2024, 06-04 Study Session AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tuesday, June 4, 2024 6:00 p.m. Remotely via ZOOM Meeting and In Person at Spokane Valley City Hall, Council Chambers 10210 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting NOTE:Members of the public may attendSpokane Valley Council meetings in-person at the address provided above, or via Zoom at the link below. Members of the public will be allowed to comment in- person or via Zoom as described below. Public comments will only be accepted for those items noted on the agenda as “public comment opportunity.” If making a comment via Zoom, comments must be received by 4:00 pm the day of the meeting. Sign up to Provide Oral Public Comment at the Meeting via Calling-In Submit Written Public Comment Prior to the Meeting Join the Zoom WEB Meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA th PROCLAMATION: 80 Anniversary of D-Day GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except agenda action items, as public comments will be taken on those items where indicated. Please keep comments to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Government. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Diverse points of view are welcome but please keep remarks civil. Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. If a person engages in disruptive behavior or makes individual personal attacks regarding matters unrelated to City business, then the Council and/or Mayor may end that person’s public comment time before the three-minute mark. To comment via zoom: use the link above for oral or written comments as per those directions. To comment at the meeting in person: speakers may sign in to speak but it is not required. A sign-in sheet will be provided at the meeting. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Ordinance 24-010: Second Read – 2024 Budget Amendment – Chelsie Taylor 2. Motion Consideration: Interlocal Agreement with Spokane Transit Authority – Bill Helbig \[public comment opportunity\] 3. Motion Consideration: Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County Water District No. 3 for the Broadway at I-90 Preservation-Phase 2 Project – Rob Lochmiller \[public comment opportunity\] 4. Motion Consideration: Broadway at I-90 Preservation-Phase 2 Bid Award – Rob Lochmiller \[public comment opportunity\] 5. Motion Consideration: Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program (CHP) Grant Opportunity for Police Hiring – Erik Lamb, Chief Ellis \[public comment opportunity\] Council Agenda June 4, 2024 Page 1 of 2 NON-ACTION ITEMS: 6. Admin Report: Presentation Aging & Long-Term Care – Lynn Kimball 7. Admin Report: Right-Sizing Police Services Community Outreach Update – Erik Lamb, Chief Ellis, Jill Smith 8. Admin Report: Spokane Regional Emergency Communications (SREC) Update – Erik Lamb, Chief Ellis 9. Advance Agenda – Mayor Haley COUNCIL COMMENTS CITY MANAGER COMMENTS ADJOURN Council Agenda June 4, 2024 Page 2 of 2 Proclamation 407,316 who CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date:June 4, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second reading of proposed Ordinance #24-010 which amends the 2024 Budget. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: In order for the City to amend an adopted budget, State law requires the Council to approve an ordinance that appropriates additional funds. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Council last took formal action on the 2024 Budget when it was adopted on November 21, 2023. On May 7, 2024, an Administrative Report was delivered to Council regarding the need for a budget amendment. On May 21, 2024, a public hearing was held on this topic and Ordinance #24-010 was advanced to a second reading. BACKGROUND: Since the initial adoption of the 2024 Budget on November 21, 2023, a number of events have transpired in the normal course of operations that necessitate a 2024 Budget amendment. They include: #001 - General Fund Revenues reflect an increase of $449,000, including: $290,000 in transfers in from the Homeless Housing Program Fund #110 to use the recording fees for program costs in the General Fund. $159,000 for anticipated Coronavirus Local Recovery Funding (CLFR) revenue recognition. Provide additional appropriations (expenditures) of $4,960,628 comprised of: $300,100 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits costs across all Departments related to the 3% pay increase authorized by City Council at the December 19, 2023 Council meeting. $473,722 increase transfer out to the Public Safety Equipment Replacement Fund #503 for annual replacement costs for vehicles purchased in 2023. Net $0 change to move two parks positions to the Parks Maintenance Division positions from the Parks Administration Division. $58,000 increase in repair & maintenance supplies and fuel costs in the Parks Maintenance Division to provide for the activities of the new parks positions approved in August 8, 2023. $653,306 increase in contracted parks maintenance costs in the Parks Maintenance Division due to new contract awards for services in 2024. These contracts were approved by Council at the December 12, 2023 and April 23, 2024 Council meetings. $17,000 increase for costs related to public outreach on the Police Staffing Project discussion, including printing, mailing, and community meeting costs. Up to $30,000 was communicated to Council as estimated costs at the February 27, 2024 Council meeting. $85,000 increase in professional services in the Facilities Department for initial costs related to the Clean Building requirements. $3,131,000 increase due to expected CLFR related program expenditures. $550,000 increase in capital software costs related to the replacement of the City’s financial management software. The 2022 Budget originally included $1,000,000 for this purpose. 1 However, the timing of the project is spread over 2023 and into 2024. This amendment spreads the $1,000,000 budgeted forward into the appropriate period. $1,392,500 decrease in transfers out to the Street O&M Fund #101 to reflect vehicle license fees estimated to be collected in 2024. $85,000 transfer out to the Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund for vehicles for the new parks positions approved on August 8, 2023. $1,000,000 transfer out to the Public Safety Equipment Replacement Fund #503 for equipment costs related to future increases to police staffing. #101 – Street O&M Fund Revenues reflect an net change of $0, including: $1,392,500 increase in transfers in from the Transportation Benefit District Fund #111 for estimated vehicle license fees in 2024. $1,392,500 decrease in transfers in the General Fund to offset the increase in transfers from Fund #111. Expenditures increase by $308,766, including: $37,540 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits costs across all Departments related to the 3% pay increase authorized by City Council at the December 19, 2023 council meeting. Net $5,149 decrease in salaries, payroll taxes, benefit costs, supplies and services in the Street Fund related to setting up the new Traffic Signal Division. $71,375 increase in one-time costs for tools, furniture, and other equipment needed for the new Traffic Signal Division. $205,000 transfer out to the Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund #501 for a bucket truck and vehicles related to setting up the new Traffic Signal Division. #104 – Hotel/Motel Tax – Tourism Facilities Fund Increase in revenues of $793,575 for transfers in from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund #105. This increase reflects a Council motion on December 12, 2023, as part of the lodging tax grant process for the 2024 awards. Increase in expenditures of $4,400,000 in transfers out to the Economic Development Capital Projects Fund #316 for the Cross Country Course project. This was approved by Council motion on December 12, 2023. #105 – Hotel / Motel Tax Fund Net decrease of $0 in expenditures comprised of an increase in transfers out to the Hotel / Motel Tax – Tourism Facilities Fund #104 of $793,575 and a decrease of $793,575 in tourism promotion costs as was approved during the lodging tax process at the December 12, 2023 Council meeting. #109 – Tourism Promotion Area Fund Expenditures increase by $381,000 to adjust for available budget based on actual 2023 revenues and expenditures. #110 – Homeless Housing Program Fund Revenues are decreased by $350,000 to reflect new revenue estimates based on actual revenue collections. 2 Expenditures are increased by a $290,000 transfer out to the General Fund for use on Homeless and Housing Services expenditures. #111 – Transportation Benefit District Fund Revenues and expenditures are proposed to increase by $1,392,500. This amount includes estimated vehicle license fees as well as a transfer out to the Street O&M Fund #101 for use on street maintenance expenditures. #312 – Capital Reserve Fund Expenditures are increased by $759,600 for the amount still owing for the purchase of the WSDOT property adjacent to Sullivan Park. #316 – Economic Development Capital Projects Fund Revenues and expenditures are proposed to increase by $4,400,000 for the Cross Country Course project being funded by a transfer in from the Hotel/Motel Tax – Tourism Facilities Fund #104 as approved by Council at the December 12, 2023 Council Meeting. #402 – Stormwater Fund Expenditures increase by $32,346 increase in salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits costs across all Departments related to the 3% pay increase authorized by City Council at the December 19, 2023 council meeting. #501 – Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund Revenues increase by $290,000, Including: $85,000 transfer in from the General Fund for vehicles for the new parks positions approved on August 8, 2023. $205,000 transfer in from the Street O&M Fund for a bucket truck and vehicles related to setting up the new Traffic Signal Division. Expenditures are also increased by $290,000 to reflect the purchase of these vehicles. #503 – Public Safety Equipment Replacement Fund Revenues increase by $1,473,722 in transfers in from the General Fund. Of this amount, $473,722 is the recurring replacement costs for the 37 police vehicles purchased in 2023 assuming a 5-year useful life. The remaining $1,000,000 is for equipment costs related to future increases to police staffing. These funds were CLFR related amounts allocated by Council for this purpose. The 2023 Budget amendment includes the addition of two new Funds for the City. These are the Transportation Benefit District Fund #111 and the Public Safety Equipment Replacement Fund #503. The 2024 Budget amendment also includes changes to the Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule to reflect the increases to the lower and upper ends of the salary ranges that were approved by Council at the December 19, 2023 council meeting. The 2024 Budget amendment reflects the changes noted above and will affect 12 funds resulting in total revenue increases of $8,448,797 and expenditure increases of $17,214,840. 3 RevenueExpenditure FundFundIncreaseIncrease No.Name(Decrease)(Decrease) 001General Fund449,0004,960,628 101Street O&M Fund0308,766 104Hotel/Motel Tax - Tourism Facilities Fund793,5754,400,000 105Hotel/Motel Tax Fund00 109Tourism Promotion Area Fund0381,000 110Homeless Housing Program Fund(350,000)290,000 111Transportation Benefit District Fund1,392,5001,392,500 312Capital Reserve Fund0759,600 316Economic Development Capital Projects Fun4,400,0004,400,000 402Stormwater Fund032,346 501Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund290,000290,000 503Public Safety Equipment Replacement Fund1,473,7220 8,448,79717,214,840 OPTIONS: Options are to accept the proposed amendments in whole or in part. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance #24-010 amending Ordinance #23-021 which adopted a budget for the period January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This action amends the estimated revenues and appropriations for the 2024 Budget that was adopted on November 21, 2023. There are adequate funds available to pay for these amendments. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance #24-010 Fund level line-item detail of revenues and expenditures. Fund summaries for all funds affected by the proposed budget amendment. Proposed amended Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule. 4 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 24-010 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 23-021, WHICH ADOPTED A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2024 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2024; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council approved Ordinance 23-021 on November 21, 2023, which adopted the 2024 annual budget; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the November 21, 2023 adoption of the 2024 annual budget, it has become necessary to make changes by adding new revenue, appropriations, amendments, and transferring funds in order to properly perform City functions, services and activities; and WHEREAS, certain changes were necessary to the salaries and wages for employees from what were included in the adopted 2024 annual budget; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to create Fund 111 Transportation Benefit District Fund, which will be used to account for collections and expenditures of vehicle license tab fees imposed pursuant to RCW 36.73.065 as authorized in RCW 82.80.140 and chapter 3.85 SVMC. The funds generated by the district shall be used for any purpose allowed by law including to make transportation improvements that are consistent with state, regional and local transportation plans and transportation improvements that construct, preserve, maintain and operate the existing and future transportation infrastructure of the City, consistent with the requirements of chapter 36.73 RCW; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to create Fund 503 Public Safety Equipment Replacement Fund, which will be used to account for the purchase and plan for the eventual replacement of public safety related equipment. This equipment includes items such as police vehicles, office furniture, camera equipment, and any other equipment that requires periodic replacement due to wear or obsolescence; and WHEREAS, the budget changes set forth in this Ordinance could not have been reasonably anticipated or known when the 2024 annual budget was passed by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the best interests of the City are served by amending the 2024 budget to reflect unanticipated revenue, expenditures, transfers, and appropriating the same as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. Amended Revenues and Appropriations. Ordinance No. 23-021 adopted a budget for the twelve months beginning January 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2024. Each item, revenue, appropriation, and fund contained in Section 1 of Ordinance 23-021 is hereby further amended as set forth in Attachment A to this Ordinance, which is incorporated herein. Section 2. Amended Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule. Ordinance No. 23-021 adopted an Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule as part of the budget for the twelve months beginning January 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2024. The schedule is hereby amended as set forth in Attachment B to this Ordinance, which is incorporated herein. Section 3. Creating Fund 111. There is hereby created Fund 111 Transportation Benefit District Fund which will be used to account for collections and expenditures of vehicle license fees within the City. Ordinance 24-010 amending the 2024 budget Page 1 of 4 Section 4. Creating Fund 503. There is hereby created Fund 503 Public Safety Equipment Replacement Fund which will be used to account for the purchase and plan for the eventual replacement of public safety related equipment. Section 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 6.Effective Date.This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this ____ day of June 2024. ATTEST: Pam Haley, Mayor ___________________________ Marci Patterson, City Clerk Approved as to form: __________________________ Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: ___________ Effective Date: _______________ Ordinance 24-010 amending the 2024 budget Page 2 of 4 4 of 3 Page A ATTACHMENT -010 amending the 2024 budget 24 Ordinance ATTACHMENT B EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2024 Position TitleGrade2024 Range City ManagerUnclassified Deputy City Manager2212,646.07 - 19,643.08 City Attorney2111,392.86 - 17,678.91 Finance Director2111,392.86 - 17,678.91 Community & Public Works Director2111,392.86 - 17,678.91 City Services Administrator2111,392.86 - 17,678.91 Parks and Recreation Director2010,253.44 - 15,912.19 City Engineer2010,253.44 - 15,912.19 Economic Development Director2010,253.44 - 15,912.19 Human Resources Director2010,253.44 - 15,912.19 Senior Deputy City Attorney199,227.93 - 14,321.13 Building Official199,227.93 - 14,321.13 Engineering Manager199,227.93 - 14,321.13 Planning Manager188,306.21 - 12,888.37 Senior Engineer 188,306.21 - 12,888.37 Public Works Superintendent188,306.21 - 12,888.37 Communications Manager188,306.21 - 12,888.37 Accounting Manager188,306.21 - 12,888.37 Marketing Manager188,306.21 - 12,888.37 Assistant Building Official177,475.16 - 11,599.06 Senior Administrative Analyst177,475.16 - 11,599.06 IT Manager177,475.16 - 11,599.06 Legislative Coordinator177,475.16 - 11,599.06 Accounting and Finance Program Manager177,475.16 - 11,599.06 Deputy City Attorney166,726.96 - 10,438.48 City Clerk166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Engineer 166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Senior Planner166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Development Services Coordinator166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Accountant/Budget Analyst166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Housing and Homeless Services Coordinator166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Project Manager166,726.96 - 10,438.48 CAD Manager166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Code Enforcement Supervisor166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Associate Planner156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Assistant Engineer156,055.11 - 9,395.29 IT Specialist156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Engineering Technician II156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Economic Development Project Specialist156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Senior Plans Examiner156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Communications Specialist156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Administrative Analyst156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Maintenance/Construction Foreman156,055.11 - 9,395.29 GIS Analyst156,055.11 - 9,395.29 CPW Liason156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Signal Technician156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Mechanic145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Human Resource Analyst 145,449.93 - 8,456.41 CenterPlace Coordinator145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Planner145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Building Inspector II145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Plans Examiner145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Engineering Technician I145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Senior Permit Specialist145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Code Enforcement Officer145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Maintenance/Construction Inspector 145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Business License Specialist145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Park Operations and Maintenance Coordinator145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Accountant I145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Recreation Coordinator134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Deputy City Clerk134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Customer Relations/Facilities Coordinator134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Building Inspector I134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Executive Assistant134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Planning Technician134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Human Resources Technician134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Maintenance Lead134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Senior Center Specialist124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Permit Facilitator124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Help Desk Technician124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Accounting Technician124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Administrative Assistant124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Recreation Specialist124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Paralegal124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Maintenance Worker II124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Maintenance Worker I113,972.92 - 6,164.63 Permit Specialist 113,972.92 - 6,164.63 Office Assistant II10-113,575.38 - 6,164.63 Custodian103,575.38 - 5,546.87 Office Assistant I9-103,218.25 - 5,546.87 Note: Slight rounding differences may exist between the figures reflected on this page and the actual payroll rates computed by the Eden Payroll System. Ordinance 24-010 amending the 2024 budget Page 4 of 4 Budget 6/4/2024 A t 0290,000290,0000473,722473,722 77,2261,34578,57130,68659431,28095,9341,08497,01880,2631,13381,39689,2471,01990,266 512,65115,359528,010262,2323,732265,964525,31215,744541,056208,1832,658210,841119,5929,276128,868111,2861,397112,683236,8507,099243,949104,2683,132107,400436,46813,101449,569148,2652,102150,367982,78 929,4721,012,261416,9695,226422,195249,6897,500257,189313,9929,420323,412119,0861,786120,872336,84610,120346,966180,3091,918182,227262,7047,872270,576636,83119,097655,928274,7133,619278,332519,35515, 582534,937200,7012,953203,654526,81115,803542,614189,6312,905192,536179,2925,376184,668 InitialAmended Total recurring revenues290,000 Page 1 of 7 replacement costs t OrganizationObjec A t Accoun DescriptionCodeCodeDescription / JustificationBudgetAmendmen P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2024 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Budget Amendment #1\\2024 06 04 2nd Reading\\2024 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RC Transfer in - #110GG397000391100-Transfer recording fees from HH Program FundSalaries and Wages - City ManagerCM513100510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - City ManagerCM51310052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - City AttorneyCA515310510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - City AttorneyCA51531052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - City ServicesAD518900510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - City ServicesAD51890052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - CommunicationsPI557200510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - CommunicationsPI55720052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - H&H ServicesHS565400510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - H&H ServicesHS56540052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseInternal Equipment Replacement - Public SafetyPS521200500503- Transfer for public safety equipment Salaries and Wages - DCMDM513100510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - DCMDM51310052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - FinanceFN514200510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - FinanceFN51420052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - HRHR518100510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - HRHR51810052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - ITIT518800510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - ITIT51880052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - FacilitiesFA518300510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - FacilitiesFA51830052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - CPW AdminPW518900510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - CPW AdminPW51890052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - EngineeringEG543100510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - EngineeringEG54310052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - EngineeringEG558500510000- Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - EngineeringEG55850052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - Econ DevED558700510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - Econ DevED55870052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - Code Enf.BD524600510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - Code Enf.BD52460052000X- Adjust for 3% payroll increase CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, W2024 Budget - Amendment #1Line Item Detail#001 - General FundRecurring RevenuesRecurring Expenditures Budget 6/4/2024 A t (87,464)86,100 (136,812)227,825 0136,812136,812087,46487,46408,0008,000 1,50050,00051,5005,2401255,365 33,36258033,94221,97966322,64299,6761,468101,144 454,4836,104460,587506,04015,168521,208205,7752,875208,650353,99010,647171,5462,018101,8733,057104,930258,4867,764266,250 InitialAmended 1,073,57932,2071,105,7861,289,383653,3061,942,689 Total recurring expenditures1,485,128 Total nonrecurring revenues159,000 Page 2 of 7 awardedEstimated CLFR revenues for 20230159,000159,000 t OrganizationObjec PR576800510000-Move Parks positions to parks divisionPR57680052000X-Move Parks positions to parks division33133121332101- A t Accoun DescriptionCodeCodeDescription / JustificationBudgetAmendmen P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2024 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Budget Amendment #1\\2024 06 04 2nd Reading\\2024 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RC Salaries and Wages - BuildingBD558500510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - BuildingBD55850052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - PlanningPL558600510000-A djust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - PlanningPL55860052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - P&R AdminPR576800510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - P&R AdminPR57680052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - Parks MaintPX576800510000-Move Parks positions from admin divisionPayroll Taxes & Benefits - Parks MaintPX57680052000X-Move Parks positions from admin divisionRepair & Maint Supplies - Parks MaintPX576800531008-Increase for new parks maintenance positionsFuel - Parks MaintPX576800532001-I ncrease for new parks maintenance positionsContracted Park MaintenancePX576800541031-Increase to reflect parks maintenance contracts Salaries and Wages - RecreationRC571000510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - RecreationRC57100052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - Senior CenterSC575500510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - Senior CenterSC57550052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseSalaries and Wages - CenterPlaceCP571200510000-Adjust for 3% payroll increasePayroll Taxes & Benefits - CenterPlaceCP57120052000X-Adjust for 3% payroll increaseGrant Proceeds CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, W2024 Budget - Amendment #1Line Item Detail#001 - General Fund - continuedRecurring Expenditures - continuedNonrecurring Revenues Budget 6/4/2024 A t (8,000)202,500 (89,124)726,414(49,948)311,647 017,00017,000085,00085,0000550,000550,000085,00085,00001,000,0001,000,00001,392,5001,392,500 8,000(2,000)6,0001,400(400)1,000 72,7361,54974,28525,000(7,500)17,50010,000(1,000)9,00020,000(2,000)18,00076,500(76,500)0 161,2766,266167,542793,14922,389357,7133,882 InitialAmended 4,592,923(1,392,500)3,200,423 Total nonrecurring expenditures3,475,500 Page 3 of 7 staffing evaluationsEstimated CLFR related expenditures for 202403,131,0003,131,000Reduce transfer to Street Fund4,592,923(1,392,500)3,200,423Transfer for vehicles for new parks maintenance positionsTransfer for equipment costs related to future police staffing increasesTotal of all General Fund revenues449,000Total of all General Fund expenditures4,960,628Transfer in TBD fee revenuesReduce transfer from General FundTotal revenues0 ---Adjust for 3% payroll increase-Adjust for 3% payroll increase-Adjust for 3% payroll increase-Move salaries to traffic signal division-Move overtime to traffic signal division-Adjust for 3% payroll increase-Move taxes & benefits to traffic signal division t 531004-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division531006-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division531010-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division532001-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division535001-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division541002-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division210,500 OrganizationObjec WT542660510000WT54266052000XSD542100510000SD542100510900SD54210052000XSD542100SD542100SD542100SD542100SD542100SD542100 A t Accoun DescriptionCodeCodeDescription / JustificationBudgetAmendmen P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2024 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Budget Amendment #1\\2024 06 04 2nd Reading\\2024 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RC Public Outreach Costs for Police StaffingPI5573999541005-Costs related to community outreach for police Clean Building RequirementsFA518399541005-Initial costs for clean building requirementsCLFR Program ExpendituresFP565409541060-Financial Software Capital CostsGG594189564012-True up software replacement costs by yearTransfer out - #101GG597099500101-Transfer out - #501GG597099500501-Transf er out - #503GG597099500503-Transfers in - #111SF397000391110Transfers in - #001SF397099390010Salaries and Wages - SnowPayroll Taxes & Benefits - SnowSalaries and Wages - Street