2024, 01-30 Study Session AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tuesday, January 30, 2024 6:00 p.m. Remotely via ZOOM Meeting and In Person at Spokane Valley City Hall, Council Chambers 10210 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting NOTE: Members of the public may attend Spokane Valley Council meetings in-person at the address provided above, or via Zoom at the link below. Members of the public will be allowed to comment in- person or via Zoom as described below. Public comments will only be accepted for those items noted on If making a comment via Zoom, comments must be received by 4:00 pm the day of the meeting. Sign up to Provide Oral Public Comment at the Meeting via Calling-In Submit Written Public Comment Prior to the Meeting Join the Zoom WEB Meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA PROCLAMATION: GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except agenda action items, as public comments will be taken on those items where indicated. Please keep comments to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Government. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Diverse points of view are welcome but please keep remarks civil. Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. If a person engages in disruptive behavior or makes individual personal attacks regarding matters unre comment time before the three-minute mark. To comment via zoom: use the link above for oral or written comments as per those directions. To comment at the meeting in person: speakers may sign in to speak but it is not required. A sign-in sheet will be provided at the meeting. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointments, Planning Commission Mayor Haley \[public comment opportunity\] NON-ACTION ITEMS: 2. Admin Report: Prosecuting Attorney Update Erik Lamb, Larry Haskell 3. Admin Report: Police Staffing Update Erik Lamb, Chief Ellis, Morgan Koudelka 4. Advance Agenda Mayor COUNCIL COMMENTS CITY MANAGER COMMENTS EXECUTIVE SESSION: \[RCW 42.30.110(1)(b)\] Potential Acquisition of Real Estate. Proposed Motion: I move that Council adjourn into executive session for approximately 30 minutes to discuss potential acquisition of real estate and that no action will be taken upon return to open session. ADJOURN Council Agenda January 30, 2024 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 30, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE:Motion Consideration: Planning Commission Mayoral Appointments GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code 18.10. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Planning Commissioners are routinely appointed to a three- year term. BACKGROUND: According to SVMC 18.10, members of the Planning Commission shall be nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority vote of at least four members of the City Council. Planning Commissioners shall be selected without respect to political affiliations and shall serve without compensation. Terms shall be for a three-year period and shall expire on the thirty-first day of December. Mr. Walt Haneke’s and Ms. Nancy “Pete” Miller’s terms each expired December 31, 2023. There was also a resignation submitted by Mr. Karl Granrath in December 2023. The applications received will also be considered for the vacancy in Mr. Granrath’s position. That position will be for a term of one year from January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024. Announcements of the vacancies were posted on the City’s webpage, the City issued press releases, and the notice was published in the Valley News Herald and The Exchange. The deadline to submit an application was 4:00 p.m. December 22, 2023. There was also a resignation submitted by Mr. Karl Granrath in December 2023. The applications received will also be considered for the vacancy in Mr. Granrath’s position. That position will be for a term of one year from January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024. Eight applications were submitted. Copies of all applications were distributed to the mayor. OPTIONS: Confirm or not confirm, the Mayor’s nominations. If the Mayor’s nominations are not confirmed by Council, the Mayor may either make another nomination or the matter can be postponed. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: “I move to confirm the Mayor’s nomination of John Robertson and Justin Weathermon to the Planning Commission for terms beginning January 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2026 and Vadim Smelik to the Planning Commission for a term beginning January 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2024. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: n/a STAFF CONTACT: Mayor Haley ____________________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS: Planning Commission Applications CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 30, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Prosecutor Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City contracts with Spokane County for prosecution services pursuant to Interlocal Agreement Number 06-017. BACKGROUND: The City contracts with Spokane County for prosecution services pursuant to Interlocal Agreement Number 06-017. Spokane County Prosecutor Larry Haskell will be providing an update on prosecution services. OPTIONS: Discussion. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City has budgeted $400,000 for prosecution services in 2024. STAFF CONTACT: Erik Lamb, Deputy City Manager; Larry Haskell, Spokane County Prosecutor ATTACHMENTS: None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 30, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update on implementation of Matrix Consulting Police Calls for Service and Staffing Evaluation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County and the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office for Law Enforcement Services (No. 17-104.06) (“Interlocal Agreement”). PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services as provided by the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office (“Sheriff”) to the City of Spokane Valley, contract number 17-104, adopted by Council on July 25, 2017, amended multiple times and renewed on November 22, 2022; Administrative Report from Matrix on April 18, 2023. Staff presented the Police Calls for Service and Staffing Evaluation completed by Matrix on November 6, 2023. BACKGROUND: I. Background. The City has proactively managed law enforcement services since incorporation through ongoing contracted law enforcement services with the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office. Pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement as renewed in 2022, the parties have agreed to 91 dedicated Spokane Valley officers and 37 commissioned officers that are shared between Spokane Valley and Spokane County. In 2023, the Sheriff’s Office has added two additional shared positions – one for RIG 9 Investigative Unit tied to the Real Time Crime Center and one for an administrative undersheriff position (originally an undersheriff that went to a civilian position and this year returned to an undersheriff position). A third shared position for a lieutenant in the Office of Professional Standards was added in the late fall of 2023. This position was also recommended in the Matrix Report. There are six patrol districts in Spokane Valley and Spokane Valley Police are required to provide a minimum of one patrol officer per district on duty at all times. In ensuring that the services provided meet the community’s law enforcement needs, the City has periodically reviewed law enforcement services and made adjustments to meet changing conditions or needs. Some key modifications include: • Evaluation of the cost of services completed by ICMA in 2009 • Adding a precinct commander in 2010 • Adding two deputies, eliminating patrol corporals, creating the Powershift to align resources with peak call hours, and creating a dedicated Spokane Valley Investigative Unity focused on property and drug crimes in 2014 • Shifting three K9 deputies permanently to patrol as part of the Powershift in 2018 • Adding a dedicated homeless