22-220.00TransportationImprovementBoardBroadwayParkIntersectionProject ------------- Transportation Improvement Board CONTRACT COMPLETION Updated Cost Estimate Submit form to initiate Final Settlement with TIB Form generated on 25 Jan 2024 i! Agency SPOKANE VALLEY Current TIB Commitment TIB Project No 8-3-208(013)-1 $1,655,420 Project Name Broadway Avenue Concrete Intersection- Park Rd TOTAL COST ESTIMATE AT CONTRACT COMPLETION DESIGN PHASE CONSTRUCTION PHASE Design Engineering Right of Way Construction Construction Other Contract Amount Engineering 82,366 47,410 182,900 100,172 2,043,637 Phase Total 129,776 Phase Total 2,326,708 Total Project Cost 2,456,484 Include a cost break down of Construction Other costs $1,008.00- Eletric power connection cost for signal system $71,688.88- City Pre-Purchased Signal Poles and Anchor Bolts $27,475.00- City Pre-Purchased Signal Equipment(Cabinet, controller, etc) DETERMINATION OF ELIGIBLE COST Enter the current estimated totals for Landscaping and Other Noneligible Cost Engineering Other Noneligible Cost Total Landscaping Cost Allowable Landscaping Noneligible Total Noneligible Cost Over 30 Percent Landscaping 0 378,347 15,038 83,265 0 378,347 Total Eligible Project Cost 2,078,138 Include a cost breakdown of Other Noneligible costs $232,113.70-Group 1 Work(Sidewalk on west side of Park)funded by CDBG &City $145,510.35 -Group 3 Work(Pavement Preservation)funded 100%by City $722.58- Payroll Benefit over 40% Change in Eligible Total Project Cost(Total Eligible Project Cost-Previous Phase Eligible Cost) 8,862 Calculated total TIB funds 1,662,510 The maximum allowable TIB administrative increase cannot exceed $7,090 Enter 7,090 in Requested Change cell Requested Change 7,090 Requested total TIB funds 1,662,510 Enter explanation for the change in Total Project Cost in the space below Minor increase due to change orders with contractor. Based on the cost information shown above, the agency requests a TIB fund increase in the amount of$7,090 For all increase requests, please contact your TIB Engineer TIB UCE Form-Revised Aug 2014 Generated by TIB Project Tracking System- 104296AndrewBeagle01252024070139 Page 1 of 2 TIB Project Number 8-3-208(013)-1 Contract Completion Updated Cost Estimate UPDATE FUNDING PARTNER PARTICIPATION Funding Partners Previous Commitment Current Participation TIB 1,655,420 1,662,510 SPOKANE VALLEY 606,159 528,747 WSDOT 0 Spokane Co - CDBG 292,815 265,227 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS $2,554,394 $2,456,484 Funding Partner Total is Correct REQUIRED ► Attach PICTURES of the completed project ATTACHMENTS I. Attach FINAL SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES ► Attach signed PROJECT ACCOUNTING HISTORY or LEDGER indicating all project costs ► Provide a description and cost breakdown for work performed under CONSTRUCTION OTHER ► Enter justification for COST INCREASE P. Include a cost breakdown of construction other costs ► Include a cost breakdown of noneligible costs AGENCY OFFICIAL By my signature below, I certify the costs shown are true and correct and I am authorized to financially indebt the agency. John Hohman Printed or Typed Name City Manager 7-i j.-2 y Title Si ture&Date REGISTERED ENGINEER I certify the project work has been completed in accordance with the subject project plans and specifications. Robert Lochmiller, PE _ 06/26/2024 Printed or Typed Name Signature&Date TIB UCE Form-Revised Aug 2014 Generated by TIB Project Tracking System- 104296AndrewBeagle01252024070139 Page 2 of 2