2009, 12-08 Regular Meeting Minutes MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, December 8, 2009 Mayor Munson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Attendance: City Staff: Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks &Recreation Director Dean Grafos, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Diana Wilhite, Councilmember John Hohman, Sr. Development Engineer Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Tavis Schmidt, Assistant Planner Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Office Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Father Steiner of St. Mary's Catholic Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Munson led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the amended agenda as presented at the dais. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Schimmels: said he attended numerous meetings with the Solid Waste Advisory Committee and the Liaison Committee, that he spoke with Mayor Verner, and one of the County Commissioners about the governance issue and Councilmember Schimmels said almost everybody is of the same opinion so something should be happening; that a liaison board had a proposal for a joint meeting for mid- January; and he mentioned the merging of those boards. Councilmember Schimmels said he also attended a seminar about the new jail site. Councilmember Grafos: no report. Deputy Mayor Denenny: said the Health Board meeting focused on several presentations as three members are coming off the Board; they attended to some year-end wrap up issues, and approved some items regarding education of the board and adopting a component of the strategic plan; adding that he has thoroughly enjoyed his tenure on that Board over the last three years. Councilmember Dempsey: reported that she attended a dinner with members of the International Trade Association with the guest of honor the Taiwan consulate general from Seattle; and said the function was to encourage trade between our area and Taiwan's; said she also attended the Spokane Regional Clean Air Council Regular Meeting 12-08-2009 Page I of 8 Approved by Council: 12-22-09 Agency meeting which endeavors to finalize odor regulations, adding that it is difficult as there is no technology to measure odors and many odors are subjective as to whether they are objectionable. Councilmember Gothmann: said he attended a Valley Rotary meeting where he presented some information on panhandling; attended a workshop on criminal justice where they discussed the pros and cons of a horizontal-shaped or vertical shaped jail, with the consensus to go with the horizontal shaped jail as it would be easier to add a modular structure if needed; attended the Transportation Improvements Board (TIB) meeting; attended the Health Department meeting where he was elected Chair of that board; said he spoke at a Low Income Housing consortium meeting celebrating the tenth year as a consortium; had a discussion with Councilmember-elect Tom Towey on upcoming issues. Councilmember Gothmann reported that the TIB will be transferred to the Department of Transportation, will have the same board and no cuts in service; he mentioned the TIB meeting in Bremerton and he went through his PowerPoint presentation explaining that Bremerton's 35,200 population has remained the same for about 40 years; and they recently invested $350 million in eight years, with 50% funds from public and 50% from private, and he showed pictures of the Kitsap Conference Center, the Government Center which houses seven agencies, the Hampton Inn, the Kitsap Credit Union with fountains in the front, the 930 foot long tunnel from the ferry, photos of various rock sculptures, fountains, and security barriers, and mentioned other amenities such as uniform light standards and uniform colors. Councilmember Wilhite: reported that she attended a Freight, Mobility and Transportation meeting which had railroad representatives in attendance, and they discussed a corridor from the Canadian border to the east Spokane Area, and of the benefits from such a project; attended the Spokane Housing and Low Income meeting where Councilmember Gothmann spoke about how agencies work together to coordinate efforts; attended the Tree Lighting Ceremony which our first Mayor started as a community function in an effort to build an identity for us as a City, and which ceremony is now coordinated by the Valley Rotary Club. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Munson reported that on December 4 he attended his last meeting as a member of the Association of Washington Cities Executive Board, and he then on behalf of AWC, presented Councilmember Wilhite with a plaque for her service as a board member. Mayor Munson mentioned also at the AWC meeting, they passed their budget and chose not to increase dues for 2010 as many cities are in financial distress; they passed a legislative agenda and it was noted that there will be very few projects approved in the future, that more cuts are likely and there was a great deal of conversation about new taxes suggested by the state government. Mayor Munson further explained that there are many small cities like Cheney which approved such things as a utility tax or some form of road tax and those cities appear to be in pretty good shape; he mentioned that Spokane Valley carried $31 million forward from 2009, but the City of Spokane is facing a $10 million deficit and Spokane County's anticipated deficit is $13 million; said at AWC they discussed what type of legislation should be available for cities in distress and the discussion included current disincorporation laws which appear to be inadequate to meet those needs. Mayor Munson also reported he attended a meeting of the Advisory Council for the Washington State University in Spokane, where they heard about the possibility of a lot of capital projects not being funded due to the state budget situation; he said they continue to plan for the U- District in Spokane and said we will have a full medical school in Spokane including a graduate level school of pharmacy. Mayor Munson said he also attended and spoke at the Tree lighting ceremony; attended and chaired the Spokane Transit Authority (STA) Operations and Administrative Committee meeting where they said some services will be cut as sales tax are down and that is their only source of income. Mayor Munson said that today he attended a 911 Board meeting where they announced an upcoming test of the reverse 911 system and said announcements for that will be forthcoming, and that there will be a registration period for cell phone users to register their call phone numbers; and he closed by stating he attended a Commander Reception at Fairchild Air Force Base. Council Regular Meeting 12-08-2009 Page 2 of 8 Approved by Council: 12-22-09 PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comments. Dick Behm, 3626 Ridgeview Drive: requested street lights be installed on Dishman between Appleway and 8th, as there is a six-block area which is very dark and lends itself to increasing problems with things such as burglaries, transits camping in the Dishman Hills areas, and other suspicious activities, and said he feels installing two or three lights would help relieve some of those problems. Mayor Munson said the request has been forwarded to the City Manager and to Public Works. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Development Agreement in Conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan and Legislative Zone Change—Karen Kendall Mayor Munson opened the public hearing at 6:44 p.m. Planner Kendall explained that this hearing is to allow public comment regarding the proposed development agreement associated with the comprehensive plan amendment CPA 01-09; via her PowerPoint presentation she showed several photos of the site, and explained that staff coordinated with the owners, applicant and applicant's representative and all parties are in agreement with the proposed development agreement, which is intended to allow restrictions to be placed on the proposed comprehensive plan amendment minimizing the impacts of future development by providing a transition to the adjacent low density residential designation to the east of the proposed amendment. Mayor Munson invited public comments. Nathan Smith, 422 W Riverside Suite 1100, Spokane, 99201: spoke on behalf of the development agreement and the proponent; said that the process was reviewed by the Planning Commission and the City Attorney's office in addition to an internal review by the City of Spokane; said a community meeting was held at Greenacres Middle School to discuss some of the terms, and he applauded the process. Bob Harris, 855 S Shelley Lake: said he is the President of the Shelley Lake Homeowners Association and they have been involved in the planning process and hearings; that he was initially concerned about the transition but in looking at the proposal, feels it meets the objectives to provide a nice transition and said he feels it is a reasonable compromise, and he thanked Whipple Engineering and Diamond Rock. Todd Whipple, Consultant Engineering, 2528 N Sullivan Road: he thanked Council for understanding the plight of the developer, and for directing staff to go through the process to create a development agreement when a process didn't previously exist. There were no further comments and Mayor Munson closed the public hearing at 6:54 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE WNOUCHER NUMBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT 11-18-2009 Beginning 18878, ending 18946 $960,128.05 11-18-2009 Beginning 18947, ending 18989 $130,040.41 11-20-2009 18990 $70,193.33 11-30-2009 Beginning 19010, ending 19020 $0,033.44 GRAND TOTAL $1,240,395.23 b. Approval of Payroll for pay period ending November 15, 2009: $234,223.31 c. Approval of Payroll for pay period ending November 30, 2009: $339,257.51 d. Approval of Holiday Closure e. Approval of Interlocal with Spokane City for Remaining Office of Public Defense Grant Funds f. Approval of Interlocal with Spokane City for JAG Grant Funds g. Approval of Access Agreement with Holcim, Inc. for Soils Testing at Myrtle Point Council Regular Meeting 12-08-2009 Page 3 of 8 Approved by Council: 12-22-09 h. Approval of Implementation of 2010 Option year for Geiger Work Crew Services Agreement i. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Executive Session j. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2009 Executive Session k. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2009 Mayor Munson asked if anyone wished to have anything removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration. Councilmember Grafos asked that voucher for Sprague and Sullivan Self-Storage #18931 be removed from the consent agenda to be discussed separately. [Clerk's Note: upon review of the voucher list, this item was actually 18932 and not 18931.] It was then moved by Councilmember Wilhite, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda with the exception of that one item. Voucher# 18931[21 Sprague & Sullivan ministorage, total $358.00 Councilmember Grafos said he owns the company and that the City presently rents a couple units, and said with some of the vacancies or space at the Sheriff's Sub-station, that the City could likely save the $358.00 monthly cost and move those goods to the City property. Mayor Munson asked for clarification of the issue, and asked if Mr. Grafos was recusing himself from this item since he owns the property; and Mr. Grafos said he was not recusing himself, would like to get paid for it, but feels the City could save that monthly expense by moving the stored items to the sub-station. City Attorney Connelly said he feels authorizing moving the items might not be a council action, and perhaps the preferred process would be to ask the City Manager to review the matter, and such would be separate from this voucher item as this item reflects the past storage expense. Councilmember Grafos suggested that Council ask the City Manager to look into the issue; and Council concurred. It was then moved by Councilmember Wilhite, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve voucher #18931[2]. Mayor Munson asked City Attorney Connelly that since Mr. Grafos will be receiving monetary compensation and benefit from this motion, would it have been appropriate for him to recuse himself from the conversation; and City Attorney Connelly said since this was for rent due Mr. Grafos taking office, it likely would not be an issue, and said that staff will examine the issue of any future payments. NEW BUSINESS: 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-033 Adopting Street Standards—John Hohman After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to adopt ordinance 09-033 as amended in the materials provided. Mr. Hohman spoke of the history of this process, said staff recommends approval; that they incorporated over one hundred comments; mentioned the concerns of Spokane County Utilities regarding the proposed paving requirements and cost increases and said our staff does not recommend any changes to the Street Standards based on County's testimony; and said that Council could make a decision of whether an exception would be granted when a cost estimate is finalized and when Council decides if a full street paveback would be funded. Mr. Hohman further explained that he met with Mr. Boyle of Hanson Industries, and language was modified in 7.8.2 to provide increased flexibility and said that met with Mr. Boyle's approval; and he added that the document and changes are responsive to the stakeholders. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Deputy Mayor Denenny said that the goal is to maintain roads and put in roads that will last instead of seeing new roads deteriorate within five to seven years. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-036 Fall Batch Code Amendments—Tavis Schmidt After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve ordinance 09-036 as amended in the materials provided. Planner Schmidt went over the proposal via his PowerPoint and several Councilmembers commented on the improved verbiage for the home occupation regulations. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Abstentions:None. Motion carried Council Regular Meeting 12-08-2009 Page 4 of 8 Approved by Council: 12-22-09 5. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-037 to Amend 2009 Budget—Ken Thompson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve ordinance 09-037 amending the 2009 budget. Finance Director Thompson pointed out the corrected figures on page two of the ordinance, where the figures did not add across the entire row; and as previously mentioned, he also included a clause to address the risk management fund to use the unappropriated fund balance of$5,000 to pay for unemployment claims for the final quarter of 2009. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions:None. Motion carried 6. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-038 Special Event Regulations—Mike Connelly/Mike Stone After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to advance ordinance 09-038 to a second reading. City Attorney Connelly went over the proposed changes as mentioned previously. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried 7. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-039 Amending Comp Plan Text CPA 01-09—Karen Kendall After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded, to advance ordinance 09-039 to a second reading. Planner Kendall went through her PowerPoint presentation explaining the proposed change for this ordinance and Ordinance 09-040 which amends the zoning map associated with CPA 01-09; and said that this was the only citizen-initiated comprehensive plan change for 2009. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 8. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-040 Legislative Zone Change CPA 01-09— Karen Kendall After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to advance ordinance 09-040 to a second reading. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried 9. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-041 Park Regulations, Firearms—Mike Connelly/Mike Stone After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to advance ordinance 09-041 to a second reading. City Attorney Connelly explained that the proposed changes reflect the changes in state law; he said the word "firearm" was removed from the section that prohibits possession, and that they added the justification for the prohibition of discharge of firearms. Attorney Connelly said he feels CenterPlace is a convention center as it is a center that holds conventions; and there was Council consensus to add that for the second reading; and said next week he will also bring forth information concerning possession of concealed weapons. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried 10. Motion Consideration: Allocation of Lodging Tax Funds—Ken Thompson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to make the following Lodging Tax fund allocation for 2010: Spokane Regional Sports $125,000; Valleyfest $10,000; Spokane Valley Heritage Museum, none; Spokane Regional Convention/Visitor's Bureau$200,000; and CenterPlace$90,000. Finance Director Thompson explained that lodging tax funds are used to promote tourism, and in viewing estimates of room tax dollars, we would have about an additional $15,000 not previously considered. It was moved by Mayor Munson and seconded to amend the motion to allocate $120,000 to Spokane Regional Sports; $30,000 to Valleyfest; $5,000 to Spokane Valley Heritage Museum; $195,000 to Council Regular Meeting 12-08-2009 Page 5 of 8 Approved by Council: 12-22-09 Spokane Regional Convention/Visitor's Bureau; and $90,000 to CenterPlace. Mayor Munson invited public comment on the motion to amend and there were no comments. On Council's vote by acclamation, it was unanimously agreed to amend the motion. Mayor Munson then invited public comments on the amended motion. Denise Pauling, 7704 N Whitehouse Drive, said she speaks on behalf of Marketing and Advertising for ValleyFest; that they appreciate the support and will work to bring more tourism to the area, and will continue to offer ValleyFest as a free event to the community. Peggy Doering, Valleyfest Executive Director: said she prepared a letter which has been distributed to Council; said it is a joy to bring this event to this community and she appreciates the efforts tonight to continue this support and focus on the Spokane Valley event of Valleyfest. Jayne Singleton, Heritage Museum Director, E 12114 Sprague Avenue: voiced her appreciation of the amended motion; said they have been in existence since 2004 and have built an outstanding facility to preserve and collect history; and is working on an expansion project so the museum will continue to grow. Herman Meier, 14015 E Wellesley: said he is a Board Member of the Valley Museum; he thanked Council for the motion; said as a resident of Spokane Valley they are happy with the extensive archives collected by the museum, and again thanked Council for the motion amendment. There were no further comments offered. Vote by Acclamation on the amended motion to allocate $120,000 to Spokane Regional Sports; $30,000 to Valleyfest; $5,000 to the Spokane Valley Heritage Museum; $195,000 to the Spokane Regional Convention/Visitor's Bureau; and$90,000 to CenterPlace: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions:None. Motion carried. Mayor Munson called for a short recess at 7:45 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:55 p.m. 11. Motion Consideration: Approval of Poe Contract—Neil Kersten It was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve the contract to Poe Asphalt Inc., in an amount not to exceed$1,375,119.00 and authorize the City Manager or designee to sign the contract. Public Works Director Kersten explained that this is the third renewal