J 4 4 F tti" Y.'TY y:- �:9 WF«"a c<' R i i W#,Fc -c p' '*i' ty,,,' 't i } �4 r�''' 'err `` ,,t Qy C�3 Kc s ta' : '�t4.b = i ..`: U f. m. 3 L'x« a ry R4s .3�c z .w i i,xs y rR- t `g ' $ i 4. O C� ts,. �, s 5„ + ✓y 's u O i b,tF '4 . �- r;s. x, Sas` A s Lis n'!Lr , 4 e,i 1 t ✓- C..ee L3` �f'�i- 11t LZ14. i'".4i '"' le -`dn '1 y e ��y - P �71 x:. r QI .1 'tk.ri dQIA 5s0 t5y. r+�•a zy*.,[. QI�'{y� .r �w-¢^,��sy M�1a e:,,. -.��.. _ �,—.. "�rd tsr,..G2swr.,w.$� e ..�r., n.... ��. _ , u�,� Proposal in.UGA 26,735.0 41.77 81,617 1,954 22.9% $4,355,397,696 $53,364 100.00% F e=. s, .,i t,r'?' ra0':-4- st yr !' ,, 'J,4 S� t";yr,'` .c7 * s '".:3a".u' , OW. 44 4"- 0:t.:4 Vtr`"" , SetiYC" ,' ' t.�y. a £F`} � . It vt .. r".=5 ,.x.. `^^ .1 y ry t ?•.A4, n .99!--,3,,-40,82-7212W..!"s�.t - x36 20. 0 [ F' ! r t i nAlternativeA �� t"� "�'t��,,•yy3����,� ;$7,,,,„01,7"„hh�.:3G1 ��„.,s� 2,?�3^6 ' 20 0/o��ee $42 ,, 1,6,036 $51,,�3`67�1� �90 41�f, ->n. x-x ir^' :4% gym S `K"' 'F};.;'sA ' -fMz."'t( "'7.,i, x?-"F�a� iTT r_;:a e t. + ' r .' 1a ' ..t tv x..;� .,w "5..w.m x.il `.sa'i¢:. ...'^10.i a,� , Alternative B 24,116.4 37.00 80,473 2,175 21.1% $4,169,342,476 $51,810 90.21%d' ..rni rr' ex* a 01", rs '1 k 3'x4 a�' ^.k-+,4F i' Alter tiiv ' a` tg-d. k 4 ,x t° F ., , � " 247 .=18'6% -:54 33r7 747,306 e w' S52,177�,a.'+`' 9O 44% xAlternatrve Ck F t risfl24,179 1 n X37 01y; „83,136 ? n =.a o- -0n w m 4,,,,,«5}. Jtx'f53. • Alternative.D 25,349.9 38.84 83,706 2,155 18.4% $4,508,677,306 $53,863 94.82%`. 0 0 Co OD 00289 Alternative A with Ponderosa Acres:25,404.8 Square Miles: 39.6 Population: 82,843 Population Density: 2,128 of Vacant Land: 20.0% Taxable Assessed Value: $4,320,717,036 Per Capita AV: $52,232 of Original Proposal: 95.0% Alternative B with Yardley Acres:25,129.4 Square Miles: 39.4 Population: 80,693 Population Density: 2,092 % of Vacant Land: 21.7% Taxable Assessed Value: $4,309,342,476 Per Capita AV: $53,404 % of Original Proposal: 94.0% % 1 Comparison of Alternative Boundaries for the Proposed City of Spokane Valley x. } - 4,4 4:-; 44.":.$0,- x"2 * l ' .`.' Ua y 4 . z.4" ,,,wo X`.§`+-"zN '` rs rP ,e , �U z � a i‘oYG- �$ .�^ v a x8.15 trig e ?4-44-040,4:-1/4%1/41/41/447a'1/4=4£ '4^4""F�`a' '^e. '3* ` 4,47%-n ct " :'."§4'1/4:WS�,y ^'i '?,z t..-11' ' 8 '4 t >. „r'' a' C.) 1I ? 'a s w�yyTmZ -Lam+ 4'-n 3 z:sPtia ; h. " ue,� ,,,"yCG '"... O -- 5 h N �.. -fix' 4. n?.- "i.. s" ;. r 5993' -9-9,„,,,T.9-"te9',, ` !,. ,i.^3 ,= - 1.<944 ,:k k/ s .-f,9'r'"o,"`,= z C r„;;; `w#. cf,) ."� , `, ,-1111,,,.>„,:.' .a 4 , '.4 x"54. `, .xF ., e_ t U-^ r QS7 u+- 0 s+£ z c d`xF �•S „ =.41,09,,;_, r .Jct =,aia 9�.A y*};b11 '+ ” '�' > R --;PC. c �e^ a 4' -,x m;s..m, ^d Y: sf'" {. Ram �.... :K h. � ..� �. — #."t x.. 344< •1 T `'-+44=` " ::4. � 1,,t.,,-,-1/4.-g, 'n �i'"'' �` `E a1/4 41/4 O yR, .Wi O 74 'FU 'bv�k ^' 4,� .,v' + 947 04 s s- -"+"2 ,o444,1/4:42';43/444;:1/44'1/41/44,-4/4,1',S4+� ` " t1/4-"t44.4"��,„ E ' "'4'4 1/401/44:144 lib„, }lkik' ' . a ,.� to a�.—th _ —,,r vy7_,,,. ' .Qy�`U . �x. .` �'kw �'�" > - �'+ ' "^S g.'^y�^=t-~f .wY ' -,+ �m�",e'r.. �°moi�"- -e���- r w �,3.lU';; 4',�� 3 ViN,.::..w Was...5 'FlyKt nt..,,k_.„ ro ^�.. , " ro y';�4 g w , ,,,: x'C) ,,,14. �'§� F'r"'Ya'O ' lz,,,,vs a., w �:"s%M = CC°' 'O<..``d.S�" Vl y "µe 4.61-:r, $ :y :' 'n v t:{' Q+V1�+ ' „O C th' a 'c4 . z y„ VS # 1. 'da". v w. � �Uc���"#`"xU - -T��Q�� �, .�• �r , '4i �} t CC�%iC�`. y�Vttti=,��v.. 0'^-P4' ,�' ..., a+''';47':'!i.7.-..7'1:1', "1.'-.P;41, .w .=m. x,, ar' i +. - 3 Li ^', 02 -o„,,,U *v l, CC e 3s 1' t:F.en. /^�-'�+ .•t -". _:.5 V s- }3 ',? dna.' A i rz I� aa�.-. 3 , rr $ :°'/I T �-s n'[ .I -,' C.., .l.`'�r sre!y�Y? h C-; ''''+ S E 't 'y�' Q 'Fn 5�,�, +�.E' x- 4w .`-'r� q"f.4�8 } -.amu A:4 X 'X ".. � , "Sr_`* tiY. ®» +1}P�LL ¢' ,. � :.....aiWm eaM'w Proposal in UGA 26;735.0 41.77 81;617 1,954 22.9% $4,355,397,696 $53,364 100.00% ,.,^ .7 +x ..,t-t., —z . .'se^ k ' W 't:= c'g" 't1„ -'' l'gl't * :. A* +a .x �.''. er is d 5 -: "tiC4+ *` �, -"vat, = -- - ' *2,23,6 , 4. 200$0%°7.14 4;249,-116,036 , ` $5'1 3'6T - 90 4:14 w 3 7°}24.1:70 7 �36 99` 82,721 : .-,--&-,046,1' , ...� 5 $ 1 r� t. FAltiernat*44,.., 4, 5° �° "" "33 F:. r '" �'' a.„ .� il w$ -" mF' 4,'e't°'i.;e' ..,.• &� � ��.. � 2z 'u,�;'.;�..—• ' dcE�;;�,_a,� s 4w J�.- Y Alternative A with 25,072.8 38.40 84,253 2,194 20.8% $4,396,211,566 $52,179 93.79% Ponderosa l.�- - ,ro - M �: qa• 7 , [ z . ^, 5,'X 4, srr x b. ,1 x#rz .. 'R a,. - ^,eg i .1,, . .:{ +, 002,—g"' ii', "jos{0 wa-'.'