2003, 04-15 Study Session MinutesMayor Michael DeVleming opened the Study Session at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Richard Munson, Gary Schimmels and Steve Taylor. Staff present: Interim Manager Lee Walton, Interim Attorney Stanley Schwartz, Interim Deputy Manager Stan McNutt, Interim Finance Director Robert Noack, Interim Public Works Director Richard Warren, Interim City Engineer Dick Thiel, Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Bill Hutsinpiller, Interim Recreation Coordinator Shelley Goss, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Planning Commission Appointments: Deputy Mayor Wilhite moved and Councilmember Denenny seconded that Planning Commission appointments be approved as follows: William Gothmann - three -year term Ian Robertson - three -year term John Carroll - three -year term Fred Beaulac - two -year term David Crosby — one -year term Gail Kogle — two -year term Robert Blum — one -year term Councilmember Taylor moved and Mayor DeVleming seconded to amend the motion to add one additional individual for the Committee to consider, Lewis Rumpler. Councilmember Taylor said that Mr. Rumpler is a Spokane Valley resident, and presently serves as Vice -Chair for the Spokane County Planning Commission. He feels that our City should take advantage of the experience Mr. Rumpler can bring to this Commission and it does not appear that there would be any conflict to serve on the two Commissions. Councilmember Flanigan said that their could definitely be a conflict as Spokane Valley begins to work on its Comprehensive Plan and may consider re- drawing the Urban Growth Areas for the City. Councilmember Denenny said that even though there may be no true conflict, he does have a problem with one individual serving on two Commissions in the same area. The motion to amend adding Lewis Rumpler to the submitted list failed with one aye vote — Councilmember Taylor; and six nay votes — Mayor DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Wilhite, Councilmembers Denenny, Flanigan, Munson, and Schimmels. Mayor DeVleming introduced the seven individuals nominated for serving on the Planning Commission. The motion to approve Planning Commission members as submitted carried unanimously. Study Session Notes, April 15, 2003 Council Approved: May 27, 2003 City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Notes April 15, 2003 1 Animal Services: There was brief discussion about elements to be included in a Request for Proposal for animal services. Councilmembers agreed that staff develop an RFP to secure proposals for animal control services within the boundaries of the City. Senior Services Program: Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Hutsinpiller reported on status of the CenterPlace project at Mirabeau and said that there will be a future report to the Council on the design for this facility. Hutsinpiller introduced Karen Cornell, Coordinator for the Senior Center, who reviewed the programs and operations of for the Senior Center. There was brief discussion of the differences in the current facility and the proposed facility at CenterPlace. Computer Software: Interim Deputy Manager McNutt said that the City has been carefully reviewing information for a software package that will include financial and permit system; that will be interactive and web -based in the future. Interim Finance Director Noack added that staff has reviewed proposals from nine companies and selected Eden Systems as the firm for providing these services to Spokane Valley. There was discussion of the capability of this system to interact with other software programs. A contract for the computer software system with Eden Systems is being developed and will be ready for the April 22, 2003 agenda. Cable Franchise Fee Ordinance Amendment: Interim Finance Director Noack said that Comcast has requested consideration of quarterly rather than monthly payments for the cable franchise fees. Council concurred that an amendment incorporating this change be included on the April 22, 2003 agenda. Street Maintenance Agreement: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that this proposed agreement has been negotiated with Spokane County and includes ability for request some discretionary work. There is also money included in the budget to do some maintenance work with outside contractors. Council agreed that this agreement be included in the April 22, 2003 agenda. Engineering Services Agreement: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that this agreement provides for Spokane County to continue work on projects that are approximately 90% complete. The County will be acting as a consultant for Spokane Valley, and this work will phase out over the next few years as these projects are completed and Spokane Valley begins using its own consultants for engineering services. Storm WaterAgreement: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that Spokane Valley staff is doing analysis of this agreement and it should be ready for Council action some time in May. Solid Waste