2024, 09-17 Formal B Meeting AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL B FORMAT Tuesday, September 17, 2024 6:00 p.m. Remotely via ZOOM Meeting and In Person at Spokane Valley City Hall, Council Chambers 10210 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting NOTE: Members of the public may attend Spokane Valley Council meetings in-person at the address provided above, or via Zoom at the link below. Members of the public will be allowed to comment in-person or via Zoom as described below. Public comments will only be accepted for those items noted on the agenda as “public comment opportunity.”If making a comment via Zoom, comments must be received by 4:00 pm the day of the meeting. Sign up to Provide Oral Public Comment at the Meeting via Calling-In Submit Written Public Comment Prior to the Meeting Join the Zoom WEB Meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA SPECIAL GUESTS/PRESENTATIONS: PROCLAMATIONS: National Diaper Need Awareness Week 2024, Constitution Week GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except agenda action items, as public comments will be taken on those items where indicated. Please keep comments to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Government. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Diverse points of view are welcome but please keep remarks civil. Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. If a person engages in disruptive behavior or makes individual personal attacks regarding matters unrelated to City business, then the Council and/or Mayor may end that person’s public comment time before the three-minute mark. To comment via zoom: use the link above for oral or written comments as per those directions. To comment at the meeting in person: speakers may sign in to speak but it is not required. A sign-in sheet will be provided at the meeting. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Public Hearing #1: 2025 Revenues including Property Taxes – Chelsie Taylor \[public comment opportunity\] 2. Motion Consideration: Potential Grant Opp- Energy Efficiency Retrofit - Gloria Mantz \[public comment opportunity\] Council Agenda September 17, 2024 Page 1 of 2 NON-ACTION ITEMS: 3. Admin Report: 2025 State Legislative Agenda –Virginia Clough, Briahna Murray 4. Admin Report: City Hall Update – Kelly Konkright, Glenn Ritter 5. Admin Report: Fund 312 Discussion – Chelsie Taylor 6. Admin Report: Group Home Presentation – Chaz Bates INFORMATION ONLY (will not be reported or discussed): GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: General public comment rules apply. COUNCIL COMMENTS CITY MANAGER COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT Council Agenda September 17, 2024 Page 2 of 2 Proclamation City of Spokane Valley, Washington Constitution Week WHEREAS, The Constitution of the United States of America, the guardian of our liberties, embodies the principles of limited government in a Republic dedicated to rule by law; and WHEREAS, September 17, 2024, marks the two hundred thirty-seventh anniversary of the framing of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention; and WHEREAS, It is fitting and proper to accord official recognition to this magnificent document and its memorable anniversary, and to the patriotic celebrations which will commemorate the occasion; and WHEREAS, Public Law 915 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the President of the United States of America designating September 17 through 23, as Constitution Week. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Pam Haley, Mayor of the City of Spokane Valley, on behalf of the Spokane Valley City Councilmembers, do hereby proclaim the week of September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week and I encourage all citizens to reaffirm the ideals the Framers of the Constitution had in 1787 by vigilantly protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties. th Dated this 17 day of September 2024. Pam Haley, Mayor Proclamation City of Spokane Valley, Washington National Diaper Need Awareness Week WHEREAS, Diaper Need, the condition of not having a sufficient supply of clean diapers to ensure that infants and toddlers are clean, healthy and dry, can adversely affect the health and welfare of infants, toddlers and their families; and WHEREAS, National surveys report that one in two families experience Diaper Need at some time while their children are less than three years of age, and forty-eight percent of families delay changing a diaper in order to extend their diaper supply; and WHEREAS, A daily or weekly supply of diapers is generally an eligibility requirement for babies and toddlers to participate in child care programs and quality early- education programs that enable children to thrive and parents to work; and WHEREAS, Without enough diapers, babies and toddlers risk infections and health problems that may require medical attention resulting in medical costs, and parents may be prevented from accessing childcare needed to go to work or school, thereby -being; and WHEREAS, The people of the City of Spokane Valley recognize that diaper need is a public health issue, and addressing diaper need can lead to economic opportunity for ensuring all children and families have access to the basic necessities required to thrive and reach their full potential; and WHEREAS, Spokane Valley is proud to be home to trusted community-based organizations including the Partners Inland Northwest Diaper Bank that recognize the importance of diapers in ensuring health and providing economic stability for families and thus distribute diapers to families through various channels; and WHEREAS, Through their important work of addressing diaper need, diaper banks play a critical role in supporting families, improving infant health and wellbeing, and advancing our local and state economic growth. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Pam Haley, Mayor of the City of Spokane Valley, on behalf of the Spokane Valley City Council and the citizens of the City of Spokane Valley, do hereby proclaim the week of September 23 through September 29, 2024, as National Diaper Need Awareness Week in the City of Spokane Valley, and I encourage citizens to donate generously to diaper banks, diaper drives, and those organizations that distribute diapers to families in need, as we work to help alleviate Diaper Need in Spokane Valley and the community. Dated this 17th day of September 2024. ________________________________ Pam Haley, Mayor CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 17, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing – 2025 Budget Revenues – Including Property Tax GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget law. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: No formal Council action has been taken on the 2025 Budget. A proposed budget is currently under review by the City Manager who will present his Preliminary 2025 Budget to the Council on October 1, 2024. BACKGROUND: This marks the third occasion where the Council will discuss the 2025 Budget and by the time the Council is scheduled to adopt the 2025 Budget on November 12, 2024, Council will have had an opportunity to discuss it on eight separate occasions, including three public hearings to gather input from citizens: June 11 Council Budget Workshop August 27 Admin report: Estimated 2025 revenues and expenditures September 17 Public hearing #1 on 2025 revenues and expenditures October 1 City Manager’s presentation of preliminary 2025 Budget October 8 Public hearing #2 on 2025 Budget October 22 First reading on ordinance adopting the 2025 Budget November 12 Public hearing #3 on 2025 Budget November 12 Second reading on ordinance adopting the 2025 Budget State law requires that the City hold a public hearing on revenue sources for the upcoming year’s budget in order to consider input from the public. An administrative report was presented to th Council on this topic on August 27 and the public hearing is set for this evening. Until City Council adoption all figures currently included in the 2025 Budget worksheets are preliminary and subject to change. The 2025 Budget currently includes several of the Supplemental Budget Requests that were th presented at the June 11 Budget. These were included in section 23 of the workshop binder. The overall impact of the Supplemental Requests is an increase of $90,000 in nonrecurring costs in the General Fund, $100,000 in the Stormwater Fund #402 ($50,000 in recurring costs and $50,000 in nonrecurring), and $175,000 in the Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund #501. The Supplemental Requests included in the General Fund are related to repairs and replacement of equipment or buildings at the Precinct and CenterPlace. The amount in the Stormwater Fund #402 is for the acquisition an ongoing licensing costs of a new asset management software for Stormwater infrastructure. The amount in the Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund #501 is for the replacement of a snow plow, and the funding for the replacement is already set aside in that fund. The summary sheet for the Supplemental Budget Requests is included as an attachment to this report with highlights showing the items that were included in the draft budget. 1 2025Budget Overview: The 2025 Budget currently includes appropriations of $149,115,603 including $58,151,136 in capital expenditures, comprised in-part of: o $10,089,678 in Fund #303 Street Capital Projects. o $1,861,761 in Fund #309 Park Capital Projects. o $2,000,000 in Fund #311 Pavement Preservation. o $41,241,197 in Fund #314 Railroad Grade Separation Projects. o $2,500,000 in Stormwater Management Fund #402 and Aquifer Protection Area Fund #403 projects. To partially offset the $58,151,136 in capital costs we anticipate $48,524,352 in grant revenues which results in 83.45% of capital expenditures being covered with State and Federal money. Budgets will be adopted across 31 separate funds. The funded full-time equivalent employee (FTE) count will decrease in 2025 by 2 to 116.25 from 118.25 in the 2024 Budget. This decrease is comprised of: o Decrease of three vacant positions, including a Senior Engineer in Engineering, an Office Assistant in Building, and a Maintenance Worker in Parks, that are not being funded due to budget constraints in the General Fund. o Increase of one new Public Safety Coordinator position that is included as part of the first phase of increases to Law Enforcement related positions that were approved by Council in February 2024. Pertaining Specifically to the General Fund: The 2025 recurring revenue estimate of $63,238,300 is $732,200 or 1.17% greater than the 2024 proposed amended budget of $62,506,100. The 2025 recurring expenditure proposal of $63,236,092 is $3,774,385 or 6.35% greater than the 2024 proposed amended appropriation of $59,461,707. o Including the 12 new Law Enforcement related positions, costs for Public Safety increased by 13.94% while all other General Fund Departments decreased by 4.71%. Budgeted recurring revenues currently exceed recurring expenditures by $2,208. Nonrecurring expenditures total $1,523,722 and include: o $50,000 for Information Technology expenditures including: $20,000 to replace outdated copiers $20,000 to replace wireless access points $10,000 for a software contingency o $910,000 for the replacement of police vehicles This was originally part of the recurring expenditures but is now being done as a nonrecurring item as funding is available due to budget constraints in the General Fund. o $90,000 for various Facilities items including: $30,000 to replace the last in-ground vehicle lift at the Precinct $60,000 to replace carpeting and wallpaper at CenterPlace o $473,722 transfer out to the Public Safety Equipment Replacement Fund #503 for future replacement costs of police vehicles already purchased in prior years 2 This was originally part of the recurring expenditures but is now being done as a nonrecurring item as funding is available due to budget constraints in the General Fund. The total of 2025 recurring and nonrecurring expenditures exceeds total revenues by $1,521,514. The projected ending fund balance for the General Fund at the end of 2025 is currently $38,883,574 or 61.49% of recurring expenditures. Other Funds: 2025 Budget appropriations (expenditures) in the other funds total $84,355,789 as follows: FundFund2025 NumberNameAppropriation 101Street Fund7,470,835 103Paths and Trails Fund0 104Hotel / Motel Tax - Tourism Facilities Fund0 105Hotel / Motel Tax Fund923,000 106Solid Waste Fund119,289 107PEG Fund73,000 108Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax Fund0 109Tourism Promotion Area Fund1,275,000 110Homeless Housing Program Fund344,000 111Transportation Benefit District Fund2,785,000 120CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund0 121Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund0 122Winter Weather Reserve Fund500,000 204Debt Service Fund970,950 301REET 1 Capital Projects Fund2,224,035 302REET 2 Capital Projects Fund1,891,950 303Street Capital Projects Fund10,089,678 309Parks Capital Projects Fund1,861,761 310Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund0 311Pavement Preservation Fund2,050,000 312Capital Reserve Fund2,208,023 314Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund41,241,197 315Transportation Impact Fee Fund0 316Economic Development Capital Projects Fund0 402Stormwater Management Fund5,643,071 403Aquifer Protection Area Fund1,000,000 501Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund185,000 502Risk Management Fund900,000 503Public Safety Equipment Replacement Fund0 632Passthrough Fees & Taxes Fund600,000 84,355,789 3 Primary sources of revenues in these other funds include: Motor Vehicle Fuel Taxrevenue that is collected by the State and remitted to the Street Fund is anticipated to be $1,969,700. Telephone Tax revenues remitted to the City that supports Street Fund operations and maintenance are anticipated to be $900,000. Real Estate Excise Tax (REET)revenues that are in large part used to match grant financed street projects are anticipated to total $3,000,000. Hotel / Motel Tax revenues that are dedicated to the promotion of visitors and tourism are anticipated to be $1,490,000 ($900,000 in the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund #105 and $590,000 in the Hotel/Motel Tax – Tourism Facilities Fund #104). Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) Fees that are collected in the Tourism Promotion Area Fund that are dedicated to the promotion of visitors and tourism are anticipated to be $1,300,000. Vehicle License Fees that are dedicated to use on the City’s pavement management program are anticipated to be $2,785,000 in the Transportation Benefit District Fund. Stormwater Management Fees that are estimated at $6,170,000. Funding Challenges: Revenue collections are moderating after the record high collections seen subsequent to the COVID-19 pandemic. Growth in General Fund recurring revenues is flattening and estimated to be approximately 1.17% in 2025, which is not keeping pace with the increase in inflation driven recurring expenditures of 6.35%. The City has identified the need for additional Law Enforcement personnel through a consultant study. The study calls for 29 additional Law Enforcement related positions of which 10 are included in the 2025 proposed budget. City Council is considering how to implement the remaining 19 positions, which will need to include discussion of potential additional revenue sources and balancing the cost of public safety against other City priorities and services. Funding pavement preservation and other transportation and infrastructure needs. o Maintaining the City’s current street network is a high priority. It is a challenge to balance the needs of local access streets and arterials and to provide adequate funding to maintain the pavement condition of both. Also, due to revenue constraints, the General Fund is no longer able to provide funding to support the pavement management program which has historically been provided at about $1 million annually. o Greater reliance on REET revenues to support the City’s pavement management program will necessitate the prioritization of capital projects with grant funding in order to maximize the City’s use of resources. This may cause streets that are not eligible for grant funding, such as residential local access street, to degrade faster than the City can afford to fix them. o Railroad grade separation projects (overpasses and underpasses) and other large street projects are exceptionally expensive endeavors and are largely beyond the City’s ability to finance through existing sources of revenue. The City has been very successful in securing funding for the Barker Rd. Grade Separation and Pines Rd. Grade Separation projects; however, funding is still needed for other grade separation projects as well as other large-scale transportation improvements within the City. Establishing a Homeless and Housing program for the City and identifying dedicated funding for this program. 4 OPTIONS:State law requires a public hearing on 2025 estimated revenues and expenditures. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: As the purpose of the public hearing is to gather input from the public regarding the 2025 Budget, no action is requested at this time. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Given that the budget is not scheduled to be adopted by the Council until November 12, 2024, it is possible the figures may be modified as we refine estimates of revenues and expenditures. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Power Point presentation. Summary of 2025 Supplemental Budget Requests Assorted 2025 Budget information: o Pages 1-14 Budget summary information with detail by fund o Page 15-16 General Fund budget change from June 11 to August 27 o Page 17-19 General Fund revenue and expenditure line-item changes o Page 20-23 General Fund department changes from 2024 to 2025 o Page 24 Full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) 5 $2 million in Street Fund 101$900k in Street Fund 101$3 million in REET Funds 301 & 302$1.5 million in Hotel/Motel Tax Funds 104 & 105$1.3 million in TPA Fund 109$2.8 million in Street Fund 101$6.2 million in Stormwater Fund 402 HOMELESS & HOUSING PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION FUNDING LAW ENFORCEMENT POSITIONS REVENUE GROWTH NOT KEEPING PACE P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% #001 - GENERAL FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax13,824,9000013,824,90014,081,000256,1001.85% Sales Ta x33,709,6000033,709,60033,000,000(709,600)(2.11%) Sales Tax - Public Safety 1,600,800001,600,8001,609,4008,6000.54% Sales Tax - Criminal Justice2,818,500002,818,5002,833,70015,2000.54% Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax485,00000485,000523,00038,0007.84% Franchise Fees/Business Registration1,370,000001,370,0001,320,000(50,000)(3.65%) State Shared Revenues2,469,400002,469,4002,527,40058,0002.35% Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety500,60000500,600482,100(18,500)(3.70%) Community and Public Works3,481,900003,481,9003,616,900135,0003.88% Recreation Program Revenues607,20000607,200658,10050,9008.38% Grant Proceeds120,0000(100,000)20,00020,00000.00% Miscellaneous Department Revenue87,0000087,00087,00000.00% Miscellaneous & Investment Interest1,211,200001,211,2002,105,700894,50073.85% Transfers in - #105 (h/m tax-CP advertising)30,0000030,00030,00000.00% (recording fees H&H Services) Transfers in - #110 0290,0000290,000344,00054,00018.62% Total Recurring Revenues62,316,100290,000(100,000)62,506,10063,238,300732,2001.17% Expenditures City Council721,40700721,407754,11132,7044.53% City Manager863,88319,0910882,974858,450(24,524)(2.78%) City Attorney932,98018,4020951,382983,08931,7073.33% City Services1,301,72522,84301,324,5681,451,798127,2309.61% Public Safety35,251,2480035,251,24837,841,9772,590,7297.35% Additional Postions00002,325,0322,325,0320.00% Deputy City Manager595,02315,2030610,226637,38127,1554.45% Finance1,422,45834,69801,457,1561,506,68449,5283.40% Human Resources380,5338,5840389,117402,28013,1633.38% Information Technology446,17811,2060457,384445,653(11,731)(2.56%) Facilities1,313,68512,03801,325,7231,384,25158,5284.41% Public Works - Administration400,4279,0050409,432380,647(28,785)(7.03%) Engineering2,015,43041,25102,056,6812,016,338(40,343)(1.96%) Building2,240,95644,70602,285,6622,121,985(163,677)(7.16%) Economic Development1,189,80618,70801,208,5141,244,35035,8362.97% Planning1,081,09018,04301,099,1331,112,22713,0941.19% Parks & Rec - Administration720,793(211,611)0509,182456,981(52,201)(10.25%) Parks & Rec - Maintenance1,398,583935,58202,334,1652,424,04389,8783.85% Parks & Rec - Recreation 346,3103,6370349,947361,23511,2883.23% Parks & Rec - Aquatics569,20000569,200677,500108,30019.03% Parks & Rec - Senior Center33,994788034,78235,2024201.21% Parks & Rec - CenterPlace675,9809,2320685,212724,62839,4165.75% General Government1,707,540001,707,5401,696,200(11,340)(0.66%) Transfers out - #204 (2016 LTGO debt service) 398,95000398,950401,5502,6000.65% Transfers out - #309 (park capital projects)160,00000160,0000(160,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 1,021,900001,021,9000(1,021,900)(100.00%) Transfers out - #501 (IT equip reserve)86,5000086,50092,5006,0006.94% Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium) 700,00000700,000900,000200,00028.57% Transfers out - #503 (public safety equipment)0473,7220473,7220(473,722)(100.00%) Total Recurring Expenditures57,976,5791,485,128059,461,70763,236,0923,774,3856.35% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures4,339,521(1,195,128)(100,000)3,044,3932,208 Page 1 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% #001 - GENERAL FUND - continued NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds (CLFR) 0159,0000159,0000(159,000)(100.00%) Grant Proceeds (Comp Plan amendment) 325,00000325,0000(325,000)(100.00%) Transfers in - #312 (City Hall Repairs)0000000.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues325,000159,0000484,0000(484,000)(100.00%) Expenditures General Government - IT capital replacements152,50000152,50050,000(102,500)(67.21%) Public Safety (UTV) 36,0000036,0000(36,000)(100.00%) Public Safety (police vehicle replacements)0000910,000910,0000.00% Facilities (Precinct repairs & improvements) 155,00000155,00030,000(125,000)(80.65%) Facilities (electric man-lift) 20,0000020,0000(20,000)(100.00%) Facilities (CenterPlace repairs & improvements)241,00000241,00060,000(181,000)(75.10%) Facilities (Clean building requirements)085,000085,0000(85,000)(100.00%) Parks & Rec (replace banquet chair at CP) 150,00000150,0000(150,000)(100.00%) Parks & Rec (motorized shades for Great Room)25,0000025,0000(25,000)(100.00%) Communications (Police staffing comm outreach)017,000017,0000(17,000)(100.00%) City Hall Repairs0000000.00% CLFR Related Project Expenditures03,131,00003,131,0000(3,131,000)(100.00%) Financial Software Capital Costs0550,0000550,0000(550,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #101 (Street Fund operations) 4,592,923(1,392,500)03,200,4230(3,200,423)(100.00%) Transfers out - #312 ('22 fund bal >50%)004,397,8324,397,8320(4,397,832)(100.00%) Transfers out - #501 (park maint vehicles) 085,000085,0000(85,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #503 (Public Safety Equip Replc)01,000,00001,000,000473,722(526,278)(52.63%) Total Nonrecurring Expenditures5,372,4233,475,5004,397,83213,245,7551,523,722(11,722,033)(88.50%) Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures(5,047,423)(3,316,500)(4,397,832)(12,761,755)(1,523,722) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(707,902)(4,511,628)(4,497,832)(9,717,362)(1,521,514) Beginning unrestricted fund balance50,122,45050,122,45040,405,088 Ending unrestricted fund balance49,414,54840,405,08838,883,574 Fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures85.23%67.95%61.49% Page 2 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS #101 - STREET FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Utility Tax900,00000900,000900,00000.00% Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax1,950,700001,950,7001,969,70019,0000.97% Multimodal Transportation Revenue137,50000137,500138,2007000.51% Right-of-Way Maintenance Fee100,00000100,000100,00000.00% Solid Waste Road Wear Fee 1,700,000001,700,0001,700,00000.00% Investment Interest10,0000010,00010,00000.00% Miscellaneous10,0000010,00010,00000.00% Transfer in - TBD Fund01,392,50001,392,5002,785,0001,392,500100.00% Total Recurring Revenues4,808,2001,392,50006,200,7007,612,9001,412,20022.77% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes1,641,850259,85101,901,7011,875,610(26,091)(1.37%) Street Program2,986,150(730,825)02,255,3252,044,287(211,038)(9.36%) Maintenance Shop24,5500024,55030,3225,77223.51% Winter Operations1,564,464001,564,4641,053,299(511,165)(32.67%) Bridge Program68,7500068,75068,000(750)(1.09%) Local Street Program1,579,560001,579,5600(1,579,560)(100.00%) Traffic Program6,000888,3650894,3651,177,367283,00231.64% Intergovernmental Payments1,160,000(385,000)0775,000745,000(30,000)(3.87%) Vehicle rentals - #501 (non-plow vehicle rental)41,9500041,95041,95000.00% Vehicle rentals - #501 (plow replace.)300,00000300,000300,00000.00% Total Recurring