_'a 'pry to ' x a F e"4', Ary° ??.?"41":44a,41,2 c 1' - 1 24,1116'A= " 3¢7 00 ' 80 473 ," '2,1175' . 2'14 1>/° $4,1'69„342,476 $51,810 '--`90.211_ t3,Alte nat +e s - „:„„,:�t ,. , ' . >-'' ukraf x# _ 4 �i ,«4,, ". s xat" 3 ia. w.m ' - rod .ad Alternative B with Yardley 25,129.4 38.58 80,693 2,092 21.7% $4,309,341,476 $53;376 93.99% � %„T ..,..:„..4,44.„-v .-"su' n u `ffi` *341:4F { 6..'.' ..-.---..6,*;.-- , yr fly a au..-. 5 ,o s `.;.. r 4: .x"2 , ,�,' n ,.i Y*t`-24,..`: 1.. cry' -v tovo "" a�fi;144- ,' a!24 179.1-6-337.01, ' 83136 E, 2,247, 1=8 6% '$4,33.7f747,306 . : $52,1:7x7 90.44.7 'Alterfriative C [ ":. ""c:*:.F v :Mar °mu 't• .... .�. ;r £r v r-�; x -" s;.,� ir + :E , tr .y y -, ,�,u, .2`-t- •r y: e' a e ,ttS`al� 'fin pa4 e ' Y A,�- �'r;'' AAT4 •^�--'::''.yT^ .o-: 5#' , a... .,,..."` . §5gea, .fi'S 4 �i ...� ..., ,a.... J6S vt,.3..9' � Alternative D 25,349.9 38.84 83,706 2,155 18.4% $4,508,677,306 $53,863 94.82%. • 0 o cc 0 0 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY'S ESTIMATED REVENUES 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 PROPERTY TAX 6,340,168 6,521 ,970 6,705,589 6,891 ,045 7,078,356 SALES TAX 14,311,514 14,669,302 15,256,074 15,866,317 16,500,970 CRIMINAL JUSTICE 1,036,694 1,078,162 1,121,288 1,166,140 1,212,785 UTILITY TAXES CABLE TV - FRANCHISE 385,000 404,250 424,463 445,686 467,970 GAMBLING TAXES 875,000 875,000 875,000 875,000 875,000 ADMISSIONS TAX 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 BUILDING PERMITS 894,890 939,634 986,616 1,035,947 1,087,744 PLANNING FEES 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 BUSINESS LICENSE STATE SHARED REVENUES 2,099,007 2,119,157 2,139,501 2,160,041 2,180,777 GRANTS 100000 100,000 100,000 FINES & FORFEITS 1 ,501,575 1,516,591 1 ,531 ,757 1 ,547,074 1,562,545 INTEREST EARNINGS 175,000 180,250 185,658 191,227 196,964 Total 27,668,847 28,449,065 29,365,288 30,312,249 31,191,146 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ARTERIAL GAS TAX 596,820 602,549 608,334 614,174 620,070 REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX (1ST 1/4) 845,798 879,630 914,815 951,408 989,464 REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX (2ND 1/4) 845,798 879,630 914,815 951 ,408 989,464 Total 2,288,416 2,361,810 2,437,964 2,516,990 2,598,998 HOTEL/MOTEL TAX 400,000 412,000 424,360 437,091 450,204 a 0 N Co MS November 5, 2001 Boundary Review Board for Spokane County (N 00292 WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR SPOKANE COUNTY NOTICE OF INTENTION BRB 555-01 Proposed Incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley Proponent: Ed Mertens, Community Action Committee Date of Filing: May 31, 2001 00293 WASHINGTON STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR SPOKANE COUNTY NOTICE OF INTENTION 1. Name of City, Town, or Special Purpose District: City of Spokane Valley 2. Action Sought: Incorporation of 45 square miles within Urban growth Area as a city in Spokane Valley. 3. Reason for seeking action To protect, preserve, and give leadership through local government to the community known as the Spokane Valley. 4. Briefly describe proposal Incorporation of 45 square miles as a new city. 5. Method used to initiate the proposed action Petition of ten percent of the registered voters in the area to be incorporated was used to initiate the incorporation; an election by more than fifty percent of those voting is required to approve the incorporation. 6. State statute under which action is sought RCW 35.02 FACTORS THE BOARD MUST CONSIDER Please respond to the factors the Board must consider as outlined in RCW 36.93.170. POPULATION AND LAND USE 1. Please provide the following information: Proposed Incorporation Area Spokane County Existing 10-year Projection Existing 20-year Projection 82,100 People 90,300 People 417,940 People 560,000 People 37,870 Housing Units 41,600 Housing Units Housing Units Housing Units 700 Businesses 770 Businesses 2. What source is the basis for these projections? 2000 US Census; Spokane County Planning Division 3. Area of the proposed incorporation area 45 square miles Area of Spokane County 1,720 sq miles 4. Assessed valuation of proposed area $4,450,000,000 of Spokane County $19,984,438,160 5. Existing land use of the proposed area This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 6. Existing land use of the area surrounding the proposal This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 7. Is there residential, commercial, or industrial development that will be associated with this proposal? No. 8. If the proposal is approved, will any changes in either the land use, zoning or the Comprehensive Plan designations within the next 18 months be required? The new city will be required to develop its own comprehensive plan and development regulations as directed by the Growth Management Act. 9. Has the proposed area been the subject of a land use action by Spokane County? Not Applicable. 