Maint.Overtime - Street Maint.Payroll Taxes & Benefits - Street Maint.Operating SuppliesSafety EquipmentVehicle Maintenance SuppliesFuelSmall Tools & Minor Equip - TrafficEngineering & Architectural CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, W2024 Budget - Amendment #1Line Item Detail#001 - General Fund - continuedNonrecurring Expenditures#101 - Street FundRevenuesExpenditures Budget 6/4/2024 A t 77,770127,718 142,041231,165 089,124010,00010,000049,948020,60020,60001,6001,60003,0003,000038,00038,000076,50076,50008,0008,000075,00075,00002,6652,66501,5001,500017,00017,00001,5001,500026,80026,8000485,000485,000025,00025,000 01,5001,500 8,700(1,500)7,2006,750(1,500)5,2507,615(3,450)4,165 10,644(505)10,13911,000(1,000)10,00012,300(1,000)11,30038,605(21,800)16,80525,000(25,000)057,887(170)57,71732,30396833,27113,99318314,17664,6061,93666,54227,98536728,352 485,000(485,000)0100,000(100,000)0790,000(385,000)405,000 InitialAmended Page 4 of 7 -Adjust for 3% payroll increase-Adjust for 3% payroll increase-Adjust for 3% payroll increase-Adjust for 3% payroll increase-Move salaries from Street Maint division-Add new signal tech positions-Move overtime from Street Maint division-Move taxes & benefits from Street Maint-Add new signal tech positions-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division t 542003-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division543001-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division545003-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division548001-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division548031-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division OrganizationObjec SD542100SD542100SD542100SD542100SD542100BR542100510000BR54210052000XLS542100510000LS54210052000XTR542640510000TR542640510900TR54264052000XTR542640531004TR542640531006TR542640531010T R542640532001TR542640531001TR542640541002TR542640541014TR542640542003TR542640543001TR542640545003TR542640548001TR542640548031TR542640548001TR542640541024 A t Accoun DescriptionCodeCodeDescription / JustificationBudgetAmendmen P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2024 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Budget Amendment #1\\2024 06 04 2nd Reading\\2024 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RC Cell PhonesTravel/Mileage Equipment RentalEquipment Repair & MaintenanceSoftware Licenses & MaintenanceStreet LightingSD542630547001-Move expenses to set up traffic signal divisionTraffic Control Devices- Repair & MaintTR542640548001-Move expenses to set up traffic signal divisionInland Empire UtilityST542900541024-Move expenses to set up traffic signal divisionMemberships & Professional LicensesST542900549002-Move expenses to set up traffic signal divisionRegistrationsST542900549004-Move expenses to set up traffic signal divisionTraffic Control ImprovementsTR59444056 3003-Move expenses to set up traffic signal divisionStreet Maintenance-CountySD542300546059-Move expenses to set up traffic signal divisionSalaries and Wages - Bridge Maint.Payroll Taxes & Benefits - Bridge Maint.Salaries and Wages - Local StreetsPayroll Taxes & Benefits - Local StreetsSalaries and Wages - Traffic SignalOvertime - Traffic SignalPayroll Taxes & Benefits - Traffic SignalOperating SuppliesSafety EquipmentVehicle Maintenance SuppliesFuelSmall Tools & Minor Equip - TrafficEngineering & ArchitecturalContract Signal MaintenanceCell PhonesTravel/Mileage Equipment RentalEquipment Repair & MaintenanceSoftware Licenses & MaintenanceStreet LightingSD542630547001-Move expenses to set up traffic signal divisionTraffic Control Devices- Repair & MaintUtility Service - 811 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, W2024 Budget - Amendment #1Line Item Detail#101 - Street Fund - continuedExpenditures - continued Budget 6/4/2024 A t 025025004,4504,4500100,000100,000057,37557,375014,00014,0000205,000205,0000793,575793,57504,400,0004,400,0000793,575793,575 InitialAmended 1,200,000381,0001,581,000 Page 5 of 7 Total expenditures308,766 Total revenues793,575Council action - Cross Country Course AwardTotal expenditures4,400,000Transfer based on Council action in 2023Total expenditures0Adjust expenditures based on 2023 actualsTotal expenditures381,000 -Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-Move expenses to set up traffic signal division-One time costs to set up traffice signal division-One time costs to set up traffice signal division-Transfer for one time vehicle costs-- t OrganizationObjec TR542640549002TR542640549004TR594449564001TR594449564001TR597000500501 A t Accoun (Bucket Truck/Vehicles) DescriptionCodeCodeDescription / JustificationBudgetAmendmen P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2024 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Budget Amendment #1\\2024 06 04 2nd Reading\\2024 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RC Memberships & Professional LicensesRegistrationsTraffic Control DevicesTR594440563003Nonrecurring Tools and Minor EquipmentNonrecurring Office FurnitureTransfer out - #501 Transfers in - #105TF397000391050-Transfer based on Council action in 2023Transfers out - #316TF597000500316Tourism PromotionFP557300541000-Decrease based on actual Council awards1,252,200(793,575)458,625Tran sfers out - #104HM557300500104-Professional ServicesTA557300541005 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, W2024 Budget - Amendment #1Line Item Detail#101 - Street Fund - continuedExpenditures - continued#104 - Hotel/Motel Tax- Tourism Facilities FundRevenuesExpenditures#105 - Hotel/Motel Tax FundExpenditures#109 - Tourism Promotion Area FundExpenditures Budget 6/4/2024 A t 0290,000290,00001,392,5001,392,5000759,600759,60004,400,0004,400,00004,400,0004,400,000 InitialAmended Page 6 of 7 Total revenues(350,000)Transfer recording fees to General Fund Total expenditures290,000Total revenues1,392,500Transfer license fees to Street Fund #101Total expenditures1,392,500WSDOT Sullivan Park property acquisitionTotal expenditures759,600Council action - Cross Country Course AwardTotal revenues4,400,000Project costsTotal expenditures4,400,000 ---- t OrganizationObjec A t Accoun DescriptionCodeCodeDescription / JustificationBudgetAmendmen P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2024 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Budget Amendment #1\\2024 06 04 2nd Reading\\2024 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RC Recording FeesHH341270342700-Implement recording fee revenues640,000(350,000)290,000Transfer out - #001HH597000500001Vehicle License FeesTB317600316000-Implement vehicle license fees01,392,5001,392,5 00Transfer out - #101TB597000500101Property AcquisitionCR594760561000Transfer in - #10436139700391040-Cross Country Course Project36159476541002 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, W2024 Budget - Amendment #1Line Item Detail#110 - Homeless Housing Program FundRevenuesExpenditures#111 - Transportation Benefit District FundRevenuesExpenditures#312 - Capital Reserve FundExpenditures#316 - Economic Development Capital Projects FundRevenuesExpenditures Budget 6/4/2024 A t 0205,000205,0000473,722473,72201,000,0001,000,000 86,50085,000171,50058,000205,000263,000 907,05827,193934,251409,9185,153415,071120,00085,000205,000 InitialAmended Page 7 of 7 Total expenditures290,000Transfer for one time costs related to increase in police staffingTotal revenues1,473,722Totals Across all FundsTotal revenues8,448,797Total expenditures17,214,840 Total expenditures32,346Transfer for vehicles for new parks maintenance positionsTransfer in for vehicles for new signal maintenance divisionTotal revenues290,000Transfer for public safety equipment replacement costs -Adjust for 3% payroll increase-Adjust for 3% payroll increase-New parks maintenance vehicles- t OrganizationObjec SW531000510000SW53100052000XFM594760564006 A t Accoun DescriptionCodeCodeDescription / JustificationBudgetAmendmen (recurring)(nonrecurring) P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2024 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Budget Amendment #1\\2024 06 04 2nd Reading\\2024 Amendment No 1 Detail v2 for RC Salaries and Wages Payroll Taxes & Benefits Transfer in - #001ER397000390010-Transfer in - #101ER397000391010-Vehicle Purchase - ParksVehicle Purchase - Signal Maintenance-New signal maintenance vehiclesTransfer in - #001 Transfer in - #001 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, W2024 Budget - Amendment #1Line Item Detail#402 - Stormwater FundExpenditures#501 - Equipment Rental & Replacement FundRevenuesExpenditures#503 - Public Safety Equipment Replacement FundRevenues CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 6/4/2024 2024 Budget Amendment 2024 AsProposedAs AdoptedAmendmentAmended #001 - GENERAL FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax13,824,900013,824,900 Sales Tax33,709,600033,709,600 Sales Tax - Public Safety 1,600,80001,600,800 Sales Tax - Criminal Justice2,818,50002,818,500 Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax485,0000485,000 Franchise Fees/Business Registration1,370,00001,370,000 State Shared Revenues2,469,40002,469,400 Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety500,6000500,600 Community and Public Works3,481,90003,481,900 Recreation Program Revenues607,2000607,200 Grant Proceeds120,0000120,000 Miscellaneous Department Revenue87,000087,000 Miscellaneous & Investment Interest1,211,20001,211,200 (h/m tax-CP advertising) Transfers in - #105 30,000030,000 Transfers in - #110 (recording fees for H&H services)0290,000290,000 Total Recurring Revenues62,316,100290,00062,606,100 Expenditures City Council721,4070721,407 City Manager863,88319,091882,974 City Attorney932,98018,402951,382 City Services1,301,72522,8431,324,568 Public Safety35,251,248035,251,248 Deputy City Manager595,02315,203610,226 Finance1,422,45834,6981,457,156 Human Resources380,5338,584389,117 Information Technology446,17811,206457,384 Facilities1,313,68512,0381,325,723 Public Works - Administration400,4279,005409,432 Engineering2,015,43041,2512,056,681 Building2,240,95644,7062,285,662 Economic Development1,189,80618,7081,208,514 Planning1,081,09018,0431,099,133 Parks & Rec - Administration720,793(211,611)509,182 Parks & Rec - Maintenance1,398,583935,5822,334,165 Parks & Rec - Recreation 346,3103,637349,947 Parks & Rec - Aquatics569,2000569,200 Parks & Rec - Senior Center33,99478834,782 Parks & Rec - CenterPlace675,9809,232685,212 General Government1,707,54001,707,540 (2016 LTGO debt service) Transfers out - #204 398,9500398,950 Transfers out - #309 (park capital projects)160,0000160,000 Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 1,021,90001,021,900 Transfers out - #501 (IT equip reserve)86,500086,500 Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium) 700,0000700,000 Transfers out - #503 (public safety equipment)0473,722473,722 Total Recurring Expenditures57,976,5791,485,12859,461,707 Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures4,339,521(1,195,128)3,144,393 tğŭĻ Њ ƚŅ Б CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 6/4/2024 2024 Budget Amendment 2024 AsProposedAs AdoptedAmendmentAmended #001 - GENERAL FUND - continued NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds (Comp Plan amendment) 325,0000325,000 Grant Proceeds (CLFR)0159,000159,000 Total Nonrecurring Revenues325,000159,000484,000 Expenditures General Government - IT capital replacements152,5000152,500 Public Safety (UTV) 36,000036,000 Facilities (Precinct repairs & improvements)155,0000155,000 Facilities (electric man-lift) 20,000020,000 Facilities (CenterPlace repairs & improvements) 241,0000241,000 Facilities (Clean Building requirements) 085,00085,000 Parks & Rec (replace banquet chair at CP) 150,0000150,000 Parks & Rec (motorized shades for Great Room) 25,000025,000 Communications (Police staffing community outreach)017,00017,000 CLFR Related Project Expenditures03,131,0003,131,000 Financial Software Capital Costs0550,000550,000 (Street Fund operations) Transfers out - #101 4,592,923(1,392,500)3,200,423 Transfers out - #312 ('22 fund bal >50%)000 Transfers out - #501 (park maint vehicles) 085,00085,000 Transfers out - #503 (CLFR related for police equip)01,000,0001,000,000 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures5,372,4233,475,5008,847,923 Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures(5,047,423)(3,316,500)(8,363,923) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(707,902)(4,511,628)(5,219,530) Beginning unrestricted fund balance45,847,41245,847,412 Ending unrestricted fund balance45,139,51040,627,882 Fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures77.86%68.33% tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Б CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 6/4/2024 2024 Budget Amendment 2024 AsProposedAs AdoptedAmendmentAmended SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS #101 - STREET FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Utility Tax900,0000900,000 Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax1,950,70001,950,700 Multimodal Transportation Revenue137,5000137,500 Right-of-Way Maintenance Fee100,0000100,000 Solid Waste Road Wear Fee (local streets)1,700,00001,700,000 Investment Interest10,000010,000 Miscellaneous10,000010,000 Transfer in - #111 (vehicle license fees)01,392,5001,392,500 Total Recurring Revenues4,808,2001,392,5006,200,700 Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes1,641,850259,8511,901,701 Supplies245,400(81,900)163,500 Services & Charges2,840,050(1,033,925)1,806,125 Snow Operations1,699,46401,699,464 Local Street Program1,579,56001,579,560 Traffic Signal Program0888,365888,365 Intergovernmental Payments1,025,00001,025,000 (non-plow vehicle rental) Vehicle rentals - #501 41,950041,950 Vehicle rentals - #501 (plow replace.)300,0000300,000 Total Recurring Expenditures9,373,27432,3919,405,665 Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures(4,565,074)1,360,109(3,204,965) NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Transfers in - #0014,592,923(1,392,500)3,200,423 Total Nonrecurring Revenues4,592,923(1,392,500)3,200,423 Expenditures Capital Equipment Replacement Programs225,0000225,000 Bridge Replacement Program25,000025,000 Traffic Signal Program Tools & Equipment057,37557,375 Traffic Signal Program Office Furniture014,00014,000 Transfers out - #501 (Bucket Truck/Vehicles signal prog)0205,000205,000 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures250,000276,375526,375 Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures4,342,923(1,668,875)2,674,048 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(222,151)(308,766)(530,917) Beginning fund balance4,660,3064,660,306 Unrestricted ending fund balance4,438,1554,129,389 tğŭĻ Ќ ƚŅ Б CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 6/4/2024 2024 Budget Amendment 2024 AsProposedAs AdoptedAmendmentAmended SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #104 - HOTEL / MOTEL TAX - TOURISM FACILITIES FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax600,0000600,000 Investment Interest 80,000080,000 Transfers in - #1050793,575793,575 Total revenues680,000793,5751,473,575 Expenditures Transfer out - #316 (cross country course award) 04,400,0004,400,000 Total expenditures04,400,0004,400,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures680,000(2,926,425) Beginning fund balance4,957,8304,957,830 Ending fund balance5,637,8302,031,405 #105 - HOTEL / MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax900,0000900,000 Investment Interest 10,000010,000 Total revenues910,0000910,000 Expenditures Transfers out - #00130,000030,000 Transfers out - #1040793,575793,575 Tourism Promotion1,252,200(793,575)458,625 Total expenditures1,282,20001,282,200 Revenues over (under) expenditures(372,200)(372,200) Beginning fund balance600,231600,231 Ending fund balance228,031228,031 #109 - TOURISM PROMOTION AREA FUND Revenues Tourism Promotion Area Fee1,200,00001,200,000 Total revenues1,200,00001,200,000 Expenditures Professional Services1,200,000381,0001,581,000 Total expenditures1,200,000381,0001,581,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures0(381,000) Beginning fund balance681,740681,740 Ending fund balance681,740300,740 tğŭĻ Ѝ ƚŅ Б CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 6/4/2024 2024 Budget Amendment 2024 AsProposedAs AdoptedAmendmentAmended SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #110 - HOMELESS HOUSING PROGRAM FUND Revenues Recording Fees640,000(350,000)290,000 Total revenues640,000(350,000)290,000 Expenditures Transfers out - #0010290,000290,000 Total expenditures0290,000290,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures640,0000 Beginning fund balance126,547126,547 Ending fund balance766,547126,547 #111 - TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT FUND Revenues Vehicle License Fees01,392,5001,392,500 Total revenues01,392,5001,392,500 Expenditures Transfers out - #10101,392,5001,392,500 Total expenditures01,392,5001,392,500 Revenues over (under) expenditures00 Beginning fund balance126,547126,547 Ending fund balance126,547126,547 tğŭĻ Ў ƚŅ Б CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 6/4/2024 2024 Budget Amendment 2024 AsProposedAs AdoptedAmendmentAmended CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS #312 - CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Revenues Transfers in - #001 ('22 fund bal >50%)000 Investment Interest 500,0000500,000 Total revenues500,0000500,000 Expenditures Transfers out - #309 (Balfour Park Improvements Ph. 1)20,000020,000 Transfers out - #309 (Greenacres Park Ph. 2) 200,0000200,000 Transfers out - #314 (Barker Rd Overpass)725,0000725,000 Transfers out - #314 (Pines Rd Underpass) 20,094020,094 Transfers out - #314 (Sullivan Interchange)61,698061,698 WSDOT Sullivan Park Property Acquisition0759,600759,600 Total expenditures1,026,792759,6001,786,392 Revenues over (under) expenditures(526,792)(1,286,392) Beginning fund balance15,899,01215,899,012 Ending fund balance15,372,22014,612,620 #316 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Transfers in - #104 04,400,0004,400,000 Total revenues04,400,0004,400,000 Expenditures Cross Country Course Project04,400,0004,400,000 Total expenditures04,400,0004,400,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures00 Beginning fund balance126,547126,547 Ending fund balance126,547126,547 tğŭĻ Џ ƚŅ Б CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 6/4/2024 2024 Budget Amendment 2024 AsProposedAs AdoptedAmendmentAmended ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402 - STORMWATER FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Stormwater Management Fees5,600,00005,600,000 Investment Interest40,000040,000 Total Recurring Revenues5,640,00005,640,000 Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes1,316,97632,3461,349,322 Supplies44,700044,700 Services & Charges2,422,31702,422,317 Intergovernmental Payments48,000048,000 Vehicle rentals - #50113,000013,000 Total Recurring Expenditures3,844,99332,3463,877,339 Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures1,795,007(32,346)1,762,661 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds000 Total Nonrecurring Revenues000 Expenditures Capital - various projects1,500,00001,500,000 Watershed studies150,0000150,000 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures1,650,00001,650,000 Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures(1,650,000)0(1,650,000) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures145,007(32,346)112,661 Beginning working capital4,616,9914,616,991 Ending working capital4,761,9984,729,652 tğŭĻ А ƚŅ Б CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 6/4/2024 2024 Budget Amendment 2024 AsProposedAs AdoptedAmendmentAmended INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS #501 - EQUIPMENT RENTAL & REPLACEMENT FUND Revenues Vehicle rentals - #00146,750046,750 Vehicle rentals - #10141,950041,950 Vehicle rentals - #101 (plow replace.) 300,0000300,000 Vehicle rentals - #40213,000013,000 Transfers in - #001 (IT equipment reserve) 86,500086,500 Transfers in - #001 (new Parks Maint. vehicles)085,00085,000 Transfers in - #101 (New Signal Maint vehicles) 0205,000205,000 Investment Interest20,000020,000 Total revenues508,200290,000798,200 Expenditures Small tools & minor equipment10,000010,000 Vehicle purchase120,000290,000410,000 Snow plow purchase300,0000300,000 Heavey Duty Machinery & Equipment270,0000270,000 Total expenditures700,000290,000990,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures(191,800)(191,800) Beginning fund balance1,301,7651,301,765 Ending fund balance1,109,9651,109,965 #503 - PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Revenues Transfers in - #001 (recurring replacment amounts) 0473,722473,722 Transfers in - #001 (transfer for equipment for future additional officers) 01,000,0001,000,000 Total revenues01,473,7221,473,722 Expenditures Equipment Purchases000 Total expenditures000 Revenues over (under) expenditures01,473,722 Beginning fund balance00 Ending fund balance01,473,722 tğŭĻ Б ƚŅ Б Appendix A EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2024 Position TitleGrade2024 Range City ManagerUnclassified Deputy City Manager2212,646.07 - 19,643.08 City Attorney2111,392.86 - 17,678.91 Finance Director2111,392.86 - 17,678.91 Community & Public Works Director2111,392.86 - 17,678.91 City Services Administrator2111,392.86 - 17,678.91 Parks and Recreation Director2010,253.44 - 15,912.19 City Engineer2010,253.44 - 15,912.19 Economic Development Director2010,253.44 - 15,912.19 Human Resources Director2010,253.44 - 15,912.19 Senior Deputy City Attorney199,227.93 - 14,321.13 Building Official199,227.93 - 14,321.13 Engineering Manager199,227.93 - 14,321.13 Planning Manager188,306.21 - 12,888.37 Senior Engineer 188,306.21 - 12,888.37 Public Works Superintendent188,306.21 - 12,888.37 Communications Manager188,306.21 - 12,888.37 Accounting Manager188,306.21 - 12,888.37 Marketing Manager188,306.21 - 12,888.37 Assistant Building Official177,475.16 - 11,599.06 Senior Administrative Analyst177,475.16 - 11,599.06 IT Manager177,475.16 - 11,599.06 Legislative Coordinator177,475.16 - 11,599.06 Accounting and Finance Program Manager177,475.16 - 11,599.06 Deputy City Attorney166,726.96 - 10,438.48 City Clerk166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Engineer 166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Senior Planner166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Development Services Coordinator166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Accountant/Budget Analyst166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Housing and Homeless Services Coordinator166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Project Manager166,726.96 - 10,438.48 CAD Manager166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Code Enforcement Supervisor166,726.96 - 10,438.48 Associate Planner156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Assistant Engineer156,055.11 - 9,395.29 IT Specialist156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Engineering Technician II156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Economic Development Project Specialist156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Senior Plans Examiner156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Communications Specialist156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Administrative Analyst156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Maintenance/Construction Foreman156,055.11 - 9,395.29 GIS Analyst156,055.11 - 9,395.29 CPW Liason156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Signal Technician156,055.11 - 9,395.29 Mechanic145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Human Resource Analyst 145,449.93 - 8,456.41 CenterPlace Coordinator145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Planner145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Building Inspector II145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Plans Examiner145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Engineering Technician I145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Senior Permit Specialist145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Code Enforcement Officer145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Maintenance/Construction Inspector 145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Business License Specialist145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Park Operations and Maintenance Coordinator145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Accountant I145,449.93 - 8,456.41 Recreation Coordinator134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Deputy City Clerk134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Customer Relations/Facilities Coordinator134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Building Inspector I134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Executive Assistant134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Planning Technician134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Human Resources Technician134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Maintenance Lead134,904.54 - 7,610.48 Senior Center Specialist124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Permit Facilitator124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Help Desk Technician124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Accounting Technician124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Administrative Assistant124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Recreation Specialist124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Paralegal124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Maintenance Worker II124,415.70 - 6,849.25 Maintenance Worker I113,972.92 - 6,164.63 Permit Specialist 113,972.92 - 6,164.63 Office Assistant II10-113,575.38 - 6,164.63 Custodian103,575.38 - 5,546.87 Office Assistant I9-103,218.25 - 5,546.87 Note: Slight rounding differences may exist between the figures reflected on this page and the actual payroll rates computed by the Eden Payroll System. Salary Schedule CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 4, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing informationadmin. reportpending legislationexecutive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE:Motion Consideration–Spokane Transit Authority Master Design and Construction Agreement GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 3.35.10 – Contract Authority Chapter 39.34 RCW – Interlocal Cooperation Act PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: May 28, 2024 – Administrative Report on Master Agreement: Consensus given to bring back Master Agreement for Motion Consideration. BACKGROUND: Spokane Transit Authority (STA) provides public transportation facilities and services to the public within the City’s limits. STA’s Board of Directors annually adopts a Capital Improvement Plan to provide for the construction of capital projects and improvements to public transportation facilities within its area of operation, including the construction and installation of transit amenities and infrastructure to facilitate transit service improvements within the City limits. Similarly, the City adopts a Capital Improvement Program identifying roadway and sidewalk improvement projects throughout the City Limits to which STA provides public transportation services on. STA and the City desire to achieve economic benefits and project efficiencies by cooperatively planning, designing, and constructing infrastructure improvements that overlap and provide a benefit to each jurisdiction. The proposed Master Design and Construction Agreement provides the framework and mechanism for either agency to include their improvements with the other party’s planned improvements and establish a process for the reimbursement of costs related to the completion of improvements by each party. This “cooperative” improvement project has benefits to both jurisdictions as well as the general public in project implementation. The mechanism for the City and STA to coordinate on the implementation of a “cooperative” project will require the execution of a Project Order, which is grounded in the Master Agreement for general terms and conditions. The Project Order is a project-specific agreement that outlines the key parameters of the project, including scope, schedule, and budget, as well as which party will be the Managing Party and Funding Party. The Managing Party works to complete the project within the project parameters while the Funding Party provides reimbursement for their portion of the work. Though this agreement allows either party to be the Managing Party, City staff anticipates, for the most part, the Agreement and subsequent Project Orders will be used by STA to construct and fund their transit improvements as part of a City’s capital improvement project. Under this scenario, the City would be the Managing Party. OPTIONS: 1) Authorize the City Manager to execute the Master Design and Construction Agreement between the Spokane Transit Authority and the City; or 2) Take other appropriate action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Master Design and Construction Agreement between the Spokane Transit Authority and the City. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The Master Design and Construction Agreement requires STA to reimburse the City for all design and engineering costs when the City serves as the Managing Party. The overall impact on the City budget is negligible as the costs incurred on behalf of STA will be reimbursed by STA. Should the STA serve as the Managing Party, appropriate City budgets will be reviewed as part of coordinating the project activities with STA. The City funds for the work associated with this Agreement would come from an approved project budget. STAFF CONTACT: Bill Helbig, Public Works Director Kelly Konkright, City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Master Design and Construction Agreement SPOKANE TRANSIT AUTHORITY INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS MASTER DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT This Master Design and Construction Agreement for Spokane Transit Authority Infrastructure Improvements (“Agreement” or Master Agreement”) is made and entered into this XXX day of XXX, 2024, by and between the City of Spokane Valley (“City”) and the Spokane Transit Authority (“STA”); each a municipal corporation of the State of Washington. The City and STA may be referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as “Parties”. WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 36.57A RCW, STA is authorized to do all things necessary to provide public transportation facilities and services to the public, within the boundaries of the Public Transportation Benefit Area (“PTBA”), which includes the City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, STA’s Board of Directors annually adopts a Capital Improvement Plan to provide for the construction of capital projects and improvements to public transportation facilities within its area of operation, including the construction and installation of transit amenities and infrastructure to facilitate transit service improvements within the City limits; and WHEREAS, the City annually establishes a list of infrastructure improvements within City limits, including improvements to neighborhoods and streets to which STA provides public transportation services; and WHEREAS, RCW 39.34.080 authorizes STA and the City to enter into cooperative agreements to provide for and fund public infrastructure and facilities for the benefit of the citizens and residents within their jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, STA and the City desire to achieve economic benefits and project efficiencies by cooperatively planning, designing and constructing infrastructure improvements that provide a benefit to each jurisdiction and establish a process for the reimbursement of costs related to the completion of such improvements by each Party; and WHEREAS, in recognition of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding that may be utilized by STA for capital projects constructed by it as part of this cooperative agreement, the Parties desire to provide for the requisite FTA grant assurances, certifications and continuing control agreements when such federal funding is utilized by the Parties on cooperative infrastructure projects. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 1 of 18 1. DEFINITIONS The following capitalized terms shall be interpreted as follows when used in this Agreement and any subsequent Project Orders: Term Definition A capital project within the boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley that enhances the efficiency and quality of public transportation service by Cooperative Project providing tangible and accountable public transit benefits through the design, construction,or installation of Transit Improvements. FTA Federal Transit Administration The primary Party responsible for the performance of work under each Managing Party Project Order. The Party with limited or no responsibility for the performance of work Funding Party under a Project Order, but who maintains a designated fiscal responsibility for a Project Order. A project-specific agreement identifying the Scope of Work to be performed on said project and the obligations of each Party for the Project Order completion of each Cooperative Project, or group of Cooperative Projects. Each Project Order shall incorporate the terms and conditions of this Master Agreement. A detailed description of all work to be performed under a Project Order, including, but not limited to, design, engineering, permitting, community Scope of Work relations, procurement, project management and construction. The Scope of Work shall be attached to each Project Order as an exhibit to the Project Order. Capital improvements on a Cooperative Project that enhance the efficiency and quality of public transportation service, including, but not limited to, passenger boarding areas, curb and gutter, sidewalks and Transit Improvements pathways, curb ramps, bus shelter footings, railings, supporting structures, transit shelters, lighting, signal improvements, intersection improvements, traffic re-channelization, and real-time information displays. 2. SCOPE OF WORK A. IDENTIFICATION OF IMPROVEMENTS I. The City and STA shall identify Cooperative Projects in locations throughout the City to support or improve public transportation services. Where the Parties deem appropriate and mutually agree, a Project Order may be issued retroactively to provide for reimbursement to the Managing Party for the cost of a project that provides a benefit to the Funding Party. Additional Cooperative Projects may be agreed to pursuant to a written Project Order executed by each of the Parties. May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 2 of 18 II. The Parties shall execute a Project Order, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, for each Cooperative Project or group of closely related Cooperative Projects to be completed. The Project Order shall include, but not be limited to, identification of the Managing and Funding Parties, a detailed Scope of Work, the Transit Improvements to be constructed, a schedule for completion and each Party’s financial obligations for the Cooperative Project. The terms of this Master Agreement shall be incorporated into each Project Order and any reference herein to "this Agreement" shall include any Project Order. III. As prioritized by the Project Orders, the Parties shall determine the order of completion and an annual schedule for the completion of Project Orders in conformance with the Parties’ respective capital improvement plans. The Parties agree to adhere to such a schedule, and any modification to said schedule shall be communicated and coordinated between the Parties. B. DESIGN AND ENGINEERING On a Project Order basis, the Managing Party may perform some or all the necessary administrative, design, engineering and estimating work related to the completion of the Cooperative Project(s). The Funding Party may at times provide the design, engineering and estimating work for Cooperative Project(s). The Funding Party shall have the right to approve all designs, specifications, engineering work and estimates, but such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or in any way relieve the Managing Party of its responsibilities for such work. The Managing Party shall designate a project manager for each Project Order. C. EXECUTION OF WORK For each Project Order, upon receipt of a written notice to proceed from the Funding Party, the Managing Party shall, to the extent permitted by law, or subcontract for the performance thereof, provide services, staff and otherwise do all things necessary for or incidental to the performance of work prescribed in the Scope of Work. D. PROCUREMENT Each Party shall be responsible for compliance with its own procurement policy on any Cooperative Project. The Parties agree that the procurement policy of each Party satisfies, at a minimum, the state statutory requirements for public works projects and that STA’s policies contain additional requirements in accordance with federal procurement requirements. E. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS At the request of the Funding Party for each Project Order, the Managing Party shall provide monthly construction updates identifying work progress, detailed expenditures, schedule adherence, change orders executed and any other matters of significance in the performance of this Agreement. Funding Party shall designate a “responsible person” who shall represent the Funding Party’s interest during construction of the Cooperative Project, shall attend weekly construction meetings. In coordination with the Managing Party’s project manager, the Funding Party shall have the right to inspect the work in progress, but the work shall not be delayed or stopped for such inspection. The Funding Party shall not direct the Managing Party’s contractor; the Funding Party shall notify the Managing Party of any corrections to the construction of the Cooperative Project and the Managing Party shall direct the contractor, accordingly. May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 3 of 18 F. CHANGES The Managing Party shall not agree to any change in the Scope of Work, specifications, or other terms of the work of a Project Order, or any contract entered into by the Managing Party for the performance of its responsibilities hereunder, without the advance written approval of the Funding Party. G. PERMITS, APPROVALS & COMMUNITY RELATIONS The Managing Party shall be responsible for obtaining all permits, licenses, easements, and approvals necessary to execute the Scope of Work and/or its obligations hereunder, shall pay all fees or costs associated therewith, shall keep records of all information, and shall provide the Funding Party with a copy of the same for each Project Order. On a Project Order basis, the Parties will outline all necessary community relations activities and will agree in writing what responsibilities will be assigned to the City, STA, or a joint effort. H. SCHEDULE The Managing Party agrees the work under a Project Order shall be completed and final acceptance issued no later than the date specified in said Project Order, unless the Parties agree otherwise in writing. I. FINAL ACCEPTANCE Upon notification by the Managing Party of substantial completion of the work of a Project Order, the Funding Party shall inspect the Cooperative Project(s). If the Funding Party finds any work which does not meet the terms of this Agreement or any specifications or terms established under a Project Order, it shall promptly prepare a list of such items and submit it to the Managing Party. Work which does not comply with the agreed upon specifications and terms shall be corrected by the Managing Party at no cost to the Funding Party. Notice of acceptance shall not constitute acceptance of any unauthorized or defective work or material. The Funding Party retains all rights thereunder and at law to require the Managing Party to remove, replace, repair, or dispose of any unauthorized or defective work, or from recovering damages for any such work or material. 3. OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE STA shall own and be responsible for all public transit facilities, facilities constructed by STA outside any City-owned right-of-way, and any other improvements or amenities as agreed to in writing by the Parties. “Public transit facilities” means those Transit Improvements that constitute amenities for those using public transportation, such as but not limited to transit shelters and signage placed or required by STA (including real-time and persistent signage). At all times the City shall be the owner of right-of- way improvements to City-owned rights-of-way that the City completes. The City shall become the owner of right-of-way improvements to City-owned rights-of-way constructed by STA only upon their completion by STA and final acceptance by the City. “Right-of-way improvements” means permanent improvements within City-owned right-of-way that are not public transit facilities, such as but not limited to sidewalks, curbs, gutters, storm sewer drains, asphalt paving, and landscaping. 4. CONTINUING CONTROL In the event STA desires to complete a Cooperative Project that is funded in whole or in part by FTA May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 4 of 18 grant assistance, such grant assistance shall be identified in the corresponding Project Order and the requisite FTA terms and conditions shall be incorporated into said Project Order. A. GENERAL The Parties acknowledge that some Cooperative Projects will be funded in part with federal funding from FTA. The Parties commit to their adherence to federal and State funding and right of way acquisition requirements when required by FTA as a condition of funding (“FTA Funded Cooperative Projects”). An FTA Grant number shall be clearly noted on the Project Order executed by the Parties to designate a project as an FTA Funded Cooperative Project. B. STA shall have the right to exercise satisfactory continuing control over the FTA Funded Cooperative Projects as applicable and in accordance with: I. 49 CFR Part 24 (and as may be amended), the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Regulations for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs (Uniform Act); II. FTA Circular C 5010.1E Grant Management Requirements (dated February 13, 2017 and as may be amended); III. Applicable statutes regulating environmental aspects of federally funded acquisitions, including site inspections and surveys and including 42 USC Subsections 9601-9675 (and as amended); IV. 2 CFR part 1201, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; and V. Any other federal funding requirement(s) imposed on STA by FTA for an FTA Funded Cooperative Project. C. PERIOD OF CONTROL STA’s right to exercise continuing control over a FTA Funded Cooperative Project shall continue as long as the property is needed, in the judgment of STA, for the appropriate project purposes, as described in an applicable FTA grant, for the duration of the useful life of that property, as required by the FTA, and shall include any time period necessary to dispose of the Federally Funded Cooperative Project under FTA requirements and procedures. D. USE The City acknowledges the FTA’s interest in any FTA Funded Cooperative Project and agrees to use the FTA Funded Cooperative Project for appropriate purposes to support public transportation activities and will not exercise any right permitted under this Agreement in a manner which compromises or otherwise diminishes STA’s continuing control over the FTA Funded Cooperative Project. May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 5 of 18 E. MAINTENANCE STA shall be responsible and liable for ongoing maintenance, repair, and replacement of all public transit facilities that STA owns per Section 3 of this Agreement. The City shall be responsible and liable for ongoing maintenance, repair, and replacement of the right-of-way improvements that the City owns per Section 3 of this Agreement. . F. RECORDS The City agrees to keep all records pertaining to the use of the FTA Funded Cooperative Project and submit to STA upon request such information as may be required by the FTA to assure compliance with FTA’s Master Agreement. G. INCIDENTAL USE Any incidental use of the FTA Funded Cooperative Project will not exceed that permitted under applicable Federal laws or regulations in accordance with applicable Federal directives. Any incidental use must be approved by STA prior to such use. H. TRANSFER OR LEASE OF PROPERTY The City shall not transfer any obligation pertaining to the FTA Funded Cooperative Project that would affect STA’s, on behalf of the FTA, continuing interest in the FTA Funded Cooperative Project. Any transfer or lease must be approved by STA in writing and prior to such transfer or lease. 5. DISPOSITION OF COOPERATIVE PROJECT A. GENERAL Unless FTA Approval is required, the Parties may mutually negotiate the disposition of any Cooperative Project, subject to compliance with applicable federal, state or local laws. B. FTA APPROVAL WHEN REQUIRED If the Parties are unable to agree upon a disposition proposal or plan of an FTA Funded Cooperative Project, STA may seek any necessary disposition instructions or approvals from the FTA. In such a case, STA will include in its submission to the FTA the independent views of the City regarding the appropriate disposition of the property involved. In addition, the City may assert whatever other rights it possesses by reason of its interest in such property. C. AGREEMENT TO COMPLY In the event that the FTA provides disposition instructions or approval with respect to the FTA Funded Cooperative Project, the City agrees to fully comply with the terms of such instructions or approval. 6. TERM This Master Agreement shall commence upon execution by the Parties and shall continue unless mutually terminated by the Parties, or as terminated in accordance with Section 14. May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 6 of 18 7. COMPENSATION The Funding Party shall reimburse the Managing Party for its financial obligations specified in each Project Order executed under this Agreement. The maximum aggregate expenditure by the Parties for all Project Orders entered into under this Master Agreement shall not exceed $5,000,000.00 (Five Million dollars and no cents). 8. INVOICES For each Project Order, upon the Managing Partner’s issuance of completion and final acceptance to the contractor, the Managing Party shall submit an invoice to the Funding Party within thirty (30) days. Such invoice shall itemize all costs by type of expenditure for each improvement made and shall be accompanied by copies of official financial records evidencing the payments for which the Managing Party seeks reimbursement from the Funding Party. 9. PAYMENT The Funding Party shall issue payment to the Managing Party within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice for work determined to be performed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and any applicable Project Order(s). 10. NOTICES All notices, requests, claims, demands and other communications shall be in writing and shall be signed by a person duly authorized to provide such notice. Notices permitted or requested to be given hereunder shall be deemed sufficient if given (1) in person; (2) by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested; (3) by facsimile or email, addressed to the respective contact of the Parties as set forth below, or as may be revised by like notice from time to time. All notices shall be deemed to have been duly given (1) when delivered in person; (2) upon receipt after dispatch by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid; (3) three (3) business days after the date of mailing by regular mail, postage prepaid; or (4) upon confirmation of receipt when transmitted by facsimile or a read receipt when transmitted by email. City of Spokane Valley Spokane Transit Authority Marci Patterson Contracts City Clerk Spokane Transit Authority City of Spokane Valley 1230 W Boone Ave 10210 E Sprague Ave Spokane, WA 99201 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 E: contracts@spokanetransit.com E: mpatterson@spokanevalleywa.gov P: (509) 325-6032 P: (509) 720-5102 May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 7 of 18 11. COMMUNICATIONS Any administrative or operational communications required by the Parties’ obligations under this Agreement shall be directed to the Parties’ representatives below: City of Spokane Valley Spokane Transit Authority William HelbigDaniel M. Wells Public Works Director Deputy Director for Capital Development City of Spokane Valley Spokane Transit Authority 10210 E Sprague Ave 1230 W Boone Ave Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99201 E: bhelbig@spokanevalleywa.govE: dwells@spokanetransit.com P: (509) 720-5320 P: (509) 343-1695 Communications to be given hereunder shall be deemed sufficient if given (1) in person; (2) by mail, postage prepaid; or (3) by facsimile or email, addressed to the designated representative of the Parties as set forth above, or as may be revised by written notice in accordance with Section 10 of this Agreement. 12. INDEMNIFICATION A. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the City shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless STA and all of its officials, employees, principals and agents from all claims, demands, suits, actions and liability of any kind, including injuries to persons or damages to property, which arise out of, are connected with, or are due to any acts or omissions of the City, its contractors, and/or employees, agents and representatives in performing its work, services and obligations under this Agreement or any Project Order; provided, however, that if (and only if) the provisions of RCW 4.24.115 apply to the work and services under this Agreement or any Project Order and any such damages and injuries to persons or property are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of the City, its contractors or employees, agents or representatives and STA or its employees, agents or representatives, the indemnification applies only to the extent of the negligence of the City, its contractors or employees, agents or representatives. In the event of any such claims, demands, suits, actions and lawsuits, the City shall assume all costs of defense thereof, including legal fees incurred by STA, and of all resulting judgments that may be obtained against STA or any of its officers, principals, agents, or employees. If resulting therefrom, any lien is placed upon property of STA or any of its officers, principals, agents or employees, the City shall at once cause the same to be dissolved and discharged by giving bond or otherwise. The City specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by the City's own employees against STA and for that purpose the City specifically waives, as respects to STA only, any immunity under the Workers’ Compensation Act, RCW Title 51; and the City recognizes that this waiver was the subject of mutual negotiation and specifically entered into pursuant to the provisions of RCW 4.24.115, if applicable. In the event either Party incurs attorneys’ fees, costs or other legal expenses to enforce the provisions of this section against the other Party, all such fees, costs and expenses shall be recoverable by the prevailing Party. May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 8 of 18 B. To the maximum extent permitted by law, STA shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and all of its officials, employees, principals and agents from all claims, demands, suits, actions and liability of any kind, including injuries to persons or damages to property, which arise out of, are connected with, or are due to any acts or omissions of STA, its contractors, and/or employees, agents and representatives in performing its work, services and obligations under this Agreement or any Project Order; provided, however, that if (and only if) the provisions of RCW 4.24.115 apply to the work and services under this Agreement or any Project Order and any such damages and injuries to persons or property are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of the STA, its contractors or employees, agents or representatives and the City or its employees, agents or representatives, the indemnification applies only to the extent of the negligence of STA, its contractors or employees, agents or representatives. In the event of any such claims, demands, suits, actions and lawsuits, STA shall assume all costs of defense thereof, including legal fees incurred by the City, and of all resulting judgments that may be obtained against the City or any of its officers, principals, agents, or employees. If resulting therefrom, any lien is placed upon property of the City or any of its officers, principals, agents or employees, then STA shall at once cause the same to be dissolved and discharged by giving bond or otherwise. STA specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by STA's own employees against the City and for that purpose STA specifically waives, as respects to the City only, any immunity under the Workers’ Compensation Act, RCW Title 51; and STA recognizes that this waiver was the subject of mutual negotiation and specifically entered into pursuant to the provisions of RCW 4.24.115, if applicable. In the event either Party incurs attorneys’ fees, costs or other legal expenses to enforce the provisions of this section against the other Party, all such fees, costs and expenses shall be recoverable by the prevailing Party. C. The provisions of this section shall survive any termination of this Agreement or completion of any Project Order. 13. INDEPENDENT CAPACITY A. EMPLOYEES The employees or agents of each Party will continue to be employees or agents of that Party and will not be considered for any purpose to be employees or agents of any other Party. B. NO PARTNERSHIP & NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES It is agreed by the Parties that this Agreement, and any Project Order(s), does not create a partnership or joint venture relationship between the Parties and does not benefit or create any rights in a third party. 14. TERMINATION A. DEFAULT Any Party may terminate this Agreement, or any Project Order, for default in the event a Party fails to perform a material obligation under this Agreement. Termination shall be effected by serving a Notice of Termination in accordance with Section 10 of this Agreement, on the other Party setting forth the manner in which the Party is in default and the effective date of termination, which shall not be less than thirty (30) calendar days after the date of notice. The termination shall not take effect if the default has been cured within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the notice of termination. May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 9 of 18 B. EXPENSES Expenses incurred by the City prior to the effective date of a Notice of Termination shall be reimbursed subject to the terms of this Agreement. C. WAIVER OF DEFAULT OR BREACH Waiver of any default or breach shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default or breach. Waiver shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Agreement unless stated to be such by written instrument signed by the Parties. Neither payment by STA nor performance by the City shall be construed as a waiver of the other Party's rights or remedies against the other. Failure to require full and timely performance of any provision at any time shall not waive or reduce the right to insist upon complete and timely performance of such provision thereafter. 15. FORCE MAJEURE In the event that any Party’s obligations under this Agreement are substantially delayed, prevented or rendered impractical by fire, flood, riot, earthquake, pandemic, civil commotion, war, strike, lockout, labor disturbances, exposition, sabotage, accident or other casualty, weather event, act of God, any law ordinance, rule or regulation which becomes effective after the date of this Agreement, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of any Party, then the Parties shall be released from performance under this Agreement. Parties hereby waive any claim for damages or compensation for such delay or failure to perform. 16. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS Each Party to this Agreement, and subsequent Project Order(s) shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. 17. GOVERNING LAW & VENUE This Agreement shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the State of Washington. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as altering or diminishing the rights or responsibilities of the Parties as granted or imposed by state law. Any and all disputes concerning this Agreement must be resolved in the Superior Court of Spokane County, Washington. The Parties agree to exclusive personal jurisdiction, subject matter jurisdiction and the venue of this court. 18. SUCCESSORS & ASSIGNS This Agreement shall be binding on the Parties and their successors and assigns. The Parties however agree that they will not assign or delegate the duties to be performed under this Agreement without prior written approval from the other Party. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement and its attachments constitute the entire Agreement between the Parties and supersede all prior negotiations, representations and agreements between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof. May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 10 of 18 20. MODIFICATION This Agreement, or any Project Order, may be modified or amended only by written instrument signed by the Parties. 21. SEVERABILITY Should any provision of this Agreement, or any Project Order, be deemed invalid or inconsistent with any federal, state, or local law or regulation, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. The Parties agree to immediately attempt to renegotiate such provision that is invalidated or superseded by such laws or regulations. 22. CIVIL RIGHTS A. NONDISCRIMINATION In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §2000d, Section 303 of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §6102, Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §12132, and Federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. §5332, no individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefit of, subjected to discrimination under, or denied employment in the administration of or in connection with this Agreement because of age, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), race, color, religion, creed, marital status, familial status, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or use of a service animal by a person with disabilities. B. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The following equal employment opportunity requirements apply to this Agreement: I. Race, Color, Creed, National Origin, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity. In accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §2000e, and Federal transit laws at 49 U.S.C. §5332, the Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable equal employment opportunity requirements of U.S. Dept. of Labor (U.S. DOL) regulations, “Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor,” 41 C.F.R., Parts 60 et seq., (which implement Executive Order No.11246, “Equal Employment Opportunity,” as amended by Executive Order No. 13672, “Further Amendments to Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government, and Executive Order 11246, Equal Employment Opportunity.” 42 U.S.C. § 2000e note), and with any applicable Federal statutes, executive orders, regulations, and Federal policies that may in the future affect construction activities undertaken in the course of this project. The Contractor agrees to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or age. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue. May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 11 of 18 II. Age. In accordance with Section 4 of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, 29 U.S.C. §§ 623 and Federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the Contractor agrees to refrain from discrimination against present and prospective employees for reason of age. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue. isabilities. In accordance with Section 102 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as III. D amended, 42 U.S.C. § 12112, the Contractor agrees that it will comply with the requirements of U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, “Regulations to Implement the Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act,” 29 CFR, Part 1630, pertaining to employment of persons with disabilities. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue. C. The Parties agree to include these requirements in each of its subcontracts resulting from or pertaining to this Agreement. 23. ANTI-KICKBACK No officer or employee of STA and/or the City, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this Agreement or any Project Order(s), shall have or acquire any interest in the Agreement or Project Order(s), or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift, favor, service or other thing of value from or to any person involved in this Agreement or any Project Order(s). 24. CONFLICT OF INTEREST No employee, officer or agent of STA or the City shall participate in the selection or award or administration of a contract if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when: I. the employee, officer or agent; II. any member of his/her immediate family; III. his or her partner; or IV. an organization which employs, or is about to employ, and employee, officer, or agent of STA has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for the award. 25. TRADEMARKS & LOGOS The Parties are prohibited from using, and agree not to use, directly or indirectly, any name, trademark, or logo of the other Party without first obtaining prior written consent from the other Party. 26. PUBLIC RECORDS ACT Each Party to this Agreement understands and acknowledges that STA and the City are each a municipal corporation of the State of Washington subject to the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56 et seq. May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 12 of 18 27. AUDIT/RECORDS The Parties shall maintain for a minimum of six (6) years following final payment all records related to its performance of this Agreement or any Project Order. The Parties shall provide access to authorized representatives of the State of Washington Auditor’s office at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner to inspect and copy any such record. In the event of conflict between this provision and related auditing provisions required under federal law applicable to this Agreement, the federal law shall prevail. Records and other documents, in any medium, furnished by any Party to this Agreement or Project Order to another Party, will remain the property of the furnishing Party, unless otherwise agreed. Subject to Section 26, the receiving Party will not disclose or make available any confidential information to any third parties without first giving notice to the furnishing Party and giving it a reasonable opportunity to respond. Each Party will utilize reasonable security procedures and protections to assure that records and documents provided by the other Party or Parties are not erroneously disclosed to third parties. 28. COUNTERPARTS This Agreement, and any subsequent Project Order(s), may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original agreement, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 29. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES A signed copy of this Agreement, any Project Order or any other ancillary agreement transmitted by facsimile, email or other means of electronic transmission shall be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of any original executed copy of this Agreement, Project Order, or such other ancillary agreement for all purposes. 30. MANDATORY FILING/POSTING OF INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT In accordance with RCW 39.34.040, the City and STA shall either (1) jointly file a copy of this Agreement with the Spokane County Auditor, or (2) each individually list the Agreement (by subject) on their respective public websites and provide means for it to be electronically received from said websites. \[signatures on the following page\] May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 13 of 18 31. SIGNATURES The Parties affirm that the individuals signing this Agreement have been granted the authority to do so and by their signature affirm that the Parties will comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. City of Spokane Valley Spokane Transit Authority By: John Hohman By: E. Susan Meyer Title: City Manager Title: Chief Executive Officer Date: Date: Attest: Attest By: Marci Patterson By: Dana Infalt Title: City Clerk Title: Clerk of the Authority Date: Date: Approved as to Form: Approved as to Form: By: Kelly Konkright By: Megan Clark Title: City Attorney Title: Attorney for the Authority Date: Date: May 16, 2024 2024-10938 Master Design & Construction Agreement Page 14 of 18 EXHIBIT A SAMPLE PROJECT AGREEMENT SPOKANE TRANSIT AUTHORITY INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT ORDER This Project Order Agreement (“Project Order”) is made and entered into this XXX day of XXX, 2024, by and between the City of Spokane Valley (“City”) and the Spokane Transit Authority (“STA”); each referred to individually as “Party” and collectively as “Parties”. WHEREAS, the Parties have executed the Spokane Transit Authority Infrastructure Improvements Master Design & Construction Agreement (the “Master Agreement”) on XXX, under which the Parties have agreed to complete certain Cooperative Projects within the City that support or improve transit service; and WHEREAS, the Master Agreement permits and the Parties desire to complete the Cooperative Project described herein, subject to the terms of this Project Order and the Master Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and in the Master Agreement, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS The following capitalized terms shall be interpreted as followed when used in a Project Order: Term Definition Total estimated expenses to complete the Work, will be attached to each Budget Project Order and will be titled Exhibit B - Budget A written amendment to the Project Order authorizing a change in the Change OrderWork, Budget or other information that modifies the original terms and conditions of the Project Order. Managing Party City of Spokane Valley or STA (dependent on each project order). The name of the Cooperative Project contemplated by this Project Project Order. The schedule for the Project Order, to be delivered by the Managing ScheduleParty will be attached to each Project Order and be titled Exhibit C – Schedule Funding PartyCity of Spokane Valley or STA (dependent on each project order). All work necessary to complete the Cooperative Project identified in a WorkProject Orderwill be attached to each Project Order and titled Exhibit A –Scope of Work. May 16, 20242024-10938 Master Design & Construction AgreementPage 15of 18 EXHIBIT A SAMPLE PROJECT AGREEMENT All capitalized terms not specified in this section or elsewhere in this Project Order, shall have the same definition and meaning as specified in the Master Agreement. 2. SCOPE OF WORK The Managing Party agrees to provide services and staff, and otherwise do all things necessary for or incidental to the performance of Work to complete the Project. 3. BUDGET The Budget for the Project is estimated at $XXX,XXX.XX (XXX). The Managing Party shall be responsible for ensuring concurrence with the Budget in completing the Project. Any variations in actual expenses that exceed the Budget shall be approved in writing via a Change Order to this Project Order. In no case shall this Project Budget cause total expenditures by the Parties for all Cooperative Projects to exceed the amount specified in Section 7 of the Master Agreement. 4. COMPENSATION The Funding Party shall reimburse the Managing Party in the amount not to exceed $XXXXX.XX (XXX) in accordance with Sections 8 and 9 of the Master Agreement. 5. SCHEDULE The Project is anticipated to begin on XXX and is scheduled to be completed by XXX. A schedule of key dates and milestones for the Project is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit PO- C. 6. PROJECT CONTACTS City of Spokane Valley Spokane Transit Authority ContactContact Title Title City of Spokane Valley Spokane Transit Authority 10210 E Sprague Ave 1230 W Boone Ave Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99201 E: E: P: (509) XXX-XXXX P: (509) XXX-XXXX May 16, 20242024-10938 Master Design & Construction AgreementPage 16of 18 EXHIBIT A SAMPLE PROJECT AGREEMENT 7. INCORPORATION OF MASTER AGREEMENT The Master Agreement between the Parties dated XXX is incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth and shall be binding on the Parties with respect to the work hereof. 8. INCORPORATION OF FTA TERMS & CONDITIONS This Project Order is subject to FTA funding and is subject to the FTA Terms & Conditions attached hereto as Exhibit PO-D and incorporated herein. OR This Project Order is not subject to FTA funding or FTA Terms & Conditions. 9. CONFLICT OF TERMS In the event a conflict occurs between the terms & conditions of this Project Order and the Master Agreement, the terms of this Project Order shall prevail. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this Project Order is subject to FTA assistance, FTA terms & conditions required thereunder shall supersede the terms & conditions of this Project Order and the Master Agreement, in that order. \[signatures on the following page\] May 16, 20242024-10938 Master Design & Construction AgreementPage 17of 18 EXHIBIT A SAMPLE PROJECT AGREEMENT 10. SIGNATURES The Parties affirm that the individuals signing this Agreement have been granted the authority to do so and by their signature affirm that the Parties will comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. City of Spokane Valley Spokane Transit Authority By: John Hohman By: E. Susan Meyer Title: City Manager Title: Chief Executive Officer Date: Date: Attest:Attest: By: Marci Patterson By: Dana Infalt Title: City Clerk Title: Clerk of the Authority Date: Date: May 16, 20242024-10938 Master Design & Construction AgreementPage 18 of 18 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 4, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing informationadmin. reportpending legislationexecutive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE:Motion Consideration:Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County Water District No. 3 for the Broadway at I-90 Preservation Project-Phase 2, CIP #341. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 3.35.10 – Contract Authority PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: March 23, 2021 – Administration report on potential grant opportunity with SRTC’s “Preservation Call for Projects,” project included as a possible candidate. April 6, 2021 – City Council approval for staff to apply for project funding from SRTC, including Broadway at I-90 Preservation project. June 8, 2021 – Adoption of Resolution 21-002 adopting the 2022-2027 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). June 14, 2022 – Adoption of Resolution 22-010 adopting the 2023-2028 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). February 21, 2023- Admin report discussing the 2023 construction projects. May 30, 2023- Council awarded the Broadway at I-90 Preservation Project-Phase 1. June 20, 2023 - Council passed Resolution 23-007 adopting the 2024-2029 TIP, which included this project. February 20, 2024 - Admin report discussing the 2024 construction projects, which included this project. BACKGROUND: The road preservation project resurfaces Broadway Avenue from Fancher Road to Park Road. Phase 1, the segment from Fancher Road to I-90, was constructed in 2023. Phase 2 will continue the preservation work from I-90 to Park Road. Phase 2 includes installation of ADA curb ramps and stormwater enhancement facilities. Spokane County Water District No. 3 plans to install a new water main with the limits of the project and requested that the water main be included as part of the City’s project. Their work is identified as Alternate B (Schedule B) in the construction documents. To pay for the water main an Interlocal Agreement executed by the City and district is necessary. According to the Agreement, Spokane County Water District No. 3 will pay for the costs to install a new water main, plus a portion of the construction management and material testing costs of the project. OPTIONS: 1) Authorize staff to finalize and execute the Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County Water District No. 3 or, 2) Take other appropriate action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Interlocal Agreement between Spokane County Water District No. 3 and the City for the Broadway at I-90 Preservation Project-Phase 2. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: As per the Interlocal Agreement, the City will be responsible for the total construction contract costs. The Interlocal Agreement requires the water district to reimburse the City for the water main construction costs, plus a portion of the construction management and material testing costs of the project. The overall impact to the City is negligible as costs incurred on behalf of the water district will be reimbursed by the water district. STAFF CONTACT: Rob Lochmiller, PE, CIP Engineering Manager ATTACHMENTS: Final Interlocal Agreement CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 4, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing informationadmin. reportpending legislationexecutive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE:Motion Consideration:Bid awardfor the Broadway at I-90 Preservation Project-Phase 2, CIP #341. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 3.35.10 – Contract Authority PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: March 23, 2021 – Administration report on potential grant opportunity with SRTC’s “Preservation Call for Projects,” project included as a possible candidate. April 6, 2021 – City Council approval for staff to apply for project funding from SRTC, including Broadway at I-90 Preservation project. June 8, 2021 – Adoption of Resolution 21-002 adopting the 2022-2027 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). June 14, 2022 – Adoption of Resolution 22-010 adopting the 2023-2028 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). February 21, 2023- Admin report discussing the 2023 construction projects. May 30, 2023- Council awarded the Broadway at I-90 Preservation Project-Phase 1. June 20, 2023 - Council passed Resolution 23-007 adopting the 2024-2029 TIP, which included this project. February 20, 2024 - Admin report discussing the 2024 construction projects, which included this project. BACKGROUND: The road preservation project resurfaces Broadway Avenue from Fancher Road to Park Road. Phase 1, the segment from Fancher Road to I-90, was constructed in 2023. Phase 2 will continue the preservation work from I-90 to Park Road. Phase 2 includes installation of ADA curb ramps, stormwater enhancement facilities and installs a new water main for Spokane County Water District #3. The districts work is identified as Alternate B (Schedule B in Bid Tabulation) in the construction documents. To pay for the water main upgrade, an Interlocal Agreement will be executed between the City and district. The expenditures and budjets for the projects are shown below: Project Budget Project Costs Federal Grant $ 1,000,000.00 Preliminary Engineering $ 165,000.00 311 $ 1,475,000.00 Rights-of-Way $ 0.00 403 $ 1,085,000.00 Construction $ 3,871,000.00 SCWD#3 $ 476,000.00 Total funds available $ 4,036,000.00 Total est. expenditures $ 4,036,000.00 The Engineer’s Estimate for total construction, including the water main for the water district, was $2,189,710.00. The project was advertised on May 10, 2024 in the Valley Herald, The Exchange, and the Spokesman Review, as well as on the City Website and hosted plan room. The city received and opened four bids on May 24, 2024. The lowest, responsive and responsible bidder is Halme Construction, Inc. with a bid of $2,080,000.00, approximately 5% less than the engineer’s estimate. The project’s bid tabulation is attached. OPTIONS: 1) Move to award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, or 2) take other appropriate action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to award the Broadway at I-90 Preservation Project-Phase 2 to Halme Construction, Inc. for the Base Bid and Alternate B Bid in the amount of $2,080,000 plus applicable sales tax, and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are sufficient funds to cover the construction costs for the construction contract. STAFF CONTACT: Rob Lochmiller, PE, CIP Engineering Manager ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulation Project Limits Exhibit CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 4, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration – COPS CHP Grant Opportunity for Police Hiring GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: January 30, 2024, Administrative Report: Police Staffing Update; February 27, 2024, Motion consideration to add additional Spokane Valley Police Department personnel; April 2, 2024, Administrative Report: Police Funding Update. BACKGROUND: City Council has identified public safety and police as its top priority. In late 2022, the City hired Matrix Consulting Group Ltm. (“Matrix”) to complete a review of the Spokane Valley Police Department, calls for service, responses, caseloads, and operational delivery. Matrix delivered a report that called for increase in dedicated and shared dedicated commissioned officers, and civilian positions. On January 30, 2024 staff presented an extensive update on implementation of the recommendations in the Matrix report. The Request for Council Action (RCA) and the Matrix report are available on the City’s website. At that meeting City Council gave direction to staff and the Public Safety Committee to identify options and a recommendation on hiring an initial ten dedicated officers as soon as possible. On February 27, 2024, City staff presented options for the initial implementation phase. The RCA and attachments are also available on the City’s website. City Council moved to approve Option 1 of the implementation recommendations which included hiring ten additional dedicated new positions by prioritizing the use of existing resources through the 2025 budget process. Of course, the 2025 budget has not been approved nor has a funding source been finalized. The budget impact statement in the RCA specifically notes that option 1 requires continued prioritization of public safety and potential revenue sources as may be identified. Earlier this spring, City staff, Chief Dave Ellis, and the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office identified the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program (CHP) grant through the U.S. Department of Justice as a possibility for funding portions of the ten new positions that Council has approved hiring. The goal of the CHP grant is to “provide funding directly to law enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire additional career law enforcement officers in an effort to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts.” The COPS CHP grant application is due June 6. The grant, if awarded in full, would provide $125,000 total per new officer spread over a three- year period (about $41,700 per year per officer). There is also a minimum 25% local share match, and any additional cost is borne by the recipient agency. Further, the City must retain each position hired pursuant to this grant for an additional 12 months following the end of the three- year grant period. When initially identified, City staff, Chief Ellis, and the Sheriff’s Office determined that it would be most efficient and economical for the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office to submit the grant application and to credit the City for the portion of funds received. The Sheriff’s Office has dedicated grant staff, has the necessary data for the application, and would have the necessary data for reporting and the City pays for shared use of the grant and support staff through the Law Enforcement Agreement. Based on that discussion, the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office has been working to put together a grant application. However, the Sheriff’s Office recently identified that the local agency wishing to receive the law enforcement services through the CHP grant must be the legal applicant. Therefore, although the City has a written contract with Spokane County and the Sheriff’s Office, the City must submit the application. As the Sheriff’s Office has the necessary data and has been working towards completing the application, the City would simply need to submit the documents through the grant application portal by the required deadlines. From a reporting standpoint, Spokane County and the Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the Spokane Valley Police Department will provide all of the required information for the City to comply with the reporting requirements and terms of the CHP grant. If awarded, the City will be required to submit quarterly financial reports as well as semiannual performance reports. While the City does not normally look to grants to fund recurring expenses, City staff believes City Council priorities and goals related to public safety align well with the purposes of the grant. The deadline to submit initial documents is Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 1:59 PM PST. The full application is due on June 12, 2024 at 1:59 PM PST. City staff have also been working with Cardinal Infrastructure, the City’s federal lobbyist, to obtain letters of support from our Federal legislative delegation for the COPS CHP grant. OPTIONS: Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute and submit all required documents to apply for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program (CHP) grant through the U.S. Department of Justice for hiring ten additional officers; or take any other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move to authorize the City Manager or designee to execute and submit all required documents to apply for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program (CHP) grant through the U.S. Department of Justice for hiring ten additional officers. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City initially estimated the costs for 10 new deputy positions to be approximately $1.84 million (including overtime, benefits, maintenance & operation expenses, fuel, indirect costs, and hiring bonuses) based on 2024 costs. The Sheriff’s Office has estimated, for purposes of the COPS CHP grant, that 10 new deputies at the mid-range of salary, with other allowable benefits included, will cost a total of $1,270,714, annually, based on 2024 salaries and benefit costs. The City will be required, at a minimum, to match 25% of all salaries, and fund any other costs associated with the additional officers. Based on these estimated costs, the maximum of $125,000 of grant funds per officer, and the required 25% match, the City estimates that it could receive up to $1,250,000 towards the 10 new positions, spread over the next three years (about $417,000 per year). The City has identified it can fund necessary amounts for the 10 new deputy positions through the prioritization of existing resources to public safety and is in process of doing so through the development of the 2025 budget. STAFF CONTACT: Erik Lamb, Deputy City Manager; Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst; Dave Ellis, Spokane Valley Police Chief; Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director. ATTACHMENTS: CHP Solicitation OMB No. 1103-0098 Approval Expires 4/30/2024 U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services FY24 COPS Hiring Program Assistance Listing #: 16.710 Grants.gov Opportunity Number: O-COPS-2024-172009 Solicitation Release Date: April 11, 2024, 1:00 PM ET Grants.gov Deadline: June 6, 2024, 4:59 PM ET Application JustGrants Deadline: June 12, 2024, 4:59 PM ET /µ¤±µ¨¤¶ The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office, https://cops.usdoj.gov) is pleased to announce that it is seeking applications for funding for the FY24 COPS Hiring Program (CHP). This program furthers the COPS Office’s goal of advancing public safety through community policing by funding additional full-time career law enforcement positions to meet law enforcement agencies’ community policing strategies. All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law. %«¨¦¨¡¨«¨³¸ Eligible applicants are limited to local, state, territorial, and tribal law enforcement agencies that have primary law enforcement authority. See additional eligibility details under the Eligibility section of this solicitation. #®­³ ¢³ )­¥®±¬ ³¨®­ !¦¤­¢¸ #®­³ ¢³ $¤²¢±¨¯³¨®­ Applications must be submitted through both Grants.gov and the JustGrants system. For technical assistance with submitting the Application for Federal Assistance, Standard Form 424 (SF- 424), please call the Grants.gov customer service hotline at 800-518-4726, send questions via email to support@Grants.gov or consult the Grants.gov Organization Applicant User Guide. The Grants.gov Support Hotline operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except on federal holidays. For technical support with the Justice Grants System (JustGrants) application, please contact JustGrants Support at JustGrants.Support@usdoj.gov or 833-872-5175. JustGrants Support operates Monday through Friday between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) and Saturday, Sunday, and federal holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET. Training on JustGrants can also be found at https://justicegrants.usdoj.gov/training-resources. For programmatic assistance with the requirements of this program, please call the COPS Office Response Center at 800-421-6770 or send questions via email to AskCopsRC@usdoj.gov. The COPS Office Response Center operates Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, except on federal holidays. 3´¡¬¨²²¨®­ I­¥®±¬ ³¨®­ Registration: To submit an application, all applicants must be registered in SAM.gov with a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number and be registered in Grants.gov. Submission: Completing an application is a two-step process: 1. Applicants are first required to register via https://www.grants.gov, complete the SF-424 form and if applicable the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, Standard Form -LLL (SF-LLL), and submit it through the Grants.gov website. 2. Once the SF-424 and SF-LLL have been submitted via Grants.gov, the applicant will complete the full application including survey questions and provide attachments in JustGrants. An application is not considered submitted until both of these steps are completed. For more information about registration and submission, see the How to Apply section of this solicitation. All guidance for this program is contained in this Solicitation and can also be found at https://cops.usdoj.gov/chp. In addition to this Solicitation, the COPS Office “How to Apply” web page, http://cops.usdoj.gov/how-to-apply, provides additional resources to help guide applicants through the process. The complete application package (this solicitation, including links to additional documents) is available on Grants.gov and on the COPS Office website, https://cops.usdoj.gov. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 2 of 38 #®­³¤­³² Overview...........................................................................................................................................1 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................. 1 Contact Information...........................................................................................................................1 Agency Contact Description ................................................................................................................... 1 Submission Information ......................................................................................................................... 2 Program Description ..........................................................................................................................5 Statutory Authority............................................................................................................................5 Program-Specific Information.............................................................................................................6 FY24 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) ........................................................................................................... 6 Federal Award Information: Awards, Amounts and Durations.............................................................8 Anticipated Number of Awards..............................................................................................................8 Anticipated Maximum Dollar Amount of Awards .................................................................................. 9 Period of Performance Start Date..........................................................................................................9 Period of Performance Duration (months) ............................................................................................ 9 Anticipated Total Amount to be Awarded under Solicitation................................................................ 9 Federal Award Information .................................................................................................................... 9 Type of Award ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Cost Share or Matching Funds................................................................................................................ 9 Eligibility Information ............................................................................................................................. 