Expenditures9,373,27432,39109,405,6657,335,835(2,069,830)(22.01%) Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures(4,565,074)1,360,1090(3,204,965)277,065 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Transfers in - #0014,592,923(1,392,500)03,200,4230(3,200,423)(100.00%) Total Nonrecurring Revenues4,592,923(1,392,500)03,200,4230(3,200,423)(100.00%) Expenditures Capital Equipment Replacement Programs225,00000225,000135,000(90,000)(40.00%) Bridge Replacement Program25,0000025,0000(25,000)(100.00%) Traffic Signal Program Tools & Equipment057,375057,3750(57,375)(100.00%) Traffic Signal Program Office Furniture014,000014,0000(14,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #501 (Bucket Truck/Vehicles signal p 0205,0000205,0000(205,000)(100.00%) Total Nonrecurring Expenditures250,000276,3750526,375135,000(391,375)(74.35%) Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures4,342,923(1,668,875)02,674,048(135,000) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(222,151)(308,766)0(530,917)142,065 Beginning unrestricted fund balance4,599,5984,599,5984,068,681 Ending unrestricted fund balance4,377,4474,068,6814,210,746 #103 - PATHS & TRAILS FUND Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax8,200008,2008,3001001.22% Investment Interest1,000001,0002,0001,000100.00% Total revenues9,200009,20010,3001,10011.96% Expenditures Transfers out 0000000.00% Total expenditures0000000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures9,2009,20010,300 Beginning fund balance48,62048,62057,820 Ending fund balance57,82057,82068,120 Page 3 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #104 - HOTEL / MOTEL TAX - TOURISM FACILITIES FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax600,00000600,000590,000(10,000)(1.67%) Investment Interest 80,0000080,000200,000120,000150.00% Transfers in - #1050793,5750793,5750(793,575)(100.00%) Total revenues680,000793,57501,473,575790,000(683,575)(46.39%) Expenditures Transfers out - #316 (Cross Country Course)04,400,00004,400,0000(4,400,000)(100.00%) Total expenditures04,400,00004,400,0000(4,400,000)(100.00%) Revenues over (under) expenditures680,000(2,926,425)790,000 Beginning fund balance4,944,8154,944,8152,018,390 Ending fund balance5,624,8152,018,3902,808,390 #105 - HOTEL / MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax900,00000900,000900,00000.00% Investment Interest 10,0000010,00020,00010,000100.00% Total revenues910,00000910,000920,00010,0001.10% Expenditures Transfers out - #00130,0000030,00030,00000.00% Transfers out - #1040793,5750793,5750(793,575)(100.00%) Tourism Promotion1,252,200(793,575)0458,625893,000434,37594.71% Total expenditures1,282,200001,282,200923,000(359,200)(28.01%) Revenues over (under) expenditures(372,200)(372,200)(3,000) Beginning fund balance600,231600,231228,031 Ending fund balance228,031228,031225,031 #106 - SOLID WASTE FUND Revenues Solid Waste Administrative Fee250,00000250,000250,00000.00% Investment Interest 40,0000040,00070,00030,00075.00% Total revenues290,00000290,000320,00030,00010.34% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes000049,28949,2890.00% Education/Contract Admin290,00000290,00070,000(220,000)(75.86%) Total expenditures290,00000290,000119,289(170,711)(58.87%) Revenues over (under) expenditures00200,711 Beginning fund balance1,194,6361,194,6361,194,636 Ending fund balance1,194,6361,194,6361,395,347 #107 - PEG FUND Revenues Comcast PEG contribution63,0000063,00055,000(8,000)(12.70%) Investment Interest 3,000003,0005,0002,00066.67% Total revenues66,0000066,00060,000(6,000)(9.09%) Expenditures PEG Reimbursement - CMTV39,5000039,50039,50000.00% Capital Outlay33,5000033,50033,50000.00% Total expenditures73,0000073,00073,00000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures(7,000)(7,000)(13,000) Beginning fund balance237,911237,911230,911 Ending fund balance230,911230,911217,911 Page 4 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #108 - AFFORDABLE & SUPPORTIVE HOUSING SALES TAX FUND Revenues Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax200,00000200,000200,00000.00% Investment Interest8,000008,00015,0007,00087.50% Total revenues208,00000208,000215,0007,0003.37% Expenditures Professional Services0000000.00% Total expenditures0000000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures208,000208,000215,000 Beginning fund balance800,632800,6321,008,632 Ending fund balance1,008,6321,008,6321,223,632 #109 - TOURISM PROMOTION AREA FUND Revenues Tourism Promotion Area Fee1,200,000001,200,0001,300,000100,0008.33% Investment Interest0000000.00% Total revenues1,200,000001,200,0001,300,000100,0008.33% Expenditures Professional Services1,200,000381,00001,581,0001,275,000(306,000)(19.35%) Total expenditures1,200,000381,00001,581,0001,275,000(306,000)(19.35%) Revenues over (under) expenditures0(381,000)25,000 Beginning fund balance681,740681,740300,740 Ending fund balance681,740300,740325,740 #110 - HOMELESS HOUSING PROGRAM FUND Revenues Recording Fees640,000(350,000)0290,000290,00000.00% Total revenues640,000(350,000)0290,000290,00000.00% Expenditures Transfers out - #0010290,0000290,000344,00054,00018.62% Total expenditures0290,0000290,000344,00054,00018.62% Revenues over (under) expenditures640,0000(54,000) Beginning fund balance126,547126,547126,547 Ending fund balance766,547126,54772,547 #111 - TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT FUND Revenues Vehicle License Fees01,392,50001,392,5002,785,0001,392,500100.00% Total revenues01,392,50001,392,5002,785,0001,392,500100.00% Expenditures Transfers out - #10101,392,50001,392,5002,785,0001,392,500100.00% Total expenditures01,392,50001,392,5002,785,0001,392,500100.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures000 Beginning fund balance000 Ending fund balance000 Page 5 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #120 - CENTER PLACE OPERATING RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest0000000.00% Miscellaneous0000000.00% Total revenues0000000.00% Expenditures Operations0000000.00% Total expenditures0000000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures000 Beginning fund balance300,000300,000300,000 Ending fund balance300,000300,000300,000 #121 - SERVICE LEVEL STABILIZATION RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest00288,000288,000288,00000.00% Miscellaneous0000000.00% Total revenues00288,000288,000288,00000.00% Expenditures Operations0000000.00% Total expenditures0000000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures0288,000288,000 Beginning fund balance5,651,8545,651,8545,939,854 Ending fund balance5,651,8545,939,8546,227,854 #122 - WINTER WEATHER RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest6,000006,00015,0009,000150.00% Transfers in - #0010000000.00% Total revenues6,000006,00015,0009,000150.00% Expenditures Street maintenance expenditures500,00000500,000500,00000.00% Transfers out - #1010000000.00% Total expenditures500,00000500,000500,00000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures(494,000)(494,000)(485,000) Beginning fund balance548,568548,568554,568 Ending fund balance54,56854,56869,568 Page 6 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% DEBT SERVICE FUNDS #204 - LTGO BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Spokane Public Facilities District551,60000551,600569,40017,8003.23% Transfers in - #001398,95000398,950401,5502,6000.65% Total revenues950,55000950,550970,95020,4002.15% Expenditures Debt Service Payments - CenterPlace551,60000551,600569,40017,8003.23% Debt Service Payments - City Hall398,95000398,950401,5502,6000.65% Total expenditures950,55000950,550970,95020,4002.15% Revenues over (under) expenditures000 Beginning fund balance000 Ending fund balance000 Page 7 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS #301 - REET 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 1 - Taxes1,500,000001,500,0001,500,00000.00% Investment Interest90,0000090,000200,000110,000122.22% Total revenues1,590,000001,590,0001,700,000110,0006.92% Expenditures Transfers out - #303897,31200897,312851,885(45,427)(5.06%) Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 1,170,350001,170,3501,372,150201,80017.24% Transfers out - #314801008010(801)(100.00%) Total expenditures2,068,463002,068,4632,224,035155,5727.52% Revenues over (under) expenditures(478,463)(478,463)(524,035) Beginning fund balance5,860,5905,860,5905,382,127 Ending fund balance5,382,1275,382,1274,858,092 #302 - REET 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 2 - Taxes1,500,000001,500,0001,500,00000.00% Investment Interest100,00000100,000275,000175,000175.00% Total revenues1,600,000001,600,0001,775,000175,00010.94% Expenditures Transfers out - #303440,4370352,711793,148483,300(309,848)(39.07%) Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation)1,170,350001,170,3501,372,150201,80017.24% Transfers out - #314182,5000146,823329,32336,500(292,823)(88.92%) Total expenditures1,793,2870499,5342,292,8211,891,950(400,871)(17.48%) Revenues over (under) expenditures(193,287)(692,821)(116,950) Beginning fund balance5,278,6305,278,6304,585,809 Ending fund balance5,085,3434,585,8094,468,859 Page 8 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #303 - STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds6,949,896006,949,8967,333,906384,0105.53% Developer588,1300221,000809,1301,220,587411,45750.85% Transfers in - #301897,31200897,312851,885(45,427)(5.06%) Transfers in - #302440,4370352,711793,148483,300(309,848)(39.07%) Transfers in - #3120000200,000200,0000.00% Transfers in - #3150000000.00% Total revenues8,875,7750573,7119,449,48610,089,678640,1926.77% Expenditures 300Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement1,599,256001,599,2561,599,25600.00% 313Barker Rd/Union Pacific Crossing50,0000050,0001,060,8451,010,8452021.69% 320Sullivan Preservation - Sprague to 8th5,000005,0000(5,000)(100.00%) 321 Argonne Corridor Imprv - North of Knox19,6080019,60821,5001,8929.65% 3262020 Citywide Retroreflective Post Plates0000126,200126,2000.00% 327Sprague Stormwater & Crossing Project2,365,000002,365,0000(2,365,000)(100.00%) 329Barker Road Imp- City Limits to Appleway50,0000050,0002,793,1002,743,1005486.20% 346Bowdish Sidewalk 12th to 22nd2,106,777002,106,7772,106,77700.00% 347Broadway and Park Intersection410,13400410,1340(410,134)(100.00%) 348Barker Road Improvements- Appleway to I9000221,000221,0000(221,000)(100.00%) 351Barker Road Imp - Sprague to Appleway595,00000595,000255,000(340,000)(57.14%) 35416th Ave Preservation - Evergreen to Adams00352,711352,7110(352,711)(100.00%) 366S. Sullivan Preservation - 8th to 12th0000252,000252,0000.00% 367Subarea Transportation Plan0000200,000200,0000.00% Argonne Bridge675,00000675,000675,00000.00% Contingency1,000,000001,000,0001,000,00000.00% Total expenditures8,875,7750573,7119,449,48610,089,678640,1926.77% Revenues over (under) expenditures000 Beginning fund balance1,969,3551,969,3551,969,355 Ending fund balance1,969,3551,969,355 1,969,355 Note: Work performed for pavement preservation projects out of the Street Capital Projects Fund is for items such as sidewalk upgrades that the were bid with the pavement preservation work. #309 - PARK CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds00001,561,7611,561,7610.00% Transfers in - #001160,00000160,0000(160,000)(100.00%) Transfers in - #312220,0000326,299546,299300,000(246,299)(45.09%) Total revenues380,0000326,299706,2991,861,7611,155,462163.59% Expenditures 316Balfour Park improvements Phase 120,0000530,000550,0000(550,000)(100.00%) 328Sullivan Park water line002,0002,0000(2,000)(100.00%) Greenacres Park Phase 2200,00000200,0001,861,7611,661,761830.88% Total expenditures220,0000532,000752,0001,861,7611,109,761147.57% Revenues over (under) expenditures160,000(45,701)0 Beginning fund balance338,459338,459292,758 Ending fund balance498,459292,758292,758 #310 - CIVIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Investment Interest 1,200001,2001,20000.00% Total revenues1,200001,2001,20000.00% Expenditures Transfer out 0000000.00% Total expenditures0000000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures1,2001,2001,200 Page 9 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% Beginning fund balance19,27419,27420,474 Ending fund balance20,47420,47421,674 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #311 - PAVEMENT PRESERVATION Revenues Transfers in - #0011,021,900001,021,9000(1,021,900)(100.00%) Transfers in - #3011,170,350001,170,3501,372,150201,80017.24% Transfers in - #3021,170,350001,170,3501,372,150201,80017.24% Grant Proceeds00158,486158,486112,011(46,475)(29.32%) Total revenues3,362,6000158,4863,521,0862,856,311(664,775)(18.88%) Expenditures Pavement preservation3,500,0000299,9523,799,9522,000,000(1,799,952)(47.37%) Pre-project GeoTech50,0000050,00050,00000.00% Total