services deputy and behavioral health deputy in 2021 (note that though dedicated, the behavioral health deputy is currently grant funded; a second behavioral health deputy was added through the grant and is dedicated to Spokane Valley) However, as the City has continued to grow, we have seen calls for service increase significantly year-over-year. Calls for service remained relatively stable in the City’s early years from 2004 through 2011. Since 2011, calls for service have increased 63%. In the five-year period from 2017 to 2022, citizen calls for police service (excluding Crime Check calls) increased from 43,873 1 | Page to 51,193, an increase of 17%. In response, the City made the modifications identified above. Despite these efforts, response times have increased and the number of officer-initiated calls have decreased, meaning there is less time for officers to conduct proactive policing. As a result, in late 2022, the City hired Matrix Consulting Group Ltd. (“Matrix”) to complete a review of the Spokane Valley Police Department, the calls for service, responses to calls for service, caseload for investigative units, and operational delivery. Based upon that review, Matrix completed its evaluation of the staffing needs and presented its final report (the “Matrix Report”) to Council on November 6, 2023. II. Matrix Findings. Council should review the entire Matrix Report for the full analysis, review, and findings by Matrix. The Matrix Report was based on extensive data-driven analysis, with an emphasis towards staffing at an appropriate level to meet both current workload and to allow officers to have time to dedicate to proactive policing. For patrol, this included review of all calls for service that received a response and how much time officers spend on these calls, including handling time per call, writing reports, responding to calls as a back-up unit, and transporting arrests to the Spokane County Jail. Matrix considered net available time after factoring in training, administrative duties, and leave. For patrol, the analysis also included a metric to allow 45% of the officer’s time to be dedicated to proactive work, where they are not responding to a call for service, but patrolling areas identified through crime data as a means of preventing crime from occurring, engaging with the community, and working towards long-term stability and growth of the community. Matrix noted that the current available proactive time is 40%, though certain hours of the day showed significantly lower proactive time available. Matrix also reviewed trends in when calls occurred, high-call volume locations, and the types of calls that SVPD responds to. With this information, Matrix included analysis of optimal deployment, and recommended several changes in addition to increases in the number of officers. Finally, Matrix also included consideration of expected vacancies. They identified that in their experience, police can expect 5% vacancy rates annually, and so an additional 5% increase in the number of recommended patrol officers was included to account for expected vacancies. Note that this does not account for cumulative vacancies over time if officers are not hired, or the time required for newly hired officers to complete training. Further, the expected vacancy may be shifting higher. In a recent report by AWC, they found that cities in Washington state were only able to fill 93% of their budgeted positions (a 7% vacancy rate). For investigative units, Matrix reviewed the amount of time spent on various types of investigative cases and necessary investigative components of those cases. For example, there is much more time required to work a murder than a small burglary. Utilizing this information and the number of investigative cases, Matrix developed a recommendation of necessary detectives. A copy of Matrix’s presentation is attached to this RCA. Key highlights of Matrix’s findings are as follows: Recommended increases: • 25 additional dedicated commissioned officers • 3 shared dedicated commissioned officers • 2 civilian positions • Note: through this process, staff identified significant challenges obtaining consistent, timely data, and so recommend an additional embedded civilian contract analyst in SVPD. Recommended deployment changes: • Shifting the Powershift from the current period of 2:00 p.m.-2:00 a.m. to be deployed from 12:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. to provide coverage during periods of high call volume. • Once additional traffic deputies are hired, changing shift schedules to provide consistent traffic coverage seven days per week. 2 | Page Page | 3 2 Details Detectives, 1 Analyst 1 Deputy Lieutenant 6 1 Detective 1 Sex Crimes 1 9 Deputies and 1 Sergeant3 Deputies and 1 Sergeant 2 Deputies and 1 Detective 1 Sergeant, 1 Front Desk and 1 Contract Analyst 5122183912152324 71102010 42 120 Total ------------------ 21 30 Civilian ------------ 3147111 3 10 25 Officer Commissioned 371211439812152314 6112 9239 2024 funded but only one has been approved as a permanent position. - Unit 1 Intelligence Group Dedicated AdministrativePatrolTrafficCommunity ServicesBehavioral HealthHomeless ServicesDomestic ViolenceSchool Resource OfficerSVIU (Property and Drug Investigations)Total DedicatedShared (Split with County)Investigations Major CrimesSex CrimesInvestigative Task ForceRegional Joint Terrorism Task ForceSafe Streets (Drugs and Gangs)Emergency Operations TeamAdministration (Technical, PIO, UnderSheriff)Professional StandardsTraining Total Shared 1. Both BHU FTE are grant2. Additional Office of Professional Standards Lieutenant was added in fall of 2023. Table showing the breakdown of the recommended positions: As Council develops its priorities for implementation, there are some important considerations for specific units. Patrol. Patrol officers are the primary responders to calls for service and increasing calls for service was one of the primary drivers for conducting this evaluation. Proactivity is identified as the critical metric in determining the recommended number of patrol officers by Matrix. Matrix recommended that patrol officers spend at least 45% of their time working proactively. This is a high number and is Matrix’s recommendation, but other groups use different proactivity rates. The Interlocal Agreement requires a minimum of six patrol officers to be on duty at any given time (one for each of the six districts). Matrix did not recommend modifying the minimum staffing. Anecdotally, the City has received complaints about lower numbers of minimum officers occurring periodically. The current platoon sizes were set in order to account for officers that may be out on vacation, sick leave, training, or administrative leave. Police Chief Ellis has indicated challenges with providing a minimum of six officers recently due to a number of officers taking extended paternity leave. Further, certain units, like SWAT, utilize a number of patrol officers. For example, 13 of the 26 SWAT members come from dedicated SVPD officers, with an additional five from shared officers. In the event of a SWAT call, that patrol officer will leave patrol duty to attend the SWAT call-out. While patrol attempts to get additional coverage for shortages, there are times where call-outs reduce the number of available patrol and can leave the minimum number of patrol officers at less than six. Finally, the creation of the Powershift in 2014 utilized officers from platoons, thereby creating additional challenges in maintaining six officers on patrol during those times when the Powershift was not on duty. Another issue with patrol has been recruitment, retention, and the “lag” time between hiring an officer and having them available due to required training. Historically, there have been challenges in hiring officers for SVPD positions. Since 2020/21, the Sheriff’s Office has emphasized recruitment and added hiring bonuses of $25,000 for lateral officers and $10,000 for new officers. There was a new collective bargaining agreement approved in 2021 with significant pay increases and guaranteed step increases that has been more effective in recruiting additional officers. However, recruitment