10a. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan designation for the proposed area This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 1 00294 b. For surrounding areas This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 11. Does your jurisdiction have an adopted comprehensive plan? Spokane County is in the process of adopting a comprehensive plan consistent with the Growth Management Plan. Date adopted? Proposed adoption date is August 7, 2001. 12. Describe this proposal's significance to the adopted comprehensive plan. The incorporation area is within the Urban Growth Area designated in the comprehensive plan. 13a. Spokane County zoning for the proposed area This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. b. For surrounding areas This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 14. Has any portion of this area been previously reviewed by the Boundary Review Board? Yes List BRB File Nos. 15. Describe the topography, drainage basins and natural boundaries which are included in the area of the proposal and how each affects land use, accessibility and potential development. This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 16. Is the proposed area within the Spokane County Urban Growth Area? Not entirely; areas outside of the UGA will be removed by the Boundary Review Board. MUNICIPAL SERVICES 1. Name the existing service purveyors in the proposed area. Water Numerous water and irrigation districts and private water purveyors. Police Spokane County Sheriff's Office. Wastewater Treatment Spokane County. School Spokane District No. 81; Central Valley District No.356; East Valley School District No.361; West Valley School District No. 363. Fire Spokane County Fire District No. 1. Library Spokane County Library District. Water Service 2. Is the proposed area within the future water service area of your jurisdiction according to the Spokane County Coordinated Water System Plan? NA 3. Is the area included in your adopted Water System Plan? NA 4. Water treatment plant or well that will serve this area NA 5. Current capacity and percentage used of this facility NA 6. Projected water treatment plant or well capacity required by proposal NA 7. Describe the seasonal variations in water supply and/or pressure within your jurisdiction. NA 8a. Will increased capacity or other improvements become necessary if proposal is approved? NA b. Describe these improvements and how they will be financed. NA 2 00295 9. Does your jurisdiction have an updated State Board of Health-approved Water System Plan? NA Wastewater Management 10. According to the Spokane County Wastewater Management Plan, which future service area includes the proposal? Spokane County. 11. Does your jurisdiction have a current DOE wastewater discharge permit? NA 12a. Does your jurisdiction have a current NPDES permit? NA b. Please explain any violations of the current NPDES permit in the past 18 months. NA 13. Wastewater treatment plant serving this area This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 14. Current capacity and percentage used of this facility This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 15. Projected wastewater treatment plant capacity required by proposal NA 16a. Will increased capacity or other improvements become necessary if proposal is approved? NA b. Describe these improvements and how they will be financed. NA Other Municipal Services 17. Describe the service changes that will occur if the proposal is approved? This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 18. Does your jurisdiction have a current capital improvement/development plan? NA 19. Describe the effect your jurisdiction's ordinances, governmental codes, regulations and resolutions will have on existing uses in the proposed area? This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 20. Are annexation covenants being required for this proposal? NA 21. Describe the prospects of governmental services from other sources? This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 22. Describe the probable future