2009, 10-06 Study Session MinutesAttendance: Councilmembers MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington October 6, 2009 6:00 p.m. Rich Munson, Mayor Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Ian Robertson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Diana Wilhite, Councilmember Staff Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Mike Connelly, City Attorney Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir. Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Munson opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m., welcomed everyone to the study session, and proudly brought attention to the recently purchased City Flag. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09 -025 Substantial Need — Mike Jackson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to adopt ordinance 09 -025 finding substantial need. Deputy City Manager Jackson explained that passage of this ordinance requires a majority plus one, even though only a majority was required to move it to a second reading; he explained that the state budget law requires we make our revenue projections known and that the City is permitted to levy a 1% increase over the highest lawful levy or an increase equal to the implicit price deflator, or inflation, whichever is less; and that staff has been advised that inflation is a negative .0084 which will decrease our property tax levy in 2010; and to avoid a potential decrease, the City can find a substantial need to levy the increase. Mr. Jackson explained the process Finance Director Thompson used to propose the figure, said that this would result in an increase of $299,500 in property tax and of that, about 1.8% is expected to come from new construction; and that this only applies to that portion of the property tax which is for Spokane Valley, which is about 13% of assessed taxes. Mr. Jackson said that if Council decided not to pass the ordinance, the most logical manner to secure the needed funds would be to decrease the general fund ending balance by that amount; he said there are several dedicated funds like winter reserves; but the ending fund reserve for the general fund is the only un- dedicated reserve and that it currently is healthy with a 15% excess, which is the recommended amount to contain in reserves. The Service Level Stabilization Fund, he explained, is really more of a "hurricane" fund instead of a "rainy day" fund; he explained that this City has operated under a six- year plan to make sure we can sustain basic services in future; and we know over time there will be an impact on general fund reserves. Mr. Jackson also explained that the City did not increase property taxes in the years when the economy was doing well, and said it is staffs recommendation to continue to stay the course to keep as level a rate as possible, and to pass this substantial need which would amount to about 27¢ per month to the average homeowner. Discussion included mention by Councilmember Wilhite that our bonding rates and interest rates are better if we maintain a healthy reserve; remarks from Mayor Munson that this is a six -year forecast and Council Meeting Minutes: 10 -06 -09 Page l of 4 Approved by Council: 10 -27 -09 not a spending plan; Deputy Mayor Denenny said that as we are offered grants, we need the matching funds, and that reserve is a place to tap those funds if needed, that we are running a "thin line" now to continue with matching funds; Councilmember Gothmann gave his opinion on how the 1.1% tax plays into personal obligations; Councilmember Schimmels said he believes we have to live within our means always and asked what we would do six months or a year from now, and said that he would not approve a tax increase; Councilmember Dempsey said she is not for raising taxes, but feels that most people could find 27¢ by walking around in a parking lot, and said she would rather save the "hurricane" fund for a true hurricane and pay the 27¢ now; and Councilmember Robertson concurred and said he feels this is a reasonable change. Mayor Munson also mentioned that this Council has always shown fiscal responsibility, and said if we dip into the reserves now when the need is relatively small, it will be compounding a situation later if a greater need arises. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Munson, Deputy Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Robertson, Dempsey, Wilhite and Gothmann. Opposed: Councilmember Schimmels. Abstentions: None. Motion passed. 2. Proposed Resolution 09 -014, Emergency Winter Street Maintenance Contract —Neil Kersten It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to approve emergency Resolution 09 -014. Public Works Director Kersten explained that last December, we spent over $1.2 million to remove snow; and said he is hopeful this winter will not be as harsh; he said that the contract was finalized which put into place our winter operation with Poe Asphalt; that the contract will be in two phases: phase 1 will be in effect until December 31, 2009 with a not -to- exceed price of $280,000; and phase 2 will be from January 1, 2010 and remain until May 30, 2010 and shall not exceed $640,000; and said these costs are based on current budget amounts for a low snow year; he said we have a winter weather reserve of $ .5 million and can come back to council if needed. Mr. Kersten then explained parts of the contract and contract exhibits attached to the resolution, including equipment, staffing, plowing routes, and direct cost rates. Mr. Kersten said we ended up with six plows; that the contractor will have three graders with wings so each could plow two lanes at a time, and said we can bring in more personnel if needed; that the City's staff members have their CDL (commercial driver's license) and will probably run the pre- treatment units; he said Tim Klein will be the key staff person, and Art Jenkins, the new stormwater engineer will be assisting. Mr. Kersten said the private roads have been better delineated; and said that roads around the hospital will be a priority one; he said direct costs rates are all staying the same as in 2009, but labor is up about 3.5% through 2009 and 2010. Mr. Kersten also stated that the first year will include some spending for training and getting them used to the roads; and said that WSDOT (Washington State Department of Transportation) will spend a day training with us; that since we do not have a safety plan, such will be provided by Poe. Formerly, the County's proposal was for six operators and three pieces of equipment; and just to have their staff on stand -by. Mr. Kersten explained, was $500,000 for the entire season regardless of whether it snowed or not; and said one of the benefits of this new contract is that we own six trucks. Mr. Kersten said that Poe has been working with us for four years and most of their staff know the City; he said all the trucks passed the emissions test, and the mechanic said they are all in good shape. Mr. Kersten also mentioned that the trucks will have the City logo on