remains a challenge. Currently, SVPD has one vacant position. The Sheriff’s Office has 34 vacant positions (these vacant positions are primarily newly created positions within the last two years). As stated earlier, this trend is not unique to Spokane County or Spokane Valley, as cities across the state are facing recruitment challenges. Even when officers are hired, training and retention present significant challenges. Due to limited training courses, it takes approximately one year from hiring until a new hire is able to engage in patrol on their own. It takes approximately three-to-four months for lateral hires. Further, Chief Ellis has indicated that the applicants often do not meet minimum requirements, with only approximately 5% being qualified. Of those, approximately half will not finish training. This means that for every 100 applicants, two to three officers may ultimately make it to patrol. When asked what unit it would prioritize hiring, Matrix identified that it would prioritize hiring patrol first to be able to respond to calls for service and to provide proactive policing. Traffic. There are two primary considerations for the traffic unit. First, the traffic unit primarily works business hours from Monday through Friday. This provides coverage for school zones and the morning and evening commutes. There is one traffic officer at night and weekends with a DUI emphasis. While there is need for traffic during business hours, staff believe, and Matrix identified, that additional traffic coverage at night and on the weekends would be beneficial. From 2016 through 4 | Page 2020, 51.3% of serious or fatal collisions occurred during daylight conditions and the rest occurred during dusk or dark conditions. For all collisions, 71.2% of all crashes occurred during daylight conditions. While greater traffic volumes during the day contribute to a greater number of overall collisions, other factors such as impaired driving, speeding, and low visibility contribute to an almost even number of serious collisions during dusk and night hours. Additional night coverage would allow those issues to be more consistently addressed. Spokane Valley Investigative Unit (SVIU). The SVIU is the City’s dedicated property and drug crimes investigation unit. It consists of one sergeant, 10 detectives and one deputy. This investigative unit was created as a dedicated unit in 2014 as a means to proactively work those types of crimes identified by City Council as especially critical. Given recent changes in Washington state law related to drug crimes and the ongoing fentanyl and meth crises, this unit remains critical to Spokane Valley. Importantly, Matrix’s analysis of this unit focused on additional detectives to meet those cases that were not being worked due to insufficient resources. One consideration for City Council is that in 2022, SVIU had an average of two vacancies (20% of staff), and so the recommended number of detectives may need to be reviewed as SVIU is currently fully staffed. SVIU is a unit that also participates frequently in proactive work for projects identified as a critical need, such as Hometown Suites and retail theft emphasis work. Homeless Services Deputy. Currently, the City has one dedicated homeless services deputy. This officer works four days per week, but is part of the SWAT unit and so does spend some regular work days in SWAT training. The required time per call is higher for the homeless services deputy given the type of work he engages in, as he often spends time working to identify services and assist homeless individuals to move into better situations. Given this, there is additional benefit to the City in adding an additional homeless deputy as recommended by Matrix, as that additional deputy will allow coverage seven days per week and result in freeing up additional time that normal patrol officers may spend responding to calls with homeless individuals. In 2022, there were over 1,000 homelessness-related calls. Failure to respond appropriately address these calls can result in negative outcomes and repeated calls for service and in some cases criminal activity. A homeless outreach deputy has specific training and develops relationships with those experiencing homelessness and is able to keep the individuals moving forward to becoming housed and self-sufficient. Chief Ellis Recommendation. Upon completion of the Matrix Report, Chief Ellis developed and provided a recommendation for an implementation proposal. This proposal is attached to this RCA. It generally includes a recommended implementation of approximately 8-12 positions by year, starting with 2023 and moving through 2026. One note is that Chief Ellis has recommended the creation of a new dedicated proactive problem-solving team with seven of the new positions (one sergeant, three detectives, and three patrol). This team would be dedicated to solely providing proactive services and to work on particular hot spots or issues as needed, such as retail theft emphasis or for illicit massage business emphasis. Currently, when that type of work is needed, the Chief utilizes existing positions on a temporary basis. While the Matrix Report highlighted the value of proactive police work, it did not recommend creation of a stand- alone unit solely for proactive work, but rather emphasized addressing the calls for service and investigating workable cases while being sufficiently staffed in a manner so as to allow that staff to work a significant portion of their time on a proactive basis. General comments. One component of the Matrix Report that should be considered is that Matrix evaluated each unit independently to evaluate needs. Matrix did not evaluate the cumulative impact that could occur by hiring officers in one unit on other units. For example, Matrix did not evaluate whether hiring an additional homeless services deputy would reduce the number of calls, and therefore the number of patrol officers needed because of the number of 5 | Page homeless-related calls that patrol responds to now that would be handled by the homeless services deputy. Thus, there is a possibility that Matrix’s recommended staffing overstates the needed positions. For instance, there were 2,621 behavioral health calls, 1,005 homeless-related calls, and 9,207 traffic-related calls for service. This suggests that rather than implementing all 28 commissioned positions immediately, the City should consider a phased approach that allows ongoing review and assessment of needs as more officers are hired and put into the field. III. Costs. Staff have completed an analysis of the total estimated staffing costs associated with the additional positions recommended by Matrix. This analysis considers the initial costs to hire new police officers (not lateral hires), with equipment included for the first year, and indirect costs that the City is responsible for as part of the Interlocal Agreement. Up-front costs for vehicles are also included in the initial staffing cost estimate. For positions like detectives and sergeants, it considers the costs for the first-year of that position. Note that under the current collective bargaining agreement, patrol deputies see significant step increases of 10.5% in the first several years of work, so the City will need to continue refining cost estimates for increased costs after the first year. Total estimated staffing costs, based on current 2024 costs, for full staffing are estimated to be approximately $6.2 million. Detailed information regarding costs for each position are included in an attachment to this RCA. Note that this amount does not include any workstation or capital improvements that may be necessary to house all of the recommended units. Another component is identifying locations and costs for housing new positions. Temporary and permanent additional space, whether onsite at the Precinct or offsite, will likely be necessary in order to accommodate all of the Matrix Report recommendations, though no additional space is needed for patrol. The space needs for key units are identified below: Patrol: No additional workspaces for deputies necessary; cubicle for sergeant position (could likely be