needs for services and additional regulatory controls in the area? This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 23. Describe the probable effect of the proposal on the cost, adequacy of services and controls a. In the proposed area? This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. b. In the adjacent area? This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 24. Describe the effect of the proposal on the finances, debt structure, contractual obligations and rights of all affected governmental units? This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. LOCAL GOVERNMENT 1. Describe the effect of the proposal on adjacent areas? This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 3 00296 2. Describe the effect of the proposal on mutual economic and social interests?This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. 3. Describe the effect of the proposal on the local governmental structure of the county. This is described in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Describe the environmental review process completed for the proposed action. Incorporations of new cities are exempt from SEPA; a description of the environmental factors is included in the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Describe how the proposal is consistent with the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A). The proposed incorporation is limited to the area within the Urban Growth Area Boundary as designated for Spokane County as a part of the comprehensive plan to be adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on August 7, 2001. OBJECTIVES OF THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD Describe fully which objectives of RCW 36.93.180 this proposal meets and which objectives this proposal does not meet. Give your reasons for each of the objectives chosen. 1. Preservation of natural neighborhoods and communities. The communities of Yardley, Dishman, portunity, Greenacres, Trentwood and Veradale will remain intact. The areas of Northwood, rtions of which are protected by Fire District #1 and portions are protected by Fire District #9. e Ponderosa and Alcott neighborhoods are similarly divided with Fire District #1 and Fire strict #8. Fire District #1 is the boundary of The new proposed City of Spokane Valley. 2. Use of physical boundaries, including but not limited to bodies of water, nighways and land contours. The area of Fire District #1 within the UGA as been selected as the boundary. The western most boundary is the City of Spokane and the Eastern most boundary i the. City of LibertyoLae, 3. creation and preservation o logical service areas. The proposed incorporation contains most of the urban developed areas between the cities of Spokane and Liberty Lake, while surrounding the City of Millwood. This appears to be a logical service area to preserve and protect the community known as the Spokane Valley. With 82,100 residents 4a 6eRM149nAlai tyre Al}rb tj Abe adequate funds to. provide services equal to the current level . Fire District #1 will continue. Due to the urban growth area, some.:irregular boundaries may occur. Unfortunately the growth management act is a contributing factor in this result. Irregularities may be dealt with after incorporation. 5. Discouragement of multiple incorporations of small cities and encouragement of incorporation of cities in excess of ten thousand population in heavily populated urban areas. The proposed area of incorporation, of Spokane Valley would occupy all of the area within the UGA east of the City of Spokane to the west border of the newly incoprorated City of Liberty Lake. The proposed City will have 82,100 residents. 4 00297 • 6. Dissolution of inactive special purpose districts. Not Applicable: 7. Adjustment of impractical boundaries. Not Applicable. 8. Incorporation as cities or towns or annexation to cities and towns of unincorporated areas which are urban in character. The growth and increased density of the proposed urban area which contain commercial , industrial and residential zones meets this objective. 