2003, 04-01 Study Session MinutesINFORMATION ONLY — NO ACTION REQUIRED City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Notes April 1, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleming opened the Study Session at 7:25 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Richard Munson, Gary Schimmels, and Steve Taylor. Staff present: Interim Manager Lee Walton, Interim Deputy Manager Stan McNutt, Interim Finance Director Robert Noack, Interim Public Works Director Richard Warren, Interim Engineer Dick Thiel, Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Bill Hutsinpiller, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Parks and Recreation Regulations: Interim Manager Walton and Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Hutsinpiller advised that a parks facilities regulations ordinance is being developed by the City Attorney for Council consideration. Consensus of the Council is to have this ordinance on the May 22, 2003 agenda for action. Parks and Recreation Agreement: Interim Manager Walton said that since our legal counsel still does not have all information relating to water rights and title insurance for the park properties, staff suggests that the City enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Spokane County to provide for parks maintenance until the formal agreement is approved. Since the proposed agreement provides for both transfer of the parks properties and maintenance of these properties, authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding would allow County Parks to do the required maintenance now that good weather is approaching. Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Hutsinpiller and County Parks Director Doug Chase responded to questions of the Council relating to type of work to be performed, need to maintain the parks, and cost for these services. Council agreed that Parks need to be maintained and that a Memorandum of Understanding be included on the May 22, 2003 agenda, but expressed concern about the delay in having a contract ready for these services. Special Events Regulations: Interim Manager Walton said that there needs to be a process for allowing sponsorship of special events within the City, and a proposed ordinance covering this subject has been prepared. There was brief discussion about insurance requirements and the process. Consensus of the Council is to have this ordinance on the April 8, 2003 agenda for action. Information Services Agreement: Interim Deputy Manager McNutt said that the agreement for information services with Spokane County contains essentially what the City has agreed to, but there are several items that still need to be negotiated. There was brief discussion on the contents of this agreement. Council consensus is for this agreement to be placed on the April 8, 2003 agenda for action. Council Study Session Notes, Apr. 1, 2003 1 4, INFORMATION ONO' — NO AL _.ON REQUIREI) Street Obstruction regulations: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that this ordinance requires permit for any work performed within the public right -of -way, Responding to questions of the Council Warren said that supervision of work performed will be the responsibility of Spokane Valley, this document covers individual permits and not major construction projects, enforcement is the key to requiring contractors to meet the road standards adopted by Spokane Valley, and staff is working to develop a blanket authorization for agencies that do a lot of work within the City. Council agreed that this ordinance be included on the April 8, 2003 agenda for action. Animal Control Agreement: Interim Manager Walton said that staff is still concerned about cost for this service with Spokane County and, while negotiations continue, the County has requested that a Memorandum of Understanding be executed to allow enforcement of animal regulations during the period until an agreement is executed. Council briefly discussed the possibility of a regional program for animal control, the County's timeline for their proposed enhanced licensing program, and the need for cat licensing. Council agreed that the Memorandum of Understanding be included on the April 8, 2003 agenda for action. Miscellaneous: Interim Deputy Manager McNutt said that since this is the first meeting in the new Council Chambers, there are some adjustments to the sound system that still need to be made. Council thanked McNutt for his work on accomplishing the remodel of the Chambers on time and as a first -rate facility. The Mayor closed the Study Session at 8:25 p.m. Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller Council Study Session Notes, Apr. 1, 2003 NOTE: It is our practice to provide Study Session Notes for information, but these are not included as action items on Council agendas. 2