9 Application and Submission Information ..........................................................................................10 Content and Form of Application.........................................................................................................10 Completing the Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) and the Disclosure of Lobbying (SF-LLL) in Grants.gov ............................................................................................................................................11 Standard Applicant Information...........................................................................................................12 Data Requested with Application.........................................................................................................13 Budget and Associated Documentation...............................................................................................15 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and Other Supportive Documents..........................................19 FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 3 of 38 Additional Application Components ....................................................................................................20 How to Apply...................................................................................................................................21 Submission Dates and Time..................................................................................................................26 Late Submissions..................................................................................................................................26 Application Review Information...........................................................................................................26 Director’s Selection ..............................................................................................................................29 Federal Award Notices .........................................................................................................................29 The Award Package..........................................................................................................................30 Administrative and National Policy Requirements ..............................................................................31 Terms, Conditions, and Award Requirements .....................................................................................31 Administrative Actions and Legal Remedies Related to Federal Awards.............................................31 Remedies for Noncompliance .............................................................................................................. 32 Federal Awarding Agency Contact(s) ...................................................................................................33 Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 552 and 552a) ...........................................33 Feedback to the COPS Office................................................................................................................33 COPS Office Other Information.........................................................................................................34 Reporting, monitoring, and evaluation requirements.........................................................................34 Financial Management and System of Internal Controls .....................................................................35 Audit Requirement...............................................................................................................................36 Civil Rights ............................................................................................................................................36 Funding to Faith-Based Organizations .................................................................................................36 Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act...................................................................................................36 Public Reporting Burden: Paperwork Reduction Act Notice................................................................36 Performance Measures........................................................................................................................37 Application Checklist............................................................................................................................38 FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 4 of 38 0±®¦± ¬ $¤²¢±¨¯³¨®­ The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) is the component of the U.S. Department of Justice responsible for advancing the practice of community policing by the nation’s state, local, territorial, and tribal law enforcement agencies through information and grant resources. The COPS Office has been appropriated more than $20 billion to advance community policing, including grants awarded to more than 13,000 state, local, territorial, and tribal law enforcement agencies to fund the hiring and redeployment of more than 136,000 officers. COPS Office information resources, covering a wide range of community policing topics such as school and campus safety, violent crime, and officer safety and wellness, can be downloaded via the COPS Office’s home page, https://cops.usdoj.gov. The COPS Hiring Program (CHP) provides funding to law enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire additional career law enforcement officers in an effort to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts. Anticipated outcomes of CHP awards include engagement in planned community partnerships, implementation of projects to analyze and assess problems, implementation of changes to personnel and agency management in support of community policing, and increased capacity of agency to engage in community policing activities. Community policing is a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies that support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety issues such as violent crime, nonviolent crime, and fear of crime. To read an overview of the principles of community policing, please see the COPS Office publication Community Policing Defined. The COPS Office is committed to advancing work that promotes civil rights and equity, increases access to justice, supports crime victims and individuals impacted by the justice system, strengthens community safety and protects the public from crime and evolving threats, and build trust between law enforcement and the community. 3³ ³´³®±¸ !´³§®±¨³¸ CHP is authorized under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, and the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, Title I, Part Q, Public Law 103-322, 34 U.S.C. § 10381 et seq. All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 5 of 38 Program-S¯¤¢¨¥¨¢ )­¥®±¬ ³¨®­ &9ΑΓ #/03 (¨±¨­¦ 0±®¦± ¬ Ȩ#(0ȩ CHP provides funding to law enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire additional sworn career law enforcement officers in an effort to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts. See the Applicants will be expected to describe their community policing strategy and request the number of newly hired and/or rehired full-time sworn career law enforcement officer positions necessary to support that strategy. COPS Office funding must be used to reorient the mission and activities of law enforcement agencies toward the community or enhance their involvement in community policing. Anticipated outcomes of CHP awards include engagement in planned community partnerships, implementation of projects to analyze and assess problems, implementation of changes to personnel and agency management in support of community policing, and increased capacity of agency to engage in community policing activities. Overview of Program Requirements Hiring Categories: Funding under this program may be used to hire or rehire career law enforcement officers in the following categories: Hire new officers, which includes filling existing officer vacancies that are no longer funded in your agency’s budget. These positions must be in addition to your current budgeted (funded) level of sworn officer positions, and the officers must be hired on or after the official award start date on the notice of award. Rehire officers laid off by any jurisdiction as a result of state, local, or Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) budget reductions. The rehired officers must be rehired on or after the official award start date on the notice of award. Documentation must be maintained showing the date(s) that the positions were laid off and rehired. Rehire officers who are (at the time of application) currently scheduled to be laid off by your jurisdiction on a specific future date as a result of state, local, or BIA budget reductions. Recipients will be required to continue funding the positions with local funding until the date(s) of the scheduled layoffs. The dates of the scheduled layoffs and the number of positions affected must be identified in the CHP application. The recipient may rehire the officers with CHP funding on or immediately after the date of the scheduled layoff. Unless required by a recipient jurisdiction, the agency is not required to formally complete the administrative steps associated with the layoff of the individual officers it is seeking to rehire so long as the agency can document that a final, approved budget decision was made to lay off those individual officers on the identified layoff date. Documentation must be maintained detailing the dates and reason(s) for the layoffs. Furthermore, agencies awarded will be required to maintain documentation that demonstrates that the scheduled layoffs FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 6 of 38 are occurring for local economic reasons unrelated to the availability of CHP award funds; such documentation may include local council meeting minutes, memoranda, notices, or orders discussing the layoffs, budget documents ordering jurisdiction-wide budget reductions, and/or notices provided to the individual officers regarding the layoffs. An applicant may request funding in one or more of the above-referenced hiring categories under CHP. If an application is approved for funding, the notice of award will specify the number of positions approved in each category. Once awarded, recipient agencies may not move funded positions between the hiring categories without receiving written prior approval from the COPS Office. “Career Law Enforcement Officer” Defined: A “career law enforcement officer” is a person hired on a permanent basis who is authorized by law or by a state, local, or tribal agency to engage in or oversee the prevention, detection, or investigation of violations of criminal laws. 34 U.S.C. §10389(1). The State of Alaska, and any Indian tribe or tribal organization in that State, may also use hiring funds for village public safety officers defined as “an individual employed as a village public safety officer under the program established by the State pursuant to Alaska Statute 18.65.670. Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010, Pub. L. 111-211, title II, § 247 (a)(2).” Cost Sharing or Matching Funds Requirement and Maximum Federal Share: FY24 CHP awards will cover up to 75 percent of the entry-level salary and fringe benefits for each approved position for a three-year funding period, based on the applicant’s current entry level salary levels for full-time officers. There is a minimum 25 percent local cost share or matching funds requirement, which must be in the form of cash, unless a waiver is approved. Absent an approved matching funds waiver, the maximum federal share per officer position is $125,000 over the three-year period (not $125,000 per year) and any additional costs exceeding entry- level salaries and fringe benefits will be the responsibility of the recipient agency. See the Budget and Associated Documentation section for additional information. Cap on Officer Requests: Requests will be capped at 20 percent of actual sworn force, with a maximum of 50 officers for any agency. For example, agencies with an actual sworn force of 30 will be allowed to request up to 6 positions. Agencies with fewer than 10 officers may request one position. Length of Funding and Retention Requirement: Funding under this program will support three years of officer or deputy salaries within a five-year period of performance to accommodate time needed for recruitment and hiring. Agencies must retain each CHP-funded position for a minimum of 12 months following the three years of funding for that position. The additional officer positions should be added to your agency’s law enforcement budget with state and/or local funds over and above the number of locally funded officer positions that would have existed in the absence of the award. Absorbing CHP-funded positions through attrition (rather than adding the extra positions to your budget with additional funding) does not meet the retention requirement. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 7 of 38 Background Investigation Requirement: Recipients must ensure that each officer(s) hired with CHP funding is subject to a background investigation, notify the COPS Office upon completion of the background investigation for each officer hired under the CHP award, and cooperate with the COPS Office and provide updates on the status of background investigations upon request. Additional information can be found in the FY24 Application Resource Guide and the FY24 External Background Investigations FAQs. Prohibition on Supplanting: “Supplanting” is to deliberately reduce state or local funds because of the existence of federal funds. For example, when state funds are appropriated for a stated purpose and federal funds are awarded for that same purpose, the state replaces its state funds with federal funds, thereby reducing the total amount available for the stated purpose. As such, a recipient may not reduce its existing current fiscal year budget for sworn officers just to make use of the CHP award. Any budget cut must be unrelated to the receipt of CHP award funds to avoid a violation of the COPS Office statutory non-supplanting requirement. School Resource Officer (SRO) Training Requirement: COPS Office-funded SRO(s) are required to complete an SRO 40-hour basic training course from a list of COPS Office approved provider(s). Training must be completed no later than nine months after the date shown on the award congratulatory letter or six months from the SRO hire date; whichever comes first. Additional information and requirements can be found in the FY24 Application Resource Guide. Note: Agencies selecting SROs should adhere to the guiding principles presented in the SRO Guiding Principles which can be found at SUPPORTING SAFE SCHOOLS | COPS OFFICE (usdoj.gov). SRO Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Requirement: Recipients awarded CHP funding to hire and/or deploy SRO into schools will be required to submit to the COPS Office a signed MOU between the law enforcement agency and the school partner(s) within 90 days of the date shown on the award letter, and before expending or drawing down funds under the award. See the Memorandum of Understanding and Other Supporting Documents section and the MOU Fact Sheet for additional information. This is a competitive, discretionary program. The COPS Office will fund as many positions as possible for successful applicants; however, the number of officer positions requested by an agency may be reduced based on the availability of funding and other programmatic considerations. &¤£¤± « !¶ ±£ )­¥®±¬ ³¨®­Ȁ !¶ ±£²Ǿ !¬®´­³²  ­£ $´± ³¨®­² !­³¨¢¨¯ ³¤£ N´¬¡¤± ®¥ A¶ ±£² 250 FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 8 of 38 !­³¨¢¨¯ ³¤£ M ·¨¬´¬ D®«« ± A¬®´­³ ®¥ A¶ ±£² $6,250,000 0¤±¨®£ ®¥ P¤±¥®±¬ ­¢¤ S³ ±³ D ³¤ October 1, 2024 0¤±¨®£ ®¥ P¤±¥®±¬ ­¢¤ D´± ³¨®­ (m®­³§²ȩ 60 An³¨¢¨¯ ³¤£ T®³ « A¬®´­³ ³® ¡¤ A¶ ±£¤£ u­£¤± S®«¨¢¨³ ³¨®­ Up to $156,668,839 &¤£¤± « A¶ ±£ I­¥®±¬ ³¨®­ This solicitation is expected to be very competitive. The COPS Office may elect to fund applications submitted under this solicitation in future fiscal years, dependent on, among other considerations, the merit of the applications and the availability of funding. All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law. With limited funding, the COPS Office expects a competitive solicitation. 4¸¯¤ ®¥ A¶ ±£ The COPS Office will make all awards from the FY24 CHP solicitation in the form of grants, which does not provide for substantial involvement between the federal awarding agency and the nonfederal entity in carrying out the activity contemplated by the federal award. Grant recipients will be responsible for day-to-day project management and may reach out to the COPS Office with assistance in implementing the award. However, grant recipients will need to work with the COPS Office program manager in situations stated in the terms and conditions, such as scope changes and extensions. #®²³ Shar¤ ®± Match¨­¦ &´­£² A minimum 25 percent local cost share or matching funds is required, which must be in the form of cash, unless a waiver is approved See the Budget and Associated Documentation section below. %«¨¦¨¡¨«¨³¸ I­¥®±¬ ³¨®­ Local, state, territorial, and tribal law enforcement agencies that have primary law enforcement authority are eligible to apply. An agency with primary law enforcement authority is defined as the first responder to calls for service for all types of criminal incidents within the jurisdiction served. CHP FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 9 of 38 applicants must have a law enforcement agency (i.e. Sheriff’s Office, Department, etc.) that is operational by the close of this application or receive services through a new or existing contract for law enforcement services through an existing contract for law enforcement services or a new contract for law enforcement services that is in place by the close of this solicitation. Applicants must also maintain primary law enforcement authority for the population to be served. If funds under this program are to be used as part of a written contracting agreement for law enforcement services (e.g., a town that contracts with a neighboring sheriff’s department to receive services), the agency wishing to receive law enforcement services must be the legal applicant in this application. A law enforcement agency is established and operational if the jurisdiction has passed authorizing legislation and it has a current operating budget. !¯¯«¨¢ ³¨®­  ­£ 3´¡¬¨²²¨®­ )­¥®±¬ ³¨®­ The complete application package (this solicitation, including links to additional documents) is available on Grants.gov and on the COPS Office website https://cops.usdoj.gov/. Completing an application under this program is a two-step process. Applicants must first register via https://www.grants.gov and complete an Application for Federal Assistance, Standard Form 424 (SF- 424), the government-wide standard application form for federal assistance and the of Lobbying Activities, Standard Form -LLL (SF-LLL). The remainder of the application will be completed through the JustGrants System at https://justicegrants.usdoj.gov/. Applicants are strongly recommended to register immediately on https://www.grants.gov. Any delays in registering with Grants.gov or submitting the SF-424 may result in insufficient time for processing your application through JustGrants. No other form of application will be accepted. Applications with errors or missing information may be disqualified or rated accordingly. Please note that the application system will not accept incomplete applications or applications with errors. Please refer to the Contact Information section for technical assistance with submitting the SF-424, technical support with JustGrants, or programmatic assistance with the requirements of this program. #®­³¤­³  ­£ &®±¬ ®¥ !¯¯«¨¢ ³¨®­ The application in JustGrants consists of a series of questions, as well as a budget worksheet. Below is a summary of the questions that applicants will be required to complete. The complete list of questions is located at https://cops.usdoj.gov/chp. Applicants are encouraged to read through the online application questions in advance to ensure sufficient time to prepare answers to the questions. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 10 of 38 Failure to submit all required documentation at the time of the application may delay processing and/or result in the denial of your application. Unless otherwise noted, each section in the application must be completed in its entirety. Complet¨­¦ ³§¤ !¯¯«¨¢ ³¨®­ ¥®± &¤£¤± « !²²¨²³ ­¢¤ (SF-ΓΑΓȩ  ­£ ³§¤ $¨²¢«®²´±¤ ®¥ ,®¡¡¸¨­¦ Ȩ3&-,,,ȩ ¨­ '± ­³²ȁ¦®µ The SF-424 is a required standard form used as a cover sheet for submission of pre-applications, applications, and related information under discretionary programs. Applicants must complete and submit the SF-424 via https://www.grants.gov using the information provided on that site. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per response including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering, and maintaining required data as well as completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0348-0043), Washington, D.C. 20503. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. SUBMIT IT ONLINE VIA GRANTS.GOV. Intergovernmental Review Note: Intergovernmental Review (SF-424 Question 19): This solicitation is subject to Executive Order (E.O.) 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs. Applicants must check the Office of Management and Budget’s website for the names and addresses of Single Points of Contact (SPOC) under Intergovernmental Review: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/SPOC- list-as-of-2023.pdf. If the applicant’s state appears on the SPOC list, the applicant must contact the state SPOC to find out about, and comply with, the state’s process under E.O. 12372. In completing the SF- 424, such applicant is to make the appropriate selection in response to question 19 once the applicant has complied with its state E.O. 12372 process. An applicant whose state does not appear on the SPOC list should answer question 19 by selecting the following response: “Program is subject to E.O. 12372 but has not been selected by the state for review.” Disclosure of Lobbying Activities All applicants must complete and submit the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL) form in Grants.gov. Applicants that do not expend any funds for lobbying activities should enter “N/A” in the required highlighted fields. Applicants that expend any funds for lobbying activities must provide the information requested on the SF-LLL. Once the SF-424 and SF-LLL have been submitted via Grants.gov, an email will be sent to the entity’s E- Business Point of Contact (E-Biz POC) (also referred to as the JustGrants Entity Administrator) from DIAMD-NoReply@usdoj.gov. This email will contain registration instructions to create an account in FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 11 of 38 DOJ’s secure user management system, the Digital Identity and Access Management Directory (DIAMD), or instructions on how to complete the second part of the online application through the JustGrants website. 3³ ­£ ±£ !¯¯«¨¢ ­³ )­¥®±¬ ³¨®­ Applicants must complete the web-based form in JustGrants, which is pre-populated with the SF-424 data submitted in Grants.gov. Applicants are required to confirm the two Authorized Representatives, verify the legal name, address, and enter the ZIP code(s) for the areas affected by the project. For statewide or nationwide projects, the applicant should enter “State” or “National” in this field. In order for applicants to complete this section, the two Authorized Representatives must have established accounts in JustGrants after the Grants.gov portion of the application is submitted. Please note: Users assigned as Authorized Representatives must log in into the JustGrants system to activate their account. Users will not be visible in JustGrants until they have successfully logged into JustGrants. The Authorized Representatives are officials who have ultimate and final responsibility for all programmatic and financial decisions regarding this COPS Office application as representatives of your agency, as the legal recipient. For guidance on who should be assigned as Authorized Representatives, please see below: For law enforcement agencies, COPS Office awards require that both the top law enforcement executive (e.g., chief of police, sheriff, or equivalent) and the top government executive (e.g., mayor, board chairman, or equivalent) sign the application, and (if awarded funding) accept the award package. Both the top law enforcement executive and the top government executive must be assigned the role of Authorized Representative in Just Grants. For non–law enforcement agencies, (institutions of higher education, school districts, private organizations, etc.), COPS Office awards require that both the programmatic official (e.g., executive director, chief executive officer, or equivalent) and financial official (e.g., chief financial officer, treasurer, or equivalent) sign the application, and (if awarded funding) accept the award package. These two officials must have the ultimate signatory authority to sign contracts on behalf of your organization. Both the programmatic official and the financial official must be assigned the role of Authorized Representative in Just Grants. Please note that nonexecutive positions (e.g., clerks, trustees) are not acceptable Authorized Representatives. For further assistance with accessing JustGrants, please visit the JustGrants website. For further assistance with submitting an application in JustGrants, please visit the JustGrants Training web page. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 12 of 38 $ ³  R¤°´¤²³¤£ ¶¨³§ A¯¯«¨¢ ³¨®­ Please refer to the following steps to help guide you through initiating, completing, modifying, and obtaining the status of solicitation surveys in the JustGrants system: To initiate a survey, please click on the survey title to open. When you have completed the survey, please click the “Finish” button on the lower right corner of the screen. The system will direct you to a review screen displaying your survey responses. To go back to the initial list of surveys, go to the “Actions” menu at the top right corner of the screen and select “Close” to exit the survey review screen. The survey you just completed will still display an “Open” status. To confirm the completed status of your survey, go back to the “Actions” menu and select “Refresh.” The status of your completed survey will change to “Resolved-Completed.” If you would like to verify the survey responses of a completed survey, you may click the survey title to reopen the selected survey and view your saved responses. If you would like to change and/or update the survey responses of a completed survey, you may click the “Re-open” option to update your saved responses. Remember, to confirm the status of a completed survey, you will need to click the “Actions” menu and “Refresh.” Below is a summary of the questions that applicants will be required to complete. Agency Eligibility: See Eligibility section to ensure that your agency meets eligibility requirements. Law Enforcement Agency Sworn Force Information: Applicants will enter information regarding budgeted sworn force strength and actual sworn force strength employed at the time of application. Civilian Staff: The number of full-and part-time civilian positions funded in your agency’s annual budget. COPS Office–funded Officer Request: Applicants will be asked to enter the number of newly hired and/or rehired entry-level officer positions necessary to support the proposed community policing strategy. CHP awards are subject to the restrictions described in the Program Description and the Budget and Associated Documents sections, including but not limited to $125,000 maximum over three years for each awarded position (not $125,000 per year), a minimum 25 percent cost share or matching funds requirement (unless waived), 12-month retention requirement for each officer hired, 20 percent of sworn force and 50 officer per agency cap, and nonsupplanting requirements. Applicants should base requests on the current needs in the three hiring categories (new hire, rehire of previously laid-off, and rehire of officers scheduled for layoff), keeping in mind that once awarded, positions cannot be moved between the categories without prior written approval from the COPS Office. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 13 of 38 Law Enforcement and Community Policing Strategy: Through a series of detailed questions requiring a narrative response, CHP applicants are required to describe how hiring additional officers will assist the applicant in implementing and/or enhancing community policing strategies. The first set of questions will examine the current policies and practices within the agency as they relate to community policing. The second set of questions will assess the proposed community policing strategy as it relates to the three primary elements of community policing. Note: Agencies that do not meet a minimum community policing score will not be considered for funding. The minimum community policing score reflects a basic existing commitment to community policing and a strategy to enhance or build community policing capacity. Problem Area Selection: Applicants will identify and describe one specific problem/focus area from the list below. Selection of certain problem areas will require additional narrative descriptions. Note that selection of some problem focus areas may result in additional consideration for funding (see Application Review Information). Applicants that select those funding areas will not be allowed to change the problem areas/focus area of community policing strategies after the award is issued. Building Legitimacy and Trust – Applicant will deploy officers to partner and engage community stakeholders including residents, businesses, and faith-based organizations to prioritize and collectively strengthen a community’s response to crime and criminal activity and focus on enhancing and maintaining community trust and legitimacy between law enforcement and the communities they serve – to include building trust in immigrant communities. Efforts could include deploying or redeploying officers to support officer recruitment and retention efforts, with an emphasis on promoting diversity. Applicants may wish to review the COPS Office web page Building Trust at https://cops.usdoj.gov/buildingtrust for ideas on strategies. Violent Crime/Gun Violence – Applicant will employ community policing strategies to address a range of violent crime problems. Community-based approaches to combatting gun violence that build trust in underserved communities suffering from high incidents of gun crime will receive additional consideration. Applicants requesting additional consideration for gun violence issues will be asked to describe their holistic, community-based approach (which could include applicable task force participation) and may wish to review the COPS Office web page on Community Violence Interventions at https://cops.usdoj.gov/community_violence_intervention for ideas on strategies. Combating Hate and Domestic Extremism – Applicant will focus on community-based strategies that combat bias-motivated acts of violence that divide our communities, intimidate our most vulnerable citizens, and erode trust in the rule of law. Applicants may wish to review the COPS Office web page on Combating Hate Crimes at https://cops.usdoj.gov/hatecrimeresources for ideas on strategies. Police-based Response to Persons in Crisis – Applicant will focus on deploying officers in crisis intervention teams, participation in crisis intervention teams, improving response and interaction with persons in crisis – to include efforts focused on the education, prevention, and interventions related to the abuse of opioids and other substances in communities. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 14 of 38 Homeland Security – Building strong relationships with the community can prove vital to preventing acts of terror from domestic and foreign actors. This effort includes the thoughtful deployment of officers to strengthen relationships across the community spectrum as well as practical partnerships and task force participation to protect public infrastructure and enhance security at ports of entry. Applicants may wish to review the COPS Office web page on Homeland Security at https://cops.usdoj.gov/homelandsecurity for ideas on strategies. Other/Innovations in Community Policing – Applicants should describe new and promising approaches in community policing that can be advanced through CHP funding. Need for Federal Assistance: All applicants are required to explain their inability to address the needs identified in this application without federal assistance. Applicants will answer a series of questions about their service population and fiscal health of their area, including operating budget, poverty and unemployment rates, and other indicators of fiscal health. Property/Violent Crime Rates: Applicants will be asked to enter crime data information for the previous two years for the population area served by the agency, using Uniform Crime Reporting crime or NIBRS definitions. Continuation of Project after Federal Funding Ends: All applicants are required to affirm that their agency plans to retain all officer positions awarded following the three years of federal funding, for at least 12 months, and to identify their planned source(s) of retention funding. The retention period may begin during the five-year period of performance of the award and may extend beyond the end date of the award. Agencies that do not plan to retain all officer positions under this award program at the time of application are ineligible to apply for CHP funding. The retention requirement cannot be satisfied through attrition. The retained CHP-funded officer positions should be added to your agency’s law enforcement budget with state and/or local funds for at least 12 months over and above the number of locally funded officer positions that would have existed in the absence of the award. At the conclusion of federal funding, agencies that fail to retain the additional officer positions awarded under the CHP award for a period of 12 months may be ineligible to receive future COPS Office awards for a period of one to three years. A copy of the survey questions required for this solicitation can be found at https://cops.usdoj.gov/chp. "´£¦¤³  ­£ A²²®¢¨ ³¤£ $®¢´¬¤­³ ³¨®­ Budget Worksheet and Budget Narrative (Web-based Form) Applicants must complete the web-based budget worksheet form in JustGrants along with narrative entries to describe each proposed cost. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 15 of 38 Budget requests may only be made in the following categories: Sworn Officer Personnel Fringe Benefits Recipients may not use COPS Office funding for the same item or service also funded by another U.S. Department of Justice award. Non-supplanting requirement: Requests may be made only for positions that are not otherwise budgeted with state, local, or BIA funds and that would not be funded in the absence of the CHP award. See below for non-exhaustive list of allowable and unallowable costs, as well as guidance for completing each budget category. Allowable Costs – Fundable Requests The only allowable costs under CHP are the approved full-time, entry-level salaries and fringe benefits of newly hired or rehired sworn career law enforcement officers who are hired or rehired on or after the award start date. An agency seeking to rehire officers scheduled to be laid off on a specific future date with CHP funds must continue to fund them with local funds through the award date until the date of the scheduled layoff. Officers previously employed by your agency who have been (or are currently scheduled to be) laid off as a result of budget reductions may be rehired using CHP award funds, but funding requests must be limited to your agency’s entry-level salaries and fringe benefits for full-time officers. Agencies will be responsible for paying any costs that exceed entry-level salaries and fringe benefits with local funds. NOTE: The only allowable budget categories under the CHP program are Salaries and Fringe Benefits. Do not enter any funding requests under any other budget category. The local cost share or matching funds will calculate automatically once the overall salary and fringe rates are entered. There is a minimum local cost share or matching funds requirement of 25 percent. The local cost share or matching funds requirement may exceed 25 percent if the entry-level salary and fringe costs total more than $167,000 over three years. Sworn Officer Salaries: You will enter the funding request by indicating the number of officers you are requesting, then by providing the current entry-level salary and fringe benefits for one full-time sworn officer. The total request will calculate automatically. The number of officers you request in the budget must match the number of officers requested in the question survey and may not exceed 20 percent of actual full-time sworn force, up to 50 officers. CHP awards are subject to the restrictions described in the Program Description section, including but not limited to: $125,000 maximum over three years and minimum of 25 percent cost share or matching funds requirement (unless waived). Applicants budgeting for an increase in salaries and/or fringe benefits over the life of the award are required to provide an explanation. Note that the $125,000 in federal funds total for three years, not $125,000 annually. For applicants with more than one entry level salary and benefit package based on prior education for new FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 16 of 38 officers with no prior law enforcement experience, you may average those salaries and benefits to report your entry-level salary and benefits. Please note, however, that any higher salaries and benefits that are paid to compensate for prior law enforcement experience are not considered entry-level and should not be included in this average or otherwise reported as entry-level. If awarded CHP funding, an agency must use it to pay the actual entry-level officer’s salary and benefits and any CHP funds remaining after the 36-month funding period will be de-obligated. Fringe Benefits: Fringe benefits typically covered by the applicant agency, as specified in agency personnel and salary policies or contractual agreements, and allowable under 2 CFR 200, will be covered. Examples of allowable fringe benefits include Social Security, Medicare, insurance (life, health, dental, etc.), shift differential, retirement plans, and holiday pay. The following are considered unallowable costs under the CHP program, regardless of whether they are included as salary or fringe: overtime costs, training, travel, equipment (e.g., uniforms, weapons, or vehicles), severance pay, and hazard pay. If your agency pays those benefits for locally funded officer positions, your agency will be required to use local funds to do so for CHP-funded officer positions. For agencies that do not include fringe benefits (e.g., vacation, holiday, shift differential) as part of the base salary costs and typically calculate these separately, the allowable expenditures may be included with personnel costs. Any fringe benefits that are already included as part of the agency’s base salary should not be repeated in the separate fringe listing. Fringe benefits that do not appear in the drop- down budget menu will not be considered. Shift differential pay is a premium hourly rate paid for those hours that are not considered normal day work hours as defined by your agency. Typically, shift differential pay is for the hours worked outside of normal day work hours, where the majority of hours worked are from 3:00 p.m. of one day until 8:00 a.m. of the following day. This would include the evening shift, midnight shift, overlap shift or power shift, or any other designated shift between those hours that would qualify for the shift differential pay as defined by your agency and/or a contractual or union agreement. Overtime beyond any defined shift work hours is an unallowable cost under 2024 CHP. Unallowable Costs – Requests will Not be Funded All items other than entry-level personnel costs (salaries and fringe benefits) as described in the preceding section are considered unallowable under CHP. Therefore, requests for equipment, training, travel, uniforms, vehicles, and indirect costs are not permitted under CHP. In addition, the following personnel costs are unallowable: Salaries and fringe benefits of existing locally-funded officers, unless those officers are currently scheduled to be laid off on a specific future date Salaries and fringe benefits over and above an agency’s entry-level salary and fringe benefits for officers FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 17 of 38 Salaries and fringe benefits for civilian or nonsworn personnel Salaries and fringe benefits for part-time officer positions Salaries and fringe benefits for furloughed officers Salaries and fringe benefits for correctional officers Overtime costs, severance pay, hazard pay Retroactive pay This is not an exhaustive list, and items not listed above will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The COPS Office reserves the right to deny funding for items that may not be included on this list. Agencies are expected to request items that show a direct link between the requested item(s) and the applicant’s CHP project. All requests must contribute directly to the specific purpose of the award project and relate to the appropriations language enacted for FY24. Federal Share and Local Cost Share or Matching Funds In the budget worksheet, the applicant will be required to indicate the number of officers, and the total salary and fringe benefits for the three-year salary period for ONE entry-level officer. The local cost share or matching funds will calculate automatically. The minimum local cost share or matching requirement is 25 percent of the total project cost, although it may be higher, and the cap on the amount of federal funding that can be requested per officer position is $125,000 over three years (36 months). Any additional costs above the required local cost share or matching funds and officer funding cap will be the responsibility of the recipient agency. Recipients are also required to pay a progressively larger share of the cost of the award with local funds over the award period. The applicant will also be asked for a projection of the planned federal and local shares of the total project costs over the three years of funding for each position. While your agency may deviate from these specific projections during the award period, it must still ensure that the federal share decreases and the local share increases. Budget summary: The budget summary will automatically calculate total project costs based on the figures provided in the budget worksheet and the number of officer positions requested in the application. It will also calculate the amount of the local cost share or matching funds requirement. Ensure that the number of officers requested in the budget matches the number entered in the question survey and is equal to or less than 20 percent of actual sworn full-time force. Cost Share or Matching Funds and Waiver The COPS Office may waive some or all of an applicant’s 25 percent local cost share or matching funds requirement. During the application review process, your agency’s waiver request will be evaluated based on the availability of funding, a demonstration of severe fiscal distress as supported by the fiscal health data provided in this application, and comparison of your fiscal health data with that of the overall CHP applicant pool. If your agency wishes to be considered for a waiver, you must respond to the applicable question. Please indicate whether the COPS Office should continue to consider your FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 18 of 38 application if the waiver request is not granted or whether it should be removed from consideration if the waiver is not granted. If a full or partial waiver is granted, and your application is funded for a reduced number of officer positions, the percentage of local share provided will be applied to the total project cost of the awarded officers. -¤¬®± ­£  ®¥ U­£¤±²³ ­£¨­¦ Ȩ-/5ȩ  ­£ O³§¤± S´¯¯®±³¨µ¤ D®¢´¬¤­³² Recipients awarded CHP funding to hire and/or deploy SRO into schools will be required to submit to the COPS Office a signed MOU between the law enforcement agency and the school partner(s) within 90 days of the date shown on the award letter, and before expending or drawing down funds under the award. An MOU is not required at the time of application; however, if the law enforcement agency already has an MOU in place that is applicable to the partnership, the MOU can be uploaded as an attachment under the section in JustGrants titled “MOUs and Other Supporting Documents”. The MOU must contain the following: A. The purpose of the MOU B. Clearly defined roles and responsibilities of the school district and the law enforcement agency focusing on the officers’ roles on safety C. Information sharing D. Supervision responsibility and chain of command for the SRO E. Signatures The MOU is an agreement among parties that defines the roles and responsibilities of the individuals and partners involved, including SROs, school administrators, law enforcement and education departments, students, and parents. The MOU should explicitly state the proposed programs and daily activities that the SRO will develop and/or administer. It should also address the policies and procedures and the extent to which information will be shared between the law enforcement agency and school or school district partners throughout the course of the award. The MOU should be signed by the law enforcement executive and designated representative for the school or school district who has general educational oversight within that jurisdiction. Please refer to the MOU fact sheet at https://cops.usdoj.gov/chp for a full description of requirements. School Resource Officer Official Partner Contact Information (if applicable) Applicants requesting funding for SROs should enter in contact information for each school partner where the SROs will be deployed, if known at time of application. This information is not required at the time of application but will be later required for any agency awarded CHP funding for officers to be deployed as SROs. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 19 of 38 !££¨³¨®­ « A¯¯«¨¢ ³¨®­ C®¬¯®­¤­³² Letters of Support As applicable, applicants may attach letters of support, but these are not required. The COPS Office strongly recommends that uploaded files be clearly named to indicate the applicant organization name and the file contents to ensure that reviewers can easily locate application documents, such as “\[Applicant\] Letter of Support.” Recommended file formats are PDF, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel. The system may reject applications with other formats. If an applicant submits multiple versions of the same document, the COPS Office will review only the most recent system-validated version submitted. Disclosures and Assurances $¨²¢«®²´±¤ ®¥ ,®¡¡¸¨­¦ !¢³¨µ¨³¨¤² Important: All applicants must complete the SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities in Grants.gov prior to beginning the application process in JustGrants. NOTE: Applicants that do not expend any funds for lobbying activities should enter “N/A” in the required highlighted fields. This disclosure form shall be completed by the reporting entity, whether sub-awardee or prime federal recipient, at the initiation or receipt of a covered federal action, or a material change to a previous filing, pursuant to title 31 U.S.C. § 1352. The filing of a form is required for each payment or agreement to make payment to any lobbying entity for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with a covered federal action. Complete all items that apply for both the initial filing and material change report. Refer to the implementing guidance published by the Office of Management and Budget for additional information. If this applies to your organization, you are required to complete the disclosure form via grants.gov. If you need to submit additional forms, please submit them as attachments to your application online in the “Additional Application Components” Section. $/* #¤±³¨¥¨¤£ 3³ ­£ ±£ !²²´± ­¢¤² Applicants to COPS Office programs are required to sign and acknowledge the standard DOJ Assurances form in JustGrants. Signing this document assures the COPS Office that you have read, understood, and accepted the award terms and conditions as outlined in the Assurances. Please read this document carefully, as signatures on this document are treated as material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the U.S. Department of Justice determines to fund the covered award. Full text of the Certified Standard Assurances and Terms and Conditions is available in the FY24 Application Resource Guide. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 20 of 38 $/* #¤±³¨¥¨¢ ³¨®­² 2¤¦ ±£¨­¦ ,®¡¡¸¨­¦ǿ $¤¡ ±¬¤­³Ǿ 3´²¯¤­²¨®­  ­£ /³§¤± 2¤²¯®­²¨¡¨«¨³¸ - ³³¤±²ǿ Drug-&±¤¤ 7®±ª¯« ¢¤ 2¤°´¨±¤¬¤­³²ǿ , ¶ %­¥®±¢¤¬¤­³  ­£ #®¬¬´­¨³¸ 0®«¨¢¨­¦ Applicants to COPS Office programs are required to sign and acknowledge the standard DOJ Certifications form in JustGrants. Signing this document assures the COPS Office that you have read, understood, and accepted the award terms and conditions as outlined in the Certifications. Please read this document carefully, as signatures on this document are treated as material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the U.S. Department of Justice determines to award the covered award. See appendices for the full assurances and certifications, which can all be found in the FY24 Application Resource Guide. An explanation is required when the applicant is unable to certify to certain statements in the “Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; Drug-Free Workplace Requirements; Law Enforcement and Community Policing” form (if applicable). When the applicant is unable to certify to specific statements identified in this Certifications form, the applicant must attach an explanation. The applicant is still required to sign the Certifications form to certify to all the other applicable statements. Please see FY24 Application Resource Guide for a copy of this Certifications form. Declaration and Certification to DOJ as to Application Submission Applicants must read and acknowledge the statements in the Declaration and Certification. &¤£¤± « #¨µ¨« 2¨¦§³²  ­£ !¶ ±£ 2¤µ¨¤¶ Please be advised that an application may not be funded and, if awarded, a hold may be placed on the award if it is deemed that the applicant is not in compliance with federal civil rights laws, is not cooperating with an ongoing federal civil rights investigation, or is not cooperating with a U.S. Department of Justice award review or audit. (®¶ ³® !¯¯«¸ Federal regulations require that an applicant for federal funding (1) be registered in SAM before submitting its application, (2) provide a valid unique entity identifier in its application, and (3) continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which it has an active federal award or an application or plan under consideration by a federal awarding agency. The COPS Office may not make an award to an applicant until the applicant has complied with all applicable Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) and SAM requirements and, if an applicant has not fully complied with these requirements by the time the COPS Office is ready to make an award, the COPS Office may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive an award. See 2 C.F.R. §§ 25.200 and 25.205 and the Award Terms and Conditions for further information. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 21 of 38 Please follow the steps listed here to ensure your application is submitted by the deadline for this solicitation. Applicants should register online with SAM and with Grants.gov well in advance of the JustGrants deadline. Step 1: Register with SAM database/Confirm Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number The Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) issued by SAM is a 12-character alphanumeric value and, once issued, will not change. Entities that are currently registered in SAM.gov already have a Unique Entity ID (SAM) which can be viewed in SAM.gov. The transition to UEI (SAM) will not impact an entity’s registration expiration date or when renewal is necessary. System of Award Management (SAM) registration and renewal can take as long as 10 business days to complete. If you do not have an Employer Identification Number (EIN), the process can take up to five weeks to obtain an EIN from the Internal Revenue Service. There is no fee associated with these processes. These processes cannot be expedited. SAM registration procedures can be accessed at https://www.sam.gov. The person registering with SAM will be the designated SAM E-Business (E-Biz) Point of Contact (POC), who can assign the people who submit applications for the organization (your Authorized Organization Representatives). In addition, you must review your SAM registration once a year. Step 2: Acquire an Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) and a Grants.gov username and password. Complete the AOR profile on Grants.gov and create a username and password. An applicant entity’s “Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)” must be used to complete this step. For more information about the registration process for organizations and other entities, visit the Grants.gov registration page. Individuals registering with Grants.gov may visit the Applicant Registration page. Step 3: Acquire confirmation for the AOR from the E-Business Point of Contact (E-Biz POC). The SAM E-Biz POC at the applicant organization must log into Grants.gov to confirm the applicant organization’s AOR. The E-Biz POC will need the Marketing Partner Identification Number (MPIN) password obtained when registering with SAM to complete this step. Note that an organization can have more than one AOR. Step 4: Search for the funding opportunity on Grants.gov. Search using the Assistance Listing Title and the Funding Opportunity Number from the solicitation. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 22 of 38 Step 5: Access Funding Opportunity and Application Package from Grants.gov. Select “Apply for Grants” under the “Applicants” column. Enter your email address to be notified of any changes to the opportunity package before the closing date. Click the Workspace icon to use Grants.gov Workspace. Step 6: Complete and Submit the SF-424 and SF-LLL via Grants.gov. Within 48 hours after submitting the SF-424 and SF-LLL, the applicant should receive two notifications from Grants.gov. The first will confirm the receipt of the SF-424 and SF-LLL. The second will state whether the SF-424 and SF-LLL has been validated and successfully submitted, or whether it has been rejected due to errors, with an explanation. It is possible to first receive a message indicating that the application is received, and then receive a system-generated rejection notice a few minutes or hours later. Submitting the SF-424 and the SF-LLL well ahead of the Grants.gov deadline provides time to correct the problem(s) that caused the rejection. These system-generated rejection notices are due to inaccurate data or incomplete applications. Important: DOJ urges each applicant to submit the SF-424 and the SF-LLL at least 72 hours prior to the Grants.gov due date to allow time to receive validation messages or rejection notifications from Grants.gov and to correct in a timely fashion any problems that may have caused a rejection notification. Verify the application deadline (date and time) in the solicitation. Step 7: Register the Entity Administrator (E-Biz POC) and the Application Submitter with DOJ’s Justice Grants System (JustGrants). (Application Submitters and E-Biz POC Users with an existing JustGrants Account may skip to step 8.) Within 24 hours of JustGrants receiving an application from Grants.gov, the user submitting the application in Grants.gov and SAM E-Biz POC will receive an email to register for a JustGrants account. The email is from DOJ’s secure user management system (DIAMD) and will include instructions on how to create an account. To ensure that you receive these emails and that they are not flagged as spam, we recommend adding DIAMD-NoReply@usdoj.gov to the trusted sender list in your email settings. The E-Biz POC at the applicant organization serves as the Entity Administrator and must log in to JustGrants to confirm the entity’s profile, add users, and assign the two required Authorized Representatives (Law Enforcement Executive/Program Official and Government Executive/Financial Official). The Authorized Representatives are officials who have ultimate and final responsibility for all programmatic and financial decisions for your agency, as the legal recipient. For guidance on who should be assigned as Authorized Representatives, please see below: FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 23 of 38 For law enforcement agencies, COPS Office awards require that both the top law enforcement executive (e.g., chief of police, sheriff, or equivalent) and the top government executive (e.g., mayor, board chairman, or equivalent) sign the application, and (if awarded funding) accept the award package. Both the top law enforcement executive and the top government executive must be assigned the role of Authorized Representative in Just Grants. For non–law enforcement agencies (institutions of higher education, school districts, private organizations, etc.), COPS Office awards require that both the programmatic official (e.g., executive director, chief executive officer, or equivalent) and financial official (e.g., chief financial officer, treasurer, or equivalent) sign the application, and (if awarded funding) accept the award package. These two officials must have the ultimate signatory authority to sign contracts on behalf of your organization. Both the programmatic official and the financial official must be assigned the role of Authorized Representative in Just Grants. Please note that nonexecutive positions (e.g., clerks, trustees) are not acceptable Authorized Representatives. The user who submitted the application in Grants.gov serves as the Application Submitter. Within minutes of completing your JustGrants account registration, the Application Submitter and the E-Biz POC (Entity Administrator) users will receive an email from JustGrants with a link to the application started in Grants.gov. Application Submitters and E-Biz POC Users with a JustGrants Account Step 8: Review and Invite the Two Required Authorized Representatives in JustGrants The Entity Administrator will need to log into JustGrants to review and assign the required two Authorized Representatives (Law Enforcement Executive/Program Official and Government Executive/Financial Official). The Authorized Representatives are officials who have ultimate and final responsibility for all programmatic and financial decisions for your agency, as the legal recipient. For guidance on who should be assigned as Authorized Representatives, please see guidance above. If an Authorized Representative needs to be invited, the Entity Administrator will need to invite the individual to receive a JustGrants account. These actions are required before an application can be submitted. Within minutes of being invited to be an Authorized Representative, the individual will receive an email from DIAMD-NoReply@usdoj.gov with instructions on how to create an account in DOJ’s secure user management system. Once the Authorized Representatives receives the email and completes the steps to create an account, the Authorized Representative will be available in JustGrants. Review the “JustGrants User Roles Guide“ to become familiar with the various JustGrants Entity User roles. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 24 of 38 Step 9: Complete and Submit the JustGrants Application Important: In addition to the Application Submitter, the Entity Administrator and the two Authorized Representatives should be available to assist with the JustGrants application submission. The Application Submitter will complete the application by entering data into web-based forms, uploading attachments, and accepting assurances and certifications. Before you submit your application, each section much be completed and free of validation errors. If not, please return to each identified page using the table of contents on the right side of the page. If any required fields are unanswered, they will be flagged with warning messages. In this case, answer these required fields. You will not be able to submit your application until all validation issues are corrected and the application is certified. The Application Submitter will also need to confirm the required two Authorized Representatives (Law Enforcement Executive/Program Official and Government Executive/Financial Official). The Application Submitter will need to select two authorized representatives via dropdown field in the “Confirm Authorized Representative” section of the application. The dropdown will display all authorized representatives that have been assigned for your entity (the Application Submission Job Aid Reference Guide for this step). If you do not see authorized representatives for your entity in the dropdown field within the “Confirm Authorized Representative” section of the application, you will need to add and assign the role for each authorized representative for your entity. Please note: the COPS Office requires two authorized representatives (Law Enforcement Executive and Government Executive) for its grant applications. Users will not be visible in JustGrants until they have successfully logged into JustGrants. If you need assistance adding users and assigning roles for your entity, please refer to the Entity Management Job Aid Reference Guide. Once all sections are completed, the application submitter will submit the application. Upon successful submission of an application, the Application Submitter, Entity Administrator, and the two Authorized Representatives will receive an email from JustGrants confirming submission of the application. The COPS Office will not accept applications submitted via mail or email. Step 10: Confirm Receipt of JustGrants Application The Application Submitter should closely monitor their email and JustGrants accounts for any notifications from Grants.gov or JustGrants about a possible failed submission. The user who is authorized to submit applications on behalf of the organization is the one who will receive these notifications. The COPS Office does not send out these notifications, nor does the COPS Office receive a copy of these notifications. It is the applicant’s responsibility to notify the COPS Office of any problems with the application submission process. Submitting the application components at least 48 hours prior to the solicitation deadline will enable the applicant to receive notice of a failed submission and provide an opportunity to correct the error before the applicable deadline. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 25 of 38 3´¡¬¨²²¨®­ D ³¤²  ­£ T¨¬¤ All completed applications must be submitted by the deadline. , ³¤ S´¡¬¨²²¨®­² The COPS Office will review on a case-by-case basis requests for late submission due to unforeseen technical issues or extraordinary events such as extreme weather emergencies or mass casualty events. Requests for an extension of the Grants.gov deadline must be received prior to the close of the solicitation in Grants.gov. Requests for an extension of the JustGrants deadline must be made prior to the close of the solicitation in JustGrants. No late submission requests will be considered once the solicitation closes. Extension of deadlines is rare and is not guaranteed. To be considered for an extension, applicants must contact the COPS Office Response Center via email at AskCopsRC@usdoj.gov detailing the technical/extraordinary issues that impact application submission. This email must be submitted prior to the deadline for which the applicant is requesting an extension. The applicant’s email must include the following information: UEI number, Organization name, Point of Contact name and information, Application ID, and the nature of the issue/disaster and how it affected the applicant’s ability to submit an application on time. The email subject line should read “\[Insert Program\] Extraordinary Circumstances: \[UEI number, Agency Name, Application ID\]”, with your UEI number and organization name and details filled in. The COPS Office will respond to each applicant as soon as possible with either an approval and instructions for submission or a rejection. If the technical issues you reported cannot be validated, the application will be rejected. The following conditions are not valid reasons to request an extension: (1) failure to begin the registration process in sufficient time; (2) failure to follow instructions on Grants.gov or JustGrants; (3) failure of the two assigned authorized representatives, with the proper authority, to activate accounts in JustGrants prior to application submission; (4) failure to follow all of the instructions in the solicitation; (5)failure to register or update information on the SAM website; and (6) failure to register or complete the SF-424 and SF-LLL in Grants.gov. !¯¯«¨¢ ³¨®­ R¤µ¨¤¶ I­¥®±¬ ³¨®­ Review Process The COPS Office is committed to ensuring a fair and open merit review process. Applications that meet eligibility and basic minimum requirements will be subject to a merit review and ranking process. The merit review will consist of both a programmatic and financial review and will be conducted by COPS Office staff or in collaboration with other subject matter experts. The review will also assess whether costs are reasonable, necessary, allowable, and allocable under applicable federal cost principles, agency regulations, and the program. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 26 of 38 Basic Minimum Requirements Review Once the solicitation closes, COPS Office staff screen and evaluated applications for compliance with basic minimum requirements (BMR). BMR Review Criteria The BMR review ensures that applicants are local, state, territorial, and tribal law enforcement agencies that have primary law enforcement authority. Review Criteria In the merit review selection process for CHP awards, the COPS Office will make an initial determination, balancing the applicant’s need for federal assistance (as measured by economic and fiscal health questions) with crime rates, the applicant’s current commitment to community policing, and the strength of their proposed community policing strategy. Applications will be scored according to the following weighting methodology: Fiscal Need: 33.3 percent Crime: 33.3 percent Community Policing: 33.3 percent Agencies that do not meet a minimum community policing score, reflecting a basic commitment to community policing and a strategy to continue or enhance it, will not be considered for funding. Additional consideration will be given to applicants who propose a community-based approach to the following four problem/focus areas. Applicants who choose one of the community policing problem/focus areas listed here must devote 100 percent of their funded positions to that focus area and will not be allowed to change their choice once the award has been issued. Building Legitimacy and Trust Violent Crime/gun Violence Combating Hate and Domestic Extremism Police-based Response to Persons in Crisis Additional priority consideration will also be given to applicants that meet any of the following criteria: Persistent Poverty – Applicants in an area with persistent poverty Preventing Radicalization of Personnel – Applicants seeking support for screening and counseling programs to identify and prevent the radicalization of applicants and personnel who endorse violent and hateful extremist movements FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 27 of 38 Community-Based Hires – Applicants that commit to recruiting officers from the community in which they will serve Community-Based Officer Relocation – Applicants that commit to recruiting officers who are willing to relocate to areas characterized by fragmented relations between police and community residents, or areas of high crime Diversity Training – Agencies that require evidenced-based cultural sensitivity training for officers, including training on ethnic and racial bias, racial profiling, gender bias, sexual orientation and gender identity bias, cultural diversity, use of force, procedural justice, and law enforcement interaction with people with disabilities, the mentally ill, and English Language Learners Safe Harbor – Applicants in states with certain anti-human trafficking laws that treat minors engaged in commercial sex as victims (referred to as “safe harbor” laws) and permit individuals to vacate arrest or prosecution records for non-violent offenses as a result of being trafficked Catastrophic Incident – Applicants that experienced an unanticipated catastrophic event or Attorney General declared area in crime-related crisis Hiring Veterans – Applicants that commit to hiring at least one military veteran Rural Designation – Applicants from rural areas Agency Not Funded in FY23 – Applicants that did not receive a CHP award in FY23 Note: Applicable priority consideration(s) is only one of many factors in making COPS Office funding decisions and does not guarantee an award. Federal Policing Priorities In addition to the criteria listed earlier, responses to the list of questions related to the activities outlined in the Federal Priorities for Policing Inventory will help the U.S. Department of Justice evaluate the possibility for priority consideration, where appropriate, and identify potential gaps in training and technical assistance. Administrative Compliance Review All advancing applications will undergo an administrative compliance review. Past financial and programmatic performance with DOJ award funding will be considered in this review process. Past performance may affect the overall rating and ranking of an application. Factors that may be included in the past performance review include the following: The extent to which the applicant has adhered to all special conditions in the prior awards The extent to which the applicant has complied with programmatic and financial reporting requirements FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 28 of 38 The extent to which the applicant has completed closeout of prior awards in a timely manner Whether the applicant has received financial clearances in a timely manner Whether the applicant has resolved any issues identified in an audit or on-site monitoring visit in a timely manner Whether the applicant has adhered to single audit requirements The extent to which the applicant has completed work and spent prior award funds in a timely manner Pursuant to 2 C.F.R. Part 200.206, before award decisions are made, the COPS Office also reviews information related to the degree of risk posed by applicants. Among other things to help assess whether an applicant with one or more prior federal awards has a satisfactory record with respect to performance, integrity, and business ethics, the COPS Office checks whether the applicant is listed in SAM as excluded from receiving a federal award. The COPS Office also must review and consider any information about the applicant that appears in the nonpublic segment of the integrity and performance system accessible through SAM (currently, the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System, “FAPIIS”). Applicants may review and comment on any information about them in SAM that a federal awarding agency previously entered in the designated integrity and performance system, and such applicant comments will also be reviewed and considered. The COPS Office may contact applicants regarding budget and financial questions as part of the review process. This outreach is not an indication of funds or awarding decisions. DirectorȌ² 3¤«¤¢³¨®­ Absent explicit statutory authorization or written delegation of authority to the contrary, all final award decisions will be made by the Director of the COPS Office, who may also give consideration to factors including prior funding history, current award balances, underserved populations, population served, geographic diversity, strategic priorities, past performance, significant concerns regarding ability of the applicant to administer federal funds, and available funding when making awards. &¤£¤± « !¶ ±£ .®³¨¢¤² Award notification will be sent electronically from JustGrants. This award notification will include instruction on enrolling in Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) and accepting the award. Recipients will be required to log into JustGrants to review, sign, and accept the award. The notice of award will contain details about the award including start and end dates, funding amounts, and the award conditions. The Authorized Representatives must acknowledge having read and understood all sections of the award instrument and submit the required declaration and certification to accept the award; these steps will be completed electronically in JustGrants before you will be able to FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 29 of 38 draw down funds or begin implementing the program. By accepting the award and the COPS Office funding, your agency acknowledges that it will comply with these conditions and, if applicable, additional special conditions specific to your agency. It is anticipated that awards will be announced on or after September 30, 2024. Any public announcements will be posted on the COPS Office website. All award decisions are final and not subject to appeal. To officially accept and begin your award, your organization must access your award package at https://justgrants.usdoj.gov/. Once you access your account, you will review and electronically sign the award document (including award terms and conditions) and, if applicable, the special award conditions or high-risk conditions within 45 days of the date shown on the award congratulatory letter, unless an extension is requested and granted. The two assigned Authorized Representatives (Law Enforcement Executive/Program Official and Government Executive/Financial Official) as described in the How to Apply section are required to sign the award package. If the Authorized Representative(s) changes between the time of application submission and award receipt, the Entity Administrator will need to update the Authorized Representative(s) in JustGrants. Your organization will not be able to draw down award funds until the COPS Office receives your signed award document. For more information on accepting your award, please visit the JustGrants Training page for step-by-step instructions. For technical support with JustGrants, please call JustGrants Support at JustGrants.Support@usdoj.gov, or 833-872-5175. For programmatic assistance, please contact the COPS Office Response Center at AskCopsRC@usdoj.gov. 4§¤ A¶ ±£ P ¢ª ¦¤ The award package is the document indicating your official award funding amount, the award number, the award terms and conditions, and award start and end dates. The award start date indicated in the award package means that your organization may be reimbursed for any allowable costs incurred on or after this date. The duration of awards is 5 years (60 months). Your FY24 award number is in the following format: 15JCOPS-24-GG-XXXXX-UHPX The COPS Office tracks award information based upon this number; therefore, it is important to have your organization’s award number (or your organization’s UEI number) readily available when corresponding with the COPS Office. The award terms and conditions are listed in the award package. In limited circumstances, your award package may include additional special conditions or high-risk conditions that prevent your organization from drawing down or accessing award funds until the special conditions or high-risk conditions are satisfied as determined by the COPS Office. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 30 of 38 By accepting the award, you are acknowledging that you are obtaining federal funds from the COPS Office. As part of that agreement, if awarded funds, your organization will acknowledge that it will comply with all applicable award terms and conditions including any special or high-risk conditions. !£¬¨­¨²³± ³¨µ¤  ­£ N ³¨®­ « 0®«¨¢¸ 2¤°´¨±¤¬¤­³² If selected for funding, in addition to implementing the funded project consistent with the approved project proposal and budget, the recipient must comply with award terms and conditions and other legal requirements including, but not limited to, OMB, DOJ, or other federal regulations that will be included in the award or incorporated into the award by reference or are otherwise applicable to the award. The COPS Office strongly encourages applicants to review applicable requirements and terms and conditions prior to submitting an application. Terms and conditions for COPS Office awards are available on the COPS Office website in the Application Resource Guide. Terms and conditions are subject to change before the award is issued. The FY24 Application Resource Guide also contains additional requirements which apply to this application and award, including audit requirements, suspension, and termination requirements. 4¤±¬²Ǿ ConditionsǾ  ­£ A¶ ±£ R¤°´¨±¤¬¤­³² Please review carefully the FY24 Application Resource Guide for a full description of each of the listed terms, conditions, and other requirements for this COPS Office program. By submitting your application, your organization assures the COPS Office that you agree to the terms, conditions, and requirements. If awarded funds, by accepting your COPS Office award, your organization agrees to comply with all of the terms, conditions, and other requirements in your award package and any additional special or high-risk conditions that may be imposed on your award. !£¬¨­¨²³± ³¨µ¤ !¢³¨®­²  ­£ L¤¦ « R¤¬¤£¨¤² R¤« ³¤£ ³® &¤£¤± « A¶ ±£² Please be advised that an application may not be funded or, if awarded, a hold may be placed on this application if it is deemed that the applicant is not in compliance with federal civil rights laws, is not cooperating with an ongoing federal civil rights investigation, or is not cooperating with a U.S. Department of Justice award review or audit. Misuse of COPS Office funds or failure to comply with all COPS Office award requirements may result in legal sanctions including suspension and termination of award funds, the repayment of expended funds, ineligibility to receive additional COPS Office funding, and other remedies available by law. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 31 of 38 Under the False Claims Act, any credible evidence that a person has submitted a false claim or has committed a criminal or civil violation of laws pertaining to fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, gratuity, or similar misconduct involving COPS Office funds may be referred to the Office of Inspector General (OIG). The OIG may be contacted at oig.hotline@usdoj.gov, https://oig.justice.gov/hotline/index.htm, or 800-869-4499. 2¤¬¤£¨¤² ¥®± N®­¢®¬¯«¨ ­¢¤ Under 2 C.F.R. § 200.339, if the recipient fails to comply with award terms and conditions, the Federal awarding agency may impose additional conditions or take one or more of the following actions as appropriate in the circumstances: Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency by the non-Federal entity or more severe enforcement action by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity. Disallow (that is, deny both use of funds and any applicable matching credit for) all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance. Wholly or partly suspend or terminate the Federal award. Initiate suspension or debarment proceedings as authorized under 2 C.F.R. Part 180 and Federal awarding agency regulations (or in the case of a pass-through entity, recommend such a proceeding be initiated by a Federal awarding agency). Withhold further Federal awards for the project or program. Take other remedies that may be legally available. Prior to imposing sanctions, the COPS Office will provide reasonable notice to the recipient of its intent to impose sanctions and will attempt to resolve the problem informally. Appeal procedures will follow those in the U.S. Department of Justice regulations in 28 C.F.R. Part 18. Awards terminated due to noncompliance with the federal statutes, regulations, or award terms and conditions will be reported to the integrity and performance system accessible through SAM (currently FAPIIS). False statements or claims made in connection with COPS Office awards may result in fines, imprisonment, debarment from participating in federal awards or contracts, and any other remedy available by law. Please be advised that recipients may not use COPS Office funding for the same item or service also funded by another U.S. Department of Justice award. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 32 of 38 &¤£¤± « !¶ ±£¨­¦ !¦¤­¢¸ #®­³ ¢³Ȩ²ȩ For technical assistance with submitting the SF-424, please call the Grants.gov customer service hotline at 800-518-4726, send questions via email to support@Grants.gov, or consult the Grants.gov Organization Applicant User Guide. The Grants.gov Support Hotline operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except on federal holidays. For technical support with the Justice Grants System (JustGrants) application, please contact the JustGrants Support at JustGrants.Support@usdoj.gov or 833-872-5175. The JustGrants Support operates Monday through Friday between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) and Saturday, Sunday, and federal holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET. Training on JustGrants can also be found at https://justicegrants.usdoj.gov/training-resources. For programmatic assistance with the requirements of this program, please contact the COPS Office Response Center at AskCopsRC@usdoj.gov. The COPS Office Response Center operates Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, except on federal holidays. &±¤¤£®¬ ®¥ )­¥®±¬ ³¨®­ !¢³  ­£ 0±¨µ ¢¸ !¢³ ȨΔ 5ȁ3ȁ#ȁ ȷȷ ΔΔΑ  ­£ ΔΔΑ ȩ All applications submitted to the COPS Office (including all attachments to applications) are subject to the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and to the Privacy Act. By law, DOJ may withhold information that is responsive to a request if DOJ determines that the responsive information is protected from disclosure under the Privacy Act or falls within the scope of one or more of the nine statutory exemptions under FOIA. DOJ cannot agree not to release some or all portions of an application/award file in advance of a request pursuant to the FOIA. In its review of records that are responsive to a FOIA request, the COPS Office will withhold information in those records that plainly falls within the scope of the Privacy Act or one of the statutory exemptions under FOIA. (Some examples include certain types of information in budgets and names and contact information for project staff other than certain key personnel.) In appropriate circumstances, the COPS Office will request the views of the applicant/recipient that submitted a responsive document. &¤¤£¡ ¢ª ³® ³§¤ #/03 /¥¥¨¢¤ To assist the COPS Office in improving its application and award processes, we encourage applicants to provide feedback on this solicitation, the application submission process, and the application review peer review process. Provide feedback via email to AskCopsRC@usdoj.gov with the following subject line: “FY24 \[Insert Program Here\] Program Feedback.” Important: This email is for feedback and suggestions only. Replies are not sent from this mailbox. If you have specific questions on any program or technical aspect of the solicitation, you must contact the COPS Office Response Center at AskCopsRC@usdoj.gov. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 33 of 38 #/03 /¥¥¨¢¤ /³§¤± )­¥®±¬ ³¨®­ 2¤¯®±³¨­¦Ǿ m®­¨³®±¨­¦Ǿ  ­£ eµ «´ ³¨®­ r¤°´¨±¤¬¤­³² Reporting If awarded, your organization will be required to submit quarterly Standard Form 425, Federal Financial Reports (FFR) as well as semiannual Programmatic Performance Reports. Recipients should be prepared to track and report program award funding separately from other funding sources (including other COPS Office federal awards) to ensure accurate financial and programmatic reporting on a timely basis. Recipients should ensure that they have financial internal controls in place to monitor the use of program funding and ensure that its use is consistent with the award terms and conditions. Good stewardship in this area includes written accounting practices, use of an accounting system that tracks all award drawdowns and expenditures, and the ability to track when award-funded positions are filled or approved purchases are made. Failure to submit complete reports or submit reports in a timely manner will result in the suspension and possible termination of a recipient’s COPS Office award funding or other remedial actions. Monitoring Federal law requires that agencies receiving federal funding from the COPS Office be monitored to ensure compliance with their award conditions and other applicable statutory regulations. The COPS Office is also interested in tracking the progress of our programs and the advancement of community policing. Both aspects of award implementation—compliance and programmatic benefits—are part of the monitoring process coordinated by the U.S. Department of Justice. Awarded organizations will be responsible for submitting Programmatic Performance Reports on a semiannual basis and SF-425 – Federal Financial Reports on a quarterly basis. In addition, awarded organizations will be responsible for the timely submission of a final Closeout Report and any other required final reports. All COPS Office recipients will be required to participate in such award monitoring activities of the U.S. Department of Justice, including but not limited to the COPS Office, the Office of the Inspector General, or any entity designated by the COPS Office. Please note that the COPS Office may take a number of monitoring approaches, such as site visits, enhanced office-based award reviews, alleged noncompliance reviews, and periodic surveys to gather information and to ensure compliance. The COPS Office may seek information including, but not limited to, your organization’s compliance with nonsupplanting and both programmatic and financial requirements of the award, and your organization’s progress in implementing the award and toward achieving your community policing strategy. The COPS Office is particularly interested in confirming that the purchase of items and/or services is consistent with the applicant’s approved award budget. If awarded funds, you agree to cooperate with and respond to any requests for information pertaining to your award in preparation for any of the above-referenced award monitoring activities. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 34 of 38 Please feel free to contact your COPS Office Program Manager to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding the monitoring, reporting, and evaluation requirements. Program Evaluation Though a formal assessment is not a requirement, awarded organizations are strongly encouraged to conduct an independent assessment of their respective award-funded projects. Project evaluations have proven to be valuable tools in helping organizations identify areas in need of improvement, providing data of successful processes, and reducing vulnerabilities. Selected award recipients shall be evaluated on the local level or as part of a national evaluation, pursuant to guidelines established by the Attorney General. Such evaluations may include assessments of individual program implementations. In select jurisdictions that are able to support outcome evaluations, the effectiveness of funded programs, projects, and activities may be required. Outcome measures may include crime and victimization indicators, quality of life measures, community perceptions, and police perceptions of their own work. &¨­ ­¢¨ « M ­ ¦¤¬¤­³  ­£ S¸²³¤¬ ®¥ I­³¤±­ « C®­³±®«² Award recipients and subrecipients must, as set out in the Uniform Guidance at 2 C.F.R. § 200.303, do the following: Establish and maintain effective internal control over the federal award that provides reasonable assurance that \[the recipient (and any subrecipient)\] is managing the federal award in compliance with federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the federal award. These internal controls should be in compliance with guidance in “Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government” issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and the “Internal Control Integrated Framework” issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). Comply with federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the federal awards. Evaluate and monitor \[the recipient’s (and any subrecipient’s)\] compliance with statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of federal awards. Take prompt action when instances of noncompliance are identified including noncompliance identified in audit findings. Take reasonable measures to safeguard protected personally identifiable information and other information the federal awarding agency designates as sensitive or \[the recipient (and any subrecipient)\] considers sensitive, consistent with applicable federal, state, local, and tribal laws regarding privacy and obligations of confidentiality. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 35 of 38 !