9. Protection of agricultural and rural lands which are designated for long-term productive agricultural and resource use by a comprehensive plan adopted by the county legislative authority. There are no designated areas within the proposed area of incorporation. I certify that the above is true and accurate and that I am an official or employee of the governmental jurisdiction seeking boundary change action or the proponent for the incorporation or formation. /y jiattA aa/ Signature of person corn ting this forth. Date Printed Name of Person Completing this Notice Edward J. Mertens Title Chairman, Community Action Committee Telephone (509) 926-9930 Mailing Address 1310 N. Pierce, Spokane,WA 99206 5 EXHIBITB 00298 CITY OF SPOKANF VAI I FY I FGAI DFSCRIPTION All of that land lying within the following described boundary: Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M.; thence north along the west lines of Sections 23 and 14, Township 25 North, Range 43 East. W.M. to the southeasterly right of way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad (formerly known as Northern Pacific Railway); thence northeasterly along said southeasterly right of way line to the east line of said Section 14; thence north along said east line of Section 14 and continuing north along the west line of Section 12 to the northwesterly right of way line of the Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and Palouse Railway; thence northeasterly along said northwesterly right of way line to the east Spokane City Limit line on "F"Avenue extended south, located in the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 12, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M.; thence north along said east Spokane City Limit line to the north line of Euclid Avenue (formerly Idaho Street) in Section 1, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M., thence east along said north line of Euclid Avenue to its intersection with the west line of Coleman Road (formerly "D" Street); thence north along said west line to the north line of Bridgeport Avenue; thence east along said north line to the east line of Section 1, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M.; thence north along said east line to the southwest corner of Section 31, Township 26 North, Range 44 East, W.M.; thence east along the south lines of Sections 31, 32, and 33, Township 26 North, Range 44 East W. M. to the southwest corner of Section 34, Township 26 North, Range 44 East W. M.; thence north along the east line of said Section 34 to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of said Section 34; 1 SV Legal 6/12/01 00299 thence east along the north line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) to the northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 34; thence south along the west line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4), 409 feet to the north line of Sanson Road; thence east along said north line extended to its intersection with the south easterly line of Forker Road in the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 35, Township 26 North, Range 44 East, W.M.; thence northerly and easterly along said southeasterly line of Forker Road to its intersection with the south line of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of said Section 35; thence east along said south line to the southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4); thence north along the east line of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) to it intersection with the curved easterly line of Forker Road; thence northerly along said easterly line to its intersection with the north line of the South Half(S 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of said Section 35; thence east along said north line to the east line of said Section 35; thence south along said east line to the West Quarter (W 1/4) corner of Section 36, Township 26 North, Range 44 East, W.M.; thence east along the east and west centerline of Section 36, Township 26 North, Range 44 East, W.M., to the east line of said Section 36; thence south along the east line of said Section 36 to the north right of way of Trent Avenue; thence east along the north right of way line of Trent Avenue to the east line of the southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 26, Range 45, East W. M.; thence south along said east line to the center line of the Spokane River; thence east along the center line of the Spokane River to the east line of Section 8, Township 25 North, Range 45 East W. M. ; thence south along the east lines of Sections 8, 17, and 20 to the southeast corner of Section 20, Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.; 2 SV Legal 6/12/01 00300 thence west along the south section lines of Sections 20 and 19, Township 25 North, Range 45 East, W.M., to the northwest corner of Section 