incorporated into current Precinct space). Traffic: Cubicles for deputies and investigators (could likely be incorporated into current Precinct space). Homeless Outreach Deputy: No additional workspace necessary. Spokane Valley Investigative Unit: Cubicles for detectives and civilian analyst. As identified above, patrol, traffic, and the homeless services deputy require minimal additional space and this was considered as part of the development of a possible initial implementation strategy. As additional officers, such as detectives for SVIU, are added that do have more space needs, the City will need to identify options. Staff have begun initial review and consideration of options for housing additional officers beyond patrol, traffic, and the homeless services deputy. Some initial options include: • The City could repurpose existing space at the Precinct that is not currently highly used, such as the existing detention cells. Note that one benefit of using space at the Precinct is that there is an existing garage to work on police vehicles. • The City could utilize the existing court space for police purposes. This would require discussions with District Court, but would likely be cheaper than other options because the necessary security measures already exist at the Precinct. This would also keep all staff in the same facility. • A second option would be to utilize the new facility acquired adjacent to Balfour Park (the “Balfour Facility”). However, the Balfour Facility needs several improvements to make it useable, including security, restrooms, and accessibility improvements. • A third option is to make improvements in the basement of City Hall to allow one or more units use. It would allow police presence onsite at City Hall. Real Time Crime Center Costs (“RTCC”); other potential costs. There are future cost considerations that need to be included in discussions of law enforcement funding. The Spokane County Sheriff’s Office applied for and received American Rescue Plan Act funds from Spokane 6 | Page County to significantly improve and staff its RTCC. This is a center that collects video and other live data and allows analysts to assist officers in the field with crimes that may be occurring, and to assist in investigating crimes that have occurred. This center utilizes several different types of software to reduce investigation times and to address crimes where field response may be limited, such as vehicle pursuits. While Spokane Valley does not yet have any license plate readers, the RTCC has been providing assistance in investigations throughout the County, including Spokane Valley. Spokane County and the Sheriff’s Office have not identified ongoing funding for the center and the analysts staffing it beyond 2026 when the ARPA grant funds are completed. Staff anticipates that the Sheriff’s Office will request financial assistance for analysts and/or the RTCC as a shared service when the ARPA funding runs out. The current estimated annual costs for the RTCC are $2,021,063. Other potential cost impacts include potential new body cameras and a new report writing system. These costs are unknown, but would be included in costs under the Interlocal Agreement. IV. Implementation Considerations. As noted during the November 6, 2023 presentation, there are a number of considerations that Council should take into account as it considers adding Police staff. • Hiring and Training. Consideration of how many officers SVPD (through the Sheriff’s Office) may reasonably expect to hire and train each year. As identified above, there is currently 1 vacancy in SVPD and 34 vacancies in the Sheriff’s Office. Hiring. Based on recent hiring trends, Chief Ellis has indicated that he believes it is reasonable to expect to hire 8-12 officers each year. One consideration is that hiring of new officers for the City will have to be balanced with the ongoing recruitment for Sheriff’s Office positions. The County has currently indicated that it would be willing to fill positions on a 1-to-1 ratio, meaning that for every two officers hired, one will fill a County position and one will fill an SVPD position. Training. Training new hires takes a significant amount of time, leading to a delay after hiring before the officer will actually be working on the street. There are currently 28 available training academies per year throughout the state for new recruits. Training involves completion of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission’s Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA), which takes approximately five months, post-academy training, which takes approximately six weeks, and field training, which takes approximately four months. There is currently an approximately three-to-four month waiting period for admittance into the BLEA. Thus, once hired, full training can take more than 12 months before the recruit is able to assume patrol. Lateral hires who are already police officers still take approximately three-to-four months from the date of hire until they are able to assume patrol. Thus, even if fully implemented in 2024, the City would face significant challenges in getting officers on its streets in 2024. • Prioritization of units. Matrix identified that it would recommend patrol as the first unit to prioritize hiring. This aligns with the impetus for the staffing evaluation in being able to address the increasing calls for service and provide officers on the street and out in the community. Further, it aligns with allowing additional proactive, preventative policing. Another area of need to prioritize are those areas where there is not full coverage. This includes the traffic unit, which does not have coverage on the weekends, and the homeless services deputy. SVIU is another area of need to address cases that cannot be worked with insufficient resources, but additional review of the work in 2023 would be helpful to identify how many detectives are needed with SVIU now fully staffed. Chief Ellis’ recommendation should be considered by Council regarding a dedicated proactive unit. Further, the cost and ability to immediately house additional officers should be considered. 7 | Page As described above, patrol, traffic, and the homeless services deputy can be hired without significant costs for cubicles or office space. • Costs.As identified above, hiring officers will be costly. In addition to the direct costs for new officers identified above, there are additional cost considerations for Council. • First, the estimated costs are for new officers in each position. The current collective bargaining agreement provides for annual increases and step increases and so as funding options are identified, Council should ensure that the funding will be sufficient not only in the first year, but also to accommodate future increases. • Secondly, the addition of officers may have downstream impacts on other contract costs. The City’s other public safety contracts are generally paid on a usage basis. If there are increases in the number of arrests or traffic tickets, there may be corresponding cost increases for detention services, prosecution, public defense, and court services. • Third, in addition to Law Enforcement, the City pays $5,624,501 for all other aspects of public safety, including detention services, court services, prosecution, and public defense services. The costs for these services are not static and staff have been tracking potential and likely increases in these services coming in the next several years. For example, we understand that Spokane County is negotiating a new medical services contract for the jail, and that it will likely be significantly higher than the current contract. As additional public safety funding options are identified, Council should consider that the City will be required to cover both additional officers and to have amounts available for cost increases in other public safety areas. • Space costs. As identified above, certain units, such as the Spokane Valley Investigative Unit, have required space and furniture needs. These costs, as well as identifying locations and any necessary capital improvements, will be an additional initial cost. Funding Options. The