expenditures3,550,0000299,9523,849,9522,050,000(1,799,952)(46.75%) Revenues over (under) expenditures(187,400)(328,866)806,311 Beginning fund balance4,127,3474,127,3473,798,481 Ending fund balance3,939,9473,798,4814,604,792 #312 - CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Revenues Transfers in - #001 ('22 fund bal >50%) 004,397,8324,397,8320(4,397,832)(100.00%) Grant Proceeds0000000.00% Investment Interest 500,00000500,000650,000150,00030.00% Total revenues500,00004,397,8324,897,832650,000(4,247,832)(86.73%) Expenditures Transfers out - #001 (City Hall Repairs)0000000.00% Transfers out - #303 (Subarea Transportation Plan) 0000200,000200,0000.00% Transfers out - #309 (Balfour Park Improvements Ph 20,0000324,299344,2990(344,299)(100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (Sullivan Park water line) 002,0002,0000(2,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (Greenacres Park Ph2)200,00000200,000300,000100,00050.00% Transfers out - #314 (Barker Rd Overpass) 725,00000725,0000(725,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #314 (Pines Rd Underpass)20,0940367,906388,0001,708,0231,320,023340.21% Transfers out - #314 (Sullivan Interchange) 61,6980(41,021)20,6770(20,677)(100.00%) WSDOT Sullivan Park Property Acquisition0759,6000759,6000(759,600)(100.00%) Total expenditures1,026,792759,600653,1842,439,5762,208,023(231,553)(9.49%) Revenues over (under) expenditures(526,792)2,458,256(1,558,023) Beginning fund balance11,996,25911,996,25914,454,515 Ending fund balance11,469,46714,454,515 12,896,492 #314 - RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATION PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds2,112,53003,356,1115,468,64139,496,67434,028,033622.24% Developer Contributions00308,592308,5920(308,592)(100.00%) Transfers in #301801008010(801)(100.00%) Transfers in #302182,5000146,823329,32336,500(292,823)(88.92%) Transfers in #312806,7920326,8851,133,6771,708,023574,34650.66% Total revenues3,102,62304,138,4117,241,03441,241,19734,000,163469.55% Expenditures 143Barker BNSF Grade Separation725,00000725,0000(725,000)(100.00%) 223Pines Rd Underpass273,67402,226,3262,500,00040,850,19738,350,1971534.01% 311Sullivan Rd Interchange2,153,94801,633,0523,787,000391,000(3,396,000)(89.68%) Total expenditures3,152,62203,859,3787,012,00041,241,19734,229,197488.15% Revenues over (under) expenditures(49,999)229,0340 Beginning fund balance117,460117,460346,494 Ending fund balance67,461346,494 346,494 Page 10 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #315 - TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES FUND Revenues Transportation Impact Fees300,00000300,000400,000100,00033.33% Investment Interest 000030,00030,0000.00% Total revenues300,00000300,000430,000130,00043.33% Expenditures Transfers out - #3030000000.00% Total expenditures0000000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures300,000300,000430,000 Beginning fund balance1,137,7931,137,7931,437,793 Ending fund balance1,437,7931,437,7931,867,793 #316 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Transfer in - #10404,400,00004,400,0000(4,400,000)(100.00%) Total revenues04,400,00004,400,0000(4,400,000)(100.00%) Expenditures Cross Country Course Project04,400,00004,400,0000(4,400,000)(100.00%) Total expenditures04,400,00004,400,0000(4,400,000)(100.00%) Revenues over (under) expenditures000 Beginning fund balance000 Ending fund balance000 Page 11 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402 - STORMWATER FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Stormwater Management Fees5,600,000005,600,0006,170,000570,00010.18% Investment Interest40,0000040,00090,00050,000125.00% Miscellaneous0000000.00% Total Recurring Revenues5,640,000005,640,0006,260,000620,00010.99% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes1,316,97632,34601,349,3221,578,815229,49317.01% Supplies44,7000044,70037,200(7,500)(16.78%) Services & Charges2,422,317002,422,3172,272,306(150,011)(6.19%) Intergovernmental Payments48,0000048,00048,00000.00% Vehicle rentals - #50113,0000013,0006,750(6,250)(48.08%) Total Recurring Expenditures3,844,99332,34603,877,3393,943,07165,7321.70% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures1,795,007(32,346)01,762,6612,316,929 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds0000000.00% Miscellaneous0000000.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues0000000.00% Expenditures Capital - various projects1,500,00001,110,0002,610,0001,500,000(1,110,000)(42.53%) Watershed studies150,00000150,000150,00000.00% Asset management software system000050,00050,0000.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures1,650,00001,110,0002,760,0001,700,000(1,060,000)(38.41%) Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures(1,650,000)0(1,110,000)(2,760,000)(1,700,000) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures145,007(32,346)(1,110,000)(997,339)616,929 Beginning working capital4,550,1584,550,1583,552,819 Ending working capital4,695,1653,552,8194,169,748 #403 - AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA Revenues Spokane County500,00000500,0000(500,000)(100.00%) Grant Proceeds0000000.00% Investment Interest20,0000020,00020,00000.00% Total revenues520,00000520,00020,000(500,000)(96.15%) Expenditures Capital - various projects1,000,000001,000,0001,000,00000.00% Effectiveness study55,0000055,0000(55,000)(100.00%) Total expenditures1,055,000001,055,0001,000,000(55,000)(5.21%) Revenues over (under) expenditures(535,000)(535,000)(980,000) Beginning working capital1,590,2481,590,2481,055,248 Ending working capital1,055,2481,055,24875,248 Page 12 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS #501 - ER&R FUND Revenues Vehicle rentals - #00146,7500046,75046,75000.00% Vehicle rentals - #10141,9500041,95041,95000.00% Vehicle rentals - #101 (plow replace.) 300,00000300,000300,00000.00% Vehicle rentals - #40213,0000013,00013,00000.00% Transfers in - #101 (IT equipment reserve)86,5000086,50092,5006,0006.94% Transfers in - #001 (new Parks Maint. vehicles) 085,000085,0000(85,000)(100.00%) Transfers in - #101 (New Signal Maint vehicles)0205,0000205,0000(205,000)(100.00%) Investment Interest20,0000020,00020,00000.00% Total revenues508,200290,0000798,200514,200(284,000)(35.58%) Expenditures Small tools & minor equipment10,0000010,00010,00000.00% Vehicle purchases120,000290,0000410,0000(410,000)(100.00%) Snow plow purchase300,00000300,000175,000(125,000)(41.67%) Heavy Duty Machinery & Equipment270,00000270,0000(270,000)(100.00%) Total expenditures700,000290,0000990,000185,000(805,000)(81.31%) Revenues over (under) expenditures(191,800)(191,800)329,200 Beginning working capital1,356,7221,356,7221,164,922 Ending working capital1,164,9221,164,9221,494,122 #502 - RISK MANAGEMENT FUND Revenues Investment Interest004,8004,8004,80000.00% Transfers in - #001700,00000700,000900,000200,00028.57% Total revenues700,00004,800704,800904,800200,00028.38% Expenditures Auto & Property Insurance700,0000125,000825,000900,00075,0009.09% Miscellaneous0000000.00% Total expenditures700,0000125,000825,000900,00075,0009.09% Revenues over (under) expenditures0(120,200)4,800 Beginning fund balance460,525460,525340,325 Ending fund balance460,525340,325345,125 #503 - PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Revenues Transfers in - #001 (replacement amts) 0473,7220473,722473,72200.00% (transfer for equipment for Transfers in - #001 future additional officers) 01,000,00001,000,0000(1,000,000)(100.00%) Total revenues01,473,72201,473,722473,722(1,000,000)(67.86%) Expenditures Equipment Purchases0000000.00% Total expenditures0000000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures01,473,722473,722 Beginning fund balance001,473,722 Ending fund balance01,473,7221,947,444 Page 13 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget 20242025Difference Between As1st2ndAsProposed2024 and 2025 AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmendedBudget$% FIDUCIARY FUNDS #632 - PASSTHROUGH FEES & TAXES FUND Revenues Fees & taxes collected for other governments500,0000100,000600,000600,00000.00% Total revenues500,0000100,000600,000600,00000.00% Expenditures Fees & taxes remitted to other governments500,0000100,000600,000600,00000.00% Total expenditures500,0000100,000600,000600,00000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures000 Beginning fund balance000 Ending fund balance000 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Total of Revenues for all Funds104,582,3718,448,7979,887,539122,918,707148,193,319 Total of Expenditures for all Funds106,404,95817,214,84012,150,591135,770,389149,115,603 Total grant revenues (included in total revenues)9,507,426159,0003,414,59713,081,02348,524,352 Total Capital expenditures (included in total expenditures)19,470,3976,085,9756,390,04131,916,41358,151,136 Page 14 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget General Fund 202420242025 Difference Between AdoptedProposedas of$as 2024 and 2025 BudgetAmended6/11/2024Changerevised$% RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax13,824,90013,824,90014,006,00075,00014,081,000256,1001.85% Sales Tax33,709,60033,709,60033,000,000033,000,000(709,600)(2.11%) Sales Tax - Public Safety 1,600,8001,600,8001,609,40001,609,4008,6000.54% Sales Tax - Criminal Justice2,818,5002,818,5002,833,70002,833,70015,2000.54% Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax485,000485,000522,0001,000523,00038,0007.84% Franchise Fees/Business Registration1,370,0001,370,0001,390,000(70,000)1,320,000(50,000)(3.65%) State Shared Revenues2,469,4002,469,4002,477,00050,4002,527,40058,0002.35% Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety500,600500,600500,600(18,500)482,100(18,500)(3.70%) Community and Public Works3,481,9003,481,9003,547,90069,0003,616,900135,0003.88% Recreation Program Revenues607,200607,200628,60029,500658,10050,9008.38% Grant Proceeds120,00020,00020,000020,00000.00% Miscellaneous Department Revenue87,00087,00087,000087,00000.00% Miscellaneous & Investment Interest1,211,2001,211,2002,010,80094,9002,105,700894,50073.85% Transfers in - #105 (h/m tax-CP advertising)30,00030,00030,000030,00000.00% Transfers in - #110 (recording fees H&H Services)0290,000290,00054,000344,00054,00018.62% Total Recurring Revenues62,316,10062,506,10062,953,000285,30063,238,300732,2001.17% Expenditures City Council721,407721,407754,1110754,11132,7044.53% City Manager863,883882,974868,450(10,000)858,450(24,524)(2.78%) y932,980951,382983,0890983,08931,7073.33% City Attorne City Services1,301,7251,324,5681,565,229(113,431)1,451,798127,2309.61% y35,251,24835,251,24837,751,97790,00037,841,9772,590,7297.35% Public Safet Additional Positions002,252,46472,5682,325,0322,325,0320.00% Deputy City Manager595,023610,226637,3810637,38127,1554.45% Finance1,422,4581,457,1561,506,68401,506,68449,5283.40% Human Resources380,533389,117410,751(8,471)402,28013,1633.38% y446,178457,384444,1251,528445,653(11,731)(2.56%) Information Technolog Facilities1,313,6851,325,7231,413,484(29,233)1,384,25158,5284.41% Public Works - Administration400,427409,432405,023(24,376)380,647(28,785)(7.03%) Engineering2,015,4302,056,6812,118,034(101,696)2,016,338(40,343)(1.96%) Building2,240,9562,285,6622,354,430(232,445)2,121,985(163,677)(7.16%) Economic Development1,189,8061,208,5141,244,35001,244,35035,8362.97% Planning1,081,0901,099,1331,113,019(792)1,112,22713,0941.19% Parks & Rec - Administration720,793509,182456,9810456,981(52,201)(10.25%) Net Parks & Rec - Maintenance1,398,5832,334,1652,535,908(111,865)2,424,04389,8783.85% Parks & Rec - Recreation 346,310349,947376,949(15,714)361,23511,2883.23%difference Parks & Rec - Aquatics569,200569,2000677,500677,500108,30019.03%$197,101 Parks & Rec - Senior Center33,99434,78245,678(10,476)35,2024201.21% Parks & Rec - CenterPlace675,980685,212724,6280724,62839,4165.75% General Government1,707,5401,707,5401,683,34012,8601,696,200(11,340)(0.66%) (2016 LTGO debt service)398,950398,950401,5500401,5502,6000.65%Net Transfers out - #204 Transfers out - #309 (park capital projects)160,000160,000000(160,000)(100.00%)difference Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 1,021,9001,021,900000(1,021,900)(100.00%)($1,458,362) Transfers out - #501 (IT equip reserve)86,50086,50092,500092,5006,0006.94% (insurance premium)700,000700,000800,000100,000900,000200,00028.57% Transfers out - #502 (public safety equipment)0473,722000(473,722)(100.00%) Transfers out - #503 Total Recurring Expenditures57,976,57959,461,70762,940,135295,95763,236,0923,774,3856.35% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures4,339,5213,044,39312,865(10,657)2,208 Page 15 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 2025 Budget General Fund 202420242025 Difference Between AdoptedProposedas of$as 2024 and 2025 