22-023.02RobsDemolitionBestRdPropertyCleanup one jYdl�y Change Order No: 2 Construction Contract No: 22-023 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY—4216 N. BEST RD. CLEAN-UP PROJECT THE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: WORK TO INCLUDE Description of Change: After removing contaminated soil according to the original contract,it was found that additional asbestos containing material (ACM)was buried beneath the original church footprint to a depth of approximately 4.0',slightly less in other areas. The Contractor potholed in 3 locations to confirm the depths of the ACM that was buried. The depth varied from the north end to the south end of the building footprint.This Change Order#2 removes 13 loads of material,including labor and equipment and adds an additional 3 days to the original 17 working days outlined in the contract. Loads will be based on the actual material and assumed to he 12-14 CY of material,this will depend on whether there is soil mixed in or mostly ACM such as shingles,insulation,or floor tiles. Actual=There was l load at 20 CY and 12 loads at 15 CY. This is a Change Order for the lump sum cost of$42,471.00, including tax.This cost includes the extra labor involved to line the dump truck with plastic,the plastic&tape plus the additional cost of dump fee. Anticipated Costs Rob's Demolition ):stimated 2 truck drivers(3 days at$800 each) $2,400 I operator(3 days at$400 each) $1,200 16 loads($1,886.15 each) $24.520 Subtotal Rob's demolition S28,120 IRS Environmental Asbestos lead(3 days at$500 each) $1,500 laborer(3 days at$360 each) $1,080 13 rolls of plastic((a,600 each) $7,800 Misc materials $500 Subtotal IRS Environmental $10,880 Change Order Subtotal $39,000.00 Tax $3.471.00 • Change order Total $42,471.00 Time Add three working days to the contract for a total contract time of 20 days. sitio RA` j �� rdlky Change Order No: 2 Construction Contract No: 22-023 Payment: This change order is in the amount of$42,471.00,including tax. The total contract amount will be increased accordingly. $ 107,179.38 Orig.contract amount(incl.tax) $ 7.459.65 Change Order#1(incl.tax) $ 114,639.03 Total to date 4/13/22 $ 42.471.00 Change Order#2 (incl. tax) $ 157,110.03 Total to date 4/21/2022 Prime Contractor Signature: Date: Project Manager's Signature: ' Date: - Z2-22 City Engineer's Signature for Execution:--1 Por6 Date: &y, 2-Z-2UZZ