City currently has budgeted $35,251,248 for public safety expenditures in 2024, with $29,627,047 budgeted for Law Enforcement. To pay for these costs, the City receives revenues from a number of sources. These include sales tax, property tax, the City’s portion of the County’s 0.1% criminal justice sales tax, state-shared criminal justice sales tax, gambling tax, fines and forfeitures, state cannabis excise tax, and grant proceeds. The primary sources for funding public safety are sales tax and property tax, which account for approximately 80% of the funding towards public safety. The amounts budgeted for Law Enforcement for 2024 do not include any additional officers outside of the current number identified in the Interlocal Agreement. There is no recurring funding provided in the City’s budget that is available to direct to recurring costs for additional officers. Thus, Council must identify one or more additional funding sources to pay for additional officers. Of note, the City does have available ending fund balance that could be used for a one-time expenditure in 2024 to initially hire officers and remaining one-time revenues available due to the funds received as part of the American Rescue Plan Act ($1,000,000 that was initially identified for mental health, but which Council has recently indicated as desired for law enforcement purposes). However, each of those sources are one-time funding sources and cannot be utilized to fund the necessary recurring costs of additional officers year-over-year. Staff do not believe that using one- time funding for a known recurring cost is a viable financial management tool and do not recommend starting any hiring process until a recurring funding source is identified. There are several possible additional funding options. Four primary dedicated public safety options are discussed briefly below: Property tax – Levy Lid Lift (RCW 84.55.050). Pursuant to state law, the City may increase its property tax levy so long as the levy does not result in a levy rate that exceeds 8 | Page $1.60/$1,000. In order to increase its levy, the City may submit a levy lid lift to the voters and must receive a majority of voter approval (50%+1) to be successful. Levy lid lifts may be phased over a period of years (e.g., raising an additional $1M in year one, an additional $2M in year two, etc.) to accommodate phased revenue needs, or may be implemented in a single year. Levy lid lifts may be permanent or temporary. Levy proceeds may be restricted to particular purposes (e.g., public safety) or for any general governmental purpose. The City’s current levy is $13,824,900, which results in a levy rate of approximately $0.79/$1,000. The total additional revenue possible with a levy lid lift is approximately $14.3 million, which would result in the maximum possible levy rate of $1.60/$1,000. For smaller amounts, the levy rate would increase $0.0569/$1,000 for each $1 million raised. Thus, to levy an additional $6 million, the levy rate would increase an additional $0.342/$1,000 to $1.129/$1,000. City Council may opt to allow exemptions available for a levy lid lift for senior citizens, disabled veterans, and certain others with disabilities. Another component for property taxes is that the City Council may take its “banked” capacity, which is the amount we could have levied had we taken statutorily authorized increases. The banked capacity for 2024 is $1,197,507. The banked capacity can be accessed by the City through the annual property tax levy ordinance adopted by the Council. Accessing the banked capacity does not mean we can go back in time and collect the property taxes we’ve left behind. It simply means we can reset the base upon which the calculation is made in future years. This means that if the Council desired to use banked capacity, it could legislatively raise the levy by $1,197,507 for collection in 2025 and beyond. Note that the City may only take the banked capacity up to a level where the levy rate per $1,000 of assessed value does not exceed $1.60. For comparison purposes, Spokane Valley Fire Department’s operational levy results in a levy rate of $1.50/$1,000. The Fire Department also has an additional voted levy of $0.72/$1,000, resulting in a total levy rate of $2.22/$1,000. Sales Tax – City Public Safety (RCW 82.14.450). Pursuant to state law, the City is authorized under State law to levy up to 0.1% criminal justice sales tax if approved by a majority of voters at the primary or general election. At least one-third of the revenues must be used for criminal justice and/or fire protection purposes. If the City levied its own 0.1% criminal justice sales tax, it would receive 85% of the amount and the County would receive 15%. This would result in estimated collections of $2.6 million based on 2022 sales tax collections and $2.8 million based on estimated 2023 sales tax collections (estimate for 2023 is based on January through November collection trends). Utility Tax(es) (RCW 35A.82.020; RCW 35.21.870). Pursuant to state law, the City may impose excise taxes on certain utilities. These include electricity, gas, steam, telephone, sewer/stormwater, solid waste, water, and cable television. Utility taxes for electricity, gas, steam, and telephone are limited to 6% without voter approval. There are no statutory limits on other utility taxes. Estimated utility tax revenues range from approximately $100,000 (1% on solid waste disposal only) to approximately $8.4 million (6% on electric, natural gas, sewer, and solid waste disposal services). Traffic Camera Fines (RCW 46.63.110(3)). The City is authorized to establish traffic cameras and assess fines for certain traffic violations. Common uses are for violations of red lights or violations of school zone speed limits. Pursuant to state law, the City receives a portion of traffic fines while the remainder goes towards various court and other criminal justice purposes. Traffic camera fines require officers and prosecutors to review and ultimately determine if a violation occurred. Traffic cameras serve as additional public safety devices as they may reduce speeding or traffic violations by discouraging 9 | Page such action by being highly visible. They also work without having officers on the street, though as mentioned they do require other staff to review and prosecute. Other Funding Sources. Note that the four described options are not the only available options. For example, the City could levy a business and occupation tax on local businesses. If Council wishes to consider other options, those may be brought forward when more detailed discussions occur regarding the funding options. • Timing of funding measures. One note is that the levy lid lift and public safety sales tax require voter approval. There are timing issues with voter-approved funding. The next available election is April 23, 2024, but that would require a resolution calling for the election to be submitted by February 23, 2024, and would leave a very limited time for sufficient public education and input. The second available election date is the primary on August 6, 2024, which requires an election resolution to be filed by May 3, 2024. The final election date in 2024 is November 5, 2024, which is also the general election and will include all Washington State House positions and the United States Presidential election. Given the other items on the November election, the most likely date for a funding election in 2024 would be August 6. Note that the public safety sales tax vote may only occur in the primary or general election. Elections are required to be certified within 21 days of the vote, meaning that with an August 6 election, the City would know by August 27 of the outcome. As indicated above, given timing for hiring and training, the City would not likely see any additional officers on the street until the fourth quarter of 2025 if Council utilizes a voter-approved funding mechanism such as the levy lid lift or public safety sales tax. Given the timing issues with voter-approved funding, Council may consider a phased or staggered approach with consideration of an immediate legislative option followed by a voted option to complete