23-141.01NADegerstromPinesAndMissionIntersectionImprovements Spo]�ane Valley CHANGE ORDER NO: ENGINEERING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 23-141.01 PROJECT: Pines and Mission Intersection improvements CONTRACT DATE: 8/4/2023 PRIME CONTRACTOR: N.A. Degerstrom, Inc. CIP NO: 300 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES For the additional work to add a temporary signal at Pines and Mission intersection, during traffic control phases 1 and 2A . The change order includes exploratory potholing for utitilties that could be in conflict with the storm drain work and confirming depths prior to beginning excavation. Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 168 (Sch A) Mobilization (Temp. Signal) L.S. 1 $ 10,230.00 $ 10,230.00 169 (Sch A) Project Temporary Traffic Control (Temp. Signal) L.S. 1 $ 4,252.55 $ 4,252.55 170 (Sch A) Traffic Signal Modification (Temp. Signal) L.S. 1 $ 2,348.56 $ 2,348.56 171 (Sch A) Temporary Traffic Control Signal Week 6 $ 6,087.73 $ 36,526.38 172 (Sch A) Traffic Control Labor(Temp. Signal) F.A. 1 $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 173 (Sch A) Potholing for Utilities F.A. 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 8.9%Sales Tax(applicable to only Bid Schedule B) $ N/A Total Amount of this Change Order(incl.Tax): $ 79,357.48 VERBAL APPROVAL AND JUSTIFICATION independent Justification on File Yes Verbal Approval Yes Verbal Approval by GMR PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 70 Revision By This Change Order: 4 Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 0 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 74 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 1,549,863.60 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(through CO#01) $ 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,549,863.60 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 79,357.48 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDI G THI HANGE ORDER $ 1,629,221.08 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: — , ,.� DATE: O / Z The contractor hereby accepts this ad.ustment unde he terms of Section 1-04.4 of the original contract. RECOMMENDED BY: , .� __. DATE: 4/24/24 %,/j� - Fr$ject anager APPROVED BY: _—�`'�` DATE: �• 2 V"ZL PW Director/A cidi,y 4ji7 t�1 J J,�eo- APPROVED BY: �✓,// / DATE: V-3C 2 9 City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Change Order Description Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor, PW Project File, Project Inspector,Finance Department *clime P j , s j VAlley Change Order No: 1 Construction Contract No: 23-141.01 All work,materials, and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions for the type of construction involved. THE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: Background: Issue#1 The City determined that a temporary signal system will be needed to control traffic operations of the high traffic volume intersection of Pines and Mission during the traffic control phases(1 and 2A). The planned modifications to the existing signal system will require the existing signal to be non-operational for several weeks until the new signal modifications are installed,and the signal can be re-energized. Issue#2 City determined potholing existing utilities in advance of the Contractor's installation of storm pipe P3 will reduce the risk of utility conflicts during its installation at a later phase of the project. Description of Change: Issue#1 This change order compensates the Contractor for providing,installing,maintaining, and removing a temporary signal system for the intersection that accommodates the traffic lane configurations for both traffic control phase 1 and 2A. Issue#2 This change order compensates the Contractor for potholing existing utilities on the south side of Mission Avenue (Sta 5+40 to 5+60 Rt), at the locations shown below plus one additional pothole for the recently found duct bank: `Eat. A o- `- w :YY yY ,•w YY•,••Y"" x. XXXXXXXXXX-X • ..y;�STA 5.40Att 1.3P LTA • STA6.6./1.