option for street and stormwater maintenance, that Poe has done an excellent job in street maintenance work for asphalt and minor stormwater work; and that this is the first contract increase since the original contract in 2007, and this is for a 3.3% increase in the labor section of their bid which will give a net impact to the contract of less than 1% increase in cost. Mr. Kersten said this has been funded in the approved 2010 budget; that roads deteriorate about 2.5% per year, and this will give assistance to those problem areas; and he mentioned the large increase in the price of asphalt last year. Councilmember Grafos asked if perhaps it would be better to consider this later since the asphalt plants don't open until spring; and Mr. Kersten said this will enable them to do cold patching; and depending on the winter, some problems occur in early January as the roads go through a freeze/thaw cycle with water running into the cracks and freezing at night and causing problems, and said there are a lot of potholes and patching needed; and when the asphalt plants open, they can do the larger sections and do the permanent long term patch. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Munson, Deputy Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Schimmels, Dempsey, Gothmann, and Wilhite; Opposed: Councilmember Grafos. Abstentions:None. Motion carried. 12. Motion Consideration: Approval of AAA Sweeping Contract Renewal—Neil Kersten It was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve the contract to AAA Sweeping in an amount not to exceed $490,199.94 and authorize the City Manager or designee to sign the contract. Council Regular Meeting 12-08-2009 Page 6 of 8 Approved by Council: 12-22-09 Public Works Director Kersten said AAA has also picked up the level of service and they do multiple sweeps during the summer and bikes routes as needed; he said this is the third renewal; and this company has done a good job and has not asked for an increase in the prices. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions:None. Motion carried Point of Order: Mayor Munson said that he forgot to mention two items during his Mayor's report: that several months ago a citizen contacted the state auditor's office to complain about our non-compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act as Council met at Deputy Mayor Denenny's cabin in Idaho. Mayor Munson then read the following letter from the Washington State Auditor: "November 16, 2009. Dear Mr. Mercier: Recently a citizen contacted our Office with a concern regarding the City of Spokane Valley's compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. We investigated this concern and would like to share the results with you. The concern related to Council retreats held at a cabin in Idaho. We reviewed records and determined proper public notice of these retreats was provided and official minutes were recorded and approved at the Council's next regularly scheduled meeting. Since state law (RCW 35A.12.110) requires meetings to occur within the city limits only when actions on ordinances and resolutions occur and no official actions were taken at the meetings in question, we found no violations of the Open Public Meetings Act based on the information provided. If you have any questions, please contact Audit Manager Deborah Pennick. Sincerely, Audit Manager." Secondly, Mayor Munson said based on a request from Senior Planner Mike Basinger, there is a letter for the Mayor's signature to the Board of County Commissioners supporting their Resolution 09-281 concerning county road standards; Mayor Munson said this has nothing to do with the recent annexations, but with street standards and to have standards not in conflict with the County's ordinance; and he asked for Council consensus for him to sign and send the following letter, and Council concurred: "Dear Commissioners Mielke, Richard and Mager: On behalf of the City Council of Spokane Valley, please accept our support for your Resolution 08-281 concerning county road standards. We view your continuing work on this subject to be constructive and most beneficial. We hope this effort will allow future negotiations to establish joint planning areas to ensure concurrency issues are dealt with in the most fair and equitable manner possible. We also view this document as the beginning of a process that will help us negotiate the eventual annexation of areas that border our city. The Spokane Valley City Council commends your efforts to begin a process that will lead to providing a better transportation system for our mutual constituents. We stand ready to cooperate and contribute to future work that will enhance our Growth Management actions." PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comments; no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 13. Pines/Mansfield Project Change Order Approval—Steve Worley Engineer Worley explained that during the course of the Pines/Mansfield project, additional costs were incurred resulting in the need for two additional change orders requiring council approval, and which are scheduled to come before Council at next week's council meeting; he said funds were allocated in the 2009 budget so no budget amendment is required, and he added that the County did an excellent job in acquiring road rights-of-way as the project area was complicated as there were several different property owners. 