funding. Utility taxes or offsetting funding in other areas of the City’s operations are examples of funding that could be considered and that would be approved legislatively to allow quicker implementation. A possible example of offsetting funding is identifying additional dedicated funding under the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District. As discussed in the fall of 2023, the City utilizes general fund revenues to pay for a portion of ongoing street maintenance. As a means of providing a dedicated funding source, Council created the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District and assessed a $20 vehicle license fee. Council considered, but did not pursue imposing an allowable 0.1% transportation sales tax. If Council did legislatively impose the 0.1% transportation sales tax, it may allow use of general fund revenue for public safety that is currently being used to fund street services. • Public Input. Given the significant number of officers identified by Matrix and associated costs, this is an item of critical public importance. Further, with any voted funding measure, it is important to educate the public early about the needs and the options, and to get input from the public on their desired course of action. Thus, staff recommends a public communications and information campaign as part of the implementation discussion to ensure that the public has an opportunity to learn about and provide input on the desired level of public safety and law enforcement. An initial component that could be started quickly would to be conduct multiple “listening sessions” at locations around the City to allow Council to hear input from the community on its priorities for law enforcement. V. Next Steps. Given the complexity of the issues surrounding implementation, in addition to the recommendation put forward by Chief Ellis, staff have developed a possible initial implementation option, which is included in the attached PowerPoint. Note that this option considers prioritization of patrol, traffic, and the homeless services deputy in the first year. This is based on the information identified in the Matrix Report, the desire to address calls for service, the challenges associated with maintaining minimum staffing, and the need for preventative policing. Focusing 10 | Page on Patrol and Traffic units allows the City to get officers onto the streets to respond to citizens calls and to become a visible presence. It allows Chief Ellis to maintain minimum required staffing for all shifts. With sufficient officers to cover the calls for service, it will also allow proactive policing, both for patrol officers while on their normal duty and for particular “hot spots” as needed. Adding traffic deputies will allow the City to provide traffic patrols seven days per week and during critical night periods when serious accidents often occur. Staff also believe that the additional homeless services deputy is a high priority that will provide coverage to allow dedicated homeless response seven days per week. This prioritization also considers the ability and cost to immediately house additional officers within the existing Precinct. The second year focuses on completing patrol and traffic recommendations and detectives for SVIU. This will allow the City to evaluate space needs and options, as well as updating review of workload in SVIU with it now being fully staffed. These four units comprise the majority of the recommended positions. Given the time necessary to hire and implement these four units and the costs associated with these positions, staff believes it would be appropriate to review impacts on the calls for service and workload in advance of making the other staffing decisions. The Public Safety Committee has started its work in reviewing the information and issues related to implementation and will continue to develop thoughts on a possible implementation strategy. This work will occur in conjunction with Council discussions regarding its desired implementation strategy. As this strategy is developed, staff will be able to develop full annual overall cost estimates to include annual and step increases in salaries, inflation, capital costs for any space needs, timing issues with hiring/training, timing issues with desired funding sources, and potential growth in identified funding sources to provide a clear picture of financial implications of Council’s desired strategy. Thus, the discussion today is intended as a starting point for discussion and consideration by Council. One key next step for immediate Council consideration would be whether Council would like staff to start setting up “listening sessions” with the community. Staff will discuss this in more detail and seek Council direction. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Staff currently estimate that implementation of all staff recommended in the Matrix Report would cost approximately $6.2 million for salaries, benefits, indirect costs, and vehicles, based solely on 2024 costs. Additional costs include costs for capital improvements that may be required for certain units, which are unknown at this time, costs to implement desired funding sources (such as election costs and informational materials for any identified election), annual and step increases in salaries, and potential downstream cost impacts in other public safety services. Total annual costs will depend on implementation selected by Council and costs will continue to be refined as further discussions occur. STAFF CONTACT: Erik Lamb, Deputy City Manager; Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst; Dave Ellis, Spokane Valley Police Chief. ____________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS: 1. PowerPoint 2. SVPD Chief Ellis Staffing Implementation Proposal 3. Staffing Costs 4. Matrix Police Calls for Service and Staffing Evaluation 5. Matrix Report Presentation, dated November 6, 2023 6. AWC State of the Cities – Evolving Public Safety and Criminal Justice Services 11 | Page POLICE SERVICES BACKGROUND MATRIX REPORTTASK METHODOLOGY - MATRIX REPORT MATRIX REPORT FINDINGS IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS MATRIX RECOMMENDATIONCOST ESTIMATE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FUNDING To: John Hohman, City of Spokane Valley City Manager From: David Ellis, Spokane Valley Police Chief Re: Matrix Study Staffing Implementation Proposal CC: Erik Lamb, City of Spokane Valley Deputy City Manager Sean Walter, Spokane Valley Assistant Police Chief John Nowels, Spokane County Sheriff Date: 11/11/23 John, As presented by Matrix, the following positions were recommended to be added to adequately staff the Spokane Valley Police Department: 1 civilian front desk employee 9 patrol officers 1 patrol sergeant 3 school resource officers 1 school resource officer sergeant 2 traffic enforcement officers 1 traffic detectives 1 homeless outreach officer 2 behavioral health unit officers (currently funded by the WASPC grant) 2 mental health clinicians (currently funded by the WASPC grant) 6 property crimes detectives 1 property crimes sergeant 1 civilian property crimes investigative analyst 1 SVPD FTE in Major Crimes 1 SVPD FTE in the Sexual Assault Unit 1 office of Professional Standards Lieutenant In addition to the recommendations made by MatrixConsulting Group, both SVPD and City of Spokane Valley staff have recommended the creation of a civilian data analyst position to assist with increased performance metrics reporting requirements. As requested, here is a proposal from the Spokane Valley Police Department to implement the Matrix study recommendations: 2023: 1 Lieutenant has already been added into the Office of Professional Standards effective 11/1/23 (shared position with SCSO) o Located at Felts Field, no new space required 2024: Four patrol officers (increasing the four patrol platoon FTEs to 11, restoring it to 2014 levels) o No new space required 1 Sergeant, two detectives, and two officers to start the new proactive problem solving team o One office required for the Sergeant, cubicles needed for the two detectives and the two officers 1 homeless outreach officer o No new space required 