2024-04-11 PC APPROVED SIGNED MINUTESRegular Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Spokane Valley City Hall April 11, 2024 I. Vice Chair Susan Delucchi called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in person and via ZOOM meetings. II. The Commissioners and staff stood for the Pledge Of Allegiance. III. Administrative Marianne Lemons took attendance, and the following members and staff were present: Susan Delucchi Michael Kelly Bob McKinley, absent John Robertson Vadim Smelik, absent Justin Weathermon Dan Wilson Kelly Konkright, City Attorney Chaz Bates, Planning Manager Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Justan Kinsel, IT Specialist Marianne Lemons, Administrative Assistant There was consensus from the Commissioner to excuse Commissioner Smelik & Chairman McKinley. IV. AGENDA: Commission Wilson moved, and it was seconded to approve the meeting agenda for April 11, 2024, as submitted. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. V. MINUTES: Commissioner Robertson moved, and it was seconded, to approve the March 28, 2024, minutes as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was f ve in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: Vice Chairman Delucchi welcomed Commissioner Michael Kelly and reported that she visited Nelson, Canada. There were no other Commissioner reports. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Planning Manager Chaz Bates reported that the 2024 Comprehensive Plan amendments will be presented to the City Council at their next meeting. He also invited the Planning Commission to attend the Police Right -Sizing open house meetings that the City Council is hosting to discuss the need for more law enforcement officers. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment offered. 04-1 I-2024 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 2 IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a. Findings of Fact: 2024 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments Senior Planner Lori Barlow provided a brief overview of the Findings of Fact for STV-2024-0001 explaining how they formalize the Commission's recommendations made after receiving public comment during the public hearing and Planning Commission deliberations. Commissioner Wilson moved, and it was seconded to approve the Findings of Fact for STV-2024- 0001 as presented. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. b. Presentation: Spokane Transit Authority— STA Connect 2035 — 10 Year Strategic Plan Update Brian Jennings, Deputy Director of Community Development for Spokane Transit Authority gave a presentation on STA Connect 2035 —10 Year Strategic Plan. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Vice -Chairman Susan Delucchi announced that the Planning Commission Meeting on April 25, 2024 will be cancelled. The next regular meeting is scheduled to be held on May 9, 2024. XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Wilson moved, and it was seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6: 55 p. m. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. Bob McKinley, Chairman �27��i27�Z� Marianne Lemons, Secretary /zy Date Signed