2003, 05-06 Study Session MinutesINFORMATION ONLY — NO ACTION REQUIRED City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session May 6, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleming called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Richard Munson, Gary Schimmels, and Steve Taylor. Staff present: City Manager David Mercier, Interim Community Development Director James Harris, Interim Long Range Planning Manager Greg McCormick, Interim Current Planning Manager Kim Lyonnais, Interim Long Range Planner Scott Kuhta, Interim Building Official Bob Ely, Interim Engineer Dick Thiel, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Fee Schedule Comparisons: Interim Building Official Ely reviewed the comparisons that staff has been able to obtain for various fees and permits from Spokane County and City of Spokane, noting that there are some fees in Planning and Public Works that we do not yet have any comparison available. There was brief discussion of this information and the need to again review the proposed schedule with the local builders associations. Council agreed that this working draft schedule be provided to the local builders associations and that there be further Council review at the May 20, 2003 study session. Fireworks regulations: Interim Building Official Ely said that he and Interim Attorney Stanley Schwartz have developed regulations for fireworks. Council agreed that this be scheduled on the May 13, 2003 agenda for action. Stormwater Agreement: Interim Engineer Thiel reviewed this agreement that has been negotiated with Spokane County. Council discussed several provisions of this agreement questioning the process for any overpayment reimbursement to the City. Council agreed that this be placed on the May 13, 2003 agenda for action. Mirabeau bonds /Public Facilities District status: Michael Ormsby, bond counsel for Spokane Valley provided an update on status of discussion regarding Public Facilities District financing and issuance of bonds by City of Spokane Valley. Ormsby responded to questions of the Council. A reimbursement resolution has been prepared for the City to adopt that will allow for recovery of costs paid for the planning expenses for the issuance on any bonds for this project. Council agreed that this resolution be placed on the May 13, 2003 agenda for action and that an executive session for further discussion on this project be scheduled later in May. Spokane Housing Authority presentation: City Manager Mercier introduced Dianne Quast, Executive Director for the Spokane Housing Authority. Ms. Quast explained the operation of the Authority and programs provided to the community, encouraging the Council Study Session Notes, May 6, 2003 1 INFORMATION ONLY — NO ACTION REQUIRED Council to consider a resolution declaring a need for the Authority to exercise its powers in Spokane Valley. There was brief discussion covering funding for the operation of the Authority, representation on the Board, and grant administration. The consensus of the Council is that a resolution be placed on the May 13, 2003 agenda for action. Fire Protection Services Transition Committee presentation: John Haley, chair of the Transition Committee reviewed the report submitted by the Committee, and said that the Committee recommends annexation to Fire District No. 1. Haley responded to questions of the Council relating to options reviewed including City operation, budget for fire service operation, and state law governing annexation into fire districts as well as what might be involved if the City were to consider providing these services itself. CDBG Consortium: Interim Community Development Director Harris and Long Range Planning Manager McCormick summarized the three options available to the City: (1) entitlement, available for the 2005 year, (2) joint entitlement with Spokane County as a pass- through City, or (3) join the County consortium. Staff recommends that Spokane Valley participate in the consortium this year. If Council chooses this option, there needs to be a letter of intent submitted to the agencies involved, followed by execution of a cooperative agreement. Councilmember Denenny and Deputy Mayor Wilhite stated that after their meetings in Washington D.C. with HUD officials, the third option is the best for all communities concerned in the County. Council agreed that this item be placed on the May 13, 2003 agenda for action. Mayor DeVleming recessed the meeting at 7:05 p.m. for five minutes. The meeting was re- opened by Mayor DeVleming at 7:12 p.m. County zoning issues: Interim Community Development Director Harris said that Spokane County adopted changes to its Comprehensive Plan on March 25, 2003, without implementation of zoning for the adopted amendments, and Spokane Valley adopted by reference the County Comprehensive Plan on March 27, 2003. It is now necessary to implement zoning map changes for these comprehensive plan amendments. Interim Long Range Planning Manager McCormick and Interim Long Range Planner Kuhta reviewed the six different zoning changes that staff recommends be adopted. Council agreed that a public hearing be held on May 27, 2003 to receive citizen input on these proposed changes. Junk Vehicle ordinance: Interim Community Development Director Harris provided information on cases received from Spokane County relating to complaints about junk vehicles that need to be addressed. A draft ordinance has been prepared by staff to provide regulations for governing this issue. There was discussion as to types of vehicles covered, property use for business, and the need to have regulations giving the City ability to respond to complaints. Council Study Session Notes, May 6, 2003 2 4. • INFORMATION ONLY — NO AC_ .,.'1 REQUIRED EMAN network franchise: Interim Engineer Thiel said that EMAN will need a franchise to perform necessary work for a project for the Central Valley School District, and introduced Ed Jacobs from EMAN. Mr. Jacobs summarized this project that EMAN was awarded in January for five school connections to be completed in 2003. Jacobs responded to questions of the Council relating to construction, location of the fiber optics, term for the franchise, and if space may be available for City connectivity in this project. Council agreed that staff should work with EMAN to negotiate this franchise, with further discussion at the May 20, 2003 study session and first reading of the ordinance on May 27, 2003. Engineering Technician Position: Interim Engineer Thiel said that this position has been included in the staff plan, but was not included in the budget, so there will need to be authority granted to proceed for hiring. Council agreed that this be included for action on the May 13, 2003 agenda. Long Range Planning Work Program: Interim Community Development Director Harris said that Spokane Valley has received a grant from the state to assist in development of the City's comprehensive plan. Interim Long Range Planning Manager McCormick reviewed the tasks included in the proposed work program. Councilmanic Bonds for Public Facilities: City Manager Mercier said that there will be times when the Council will have opportunities for action and to make strategic investment of funds. Having bond counsel prepare necessary paperwork in advance with a pool of funds available will reduce costs and allow for quicker action. Council agreed that this be developed further and presented at a future study session. City Manager Commentary: City Manager Mercier said that interim staff is anxious to depart, and he is busily interviewing department head applicants, summarizing his schedule of recruitment that is in process. Mayor DeVleming closed the study session at 8:23 p.m. ,,/J 5./.?■&c______ Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller NOTE: It is our practice to provide Study Session Notes for information, but these are not included as action items on Council agendas. Council Study Session Notes, May 6, 2003 3