1 civilian data analyst o Cubicle required 1 civilian front desk employee o No new space required 2025: 4 patrol officers (increasing the four platoon FTEs to 12, and increasing the minimum staffing level to 7) o No new space required 1 patrol sergeant (assigned to the powershift platoon that does not have a Sergeant) o One cubicle required 2 traffic officers o Two cubicles required 1 detective and 1 officer for the proactive problem solving team o Two cubicles required 1 civilian property crimes investigative analyst o One cubicle required 1 detective for the Sexual Assault Unit (to be shared with SCSO) o Located at the PSB 1 detective for Major Crimes (to be shared with SCSO) o Located at the PSB 1 traffic detective o Once cubicle required 2026: 1 patrol officer o No new space required 3 school resource officers, and 1 Sergeant for the SRO unit o One cubicle required 1 detective for the Sexual Assault Unit (to be shared with SCSO) o Located at the PSB 1 detective for Major Crimes (to be shared with SCSO) o Located at the PSB Staffing notes: The Matrix study was a snapshot in time through the end of 2022. Staffing needs will need to be reassessed each year to reflect changes in crime statistics, calls for service, and population growth. This Matrix study and staffing recommendations reflect the current service levels. If the City of Spokane Valley wishes to adopt the enhanced service levels discussed on page 61 of the staffing study, it will require an additional 7 patrol officers as recommended by the Matrix Consulting Group. Spokane County has increased their authorized staffing levels over the last two years, which has created about 30 open positions in unincorporated Spokane County. We will need to find a balance with both SVPD and SCSO to implement newly created positions and fill those new positions in an equitable manner. Adjustment of power shift shifts: The Matrix study suggested adjusting the work hours for the power shift platoons from 1400-0200 to st 1200-0000 hours. This can be implemented at the next mark up change, which is April 1, 2024. Discussions will be held with the Spokane County Deputy Sheriff’s Association regarding modifying the collective bargaining agreement to reflect these new work hours. It is not anticipated there will be any issues raised with this change. I look forward to you reviewing this, and discussing this proposal in more detail. Respectfully, Chief David Ellis Spokane Valley Police Department 55,436 269,712421,102255,984600,758268,190201,775116,522271,949116,522125,265125,265167,801 ЏААͲЉБЏБЏБͲВЍБЊАЊͲВЎАЍЊБͲЌЌЊ 1,815,9771,497,085 ЋͲЉБЎͲЏБВ ЊͲББЎͲЎЎЏ ЎͲБВЊͲЉЊЋ ЏͲЌЉВͲЌЍЌ ƚƷğƌ υ υ υ υ υ υ υ υ υ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 912133141161811 Ћ 10 ЋБ C9 ЋВ͵Ў 55,436 201,775269,712210,551255,984200,253268,190201,775116,522249,514271,949116,522250,530250,530335,601 ЍАЊͲЍБАЍЏЏͲЎЌЎЍЏБͲЍЍЌЏЌАͲВБЎЊАЊͲВЎАБЌЏͲЏЏЊ ЋͲЍЊБͲЊБЌЌͲЋЎЍͲБЍЍ hŅŅźĭĻƩ υ $ $ υ $ $ υ $ $ υ $ $ $ $ υ $ $ υ υ $ $ $ υ υ БАͲЉЉЋБЎͲАЏЋБЏͲЋЍЉЍЌͲЉЎЍ ЊЋБͲЏБВЍЏЎͲАЍЌЊЏЋͲВЉВЏЋБͲЏЎЋ 34,996.2052,005.9137,193.4348,568.7234,615.0351,624.7434,996.2029,174.1046,948.8252,566.0213,879.6629,174.1047,203.1347,203.1368,502.89 LƓķźƩĻĭƷ υ υ υ υ υ υ υ υ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 000 Ώ 62,00062,00062,00062,00062,00062,00062,00062,00062,00062,00062,00062,000 ЊЋЍͲЉЉЉЊЋЍͲЉЉЉЊЋЍͲЉЉЉЊЋЍͲЉЉЉЎЎБͲЉЉЉЊБЏͲЉЉЉАЍЍͲЉЉЉ ĻŷźĭƌĻ $ $ υ $ $ υ $ $ υ $ $ $ υ υ υ $ $ $ υ υ 000 Ώ 7,7007,7007,7007,7007,7007,7007,7007,7007,7007,7007,7007,700 ЊЎͲЍЉЉЊЎͲЍЉЉЊЎͲЍЉЉЊЎͲЍЉЉЏВͲЌЉЉЋЌͲЊЉЉВЋͲЍЉЉ CǒĻƌ υ υ υ υ υ υ υ υ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 369 369 250 250 ЋЎЉ АЌБЎЉЉ 1,5101,5108,0898,0891,5103,1873,1874,0004,0004,000 ЌͲЉЋЉЏͲЏЋЍ ЊЏͲЊААЋБͲЎЏВЊЋͲЉЉЉЍЉͲЎЏВ aεh $ $ υ $ $ υ $ $ υ $ $ $ $ υ $ υ υ υ $ $ $ υ υ ağƷƩźǣ wĻĭƚƒƒĻƓķğƷźƚƓƭ /ƚƭƷ 9ƭƷźƒğƷĻ 95,56995,56995,56995,56987,09841,30687,098 146,496129,627146,496129,678146,496129,627129,627193,398 ЋЍЋͲЉЏЎЋЋЎͲЊВЏЋЍЋͲЉЏЎЌЏЌͲЋАЋЊЋБͲЍЉЌЍЎЋͲЏЎЋ {ε. ЊͲЋВЏͲЎАЊ ЊͲАЍВͲЋЋЌ υ υ υ υ υ υ υ υ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ PatrolDeputySergeant ƚƷğƌ TrafficDeputyDetective ƚƷğƌ School Resource OfficersDeputySergeant ƚƷğƌ Homeless ServicesDeputyInvestigative UnitAnalystDetectiveSergeant ƚƷğƌ AdministrationFront Desk CivilianContract Analyst ƚƷğƌƚƷğƌ 5ĻķźĭğƷĻķ{ŷğƩĻķ Major Crimes DetectiveSex Crimes DetectiveProfessional Standards Lieutenant ƚƷğƌ {ŷğƩĻķƚƷğƌ {ƷğŅŅźƓŭ /ƚƭƷ - Assumes sharing 50% of shared positions, reflected in table as 1.5 of 3 total shared positions.- Includes a contract analyst that was not in the Matrix recommendations but is a staff and SVPD recommendation.- Cost estimates are in 2024 dollars.-Costs include upfront purchases of vehicles at $62,000 each. Vehicles should last five years.-If half of deputies hired are lateral transfers it will add approximately $200,000 to costs.-Hiring bonuses will add another $100,000 in costs. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Tffjoh!bt!uiftf!vojut!sftqpoe!up!dbmmt!gps!tfswjdf-!uifz!bsf!jodmvefe!jo!pwfsbmm!qbuspm!tubggjoh! dbmdvmbujpot/! !Uifsf!bsf!b!wbsjfuz!pg!tpvsdft!jo!xijdi!xpslmpbe!dbo!cf!hfofsbufe!cz!TWQE!qbuspm!vojut/!Gps! uiftf!bobmzujdt-!boz!dbmm!uibu!xbt!iboemfe!cz!bo!TWQE!qbuspm!voju!jt!dpotjefsfe<!jodmvejoh!dbmmt! uibu!dpnf!jo!wjb!:22-!Dsjnf!Difdl-!Ejtqbudi-!Joufsofu-!Kbjm-!Qipof-!ps!Tqfdjbm!Dpnnjttjpo/!Uif! pomz!tpvsdf!uibu!jt!wpjefe!jo!uijt!bobmztjt!jt!uiptf!uibu!bsf!pggjdfs.jojujbufe-!bt!uiftf!bsf!uif! ! jodjefout!vujmj{fe!gps!uif!tfmg.jojujbufe!bdujwjuz!bobmztjt!jo!tvddffejoh!tfdujpot/!TWQE!vujmj{ft!Dsjnf! 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Sfdfou!tubuf!mfhjtmbujwf!bqqspqsjbujpot!bjnfe!bu! psjfoufe!qpmjdf!efqbsunfout-!djujft!offe!uif!tubuf!up! dsfbujoh!ofx!sfhjpobm!usbjojoh!bdbefnjft!bsf! qbsuofs!xjui!mpdbm!hpwfsonfout!up!jnqspwf!qvcmjd! gpdvtfe!po!efdsfbtjoh!xbju!ujnft!up!foufs!CMFB!boe! tbgfuz!cz!bttjtujoh!xjui!sfdsvjunfou!boe!sfufoujpo! qspwjejoh!ofx!pqujpot!gps!uiptf!xip!qsfwjpvtmz! xfsf!vobcmf!up!tqfoe!fjhiu!npouit!bxbz!gspn!ipnf! gps!usbjojoh!jo!Cvsjfo!ps!Tqplbof/! 8 Sfgpsnt 3132!Xbtijohupo!tubuf! mbx!fogpsdfnfou!sfgpsnt jo!sfdfou!zfbst-!boe!mbx!fogpsdfnfou!jt!bu!uif!dfoufs! Qspijcjujoh!uif!vtf!pg!diplf!ipmet!ps!ofdl! pg!bo!joufotf!boe!pohpjoh!obujpobm!efcbuf/!Qvcmjd! pvudsz!mfe!up!efnboet!gps!dibohft!up!usbjojoh!boe! Jo!b!3133!Hbmmvq!qpmm-!:1&!pg!Bnfsjdbot!tvqqpsufe! fohbhf!jo!b!qpmjdf!wfijdmf!qvstvju dibohft!jo!mbx!fogpsdfnfou-!xjui!ibmg!pg!uiptf! tvswfzfe!tvqqpsujoh!”nbkps!dibohft/•!!Uif!qvcmjd! 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Bqqspqsjbuf-!rvbmjuz!usfbunfou!gps!tvctubodf!vtf! ejtpsefs-!cfibwjpsbm!ifbmui!dpoejujpot-!boe!dp. pddvssjoh!ejtpsefst!nvtu!cf!jnnfejbufmz!bddfttjcmf! up!bmm!xip!sfrvjsf!usfbunfou/ 22 Dbtf!tuvejft Dbtf!tuvez! FNU!usbjofe!jo!dsjtjt!joufswfoujpo-!b!tpdjbm!xpslfs-! Xibudpn!Dpvouz!boe!b!tvctubodf!vtf!ejtpsefs!qspgfttjpobm/!Uif! DBSFT!voju!jt!b!nvmujejtdjqmjobsz!ufbn!bjnfe!bu! MFBE!qsphsbn Bmm!nvojdjqbm!qpmjdf! Uif!DBSFT!ufbn!sftqpoet!up!joejwjevbmt!tusvhhmjoh! efqbsunfout-!jodmvejoh!uif! xjui!cfibwjpsbm!ifbmui!jttvft!boe!ifmqt!uifn! Cfmmjohibn!Qpmjdf!Efqbsunfou-!boe!uif!Xibudpn! obwjhbuf!uif!tjuvbujpo˜xifuifs!uifz!offe!nfejdbm! buufoujpo-!nfoubm!ifbmui!dbsf-!tvctubodf!vtf!ejtpsefs! qsphsbn!uibu!mbvodife!jo!3131/!Jo!beejujpo!up!bmm! tfswjdft-!ps!puifs!ljoet!pg!dbsf/!Uif!qsphsbn!ibt! mpdbm!mbx!fogpsdfnfou!bhfodjft-!uif!Xibudpn! Dpvouz!MFBE!qsphsbn!qbsuofst!xjui!mpdbm! Ljutbq!dpnnvojujft˜jodmvejoh!Qpvmtcp-!Tvrvbnjti-! boe!Cbjocsjehf!Jtmboe/!Uif!DBSFT!ufbn!xpslt!dmptfmz! mpdbm!usfbunfou!qspwjefst-!boe!puifs!dpnnvojuz! xjui!bsfb!tdippmt!boe!tfswjdf!qspwjefst!up!jnqspwf! tublfipmefst/! bddftt!up!dbsf/ Uif!Xibudpn!Dpvouz!MFBE!qsphsbn!qspwjeft! tvqqpsu!up!joejwjevbmt!xip!ibwf!gsfrvfou! Dbtf!tuvez! joufsbdujpot!xjui!mbx!fogpsdfnfou!boe!xip!dpnnju! Sfhjpobm!Dsjtjt! boe!cfibwjpsbm!ifbmui!dibmmfohft-!tvctubodf!vtf-! Sftqpotf!Bhfodz ipnfmfttoftt-!boe!fyusfnf!qpwfsuz/!Uif!MFBE! qsphsbn!vujmj{ft!b!dbtf!nbobhfs!up!ifmq!beesftt!boe! Uif!dpnnvojujft!pg!Cpuifmm-! fmjnjobuf!uif!sppu!dbvtft!pg!dsjnjobm!cfibwjps/!Uijt! Lfonpsf-!Ljslmboe-!Mblf!Gpsftu!Qbsl-!boe!Tipsfmjof! jodmveft!qspwjejoh!qbsujdjqbout!xjui!hvjebodf!jo! xpslfe!uphfuifs!up!dsfbuf!uif!Sfhjpobm!Dsjtjt! pcubjojoh!tubcmf!ipvtjoh-!nfejdbujpo!nbobhfnfou-! Sftqpotf!)SDS-!qspopvodfe!’sbdfs“*!Bhfodz!