14. INFORMATION ONLY: The Broadcasting Council Meetings Follow-up was for information only and was not reported or discussed Council Regular Meeting 12-08-2009 Page 7 of 8 Approved by Council: 12-22-09 EXECUTIVE?SESSION Eending(httgaton It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into executive session for approximately twenty minutes to discuss pending litigation per RCW 42.30.110(0, and that no action is anticipated thereafter. Council adjourned into executive session at 8:42 p.m. At approximately 8:57 p.m., Mayor Munson declared Council out of Executive Session. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. ATTEST: ��•, // '9 and M. Munso', ayor Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk Council Regular Meeting 12-08-2009 Page 8 of 8 Approved by Council: 12-22-09 SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 8, 2009 PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET SUBJECT: Development Agreement in Conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan and Legislative Zone Change IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SP K at the Puhre Hear'ng, please sign below. PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. There may be a time limit for your comments. Any documents for Council consideration should be provided to the City Clerk for distribution. NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE PLEASE PRINT 62'142 Cr- a-z Ace' " G2. 04,I_ Sss S . S t e d e 7 C/W e Lid 2 1" GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 8, 2009 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU ADDRESS TELEPHONE ✓ PLEASE PMENT WILL SPEAK ABOUT 0�+AiS(1 faititj I0 (APCteiid;ll _,q93 _314W ` / / E//S e,aa ' � —e i / • ,' • rI v • T � L_fl -�` a IF-x737 � �' � �015 CZ.w�N.13 \N\eCt to Lc�c\�,Kci �� we�i2st,e?1216 c(9.0 ��2? Valiefde December , 2009 Dear City of Spokane Valley Council Members, I started volunteering for Valleyfest 2 years ago as the director of hot air balloon operations. We have flown many tourist in the beautiful Spokane Valley skies and I thank the council for supporting our past efforts. The money awarded to Valleyfest from the Lodging Tax Fund was invested in publicity for Valleyfest, our community Sponsors, CenterPlace and the City of Spokane Valley. In my involvement with Valleyfest I have seen thousand of hours of volunteer time given to produce this community event. Please continue this volunteer effort of your City members by continuing to support Valleyfest. I am writing you today to encourage you to modify the recommended amount given forth to you by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. After the presentations and committee discussion, the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee recommended the following awards: Spokane Regional Sports $125000 29% Valley fest $10000 2% Spokane Valley Heritage Museum 0 0% Spokane Regional Conv.Nisitors Bureau $200000 47% CenterPlace $90000 21% Total $425000 It perplexes me that the council would only award Valleyfest 2% of the tourism budget. Valleyfest is the City of Spokane Valley's premier and ONLY community event and parade. If the council approves a small percentage, it sends a message the City of Spokane Valley does not support their own town's event. Do we want to be a City for "overflow"or a City that creates and endorses their destination spots? I recommend 20% of the Lodging Tax be allocated to Valleyfest. Thank you, Stephanie Hughes `- �p Valleyfest Volunteer 'w Valleyfest foundation is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit organization P.O.Box 368 • Spokane Valley,WA 99037 • www.valleyfest.org • phone:(509) 922.3299 • fax (509) 928.8463 \Idle� Se City of Spokane Valley Council Members December 7, 2009 Re: Hotel Motel Tax Funding Valleyfest Dear City Council Members: On behalf of Valleyfest, I respectfully ask you to review the proposed budget of$10,000., allocated for the marketing and promotion of Spokane Valley's regional festival. After the City Council meeting last week, several Council members contacted me regarding previous support of Valleyfest and how the proposed funds will impact the 2010 festival. I would like to share this information with you before the December 8, 2009 city council meeting. Since 2004, Valleyfest has been awarded funds through the Hotel Motel Tax fund for marketing and the promotion of the only event/festival in the City of Spokane Valley. Because these funds are collected through hotel tax with the purpose of increasing tourism in our area our committee and marketing staff have been sensitive to the hotel/motel