BudgetAmended6/11/2024Changerevised$% NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds (CLFR)0159,000000(159,000)(100.00%) Grant Proceeds (Comp Plan amendment)325,000325,000000(325,000)(100.00%) Total Nonrecurring Revenues325,000484,000000(484,000)(100.00%) Expenditures General Government - IT capital replacements152,500152,50050,000050,000(102,500)(67.21%) Public Safety (UTV)36,00036,000000(36,000)(100.00%) (police vehicle replacements)000910,000910,000910,0000.00% Public Safety Facilities (Precinct repairs & improvements)155,000155,000030,00030,000(125,000)(80.65%) (electric man-lift)20,00020,000000(20,000)(100.00%) Facilities Facilities (CenterPlace repairs & improvements)241,000241,000060,00060,000(181,000)(75.10%) (Clean building requirements)085,000000(85,000)(100.00%) Facilities Parks & Rec (replace banquet chair at CP)150,000150,000000(150,000)(100.00%) (motorized shades for Great Room)25,00025,000000(25,000)(100.00%) Parks & Rec (Police staffing comm outreach)017,000000(17,000)(100.00%) Communications CLFR Related Project Expenditures03,131,000000(3,131,000)(100.00%) Financial Software Capital Costs0550,000000(550,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #101 (Street Fund operations)4,592,9233,200,423000(3,200,423)(100.00%) ('22 fund bal >50%)04,397,832000(4,397,832)(100.00%) Transfers out - #312 (park maint vehicles)085,000000(85,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #501 (Public Safety Equip Replc)01,000,0000473,722473,722(526,278)(52.63%) Transfers out - #503 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures5,372,42313,245,75550,0001,473,7221,523,722(11,722,033)(88.50%) Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures(5,047,423)(12,761,755)(50,000)(1,523,722) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(707,902)(9,717,362)(37,135)(1,521,514) Beginning unrestricted fund balance50,122,45050,122,45040,405,08840,405,088 Ending unrestricted fund balance49,414,54840,405,08840,367,95338,883,574 Ending fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures =64.14%61.49% Recurring Expenditures Public Safety35,251,24835,251,24840,004,441162,56840,167,00913.94%63.52% All other departments22,725,33124,210,45922,935,694133,38923,069,083-4.71%36.48% 57,976,57959,461,70762,940,135295,95763,236,0926.35%100.00% Page 16 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 General Fund #001 2025 Budget Worksheets - General Fund Changes from June 11 to September 17, 2024 Line-ItemLine-Item Budget @IncreaseBudget @ Account NumberDescription6/11/2024(Decrease)9/17/2024 Revenues GG3111100311001Property Tax14,006,00075,00014,081,000 GG316830318300Amusement Games14,0001,00015,000 GG321910329100Franchise Fees1,170,000(70,000)1,100,000 GG336620330620CJ - High Crime300,00044,000344,000 GG336621330621MVET CJ - Population43,00050043,500 GG336625330625CJ Contracted Services200,00031,000231,000 GG336626330626CJ Special Programs151,400900152,300 GG336642330642Marijuana Excise Tax Distribution178,20045,800224,000 GG336694330694Liquor Board Excise Ta x776,500(62,800)713,700 GG336695330695Liquor Board Profits810,900(9,000)801,900 PS341320343201Court Records Services200(100)100 PS341330343301Warrant Cost - Current Exp1,0002001,200 PS341330343303Deferred Prosc Admin Costs1,500(200)1,300 PS341620346201Copy/Tape Services100(100)0 PS342100341020Public Safety False Alarm Services62,000(7,000)55,000 PS342300343308Transfer Offender100(100)0 PS342500345002Convenience Fee Court 1/131,000(200)800 PS342500345003Convenience Fee Conviction 1/13500(100)400 PS352300353001Mand. Insurance Costs2,500(500)2,000 PS353100351001Traffic Infractions - Local224,0006,000230,000 PS353100351003JIS Trauma - Local20,000(15,000)5,000 PS354000350001PR - Handicapped1,500(400)1,100 PS355200352000DWI44,000(2,000)42,000 PS355800358001Traffic Misdemeanor42,000(2,000)40,000 PS361400364104Interest on Notes & Contracts7,0003,00010,000 EG322400324000Right of Way Permist200,00010,000210,000 BD322100321001Building Permit1,800,00050,0001,850,000 BD322100321003Grading Permit30,0003,00033,000 BD341810348101Maps & Documents300(300)0 BD322900329002UFC Permit Fees7,000(1,000)6,000 BD345830348305Preliminary Subdivision55,0002,00057,000 BD345830348307Shoreline Development Permit2,0006002,600 BD345830348314Vacation or Alterations to Subdivision2,0005002,500 BD345830348316Appeal of an Administrative Decision3,500(800)2,700 BD345830348319Variance1,000(500)500 BD345830348323Sign Review6,0005006,500 BD345830348326Site Plan Review100,0005,000105,000 RC347600346011Youth Programs90,0005,00095,000 PR362000363043Valley Mission Shelter5,500(500)5,000 PR362000363045Western Dance Hall Lease6,000(1,000)5,000 CP362000364002CP - Great Room Rental250,00025,000275,000 CP369910369100Misc Revenue6004001,000 PC369910369103Equipment Reserve3,6006004,200 GG361100361100Investment Interest1,905,10094,9002,000,000 GG397000391100Transfers in - #110290,00054,000344,000 285,300 Page 17 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 General Fund #001 2025 Budget Worksheets - General Fund Changes from June 11 to September 17, 2024 Line-ItemLine-Item Budget @IncreaseBudget @ Account NumberDescription6/11/2024(Decrease)9/17/2024 Expenditures City Manager R20,000(10,000)10,000 CM513100541005Professional Services (10,000) City Services AD518900510000Wages - City ServicesR342,480(8,256)334,224 AD51890052000XPayroll Taxes and Benefits - City ServicesR115,450(949)114,501 PI557200510000Wages - CommunicationR272,100(11,604)260,496 PI55720052000XPayroll Taxes and BenefitsR94,342(13,422)80,920 PI557200541005Professional ServicesR80,000(35,000)45,000 PI557200541017Advertising/Public InformationR46,200(34,200)12,000 PI557200542002PostageR20,000(10,000)10,000 (113,431) Public Safety R30,918,4391,000,00031,918,439 PS521200546052Law Enforcement (Sheriff) R2,252,46472,5682,325,032 PS521200546052Law Enforcement - Additional Positions R910,000(910,000)0 PS521200546064Law Enforcement Vehicles N0910,000910,000 PS521299564006Law Enforcement Vehicles 1,072,568 Human Resources HR518100510000WagesR277,135(7,598)269,537 HR51810052000XPayroll Taxes and BenefitsR104,476(873)103,603 (8,471) Information Technology 510000WagesR300,2641,296301,560 IT518800 52000XPayroll Taxes and BenefitsR130,211232130,443 IT518800 1,528 Facilities FA518300510000WagesR358,693(6,637)352,056 FA51830052000XPayroll Taxes and BenefitsR189,956(22,596)167,360 PM521599654005Facilities (Precinct repairs & improvements)N030,00030,000 Facilities (CenterPlace repairs & improvements) CX575599548007N060,00060,000 60,767 Public Works Administration PW518900510000WagesR268,368(21,756)246,612 PW518900520001Payroll Taxes and BenefitsR80,860(2,620)78,240 (24,376) Engineering EG543100510000Wages - General EngineeringR674,369(33,245)641,124 EG54310052000XPayroll Taxes and BenefitsR277,827(18,515)259,312 EG558500510000Wages - Development EngineeringR565,633(37,258)528,375 EG55850052000XPayroll Taxes and BenefitsR202,755(12,678)190,077 (101,696) Building BD558500510000WagesR1,134,672(68,445)1,066,227 BD55850052000XPayroll Taxes and BenefitsR490,857(64,000)426,857 BD524600549008Code Enforcement AbatementR200,000(100,000)100,000 (232,445) Planning WagesR543,372(672)542,700 PL558600510000 Payroll Taxes and BenefitsR195,447(120)195,327 PL55860052000X (792) Page 18 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 General Fund #001 2025 Budget Worksheets - General Fund Changes from June 11 to September 17, 2024 Line-ItemLine-Item Budget @IncreaseBudget @ Account NumberDescription6/11/2024(Decrease)9/17/2024 Expenditures - cont. Parks & Recreation PX576800510000Wages - MaintenanceR151,524(67,812)83,712 PX57680052000XPayroll Taxes and BenefitsR90,952(44,053)46,899 RC571000510000Wages - RecreationR122,443(13,327)109,116 RC57100052000 XPayroll Taxes and BenefitsR36,965(2,387)34,578 R0500500 AQ576200531001Office & Operating Supplies R01,7501,750 AQ576200540001Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) R0612,650612,650 AQ576200541005Professional Services R06,0006,000 AQ576200542002Telephone Service R02,5002,500 AQ576200544003Taxes and Assessments R020,00020,000 AQ576200547001Electricity R013,50013,500 AQ576200547002Water R010,00010,000 AQ576200547003Sewer R0500500 AQ576200548001Equipment Repair & Maintenance R04,1004,100 AQ576200549006Miscellaneous Services R06,0006,000 AQ576200549023Scholarship Expense SC575500510000Wages - Senior CenterR32,429(8,885)23,544 SC57550052000XPayroll Taxes and BenefitsR7,011(1,591)5,420 539,445 General Government GG553700546058Spokane Regional Clean Air AgencyR217,44012,860230,300 GG597000500502Transfer Out - #502R800,000100,000900,000 GG597099500503Transfer Out - #503N0473,722473,722 586,582 Total changes in General Fund expenditures1,769,679 R = recurring295,957 N = nonrecurring1,473,722 1,769,679 Page 19 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2025 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2024 to 2025 Difference Between 20242024 and 2025 Amended2025Increase (Decrease) BudgetBudget$% City Council Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits368,807384,41115,6044.23% Supplies3,0001,100(1,900)(63.33%) Services & Charges349,600368,60019,0005.43% Total721,407754,11132,7044.53% City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits793,974776,450(17,524)(2.21%) Supplies6,7006,000(700)(10.45%) Services & Charges82,30076,000(6,300)(7.65%) Total882,974858,450(24,524)(2.78%) City Attorney Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits797,155824,42027,2653.42% Supplies6,2536,4451923.07% Services & Charges147,974152,2244,2502.87% Total951,382983,08931,7073.33% City Services Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits892,628928,23835,6103.99% Supplies2,5002,300(200)(8.00%) Services & Charges429,440521,26091,82021.38% Total1,324,5681,451,798127,2309.61% Public Safety Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits0223,200223,2000.00% Supplies25,20030,0004,80019.05% Other Services and Charges203,700203,70000.00% Intergovernmental Services35,022,34839,710,1094,687,76113.39% Total35,251,24840,167,0094,915,76113.94% Deputy City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits599,936628,11428,1784.70% Supplies50050000.00% Services & Charges9,7908,767(1,023)(10.45%) Total610,226637,38127,1554.45% Finance Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits1,434,4561,481,51847,0623.28% Supplies3,5005,6662,16661.89% Services & Charges19,20019,5003001.56% Total1,457,1561,506,68449,5283.40% Human Resources Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits354,207373,14018,9335.35% Supplies2,2001,700(500)(22.73%) Services & Charges32,71027,440(5,270)(16.11%) Total389,117402,28013,1633.38% (Continued to next page) Page 20 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2025 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2024 to 2025 Difference Between 20242024 and 2025 Amended2025Increase (Decrease) BudgetBudget$% (Continued from previous page) Information Technology Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits444,284432,003(12,281)(2.76%) Supplies50065015030.00% Services & Charges12,60013,0004003.17% Total457,384445,653(11,731)(2.56%) Facilities Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits539,193524,416(14,777)(2.74%) Supplies128,900101,900(27,000)(20.95%) Services & Charges657,630757,935100,30515.25% Total1,325,7231,384,25158,5284.41% Public Works Administration Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits351,972324,852(27,120)(7.71%) Supplies1,0001,00000.00% Services & Charges56,46054,795(1,665)(2.95%) Total409,432380,647(28,785)(7.03%) Engineering Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits1,683,4561,655,184(28,272)(1.68%) Supplies36,10037,4501,3503.74% Services & Charges337,125323,704(13,421)(3.98%) Total2,056,6812,016,338(40,343)(1.96%) Building Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits1,861,3071,787,315(73,992)(3.98%) Supplies41,45044,4503,0007.24% Services & Charges382,905290,220(92,685)(24.21%) Total2,285,6622,121,985(163,677)(7.16%) Economic Development Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits751,724792,16040,4365.38% Supplies5,4005,40000.00% Services & Charges451,390446,790(4,600)(1.02%) Total1,208,5141,244,35035,8362.97% Planning Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits729,858738,0278,1691.12% Supplies5,5304,300(1,230)(22.24%) Services & Charges363,745369,9006,1551.69% Total1,099,1331,112,22713,0941.19% Parks & Rec- Admin Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits325,532311,603(13,929)(4.28%) Supplies3,9002,800(1,100)(28.21%) Services & Charges179,750142,578(37,172)(20.68%) Total509,182456,981(52,201)(10.25%) (Continued to next page) Page 21 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2025 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2024 to 2025 Difference