—!b! tvctubodf!vtf!ejtpsefs!usfbunfou-!boe!kpc! ofx!sfhjpobm!qbsuofstijq!uibu!qspwjeft!dsjtjt!ef. ftdbmbujpo-!joufswfoujpo-!boe!obwjhbujpo!up!uif! tztufn!pg!dbsf/!Fbsmz!ebub!gspn!uif!ofx!qsphsbn! ”J!ipoftumz!uijol!uijt!qsphsbn!tbwfe!\\nz! tipxt; hsboetpo“t^!mjgf/•! ! –!78&!sfevdujpo!jo!kbjm!cppljoht< —!Lfmmz-!hsboenpuifs!pg!qbsujdjqbou!jo! Xibudpn!Dpvouz!MFBE!qsphsbn –!71&!sfevdujpo!jo!dsjtjt!tfswjdft!fwfout<!boe –!5&!sfevdujpo!jo!fnfshfodz!efqbsunfou!wjtjut/ Dbtf!tuvez! Djujft!dboopu!gbdf!uiftf!dibmmfohft!bmpof/!Uifz! Qpvmtcp! sfmz!po!dpmmbcpsbujpo!bdsptt!tztufnt/!Djujft!dbo! dp.sftqpoefs! pomz!tvqqpsu!wvmofsbcmf!dpnnvojuz!nfncfst!boe! qsphsbn qspufdu!qvcmjd!tbgfuz!jg!uifsf!bsf!befrvbuf!nfoubm! ifbmui-!cfibwjpsbm!ifbmui-!boe!tvctubodf!vtf! Jo!3132-!uif!Qpvmtcp!Gjsf! ejtpsefs!usfbunfou!gbdjmjujft!jo!pvs!tubuf/!Xifo!mbx! 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Uif!Mblfxppe!Wfufsbo“t!Usfbunfou!Dpvsu!ibt! ifbmui!dbsf-!cfibwjpsbm!boe!nfoubm!ifbmui!usfbunfou-! tvddfttgvmmz!hsbevbufe!npsf!uibo!31!qbsujdjqbout! boe!wfufsbo“t!tfswjdft-!uif!Pmznqjb!Dpnnvojuz! xip!tqfou!29!up!35!npouit!qbsujdjqbujoh!jo!xfflmz! Dpvsu!qspwjeft!qsbdujdbm-!ubshfufe!tpmvujpot!up! nffujoht-!sboepn!esvh!uftujoh-!boe!npouimz!dpvsu! beesftt!uif!voefsmzjoh!jttvft!uibu!gvfm!dsjnjobm! ”J!bn!tp!qspve!up!tbz!uibu!Mblfxppe“t! Pmznqjb!boe!Tqplbof!dpnnvojuz!dpvsut!bsf!uxp!pg! Wfufsbo“t!Usfbunfou!Dpvsu!jt!nbljoh!b! gpvs!obujpobmmz!sfdphoj{fe!nfoups!dpvsut!gps!puifs! djujft!jo!uif!dpvousz!tffljoh!up!pqfsbuf!b!dpnnvojuz! Pvu!pg!bmm!pg!uif!wfu!dpvsu!hsbevbuft-!opu! dpvsu pof!ibt!sfuvsofe!up!uif!dsjnjobm!kvtujdf! tztufn/!\[fsp!qfsdfou!sfdjejwjtn!tqfblt!up!uif! dfoufsfe-!boe!opo.bewfstbsjbm!bqqspbdi/•! —!Mblfxppe!Nvojdjqbm!Dpvsu!Kvehf!Mjtb! Usfbunfou!Dpvsu 26 Dpodmvtjpo Uif!dsjnjobm!kvtujdf!tztufn!jt!kvtu!uibu˜b!tztufn/! Up!beesftt!uif!wbtu!dibohft!jo!qvcmjd! Fbdi!dpnqpofou˜qpmjdf-!dpvsut-!qsptfdvujpo-! tbgfuz-!dsjnjobm!kvtujdf-!boe!cfibwjpsbm! qvcmjd!efgfotf-!kbjmt-!usfbunfou!tfswjdft-!boe!sffousz! ifbmui-!djujft!offe;! tvqqpsu!tfswjdft˜nvtu!pqfsbuf!jo!tpmje!qbsuofstijq! 2/!Beejujpobm!uppmt!gps!sfdsvjunfou!boe!sfufoujpo!pg! ps!vobwbjmbcmf-!uif!foujsf!tztufn!xjmm!opu!gvodujpo/! Tjnjmbsmz-!xifo!fbdi!dpnqpofou!vujmj{ft!cftu! qsbdujdft-!xf!tff!uif!hsfbuftu!qpttjcmf!pvudpnft!gps! uif!joejwjevbmt!jowpmwfe!jo!uif!dsjnjobm!kvtujdf!tztufn! up!vujmj{f!djuz!sfwfovf!gps!qvcmjd!tbgfuz!offet/ boe!gps!uif!dpnnvojuz!bt!b!xipmf/ 3/! Xjuijo!uijt!tztufn-!qvcmjd!tbgfuz!boe!dsjnjobm!kvtujdf! boe!MFBE!ufbnt!boe!gps!njtefnfbops.mfwfm! jttvft!bsf!dpoujovbmmz!dibohjoh!boe!hspxjoh˜gspn! uifsbqfvujd!dpvsu!qsphsbnt/ jodsfbtjoh!dsjnf!sbuft!up!djujft!tfswjoh!bt!uif!gspou! 4/!B!spcvtu!boe!bddfttjcmf!tubufxjef!ofuxpsl!pg! mjof!po!cfibwjpsbm!ifbmui!boe!tvctubodf!vtf!dsjtft!jo! tvctubodf!vtf!ejtpsefs!boe!cfibwjpsbm!ifbmui! dpnnvojujft/!Jo!uif!gbdf!pg!uiftf!dibmmfohft-!djujft! tfswjdft!boe!usfbunfou!up!fotvsf!bddftt!up!dbsf! bsf!joopwbujoh-!bepqujoh!cftu!qsbdujdft-!mjtufojoh! gps!bmm!sftjefout!bu!bmm!tubhft!pg!offe-!jodmvejoh! up!uifjs!dpnnvojujft-!boe!xpsljoh!xjui!mjnjufe! dsjtjt!usfbunfou-!joqbujfou!dbsf-!boe!mpoh.ufsn! sftpvsdft!up!nffu!uif!offet!pg!bmm!sftjefout/! pvuqbujfou!sfdpwfsz!offet/ Xbtijohupo!djujft!dpotjtufoumz!mfbe!uif!obujpo!jo! uifsbqfvujd!dpvsut-!dsjtjt!sftqpotf-!boe!ufdiopmphjdbm! joopwbujpo/!Bdsptt!uif!dpvousz-!dpnnvojujft! bsf!sfjnbhjojoh!xibu!qvcmjd!tbgfuz!mpplt!mjlf/! 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Bdu!—!Tubuf!boe!qspwjefe!ejsfdu!djujft!sftqpoe!up!ufsnt!boe! Mpdbm!Gjtdbm!gvoejoh!up!djujft!boe!sfdpwfs!gspn!dpoejujpot!pg! bdsptt!uif!dpvousz!uif!DPWJE.2:!uif!gvoejoh/!Jo! up!ifmq!beesftt!qboefnjd/!Xbtijohupo-!387! uif!DPWJE.2:!Bmmpxbcmf!djujft!bddfqufe! qboefnjd/!fyqfotft! Xbtijohupo!djujft!jodmvefe!qvcmjd! sfdfjwfe!spvhimz! Tpvsdf;!NSTD/!Sfwfovf!hvjef!gps!Xbtijohupo!Djujft!boe!Upxot/!iuuqt;00nstd/psh0hfunfejb0e4g8g322.gd74.5c8b. c473.dc28::4e6gf60Sfwfovf.Hvjef.Gps.Xbtijohupo.Djujft.Boe.Upxot/qeg@fyu>/qeg 31 32 Bttpdjbujpo!pg!Xbtijohupo!Djujft 2187!Gsbolmjo!Tu/!TF-!Pmznqjb-!XB!!:9612.2457 }} 471/864/5248!!911/673/9:92!!xbdjujft/psh Dpqzsjhiu!ª!3134!cz!Bttpdjbujpo!pg Xbtijohupo!Djujft/!Bmm!sjhiut!sftfswfe/ BXD!tfswft!jut!nfncfst!uispvhi!bewpdbdz-! fevdbujpo-!boe!tfswjdft/!Gpvoefe!jo!2:44-! dpsqpsbujpo!uibu!sfqsftfout!Xbtijohupo“t!djujft! boe!upxot!cfgpsf!uif!tubuf!mfhjtmbuvsf-!uif! tubuf!fyfdvujwf!csbodi-!boe!xjui!sfhvmbupsz! bhfodjft/!Nfncfstijq!jt!wpmvoubsz/!Ipxfwfs-! BXD!dpotjtufoumz!nbjoubjot!211&!qbsujdjqbujpo! gspn!Xbtijohupo“t!392!djujft!boe!upxot/ DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of January 24, 2024; 3:00 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings February 6, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Jan 30\] 1. Ordinance 24-001 Amending Planning Commission Meeting Requirements Tony Beattie (5 minutes) 2. Resolution: City Brand Update Jill Smith (5 minutes) 3. Motion Consideration: Bridge Investment Program Adam Jackson, Dan Baker (5 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Capital Projects Grants Review Adam Jackson, Dan Baker (5 minutes) 5. Admin Report Recruitment and Retention Plan Chief Ellis (15 minutes) 6. Admin Report: Pines Rd GSP Update Erica Amsden, Bill Helbig, Gloria Mantz (15 minutes) 7. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) \[*estimated meeting: 55 mins\] February 13, 2024 Strategic Planning Workshop, 9:45 a.m. -2:45 p.m Agenda to be provided Special Meeting February 20, 2024 Study Session, 6:00p.m. \[due Tue Feb 13\] 1. Admin Report: RCO Grant Opportunity, Balfour Park - John Bottelli (5 minutes) 2. Admin Report: RCO Grant Update, Flora Park John Bottelli (15 minutes) 3. Admin Report: 2024 Capital Improvement Projects Erica Amsden & Robert Lochmiller (5 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Potential Grant Opportunity, HUD Gloria Mantz (5 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Arts Council Contract Virginia Clough, Sarah Farr (5 minutes) 6. Admin Report: Franchise Agreement, Wholesail Networks, LLC Tony Beattie (5 minutes) 7. Admin Report: Franchise Agreement Ziply Fiber Pacific, LLC Tony Beattie (5 minutes) 8. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) \[*estimated meeting: 50 mins\] February 27, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Feb 20\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports; Fire Dept Monthly Report March 5, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Feb 27\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) March 12, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue March 5\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) March 19, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue March 12\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) March 26, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue March 19\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports; Fire Dept Monthly Report April 2, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue March 26\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) April 9, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue April 2\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 1/25/2024 2:54:31 PM Page 1 of 2 2. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) April 16, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue April 9\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) April 23, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue April 16\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports; Fire Dept Monthly Report April 30, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue April 23\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) *time for public or council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: 9-1-1 calls (delays, holding, etc.) Appleway Trail Amenities CTR Agreement Ethics Code Gang Task Force Update Mirabeau Park Forestry Mgmt. ORV usage on streets Park Camera Update Park Lighting Peer Court PFD Presentation Public Safety Comparison Protection of Utility Infrastructures SCRAPS Street Scaping, signs, trees, etc.(info) Vehicle Wgt Infrastructure Impact Yellowstone Franchise Agreement Draft Advance Agenda 1/25/2024 2:54:31 PM Page 2 of 2