owners and managers request to track and review the attendance of the event. Due to the fact that Valleyfest is free to the public, a non-ticketed event we have gone to great lengths to implement tracking and attendance records through state wide tracking codes, informational questionnaires, media distribution, and web site. We have used exit surveys, and in 2009 tracked web page visits through Google analytics. Our records indicate that approximately 50,000 people attended our Three Day Event. Through strong front desk endorsement of Valleyfest, one hotel recorded an additional 120 customers attending the event. Valleyfest is continually working with our community partners to add/change events that showcase the City of Spokane Valley which in turn promotes tourism in our region. • In 2004, 5,000 was awarded to hire a marketing firm specifically for promotion. • In 2005, the award was 15,000 with our first TV ads and radio. • In 2006, the award was 15,000 with the addition of the Car show, Loggingfest, and the Quick Draw'Art Auction. • In 2007, the award was 25,000 with the festival expanding to a three day event. • In 2008, the award was 30,000 with the addition of a third stage at CenterPlace, and Hot Air Balloon launches. • In 2009, the award was 27,500 with the addition of Taste of the Valley and record breaking festival attendance. Valleyfest• PO Box 368 •Spokane Valley,WA 99037 •www.valleyfest.org• 509/922.3299 Vllel a& We are asking for the endorsement from the City of Spokane Valley and the Spokane Valley Hoteliers to continue to build and support our only community festival. With the current proposed allocation of 10,000 dollars from the total available of 425,000, that equates to only 2% of funds staying within the City of Spokane Valley and 98% to the other three grant proposals (the CVB, Sports Commission and CenterPlace). In comparison, last year Valleyfest was allocated almost 7% of the total funds available. So, what does this mean to Valleyfest, our community festival? We will continue our current partnerships however this does impact our ability to promote tourism and the showcasing of the City of Spokane Valley. In addition it impacts our promises to our dedicated community sponsors and the community as a whole. We ask that you consider our proposal for additional funds in the endorsement of Valleyfest. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Peg! oering Valleyfest Executive Director Valleyfest• PO Box 368•Spokane Valley,WA 99037 •www.valleyfest.org • 509/922.3299 Y l HANSON HANSON INDUSTRIES , INC . (509)9225252an%\:r509)92255] WA 99216 E-mail:admin @hansanind.cam December 8, 2009 Spokane Valley City Council RE: Draft Street Standards Dear Council Members: We have been working with John Hohman on two aspects of the proposed changes to Section 7.8.2 Access Limitations. The first area was resolved at your meeting held on November 17, 2009. We had dialogue since that night re: the proposed language restricting access on arterial streets to just one access or driveway. Mr. Hohman has had this portion of Section 7.8.2 amended with new language which we support and urge you to accept. The new language is attached for your ease in reference. We believe this language is an adequate compromise to achieve the City's goal of limiting access onto arterial streets while recognizing the practical need for some businesses/uses to have two access points/driveways. Sincerely, Robert J. Bo le President c: John Hohman g--a2 7.8.2 ACCESS LIMITATIONS While no property is denied access to City streets, direct street access is not guaranteed. When direct access is denied,properties may be required to: • Access the street via an alley; • Share a single driveway approach with two or more contiguous properties; or, • Restrict access with a right-in/right-out approach for properties located on arterials and with no available alternate access. Additionally, these properties may be required to construct street improvements to preclude left turning traffic. Properties are restricted to one access point on arterials and two access points on local access streets. The Development Services Senior Engineer after consultation with the (� Cc Senior Traffic Engineer may grant one additional arterial access pointprovided that: • Minimum spacing requirements between access points are met with any driveway approaches; • The applicant demonstrates that additional access points will result in an improvement to safety or traffic flow both on-site and off-site; and, • One of the following situations exists: o The PM peak hour volume exceeds 100 PM peak hour vehicles on both directions; or, o Traffic volumes using one driveway would exceed the capacity of a stop sign controlled intersection during the PM peak hour; or. o The ADT using one driveway would exceed 1,000 vehicles both directions. Exceptions may be made for parcels with long frontages provided that the minimum spacing requirements can be met, driveway volumes arc expected to exceed 100 PM ' peak hour trips and traffic analysis demonstrates a need for additional driveways to addre poor Level of Service(LOS) for the outbound movements. When a property has frontage on two or more streets, and spacing requirements on the major street cannot be met, the driveway approach shall be located on the street with the lowest classification unless safety considerations dictate otherwise. For a development that combine more than one underlying lot, these requirements, including the number and spacing of access points, shall apply to the development as a whole,not to each underlying lot. ( 'SHINGT. Washington State Auditor Brian Sonntag November 16, 2009 Dave Mercier, City Manager City of Spokane.Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Dear Mr. Mercier: Recently, a citizen contacted our Office with a concern regarding the City of Spokane Valley's compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. We investigated this concern and would like to share the results with you. The concern related to Council retreats held at a cabin in Idaho. We reviewed records and determined proper public notice of these retreats was provided and official minutes were recorded and approved at the Council's next regularly scheduled meeting. Since state law (RCW 35A.12.110) requires meetings to occur within the city limits only when actions on ordinances and resolutions occur and no official actions were taken at the meetings in question, we found no violations of the Open Public Meetings Act based on the information provided. If you have any questions, please contact Audit Manager Deborah Pennick at (509) 335-5868. Sincerely, SifartaL Audit Manager Insurance Building,P.O.Box 40021 •Olympia,Washington 98504-0021 •(360)902-0370 •TDD Relay(800)833-6388 FAX(360)753-0646•http://www.sao.wa.gov Spokane jValley ° 11707 E.Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)921-1000 • Fax (509)921-1008 • cityhall @spokanevalley.org December 1, 2009 Board of County Commissioners Spokane County Courthouse 1116 W Broadway Spokane WA 99260-0199 Dear Commissioners Mielke, Richard and Mager: On behalf of the City Council of Spokane Valley, please accept our support for your Resolution 09-281 concerning county road standards. We view your continuing work on this subject to be constructive and most beneficial. We hope this effort will allow future negotiations to establish joint planning areas to ensure concurrency issues are dealt with in the most fair and equitable manner possible. We also view this document as the beginning of a process that will help us negotiate the eventual annexation of areas that border our city. The Spokane Valley City Council commends your efforts to begin a process that will lead to providing a better transportation system for our mutual constituents. We stand ready to cooperate and contribute to future work that will enhance our Growth Management actions. For tI Council, / R=ichard . lilunson Mayor • 12/11/2009 Bremerton , Washington A City Transformed TIB Meeting November 19-20 Bill Gothmann • Bremerton Population: 36,200 r City the same for 40 years ; Recent Investment: • $350 Million in Eight years • 50% Public, 50% Private 1 12/11/2009 Government Center Seven Agencies mg - _ Kitsap Conference Center ? r I. 2 12/11/2009 Hampton Inn I I I if ' Yi . 1 - • _ 4( 7- • . P I -i •1111111 t II Kitsap Credit Union ' 1 4 V: yitsop crash U''� - i . At I I-..1 I I a 1 ki* : 1 F_4 \ IrPill -5 441111164 '1 y' . s 3 12/11/2009 Other Buildings Two Condo's Marriott Hotel (Under Construction) PPIP----"'"°"s"1"Illl■i...._ Tunnel From Ferry 930 Feet Long (About three blocks) go M� 1, .i3 Sri , �'M MN "' I. , 1 '3, f i J n r. •; — r, i Is, i N . 1,1' • Z --'.. A ' 2. , A 1 Ipir 4 12/11/2009 Tunnel Walls i 1, j , 1 ktivil. 1,t1 , :.‘,..lik&, 4. t .: ,.. . .4 0 i I . .t r ,,-,./,,,- ,_,_1, ,e, ., 1 r Harborside Fountain Park Rock Sculptures I=K• 1 '-' /j -A' J t: _ r _ .. r*. 11(- 0i 44144"._ 5 12/11/2009 Harborside Fountain Park Walkway and Tables F , .--- ...,..,..„ri...",t t.r , i - 1, '' 4tilli - -_ 'MO 2007 _ Harborside Fountain Park Water Cannons at Night !n 11 IS*" f r .. 1 J 6 12/11/2009 Harborside Fountain Park Sculptures 141.117- 1 s P 29/10/2007 I Pi -- "ftsift.6.18•1 Fountains -, h_ :Ttr... . ..r.,, _ _._ Ig:=7"1101i '7111 p:_.: : . : . - - _ , .114414110.00 mpt ..... ____-- . ....\1 . .4. 12/11/2009 Security Barrier } -.. '`. ', l• to %41•'4; L: tie i� ,4 �`o .,may -h ... t :.Y + ,t/:- - y� Amenities ■ Buildings Built to Street ■ Streets narrowed to provide parking ■ Two-way streets ► Pavers at intersections Light Standards are uniform Colors uniform pr----------- 8 12/11/2009 2009 Financial Data Budget General Fund $40.9 Million Total Budget $129.5 Million Estimated Property Tax (Excluding Fire): $1 .52 per 1 000 (Same as SV) Brings in $7.7 Million Utility Taxes: Electric, Gas, Solid Waste, CATV, Telephone, Water, Wastewater, Stormwater Brings in $5.6 Million 1> Sales Tax Rate: 8.6% Brings in $7.4 Million Bremerton A Great p lace to Visit 9