30, Township 25 North, Range 45 East, W.M.; thence south along the west line of said Section 30 to the south right of way line of 32nd Avenue; thence west along said south right of way line to its intersection with the west line of Section 35, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W. M.; thence south along said west line to the south line of Section 34, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, W.M.; thence west along the south lines of Sections 34, 33, and 32, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, W.M. to the east line of west half of the southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 25, Range 44 East W. M.; thence north along said east line to the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 32, Township 44 North, Range 25 East, W. M.; thence east along the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 32 to the Northeast Corner thereof; thence north along the north and south centerline of said Section and the Section 29, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, W.M. to the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section 29; thence west along the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) to the northwest corner thereof; thence north along the east line of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section 29 and continuing north along the east line of the West Half(W 1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of said Section 29 to the north line of said Section 29; thence west along the north line of said West Half(W 1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) and continuing west along the north line of Section 30, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, W.M. to the northeast corner of Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of said Section 30; 3 SV Legal 6/12/01 00301 thence south along the east line of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 30 to the northeastcorner of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of said Section 30; thence west along the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 30 to the northwest corner thereof; thence south along the west line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) to the southwest corner thereof; thence west along the south line of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of said Section 30 and continuing west along the south line of the East Half(E 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 25, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M. to the southwest corner thereof; thence north along the west line of said East Half(E 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) to the northwest corner thereof; thence west along the north line of said Section 25 to the east line of Lot 2, Block 4, of Valley View Hills First Addition; thence north along said east line to the northeast corner of said Lot 2 in the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 24, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M.; thence west along the north line of said Valley View Hills First Addition to the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of said Valley View Hills First Addition; thence southerly along the westerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 118.72 feet; thence southerly across 17th Avenue to a point on the west line of Lot 10, Block 3 of said Valley View Hills First Addition which bears N.03°33'W., a distance of 119.44 feet from the southwest corner of said Lot 10; thence southerly along the westerly lines extended south of Lots 10 and 11 of said Block 3 to the intersection with the northwesterly line extended of Lot 1, Block 5, Valley View Hills First Addition; thence southwesterly and south along the westerly line of said Block 5 to the southwest corner of Lot 5, said Block 5; thence west 60 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 3, Block 8, Valley View Hills Addition; thence north along the east line of said Lot 3 to the northeast corner thereof; 4 SV Legal 6/12/01 00302 thence northwesterly along the northeasterly lines of Blocks 8 and 6 of said Valley View Hills Addition and along the southwesterly line of Moreland Drive to the northwest corner of Lot 7, said Block 6, thence south along the west line of said Block 6 to its intersection with the north line extended east of Block 1, Valley View Hills Fifth Addition; thence west along said north line extended to a point on the north line of