Pre-Incorporation Council Swearing In Ceremony, 11/20/2002City of Spokane Va(fey City Council Swearing In Ceremony 7Nednesday 9 ovetn erM, 2002 7:OO p.m. university 9 yi Sehool C First Elected City Councih Position 1 Diana Wilhite Position 2 Steve Taylor Position 3 Mike DeVleming Position 4 Gary Schimmels Position 5 Richard Munson Position 6 Mille %znigan Position 7 DiekDenenny udges Perfoming Cenanony: Judge Mike Padden, Spo kane County District Court Judge Greg Tripp, Spokane County District Court Judge John Schultheis, state court of Appeals west Speakers: Ellonna Gossett, President or cEo, Spokane val(ey Chamber o, f Comnurce D ong Kelky, Avista 2ttifitia, 2002-2003 Chairman of the Board, Spokone Chamber of Commerce Sam Reed Secretanl of state, wv hu!yton Extam- Richard Brown, _' LlYAnchonnan Invocation: Pastor Ian Robertson, President Spokane Valley MinisterialAssociation Color Guard Spokane 'Valley Fire Department music: University -*h School Choir "Do notgo where the path may leadgo instead where there is no path and leave a trait" -Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 -1882) this evening's historieafevent. Special thanks to the fol?owing companies that contributeri to • Albertson • Appleway Florist • Costco • Craven's Coffee • Safeway • Fred Meyers • FlowerPatch • Tidyman's • }'olks • RentX • Spokane Art Supply Too • Kinko's • Rosauers • AmeiicanWest Bank • RiteAid • Modem Electric • Wglgreens Tonight's program has been brought to you by the s r o x n N E Communications Transition Committee and the N(f);�OF VALLEY Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce. C � o0 MBER Agreat amount of thanks is due to aff of the volunteers that Have served in many capacities since the beginning of the efforts to incorporate Spokane Valley. It has taken an immense amount of work and passion to bring our community to this point. 1 1he number of individuals thatgave to this effort are too many to name, so please remember to showgratitude to anyone you know that has contributed to the advancement of this community. (i" I- (i�("& (j" G (j" M 844/ �S n/M4 /�o 99 6 ,x: c- V', E2lc 9304 5 t��cKt L U -aaa� (j" (j"J& �weJ�I G u,��IfJ (i" (j"J& FA (j" (j"J& N ICJ W Ct A I� 7S-Anson (j" I30W-k iVrn 13e(AN Fos fps— I)oL J uT ?r• "u. e (f cR wi Au R. r J 0 4 6f f .. City of Spoka n&VaUet y Mayor Mlk& De,Vte ni4 Deputy Mayor DLa na/ WahXat CovnaUne1'Y iXf" aul/Ir er vwStaff cordia.i LnvXelyou to-a City }fall Opevv}f owye� ow r ' " 7htwSd a y, Javu"wy 16, 2003 fravw 4 t 6 p. vw. Adld re,w RCGLLVOIIGL { ta�.ai (acroay L�watreet fi-owv t3ie oppovtwnity boat O ff%c�) 11707 Ea-st Sp raguel Avenae� j SuXe,106 Spokavw.,VaUey, WA 99206 Phone 921 -1000 W I �2 ,a —/ J .. V� aJ( , d'a i 6eX 70y q2 to s Sew /v /C) 9 4 '16(17 y+obe4 L t .7 ;� �/ �a � /, r -? 22Y r Gc/L %1„ / . ( 7 q Zo 6 �ueJ�I u� Aki-C, v c) cz-/- Fog w soe e S c, (j" (i" CW /l, 0 (j" k( L (I y� Ge S 1/V� ZZS /0 C• jwss ion Avg biot La,120- I 0 N WA r O=& MIT E lk Kill,/ (i" �'1 17 .ram �PV FA 1Jfi C-6001711 Au P ( ra fz- � C4 (j" 0 �1 /V) &/Z C, G - o ff S Abelzrk� c � 9 "J& cca2 -r- . r Me) Ll Fe r 9a,4t2-,- Lr t1 is