Agreement: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that at the direction of Council, staff submitted the request for Spokane Valley to have to voting members on the Liaison Board, but the City has only been provided one voting member, although anyone can attend these meetings. There was discussion of the need to send a Study Session Notes, April 15, 2003 Council Approved: May 27, 2003 2 letter to WUTC advising of the City's intent relating to providing solid waste services. Council agreed that this agreement will be on the May 13, 2003 agenda and a motion for WUTC notification on the April 22, 2003 agenda. Sewer Agreement: Interim Public Works Director Warren reviewed the process that Spokane County has been conducting this year to communicate with the public for the proposed construction projects. The County has a large reserve built up in the sewer fund that will be available to Spokane Valley for subsidizing sewers in the City. Council agreed that this agreement be on an agenda in May following a meeting with the County Commissioners. Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility: Interim Public Works Director Warren reported on meetings with public works staff from Spokane County, Spokane, and Liberty Lake for discussion of possible regional facility for wastewater treatment facility. Bridge the Valley: Interim Public Works Director Warren said that various agencies have approved resolutions in support of the Bridge the Valley concept that will help in the search for funding for this project. Following brief discussion, Councilmembers, with the exception of Councilmember Taylor, agreed that staff develop a resolution in support of the Bridge the Valley concept. Street Obstruction Permit Fees and Standards: Interim Engineer Thiel said that there has been concern expressed about these fees, that are different than what was paid to Spokane County. There was discussion about the necessity to evaluate the fees for these permits and cost for providing sufficient inspection services to assure that work is done in accordance with Spokane Valley standards. Council concurred that this subject should be included on a special study session agenda April 24, 2003 for a one -hour review. Governance Coordination Manual: Interim Deputy Manager McNutt said that the committee has completed its work on development of the manual that is now ready for full Council review in preparation for approval. Council agreed that this item also should be on the April 24, 2003 special study session agenda for review. Support the Troops: Councilmember Munson suggested that the City provide a special welcome home banner for the troops returning from deployment to the Iraqi conflict at a ceremony at Fairchild Air Force Base. Employee Job Descriptions: Councilmember Taylor suggested that the Council needs to look closely at job descriptions and salary to determine if salary is adequate to cover the job an employee is expected to do. Council agreed that a committee be appointed to study this issue Mayor DeVleming appointed Councilmember Taylor, Denenny and Schimmels to review job descriptions and salary schedule. Mayor DeVleming announced that the Council will go into executive session for approximately 30 minutes to review personnel issues with possible action following the executive session. Study Session Notes, April 15, 2003 Council Approved: May 27, 2003 3 The Mayor recessed the meeting to executive session at 8:18 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:45 p.m. City Manager Agreement: Deputy Mayor Wilhite moved and Councilmember Denenny seconded that Council approve Draft No. 6 of Employment Agreement for City Manager between Spokane Valley and David Mercier. Councilmember Denenny said that negotiating this contract has involved the most time and energy since the election , since this is a most important appointment. Council looked very carefully at every aspect of this contract and all individuals are satisfied with the final document. Councilmember Munson said that this has been a very interesting and gratifying process. Deputy Mayor Wilhit said that this Draft No. 6 is the result of the time and energy spent in discussion of every single aspect of what the Council wants from an employee in this position, and all Council are in agreement Councilmembers Munson, Taylor, Flanigan and Schimmels agreed that this contract meets all requirements of the Council. Interim Attorney Schwartz said that this motion appoints David Mercier as City Manager under the terms and conditions as included in Draft No. 6. Employment Agreement, will be on the April 22, 2003 agenda for ratification. The motion to approve Draft No. 6 of Employment Agreement for City Manager with David Mercier carried unanimously. Adjournment: Councilmember Flanigan moved and Councilmember Schimmels seconded that the meeting adjourn. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm. ATTEST: Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller Mayor Michael DeVjeming Study Session Notes, April 15, 2003 Council Approved. May 27, 2003 APPROVED: (14 - 4