Between 20242024 and 2025 Amended2025Increase (Decrease) BudgetBudget$% (Continued from previous page) Parks & Rec- Maintenance Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits224,276130,611(93,665)(41.76%) Supplies60,00059,500(500)(0.83%) Services & Charges2,049,8892,233,932184,0438.98% Total2,334,1652,424,04389,8783.85% Parks & Rec- Recreation Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits249,922260,98211,0604.43% Supplies16,60019,0002,40014.46% Services & Charges83,42581,253(2,172)(2.60%) Total349,947361,23511,2883.23% Parks & Rec- Aquatics Supplies2,000500(1,500)(75.00%) Services & Charges567,200677,000109,80019.36% Total569,200677,500108,30019.03% Parks & Rec- Senior Center Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits28,00728,9649573.42% Supplies1,6001,60000.00% Services & Charges5,1754,638(537)(10.38%) Total34,78235,2024201.21% Parks & Rec- CenterPlace Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits499,745530,92231,1776.24% Supplies38,86350,06311,20028.82% Services & Charges146,604143,643(2,961)(2.02%) Total685,212724,62839,4165.75% General Government Supplies71,70072,5008001.12% Services & Charges1,303,4001,155,400(148,000)(11.35%) Intergovernmental Services317,440453,300135,86042.80% Capital outlays15,00015,00000.00% Total1,707,5401,696,200(11,340)(0.66%) Transfers out - #204 debt service398,950401,5502,6000.65% Transfers out - #309 park capital proj160,0000(160,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #311 Pavement Preservation1,021,9000(1,021,900)(100.00%) Transfers out - #50186,50092,5006,0006.94% Transfers out - #502700,000900,000200,00028.57% Transfers out - #503473,7220(473,722)(100.00%) Total recurring expenditures59,461,70763,236,0923,774,3856.35% (Continued to next page) Page 22 of 24 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2025 Budget\\Budget Worksheets\\RCAs and PowerPoint Presentations\\2024 09 17\\budget summary as of 2024 09 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2025 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2024 to 2025 Difference Between 20242024 and 2025 Amended2025Increase (Decrease) BudgetBudget$% (Continued from previous page) Summary by Category Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits12,930,43913,136,530206,0911.59% Supplies463,396454,824(8,572)(1.85%) Services & Charges7,872,0128,072,279200,2672.54% Transfers out - #204398,950401,5502,6000.65% Transfers out - #309160,0000(160,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #311 - Pavement Preserv1,021,9000(1,021,900)(100.00%) Transfers out - #50186,50092,5006,0006.94% Transfers out - #502700,000900,000200,00028.57% Transfers out - #503473,7220(473,722)(100.00%) Intergovernmental Svc (public safety)35,022,34839,710,1094,687,76113.39% Intergovernmental Svc317,440453,300135,86042.80% Capital outlay15,00015,00000.00% 59,461,70763,236,0923,774,3856.35% Page 23 of 24 (7)(6)(7)(7)(7) (6),(7) + (-) 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000 2024 to 2025 Difference from 0.250.250 Proposed AmendedAmendedProposed 2.852.852.852.15(0.700) 4.844.843330.000 Page 24 of 24 44455550.000 Full Time Equivalent Employees CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Adopted 000000000000000000000000000000000000 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) 55576. 201520162017201820192020202120222023202420242025 FTEs for 2017 reflect the reorganization that was effective in April 2017.FTEs for 2018 reflect the budget amendment approved on May 29, 2018.FTEs for 2022 reflect the reorganization that was effective in early 2022.FTEs for 2023 reflect the budget amendments approved on May 30 and November 21, 2023.FTEs for 2024 reflect the budget amendment approved on June 4, 2024.Reallocated 0.25 FTE from Engineering to Solid Waste based on actual work load.Various reallocations of existing staff to reflect actual work load. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) City Manager / City ClerkCity Attorney3333.53.5City ServicesPublic SafetyDeputy City ManagerFinance11.7511.7511.7511.7511.7511.7511.759.759.759.759.759.750.000Human ResourcesInformation TechnologyPublic Works7.3757.3756.375FacilitiesCPW - AdministrationCPW - Engineering00012.513.27513.02514.02513.82510.8511.111.110.35(0.750)CPW - Building0001820212015151515150.000Economic Development0006.375665.776.774.774.774.774.770.000PlanningCED - AdministrationCED - Economic Development2.52.654CED - Development Services111110CED - EngineeringCED - PlanningCED - Building141415Parks & Rec - AdminParks & Rec - MaintenanceParks & Rec - RecreationParks & Rec - Senior CenterParks & Rec - CenterPlace Total General Fund73.62573.77574.12574.12574.02576.27577.0458 1.84581.87084.12084.12084.3700.250 Total Authorized FTEs87.2587.487.7589.2593.7595.2596.25103.25112.25118.25118.25119.251.000Less Unfunded PositionsTotal Funded FTES87.2587.487.7589.2593.7595.2596. 25103.25112.25118.25118.25116.25 #106 - Solid Waste Fund#303 - Street Capital Project Fund3.53.53.558. - Stormwater Fund4. - Stormwater Capital Projects #001 - General Fund#101 - Street Fund5.7255.7255.7255.7257.7257.4757.4757.4759.510.82510.82510.25(0.575) CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 6/11/2024 2025 Budget Supplemental Requests Account NumberAccount TitleDescriptionAmount #001 - General Fund Facilities nPM521599-564005nPM521599-564005Capital MachinerCapital MachinerCapital Machineryyyyyyy & Equipment & Equipment & Equipment Replace last in-ground vehicle liftReplace last in-ground vehicle lift 30,00030,000 gg Repair & Maint. Repair & Maint.Replace carpeting at CenterPlaceReplace carpeting at CenterPlaceReplace carpeting at CenterPlace 30,00030,000 nCX575500-548007BuildinnCX575500-548007BuildinnCX575500-548007Buildin Replace wallpaper in the Great Room at Replace wallpaper in the Great Room at nCX575500-548007Building Repair & Maint.nCX575500-548007Building Repair & Maint.nCX575500-548007Building Repair & Maint.CenterPlaceCenterPlace 30,00030,000 nTo be determinedReplacement Fund Establish asset replacement fund?? 90,000 Parks & Recreation nCP594759-564001Capital Furniture & Equipment CenterPlace Great Room audio refresh 80,000 80,000 Total General Fund170,000 recurringr0 nonrecurringn170,000 170,000 #402 - Stormwater Fund Temp/Seasonal Wages, Taxes & SW531000-511000/52100X rBenefits Two interns to assist Stormwater program 56,450 nSW594319-564012nSW594319-564012Capital Computer SoftwareCapital Computer Software Asset management systemAsset management systemAsset management system for Stormwater for Stormwater 50,00050,000 Recurring licensing costs for asset Recurring licensing costs for asset rSW531000-548031rSW531000-548031rSW531000-548031Software LicensesSoftware Licenses managementmanagementmanagementmanagement system system 50,00050,000 Total Stormwater Fund156,450 #501 - Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund#501 - Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund#501 - Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund FM594420-564006FM594420-564006Snow PloSnow Ploww replace one snow plowreplace one snow plow 175,000175,000 Total Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund175,000 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 17, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing informationadmin. reportpending legislationexecutive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Energy Efficiency Retrofit Grant GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Clean Building Law (House Bill 1257 & Senate Bill 5722) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: April 12, 2024: Admin report -Clean Building Requirements and two potential grant opportunities April 23, 2024: Motion Consideration - Clean Building Requirements and two potential grant opportunities July 30, 2024: Motion Consideration – Clean Building Requirements and potential grant opportunity BACKGROUND: Governor Inslee signed the Clean Building Law (H.B. 1257) in 2019 and Senate Bill 5722 in 2022. The Department of Commerce (Commerce) developed energy performance standards for non- residential buildings. Tier 2 buildings have a gross area between 20,000 and 50,000 square feet (sq ft). Tier 1 buildings have a gross area that exceeds 50,000 sq ft. These requirements apply to three city-owned buildings: CenterPlace (56,055 sq ft), City Hall (65,299 sq ft) and the Police Precinct (22,010 sq ft). Compliance dates for the city’s Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings are June 1, 2028, and June 1, 2027, respectively. These standards implement the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 100-2018. WAC 194-50-001. The law aims to reduce carbon pollution caused by non-residential buildings by establishing energy use intensity targets (EULT) specific to Washington. The law has the added effect of requiring buildings to efficiently use energy saving measures. There are several preliminary steps required for compliance. First, the City must conduct a benchmark for Tier 1 buildings which is the process of measuring and tracking energy use. This process is intended to document building characteristics and energy consumption so it can be compared to similar buildings. The benchmark was completed for City Hall and CenterPlace and indicates that City Hall meets the required target, however, CenterPlace does not. An energy audit will be required for CenterPlace to determine the most cost effective measures to achieve the required target. For Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings, the City also has to establish and implement an operation and maintenance (O&M) program. The purpose of this program is to preserve the life of energy systems. The O&M program must be implemented at least 12 months prior to the compliance date. Concurrently, the City must establish an energy management plan which identifies energy efficiency measures that will enable the building to meet its target energy use. The energy management plan establishes energy efficiency measures to reach and maintain compliance, develops a replacement schedule of key assets, establishes training plans. The State of Washington Department of Commerce recently released a call for projects for Energy Efficiency Retrofit Grants. Applications are due on September 25, 2024: Key grant information includes: Page 1 of 2 $14M is available statewide. However, $5.6M is only available for large cities and counties. The rest is reserved for educational institutions and small towns. Minimum match is 15%, except the match is reduced to 5% projects located in locations shown on the CEJEST Map of overburdened and disadvantaged communities. CenterPlace is located in a census track that qualifies for the lower match. Potential grant awards range from $100,000 to $1M. Tier 1 buildings pursuing the Clean Buildings Performance Standard prioritized. A level 1, level 2 or targeted level 2 audit must be submitted with the application. The cost this audit is $21K and is reimbursable is project receives an award. Applications are due on September 25, 2024. The initial benchmark for CenterPlace completed this spring concluded that CenterPlace is not meeting the Clean Building performance standards and retrofits will be needed. This grant has the potential to pay for energy upgrades. The City hired Custom Energy Consultants (CEC) to conduct the required audit for the grant application. CEC is familiar with this grant and has submitted applications in previous biennia. Based on the available grant funds, CEC recommends applying for relatively low-cost measures with high energy savings potential. As part of the Targeted ASHRAE 2 Energy Audit, CEC performed a detailed walk through and investigation of the HVAC systems. CEC does not recommend replacing the large equipment at this time. CEC recommends completing a full retro-commissioning of the HVAC systems in the building to restore proper operation of HVAC equipment, restore freeze protection, reduce energy use, and improve thermal comfort and indoor air quality. This should be the first step in upgrading the HVAC equipment in the building. To make the grant application more competitive, CEC also recommends that lighting in CenterPlace be converted to LED. The cost of these measures, required City match, and estimated annual energy savings are shown below: Measure Initial Cost 5% City Match 95% Grant Annual Energy Simple Savings Payback* Retro-Commissioning $155,000 $15,700 LED Lighting $110,000 $11,000 Energy Audit$25,000 Totals $290,000$14,500 $275,500 $26,700 9.9Years *Does not include the cost of the audit. OPTIONS: 1) Proceed with the staff recommendation and move to authorize the City Manager to apply for the Energy Retrofit Grant, or 2) take other appropriate action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize the City Manager to apply for the Energy Retrofit Grant Program as proposed by staff. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The 2024 budget does not include funding to comply with the Clean Building requirements. The required City match for this grant is $14,500. The annual energy savings, for implementing these measures, are expected to be $26,700 which exceeds the City’s investment. STAFF CONTACT: Gloria Mantz, City Services Administrator ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation Page 2 of 2 Background Clean Building Requirements Energy Efficiency Retrofit Grant Energy Efficiency Retrofit Grant Budget Implications Next Steps CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 17, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing informationadmin. reportpending legislationexecutive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE:2025State Legislative Agenda GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Admin report on the initial draft of the 2025 State Legislative Agenda. BACKGROUND: Briahna Murray of Gordon Thomas Honeywell Government Relations will be present and the Council will have an opportunity for discussion of the draft Legislative Agenda. Following this administrative report, a motion for consideration is planned for October 1. A discussion with the 4th District delegation will be scheduled after the November election and prior to the Legislative session that begins January 13, 2025. The draft 2025 Legislative Agenda has a refreshed look and incorporates some of the priorities from the workplan Council adopted in July. Accordingly, the section headers and policy statement titles have been updated to better align with the Council’s current priorities. Page 1 features key areas of focus including two potential options to discuss for Capital Budget requests (Plantes Ferry Sports Complex with Spokane County or Spokane Valley Sport Courts), a Transportation Budget request for the Barker/I-90 Interchange design and RCO grant support for Balfour Park’s signature playground and spray park. This section also includes clarifying the administrative fee collected on document recording fees and increasing the cannabis tax revenue distribution to cities. It is intended to highlight issues the City of Spokane Valley will take a leadership role in. Support for regional items of importance include funding assistance for Spokane County’s helicopter units for law enforcement and for the expansion of the County’s Regional Stabilization Center. Policy issues continue to prioritize public safety/behavioral health, housing affordability, local decision-making authority, fiscal management and reducing costs through reform. OPTIONS: For discussion only. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion with feedback on the draft document. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Virginia Clough, Legislative Policy Coordinator and Briahna Murray, Gordon Thomas Honeywell Government Relations. ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint presentation, Draft 2025 Agenda 4 StateLegislative Agenda 10210 E Sprague Avenue · Spokane Valley, WA 99206Phone: 509-720-5000 · SpokaneValleyWA.gov KEY LEGISLATIVE FOCUS ITEMS B`ohs`k9Ok`ms The City joins Spokane County in requesting $2 million for improvements at thePlantes FerrySports Complex. Plantes Ferry Sports Complex is a 95-acre park that hosts several community and competitive events a yearand is noted as an important component of the City’s Tourism Strategy. A Comprehensive Master Plan for the Plante’s Ferry Sports Complex was prepared by Spokane County and City of Spokane Valley in 2023. B`ohs`k The City asks the state for $1 million for construction of the sport courts component of the Balfour Park Expansion Master Plan. The sport courts will consist of two basketball courts and four pickle ball courts with surfacing, striping, fencing, lighting, benchesand a drinking fountain. , The City asks the state to contribute funding towardthe estimated $4 million forthe design phase ofthe Barker/I-90 Interchange. Massive industrial and residential growth spanning Spokane Valley, Spokane County and Liberty Lake currently overwhelms the interchange that operates at a Level of Service “E” or “F” during rush hours, equating to standstill traffic conditions with unstable traffic flow and extensive congestion. The interchange serves over 800 acres of industrial property and 220 acres of homes within city limits alone. Barker Road is a key arterial for vehicles accessing Interstate 90, the east-west Sprague Avenue Corridor and the city’s Northeast Industrial Area. The City supports funding for the Recreation and Conservation Office’s (RCO) grant programs. This th biennium, the City is ranked 7for a $2 million award fromthe Land Water Conservation Fund and rd ranked 3for a $500,000 million awardfromthe Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program’s Local Parks programto develop a signature playground and spray park. r The Council requests that the Legislature clarify that the administrative fee collected on document recording fee revenues for local governments be limited to no more than 10%, and that the administrative fee is allocated to the jurisdiction that has assumed responsibility for managing the local homelessness plan that the document record fee revenues are allocated to implement. The Council requests that the Legislature increase the percentage of cannabis tax revenues distributed to cities. In 2023, about $466million in cannabis revenue was collected; only 5% of this revenue is allocated to local governments. SUPPORT FOR REGIONAL ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE The City supports a $10 million request from the four agencies operating helicopter units in Washington State. This critical funding will allow Spokane County, Chelan County, King County and Snohomish County to better manage pursuits and provide search and rescue services for missing persons across the state without burdening their own taxpayers. The City supports Spokane County’s request to expand its Stabilization Center that provides 23- hour crisis relief and immediate intervention to address the opioid crisis. The program is intended to reduce the demand on emergency services, decrease recidivism and promote positive outcomes. POLICY ISSUES Public safety is the City Council’s highest priority. The Spokane Valley City Council and its residents support a commonsense and meaningful approach to public safety policies that protect lives and property and do not erode trust in government. Examples include: Limiting access to and increasing penalties for the possession of controlled substances, especially fentanyl. Increasing resources to hire, train, retain and protect law enforcement officers. Enacting policies and increased penalties to address rising retail theft and property crimes. Supporting efforts to reduce traffic fatalities at no additional cost to residents. Increasing investments in alternative response teams, such as the City’s behavioral health unit and homeless outreach teams that pair an officer with either a social worker or a mental health professional in a co-responder model. Funding and policies that increase the availability of public defense and prosecution without creating an unfunded mandate at the local level. Encouraging the state to fully fund and support a comprehensive behavioral and mental health system, including quick access to treatment beds, to serve all areas of the state. The City asks for the state’s partnership in increasing available affordable housing in a manner consistent with the City’s 2021 Housing Action Plan. To preserve existing affordable housing, the city supports statewide resources to assist in the development of local programs that can help identify potential displacement risks from land use changes, provide homeowner and tenant resource assistance, ensure safe rental housing and collect key data on rental housing properties. To increase the stock of market rate and affordable housing, we promote policies to reduce the costs of constructing new housing through establishing a local housing trust fund, reforming condominium liability regulations, reducing state energy and building codes and offering incentives to housing developers that produce affordable and market rate housing. K, A foundational belief for the Spokane Valley City Council and the residents they represent is that the most effective level of government is the one closest to the people. As such, the Council urges the Legislature to honor local decision-making, which is a product of extensive community input and involvement. Some examples include management of right-of-way and land use decisions. The City recognizes that the State and the City are inextricably tied together financially through the distribution of statewide revenues to the City. As such, the City of Spokane Valley calls on the Legislature to utilize conservative principles in managing state finances. The City also asks for the state’s assistance to ensure that the City can maximize the delivery of services at the local level: The Council requests that the Legislature protect and enhance local state-shared revenues to allow the City to deliver vital services to its residents. These funds include the Liquor Excise Tax Account, Liquor Board Profits, Municipal Criminal Justice Assistance Account, City-County Assistance Account and Cannabis Revenues. The City specifically requests legislation increasing the amount of cannabis revenue and opioid settlement funds being distributed to cities. The Council requests legislation related to the imposition or capping of sewer utility taxes when the tax is being imposed by a neighboring jurisdiction. Like other cities across the state, the City of Spokane Valley faces rising costs and is supportive of efforts by the State Legislature to: Reform regulations that are causing project costs to rise, including implementing Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goals that take into consideration the availability of DBE’s regionally rather than state-wide. Protect against liability expansion and policies that would drive additional claims and increase litigation costs. Reduce the impact of abusive public records requests. The City supports AWC legislative agenda items that serve the best interests of Spokane Valley. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 17, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative Report: City Hall Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Not Applicable PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: 09/26/2023 Admin Report: City Hall Update 06/27/2023 Admin Report: City Hall Update 01/24/2023 Agreement with CBRE/Heery 01/24/2023 Motion Consideration: Progressive Design Build (PDB) Contract with Garco Construction 05/03/2022 Admin Report; City Hall Update; Council consensus to include $700,000 in 2022 budget amendment for additional expenses 02/02/2021 Admin Report: City Hall Update; includes expenditures to date 02/18/2020 Admin Report: City Hall Update: Mr. Robb Dibble of Dibble Engineering 02/04/2020 Admin Report: City Hall Update: introduced attorney McFetridge 10/01/2019 Motion Consideration: Council Chambers East Wall Repair not to exceed $400,000 09/24/2019 Admin Report: City Hall Update on east curved wall of Council Chambers 03/19/2019 Admin Report: City Hall Update; settling of building along curved east wall BACKGROUND: City Hall was completed and occupied in early September 2017. Afterward, many significant construction and/or design defects were discovered. The City hired various consultants to identify the nature and extent of the defects. The City filed suit in Spokane County Superior Court April 27, 2020, naming as defendants alleged to be responsible for the various defects, Meridian Construction (prime contractor), Architects West (architect and project manager), Allwest Testing overseeing the project). This presentation provides an update on the status of (1) the work completed to remedy the construction defects so far the contractors, architects, and engineers responsible for the construction defects. Update on Status of Remedial Work: Over the last few years, the City has completed some of the necessary repairs. At the January 24, 2023, Council meeting, the City Council awarded a Progressive Design Build (PDB) contract to Garco Construction in an amount not to exceed $4M. Garco completed their initial Phase 1 review and validation, which included documenting and designing remedial work for the some interior door framing repairs/replacements, and temporary roof repairs. They began construction in mid-June 2023 and scope was