Lot 3 which lies 78.96 west of the northeast corner of said Lot 3; thence westerly and southerly through a 20 foot radius curve concave southeast; thence south, 114.58 feet along the west lines of Lots 3 and 2, Block 1, Valley View Hills Fifth Addition to the beginning of a 45 foot radius cul de sac curve concave north, as shown 'on the final plat of Valley View Hills Fifth Addition; thence through said curve 229.74 feet to its end at the northeast corner of Lot 1, said Block 1; thence west along the north line of said Lot 1 to the northwest corner thereof; thence north along the west line of Block 2, Valley View Hills Addition to the intersection with the southerly line of 16th Avenue, No. 1885, being 30 feet south of the northeast corner of Section 26, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M.; thence in a westerly direction along said southerly line of said 16th Avenue, southwesterly and westerly extended to the west line of Carnahan Road in the northwest quarter of said Section 26; thence north along said west line to the south line of Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, W.M. thence west along said south line of Section 23 to the point of beginning; EXCEPTING therefrom any land within the incorporated limits of The City of Millwood, Spokane County, State of Washington. DESCRIPTION CHECKED AND CERTIFIED TO BOUND REVIEW BOARD !/// ROSS E. KELLEY, P . SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER 5 SV Legal 6/12/01 I L — , _y___ , ., \k i . i \_. , I I- i . i ,• ) , • 1 I 1 , ./ . _ ,_ --- , , ! I ! _.; 1 . 1 .... .,: .. ....,..............„ —-I --i --„, (-----",;;;;:t•-i 1 I , I • . fi•.•••••::-'1, Rt.--; : ( /-I --7_, • . 1 m : : ze ,,- , - — ......... I '1,-; ..i:•••‘- ./17,-)' z:.cZ,:;7-2. "•""-- --.-: . . _ . ...,, , . , ,FLTI,E1 :S.I.17:::YEifi:ictiiEili:i ::_HP_E__±..1..11.riteil_._.: , .... . ... ........,.„,.„ i 11, 11 . 1 • • :::...............••• ...., ... ...... ... .......... ,..... __. --.,----. ;,• At ,- '•,_ I I ...,.. ........„.„„.,.... •-,I.,',0-pPN 7 ''',-,;-•-- •—• --;-•.-..---7"::t• ..::' • 0 1 I - . ........ ........„, , --- -. !]i!]!!*i!,•!,•!••••••:!!!!!!*im•-,i.i! Maitrofg I , ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!: ;;;----- --"T' \.. I I -I--I--I-I ' • i".1.--i.il LLI • ' '-- ' '-- i I 1-11 14-1--k----1 11 t -rE -Clid1--7-N:knh----- --II-L. I ittc„;M:::-:,:,:..':. 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'!-::•.Ra'W.,...k..0..._W4--..!•'..2'-•:-:,,v....W.*: '......?„-,,,:a. .,0,,t"--r,-..,, ‘..,:k.,.....a.,.,, EXHIBIT D 013 n 4 Fx - �' � rYs« ` 7s i : 1 '�� 3E � t a Ns,..;:: ,..:,,' 1 ' ; kT r �eOFFICE OF SADIE CHARLENE COONEY COUNTY ASSESSOR 1116 WBROADWAY AVENUE'' �ir s P r f4n a ct' SPOKANEWASHINGTON 992600010S 4J i, 5 ®071 giiw Siflrtii10171 e ^ t (509)477.3696 FAX 477-3697xd ,iRlr Y! } Mt SPOKANE COUNTY COURTHOUSE RECEIVED MAY 232001 BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD May 18, 2001 Boundary Review Board Susan Winchell,Director Dear Susan: I have recently updated the estimate for the taxable value of the proposed City of"Spokane Valley". This estimate of value is for taxable regular value and includes a component for personal property and state assessed value and excludes certain taxable value exemptions. The estimate is: $4,450,000,000. t'i o I lY, , 3 I1 4-etman hief Deputy Value CITYo!SpokaneValley.doc EXHIBIT D �rko ' ctinrrr © VX13 5 ,c41.214 9+: _ kip �,,9 VICKY M. DALTON, CPA � ,� y�, ,� �«_ SPOKANE COUNTY AUDITOR ,1 1116 W. Broadway Ave. ..7111t. s, l Spokane,WA 99260-0020 Q.. , ' rer.n,, ,, ;JILL>; STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY County of Spokane ) I, VICKY M. DALTON, County Auditor of Spokane County, Washington, hereby certify that the records available to me have been checked and the signatures verified for the persons who have signed the Petition For Incorporation; Spokane County Auditor's Petition No.2002. The registered voters having signed constitute a number equal to at least ten percent of the total number of registered voters residing within the territory to be incorporated. DATED THIS 19TH day of March, 2001. 7/1 Vicky alton Spokane County Auditor ATTEST: i4' R. Bays Acting Superintendent of Elections & Registration ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ACCOUNTING AUTO LICENSE RECORDING ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATION 4n-2200 4779299 477.2270 4773920 477-2217 FAX:4774451 TOD;4773249 FAX 4774451 TDO:4773S19 FAX 4774451