them, and that each unit will have a type of telephone linked to a GPS system so that we can see where the truck is, where it has been, how many miles they traveled, and exactly where they are at any time; and said that these individuals normally don't work in the winter so they are excited to have the work, and that most of Poe's employees live here. Mayor Munson invited public comment. No comments were offered, but Council offered their appreciation and "kudos" to Mr. Kersten and his staff for putting this together. Vote by acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Council Meeting Minutes: 10 -06 -09 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 10 -27 -09 3. Motion Consideration: Spokane County Traffic Interlocal —Neil Kersten It was moved by Councilmeniber Wilhite and seconded to authorize the City Manager or designee to sign the Spokane County Traffic Interlocal Agreement. Public Works Director Kersten said that the current interlocal expires October 15, 2009; that this contract is for signs, signals and stripping, and he mentioned that the County crews do a great job; that their crew and our crew work well together; there have been no problems, and staff recommends council approve this contract, which is a year -to -year contract with option to cancel, and he said the costs are for 2009 as the 2010 costs have not been calculated yet. Mayor Munson asked about the automatic renewal process and Mr. Kersten said it is as it has been in past years. There was some council /staff discussion concerning the priority for having an alternative plan, and while there was no disagreement on having an alternative plan, there was no council consensus to have such as a top priority. Vote by acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. NON - ACTION ITEMS: 4. Residential Lighting — Greg McCormick Planning Manager McCormick stated that the lighting standards were included in the batch amendments in 2008; that it was removed from the batch and sent back to the Planning Commission for a public hearing, which was held September 24; that at the conclusion of that hearing, the Planning Commission recommended the changes as noted in the attached material. Mr. McCormick went over the proposed changes which were to add a new section concerning design standards to apply to all outdoor lighting in residential zones, and that all new development would be required to provide lighting within parking lots, along pedestrian walkways and accessible routes of travel; that lighting fixtures would be limited to not greater than 24 feet in height for parking lots and not more than 16 feet for pedestrian walkways; that all lighting would be shielded from producing off -site glare, either through exterior shields or optical design inside the fixtures, and would not emit light above 90 °; and that street lighting installed by the City of Spokane Valley or other public utilities would be exempt from the regulations. Mr. McCormick said staff would also recommend modifying the last regulation to address investor owned utilities as being exempt as well. Discussion ensued regarding private streets which are not under the City's jurisdiction; that these new regulations would not be retroactive but only apply to new development moving forward from the effective date of any change; and that blinding lights are addressed in the nuisance code. Councilmembers said they would like to see further research on residential light issues or on someone putting lights in their backyard, and how to address existing residential lighting problems; and Mr. McCormick said he would have that information at the ordinance's first reading. 5. Continuity of Operations Plan Addendum — Mike Jackson Deputy City Manager Jackson explained that a few weeks ago Council adopted the Pandemic Response Plan, and pointed out that the plan did not include Council; and he said this is the addendum to that plan and if Council concurs, we can add this to the previously approved plan. Council concurred. 6. SARP /Road Project Funding Update — Neil Kersten/ Scott Kuhta Senior Planner Kuhta went over the material in his September 30 Memorandum to Council, and explained that the total $35.4 million is the total projected high level for all improvements and includes the two -way conversion. Mr. Kuhta also mentioned that this information will be up on our website after tonight. Councilmember Wilhite suggested including information indicating how far the Appleway Extension travels; and Mr. Kuhta indicated that it is included in the stages, and he will include that in the summary chart as well. Mr. Kersten added that these are estimated costs and have not yet been engineered. Mr. Kuhta also reminded everyone that these figures do not include anything for City Hall, and that anything associated with a City Hall would go to some kind of a bond vote if and when we get to that point. Mayor Munson said council would like periodic updates on these costs as more information becomes available. Council Meeting Minutes: 10 -06 -09 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: 10 -27 -09 7. Council External Committee Reports - Councilmembers The SWAC (Solid Waste Advisory Committee), the Convention and Visitor's Bureau, and the jail issue and affiliated meetings, including the Criminal Justice Committee were briefly mentioned but nothing definitive was mentioned requiring council consensus. 8. Advance Agenda — Mayor Munson Mayor Munson asked Council's preference regarding the October 20 meeting which will include discussion with members from ICMA concerning the law enforcement contract, and if Council would like to hold the meeting at CenterPlace or in Council Chambers. It was noted that the meeting will be held in Council chambers as usual, but that if the issue warrants having public participation, that we could schedule a meeting at CenterPlace if needed. Mayor Munson emphasized that this study does not state Spokane Valley should start its own Police Department, but only contains information on cost if we wanted to as an alternative, to compare that with what we currently have. 9. Information Only: The Initiative 1033 Impacts was for information only and was not reported or discussed. 10. Council Check -in — Mayor Munson Mayor Munson mentioned next week's Planning Commission opening agenda item; and said that those not chosen for the instant opening can merely indicate their desire to be considered for the other upcoming openings and would not need to re- submit an application. He said there will be a forum on Initiative 1033 at 7:30 a.m. this Thursday at 9315 N Nevada at a place called the "Service Station" and that Council will consider whether to support the initiative at the next council meeting. 11. City Manager Comments — Mike Jackson: Mr. Jackson had no comments. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. ATTEST Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk 4 1 4/ �' , ff., • • and M. Munso -, ayor Council Meeting Minutes: 10 -06 -09 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 10 -27 -09