subsequently added which included removal and replacement of the north wall of Chambers, additional interior door framing repairs and additional site restoration. Garco was substantially complete with construction to remediate the above deficiencies in late July 2024 and have recently achieved physical completion of their contract. The cost incurred for repairs is approximately $3,680,000 (this figure is not firm and thus subject to change while awaiting ). The amount necessary to remediate the remaining construction defects. That work will be completed this month of September. Litigation Update: Scott Sleight and Nicholas Korst with the law represent the City in the City Hall lawsuit. The City is seeking a judgment (1) determining the ordering the responsible parties to compensate the City for all monetary damages it has incurred because of the construction defects. These damages include, but are not limited to the remedial construction and material costs already incurred and the costs to cure the remaining construction defects. The action is pending in the Washington Superior Court for Spokane County, and trial is scheduled to begin on July 7, 2025. Thus far, the parties have completed substantial discovery to investigate the claims and defenses. This includes identifying, locating, and obtaining relevant evidence from several sources. The City s. The discovery process is ongoing, with depositions scheduled to occur in September and October. While trial is not until July of 2025, the parties have agreed to engage in settlement discussions through formal mediation. A mediator has been selected, and mediation is scheduled to occur over the course of October 28, 29, and November 1, 2024. As mediation approaches, litigation counsel and City Attorney will further update the Council on the litigation and discuss mediation/settlement strategy. Due to the sensitive and privileged nature of the information, such discussions should only occur in Executive Session. OPTIONS: Discussion Only RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion Only BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The overall project budget appropriated by City Council previously is $6.1M. To date, the City has expended a total of approximately $6.0M including in addition to Garco, outside counsel, professional services, experts, and staff time. The City expects to expend approximately $400K additional through mediation this fall. Consequently, it will be necessary to appropriate an additional $300K from Fund 312. STAFF CONTACT: Kelly Konkright, City Attorney Glenn Ritter, PE, Senior Engineer/Project Manager ATTACHMENTS: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 17, 2024 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing informationadmin. reportpending legislationexecutive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review of Potential and Pending Projects Worksheet and allocation of Capital Reserve Fund #312 reserves. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: n/a PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council last discussed the Potential and Pending Projects Worksheet at the June 11, 2024 Council Budget Workshop. BACKGROUND: In the 2025 Budget development cycle, Council is scheduled to discuss the budget on eight separate occasions beginning with the June 11, 2024 Budget Workshop and ending with the November 12, 2024 budget adoption. As part of this process Council discusses the Potential and Pending Projects worksheet and prioritizes how money in Capital Reserve Fund #312 th should be allocated. The last formal discussion on this topic occurred at the June 11 Budget Workshop; however, this funding has also been referenced during Council conversations on other topics since that time. OPTIONS: Council discretion. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus from Council on how Capital Reserve Fund #312 reserves should be allocated. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Allocations for projects will be incorporated into future budgets based on project timelines and actual expenditures. Some projects may require a budget amendment during 2024. STAFF CONTACT: John Hohman, City Manager, and Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ___________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS: Allocation Worksheet for Capital Reserve Fund #312 Potential and Pending Projects Worksheet \\\\svfs1\\Public Folders\\City Clerk\\AgendaPackets for Web\\2024\\2024, 09-17\\Item 3 allocation of 2024 transfer to Fund 312 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/17/2024 Allocation of 2024 General Fund Transfer to Capital Reserve Fund #312 New 2024 Sources of Funds: General Fund - 2024 transfer of 2022 fund balance >50%4,397,832 Unallocated Balance from 2023 transfer24,245 Total 2023 additional sources4,422,077 Potential Allocation Concepts to be Discussed by Council -City Hall Repairs300,000 -Pavement Preservation Fund #3111,032,100 -Local Access Street Program Fund #1011,750,000 -Balfour Property Repairs & Equipment -Property Acquisition -Sullivan Rd Interchange at Trent -Planning for Barker/I-90 Interchange -Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund #121 -Cross Country Course at Flora Park -Plante's Ferry Park Improvements -Balfour Park Improvements -Summerfield Park Improvements -Public Safety Campus -Other? Total 3,082,100 Remaining to be Allocated1,339,977 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date:September 17, 2024Department DirectorApproval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Admin Report: Group Homes GOVERNING LEGISLATION:Chapters 110-145, 388-76, 388-78A, 388-106, and 388-110 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: City Council has requested that staff prepare a presentation summarizing the City’s Group Home regulations, legal considerations, and impacts to the City. Appendix A of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) provides a broad category definition for “Group Living” which includes a variety of different types of group homes. The type and scale of group homes is further regulated by the permitted use matrix in SVMC 19.60.050. Below is an excerpt of the Group Living section from the permitted use matrix. In the table below a “P” stands for an allowed use within that zoning district and no additional land use permitting is required. R-1R-2 R-3 R-4 MFR MU CMU Group Living Community residential facilities PP P P P PP (8 residents or less) Community residential facilities P PP (greater than 8 residents and under 25) In implementing the zoning code, the City relies on the definitions of the uses found in the table above. Below are the relevant definitions for group homes. Community residential facility: A dwelling licensed, certified, or authorized by state authorities as a residence for children or adults in need of supervision, support, or assistance. See “Group living, use category.” Legal Considerations There are many provisions in state and federal law that limit the ways a municipality may regulate group homes. There is no single definition of group homes in state law, but the City’s definition of “community residential facility” encompasses the most common group homes. In accordance with RCW 35A.21.314, the City is allowed to set occupancy limitations for group living RCA Administrative Report for Group Homes Page 1 of 4 arrangements:1)only to the extent that the group living arrangements are regulated under state law, or 2) pursuant to lawful limits based on occupancy per square foot or generally applicable health and safety provisions established by the building code or city ordinance. Staffed residential homes for children and adult family homes are limited to six or fewer persons pursuant to state law. If meeting additional requirements, up to eight individuals may reside in an adult family home. State regulations also require that adult family homes be allowed in all areas zoned for single- family dwellings. In addition to restrictions on regulating the number of unrelated persons in a dwelling unit, there are numerous provisions in state and federal law that protect certain people from discrimination in housing. Pursuant to the Washington Housing Policy Act (WHPA), the City must treat residential structures occupied by persons with handicaps and those occupied by other individuals equally. The Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHA) prohibits discrimination by otherwise not making housing available on account of race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin, and handicap. The Washington Law Against Discrimination (WLAD) has similar provisions as the FHA. In all, these provisions have been interpreted broadly to shield protected classes from discrimination in their pursuit of housing. Many cases have been litigated over municipal attempts to regulate group homes particularly as they relate to children in the care of the state and persons with handicaps. Recently, the City of Ammon, Idaho, lost a challenge in the United States District Court based on familial status discrimination under the FHA when it attempted to limit the location of group foster homes. This case is interesting because it concurs with the conclusion of a United States District Court for the Western District of Washington case interpreting familial status protection to include those under eighteen in the care of the state. The above legal consideration is intended to provide a high-level summary to City Council of relevant state and federal laws that limit municipalities in regulating group homes. Specific changes to the municipal code will require more in-depth analysis to ensure amendments to policy are consistent with these limits. Code Enforcement As part of this report, research was done to identify the impact that Group Living has on code enforcement services within the City. A search was done on the City’s code enforcement cases using the search terms: ‘group home’, ‘rehab’, ‘treatment’, and ‘facility’. Cases that were unrelated to the subject were filtered out. There wasa total of five code enforcement cases that met the criteria. Two of the cases were related to unpermitted construction; one a nuisance complaint related to accumulation of trash, and two property code violations. All five cases were closed without a finding of a violation. Emergency Response As part of this report, research was done to identify the impact that Group Living has on emergency services within the City. There are two levels of impact on emergency services, calls for service and cases. Calls for service are the phone call made for emergency service (911 or crime check). RCA Administrative Report for Group Homes Page 2 of 4 The cases are police reports, not all calls for serviceresult in a case report. To make the list more manageable, only the top type of both lists are included in the analysis below. Table 1 shows the calls for service, and Table 2 shows the cases of police report; to reiterate, these are limited to group living facilities that are licensed by the state and have a City endorsed business license. Table 1: Top Calls for Service 20192020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total Medics 542 586 696 742 1,087 816 5,426 Juvenile Runaway 115 126 167 169 139 162 921 Abuse 104 128 100 133 163 154 883 Welfare Check 66 81 92 67 70 49 527 Adult Missing 14 13 35 55 61 82 276 Crisis 2 18 52 51 60 72 260 Disorderly Person 42 36 30 26 31 24 251 Assault 37 42 19 25 21 19 203 Fire 21 19 17 34 34 20 180 911 Hang Up 15 8 30 25 12 23 159 Citizen Contact 18 17 23 22 24 10 138 Suspicious 13 22 14 17 10 4 114 Circumstances Theft 14 17 7 7 10 7 111 Suicide Attempt 12 14 12 9 20 23 100 Total 1,196 1,330 1,503 1,614 1,979 1,653 11,142 Table 2: Top Police Report 2,019 2,020 2,021 2,022 2,023 2,024 Total Abuse 101 126100132 162 153 864 Juvenile Runaway 87 88 130147 121 147 751 Assault 26 30 14 15 14 13 141 Adult Missing 7720292143135 Theft 13 13 4 5 8 7 93 Deceased Person 861213121380 Disorderly Person 14 5 6 7 10 9 62 Crisis - -9 6 11 11 39 Fraud 5 5 2 7 6 6 36 Malicious Mischief 7 3 4 3 10 33 Suspicious 4 10 4 4 1 31 Circumstances Domestic Violence 4 3 2 5 5 1 31 Vehicle Prowler 2 4 2 2 1 23 Welfare Check 6 3 2 3 1 21 Total 299 346 332 391 401 450 2,552 OPTIONS: Discussion RCA Administrative Report for Group Homes Page 3 of 4 RECOMMENDED ACTION: None BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS STAFF CONTACT: Chaz Bates, AICP – Planning Manager; Jenny Nickerson – Building Official; Sean Walter –Assistant Chiefof Spokane Valley Police ___________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS: 1.PowerPoint Presentation RCA Administrative Report for Group Homes Page 4 of 4 AGENDA Code Enforcement