¶3 LTyC art +_s: �►�M-+- —�dDuc .F- Specification: Requirement of Section 1-10 of the Standard Specifications shall apply. Add the following new section to the Special Provisions: 2-02.3(5) Utility Potholing Utility Potholing Srn"llane .Valley Change Order No: 1 Construction Contract No: 23-141.01 The Contractor shall verify the elevation and location of existing utilities where storm, sewer and water improvements cross. Field verification shall be undertaken prior to casting adjacent manholes and prior to the production excavation operation, to give the Engineer the opportunity to make any necessary vertical and horizontal alignment changes,without affecting the production excavation operations. The method of potholing, equipment and tools shall be approved by the Engineer. Potholing shall be conducted in the presence of the Engineer and the Utility owner. The procedure shall be as follows: 1. Notify Underground Service Alert 2. Excavate by whatever means are necessary to protect the utility and public 3. Verify size and material of utility 4. Tie the horizontal location(Sta. and Offset)based on the roadway's centerline alignment. 5. Survey elevation at the top of existing utility pipe or invert elevation of storm sewer pipe, tied to project's datum. 6. Provide the pothole information to the City 7. Backfill pothole. Plans: No changes to the Contract Plans because of this change. The Contractor shall submit traffic control plans and temporary traffic control signal plans per Section 1-10.2(2) and 1-10.3(3)K of the Standard Specifications. Time: Four additional working days are added to the Contract for this change. Measurement: No specific measurement will be made for lump sum item"Mobilization(Temp. Signal)". No specific measurement will be made for lump sum item"Project Temporary Traffic Control(Temp. Signal)". No specific measurement will be made for lump sum item"Traffic Signal Modification(Temp. Signal)". "Temporary Traffic Control Signal,"shall be measured per week, seven calendar days. Payment: This change order creates new items. Payment for new item#168 "Mobilization(Temp. Signal)",lump sum The lump sum Contract price for"Mobilization(Temp. Signal)"shall be full pay for all material, equipment and labor required to mobilize,setup and remove a temporary signal system including mobilization of additional traffic control devices needed for the install and temporary modifications to existing traffic signal heads . Payment for new item#169"Project Temporary Traffic Control(Temp. Signal)",lump sum P ae �0Vll y Change Order No: 1 Construction Contract No: 23-141.01 The lump sum Contract price for"Project Temporary Traffic Control(Temp. Signal)"shall be full pay for all providing additional traffic control plans,traffic control devices and as defined in Section 1-10 of the Standard Specifications associated with the temporary signal system install and removal. Payment for new item#170"Traffic Signal Modification(Temp. Signal)"lump sum The lump sum Contract price for"Traffic Signal Modification(Temp. Signal)"shall be full pay for all labor and equipment to temporarily relocate and reinstall existing signal heads to be incorporated as part of the temporary signal system. Payment for new item#171 "Temporary Traffic Control Signal,"per week. The unit Contract price per week"Temporary Traffic Control Signal,"shall be full pay for all costs incurred by the Contractor in performing the Work to operate and maintain a temporary traffic control signal system as described in Section 1-10.3(3)K of the Standard Specifications for seven consecutive calendar day duration. Payment for new item#172"Traffic Control Labor(Temp. Signal)",by force account as provided in Section 1-09.6 of the Standard Specifications The labor necessary to install,maintain and remove the additional traffic control devices needed for the temporary signal work and any additional traffic control work deemed necessary by the Engineer will be paid by force account in accordance with Section 1-09.6 of the Standard Specifications. Payment for new item#173 "Potholing for Utilities",by force account as provided in Section 1-09.6 of the Standard Specifications The labor and equipment for"Potholing for Utilities"deemed necessary by the Engineer will be paid by force account in accordance with Section 1-09.6 of the Standard Specifications. Summary of Quantities: Previous New Estimated Bid Item Description Unit Qty• Qty Qty Unit Price Amount Change 168 Mobilization Tem Si 1 (New) ( p' gnal L.S. +1 $10,230.00 $10,230.00 169 Project Temporary Traffic L.S. 1 +1 $4,252.55 $4,252.55 (New) Control(Temp.Signal) 170 Traffi Signal Modifications (New) (Temp Signal) L.S. 1 +1 $2,350.00 $2,348.56 171 Temporary Traffic Control Week 6 +6 $6,087.73 $36,526.37 (New) Signal 172 Traffic Control Labor(Temp. Est. 1 +1 $16 000.00 $16 000.00 (New) Signal) > > 173 Potholing for Utilities Est. 1 +1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 (New) TOTAL $79,357.48