´£¨³ 2¤°´¨±¤¬¤­³ The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards at 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Subpart F – Audit Requirements, available at https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title- 2/subtitle-A/chapter-II/part-200/subpart-F, establish the requirements for organizational audits that apply to COPS Office award recipients. Recipients must arrange for the required organization-wide (not award-by-award) audit in accordance with the requirements of Subpart F. #¨µ¨« R¨¦§³² All recipients are required to comply with nondiscrimination requirements contained in various federal laws. A memorandum addressing federal civil rights statutes and regulations from the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs will be included in the award package for award recipients. All applicants should consult the Assurances form to understand the applicable legal and administrative requirements. &´­£¨­¦ ³® & ¨³§-" ²¤£ /±¦ ­¨¹ ³¨®­² Faith-based or religious organizations are eligible, on the same basis as any other organization, to participate in any DOJ program for which they are otherwise eligible. A faith-based or religious organization that participates in DOJ-funded programs or services will retain its independence from government, and may continue to carry out its mission, including the practice and expression of its religious beliefs, as long as it does not use direct financial assistance from DOJ to support any explicitly religious activities, including activities that involve overt religious content such as worship, religious instruction, or proselytization. Further guidance on federal financial assistance for faith-based organizations can be found at Civil Rights | Partnerships with Faith-Based and Other Neighborhood Organizations | Office of Justice Programs (ojp.gov) and Equal Treatment of Faith-Based Organizations in DOJ-Supported Social Service Programs. 3¤¢³¨®­ ΔΏΗ ®¥ ³§¤ 2¤§ ¡¨«¨³ ³¨®­ !¢³ If you are an applicant using assistive technology and you encounter difficulty when applying, please contact the COPS Office Response Center at 800-421-6770 or AskCopsRC@usdoj.gov. The department is committed to ensuring equal access to all applicants and will assist any applicant who may experience difficulties with assistive technology when applying for awards using the JustGrants System. 0´¡«¨¢ R¤¯®±³¨­¦ BurdenȀ 0 ¯¤±¶®±ª 2¤£´¢³¨®­ !¢³ N®³¨¢¤ The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be up to 11.3 hours per response, depending upon the COPS Office program being applied for, which includes time for reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of the collection of FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 36 of 38 this information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of Justice, 145 N Street NE, Washington, DC 20530; and to the Public Use Reports Project, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503. For any questions or comments, please contact David Neely, COPS Office Paperwork Reduction Act Program Manager, at 202-514-8553. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this application is 1103-0098, and the expiration date is 04/30/2024. 0¤±¥®±¬ ­¢¤ M¤ ²´±¤² To assist in fulfilling the U.S. Department of Justice’s responsibilities under the Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act (GPRA Modernization Act) of 2010, P.L. 111–352), recipients who receive funding from the Federal Government must measure the results of work that funding supports. This act specifically requires the COPS Office and other federal agencies to set program goals, measure performance against those goals, and publicly report progress in the form of funding spent, resources used, activities performed, services delivered, and results achieved. COPS Office awards target increasing recipient capacity to implement community policing strategies within the three primary elements of community policing: (1) problem solving; (2) partnerships; and (3) organizational transformation. The COPS Office requires all applicants for this program to describe how the personnel requested will assist the applicant in implementing community policing strategies. For more information on community policing, please go to the COPS Office website at https://cops.usdoj.gov/resources#cptopics. As part of the programmatic performance report, recipients will be required to report on their progress toward implementing their community policing strategies. Based on the data collected from recipients, the COPS Office may make improvements to the program to better meet the program’s objective and law enforcement agency needs. Performance measures for this program will include the following: Extent to which COPS Office award funding (e.g., officers, equipment, training, technical assistance) has increased your agency’s community policing capacity Extent to which COPS Office knowledge resources (e.g., publications, podcasts, training) have increased your agency’s community policing capacity The objective of these performance measures is to increase the capacity of law enforcement agencies to implement community policing strategies that strengthen partnerships for safer communities and enhance law enforcement’s capacity to prevent, solve, and control crime through funding for personnel, technology, equipment, and training. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 37 of 38 Recipients will rate the effectiveness of the COPS Office funding in increasing community policing capacity. Data will be collected on a periodic basis through performance reports. Performance measures for this program are as shown in table 1. Table 1. Performance measures Objective Performance Measures Data recipient provides Increase the capacity of law Extent to which COPS Office Data will be collected on a enforcement agencies to knowledge resources (e.g., periodic basis through recipient implement community policing publications, podcasts, training, performance reports. strategies that strengthen etc.) have increased your agency’s partnerships for safer communities community policing capacity? and enhance law enforcement’s capacity to prevent, solve, and Extent to which COPS Office award control crime through funding for funding (e.g., officers, equipment, personnel, technology, equipment, training, technical assistance, etc.) and training has increased your agency’s community policing capacity? The number of partnerships established or enhanced during the grant period. !¯¯«¨¢ ³¨®­ C§¤¢ª«¨²³ Please refer to the JustGrants DOJ Application Submission Checklist. FY 2024 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation 38 of 38 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 4, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Aging and Long Term Care Presentation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: Lynn Kimball, Executive Director for Aging and Long Term Care of Eastern Washington will review the 2023 service data for Spokane Valley and provide information on the current services and resources that are available in our area for our senior residents. OPTIONS: Discussion. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A. STAFF CONTACT: Marci Patterson, City Clerk ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation 1 | Page 2003 - 458 - 509 FAX 2509 | - 458 - 509 ADVOCACY. ACTION . ANSWERS. Spokane Valley TEL – | Northern Ferry, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens & Whitman counties SERVING: WWW.ALTCEW.ORG Eastern Washington 1222 N. Post St. | Spokane, WA 99201 | 2023 Service Data Aging & Long Term Care of Home Care Case - Spokane Valley Family Caregiver SupportPowerful Tools for Caregivers Kinship Navigator and Caregiver SupportMedicaid InManagementVeteran’s Directed CareCare CoordinationSupportive HousingAdvanced Medication ManagementHospital to Home Care Transitions – ADVOCACY. ACTION . ANSWERS. Caregivers and Families•••Medicaid Services and Community Supports•••••• | WWW.ALTCEW.ORG And Community Resources as needed! Adult Day ServicesBathing AssistanceFalls Prevention ClassesFalls Prevention Phone ConsultationGroup Meal SitesHome Delivered MealsLegal AssistanceMinor Home RepairFarmer’s Market VouchersOnline Senior Fitness Classes Senior Services•••••••••• Additional Resources CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 4, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Right-Sizing Police Services Community Outreach Update PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Feb. 27, 2024: Staff presented an administrative report on the Right-Sizing Police Services Communications and Community Outreach Plan. BACKGROUND: As Councilmembers continue to work towards implementing the remaining recommendations of the recent Matrix police staffing study, community members were encouraged to get involved and help identify desired staffing levels and revenue sources. The City hosted five opportunities in April to learn more about this project, ask questions and provide input. Community members also had the opportunity to provide input through a paper and online survey, which was open for two months. Staff will provide Councilmembers an administrative report summary of the community outreach for the police staffing project, including related communications, community meetings and the survey, and then discuss the next steps. OPTIONS: Discussion only RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Not applicable BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $17,000 in community outreach expenses, primarily for the postcard printing and mailing. STAFF CONTACT: Erik Lamb, Deputy City Manager Dave Ellis, Police Chief Jill Smith, Communications Manager ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Survey Results AGENDA COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 4, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Spokane Regional Emergency Communications (SREC) Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Informational presentation on November 1, 2022, from SREC representatives. BACKGROUND: Background General Information: The Spokane Regional Emergency Communications (SREC) is a public development authority formed by Spokane County in 2018 to serve as the regional emergency service communications agency. SREC provides a variety of services, with a primary focus on providing 911 and Crime Check call response and dispatch to almost all agencies within Spokane County for emergency services, including fire, police, and medical services. The primary SREC communications center is housed at a facility near the Spokane Community College which is owned by the City of Spokane. SREC is funded through a variety of funding sources. The three primary sources include a voter- approved communication sales tax levy of 0.1%, most recently approved in 2017, a 911 excise tax ($0.70 per month for each landline phone number, wireless phone number, and VoIP service line), and “user fees” from partner agencies. The City is not a direct member of SREC and so does not have a service agreement with SREC. The City pays for services through its Law Enforcement Agreement costs through the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office. As part of this arrangement, Spokane Valley Police Department Police Chief Dave Ellis serves on the SREC Board, but the City does not have direct City staff or elected official representation on the Board. Staff attend meetings and work with SREC Staff for questions related to operations and financings. In 2023, SREC charged the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office $3,208,390. The City’s share through the LECAP (methodology for calculating amounts owed) for 2023 was $1,321,089 (paid through its Law Enforcement Agreement). Member agencies include Airway Heights Police/Fire, Cheney Fire, EWU Police, Kalispel Tribe Public Safety, Liberty Lake Police, Spokane County Sheriff’s Office, Spokane County Fire Districts 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, Spokane Valley Fire, and Spokane Valley Police Department. SREC was originally contemplated as a fully regional agency with participation from all first responder agencies, including Spokane Fire and Spokane Police. For various reasons, the City of Spokane did not join SREC when it was created. On November 1, 2022, the Spokane Fire Department joined SREC. Currently, SREC provides 911 response, but not dispatch services to Spokane Police. Pursuant to the establishing resolution (Board of County Commissioners Resolution No. 18-0722) and charter, the SREC Board is to consist of eleven members: City of Spokane Administrator, Spokane County Chief Executive Officer, City of Spokane Fire Chief, Spokane Valley Fire Department Chief, One Fire Chief representing other Fire Departments/Districts, appointed by the Inland Empire Fire Chief’s Association, One member appointed by the Spokane County Emergency Management Services (EMS) & Trauma Care Council, the Spokane County Sheriff, City of Spokane Valley Police Chief, City of Spokane Police Chief, One Police Chief representing smaller cities/towns, and a citizen at large. Currently, since Spokane Police is not a member of SREC, the City of Spokane Police Chief does not serve on the SREC board. Recent Developments While SREC was envisioned as a fully regional agency providing emergency communications services for all law enforcement and fire agencies, the City of Spokane did not immediately join. In 2022, Spokane Fire agreed to a service agreement and joined SREC. As part of this agreement, the City of Spokane filled two seats on the SREC Board with the Spokane Fire Chief and City of Spokane City Administrator. However, at that time and to this day Spokane Police have not joined SREC. SREC continues to provide 911 services (answering 911 calls) and forwards any calls for police service needs in the City of Spokane to Spokane Police Dispatch. Spokane has at various times sought to receive a portion of the taxes received by SREC to assist in funding Spokane Police Dispatch. In order to fully resolve the issue, in April, 2024, the SREC Board voted to request from the City of Spokane confirmation of whether Spokane would fully join SREC and if not, to then fully separate from SREC and to form and operate its own public safety answering point (PSAP) to provide all emergency communication services for Spokane. A copy of the letter from SREC to Spokane is attached. Mayor Brown recently responded, requesting (1) additional time to review the financial implications of Spokane providing its own PSAP, (2) identifying claims that SREC was overcharging members in the user fees, and (3) requesting greater representation on the SREC Board due to the fact that if Spokane Police calls were added, total call volume for Spokane Fire and Police would constitute more than half of the calls received by SREC. On May 24, 2024, the SREC Board voted to agree to the Mayor’s request for an extension to August 24, 2024. Staff will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A at this time; staff will be analyzing financial impacts of the City of Spokane’s decision to fully join or fully leave SREC. STAFF CONTACT: Deputy City Manager Erik Lamb; Spokane Valley Police Chief Dave Ellis ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation Letter from SREC to City of Spokane dated April 18, 2024 Letter from City of Spokane to SREC dated May 17, 2024 Letter from SREC to City of Spokane dated May 24, 2024 1620 N. Rebecca St. Spokane, WA 99217 SREC911.org April 18, 2024 CODY ROHRBACH – Chair Mayor Lisa Brown City of Spokane Spokane County Fire 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. District 3 Spokane, WA 99201 BRAD RICHMOND–Vice Chair Dear Mayor Brown, Airway Heights Police Department As Spokane Regional Emergency Communications (SREC) celebrates over five years of dedicated service, we reflect on our journey while also preparing for our future. Current and anticipated JOHN NOWELS growth in the greater Spokane area necessitates emergency communication services that support Spokane County theever-increasingservice demands. Sheriff’s Office SREC is currently implementing various initiatives to accommodate current and future growth. FRANK SOTO, JR. Notably, we are transitioning to a new Computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system to unify our twenty Spokane Valley (20) fire and law member agencies onto a single CAD platform which will improve operational Fire Department efficiency and enhance service delivery. Additionally, plans are underway for a new communications facility to support the needs of our community and member agencies, while also SCOTT SIMMONS ensuringthe sustainability and efficiency of our operationsinto the foreseeable future. Spokane County As we continue to prepare for the future, action is needed to support the evolution of regional HOWARD JOHNSON emergency communication services. We extend our continued support to the City of Spokane Spokane County Fire (City) as you evaluate how to best meet your service needs; whether that is choosing to be District 4 established as a primary Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), or as a member agency of SREC. DAVE ELLIS Either decision requires advanced planning by SREC to facilitate the eventual outcome. Spokane Valley Understanding the City may still be deliberating this decision, we, as the Board of Directors for SREC, Police Department recognize that a decision is needed to ensure that both SREC and the City can appropriately plan TOM WILLIAMS and prepare for the future. Spokane Fire Department Therefore, we kindly request a final decision no later than the close of business on May 24, 2024. MAGGIE YATES Should the City ultimately decide against joining SREC, this timeline will allow SREC to assist our City of Spokane regional partners with necessary preparations as the City is established as its own primary PSAP, serving both the Spokane Police Department and the Spokane Fire Department. GAYNE SEARS Citizen Representative If SREC does not receive a response by May 24, 2024, then the lack of response will be considered a decision by the City to establish its own primary PSAP. If the City chooses to establish its own PSAP, LORI MARKHAM our desire would be that said PSAP become effective no later than January 1, 2025 so that SREC Executive Director can successfully manage its future operations. We would also be happy to further discuss a timeline that prioritizes public safety and accommodates a smooth transition for both agencies. Regionalization offers a multitude of benefits that include improved operational efficiency, enhanced coordination and collaboration, standardized practices, and cost savings. By working together as a unified region, SREC and the City of Spokane can better serve and protect our community and residents, thereby ensuring a safer and more resilient future. Regardless of the path chosen by the City, SREC remains committed to collaborative efforts aimed at serving all of our citizens comprehensively. Thank you for your attention to this matter, we look forward to continuing our shared mission of safeguarding our community. Sincerely, ___________________________ _______________________ Chief Cody Rohrbach Chief Brad Richmond SREC Governing Board Chairman SREC Governing Board Vice Chairman cc: Spokane Fire Chief Julie O’Berg Spokane City Deputy Administrator Maggie Yates Spokane Interim Police Chief Justin Lundgren SREC Counsel Brian Werst Spokane City Attorney Mike Piccolo SREC Counsel Jeffrey Galloway May 17, 2024 SREC 1620 North Rebecca Street Spokane, WA 99217 Dear SREC Board Members: I am writing in response to the letter we received on April 19, 2024 regarding the City City) participation in SREC. I am disappointed that the Board did not approve a motion to grant the City a three-month extension to complete a financial analysis of the two options this Board presented to the City: Full participation in SREC or the creation of a City PSAP. I am formally requesting the extension in writing, as requested by the Board during your May 16 meeting. In addition to seeking the extension, I am requesting a response to questions detailed below related to While I value the promise of a regionalized communications center, it is my responsibility to City of Spokane taxpayers to ensure SREC achieves its purpose. SREC, established as a PDA per County Charter in 2018, receives a significant amount of its funding th through the Enhanced 911 sales, use, and excise tax, in addition to 1/10 of 1% communication sales tax, most recently renewed by voters in 2017. Although the City generates revenue and calls for service, the City only holds two seats on the board and final action requires a two- thirds vote. opportunity to improve coordination and service delivery across emergency communications while In reality, SREC charges member agencies - including the City - hefty user fees on top of tax revenue, nearly half of which is generated within City limits. For instance, in 2023 the Spokane Fire Department paid about $1.8 million in user fees over the course of the year. During that same period, SREC received an estimated $3 million in enhanced 911 excise tax and $7.5 million in sales tax revenue from within the City. Nevertheless, SREC increased the Spokane Fire , even though SREC would have retained sizable reserves even without an increase in user fees. Rather than pooling resources to subsidize costs, SREC imposes user fees that function as a second tax on City residents. This is unacceptable under any analysis, SREC could eliminate user fees and still achieve a balanced budget. Moreover, SREC is seeking to charge the Spokane Police Department (SPD) $2.5 million of the total $5 million project cost for an integrated CAD system even though 1) an integrated CAD system improves public safety outcomes across the region, 2) this is precisely what the voters contemplated when they approved the renewal of the 1/10 of 1% of sales tax in 2017,3) much of the cost would be borne by , 4)this agreement. It is our understanding that SREC couldabsorb the cost for consideringits revenue and reserves the adopted budget, resulting in an unanticipated $6 million dollars to reserves this year. Indeed, approach to budgetingtaxpayer dollarshas 2018 andiscurrently on pace to reach $38 million by the end of this fiscal year.Fees imposed onregional partnerscan and should be reduced in line with revenue and expenditures. This would incentivize participation in a regional system and responsibly steward taxpayer dollars. Finally, as outlined above, approximately 45 The City also accounts for over. If SPD was to join SREC, the City would likewiseaccount forover50% of law enforcement calls. -member board. This lack of t.In other words,when individuals contact the City with complaintsabout 911 callsand dispatch, and/or if City leadership identifies opportunities for improvement, we are not ableto ensurenecessary policy changes to address service levels and quality assurance for City residents.Even if SREC grants the City a third seat , the concern would remainsince final action by the Boardrequires a 70% majority vote. A fair voting structure would be based on call volume, rather than board seats. That is why I propose thatthe Board recommendsa charter amendment tothe Board of County Commissioners that 1 wouldrequire a vote representing 60% of call volume for final action. The City is committed to enhancing public safety and regional collaboration. I look forward to resolving these concernsand providing the SREC Board a meaningful responsequickly and amicably. Sincerely, Lisa Brown Mayor, City of Spokane Cc:Chris Jordan, Spokane County Commissioner Amber Waldref, Spokane County Commissioner Josh Kerns, Spokane County Commissioner Mary Kuney, Spokane County Commissioner 1 See, e.g., King County 911 Strategic Plan, 911 Communications Center, (kingcounty.gov). Al French, Spokane County Commissioner Spokane City Council City of Spokane Valley City Council John Hohman, City of Spokane Valley City Manager Erik Lamb, City of Spokane Valley Deputy City Manager Cheney City Council Chris Grover, Cheney Mayor Albert Tripp, Airway Heights City Manager Liberty Lake City Council Mark McAvoy, Liberty Lake City Administrator 1620 N. Rebecca St. Spokane, WA 99217 SREC911.org May 24, 2024 CODY ROHRBACH – Chair Mayor Lisa Brown Spokane County Fire District 3 City of Spokane 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. BRAD RICHMOND – Vice Chair Airway Heights Police Spokane, WA 99201 Department JOHN NOWELS Spokane County Sheriff’s Office Dear Mayor Brown, FRANK SOTO, JR. In response to your letter dated May 17, 2024 the SREC Board of Directors convened a Spokane Valley Fire special meeting on May 24, 2024, and has duly approved the 90-day extension Department requested by the City of Spokane. SCOTT SIMMONS Spokane County We recognize that there may still be some lingering concerns on your part regarding HOWARD JOHNSON SREC's financial management and operational procedures, and we are committed to Spokane County Fire District 4 addressing any misunderstandings collaboratively. DAVE ELLIS Spokane Valley Police It is worth noting that SREC has successfully undergone two clean audit cycles Department conducted by the State of Washington. Our Board of Directors takes great pride in our transparent fiscal planning, which prioritizes prudent budgeting for future investments TOM WILLIAMS while ensuring responsible stewardship of taxpayer funds on behalf of our 20 member Spokane Fire Department agencies. MAGGIE YATES City of Spokane We look forward to the opportunity to work closely with you in the coming months to GAYNE SEARS provide clarity and insight, with the aim of assisting you in reaching an informed Citizen Representative decision by August 24, 2024. Our shared focus remains steadfastly on serving the best interests of all the citizens of Spokane County. LORI MARKHAM Executive Director Sincerely, ___________________________ _______________________ Chief Cody Rohrbach Chief Brad Richmond SREC Governing Board Chairman SREC Governing Board Vice Chairman cc: Spokane Fire Chief Julie O’Berg Spokane City Deputy Administrator Maggie Yates Spokane Interim Police Chief Justin Lundgren SREC Counsel Brian Werst Spokane City Attorney Mike Piccolo SREC Counsel Jeffrey Galloway DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of May 29, 2024; 3:00 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings June 11, 2024 BUDGET WORKSHOP 8:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. \[due Tue June 4\] 1. BUDGET WORKSHOP June 18, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue June 11\] 1. Public Hearing: 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program Adam Jackson (20 minutes) 2. Resolution: 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program Adam Jackson (5 minutes) 3. Motion Consideration: Memorial Sign Program Jerremy Clark (5 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Family Promise ARPA Funding Update Eric Robison, Joe Ader (15 minutes) 5. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) \[*estimated meeting: 50 mins\] June 25, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue June 18\] Proclamation: July Parks and Recreation Month 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Admin Report: Interim Action Plan for State Leg. Items Virginia Clough, Briahna Murray (15 minutes) 3. Admin Report: Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) Review Virginia Clough (15 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Budget Workshop Follow up Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 5. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 6. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports; Fire Dept Monthly Report \[*estimated meeting: 50 mins\] July 2, 2024 NO MEETING July 9, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue July 2\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Motion Consideration: Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) Adoption Virginia Clough (5 minutes) 3. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) July 16, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue July 9\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) July 23, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue July 16\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports; Fire Dept Monthly Report July 30, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue July 23\] Proclamation: National Night Out 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) August 6, 2024 NO MEETING - National Night Out August 13, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Aug 6\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) August 20, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Aug 13\] Draft Advance Agenda 5/30/2024 11:33:53 AM Page 1 of 2 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) August 27, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue, Aug 20\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports; Fire Dept Monthly Report September 3, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Aug 27\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) September 10, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Sept 3\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) September 17, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Sept 10\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) September 24, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue, Sept 17\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports; Fire Dept Monthly Report October 1, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Sept 24\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) October 8, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Oct 1\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) October 15, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Oct 8\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) October 22, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue, Oct 15\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports; Fire Dept Monthly Report October 29, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Oct 22\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) *time for public or council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: 250th USA Celebration Park Lighting 9-1-1 calls (delays, holding, etc.) Peer Court Appleway Trail Amenities Protection of Utility Infrastructures AWC Summary of Arguments Purple Heart City Ordinance City Brand Update SCRAPS DOT Clean Up Sign Code Review Electric Scooter Regulations Squatter Rights Review Gang Task Force Update Vehicle Wgt Infrastructure Impact Group Home Regulations Investment Policy Review Lithium Battery Report Local Drug Use Enforcement- Marysville Model Massage Parlor Update Mirabeau Park Forestry Mgmt. Opioid Funding Options ORV usage on streets Park Camera Update Draft Advance Agenda 5/30/2024 11:33:53 AM Page 2 of 2